Alexander the Great in a Patchwork World CK2 Quest Or, Cho-Ko-Nus and Gunpowder, Orcs and Dragons

If you mean have OC characters sure. Just write-in three positive, traits, three negative traits, and what setting they're from,
[X] Starcraft - James Raynor
Because he is a great leader and has some of my favorite speeches in game


[X] 3 kingdoms - Lu Bu
One man army
Is Nero from any of our settings? If not, you might want to vote for another character.
While Nero is not from any of your settings the original Nero was the last Roman emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty; as such I believe he would fit in with the setting well enough. (ever heard the expression that Nero fiddled while rome burned.)

The how to stop hating and love the bomb that is Nero was just my personal favorite modern day characterization of him.
Maybe if you gave me some more info about him in a pm. I sadly don't have an infinite amoun5 of time to research
Here's a quick over view of the version of nero I was referring to :
Nero is a elitist, arrogant, , cruel, dismissive , yet in equitably brilliant and spite the above mentions traits the people she cares about she tries to treat with compassion, she is just so damn likeable despite her not so good personality . The way she perceives the world and others in it is just really interesting.

In the source material you get sucked in into the insanity that is Nero, as she, riddled by paranoia and pure arrogance goes through her everyday life, thinking herself so perfect and subtle, yet the occasional glimpse on her via others, s shows what is others see a naturally cruel horrible person tying to be good.
Character Selection Continued
Alright, I should have known I'll need to take a more active role in character creation, therefore, I'll put some character choices of my own and give a short description of what type of challenges each character that I mentioned will face. Note that the introduction to each character is their original bio. If they are chosen, they may not have accomplished everything in their introduction, it really depends on QM discretion. You are not limited to these characters but please build consensus on the characters you do choose...

[] Gandalf - Middle Earth: Gandalf the Grey, later known as Gandalf the White, and originally named Olórin, was an Istar (Wizard), sent by the West in the Third Age to combat the threat of Sauron. He joined Thorin and his company to reclaim the Lonely Mountain from Smaug, convoked the Fellowship of the Ring to destroy the One Ring, and led the Free Peoples in the final campaign of the War of the Ring. As Gandalf you will be the leader of the forces of good. While in your previous world, you knew you had the blessings of Eru on your side, and were certain of the eventually triumph of good over evil, here you're not so sure...

[] Eddard "Ned" Stark - ASOIAF: Eddard Stark, also called "Ned", is the head of House Stark, Lord of Winterfell, and Warden of the North. He is a close friend to King Robert I Baratheon, with whom he was raised. Another moral center, although most certainly mortal. This new world can be as cruel as your original one. Can you keep your, your morality, and your head, or will you have to sacrifice one or more of them...?

[] Alexander the Great - Alt: Alexander III of Macedon, commonly known as Alexander the Great, was a king (basileus) of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon[a] and a member of the Argead dynasty. He was born in Pella in 356 BC and succeeded his father Philip II to the throne at the age of 20. He spent most of his ruling years on an unprecedented military campaign through Asia and northeast Africa, and by the age of thirty he had created one of the largest empires of the ancient world, stretching from Greece to northwestern India.He was undefeated in battle and is widely considered one of history's most successful military commanders.Right before you returned from India, a Buddhist holy man visited your court and tried to convince you to abandon further conquests and instead devote yourself to the welfare of those under your care. At first you ignored him, but after the dawn of the world you have a feeling that disobeying his council would be a foolish decision indeed...

[] Liu Bei - Three Kingdoms era China: Liu Bei, courtesy name Xuande, was a warlord in the late Eastern Han dynasty who founded the state of Shu Han in the Three Kingdoms period and became its first ruler. Despite early failings compared to his rivals and lacking both the material resources and social status they commanded, he gathered support among disheartened Han loyalists who opposed Cao Cao, the warlord who controlled the Han central government and the figurehead Emperor Xian, and led a popular movement to restore the Han dynasty through this support. Liu Bei overcame his many defeats to carve out his own realm, which at its peak spanned present-day Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, Hunan, and parts of Hubei and Gansu.
Right before your campaign to destroy the traitorous Kingdom of Wu for slaying your sworn brother Guan Yu, the new world was created. Ultimately, your task and your feelings of anger and resentment are still present, but this strange event has given you a new perspective on things on how to deal with your goals and feelings. Can you reunite China under the Han? How much more sacrifice will this entail? Is it even worth the cost now that the world has changed in such a way?

[] Toyotomi Hideyoshi - Sengoku Period Japan: Toyotomi Hideyoshi was a preeminent daimyō, warrior, general, samurai, and politician of the Sengoku period who is regarded as Japan's second "great unifier". He succeeded his former liege lord, Oda Nobunaga, and brought an end to the Sengoku period. The period of his rule is often called the Momoyama period, named after Hideyoshi's castle. After his death, his young son Hideyori was displaced by Tokugawa Ieyasu. Well, you've done it. You've unified Japan. But your problems have only increased. With a powerful, battle-hardened and battle-hungry Samurai population under your control, you need to find either outside targets, or alter their qualities as a social class, lest they turn their swords on themselves. The advent of the new world has brought along new opportunities but also new pitfalls. How shall you navigate these challenges to bring about a better Japan for everyone.

[] Write-in...
[X] Starcraft - Jim Raynor, just after wings of liberty, hidden base.
Leader of the revolutionary group Raynor's Raiders. Jim was once a famous outlaw before becoming a marshal of a frontier colony. When the alien Zerg attack, the colony was abandoned by the government, so he joined a terrorist group to change it. Unfortunately, he was betrayed here to and his love Sarah was left to be infested by the Zerg. After this, he broke away and formed his own group to bring down his betrayer. When the Zerg attacked again, he led his forces along with members of the new government, the Dominion, to stop the Zerg and restore Sarah's humanity. Now the hidden research station monitoring the restored Kerrigan has been transported to this strange world.
Oof you have me there, but does Lu bui have olive oil or glorious European war horses? I think not!
Yeah, but does Alex have two bros who would die for him? Not to mention one of them ends up having Red Hare, one of the fastest horses around.

Plus, Liu Bei is not only more or less a cockroach in terms of escaping deadly situations, but he's also silver tongued enough to not only rebuild his base, but to convince people to fight and die for him in the name of the country.
Yeah, but does Alex have two bros who would die for him? Not to mention one of them ends up having Red Hare, one of the fastest horses around.

Plus, Liu Bei is not only more or less a cockroach in terms of escaping deadly situations, but he's also silver tongued enough to not only rebuild his base, but to convince people to fight and die for him in the name of the country.
Also true, but does he have an entire army of skilled veterans ready to die for him? As for survival skills Alexander doesn't even need them because he doesn't lose so theres no need to rebuild a base or escape!