Always Forward, Never Backward! -- A White Fang Quest (RWBY)

One of the handful of bosses in Arrowfell (a sidescrolling beat em up/metroidvania/Mega Man clone by WayForward) is a Mantellian labor organizer named Hanlon Fifestone who's one of several people being manipulated (in his case blackmailed) to participate in an elaborate terrorism conspiracy. It was just a bit disappointing to have one obvious character missing from the show - a Mantle populist tied into labor organization - and have him just be a villain who you see roughing up a faunus girl with his Semblance and then immediately beat up. Does explain why he didn't come up in the election arc I guess.

EDIT: Fifestone, not Fifemane. Mixed his name together with the big bad's.
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Voting will close at 1:00 PM PST on Friday
Accordingly, voting closed three hours ago.

Adhoc vote count started by Zimmerwald1915 on Oct 4, 2024 at 6:59 PM, finished with 105 posts and 52 votes.
Darn, I just found this - happy with who won at least

Actual leftism applied to the RWBY setting feels like an old wound I'd mostly forgotten about has finally been soothed.