You Can't Go Home Again (Part 2)...
Hey, so with more than a bit of editing and effort (and having to repost), I give you this. By all means, point out errors and concerns. I'll fix what I can when I can. I'm DONE for the night though so see you later!
With Trinitite...
"It was her skills in damage control," Smythe said from the smartphone's small screen. Apparently, whoever briefed this man did it rather well from appearance. "Sara taught her well, you know. You
all know that."
"Yes," Trinitite said, smiling fondly at the memories of her Princess . . . .her Mother giving her and her sisters lessons in that and ASW. "It was a close-run thing and it took long enough that I could do
nothing but watch as my Princess get transformed . . ."
Trinitite gestures slightly at the red-headed shipgirl who had been (and still WAS) her mother.
Saratoga! She remembered her. She still loved her! But what in the name of the Deep was she going to do now?! With her sister now . . .like they were, what now? Would this mean IF she was able to save her mother? Bring her back to normal, would that mean that her
sisters would be trying to sink her? Their mother?!
Deep! The idea had been to somehow arrange to get her mother alone, hull to hull to bring her back to her senses. So she could be the Jellyfish Princess again and they could both go back home . . .or somewhere they'd make a new home!
Somewhere other than the Bikini Atoll, the sight of where those atomic bombs had eventually caused her mother to sink. Trinitite was NOT going to subjugate her mother to memories of that again, not letting her get over it and get
on with her life! How had she not notice her mother had been suffering?!
"And I had to watch and do nothing as she was taken away by helicopter," Trinitite said, almost whimpering at the feeling of confusion and hopelessness, before firming and glaring defiantly at everyone standing and sitting around her mother. "I want my mother back!"
"I want my sisters back," Trinitite adds, wilting slightly when looking at her sisters who blinked back at her.
Deep! This was going to be difficult to get them ALL back, but she'd rather die than just give up the fight! Not now, but . . .it was going to be a lot more Hellish to accomplish, you know! And Trin didn't look forward to that at all after all, she'd gone through already.
Hey! Nashville thinks to herself noticing something rather . . . familiar about Trinitite's clothing.
Is it me or is that Wo-class wearing an outfit RATHER amazingly similar to what Shangri La went out into the world earlier today?
Of course, somebody would have to interrupt that line of thought before the shipgirl could come to any solid conclusions beyond a slow dawning realization of a "camouflage" as to just WHY the local police had been less than effective in helping track Trinitite than hoped for here.
"So. . . that was all this was about?" a slightly exasperated woman's voice comes from across the room that until now, Trinitite had been ignoring. "You mean to tell me that you came all this way here. No abyssal submarine spy networks? No attempts at industrial sabotage? Avoided every attempt to block your way and capture you? Evading our attempts to so much as do ANY surveillance on you? This was all to just get back with your mommy?!"
With Nashville . . .
"She said as much," Nashville muttered to herself, remembering that this particular spook whose name she couldn't be bothered to remember.
She did remember that that woman agent had been rather incensed about orders from on high to drop all efforts at merely trying to observe Trinitite (as if they'd even been ABLE to find the d*mn Abyssal in the first place to observe), but instead to capture her at all costs.
God, with just one question that Smythe managed to turn everything upside down and backward with all the panic he'd caused. And it hadn't even been meant as a really serious question. Hell, even she'd thought such a question had surely been answered beforehand and . . .
No, it had been asked. But not by anyone who the powers that be had deigned listened to before now. Dr. Takahashi was obviously a very intelligent person. Gifted even, by what the shipgirl had seen during his brief introduction before Saratoga's arrival (and Us Marshal Janson Smythe's rather loud interruption just moments earlier outside). But Takahashi was . . a more than a bit "eccentric".
Still, Smythe hadn't been . . .wrong in his question, but in as far as immediate concerns it hadn't been as needful and initially believed. But Hell if the business with Abyssals eventually getting more and more competent as time went on, after each re-summoning, wasn't a concern! "Capture" was still the order of the day, but it wasn't "do or die" as it had been (if that was a good way to state how concerned everyone had been).
"Abyssal submarine spy networks?!" Trinitite blinked, looking towards the spook woman in question as if she was an idiot. "As far as I know
I am the first Abyssal to ever to penetrate your security and get onto American soil. And honestly, if some Princess was to send a spy, it sure as Deep wouldn't be an Abyssal Aircraft Carrier. Not like
I did it, you know!"
"Now shut up and stop interrupting us," the Wo-class practically commands, glaring at the sputtering woman. "I do not want to belabor the obvious with you anymore."
Chuckling slightly to herself, Nashville had to ask herself if it was wrong to be agreeing with this wayward Wo. If anything else today by just watching, it became crystal clear . . .this Abyssal was . . .not . . .a monster. Shangri La was right.
And Nashville had been wrong...
An enemy for the longest time, but seeing the desperation? The emotion that Trinitite was showing just seeing Saratoga? This WAS a child desperately seeking her mother. D*mn.
Just D*mn!
"I want them back," Trinitite says, firming up and repeating herself once back to staring at Smythe. "And I suggest you not try to stop me from doing that, humans."
If only to herself, she had to ask just how in the Hell she was going to manage that. Now not only did she have to somehow get her Abyssal aft over to Japan to find and rescue her mother, she now needed to do it with her sisters!!
That and ask questions to her "guest" in the car about just how close the Navy and their allied fleets were in tracking her down. That and a few other questions before perhaps blowing town for another city, to build up assets and build some kind of plans for the future (with her sisters and mother).
Oh, and of course whatever else she would pop a car tire--her hands could easily do that-- and eat a "smartphone" or two of Harmon before vacating the area. Without both a phone or a car with four intact tires, she'd be less of a hassle.
Hmm, also least she forgets she had to make it to the dropoff point for her Marines detachment for change out of the personnel and food resupply.
At least it seemed to be that, and made up for some of the scares she kept having with keeping almost meeting the aircraft carrier out in town!
Yes! Being able to spy upon her foes had been . . .useful. Not as useful as she'd hoped, but at least she'd made SOME use of it with that Essex-class who looked inexplicably similar to her!
Youtube had been VERY useful in that regards for her Marines. Getting them up to snuff, even IF they complained it being from "the Army".
Might as make use of that with "confusion to the enemy" or something as the humans would say from time to time Or maybe just a recall and evac depending on what Harmon answers after this phone call.
A phone call that had been taking too long for her tastes to avoid it being tracked, d*mnit! And while she had been able to talk with her mother again AND find out her sisters were alive....
Trinitite then makes a move as if to cut the connection. Hopefully next time, she could call without all the human interruptions but at least she'd made SOME very interesting discoveries! Welcome ones, in fact...
"Trin!" Saratoga interrupts the Wo-class thoughts, and then completely derails them with what she says next. "I'm here in Washington! We need to meet!!"
"Wha-at?" Trinitite blinked, not sure she'd heard correctly and having felt like she'd hit a reef. "How?!"
"A very fast jetfighter brought about by one G*d d*mn question I just had to ask," muttered the marshal, still even now having trouble believing it had avalanched into this, somehow. Trinitite was now is looking at him, having overheard that.
And leaving the erstwhile marshal wondering what was it with all these people around him with such good hearing! What was UP with that?! Acoustics?!
"Wait!" Commander Dan Murray waves, causing the Abyssal to pause for a moment. "We can arrange a meet. Make some kind of . . ."
"I . . . .might be willing to do that," the Wo-class manages, rallying and cutting the Navy officer off. "But
not with you. I have had my fill of you even before I escaped from the
Pacific Lilly."
"Not a fan of my ex-boyfriend eh?" Katie Harmon chuckles softly over the cellphone. "Wow, we have an Abyssal of culture and good taste."
Dan Murray mutters something and coughs in embarrassment while more than a few people also cough, hiding their chuckling at the Commander's expense.
Let us just say that while hard-working and bright. " A Godsend to America" even at his job, but Dan had a . . .way at time rubbing various people the wrong way during their time together on this operation and leave at that, okay?
"I wish to do any future dealing with the Navy through 'the Cowboy'," Trinitite continues, gesturing towards the marshal in question. "He's been polite, for the most part!"
My Deputy' Cowboy?" Harmon asked drolly, for some perverse reason found she wanted to tease the man in question. Not exactly the brightest idea there, but Katie's mind was going all over the place due to being a bit tired right now.
This operation! Going from manhunt to surveillance and back again! And the last part at the drop of a hat and without proper sleep! There BETTER be a good bonus for that when this job was done or she'd raise Hell over it!!
"He's concerned over a fleet mate's fate," Trinitite (of all people) admonishes the narcissistic PI. "Friends do that. Abyssals? Kanmusu? Humans? Oh, dare you to say differently?!"
Trin's mood is kind of bouncing all over the place here. Expect that for people who keep on getting hit with shocks, it happens.
"Hush," Trinitite shakes her head at Katie before turning back (and ignoring whatever the PI would have said). Right now, the PI was not the issue. Those on the other end of the phone? Who would and could provide her with what she'd gone through here? Her Mother?!
Yeah, that was what was important to the Wo-class.
"I am . . .authorized to be able to do that," Janson concedes, seeing the gesturing from various Navy (and other) military personnel. The highest being Murray's boss who the man had been tasked to report to during this accursed operation.
As it happened, the marshal HAD been authorized to conduct negotiations with Trinitite.
Emergency negotiations for hostage situations, and not this more (somewhat) mundan-ish negotiation. The idea had been that the other Feds and Military folk would be handling this, but contingencies HAD been made. It just wasn't thought that it would end up this way.
Who knew?
"Good," Trinitite smiles slightly, suddenly liking how this was going. "Now, Agent Janson . . ."
"US Marshal Smythe ma'am," Smythe coughed, glancing at the FBI agents before looking back at Trin. "Sorry, but I'd like to go by last name and proper titles. At least until we get to know each other a bit better and such, darlin'. That and I'm not one of the spooks . . .er . . .usually don't work with other Agencies like I've been doing and shouldn't be called anything else but what I am here. I'm sure you understand?"
A slow nod in concession and understanding was given by Trinitite, wishing to get past that and into the negotiations proper. Besides, it was something she could actually respect! Look at the pride which she'd displayed when she'd been
CFS Trinitite. Look at the relief she had felt when she had become part of the fleet of construction workers, putting the title of the constrtuction company on! Why not with human beings?
"Not so different after all," she said softly to herself, nodding.
And though relatively short before agreeing to an area to meet and Trinitite to allow herself into custody (that had been a WELCOME bit when she'd agreed to THAT part), some of it....
At a campsite on base, later...
With Shangri La . . .
The Essex-class shipgirl found herself staring slightly again at Trinitite as both they and the US Marshal waited for Saratoga to finally be allowed to show. Fiddling slightly with the red sash on her uniform, the shipgirl glanced over onto the ocean. The sun was beginning to rise and it made for a good art scene, really.
Almost made her ignore the battleship shipgirls she saw out in the harbor who just might be pointing ALL their guns towards this area. It had been part of the deal, just in case. Trinitite had readily agreed to it, just wanting her mother back.
Just wanting her mother back. Jesus! While orders are orders, having this setup quite this way kind of made Shangri La feel a bit like a heel. Still...
Shangri La had summoned her rigging before sending some back, leaving her landing deck and weaponry unsummoned if only to have it ready at moment's notice. Not that she felt it would be needed, but orders were orders.
That and there was the fact that Trinitite had shown up wearing the
same "civi" outfit that she had been wearing out in town! No WONDER the FBI kept mistaking her for Trnitite out in town.
What? The? H*ll? The PI had mentioned something about the Abyssal confessing something in passing to her about Trinitite being able to keep tabs on the poor Essex.
Could that have been the reason why that store detective back at the store earlier in the month accosting her and demanding to see the receipt for the clothing and cowboy hat she'd been wearing on a whim? Did Trinitite do some kind of quick change in a changing room and somehow switch attention to her in that way?
The detective had quickly exited after dropping off Trinitite, and drove away in her car. She was . . .over with this whole mess and wanted to just find her bed now, thanks! Shangri La was curious as to where that rather unsightly dent had come from. It hadn't been there last time, and it was a crying shame. The shipgirl had rather liked the detective's taste in vehicles, if NOT exactly the detective herself.
"D*mnit I'd kill for a coffee right now," muttered Smythe, shaking his head in annoyance as he suppressed a yawn. "What a night!"
It had been a long, intense negotiation. Something about wanting the BEST deal she could get from her future employer to deal with . . .the mess she admitted to making with Fred Meyers and Elizabeth the Night Manager back there.
And THIS was how she was going to satisfy her debt to Elizabeth, as an Abyssal would settle it (and probably NOT as a human would see it). Trinitite had been something--gender none withstanding--of a son of a b*tch in her insistence on the matter!
So a rather "fat check" (from her "signing bonus" into joining the US Navy) was in Elizabeth's future. Part to pay for what she had "borrowed" from Fred Meyers, and something for the trouble and stress the Abyssal had caused her.
What? The issue of the company wanting to even accuse her as being an "accessory to the crime"? Whelp, that was where ONI and their JAGs were going to come in and pretty much leans on any and all objections, dead flat! Pity, that.
Yeah, let those lawyer jerks go at each other's throats. Jackels!!
. . . .
Oh, and another thing was that it was agreed that . . .family should stay together. Trinitite had made the effort and had gone through Hell to get to her Mother and was going to stay with her, damnit! Upper Navy folks had considered and agreed to it.
It kept Trinitite and her sisters loyal. And the Admirals in charge of this could darn well guess what they had now with Saratoga: a Momboat! One that wasn't going to let go of her children any time soon (until enough time passed for them to grow up anyway). Trinitite WAS only two years old, and it . . .showed through and leave at that.
Besides, they had plans for Saratoga and her family, both living and departed. But that is another tale for later.
"I could help with that," Trinitite offered Smythe graciously, pulling out a camping coffee percolator from inside her hull and placing it on the picnic table behind her. Then came two bricks and some kind of mangled tin can.
The Abyssal had warmed considerably towards the marshal when Saratoga had revealed that the man had been indirectly responsible for her being back here in America, in case you were wondering. Soon enough the marshal would find himself on Trinitite's Christmas card list, even.
Just as soon as she learns about Christmas and Christmas cards, that is...
As for the tin can thing?
Author's Note: Yes I went there!
"A hobo stove?" the marshal asked, admiring it before noting the coffee fixings coming out. "Yes please, with two sugars and cream?"
Shangri La frowned at the decidedly non-Navy coffee in her midst (which Trinitite was enjoying with the marshal), but who was she to judge? At least this blasted operation was almost over, and without bloodshed.
H*ll, she even got three--with Trinitite as the third--new sisters out of this deal and her mother's rising stress finally put to rest! Not bad. Not bad at all.
Not too much later (the marshal was just starting on his second mug), Saratoga finally arrived by humvee. She happened to be carrying a rather special bucket, as what they'd hashed out.
"For full disclosure, you
do know what will happen here to you right?" Smythe paused in his drinking of coffee and looking over at the happily smiling Trinitite. "What that bucket will do to your rigging at least?"
"More than you know US Marshal Smythe," the Abyssal Wo-class says, still smiling despite a feeling of foreboding inside.
You do this you shall be marked as traitor permanently as your sisters were! a general feeling of menace and malice seems to be saying from . . .somewhere deep out at sea. Below the waves. Deep in the Abyss.
Doing this is betraying your duty and obligation to the Abyss! To your kind! Turn back!!
No you f*cking c**t, the defiant Wo-class thinks to herself, and to something . . . Else if the Abyss just happened to be threatening her over her choices.
You blacklisted my sisters over having chosen to answer my Mother's calling them? Answering the Summons? Really?! After what you DID to my Mother in twisting her mind when she was the Jellyfish Princess to where she couldn't move on but dwell upon the very spot she sank?! No, YOU are the traitor to ME and my family! I don't need you and you d*mn well better understand that we are ENEMIES now! Good BYE and good riddance, TRAITOR!!
She was loyal to her Princess. She was loyal to her Mother.
And . . .through her negotiations she had hitched her fate to the US Navy, and pretty much could be said to be loyal to them as well. Perhaps not as much as her MOTHER or family, but . . .why muddy the water with that little fact, eh?
But still? The matter with her sisters and the Abyss?! They had during that teleconference--when Smythe had to step out of the room to make arrangements for the meeting--told Trinitite how the Abyss had howled at them. Called them traitors for answering Saratoga's (a traitor who went Kanmusu) calls through a
Kanmusu Summoning Pool even when barely remembering their old lives. Enough remained to where they knew their mother and their mother as calling...
The bottom line is that they'd been "marked" when summoned. And how much they were "Kanmusu" were in truth, or merely Kanmusu-ized Abyssal? Well, if they were to be sunk again and summoned by an Abyssal Princess?
Oh boy, not gonna lie. One look at what got summoned would be an almost instant sinking by shell volley from the surprised and enraged Princess. Both of her dear sister would be stuck with their new Kanmusu styled rigging now and evermore, because they'd been blacklisted.
Author's Note: The Abyss didn't care about such niceties as real "justice" and "honor". Loyalty? For whatever reason, it had it out for humanity and those who would side with humanity? The Abyss wasn't going to take such slights from "mere" fodder Abyssals like that. Dime a dozen, to that eldritch horror, you see. Regular Kanmusu? It was worth keeping and tricking them into Abyssal service. But not so much for "regular" fodder. Not worth the time or effort because they were "ruined". At least that is MY take in this omake tale...
As Trinitite would be "blacklisted" by being a Kanmusu-ized Abyssal as well. Even after sinking, just like her sisters.
"Glad to hear that," the marshal says, going back to drinking his coffee. He REALLY needed it after this rough night, naturally! And would need it to be able to tackle that damnable pile of paperwork in after-action reports soon enough.
Suppressing a groan at the thought of that trial, he instead concentrated on the joy he was seeing before him.
The green and infamous "repair bucket" now at Trinitite's and Saratoga's feet, both now are crying and laughing. Finally back together. And pretty much will be for a LONG time with her now US Navy sisters, both USS Firestorm and USS Hypocenter. All part of a larger plan to gain more "assets" for the ongoing war, you see.
Oh right, you say it would be madness for Trinitite to be used as a "regular" shipgirl in battle against the Abyss. Not really, considering the cover story the spooks somewhere had cooked up. Trin's touched too many lives, and sooner or later her existence would out. She touched the lives of those on the
Pacific Lilly. Made quite the impression with those back at that Federal Park in Washington state? Lots of postings of it on the internet, friend. And other things.
But the idea here is how to control the spin? Yep! The best way to make a good cover story here is to mix a LOT of truths with a "tiny" bit of lies.
Got all sort of truth to share. Obvious and readily apparent truths!
Right now the US was down from three to two places where Kanmusu would and could be summoned. Quoting from elsewhere (if you'll forgive me that):
A little over a year ago. Abyssals managed to push into Pearl in a massive offensive and summon the Central Princess, even though they weren't able to stay in the theatre themselves. Now, she's basically alone, surrounded by special forces (with shipgirl support) on her island, with a lot of artillery keeping her from developing her infrastructure too much from the big island. It's a brutal, months-long battle, but it does mean that Pearl isn't of much more use then as a meatgrinder for both sides at the moment.
And this means there were only two places to summon Kanmusu for the American. That does cause quite a bottleneck. So . . .to get around this plight some geniuses in the likes of DARPA are trying other means to fix the issue. Some try to get other ports to be able to be Summoning spots but are having NO luck. That is more due to approaching the problem as a science than . . .an art. As a spiritual thing, I'm afraid. Wrong approach. Some are trying at least here OTHER ways to do a Summoning Pool. Like mobile ones, on ships! With the idea of being mobile means less prone to being compromised like what happened at Pearl. And with more Summon Pools available by them being mobile on ships? Well, the bottleneck would be a thing of the past!
Trick here was to sweeten the deal for summoning was to . . .provide materials for the summons (steel, oil, and such) like a regular Summoning Pool. The genius (who was more a madman and an unethical one to boot) was to utilize a dead shipgirl (not necessarily the original owner and not NEEDING to be the original owner) in the Summoning, The summoned would jump into the new shipgirl body, and whatta know! A success!
Not as if there wasn't a lot of sunk shipgirl bodies to dreg up and utilize this way, you know... And they did similar salvage operations when the shipgirls had originally merely been "steel hull" ships right after the attack on Pearl Harbor during World War 2 (another true fact to appease any queezy folks out there who protest about grave robbing and disturbing the dead). Why NOT with ship girls who are now?
Oh, and where did these ship girl spirits come from, since the summoned will happen to have been ships never having ever shown in any Navy from World War 2? Whelp, there are
wooden and other obsolete warships out there, right? Guess what? They get a chance to serve now. Too bad about the . . .amnesia concerning their original names and all that.
What? Memories about them being Abyssals? Well . . .might be the Abyss messing with their memories to twist them to its cause? That'll be the lie for now in the cover story (and as long as they can make it last until the War with the Abyssals is WON).
Or at least until time goes on to where service and heroics by the summoned prove them to be loyal and true to humanity's cause. If the truth comes out about them being former Abyssals (as the Limbo which they were summoned from happens to contain)? Well, while a big headache for the Navy at least they can spin it as freeing them and other Shipgirls "corrupted" into Abyssals.
Which will ironically BE the truth, eh?
Author's Note: EH yep, I'm gonna borrow that concept from Jessetheswift's fine tale: "Salvage, Sarcasm, and Submarines". Hilarious and fantastic tale. Try it sometime, please! You won't regret it.
But being on the ocean to summon? What about that? Well, the Abyss kind of . . .does not like that and tries to . . .twist things to sabotage the summoning. You know, making the summoned Abyssals wreck the place. Or at least try to do that, and the attempt leave . . .marks that look rather Abyssally as a side effect of failed effort as well?
The last part was only theory, for reasons to be revealed soon enough. But that said, the last part is what will be used to explain what shipgirls like
USS Firestorm and
USS Hypocenter are Essex-class shipgirls with a Wo-class twist to their rigging. And why Trinitite looks so much like she does because of the Abyss being a bit closer to having succeeded in turning her into an Abyssal during Summoning.
An almost tragic thing, her Summoning. The Navy for a while actually THOUGHT she'd succumbed to being Abyssalized by the Abyss and tried to sink her before she got ashore from that hijacked ship, the
Pacific Lilly.
D*mn good thing that that mistake got sorted out before they put her down as a monster!!
Or at least that will be the cover story, and she and everyone else in this accursed Absolute Railroad operation are sticking to it!!
Ah, the poor shipgirl Trinitite! That "summoning accident" Left her confused and afraid, and wanting to find her mother since that is "what she's supposed to do". But she did it in a most . . .Abyssal fashion, kind of mistakenly thinking she WAS some kind of Abyssal. But not really one, you know!
Did she kill anyone? Sink any ships? Do anything beyond stealing from a store? NOPE!
Ah, and if all that rather weaving narrative about how Trin's and her sisters' cover story actually works was confusing to you? Okay, here it is again in a more condensed and understandable form. Cover story: Idea was to use a program Dr. Takahashi's experiments will generate here soon. It will be similar to the failed DARPA try but will be more supervised. Basically, it was (or should It be said will BE) the same beast as DARPA's, but successful this time around. Takahashi soon will start to pull from the same limbo as the Abyss pulls for fodder Abyssals, successfully. With the program soon in high gear, Trin and her sisters are to be early test results (by the cover story). By her particular cover story, Trin's looks to be the one with the most side effects from HER summoning. One that was very problematic, as what had gone down shows. Hell, even for the longest time the Feds and the Navy had thought her to BE an actual Abyssal and nearly killed her more than once because of that mistake! One where a "booster shot" of sorts with the repair bucket upgrade will have fixed her "confusing" herself as an Abyssal as well as making her look more like a regular shipgirl of the Navy; just with abyssal colors and all that.
That was/will be the cover story for her part in things. And something similar will be the cover story for the sisters.
Hope that helps.
That said, it was Not her fault that a roving Abyssal submarine had torpedoed the Summoning ship. Not at all! That was the truth.
H*ll, another truth. It was a GOOD thing that the ship got sunk, after all, was said and done when some Fed spooks poked into things after some in DARPA shared some . . .rumors. The summoner was . . .mental. Thought nothing about using an Abyssal dead body for the summoning, so of COURSE things would/could have gone sideways! The summoner did NOT inform anyone in his chain of command about his plans. Did NOT inform the ship's security about his plans. By such actions, he would have endangered everyone's' life on the ship and a large area AROUND the ship as the summoned Abyssal went amuck! Such truths had come to light when investigators had combed the wreck and computer records, much to their horror! It had been an Abyssal the mad man had been attempting to summon! At least that madman had the good taste of expiring in the wreck and leaving him as a pasty useful for this cover story if names should be needed.
What, will some reporter perform a
seance to talk to the dead summoner to gainsay the Navy's story? Really?! I do NOT so think so.
So! All this had been true except for Trinitite's part in it. A lie, but we all knew that eh? Well, her being part of the fatal Summoning anyway. That and the true part about her seeking out Saratoga.
She sought out the mother (true) of all the Essex-class, which Saratoga seems to be seen as here. Who just happens (lie) through whatever fiendish reasons just happened to look like Saratoga! That and other Abyssal Princesses appearances has been leaked to the Internet for a while now (true) for various reasons, you know so of COURSE the match had to be made by those who have eyes. And as per custom (true), any and all conspiracy theorists who keep insisting that Shipgirls and Abyssals are two sides of the same coin were to be ignored for as long as feasible. Until otherwise permitted!
Note: art by Phi_md
Bottom line, after the hugging and crying a hesitant Trinitite takes that repair bucket . . .and takes the plunge! Now drained of whatever mystical, mysterious "stuff" it had in it gone and consumed by Trinitites "upgrade" to the next level: Kai!
"How-how do I look?" Trinitite asked hesitantly, feeling the now much more "mechanical/metallic ship" looking "hat" she's wearing instead of the . . .whatever alien organic-looking headdress she'd been blessed with before as an Abyssal Wo-class. "I feel . . .strange. Tingley and good, but . . .strange!"
"You look beautiful my wonderful and brave one!" whispered USS Saratoga softly. "You look beautiful."
US Marshal Smythe nods in agreement, having to add if only to himself that Trinitite is a REAL knockout even by Hollywood standards, even before the change in
rigging, even if it . . . had Abyssal coloring to it. Good enough for the needs for cover stories, anyway.
Now she looked like her sisters, except she still had the same pale skin (the repair had stripped her of make-up) and hair as before. Ah, and her eyes just happened to have lighted themselves, glowing in their orange and blue glory. Somewhat alarming, but not enough to cause panic because . . .
Well, we've gone over that enough with all this already, right?!
Before things finally wrap themselves up here, finally ENDING this nightmare of an operation for the marshal, he idly wonders what kind of star would have played him and perhaps the others in a movie. If the Navy and other powers that be would ever ALLOW the actual story to be told, as if!!
He fancied that somebody like . . .say . . .Tommy Lee Jones would play HIS part. After all, he did make those movies about fugitives and US Marshal, right? Hollywood had taken liberties with his profession, but at least they'd gotten that one thing right about marshals: they really don't care if their target was innocent or guilty. Their job was to get their man (or woman) into custody for trial, and only that.
But ol' Tommy had only a passing resemblance to him, truth be told. While he fancied himself handsome enough, Tommy Lee Johns was star quality handsome. Smythe wasn't vain enough to think anything else on the matter.
Besides, the guy was shorter and had green hair and red eyes.
"How much easier would it have been if there had been less hair and eye color in humans in the world," Smythe chuckled to himself at the idea. "Would have made finding Trin SO much easier. But this is real life, ya know!"
But about Hollywood US Marshal and real-life US Marshals, he had . . .kind of had sinned. He DID care about Trinitite, now. After everything he had learned and seen with Trinitite had made him rather unprofessional in her regards. Trinitite had made quite the impression on him. A favorable impression which left him damn glad that the poor wayward Wo (turned shipgirl) was here now with Saratoga.
"Could almost see Agent Charles Bryce being played by Robert Redford," muttered Smythe to himself. "While Bryce is a redhead and shorter than Redford (and MUCH less liberal let me just add), Redford's a blonde . . ."
Dr. Takahashi? Smythe blanched at anyone even trying to play that character! Best to leave him off-screen as a ghost and NEVER give the guy screen time. God!
Now things at this point of the business. Well, at the risk of sounding crass, he was d*mn happy that this deal was done and over!! Except for the paperwork!
"Jesus Christ," Smythe cursed to himself. "Now I need something stronger than coffee for that dark thought!"