Always Look On The Bright Side... (GGUST (Worm) omake)

Always Look On The Bright Side... 24 (Footwear / Tower)
Always Look On The Bright Side... 24 (Footwear / Tower)

"Take them off! I can't do that! It's... embarrassing!" "Go on, give it a try. It could be... educational."


Places to raven-wrangle that were unmonitored and unrecorded seemed in short supply. Ms. Militia was speaking to a number of PRT technicians. A certain amount of less than positive hand-gesturing seemed to be going on.

Madison and client had been asked to stay out of easy hearing range of this discussion.

A somewhat overweight woman walked in, nodded to the pair of them. The hairs rose on the back of Madison's neck, and Rain moved around, behind her.

"What is the problem?"

The technicians shuffled so presumably the most senior got to answer.

"Director. The regulations on what we can do during a Level Two Lockdown are quite clear."

Lockdown? That was the first Madison had heard about anything like that.

"Good point. Evans. You know the rules and... how to work with them. Suggestions?"

It occurred to Madison that Evans had seemed... quite good at avoiding where problems were.

The solid-looking man thought for a few moments.

"It would require your personal authorisation, as this is L2, but would the secure room suit?"

"Unconventional. I like it. Do it."

"But, Director!"

The lead technician looked around. Everyone seemed to have stepped away from them.

"Yes Ma'am."


It wasn't a very large room, and seemed more military than office, but Madison thought it would do.

The strange way sound seemed deadened was interesting.

There'd been a little more trouble with the stand-alone video display device. They all seemed to have camera and microphones. Director Piggot seemed... irked. An older technician pulled a somewhat battered-looking device from their toolbox, which while obsolete did lack camera and mic. The Director... suggested changes in procedures, and stored older devices be returned to availability.

"Let's start with you taking your boots off, sitting them beside you, and looking at your toes. I'll do the same, so you can compare. We never tried to check what you can do with your costume, and I don't think we want any surprises."

"OK... Wow! Don't toes look funny! Like little, stubby, fingers!"

"Some people with... finger problems, learn to use their toes nearly as well as them. Can do things like write. Yes. We need to check your writing. Another thing we missed."

"Where did my boots go?"

"They turned into shadow. Then looked to merge back into yours. Can you get your boots back?"

"I'll try... There! Easy!"

"Good. Take them off again, and this time, firmly think you want them to stay, sitting next to you... OK. That seems to have worked. Any strain?"


"Any problems with the lighting in here? It isn't quite as bright as the other room. No? Good. Now. Compare our feet. Yours are slightly grey, mine, because it's winter, just a bit pink. Can you make yours match?"

"It's... difficult..."

"Could you try that meditation trick we found helped with some of your other powers?"

"Right. They look about the same, now, but I can feel a bit of strain."

"Try and hold it for... another two minutes. If you carefully look you can see your hands have changed, as well. And your face. Your hair... doesn't look coloured, and your forehead-gem is nearly invisible."

"I feel... a bit more vulnerable."

"I'm guessing you've made yourself a lot closer to straight human. Sorry it's uncomfortable. Being able to do this will greatly improve your chances with the Wards. Ensure the extra food."

"It... doesn't seem to be making me more hungry. And, I feel... more stable, clearer-headed, less bird grumbling in the back of my head..."

"That's... interesting."

Notes are taken.

"OK. That's long enough. Now, try and carefully let it fade, back to where there isn't a strain. Good. That looks OK. And, the boots are still next to you, too."

"That... feels good. Eat now?"

"First, try and recall your boots, back onto your feet. Good. Now. Go for it. But. Remember. Three hot chocolates. One of them is mine."

A pause.

"Don't grumble. We made an agreement. We're family. And, we share food. So. Mine!"


Scene Change!


Alexandria. This. Is. A Dead. Library. Was she nailed to her Tower? Had she Beautiful Architecture? Did the Librarian want to go to New England? Leap from Tome to Tome? Dress in Men's Clothing, and hang around in Towers? Was her Best Guy unhappy she was Butch? Did being 'Xander' mean she, Taylor, was abridged? Why was Lisa looking at her funny?


This door into the Library, from the end of the backup, backup, Coil emergency exit - it's proved a little tricky to get right. The Library seems to be semi-isolated, some sort of dimensional shift, and something to do with Time. Messing with Time is always something... needing caution, because... Yes, Papa's notes gave some ideas just how bad it could get.

She guessed she'd been mentally rambling, in between attempting to math the problem out. Her childhood dreams of becoming Alexandria. And, weird connections with a Library not completely in the real world. And, the Librarian they would meet. And mangled bits of Alexandria Harris, 'Xander', and their... unconventional view of the world. A bit like hers, but, not, as well. Learned ways to survive... unfortunate life situations. Her mother's love of Monty Python and their subversive humour...

She was beginning to suspect that some of the fragments of lives, swirling in the back of her head, were settling in for longer stays. Did she get Oz's musical talent? Pretty sure she'd dodged the lycanthropy. Also, some Xander experiences, had left... effects. Though, inadvertently, she might have slipped at least one of them onto Lisa. If she squinted at her just right, did she have foxy ears and more than one fox-tail?

Obviously that wouldn't be an issue!

Pull a folding chair from beneath, and one for Lisa. Sit, get out a blank notebook. Start math-ing Library access logic.

Tap the notebook with the pencil.

What did Dennis get? Pretty sure he got pure Willow. Hope that didn't upset, too much. Willow could get slightly intense. Maybe shy Willow would help balance brash Dennis? Didn't she recall a red-head called 'Dennis' from her pre-high-school times? Rumours he'd got... family problems? Willow certainly had those. The two sort of looked the same, the Dennises, comparing her two sets of memories...


"Some of the math is proving tricky. Also, I think some of my multiple sets of memories are getting clearer. I'm still 'Taylor', you're still 'Lisa', but we've got... extra facets."

"So, we're gemstones, maybe bits of jewellery, now?"

"I think we always have been, but, it's not something you notice unless you really think it through."

"I'll let you get back to math-ing the Universe into submission."

Hmm. There's a sort of anchor to something deeper, lower. Maybe that 'Deepest Well'? We'll really need to investigate that, at some point. So, need to add another set of terms to reflect that...

Jessie had mapped completely to Emma, who'd survived that, Andrea to...

{Who did Andrea map to?}

[Madison Clements]

That... might be very messy. Andrea was a bit of a wild card.

She'd a horrible suspicion she knew what happened to Angel/Angelus, but, if she was right, something for later.

Lisa... There was that poetry bit. Didn't seem to have a clear persona, yet. Something to watch. Also, some fragment of Joanna? Andrea's friend. Felt mostly OK.

Warren didn't feel an immediate issue. Nor did anyone else. But there were always issues, waiting in the wings.

{Risk of outside interference?}


Oh. Yes. The logic was simpler than she thought. All those terms cancelled out. It was really quite elegant.

"I think we're ready to go, now."



AN: Mid-Summers Day! Is your Henge in good order?

AN: Alexandria (Tower of) - I've seen suggestions that 'Tower' might be referencing the 'Lighthouse', not the 'Library'... Also, having been burned-down, does that sound a bit 'dead', rather than being a source of knowledge/hope? Some might consider The Thinker/Eden to be a bit dead, and Alexandria is using her human-interaction avatar shard...

AN: I'm afraid that Alexandria has become a (Python-esque) Dead Parrot (1971, film version) in this episode... Which then shifts to the Lumberjack Song...

One version of the starting text might have been:

"Take them off! I can't do that! It's... embarrassing!" "Look. I'll take mine off, first. See?" "That's a bit weird." "But, it's just a little bit embarrassing. Go on, give it a try. It could be... educational."

It... seemed best to simplify this. For... reasons.

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Always Look On The Bright Side... 25 (Where's My Crow?)
Always Look On The Bright Side... 25 (Where's My Crow?)

"Ow! Why have we plucked feathers?" "Because the nice lady says she needs them." "Ow!" "Baker, you don't get to pluck other people's feathers!"


The back room... was impressive. In no way should it fit in the curios shop. The many shelves, almost went up, step-wise, all around the edges. More shelving in the middle. Rooms in single-storey shops should not have galleries. Nor, what looked like, the skeleton of a giant shark, hung from the ceiling.

The lighting was... a bit strange. Nothing like fluorescent tubes, more individual lamp stands, some on wheels. No, there weren't any trailing cables. Shuttered windows, spaced around the upper gallery - looking at their spacing hurt the eyes.

Going through a bead curtain to enter was different - several of them shivered, and Morrow could feel strange energies running through it.

They were directed to a curtained-off area, some sort of changing room? Maybe, but, what might change, and into what, there?

Baker... tried to be clever. No, she didn't seem willing to pluck one of her own feathers.


"You four, each place your feather in a stand, at each corner of this sand-table. Then, firmly grasp that corner. You", she indicated Baker, "stand over there, and don't get in the way. You've already broken the spirit of our agreement.".

Baker looked to be trying to seem innocent - no one believed this for an instant.

"I'm sorry..." Morrow tried.

"Don't be sorry. She's her own person. You all are. But, she seems to think she's clever enough to cheat. I've been cheated, a lot, over the years. These days, I'm a lot less tolerant about it."

The older woman, Lia, had a... presence about her, Morrow thought. Yester had a little of it. Ancient One had looked to be swiftly recalling a lot more such, when they parted. In some ways Baker was as foolish as Tod, but, she suspected, it'd be much more difficult to... persuade her to accept that.

"I gave you the name 'Lia', that is short for 'Cecilia'. Please give your unabbreviated name as I point to you."

"Raven Today."

"Raven Tomorrow."

"Raven Don't Know."

There was a pause.

"Raven What."

The sand on the table writhed, moving in ebbs and flows, briefly showing strange patterns. A video camera, hung from a net of cable, above it, hummed. Cables led from that to a computer bank, patched together like Frankenstein's Monster, from many parts. A large plasma display screen started to show something like a map of the city, in black, white, and greys. Coloured dots swam in and out of view. After a few moments, a flickering white dot was the only one shown, on a clear city map.

Lia consulted a large, paper, city map, unfolded on a nearby table. "The main Sewage Works. Should be warm even this time of year. I'll try and get a Vision, display it on the big screen."

She picked-up an elaborate crystal and bright-metal headset, donned it, closed her eyes. The alertness level of various cats, in the room, which'd been mostly overlooked till now, raised, focused on her visitors.

Plasma screen went black. A huddled form slowly appeared. A raven. A white raven.

"Ha! We should have guessed! The Freak."

More than four pairs of eyes narrowed at Baker.


Baker was backing around the room. Looking... worried. Standing, leaning, before her, Thomas, repeatedly tapping a forefinger on her upper chest.


"Shut your filthy mouth."


"I've told you before. No more hatred, no more rabble-rousing."


"You. Will. Treat. Everyone. Fairly."


She stopped pushing. Standing. Breathing visibly deeply. Glaring at Baker. Who visibly swallowed.

"While I agree with you, this isn't getting your dying raven here. Would someone who knows that part of the city go and fetch them?"

People look at Lia.

"I'll go", mumbles Thomas. Steps over, looks hard down at the unfolded city map, turns, strides out.

"That could have gone better!"

Everyone stares at Nani.


Scene Switch!


David Awoke.

He'd been having the nightmare. His powers had completely faded away. And, somehow, he was a teen in a wheelchair, again. He could hear the shouting, echo in his memory. The words that'd haunted him, for so many years. His father, in the next room.

"The doctors are powerless. They've tried everything. We have to tell him. He's dying. No one can do anything about it."

Heart still racing. There was... something else wrong. He called on his powers, to answer him. Reluctantly, a world map appeared, a globe, in his mind's eye, Turned. Australia. Zoomed-in. A white bird symbol flashed.

To his feet, dragging on his clothes, cloak, kept always ready.

"Door to Canberra."


It seemed a peaceful day. He'd left nighttime, winter, arrived daytime, summer. A faint sound, as if someone was humming. He couldn't recognise the tune.

Power switch. Rise into the air. Reach-out with delicate senses. This was... wrong. She was supposed to be obvious, clearly appear.

Across the city. Down in front of a large stadium. A piece of torn poster, blown past him. "Secret Return Tour!" All other details lost.

Into the stadium. On foot. His senses on a hair-trigger. Where was the panic? That faint humming. Still unclear.

Looking down. Packed with people. All watching an immense screen. Waiting. A giant, feathered, winged, figure, being levered up, somehow, slowing becoming upright, half-buried in the stage. Silence spreading. The figure bursting open. A man staggering, striding, forth from the rubble. Stopping, looking down.

Kicking a broken right arm. Which lands. Somehow upright, on arm-stub. With back of the hand to David, Eidolon. Middle finger raised.

The music starts.


And, Back!


"Looks dead, to me!"

"Shut-up, Nani."

Morrow turns to Lia, "Is there anything you can do?".

"Only experimental. I know it doesn't hurt cats, seems good for them. Don't know what it'd do to a raven, white or otherwise."

"None of us are healers. Maybe some of our Wing are, but we don't know which, and it'd take too long to find-out." A deep breath. "Please try it."

"It's a bit Heath-Robinson, so please don't interfere. It's... delicate."


Glows. Strange smells somehow heard. Dimension twisting that made the nose itch. But, it seemed done.

The raven twitched. Opened one eye. Twisted. A Raven lay there. White-robed, over the more usual tunic. Raised on one elbow.

"Wow! What a rush! Don't suppose I can do that again?"

Everyone stared at her.

Reaching into nowhere, she now had a paper bag, open, with bars of some confectionery sticking out.

"Swiss chocolate anyone? I've got a variety!"


And, Again!


"Then the music played. And everyone cheered. I made my way to the stage. Apparently I'd been expected. Was let through, no problem."

Doctor Mother patted David's shoulder. He really seemed to need it.

"The Simurgh. It was a decoy. Apparently made of white chocolate. Around some sort of evaporating Tinker-tech device, which had rejuvinated the singer. I checked him. No signs of being a Ziz-bomb."

A mug of coffee was thrust at him, by Fortuna. He nodded to her, gratefully, wrapped his hands around it.

"There was a stamp, on the rear, 'Made in Switzerland'. A note marked, 'This note will self-destruct in five seconds'. The edges of the paper were already going brown. I used a Power to memorise it, of course."


"Looked like it'd been scrawled in a hurry. 'Got to run. Meeting friends. I hereby self-exile from Dadversistan, giving up my citizenship. The subversive UK Milk Marketing Board have stolen my soul. I'm going to join the squiggle Conspiracy'."

A sigh.

"The squiggle was unclear, best as my Powers could tell, it said 'Cow'. Which I guess matches up with 'Milk'. I don't understand this. At all. It feels like... a big bit has been ripped out of me." A sharp laugh. "Or should I say 'ricked'?"

Doctor Mother looked at Fortuna, shook her head.

"There, there. We'll figure something out."

AN: There might be a sorta reference to Where's My Cow?...

AN: Canberra might be relevant... Enlighten looks a fun thing to attend... Have some Swiss Chocolate!

AN: Maybe Heath-Robinson will interest?

AN: Doubt this interests many, but the UK Milk Marketing Board died in 1994. Tom Holt's Expecting Someone Taller included someone convinced that they, not anyone like the Illuminati, actually ran things...

"Never Gonna Give You Up"
Yeah, 'Rick-rolling'.

But. To be quite clear. The lyrics of this are highly relevant to what's going on.

Also, you might like this:

AN: This episode has been an attempt at 'Troll Bird'. Who is exploring new life possibilities. I'm sure all will wish her well.
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ALOTBS Author Note 9 (Trolling Clarification...)
ALOTBS Author Note 9 (Trolling Clarification...)

...was the singer Rick Astley performing Never Going to Give You Up?

A rejuvinated, Earth Bet, Rick Astley, that someone had arranged to have a come-back concert (inspired by Earth Alph?), as part of the first annual Canberra 'Enlighten' cultural event. Which is held about the same time as the canon Simurgh attack.

Funny, that...
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Nor, the skeleton of a giant shark, hung from the ceiling.
That's quite a trick considering that shark skeletons are composed entirely of cartilage. I'm not sure it would be rigid enough to hang without some kind of reinforcement. Even bone skeletons need wiring at the joints to hold them together.

AN: there might be a sorta reference to Where's My Cow?...
Broken link. There appears to be an extraneous single quotation mark at the end.
That's quite a trick considering that shark skeletons are composed entirely of cartilage. I'm not sure it would be rigid enough to hang without some kind of reinforcement. Even bone skeletons need wiring at the joints to hold them together.
It's a curios shop, what's for sale can be rather strange? Maybe the (preserved) flesh of the shark is just invisible?

Text changed, for clarity.

Broken link. There appears to be an extraneous single quotation mark at the end.
Is actually a missing initial single quote. Fixed. Funny, I must've missed checking that link was good...


I apologise that the cats didn't get larger parts in this episode. But. That would've been far too much work on their parts. :)
Interesting. Deleting the end quote from the original link got me to the article.
Yeah. I think it is all about BBcode being 'clever'? Sometime you need to hit code, repeatedly, until the cleverness is no longer in your way. All my stories are kept as plain-text, not any word-processing format, with mark-up. Some text's been through more than a half-dozen computers, and's still usable.

Main issue with this episode was trying to figure-out if I was being too subtle... Seeing as it's the Simurgh, I felt I had to take that risk, though.


Added a 'Informational' Threadmark to an earlier post. Maybe that will help? Dunno.
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Always Look On The Bright Side... 26 (Plan? What Plan?)
Always Look On The Bright Side... 26 (Plan? What Plan?)

'Rick-rolling'? What was that? And why was it in an Urgent message, to all PRT Directors? This time of night?


*Bong* from her computer meant Emily's 'thinking time' was over. Trouble could be 24/7, of course, but this late in the evening was generally quieter. She read with some concern. Was this about an Endbringer attack, on Canberra, Australia, or not? There'd been no general alert. Also, who was 'Rick Astley'? Fortunately the report included useful links.

She read, with disbelief. This was an Earth Alph thing. Why would someone use it here, on Earth Bet? The... white chocolate hand (what???), forearm, apparently 'giving the bird'? Some sort of unclear message, 'still being analysed'. Which might imply no more Simurgh attacks.

So. No descent from orbit. No insanity-causing scream. The only use of strange Tinker-tech being an apparent rejuvenation machine, which dissolved before examined. And, a great deal of white, allegedly Swiss, chocolate. What was left after the singer distributed it to the crowd. Apparently, it was 'top quality'. And, Eidolon confirmed it contained no contaminates.

Emily, privately, sneered. That wasn't real chocolate. The dark stuff, at least 70% cocao. Hmm. Maybe she could eat that, again, now? Another upside of restored kidneys. She'd occasionally wondered if her doctors were too cautious, but, ignoring the advice of professionals was stupid. The face of that doctor when she gave him 100% dark chocolate...

Re-reading it, carefully, only Eidolon had attended the 'attack'. But, the event organisers had been informed he'd likely turn-up. Because 'he was a fan'. She'd met Eidolon. If he was a fan of anything but his own reflection, she'd be surprised. But, that was capes, all over. No. She wasn't, now, 'cape adjacent'. She was quite firm on that point.

'Urgent, But Advisory', that would seem to sum it up. She was pretty sure many clever people were frantically attempting to figure-out the 'Simurgh Plot'. How 'trolling' a music concert was an effective attack on a city. On something important to Australia, the World. It did seem likely to be pretty futile...

Also... She'd not heard anything about what Clements and bird-girl were about. All in due course...


"I'm... not dead?" The white-robed Raven seemed a bit calmer, was looking at her hands, touching her face. Her bag of chocolate no longer visible, presumably back in 'hammerspace'.

"My memories are a bit confused. There was... some sort of secret fight, or at least, conflict, going on. Between a great queen and a high priest. But, the high priest was dead, and I was a pawn. Something like chess? I did some healing..."

A white glow around her hand.

"I think I can do healing. I guess that might be useful?"

A deep growling from her belly. She looks down, with surprise.

"Is that supposed to happen?"

"Lia? If you've some kitchen facilities we can borrow, food looks like a good idea. Nani? Maybe you could go with Tod, fetch supplies? We might well have a number of hungry ravens to feed, soon. Thomas? Maybe you could collect the next raven, or two, if Lia will point them out. Baker? I notice you're being quiet and still, watched by cats. Good idea."

Morrow looks at the others. "Well? It's about being prepared. That is my job!"

She thought for a moment.

"I'm going to figure-out who we can recruit, so it's not just Thomas doing the collecting. 'Why' and 'Because' are the obvious ones, 'Don't Care' likely not..."

She turns to their new recruit, now sitting rather listlessly, in a chair.

"Do you have a name?"

"Just call me... 'Specs', for 'Spectator'."

And, suddenly, she looked to be wearing a pair.



"I'm not 'Tammi', any more, Aisha, I'm changing my name to 'Raven'."

A quick transformation to black bird, and back, to a girl with grey-ish skin, in a hooded robe.

"You might want to hold-back on that."

A remarkably similar-looking girl stepped from the shadows, in the attic room, also did the girl-bird-girl trick.

"Ah. OK. I can see I'll have to be more imaginative. What happened to you?"

"Remember that weird Halloween? When the three of us accidentally choose to wear black-bird themed costumes? And, later, all we could remember was being called the 'Murder Trio', and sitting, as crows, watching the chaos?"

"You mean that really happened? I thought it was all a weird dream."

"Weird dreams don't let you go invisible, when you step into shadows. Step from shadow to shadows in any place you know. Teleporting? Carry other people in your shadow."

Tammi concentrated, briefly. The whole building shook, gently. "I think I could lift the lot, with no real effort", she said, in a dreamy way.

"Tammi! Focus!"

"You know, your English has got better..."

"No, it hasn't. I'm just choosing to use more words. We need to go to the PRT. Theo looked up all the regulations. I know, from some hints, you're close to the Empire. They don't like shape-shifters. And, skin-changers. And... There's another big problem. Guess who I picked-up on the way here?"

Another grey-skinned girl, in hooded-robe, with a young-looking bird, sitting on one shoulder, stepped out of her shadow.

"Say hello to Theo. And, Aster."

AN: The magpie in the tree, outside, is complaining, so obviously I needed to provide another episode...

AN: The 'finger/bird' - goes back to at least Ancient Greece...

AN: Rick-rolling; just so we can be sure what we're talking about. Think I first ran into it 2014/15... Some of the uses were... unwise, though, and really didn't make sense.

"Never Gonna Give You Up"


Never Gonna Give You Up
Rick Astley

We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I (do I)
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy

I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it (say it)
Inside, we both know what's been going on (going on)
We know the game and we're gonna play it

And if you ask me how I'm feeling
Don't tell me you're too blind to see

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

(Ooh, give you up)
(Ooh, give you up)
(Ooh) Never gonna give, never gonna give (give you up)
(Ooh) Never gonna give, never gonna give (give you up)

We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it (to say it)
Inside, we both know what's been going on (going on)
We know the game and we're gonna play it

I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you


Written by: Peter Alan Waterman, Matthew James Aitken, Michael Stock
Album: Whenever You Need Somebody
Released: 1987

AN: Guess you should know about dark chocolate...

AN: Who's On First?... Baseball...

AN: Probably should mention Tammi, Aisha, Theo...

Yes, this is Aster Anders, sitting on her half-brother, Theo Anders, shoulder, just to be quite clear.
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Always Look On The Bright Side... 27 (Keep The Change)
Always Look On The Bright Side... 27 (Keep The Change)

"Kayden? It's Theo."

"Yes, Aster's OK. We're with friends."

"Are you in private? No? I think you'll want to be. I'll wait."

"OK. Something strange has happened. We both, sort of, triggered. No, I don't know why. Nobody got hurt."

"That's why I got out of the apartment. I'm pretty sure Max has got people watching the place, 'for your protection'."

"No, a friend got us out, secretly. They've got Mover powers."

"Yes, I'm sure I can trust her."

"I've got all Aster's baby stuff. My friend can move a lot of weight. Not using it, much, at the moment, though."

"We met at school. I've known her for years. We met up due to a school... cape incident. That most people can't remember. The only Master here is me, I'm still working-out the details. It's... strange. Tammi's here, too. Yes, she's been very helpful!"

"Yes, I'm sure Aster is OK. But, she's a Changer. And, I haven't, yet, figured-out how to persuade her to change back. I'll hold her near the phone. Go on! You said it earlier."

"Yes, part of her Changer power. She's started to speak. A little."

"Mama! Theo!"

"Yes, that was her. There's other things, too. She's a lot more mobile. Can stand-up, walk about, a bit. And, she's not in diapers. Doesn't seem to need them."

"Yes, I've fed her. She seems quite happy. Bright-eyed. Curious. Been getting into everything. Just nothing coming out the other end. At least she can't fly."

"What? No. I don't think she'll do that, for a while. Until she's older. Maybe she'll get that Power from you?"

"No, Max wouldn't be happy. Nor would... his friends. Some of them... might cause a lot of trouble."

"Kayden. You know he's a racist, I know he's a racist, anyone who listens to him... talking to his friends knows he's a racist. I had to get out. Aster wasn't safe. He'd... start doing something like claiming she wasn't his child. Yes, he would."

"Should be a day, or two. We can meet-up, in secret. Show you what the problem is. No, I'm not trying to upset you. We both want to keep Aster safe. I'd die for her."

"Why? Because of her Changer form. Max would... go berserk."

"She's. Black."

AN: One side of a phone convo. I've used this, occasionally, in past writings. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. You do need to use your imagination. :)

AN: Thirty days from hatched to fledgling, by some accounts - should someone warn Theo? :)
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If Max is not nearby, this might be Theo doing some careful disobedience. Not saying it where ten million steel blades can pierce his skin, but still do at least a tiny bit of defiance.
That is not quite a newly hatched chick. Day or two old? Humans are weird, neoteny and all that. So, what a baby translates to, tricky.

An American would say "She's not in a diaper."
Fixed, and slightly re-worded.

Thanks, should have remembered that one. I could have claimed Max had used English staff, but that seems unlikely.

Also, would Theo refer to his sperm donor by name? I can't imagine him calling the man "Dad" but he might not feel like he could get away with calling him "Max."
He did ask for Kayden to be in private. And, he hopes he is out of Max's reach, where he is. Also, he knows he needs to work, really hard, to convince Kayden - this is about her daughter, that they both feel strongly about, so, he's prepared to take big risks.

Then, do you think it likely Max cares if Theo calls him 'Max', these days? As long as he doesn't say anything in public. He may even have asked Theo to call him 'Max'?
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If Max is not nearby, this might be Theo doing some careful disobedience. Not saying it where ten million steel blades can pierce his skin, but still do at least a tiny bit of defiance.
Theo is pretty sure Kayden doesn't like Max, but still has some feelings for him. He's also pretty sure Kayden, herself, is at least a bit racist. What Theo is sure about Max is that he'll do what he thinks is good for Max, no one else.

Defiance, even revenge, on Max. Talking to Kayden, about her daughter, isn't the time for that. Maybe later? Oh, yes. All the revenge.

Theo is also grappling with two, maybe three, different power sets ((Master/Thinker(/Mover?)) /Changer/Raven), he's recently acquired. None are directly anti-Max, but... Tammi could, now, probably squash Max like a bug... Shaker 8? But, Theo knows he can't depend on her.

You might want to consider that Theo has taken some advice... He's not going to trust Tammi, given her track record, but Aisha might have some useful comments, given her parental situation. Aisha will have... opinions on the subject of Max. Talking to some PRT support staff isn't off the table, as he's sort of in a hostage negotiation position.

Theo has burned all his boats with Max. And, his bridges. He's pretty sure Max has been 'having trouble at work', too. Kayden, though, united front against Max, to protect her daughter, his sister, looks a good idea?
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