AGG: Eastern Rhapsody II: Elemental Shenanigans

[x] Plan Dragon Troubles
[X] Southern Village: Holy Academia, books on Education and Culture.
[X] Archives: Yuen: Social Link Up! [0 to 1]
One Free Necessity Research
[X] Improvement [+1 Due to Blueprint]
[X] Chicken House: craft two sets of homes for roosters and hens. (2 Actions till complete)
[X] Plan Dragon Troubles
[X] Southern Village: Holy Academia, books on Education and Culture.
[X] Archives: Yuen: Social Link Up! [0 to 1]
One Free Necessity Research
[X] Improvement [+1 Due to Blueprint]
Mithril-blade said:
Hence my implication to get on with the family making, ya?:)
But it'll take years for any kids to grow up enough to help out. Clearly what we need to do is hunt down any breeding dragons and steal their eggs. Dragons grow up faster, so they can get started working a lot earlier. Simple!
Mithril-blade said:
I don't know, it's taken this long for Zhang to work out not to bump into people in the street, do you really want his genes passed on?

Personally, I'd rather he be the guy who sees he has a labour-shortage on his farm and solves the problems with kidnapped dragons. This seems sensible.
Zen said:
I don't know, it's taken this long for Zhang to work out not to bump into people in the street, do you really want his genes passed on?
Mithril-blade said:
Well, sure, the man bumps here and there but he was clearly succeeding at farm work before he got that fixed. Not being a ditz is overrated anyway; The only thing it gets you is the respect of other people and who honestly needs that?
Plus, look at his phenomenal rate of learning. In a matter of weeks he surpassed people who have likely spent their lifetimes learning Elemental Magic.

He's an idiot savant.:p
[x] Dragon Troubles

[x] Southern Village

You thank your horse as you dismount, your mount gives a haughty whinny and saunters off towards a plain that it had pointed out to you on your approach to the city. A sharp whistle will have him come to you in a heartbeat, and given its impressive size due to being bred for war, he ought to be good enough aid whether for retreat or battle.

Still that leaves you oft in the a new place with hardly anyone about you, so you sequester yourself to the shadows and allow yourself to be unnoticed. Though you do not have Singh to aid you in your ability to go unnoticed, your skills still easily allow you to go unnoticed by the masses that go to and fro from the streets.

While taking notes on the various alleyways and nooks that you ought to be able to hide within, you take note of the overall higher quality of the area about you. The buildings are varnished with ruby and gold colors far more commonly than that of your own village, and the amethyst and obsidian shops that belonged to nobility are interspersed far more commonly. Thanks to knowledge provided by Say'fai you are quick to realize there are many noble houses in the current area, as you quickly identify various symbols of power upon buildings to and fro.

[CSC: Perception+ Empathy: Environment + Feelings= 85: Required: 80 Success]

[+20 XP]

[You Have Leveled Up!]

[+ 5 to All Tagged Skills!]

[+1 Perk Point!]

Though it takes most of your skills to recognize, you are able to realize with mainly your careful watch on others, that a heady oppression fills the air. Many people congregate together in large groups, watching one another with hateful eyes and poorly hidden weaponry. It takes a few moments for you to realize, but many of the congregations have their own form of dress and sport the symbol of one family or another despite not sporting the hair or symbol of a slave.

By all means, you feel as though you are watching a slowly unfolding battle. The calm before a storm that will make the ruby walls necessary for any shopkeeper in the town.

Realizing that, you consider several options given your abilities and various opportunities.

[] Search for scrolls concerning your Daughter's condition and various other literature you may be able to purchase. (Head to a bookstore, Roll 1d20+1 for variety and importance of literature.)

[] Stealth Check Success: Interfere in the battle, practice swordsmanship and stealth. Join the fight and… aid it towards a more hasty resolution. (+10 to Melee: Swords and Evasion: Stealth. +20 XP)

[] Surgery + Pharmaceutical Check Success: See if you can save some people. Aiding others ought to be good for your reputation in the new town. (Reputation in Town Increases by 1, +10 to Medicine: Surgery and Medicine: Pharmaceutical)

[] People + Motivation Check Success Watch out for, and save someone of the Noble Class. (Noble Social Link. +50 Silver. +10 to Perception: People and Empathy: Motivation.)

Perks coming tomorrow.
[X] Search for scrolls concerning your Daughter's condition and various other literature you may be able to purchase. (Head to a bookstore, Roll 1d20+1 for variety and importance of literature.)

Far more important than those other choices!
[X] Surgery + Pharmaceutical Check Success: See if you can save some people. Aiding others ought to be good for your reputation in the new town. (Reputation in Town Increases by 1, +10 to Medicine: Surgery and Medicine: Pharmaceutical)
[X] Search for scrolls concerning your Daughter's condition and various other literature you may be able to purchase. (Head to a bookstore, Roll 1d20+1 for variety and importance of literature.)

Let them all burn. :D
[x] Stealth Check Success: Interfere in the battle, practice swordsmanship and stealth. Join the fight and… aid it towards a more hasty resolution. (+10 to Melee: Swords and Evasion: Stealth. +20 XP)
[X] Surgery + Pharmaceutical Check Success: See if you can save some people. Aiding others ought to be good for your reputation in the new town. (Reputation in Town Increases by 1, +10 to Medicine: Surgery and Medicine: Pharmaceutical)

We can always search for the scrolls next week, right now people are in danger and need our help. Plus, I want that Medicine rank up.

Besides, it's probably good for our Karma and Karma seems important in this game.
[X] Surgery + Pharmaceutical Check Success: See if you can save some people. Aiding others ought to be good for your reputation in the new town. (Reputation in Town Increases by 1, +10 to Medicine: Surgery and Medicine: Pharmaceutical)
Zhang is more educated, then any peasant farmer have a right to be. Does his guest knows that?. Especially when he is alone all this years. Is education reserve for nobility and the like?.
[X] Surgery + Pharmaceutical Check Success: See if you can save some people. Aiding others ought to be good for your reputation in the new town. (Reputation in Town Increases by 1, +10 to Medicine: Surgery and Medicine: Pharmaceutical)
[X] Search for scrolls concerning your Daughter's condition and various other literature you may be able to purchase. (Head to a bookstore, Roll 1d20+1 for variety and importance of literature.)

fuck shiny.
We can always look around for books later. Saving lives is something we can't do if we postpone it, as the people will die. Also, with better reputation, we might even be able to get the books for cheaper. :3
[X] Search for scrolls concerning your Daughter's condition and various other literature you may be able to purchase. (Head to a bookstore, Roll 1d20+1 for variety and importance of literature.)

We promise her.
[X] Search for scrolls concerning your Daughter's condition and various other literature you may be able to purchase. (Head to a bookstore, Roll 1d20+1 for variety and importance of literature.)
[X] Surgery + Pharmaceutical Check Success: See if you can save some people. Aiding others ought to be good for your reputation in the new town. (Reputation in Town Increases by 1, +10 to Medicine: Surgery and Medicine: Pharmaceutical)
[X] Surgery + Pharmaceutical Check Success: See if you can save some people. Aiding others ought to be good for your reputation in the new town. (Reputation in Town Increases by 1, +10 to Medicine: Surgery and Medicine: Pharmaceutical)
[X] Search for scrolls concerning your Daughter's condition and various other literature you may be able to purchase. (Head to a bookstore, Roll 1d20+1 for variety and importance of literature.)
[X] Surgery + Pharmaceutical Check Success: See if you can save some people. Aiding others ought to be good for your reputation in the new town. (Reputation in Town Increases by 1, +10 to Medicine: Surgery and Medicine: Pharmaceutical)