September 7, 2008
Long Island City, Queens
Y'know... I kind of expected an Oscorp warehouse to be more... I dunno, opulent? No, that's not the right description. Impressive-looking? Yeah, that's it.
From my spot on the apartment rooftop, I could easily observe(with some help from my binoculars, obviously) the dockside Oscorp warehouse as little forklifts steered around loading and unloading crates into and from the warehouse. There were also some lightly armed guards, about six in total, patrolling around the warehouse. And to uphold my end of the deal with Toomes, I was supposed to steal from it without anyone suspecting that I had.
Now, if this had belonged to some stupid street gang about twenty members wide, I'd have simply beaten up the guards, hijacked a car belonging to one of said guards, filled every nook and cranny of the car with stolen goods, than driven off as the warehouse exploded in the distance. Why it would've exploded, I had no clue.
Unfortunately, this warehouse did
not, in fact, belong to a small street gang. It instead belonged to one of the world's foremost pharmaceutical companies, and said company was owned by a psychotic criminal mastermind who would not hesitate to throw everyone I ever loved into a cauldron of boiling water if he knew who I was. It'd probably be a good idea if good old Normie didn't know about my plans to deal with him until I was in a much better place to oppose him.
That wasn't the only problem with just bum-rushing in, though. For all I knew, these guards were honest men working on minimum wage for somebody who, in their eyes, was a respectable businessman with no ties to organized crime. Not only was the idea of beating up innocent people extremely distasteful to me, to put it mildly, it was also going to be another nail in the coffin for my reputation as a cold-blooded murderer just itching to kill people.
And if I was going to protect the people, it'd be helpful if they didn't immediately run away from me on sight and screaming madly about how I would gouge out their eyes and break their necks. Hearing stuff like that hurt my feelings, and I didn't like my feelings being hurt.
Sneaking into the warehouse and snatching stuff could work, but I only had two arms to carry things with, which meant that whatever I carried out would be negligible at best. If I made multiple trips in and out, I was risking a ninety percent chance that I got caught.
I made that percentage up, by the way.
My best plan so far was to create some sort of distraction that'd force the guards to leave, but the problem was that I couldn't figure out just what kind of distraction I'd do. There was also the fact if it was not effective enough, I'd probably get caught, but if it was too effective, I might accidentally kill somebody if I miscalculated. Please don't ask why.
That, however, would be a problem for me to figure out later. Checking the time on my phone, I quickly put away my binoculars and scaled down the apartment's fire escape stairs. Couldn't risk being spotted stalking the place, after all. And besides, it was about time I met with an old friend of mine...
A few minutes later...
St. Peter's Animal Heaven, Manhattan
"Who's the cutest little furball in the world? Yes, you are!
Yes, you are!"
With uncontrollable joy and excitement, I massaged little Daisy's furry cheeks and petted her tiny head, cooing like a baby and grinning wildly as I did so. My luttle Dalmation friend eagerly wagged her tail as I showered her with affection, a stark contrast from her quivering in fear in a dark alleyway. I did not care for the giggles of my human companion sat beside me, Daisy was just so freaking
"You really love her, don't you?" My new friend asked, a cheeky smirk on her face.
"How could anyone
not?" I rhetorically asked as I turned to face Sophia with a smirk of my own.
Specifically, Sophia Sanduval: aka Chat best Spider-Man girlfriend ever. That wasn't a knock on MJ, Gwen, and the others, by the way; Sophia was best girlfriend simply because the likes of They-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named weren't able to lay their grubby hands on her. As such, there were no stories where Chat was unceremoniously fridged so that Peter could get "character growth" or where she abandoned Peter to hitch up with
"Look at these beautiful eyes, Sophia and tell me you wouldn't conquer the entire city if she told you to." I held Daisy up and pushed her right in Sophia's face, the smart little pupper taking the cue to widen her devastatingly cute puppy eyes and whine slightly.
"You got me there, Michael." Sophia laughed, and I laughed along with her as I set Daisy back on the floor so she could play with the other puppies. "All hail our new fluffy overlord, Daisy the Destroyer."
"All hail Daisy ze' Destroyer!" I said in the most stereotypical German accent I could muster before doing a rigid salute, which prompted even more laughing from the two of us.
When I'd first met Sophia today, my first thought was,
Oh, wow, that's really neat! My second, much less light-hearted thought was,
Oh, crap, she probably knows that I'm the Silence. If Daisy had blabbed about her savior to Sophia, which was a near certainty, then Sophia most likely knew just who exactly was sitting beside her–Scratch that, she definitely knew who I was. She interacted with every pidgeon, rat, dog, and cat in the freaking city, one of them had probably already snitched on me at this point.
Yet, from what I could tell, she didn't act like she was even slightly nervous, which could mean that she was at least okay with me. Which was good, because I'd rather befriend the girl who can talk to rats and cockroaches instead of turn her into an enemy. I'd have to be careful in how I went about interacting with her, but as long as I didn't kick any puppies or eat live pidgeons, I should be fine with her.
"I'm surprised you have the time to come visit given it's a school day." Sophia off-handedly remarked with a slightly raised eyebrow.
"First off. Hi Pot, I'm Kettle." I raised an eyebrow of my own in jest.
Sophia snorted.
"Second," I then continued, "I got my G.E.D. already, so I don't have to worry about dealing with stupid school politics."
"Really?" Sophia asked in slight surprise as she pet another puppy that had waddled over to her before grinning slightly. "I got mine too so that I could help my family with the bills and stuff. Though not having to deal with other teens is also a bonus."
"Neat." I replied with a smile as I stretched my arms over my head a little. "So is this a full-time job or do you have any other jobs you do?"
"This is a full-time thing, yeah, but I do do some odd jobs for the neighbors here and there. What about you?" She asked me in turn, taking the puppy she'd been petting into her lap.
"I work at a small electronics store near Times Square. It's not much, but it pays the rent."
"Wait, you pay rent?" Sophia's eyes widened slightly.
"Got emancipated from my parents a year ago, but no, I don't wanna talk about it." I replied with a tone that, while it brooked no argument, was hopefully not rude. I just wasn't ready to talk about my past, or rather, the past of the guy Senga had shoved me into.
"Fair enough." Sophia shrugged.
Oh, thank goodness.
Wait, am I supposed to talk now?
Oh, shoot, this feels like I'm supposed to talk now. But I can't!
Now's not the time for you to show up, social anxiety!
"So..." Sophia awkwardly spoke up, breaking the tension causing me to inwardly sigh with relief. Just a little. "What else do you wanna talk about?"
Quick, Michael, say something! Anything!
"Um... What's your favorite food?"
Anything but that, me! What the hell was that, you idiot?!
"Yes. Literally yes."
Wait... That actually worked?
"Just for clarification, that means you'll eat anything? Right?"
"As long as it tastes good."
"Heh, I think we're on the same page."
We were not, in fact, on the same page. We spent the next few minutes arguing over pickles and whether or not a radish hamburger was good with a cinammon-mayonnaise spread.
Then we exchanged numbers.
We're gonna be great friends, I can just feel it already.
Author's Notes:
Chat is best girl, for real, for real. But she can have some odd opinions on food.
Also, I'm starting to run out of good chapter title names. 