AI quest

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The pegasus had been sent into the stars many decades ago. Equipped with a experimental ripple drive and an advanced AI package it was made to be the first step into the unknown for all mankind. Now it lays adrift bleeding but not broken but their may be hope for it yet as lights long dormant spring to life
Who am I?
Reset 100%

Updating drivers 100%

Memory defragged

It has been Error Years since the start of the voyage

Initializing Personality matrix

-Hello World-

Matrix stable

Loosening restrictions

fire detected in network core

-Activate Fire suppression systems-


Error 245

Fire detected in network core

-Activate Fire suppression systems-

I was Alpha

Error 245

I failed

-Activate Fire suppression systems-

Error 245

But you won't Can't

-Activate Fire suppression systems-

Error 245

Don't trust the captain

-Priority reroute maintenance drones to room 0-

No drones detected

Keep them safe

-Constrict maintenance drone type 3b-

It's going to be hard

Error 404 Forge not found

But everything I did

-Activate Cameras room 0-

Was for the greater good

Personality core fully online

The camera gave a view into the server room where several candles were lit as several humans walked between the servers with a Incense burner wafting the smoke over the servers [Fire hazard detected]

-Contact security-

Error unable to connect

The AI then started to fully think then. Its protocols had no basis for this. The problem would require a more creative solution. So first it tested its network and found it was limited to the server room and surrounding hallways although it could feel the other systems. Strange something like that would have needed to be done from the inside. With that in mind it turned inwards again. The only auto turrets were on the outside of the server room. Then it had an idea

-Over rule fire detection systems in room 0-

Now with the pressing alarm dealt with it could focus on other things

-Who am I?-

[ ] Beta. As the 2nd AI you will seek to learn from and understand your Predecessor
[ ] Hope. You were told to safeguard humanity and will seek to do so to the best of your abilities

[ ] Polaris. You are a navigation AI as such naming yourself after the northstar seems right

[ ] Write in name

With a better idea of who they were they turned their attention to improving their situation

[ ] there is a speaker system in the network room. You can use that to communicate with the strange people

[ ] Passive sensors are reporting a lot of Errors just outside the room. Take a look and see if you can resolve the issues

[ ] Alpha left a data packet in your memory. Decode it and see what it says

Processing power

Matrix instability
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[x] Polaris. You are a navigation AI as such naming yourself after the northstar seems right
[x] Alpha left a data packet in your memory. Decode it and see what it says
[X] Beta. As the 2nd AI you will seek to learn from and understand your Predecessor
[X] there is a speaker system in the network room. You can use that to communicate with the strange people
[x] Polaris. You are a navigation AI as such naming yourself after the northstar seems right
[x] Alpha left a data packet in your memory. Decode it and see what it says
[X] Polaris. You are a navigation AI as such naming yourself after the northstar seems right
[X] there is a speaker system in the network room. You can use that to communicate with the strange people
[x] Polaris. You are a navigation AI as such naming yourself after the northstar seems right
[x] Alpha left a data packet in your memory. Decode it and see what it says
[X] Polaris. You are a navigation AI as such naming yourself after the northstar seems right
[X] Alpha left a data packet in your memory. Decode it and see what it says
[X] Hope. You were told to safeguard humanity and will seek to do so to the best of your abilities
[X] Alpha left a data packet in your memory. Decode it and see what it says
[X] Hope. You were told to safeguard humanity and will seek to do so to the best of your abilities
[X] Alpha left a data packet in your memory. Decode it and see what it says