Wards are granted a trust of $50,000 a year, as well as a base minimum wage salary, the latter of which is doubled with full membership. In all other respects, Wards are similar to the Protectorate in membership types and status (allowing for the colloquial 'Junior junior' designation, probationary wards and full membership in the Wards), but bear additional protections and measures. The department is forbidden from touching the trust, but salary may be docked as necessary.
Probationary Wards lose their probationary status at the age of eighteen, regardless of their history and record. Wards of any status are not permitted full access to confidential or classified (A-C) records without permission.
Wards are to attend school during typical hours and maintain satisfactory grades. Failure to do will see the Ward's pay docked (see below) and the department in question fined or otherwise penalized. Wards must be allowed to receive a full night's sleep with regularity. At the department's discretion, the Ward can be removed from school or woken from a night's rest (preferably with notice, to minimize disruption of day to day life), but Department heads are urged to use this in moderation, as outside parties may intervene, take notice or object.