All Level, No Experience (Worm/Pathfinder Amnesia Quest)

Spells Prepared:
Cantrips — Prestidigitation, Acid Splash, Read Magic, Detect Magic
1st (DC 30) — Comprehend Languages (6), Mage Armor (2), Magic Missile (2), Shield (2)
2nd (DC 31) — Locate Object, Mirror Image (2), See Invisibility, Invisibility (2), Alter Self (5)
3rd (DC 32) — Arcane Reinforcement (2), Arcane Sight (3), Battering Blast (2), Dispel Magic (3)
4th (DC 33) — Bestow Curse, Dimension Door (2), Greater Invisibility (3), Phantasmal Killer (2), Lesser Geas (2)
5th (DC 34) — Baleful Polymorph, Break Enchantment (2), Dominate Person (5), Teleport (2)
6th (DC 35) — Disintegrate (5), Mislead, Veil (2), Antimagic Field, Sarzari Shadow Memory
7th (DC 36) — Ethereal Jaunt (2), Finger of Death (2), Greater Teleport (3), Prismatic Spray (2)
8th (DC 37) — Dimensional Lock (2), Discern Location (3), Mind Blank (3), Polar Ray
9th (DC 38) — Dominate Monster (3), Time Stop (3), Wail of the Banshee (3)
10th (DC 39) — Polar Ray (4)
11th (DC 40) — Polar Ray (3)
12th (DC 41) — Polar Ray (3)
13th (DC 42) — Wail of the Banshee, Finger of Death (2)
14th (DC 43) — Wail of the Banshee (3)
15th (DC 44) — Wail of the Banshee (2)
16th (DC 45) — Wail of the Banshee (2)
17th (DC 46) — Wail of the Banshee (2)
Haha what.

Hm, in the future maybe a few more time stops instead? More utility and finesse.

Regardless, you know you'd seen a few places up on surface that offered free Wi-Fi as long as you were a paying customer, you'd only need about five, perhaps ten dollars to be sure, in order to pay for a coffee to sit down and research, something much more possible to do thanks to having Alter Self and Veil in your arsenal. You'd considered the Library, but sadly they'd require a library card and other such that you didn't have at the moment.

You suppose you had most of a plan ready to go, just a few details left.

How to acquire about five or ten dollars, what your human identity should look like, and whether you should go for a place providing Wi-Fi in either the upper-class section of town or middle-class section?
Love the logic here. Sure we could just lurk nearby and piggyback off their wifi. But it's for paying customers! Why not just be one?
Anyway, considering our earlier near misses there are decent odds we run into someone interesting.

How should we get the money do people think? Preferably as subtly as possible. My current idea would be to use locate object to find dropped coins, but we only have one cast prepared.
I still think visiting a pawn shop is our best bet. The law of narrative says we're gonna get caught though.

Should be able to snag a couple hundred bucks though.
Eh I would rather not the pawn shop. It leaves behind distinct physical evidence. Skimming some money off a criminal operation would be better then that.

Eventually we could use hacking and infiltration to plant physical documents to create a full identity. I wonder how well we would do on the stock market. Our control of the world could be a corporate takeover.
I don't think that secrecy is required. We could just go out, capture bad guys and collect bounties. Additionally vigilantes are legally allowed to keep bounty, so we can do classic adventure stuff here as well. Then along the way we can start advocating our services, selling items and so on.

Ultimately we want to rule the city. I would prefer to be aggressive rather than subtle - for use time is more of a concern than safety born out of subtlety.

To that end, I propose plan

[X] Day Walker, Night Stalker
-[X] Use Veil to take guise of a Human. Venture to most well frequented spots in the city, mingling with commoners, using your Comprehend Languages to perfect your mastery of English. By listening, and via trial and error, learn common topics and jargon of this city as well as you can
-[X] During your walk, pay attention to any artistic or other crafting requests you could fulfil for monetary gain, or to any bounty local bandits you heard about might have on their heads
-[X] In the evening, visit local authorities and inquire about capturing bandits directly
-[X] Later in the evening, go hunt some bad guys. Capture and loot.

This does a lot. It should let us learn a huge deal about the world, while also putting us against local villains. That's pretty great. More importantly this should lead us to one of places TT is likely to frequent, and running into her (and getting her to be our Servant) would be of immense benefit.

Visiting PRT should be all kinds of fun. As I said, unlike most people I don't care about secrecy, and for me becoming a known quantity is a huge boon. So even if PRT section goes tits up, it would still be a plus.

On the other hand, we could just do first part and then craft stuff people need for money, if you want to be more passive.
Does our mc have a morality compose or a bottom line at all?
also is our quest world dominion or city dominion? also, @Wolfy little care about secrecy is something for OP Characters ours is strong but not survive surprise tank shot or sniper round strong (and please don't argue about how much stronger things like dragon breaths are compared to SR or TS both because we still don't know the GMs stance on the rules of realty and what the Damage on TS or SR are and unless you wish to end a good quest early I would suggest caution there always time for a rampage later) and before you say Wish, not only is it unreliable it can only be used so many times before we don't have it anymore

[X] Attack on Merchants
-[X] Use Veil to take guise of a Human. Venture to most well frequented spots in the city, mingling with commoners, using your Comprehend Languages to perfect your mastery of English. By listening, and via trial and error, learn common topics and jargon of this city as well as the Major and minor Factions in the City.

-[X] Depending on the information gathered find the weakest faction and what they are know for and locate one of there stash's i.e if merchants use locate object to find a lot of drugs in one place as that would be a stash also assuming mc smart enough to know that a hospital or clinic as not a gang.

-[X] make another Bag of holding but like a gym bag for easier looting and make space in the OG Bag.

-[X] Use Spells as needed to knock out everyone and steal everything of value or if Greater invs is enough to steal a major a mount of loot without anyone knowing do so.

-[X] if the above is Successful, go to a café and use internet for info gathering make sure your out of sight of any window and are sat at a corner with a wall behind you, also make your best attempt at finding out how to use the Web safely.

-[X] attempt stealing a power cables monitor and a power generator and fuel if the risk of being seen is big for any of the items stop the attempt.

Anyone know what to do if we aren't successful ?, I am kind of stuck there.
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Does our mc have a morality compose or a bottom line at all?
also is our quest world dominion or city dominion? also, @Wolfy little care about secrecy is something for OP Characters ours is strong but not survive surprise tank shot or sniper round strong (and please don't argue about how much stronger things like dragon breaths are compared to SR or TS both because we still don't know the GMs stance on the rules of realty and what the Damage on TS or SR are and unless you wish to end a good quest early I would suggest caution there always time for a rampage later) and before you say Wish, not only is it unreliable it can only be used so many times before we don't have it anymore
My guy, we are like 3~4m tall stone alien with fuck off powerful armor. We are stealthy as shit, immune to supernatural precognition and senses, perceptive as shit, tanky as shit and should anything at all happen, we can just Time Stop and then fuck off with earth glide or Greater Teleport. We are legitimately harder to gank than Eidolon.

The issue with playing safe is that there is actually a tradeoff. We will move slower and generate less value as we consistently prioritize safety over efficiency. Except that is just a huge waste of time given how absurdly powerful we are compared to everyone else. The only thing that can threaten us at all is Triumvirate, which is not something I am terribly afraid of given how just powerful we are.

So we could hide around and waste weeks of in game jerking off underground. Or we could go to PRT go "sup, where the bitches bandits at" clear BB, get paid, then proceed get ourselves a map and just keep clearing cities. The fuck are Worm street level villains supposed to do against fucking epic level wizard who can beat 5 CR18 opponents at the same time?

More importantly, being more aggressive would make it exponentially more likely to run into TT. Getting her would be a huge ass thing, both given that her personality and situation would make her a perfect minion, and because her power is the best we can get right now.
Some questions -
  • How does Mindlink work with Dominate Creature, Hypnotize and so on? Can we just use it on dominated people to quickly gain day to day info from random targets?
  • Do we need to work out Permanency stuff ourselves or can we expect this to be handled IC?
  • Can we reasonably expect that Awaken Construct would work on our robot?
  • Can we assume that Iluontar will automatically use(or not use) buffs as needed(i.e. Mage Armor) or do we need to specify their usage?
There is so many things we could do with our powers so it is hard to find a starting point.
Ooh! I have just woken up and I can see a wonderful number of posts! Always a joy to see! I've even been downright asked some stuff, heck yeah. Righty, let's go in order.

Does our mc have a morality compose or a bottom line at all?

This is an interesting pair of questions. So, the way I'm running this is that while the character has started with their own Alignment and such, the main thing it's affecting (at the moment) is at most the way certain things are presented by the character's own internal thoughts on it- I partially hadn't even realized I had done it until it was pointed out, but in the way Iluontar, while still having blatantly stolen stuff and not being innately against it, still defaulted to actually being a Paying Customer rather than just lurking nearby for the Wi-Fi, something that plenty of real and normal actually do.

With all you've been able to see, the only thing in your inventory and spells that even checks alignment at all is just the dagger. Funny enough, if the other character had been chosen at the very start, the pre-existing Alignment and sticking close to it would have been catastrophically more important and impactful. As in, once this quest reaches it's end, if I do ever run a 'sequel' where we start over with the other character, I might break out things like weighting the votes and potentially having that character just outright mutiny some votes if they clash too far too quickly with their morality.

also is our quest world dominion or city dominion?

The Quest itself is for y'all to do whatever you want while 'behind the wheel' of this powerful character. It's the character who had the original, pre-Amnesia goal of Rule the World. If y'all decide to abandon that goal and ever like, put it in a vote to say 'Give up world conquest', that is entirely fine.

But applying the question to the character's goals, y'all know that Iluontar's reason for being on Earth Bet is in fact to Rule the World, but you guys don't explicitly know the timeframe of that plan. Which, given that you're an elemental, a high-level wizard, and know that a contributing factor in your greatest regret was not being present to caution patience among other things, hopefully implied well enough that Iluontar's original plan was probably on the patient side of things.

The bit of confusion is also a touch deliberate, since y'all know What you're here to do, but know neither of the Why, or more pressingly here, your original How. There's a reason why I split that into three sections, mixed it with some other options in ALNE - 1.0, and then told y'all to pick two.

Also, not knowing what the MC's original plan is, y'all have to figure it out on your own, which is fun.

Oooh, yes yes yes, gladly!

How does Mindlink work with Dominate Creature, Hypnotize and so on? Can we just use it on dominated people to quickly gain day to day info from random targets?

It would let you give very detailed orders very quickly, but Mindlink is solely giving information to the target and not from, being one-way.

Do we need to work out Permanency stuff ourselves or can we expect this to be handled IC?

If y'all can get the resources for castings of Permanency, then just quickly mentioning that you'd like a particular thing Permanency-ed or not would be enough, but given that it eats up resources at a fairly prodigious rate, I'd rather not assume Permanency first. (Especially since I'm using the Permanency Standardization rules).

Can we reasonably expect that Awaken Construct would work on our robot?

Nope. It needs to be a Construct at all to be targeted with Awaken. At the moment, it is well and fully an Object. It would be like targeting a normal statue with Awaken Construct or a hidden dragon with Dominate Person, outright 'Invalid Target' error.

Can we assume that Iluontar will automatically use(or not use) buffs as needed(i.e. Mage Armor) or do we need to specify their usage?

Generally, in or before fights he will, as well as due to the nature of fights probably acting in the heat of the moment, just sort of automatically doing things you/he didn't explicitly know y'all could do, the same way you automatically defaulted to a Greater Teleport to cover the highway distance even if you didn't know you were capable of that in the slightest.

So, generally speaking, yes, unless in a vote y'all specify for him not to do so for some reason. You are still allowed to specify, you just don't have to.

Lastly and just in general, feel free to @ me if there's other stuff, and if y'all feel like you need an extension on planning time because it's a big thing or an answer I gave to a question massively changes things, feel free to just ask.
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You guys remember our goal was to get 4 to 5 dollars so we can mooch off the free wifi right?

Not start three other entire quest chains. To say nothing of trying to collect bounties or coordinate with local authorities with no identity.
Ooh! I have just woken up and I can see a wonderful number of posts! Always a joy to see! I've even been downright asked some stuff, heck yeah. Righty, let's go in order.

This is an interesting pair of questions. So, the way I'm running this is that while the character has started with their own Alignment and such, the main thing it's affecting (at the moment) is at most the way certain things are presented by the character's own internal thoughts on it- I partially hadn't even realized I had done it until it was pointed out, but in the way Iluontar, while still having blatantly stolen stuff and not being innately against it, still defaulted to actually being a Paying Customer rather than just lurking nearby for the Wi-Fi, something that plenty of real and normal actually do.

With all you've been able to see, the only thing in your inventory and spells that even checks alignment at all is just the dagger. Funny enough, if the other character had been chosen at the very start, the pre-existing Alignment and sticking close to it would have been catastrophically more important and impactful. As in, once this quest reaches it's end, if I do ever run a 'sequel' where we start over with the other character, I might break out things like weighting the votes and potentially having that character just outright mutiny some votes if they clash too far too quickly with their morality.

The Quest itself is for y'all to do whatever you want while 'behind the wheel' of this powerful character. It's the character who had the original, pre-Amnesia goal of Conquer the World. If y'all decide to abandon that goal and ever like, put it in a vote to say 'Give up world conquest', that is entirely fine.

But applying the question to the character's goals, y'all know that Iluontar's reason for being on Earth Bet is in fact to Rule the World, but you guys don't explicitly know the timeframe of that plan. Which, given that you're an elemental, a high-level wizard, and know that a contributing factor in your greatest regret was not being present to caution patience among other things, hopefully implied well enough that Iluontar's original plan was probably on the patient side of things.

The bit of confusion is also a touch deliberate, since y'all know What you're here to do, but know neither of the Why, or more pressingly here, your original How. There's a reason why I split that into three sections, mixed it with some other options in ALNE - 1.0, and then told y'all to pick two.

Also, not knowing what the MC's original plan is, y'all have to figure it out on your own, which is fun.

Oooh, yes yes yes, gladly!

It would let you give very detailed orders very quickly, but Mindlink is solely giving information to the target and not from, being one-way.

If y'all can get the resources for castings of Permanency, then just quickly mentioning that you'd like a particular thing Permanency-ed or not would be enough, but given that it eats up resources at a fairly prodigious rate, I'd rather not assume Permanency first. (Especially since I'm using the Permanency Standardization rules).

Nope. It needs to be a Construct at all to be targeted with Awaken. At the moment, it is well and fully an Object. It would be like targeting a normal statue with Awaken Construct or a hidden dragon with Dominate Person, outright 'Invalid Target' error.

Generally, in or before fights he will, as well as due to the nature of fights probably acting in the heat of the moment, just sort of automatically doing things you/he didn't explicitly know y'all could do, the same way you automatically defaulted to a Greater Teleport to cover the highway distance even if you didn't know you were capable of that in the slightest.

So, generally speaking, yes, unless in a vote y'all specify for him not to do so for some reason. You are still allowed to specify, you just don't have to.

Lastly and just in general, feel free to @ me if there's other stuff, and if y'all feel like you need an extension on planning time because it's a big thing or an answer I gave to a question massively changes things, feel free to just ask.
Great stuff.

Aside from that, one thing to consider is that our initial short term goal is to get room lined with lead. Lead is most likely there to stop Divination from working on us, so Mind Blank should cover that. Additionally with our Spell Book open, we also have access to Prismatic Sphere which is another easy thing we can use to protect ourselves. So just burrow deep, cast Prismatic Sphere and do what needs to be done.

You guys remember our goal was to get 4 to 5 dollars so we can mooch off the free wifi right?

Not start three other entire quest chains. To say nothing of trying to collect bounties or coordinate with local authorities with no identity.
We are epic level wizard capable of soling armies of parahumans. Wasting our time earning 5$ is somewhat embarrassing.
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We are epic level wizard capable of soling armies of parahumans. Wasting our time earning 5$ is somewhat embarrassing.
This is the kind of arrogance that gets a lot of wizards toasted you know?

How to acquire about five or ten dollars, what your human identity should look like, and whether you should go for a place providing Wi-Fi in either the upper-class section of town or middle-class section?
[X] Visit a local general store and exchange the less valuable laptop you acquired for cash.
-[X] An Osirian man in a garb slightly modified to match the local style.
-[X] The Upper class section of town

I would rather stay on task. Though admittedly. We are probably going to get jumped by the empire at some point if we go with this disguise.

Another quick reminder since it might have been missed where I put it, this vote is being tallied in Task format, y'all can seperate the things you want to do into different tasks if you'd like. Let's say, top of my head, [Funds], [Appearance], and [Class], maybe. Plus if y'all come up with others for other things you want to do after, maybe [Misc] or the like, that I'm not as sure on.
Stat sheet updates:
?? Large Outsider (Earth, Elemental)
We are confirmed to be Large.
Defensive Abilities: ?; DR ?; Immune: Elemental Traits, ?; SR ?
Elemental Traits were confirmed.
Skills: ?, Craft (?, ?, Mechanical, ?, ?) +89, Craft (?) +97, Disable Device +86, Knowledge (Arcana) +100, Knowledge (Engineering +86), Sleight of Hand +78, Spellcraft +122, Stealth +89, ?
Languages: Common (Golarian), Terran, Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Aklo, Androffan, Infernal, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven, English; Telepathy 300 ft.
Disable Device and Sleight of Hand were added to Skills, and English was added to Languages
This is the kind of arrogance that gets a lot of wizards toasted you know?
I am merely realistic. There are exactly two things in BB that are threat to us at all - namely Bakuda bombs and MM using her nuke weapon, and both are "threats" in a sense that they are capable of harming us if we let them, but not a real threat given the context of situation. You are free to craft scenario in which we are endangered by our lack of secrecy.

Meanwhile, the only thing I am afraid of is any potential pursuit from our home plane, and being tardy exacerbates the risk there. I don't see much value in wasting our time in the sewers when we can just actually do stuff. Being unknown is an advantage, yes, but being famous is also an advantage. Oftentimes being a known quantity can benefit us.
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I am merely realistic.
I actually agree pretty much wholeheartedly with everything you've said about secrecy.

If we just wandered around the street randomly the PRT would eventually pick us up assuming we are a case 53 and set us up with an identity, papers, etc, etc. Which would save us a lot of time at relatively little cost.

It's the sheer arrogance in "nothing can harm us" that annoys me and makes me want to disagree with you on principal.
I actually agree pretty much wholeheartedly with everything you've said about secrecy.

If we just wandered around the street randomly the PRT would eventually pick us up assuming we are a case 53 and set us up with an identity, papers, etc, etc. Which would save us a lot of time at relatively little cost.

It's the sheer arrogance in "nothing can harm us" that annoys me and makes me want to disagree with you on principal.
You are the one dismissing my stance as irrational out of the hand. I don't think that we are invincible because it randomly came up to me in my dreams, I concluded that is the case because I am well aware of both our and Worm capabilities, and there are very few scenarios where we are in danger indeed. We are roughly as tanky as Weld by our very nature of being a Huge statue person, on top of which we have a host of other abilities and powers that make us increasingly difficult to deal with since we basically auto win every BB fight as long as we don't get instantly killed.

Being afraid of being confident is just as bad as being overconfident. We need to be realistic and act accordingly, not shy away from being aggressive because we don't want to be "arrogant". Otherwise you are just losing on efficiency for safety you don't really need.
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You are the one dismissing my stance as irrational out of the hand. I don't think that we are invincible because it randomly came up to me in my dreams, I concluded that is the case because I am well aware of both our and Worm capabilities, and there are very few scenarios where we are in danger indeed. We are roughly as tanky as Weld by our very nature of being a Huge statue person, on top of which we have a host of other abilities and powers that make us increasingly difficult to deal with since we basically auto win every BB fight as long as we don't get instantly killed.

Being afraid of being confident is just as bad as being overconfident. We need to be realistic and act accordingly, not shy away from being aggressive because we don't want to be "arrogant". Otherwise you are just losing on efficiency for safety you don't really need.
There is more to fighting than not being harmed. And you clearly don't know how mythic or epic combat in pathfinder works if you think our spell list is "invincible." We didn't even prepare or cast Phantom Steed today.

Our fly speed is 60ft and it takes our move and possibly our standard action. As opposed to a mount using its own actions with a much more respectable 100ft move speed.

We are tough. For certain. Dr 10 and Fast healing 5 will see us through an almost unlimited number of mooks. As long as they don't group up enough to form a troop anyway.

What were really banking on is our fat stack of THICK hit points. We likely have two to three hundred. Which means we could eat a big bowl of hand grenades for breakfast and live to tell people how bad an idea that was. Shout out to my man Oni-Lee with his reaction "fuck you you didn't hit me actually and also enjoy my vest full of explosives."

Going on to actually fighting capes here... You might have noticed our spell list being loaded for fucking bear. We were apparently expecting to slaughter our way through an army of something because we prepared an astounding 13 Wail of the Banshee's. A very effective spell.

Also an astoundingly lethal and indiscriminate one.

If you don't want to open the murder box our nonlethal options are going at them in which... the rules certainly allow a large bug man using an epic level dagger to hit someone with non-lethal damage. I would love to see it explained though. And there is a good chance the non-lethal damage wraps around hard enough to kill them as well.

We do have 8 casts of dominate available. Which are actually quite flexible... the problem is they are also single target.
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[X] Visit a local general store and exchange the less valuable laptop you acquired for cash.
-[X] An Osirian man in a garb slightly modified to match the local style.
-[X] The Upper class section of town.

I just think the protagonist would have preferred to have more information before contacting the authorities

[X] [Getting Money] Visit a local general store and exchange the less valuable laptop you acquired for cash.

[X] [Your appearance] An Osirian man in a garb slightly modified to match the local style.

[X] [Where to get free wifi] The Upper class section of town.
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There is more to fighting than not being harmed. And you clearly don't know how mythic or epic combat in pathfinder works if you think our spell list is "invincible." We didn't even prepare or cast Phantom Steed today.

Our fly speed is 30ft and it takes our move and possibly our standard action. As opposed to a mount using its own actions with a much more respectable 100ft move speed.

We are tough. For certain. Dr 10 and Fast healing 5 will see us through an almost unlimited number of mooks. As long as they don't group up enough to form a troop anyway.

What were really banking on is our fat stack of THICK hit points. We likely have two to three hundred. Which means we could eat a big bowl of hand grenades for breakfast and live to tell people how bad an idea that was. Shout out to my man Oni-Lee with his reaction "fuck you you didn't hit me actually and also enjoy my vest full of explosives."

Going on to actually fighting capes here... You might have noticed our spell list being loaded for fucking bear. We were apparently expecting to slaughter our way through an army of something because we prepared an astounding 13 Wail of the Banshee's. A very effective spell.

Also an astoundingly lethal and indiscriminate one.

If you don't want to open the murder box our nonlethal options are going at them in which... the rules certainly allow a large bug man using an epic level dagger to hit someone with non-lethal damage. I would love to see it explained though. And there is a good chance the non-lethal damage wraps around hard enough to kill them as well.

We do have 8 casts of dominate available. Which are actually quite flexible... the problem is they are also single target.
The issue is that you are looking at this from a perspective of a campaign. Instead, you should abstract our abilities to Worm to correctly understand how we fare here. To begin with, this is not a campaign, we don't have things we particularly want to accomplish so we are free to just disengage and fuck off at any given moment. The reason why Armsy ripping into us or Purity blasting us or Ballistic hitting us with a hypersonic card is irrelevant is not because they are incapable of damaging us(they are) but because we can tank those hits and just Teleport/Time Stop/Earth Glide away and they can't stop us or track us down. Our ability to disengage is off the charts.

Once we are disengaged, we are Greater Invisible guy with like 100 stealth going around casting save or die spells these people can't save against. It's like shooting fish in the barrel. Or we can fuck off to another city or whatever we want. They can't hit us, and if they can't they can't kill us, and if we are in anything approaching real danger, we can just walk away and do things at our pace. On the other hand they can't really do shit against us phasing through earth and taking people out with Dominate or Eyebite.

We just thoroughly outclass our current level of competition. Until S9 or Triumvirate come into the town chance of anything posing a real danger to us is basically Bakuda.
[X] Visit a local general store and exchange the less valuable laptop you acquired for cash.
-[X] An Osirian man in a garb slightly modified to match the local style.
-[X] The Upper class section of town.

Yeah, haste serves no purpose here. We are on the very precipice of what we have been building to, slurping up the internet. Go forward with a more full understanding of the world.

Perhaps our next objective after this should be to get a proper base of operations? One with internet. It shouldn't be too hard for us.
[X] Visit a local general store and exchange the less valuable laptop you acquired for cash.
-[X] An Osirian man in a garb slightly modified to match the local style.
-[X] The Upper class section of town.

I just think the protagonist would have preferred to have more information before contacting the authorities.
Like if the authorities are an evil empire? A good empire? Or...

God forbid a chaotic empire.

The issue is that you are looking at this from a perspective of a campaign. Instead, you should abstract our abilities to Worm to correctly understand how we fare here. To begin with, this is not a campaign, we don't have things we particularly want to accomplish so we are free to just disengage and fuck off at any given moment. The reason why Armsy ripping into us or Purity blasting us or Ballistic hitting us with a hypersonic card is irrelevant is not because they are incapable of damaging us(they are) but because we can tank those hits and just Teleport/Time Stop/Earth Glide away and they can't stop us or track us down. Our ability to disengage is off the charts.
Our character is indeed extremely capable of the ancient art of running the fuck away. Even if we are tragically still really fucking slow.

Being able to run away from almost any engagement however is still really different from winning them.

I agree on the stealth thing, but keep in mind we aren't protected from technological detection like we are magical.
Going on to actually fighting capes here... You might have noticed our spell list being loaded for fucking bear. We were apparently expecting to slaughter our way through an army of something because we prepared an astounding 13 Wail of the Banshee's. A very effective spell.

Also an astoundingly lethal and indiscriminate one.

Yeah, absolutely, the main reason you ended up prepping so many of those this time is that, since Iluontar was acting on auto there since he wasn't fully aware you even had slots that high, he just re-prepped the same spells in those as what you showed up in the clearing with. Meaning that your arrival loadout looked like, well,
Cantrips — Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation, Acid Splash, Read Magic
1st (DC 30) — Comprehend Languages (2), Mage Armor (2), Magic Missile (4), Shield (4)
2nd (DC 31) — Locate Object (2), Mirror Image (5), See Invisibility (2), Invisibility (2)
3rd (DC 32) — Arcane Reinforcement (2), Arcane Sight, Battering Blast (4), Dispel Magic (2), Fly
4th (DC 33) — Bestow Curse (2), Dimension Door (2), Greater Invisibility (3), Phantasmal Killer (3)
5th (DC 34) — Baleful Polymorph (3), Break Enchantment (2), Dominate Person (3), Teleport (2)
6th (DC 35) — Disintegrate (5), Eyebite (3), Veil, Antimagic Field
7th (DC 36) — Ethereal Jaunt, Finger of Death (3), Greater Teleport (2), Prismatic Spray (2)
8th (DC 37) — Dimensional Lock, Discern Location, Greater Bestow Curse, Mind Blank (3), Polar Ray (3)
9th (DC 38) — Dominate Monster (2), Time Stop (3), Wail of the Banshee (3), Wish
10th (DC 39) — Polar Ray (4)
11th (DC 40) — Polar Ray (3)
12th (DC 41) — Polar Ray (3)
13th (DC 42) — Wail of the Banshee, Finger of Death (2)
14th (DC 43) — Wail of the Banshee (3)
15th (DC 44) — Wail of the Banshee (2)
16th (DC 45) — Wail of the Banshee (2)
17th (DC 46) — Wail of the Banshee (2)
Just, an almost comedic amount of sheer ordinance and battle-readiness. Again, now that y'all have the info, in the future you can absolutely specify you'd rather have Time Stops or Prismatic Spheres or the like.

Also, both of y'all (@Wolfy & @zxzx24 ) do have some pretty good points, because in some ways you are capable of both dishing out and taking damage, but in other ways Worm is very much a massive clusterfest of wildly varying esoteric effects that would be equivalent to either Save Or Die-s, or in some cases outright 'No, you were in the wrong location, you don't get a save, it just happens' level of mean. Like, I don't want to give it away, partially because I think the longer it goes unrevealed the more hilarious I'm going to find the reactions when it does get dropped on y'all, but there's been a pretty dang major incorrect assumption running in the thread for a while-

Or not, given that partway through making this whole post what do I see but

keep in mind we aren't protected from technological detection like we are magical

So that's fun to see y'all've noticed that, at least in part. I just wonder when the implications will settle in : ) .

Beyond that, I can tell that y'all are already keeping it pretty much civil which I got worried about for a second, but I'm glad to see I didn't need to be. Just, keep it as such, yeah?

Also, once again to anybody reading this, it's being tallied in Task voting. Doing so in task format would make things much simpler on me, otherwise I'll have to go through and manually manage the votes to put everything together and such. Which would delay the chapter a bit, is the main thing I'm getting at.

Still absolutely loving to see that I've managed to get people interested and such in this Quest, I can very much say that even just this far it has been a very good experience running it!
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I wouldn't mind approaching the authorities at some point. But I would rather have our story worked out straight by then. Pretend to be some sort of mid-high tier tinker with a specialization in esoteric effects or something. Something that fits into their worldview and doesn't raise too many eyebrows.

In the end we might want to run multiple identities just because we have too much to plausibly fit into a single one.
Ah, @zxzx24 ,task voting is when you format your votes by differing tasks, for instance where block voting is

[] Blah-bity Blah
-[] Blah, Blah blah Blah
--[] If Blah-BOING, then Blah-DONK, Fwoosh
--[] Otherwise, Skee-Wop Zow
-[] Blah Blah, yap
--[] Blahbitty yap etc.

Whereas Task voting seperates things by

[] [Thing 1] Execution
-[] Etcetera, and so on,
[] [Thing 2] Dinner
-[] All true warriors strive for peace
--[] My boy.

Sort of like that, I believe there's also a FAQ somewhere that explains it as well.
[X] [Getting Money] Visit a local general store and exchange the less valuable laptop you acquired for cash.

[X] [Your appearance] An Osirian man in a garb slightly modified to match the local style.

[X] [Where to get free wifi] The Upper class section of town.

like so?
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