I took a knee and looked Ace straight in the eyes, an act that had genuinely surprised everyone in the room. Ace was alarmed, but soon became confused as I'd shown no hint of insanity despite lacking a blocker bracelet. "What did I tell you, Ace? This here is no test, not like the ones they've done before. They'll be no more of that. I'm getting you out of here."
The young girl stared at me in awe as I defied what had been a certainty in her life. Anyone without protection who looked at her would've gone insane. It was what happened to her parents, it was how she found herself taken in by the government.
Her power worked perfectly no matter what gazed at her, be it through human eyes or television screens. It's unknown what effect it would have on an Android like myself, so better safe than sorry in copying her power for resistance. After all, it worked on Green Lantern for all of his Will, on Superman for all of his strength, and even on Martian Manhunter for all of his mental prowess. The only person who had a resistance, to nobody's surprise, was Batman, and barely at that.
Yet before this power, despite my once human mind, I was immune. And unlike the Joker's lie of him already being insane granting immunity, though he did recover later on so there was some merit in that claim. Still, mine wouldn't have been a lie.
"Who's Ace?" She asked confused, which reminded me that they didn't have the names that would be given to them by the Joker. Not that they ever would since I'm making damn sure that he'll never lay his sight on them, or anything else for that matter.
"Well, I don't exactly have your name and I'm not calling you a number. And you look like an Ace," I explained, "But if you don't like it-"
"No, I like it," She interrupted, a small smile on her lips, "I like Ace. Thank you."
"What about the rest of us? Do we get names?" The one who would've been Jack asked. Hm, that one is an actual name so that can stay.
"More importantly, does that offer extend to us?" The one who would've been Queen asked after scoffing at Jack's question.
"Yes, consider it extended to all of you. Names and a way out." I reassured them before turning to the lad who asked about names, "How does Jack sound? I think it fits you."
"Hmm, I can dig the sound of that."
Ace and Jack were easy enough since they're actual names. King, Queen, and Ten were ok for cape names, though pretty unoriginal, but aren't actual names to give. It'd be easy to slap the identities of the Teen Titans on them since they all share the same voice actors, but it'd be a dick move to be that lazy. And Batman would be very curious about how the names that I'd given matched up with another group of super teens. So Richard, Victor, and Raven were out.
Their situation was similar to the X-Men however, main difference was that Lynch was more abusive than Xavier though the professor was rather shady himself at times. So taking some inspiration from them shouldn't be that bad, plus nobody could call me out on it besides maybe the Presence, Ambush Bug, and those imps obsessed with Bats and Supes (not invoking their names since 5th-dimensional fuckery may be beyond me at the moment.).
King could shoot fire-like concussive blasts and would become the leader of the group so, "Scott, " I said to King.
Queen could control metal and bend it to her will so, "Erica" to Queen.
Ten had the Superman-tier Brute package of super strength and durability… which applies to way too many people to narrow it down to. Fuck it, the Thing doesn't get enough respect so, "Ben" I said to Ten.
"Feel free to take whatever you'd like though if these aren't doing it for you."
"No need to worry about that." Scott replied as their eyes were flitting from one to the other to one as they took in their new personas, "We're fine with what you've given us."
"Thanks,..." Ben nodded before pausing, "...you know, you never told us your name."
"Who are you supposed to be anyway? You don't look like any robot or android we've seen before, phasing in and injuring personnel like that." The bald Scott asked, his gaze on the knocked-out instructors in a small pool of blood. "Not that we're complaining, those guys were jerks and the lecture sucked. Thanks for that."
"You guys are the first to ask that. Lately, it's been hows and whys, but never a who." I said.
"Then the least you could do is answer, mysterious stranger." Erica said.
It's nice not being called 'the Android' for once. Though I suppose people would be more inclined to think of their rescuer as people than an unknown and possible enemy. Still, it leaves me at a bit of a loss regarding my own name. Well, not exactly, there was a name I plan on taking on, though it's one that's best saved for when I grew beyond my current self, be it an alter ego or a new identity. "Well, I don't have anything solid yet but you can call me Amazo for now."
"Amazo?" All five of them asked, three with confusion, one with wonder, and one with a roll of her eyes.
"Like the Amazonians?" Jack asked, throwing out the first thing that came to mind.
"I think you could tell by my broad frame that I lack their certain features. Plus I have no affiliation with the Amazon rain forest."
"Well, Amazo what?"
"Just Amazo."
"No last name?" Ben asked.
"Not applicable."
"No actual name?"
"Well, it's an acronym, but I doubt that anyone would want to pronounce the whole thing or the periods that come along with it." The only time punctuation marks should be respected is with hyphens, which don't seem to exist much outside of Spider_Man.
"Amazo sounds pretty campy don't you think." Erica criticized before shrugging, "...but I guess hero names are supposed to be like that so whatever." I wanted to give her a flat look since she would've unironically called herself Queen, but decided against it since Joker came up with that more than she did.
"I like it just fine. He's amazing so it fits." Ace said in my defense as she glared at Erica.
Erica assuming I was a hero and Ace calling me amazing, gave me some pause. It was certainly flattering, and considering that I was saving children it was just about as heroic as can be. But I also killed a man, villain he may be. Then again, he did ask for it, so maybe it was assisted suicide, someone as smart as Lex should know better than to mouth off to an unknown factor after all. Though even Deadpool stopped those from happening so still not too good. Though I think stopping a robot from destroying the universe and the resurrection of the New God of Tyranny would even that out. So, saving these kids evens out my moral grey area to being a decent person. Not good as most heroes are but not as evil or bad as most villains. No need for the label of 'anti' either, I don't fit those either. Or any sort.
I'm just a person, some dude who gained the ability to have powers. I won't go power hungry since I'll already evolve into an ultimate being, so for now I'm just a dude who wants to collect powers, have some fun, and do some good every now and then. There, simple and kinda clean is the way that I feel.
"Heh, as I said, it's nothing solid but it's what I've got right now." I was about to suggest that they could call me 'Mr. Ivo' but I decided not to. Just because the cameras were down doesn't mean that there weren't bugs, so let's not give Cadmus any clues about me besides the fact that I'm an unknown.
"So, Amazo, how do you plan on getting us out of here? We're in the middle of the desert and we have no transportation that'll fit all of us." Scott asked, pointing at the rather large for his age Ben, to which he just shrugged with a smirk.
"Simple, I called the Justice League. Turns out that experimenting on kids is very much illegal, even if it's the government doing it. And if it somehow is, which I wouldn't be surprised, sad to say, it's still very immoral. So we'll just wait for them to arrive, dish out some justice, and they'll take you somewhere nice and safe in that jet of theirs."
"What about you? Where are you going after that?" Ace asked.
"Me? Well, I got a place in Metropolis that I'll chill at for a bit before I go sightseeing again, which is how I found you guys actually."
"Why don't you just take us with you then?" She continued to ask.
I blinked, surprised at how much Ace wanted to stay with me. As I looked at the rest of them, they were in the same boat as Ace in wanting to stick with me. Which is an understandable consequence since they acted the same once the Joker freed them, which allowed him to use them as willing goons for his scheme to drive millions insane. Which has me thinking that I probably should've let the League handle this one, damn my impulsiveness, since I'm not really equipped to handle a bunch of superpowered teenagers and kid.
"Well... I mean I could, but how I got here can't be applied to the rest of you. I doubt any of you could fly and my rocket thrusters can only support so much weight for such a long flight." And though this wasn't the full extent of how I could travel, I wasn't lying. With most of them having baseline human durability, I couldn't go as fast as I had gotten here. And using a Will constructed bubble to carry them was out of the question.
"We'll just catch a ride then and go to your place. After all, it was you who got us outta here."
"Hmm, I don't exactly have enough room for you guys." I never really looked at Ivo's place beyond his resting place, his lab, and the stairs, but something tells me that an unmarried mad scientist wouldn't have much in guest rooms. "Plus, all the food expired besides the Twinkies and a can of Pringles." The man knew he was dying so he indulged quite a bit in snacks and excesses.
""""Twinkies!?"""" All of them besides Ace cried out in joy, leaving her to look at them in confusion before turning to me.
"It's a golden snack cake with some creamy filling," I explained to an out-of-the-loop Ace. Just the description made them even more excited, even Ace started joining in though I'm pretty sure it's for the concept more than the experience.
Fucking Cadmus, a snarl would've shown itself had I still had a traditional mouth. So I settled for clenching my fists tightly.
"Food with some actual flavor is more than enough after the slop they've been giving us!" Ben said, rubbing his hands together gleefully.
"Yeah! Let's go get a taste of those tasty treats!" Jack added.
"Don't forget the Pringles! Those are good too!" Scott added, getting into the spirit of things.
"They're pretty unhealthy, you know." I tacked on, since you know, 'responsible' adult and all that.
"Super metabolism, though I never got to use it properly." Ben brushed off before grumbling towards the end.
"We'll fix that soon enough! All the all-you-can buffets that we could clear out! We'd be killer at any eating contest!" Jack enthused.
Erica didn't seem to share their feelings on their food binging spree, going by the disgust on her face, "Yuck, you do know that stuff is touched by a ton of people, right? Super metabolism or not, you're just gonna puke all of that crud back out if you just stuff your face,"
"Maybe, maybe not," Jack retorted, "I mean, the puke would probably taste better than the crud they feed us."
Ben and Scott both let out a laugh as Erica just sighed with a shake of her head, though she was smiling just as much as they were.
It's a delight to see them so happy, but sad when it was just the mention of Twinkies that got them so hyped up. And I can't help but join them in their envy as I can't taste anything with this Android body, yet at least. I can still remember tastes weirdly enough, which is why I could remember that Hot Pockets were the superior snack foods. (damn I could go for one right now) Just when I was about to correct them-
Crashing through the roof was the Man of Steel who landed on the ground, superhero pose and all. Which was promptly followed by the sound of alarm bells ringing.
"I'll get you all the Twinkies you could want!" Superman promised as he examined each of them, his relief clear to see. "And you'll all enjoy the buffet I'll treat you to. I'm just glad that you all are alright."
"You came here surprisingly quick. I called your Watchtower 10 minutes ago, and you were in space." I knew that the Kryptonian was more than capable of rivaling the Flash in speed, but it was still insane just seeing that right before me. Makes my flight across the country trivial in comparison.
"When you said that children were being experimented on, I had to intervene and stop it as soon as I could." Superman said, "Even if I had to fly ahead of the others."
"And where are the rest of you guys?" I asked, because I doubt that they'd let Superman do this alone considering how little they know of the facility beyond what I told them.
"They're taking care of this." He replied. In the background, I could hear what he meant as there was now screaming along with ongoing alarms.
"You are trespassing on government property!" A grunt yelled out.
Seems that the mooks aren't too happy with the surprise visit.
"Where're the kids you sickos are experimenting on!?" Green Lantern yelled in turn.
I brought my focus back to the room.
"Again, you guys came surprisingly quick." I restated.
"We have to be when it comes to the safety of children." He said, as simple and genuine as possible.
Just as he said that the locked door opened, revealing the Overseer whose skin became both paler and redder when he saw Superman in front of the kids along with the injured instructors. Funny enough, Ben was blocking me from his sight.
"Vacate these premises at once! As we have notified repeatedly, you have no authority or right to be here!" The overseer screamed. But just as it became clear that his demands wouldn't be followed, he turned to the kids. "Metahumans! As per protocol, you are to assist our forces in removing these trespassers should they fail to vacate!" He ordered.
"I'm gonna have to tell you to get bent, headmaster." Scott refused.
"As much as I'd like to get into a tussle with Superman, I'm with him. Now piss off before I make you get bent." Ben threatened.
The overseer bristled before he shouted, "MH-0079! MH-0084! Such insubordination will be severely punished!-"
"There will be no more of that," Superman interrupted with a plain statement, "We'll leave this facility, but we're taking the children with us."
"They are wards of the state and under our care!"
"You call experimenting on children care!?" He yelled back.
"We have done no such thing. This facility is for the benefit of their care as their parents lack the resources necessary to raise children with their talents. This just so happens to involve extensive and new medical oper-"
"They poked and prodded me with sharp sticks, and stuck tubes in me." Ace interrupted with a glare. "They did that to the rest of us. It wasn't fun."
"It sucked, but the flamethrower was always a warm and comfy time even if I stunk like burnt skin after." Ben added, completely unfazed by the statement or experience.
Superman looked even less happy as his disapproving frown and furrowed brows grew. His displeasure was clear enough that Lynch stopped spewing his bullshit since the kids would go against him.
"Everything done here is for and with the authority of the United States of America. If you continue with your actions, you'll be acting against!-"
"We'll leave out of respect for the government's authority. But know this, if we find out that you or any other branch of the government continue along this line of behavior towards metahumans, the Justice League will save them from you."
"It is not them who need saving from us, it is us who need it from those of your kind. Your actions here and with Apokolips have demonstrated that clearly!" Lynch said back hotly, calling back Superman's forced role in aiding Darkseid's invasion of Earth.
Superman's guilt and shame was loud enough to hear even if I wasn't actively trying to read nearby minds. But he remained stoic in face of the reminder and was about to say something, but stopped once his earpiece pinged.
"The distractions worked, Superman, we got their data before they could destroy it. We're done here." Batman reported.
Instead of whatever he was going to say, Superman let out a breath instead.
"We're done here. I bid you a good day, sir," He said before ramming himself through the wall, revealing their jet out in the distance. He turned back to the kids with a smile. "Come along kids, and android, we'll take you to a better place."
The overseer was fuming as he knew that there wasn't a damn thing he could do to stop Superman from rendering the last however many years of work moot. I doubt that Waller or Eilling would be happy but they along with this asshat could go fuck themselves.
All five of these kids looked at the jet in the distance before turning over to me. Which also happened to draw the gazes of Superman and Lynch over to me and the knocked out bodies on the floor.
"You'll come with us, won't you Amazo?" Ace asked. 'Won't you please?' She projected towards me for extra emphasis. That had me floored since it wouldn't be a good while until she developed a more controlled telepathy than what she should have at this moment.
"Well, with puppy dog eyes like that and how helpless you lads would be without me, sure. Besides, now that the government knows of a mysterious stranger, they're gonna hunt me down and try to probe me, might as well stick with the League for a bit until the heat dies down."
"Bring him along if you can, I have questions I need to ask.' Batman said, before he seemed to register something from what I said, "He could be probed?"
"Now isn't the time, Batman," Superman muttered under his breath. He spoke in his regular tone as he addressed me, "That said, we would be happy to have you. I can tell that it would mean a lot to the kids to have you there to keep them company. And I'm glad that I could call you something other than 'the Android', though…"
"The guy named Superman better not be coming at me about the cape name..."
"No, no, I'm just curious about how you'll live up to that name. So far you're doing a good job, saving these kids and these amazingly weird circumstances we keep meeting each other."
The longest chapter yet, sheesh. Then again, I suppose that what's going on merits such length. There was going to be more but I felt this was long enough, besides I feel that enough had happened here for the chapter. Out of everything, I feel this may be or may not be the weakest chapter so far, idk (nvm, I'm liking it rn) I'll be doing a bunch of changes and edits after I give this a bit of space to refresh my head. I just finished writing this after a late night haze. Not too happy with the ending but it was all I could think up of atm. I'll change it later maybe.
Amazo got the Royal Flush Gang out of Cadmus', and later on Joker's, hands, the League knows of Cadmus' existence (hinted with Batman's comm with Superman and will be shown next chapter), and Cadmus knows of a tall fellow in a trenchcoat. Both sides aren't going to be too happy with what they've learned, and this may or may not result in a Galatea visit once they find our 10ft mandroid wherever he'll be.
A bunch of people to juggle, woo boy that was a bit rough. So feel free to tell me how I did and leave me any critiques or thoughts you may have with the chapter.