Agent of the Dark Gods: Papa Nurgle Loves You! (Warhammer 40k)

that might work, or possibly just asking them to help transport you boys around? let them mingle a bit and see if we can drum up interest? no need to go hard on the corruption just yet, we have time to do this right since I don't think were under suspicion just yet.

I'd rather we not bite of more then we can chew and get fucked by the imperium just yet thank you very much.

Eh screw it changing vote.

[X]- offer to loan our psycho's for some terror or wet work he may need done, in return for help transporting them, and our regulars around the hive. Also perhaps for some further contacts in the underworld.
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that might work, or possibly just asking them to help transport you boys around? let them mingle a bit and see if we can drum up interest? no need to go hard on the corruption just yet, we have time to do this right since I don't think were under suspicion just yet.

I'd rather we not bite of more then we can chew and get fucked by the imperium just yet thank you very much.

Eh screw it changing vote.

[X]- offer to loan our psycho's for some terror or wet work he may need done, in return for help transporting them, and our regulars around the hive. Also perhaps for some further contacts in the underworld.

Note the psychos are not trained, armed or controlled while highly identifying.
We can make a separate deal later
Note the psychos are not trained, armed or controlled while highly identifying.
We can make a separate deal later
Yeah, I doubt he'd be interested in such a deal.

As it stands, a lot of your psychos would be more likely to go after the arbites than their enemies. An asylum full of criminally insane loonies tends to have lots of people with a pathological hatred for law enforcement.

You'd probably need to clearly demonstrate that they can be semi-reliably directed towards the intended target before he'd be consider such a deal.
Turn Two Results
Turn Two Results
- 750 Thrones (Actions)
+ 1050 Thrones (Income)
+ 100 Thrones (Black Market Sales after expenses)
Net: +450 throne
Treasury: 2150

[ ] More Networking with Other Hospitals
Networking Roll (1, 3) + 4 = 8 vs DC 10 (Failure)
While the other hospitals have expressed a theoretical interest in Melissa's plans to exchange personnel, many of them have expressed concerns about the security of the more violent mental health patients and the general neighborhood of Respite hospital. Addressing these fears might be enough to win them over.

[ ] Create a Safehouse
Melissa has little trouble finding somewhere off-site to store anything she doesn't want to have connected to herself or the hospital. Now she'll just need to decide what to put there.

Sales: (3, 5) + 4 = 12 (Gain full value for meds)
Nurgle (1, 6) = 7 (Papa Nurgle Does Something)
Ecclesiarchy (3, 1) = 4 (Ecclesiarchy glances over your accounts, sees nothing thanks to your accountant)

Nurgle Table
2: Gain a "Gift" From Nurgle
3: Unrelated Daemon Activity
4: Unrelated Cult Activity
5: Nurgle Demands a Specific Action
6: Nurgle Demands Additional Service
7: Melissa Gets Sick
8: Environmental Disaster
9: Plague Outbreak
10: Spontaneous Converts
11: A Servant of Nurgle Arrives
12: Gain a Gift From Nurgle

Result: 9 (Plague Outbreak)
Infectivity: (4, 3) = 7
Severity: (1, 3) = 4
Lethality: (1, 1) = 2

Grandfather Nurgle has blessed Hive Flinthos with his pestilential touch, as a new plague breaks out within the lower hives. While the plague has only killed a few of the hive's weakest denizens, it has spread quite well. At first the medical authorities mistook the coughs and rashes for just another side effect of the rampant pollution within Hive Flinthos, but once the plague victims developed fluid-filled cysts it became clear that they faced a new disease.

While the plague is not deadly enough to prompt a significant Imperial response, Melissa will be expected to deal with it as part of her regular duties.

Several new options will be unlocked for Turn 3.
Result: 9 (Plague Outbreak)
Infectivity: (4, 3) = 7
Severity: (1, 3) = 4
Lethality: (1, 1) = 2

Grandfather Nurgle has blessed Hive Flinthos with his pestilential touch, as a new plague breaks out within the lower hives. While the plague has only killed a few of the hive's weakest denizens, it has spread quite well. At first the medical authorities mistook the coughs and rashes for just another side effect of the rampant pollution within Hive Flinthos, but once the plague victims developed fluid-filled cysts it became clear that they faced a new disease.

While the plague is not deadly enough to prompt a significant Imperial response, Melissa will be expected to deal with it as part of her regular duties.
Thank you Papa Nurgle for the budget increase excuse. A super infectious, disfiguring but basically nonlethal disease is EXACTLY ideal for us.
Are servants of Nurgle allowed to heal plagues?
Absolutely. Nurgle is happy whether you prolong their struggle or bring them to Him.
The ideal in fact would be to treat the plague symptomatically without actually curing it.

Its a bit like Khorne and his blood thing.
Of course, we're driven by compassion so we'd probably actually treat more severe plagues for real, though I imagine Nurgle is happiest if they never get better but don't die.
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[ ] Long-Term Care Facilities
- At the moment, Melissa's hospital effectively operates as a glorified outpatient clinic, trying to treat and clear out patients as fast as possible in a futile effort to keep up with the overwhelming demand for the hospital's services. Acquiring some new space and setting it aside for long-term patients might be a wise investment ... especially since the longer her patients stay, the more time she'll have to win them over to her true master.
Cost: 3000 Thrones
Income Change: -100 Thrones/Year (Maintenance)
Roll: None

[ ] New Department: Trauma Center
- Between workplace accidents and gang violence, there are going to be plenty of patients with severe injuries coming into Melissa's hospital on a daily basis. While this particular branch of medicine is not especially pleasing to Nurgle, it does have a number of practical applications, especially once the cult gets a bit more active.
Cost: 4000 Thrones
Income Change: -300 Thrones/Year (New Specialists, Maintenance)
Roll: None

[ ] New Department: Toxicology
- Between the extremely high pollution levels in Hive Flinthos and the heavy usage of various narcotics and stimulants that follows in a low-income and high-stress environment, getting a few proper toxicologists on staff would doubtless be a good investment. And, of course, a greater understanding of various toxins would doubtless please Melissa's true master.
Cost: 2500 Thrones
Income Change: -200 Thrones/Year (New Specialists, Equipment Maintenance)
Roll: None

[ ] New Department: Pathology
- Horrendously overcrowded and terribly unhygenic, Hive Flinthos is a natural breeding ground for disease and infection. A good pathologist would certainly find no shortage of work in Melissa's hospital ... and the study of Father Nurgle's works would doubtless please him.
Cost: 2500 Thrones
Income Change: -200 Thrones/Year (New Specialists, Equipment Maintenance)
Roll: None

[ ] New Department: Psychology
- Ailments of the mind are just as common as any other in the hives, especially with the incredibly stressful demands Hive Flinthos' masters place upon the working populace. Imperial medicine understands quite well that a healthy mind leads to an healthy body, while corruption of the mind causes corruption of the flesh. Additionally, a bit of psychological know-how might teach Melissa a few new tricks for expanding and developing her cult. A meme can be a pathogen of the mind, after all.
Cost: 1500 Thrones
Income Change: - 100 Thrones/Year (New Specialists)
Roll: None

With the opening of your hospital's new psychology ward, it would probably be a good idea to decide exactly what sort of psychological treatment it's focused on.

[ ] Outpatient Treatment
- Allows you to help a larger number of patients, but since the vast majority would only be coming in for weekly sessions or to pick up medicine for whatever conditions they might suffer from, there won't be as many opportunities for in-depth treatment.

[ ] Short-Term Inpatient
- Used to treat immediate mental health crises, like nervous breakdowns. Would give a reasonable number of patients, and at a time when they're in a state of psychological vulnerability.

[ ] Long-Term Care
- Patients will have severe mental health issues that require long-term commitment. This will naturally limit how many patients you can take in, but also provides plenty of time to mold them in whatever way you see fit.

[ ] Secure Facility for the Criminally Insane
- Holds especially violent and dangerous patients until such time as they are deemed to no longer be a threat to themselves or others. Could provide a very good pool of valuable and dangerous converts, but you'll be holding violent lunatics until you can turn them into violent chaos-worshipping lunatics.

[ ] Veterans Hospital
- War damages the soldiers of the Imperial Guard in far more ways than the strictly physical. Treating war veterans is a risky proposition given most of them are likely to be especially loyal to the golden throne and have at least some familiarity with Chaos. However, bringing Guard veterans into you cult would substantially improve its combat capabilities.

[ ] Long-Term Care Facilities
- At the moment, Melissa's hospital effectively operates as a glorified outpatient clinic, trying to treat and clear out patients as fast as possible in a futile effort to keep up with the overwhelming demand for the hospital's services. Acquiring some new space and setting it aside for long-term patients might be a wise investment ... especially since the longer her patients stay, the more time she'll have to win them over to her true master.
Cost: 3000 Thrones
Effects: -100 Thrones/Year (Maintenance). Opens up a new long-term care ward
Roll: None

[ ] New Department: Trauma Center
- Between workplace accidents and gang violence, there are going to be plenty of patients with severe injuries coming into Melissa's hospital on a daily basis. While this particular branch of medicine is not especially pleasing to Nurgle, it does have a number of practical applications, especially once the cult gets a bit more active.
Cost: 4000 Thrones
Effects: -300 Thrones/Year (New Specialists, Maintenance), Opens a Trauma Center
Roll: None

[ ] New Department: Toxicology
- Between the extremely high pollution levels in Hive Flinthos and the heavy usage of various narcotics and stimulants that follows in a low-income and high-stress environment, getting a few proper toxicologists on staff would doubtless be a good investment. And, of course, a greater understanding of various toxins would doubtless please Melissa's true master.
Cost: 2500 Thrones
Effects: -200 Thrones/Year (New Specialists, Equipment Maintenance), Opens a Toxicology Department
Roll: None

[ ] New Department: Pathology
- Horrendously overcrowded and terribly unhygenic, Hive Flinthos is a natural breeding ground for disease and infection. A good pathologist would certainly find no shortage of work in Melissa's hospital ... and the study of Father Nurgle's works would doubtless please him.
Cost: 2500 Thrones
Effects: -200 Thrones/Year (New Specialists, Equipment Maintenance), Opens a Pathology Department.
Roll: None

So it would seem that we aren't able to open more than one of each department. Shame. If we were able to do so, I'd have advocated opening another four psychology wards;
An outpatient treatment ward (This will ensure a steady stream of people coming in and out, as well as a fair level of income both from the weekly sessions, and from the purchase of psychiatric medicine. Alongside all this, it will help us start making the populace slowly start doubting the Emperor's teachings through the spread of truthful rumours.),
A veterans hospital area (Their battlefield interactions with other Chaos forces, alongside the damage that their minds have suffered, will hopefully have weakened the willpower to the point where we can slowly start leading them into Grandpa's loving embrace.),
A short-term inpatient section (The fact that they would be psychologically vulnerable, and, at least in some cases, close to despair would allow us to start sowing the blessed seeds of holy rot into their minds.) and, finally,
A long-term care clinic (The fact that they would be spending a lengthy period of time under our care would allow us to fully turn them from the deathly grasp of the False Emperor.).

I think, though, that we should also get a pathology department and toxicology department, since these would be most pleasing to Papa. And a trauma centre, if only for the sheer practicality of it.
Turn Three
Turn Three
Current Ecclesiarchal Stipend (After Expenses): 950 thrones/year
Rent: 100 thrones/year
Black Market: 100 thrones/year
Total income: 1150 thrones

Current Treasury: 2200 thrones (+1150)

Special Plague Actions (Can Only Choose one of these

[ ] Focus on Treatment
- Melissa puts most of her time and resources into treating the plague's symptoms. Helping the people of Hive Flinthos recover from this illness will doubtless improve her reputation. With both the Ecclesiarchy and the hivedwellers
Effects: Reputation Boost
Roll: Medicae

[ ] Plagues are Profit
- There was already a very good market for illicit medicine, and with a major plague outbreak demand has gone through the roof. Melissa could bring in a considerable amount of money by selling more of her hospital's supplies, though it does mean she won't have as much left to actually treat patients. Thankfully, a supply shortage in the middle of a major plague shouldn't attract undue attention.
Effects: Major One-Time Cash Influx
Roll: Deceive

[ ] In the Service of Nurgle
- This plague is not a disease to be fought, but a blessing from Nurgle to be embraced. It would be easy enough to use a few plague samples ensure that any healthy patients who come to Repite Hospital walk away infected. Given the relatively high infection rate, it's unlikely anyone would connect the spread of the plague to Melissa's hospital, and even more unlikely that they would realize Melissa is doing it deliberately.
Effect: Increase the spread of the plague, Nurgle is Pleased
Roll: Deceive, Medicae

Hospital Activities: Melissa's is supposed to be using that money to develop her hospital. Maybe she should actually do enough of that to allay any suspicions. Besides, a better hospital will help win new converts to Father Nurgle. These actions are generally low-risk.

[ ] Long-Term Care Facilities
- At the moment, Melissa's hospital effectively operates as a glorified outpatient clinic, trying to treat and clear out patients as fast as possible in a futile effort to keep up with the overwhelming demand for the hospital's services. Acquiring some new space and setting it aside for long-term patients might be a wise investment ... especially since the longer her patients stay, the more time she'll have to win them over to her true master.
Cost: 3000 Thrones
Effects: -100 Thrones/Year (Maintenance). Opens up a new long-term care ward
Roll: None

[ ] New Department: Trauma Center
- Between workplace accidents and gang violence, there are going to be plenty of patients with severe injuries coming into Melissa's hospital on a daily basis. While this particular branch of medicine is not especially pleasing to Nurgle, it does have a number of practical applications, especially once the cult gets a bit more active.
Cost: 4000 Thrones
Effects: -300 Thrones/Year (New Specialists, Maintenance), Opens a Trauma Center
Roll: None

[ ] New Department: Toxicology
- Between the extremely high pollution levels in Hive Flinthos and the heavy usage of various narcotics and stimulants that follows in a low-income and high-stress environment, getting a few proper toxicologists on staff would doubtless be a good investment. And, of course, a greater understanding of various toxins would doubtless please Melissa's true master.
Cost: 2500 Thrones
Effects: -200 Thrones/Year (New Specialists, Equipment Maintenance), Opens a Toxicology Department
Roll: None

[ ] New Department: Pathology
Special Temporary Bonus: Cost discounted for the duration of the plague.
- Horrendously overcrowded and terribly unhygenic, Hive Flinthos is a natural breeding ground for disease and infection. A good pathologist would certainly find no shortage of work in Melissa's hospital ... and the study of Father Nurgle's works would doubtless please him. Because of the major disease outbreak currently going on in the hive, the Ecclesiarchy is willing to substantially subsidize a new pathology department.
Cost: 1000 Thrones
Effects: -100 Thrones/Year (New Specialists, Equipment Maintenance), Opens a Pathology Department.
Roll: None

[ ] More Networking with Other Hospitals, Take Two
- Building up relationships with other hospitals might allow Melissa to eventually expand her cult outside her own facility. At the moment, most of the other facilities are fine with a bit of basic cooperation and record-sharing, but don't seem interested in expanding things past that. If Melissa could perhaps talk them into a few personnel swaps, it would give her a chance to see how other hospitals do business and build up more alliances.
Cost: 250 Thrones
Effects: Continue building on relations with other hospitals, possibly gain some new insights into hospital management.
Roll: Charm DC 10 (can be decreased with other actions)

[ ] Charity Drive: Giving it Away
- The hivers are in constant need of just about all of life's basic necessities. Organizing a few food drives and giveaways might not bring any tangible benefits, but the goodwill it purchases within the local community could be worth a lot more than that.
Cost: 500 Thrones
Effects: Gain a much better reputation in the local community.
Roll: Logic DC 7

[ ] Charity Drive: Asking for Help
- While Respite Hospital does receive a regular Ecclesiarchal stipend, it's fairly standard for charity hospitals to organize donation drives asking for extra help from the locals. While the average low-level hiver can't afford to give much, there are a lotlot of them. Charity drives need to be done with care, as the generosity of the average hiver is a fickle thing on the best day, and they won't be inclined to do much for anyone without a clear understanding of how it benefits them.
Cost: 250 Thrones
Effects: Gain a one-time infusion of funds (amount depends on rolls)
Rolls: Charm, Logic, other rolls possible.

[ ] Request Additional Funds from the Ecclesiarchy
- Asking the Ecclesiarchy to provide Respite Hospital with additional funding is almost always an option. Whether they'll respond well ... that's the bigger question. If Melissa makes a good case she could easily convince them, but there are plenty of horror stories about people going into a meeting with a high-ranking Prelate, only to say the wrong thing and find their budget slashed to the bone instead.
Cost: 250 Thrones
Effects: Changes to your Ecclesiarchal Stipend (amount depends on rolls)
Rolls: Charm, Lore (Imperial Creed), other rolls possible

Dubious Activities: While the Ecclesiarchy officially frowns upon using their funds for anything other than direct hospital needs, most of the more worldly members of the God-Emperor's church realize that maintaining a functioning hospital in the depths of an undercity hive sometimes requires unorthodox methods. These actions can come with a moderate level of risk.

[ ] Supply Acquisition
- Medical supplies are stretched thin with the current disease outbreak. While you've already been allocated a decent amount of supplies to treat the ongoing crisis, you could always use a bit more. And really, those other hospitals don't need those supplies as much as you do...
Cost: 500 Thrones
Effects: Gain more medical supplies, making your plague actions more effective.
Roll: Deceive DC 11

[ ] Neighborhood "Security"
- With the cult's security volunteers starting to get access to proper weapons and training, Melissa might be able to start doing more than just protecting the hospital itself. Sending her security staff on a few patrols of the rest of the hospital hive block would be easy to justify with a few token explanations about making sure your medical supply lines are safe or recovering stolen medicine, and might help with maintaining public order. And if her gangs of well-armed and passably trained cultists happen to find a few bits of lucrative salvage ... so much the better.
Cost: 250 Thrones
Effects: Send your security staff out into among general populace, both improving your reputation and possibly bringing in a little more money.
Roll: Tactics & Inquiry: DC 9

[ ] Supply Stockpiling: Moderate
- While the disease hasn't gotten bad enough to set off a serious crisis yet, there's always a risk that it could get worse over time (especially if Melissa works to make that happen). If a major crisis erupts, basic necessities of life like edible food and clean water could become precious commodities. A modest stockpile would ensure that your hospital and cult will be provided for even in times are lean, and thankfully standard Guard ration bars have a very long shelf life.
Cost: 500 thrones
Effect: Get enough supplies to tend to your staff and cult in the event of an emergency.
Roll: None

[ ] Supply Stockpiling: Large
- While the disease hasn't gotten bad enough to set off a serious crisis yet, there's always a risk that it could get worse over time (especially if Melissa works to make that happen). If a major crisis erupts, basic necessities of life like edible food and clean water could become precious commodities. Building up a large stockpile would ensure that you can not only see to your own, but will have enough left over to either pass out as strategic charity or sell at an exorbitant price on the black market.
Cost: 1500 thrones
Effect: Get enough supplies to tend to your staff and cult in the event of an emergency, with plenty left over for whatever you want to do with them.
Roll: None

Heretical Activities: If the Ecclesiarchy ever gets wind of Melissa using their money for this, she'll probably be purged with holy fire. These activities carry a larger element of risk, but are usually the best way to win favor with Nurgle.

[ ] Cult Recruitment: Broad Strokes
- The poor and desperate of Hive Flinthos are easy targets for Nurgle, and there are many who would accept his blessing in exchange for a few good meals and roof over their head. While underhivers can't accomplish a great deal individually, there are a lot of them.
Cost: 1000 Thrones
Effects: Start recruiting within the general populace. These cultists might not have much to offer beyond a newfound enthusiasm for Grandfather Nurgle, but adding raw numbers to your cult is still very nice.
Roll: Charm DC 11

[ ] Cult Recruitment: Hospital Staff
- While Melissa brought several loyal associates to her new hospital, not all the staff follow Nurgle. It might be wise to convert the rest of them to the Plaguefather to secure her base of operations.
Cost: 250 Thrones
Effects: Winning over the rest of the hospital staff substantially reduces the risk of taking any heretical activities within the hospital itself.
Roll: Charm DC 13

[ ] Cult Recruitment: The Search For Patrons
- While Melissa's cult has a decent number of members, they're all hospital staff underhivers. Breaking into Nusquapondus' upper classes could bring in new resources and perhaps even break the hospital's financial dependence on the Ecclesiarchy. However, finding one of the hive's elites who might be willing to accept Nurgle's loving embrace is no small challenge.
Cost: 500 Thrones
Effects: Gaining a wealthy and/or influential patron for your cult could bring in substantial new resources, but is likely to be a rather long and difficult process.
Roll: Inquiry DC 13

[ ] Cult Recruitment: The Loonies
- Turning the hospital's current supply of violent lunatics into violent chaos-worshipping lunatics probably wouldn't be too difficult. The bigger issue is controlling them after their conversion. For the moment your cult is very under-the-radar, but the criminally insane are not known for their careful discretion. While a string of grisly ritual murders would probably be pleasing to Grandfather Nurgle, it might draw the wrong sort of attention.
Cost: None
Effects: Start turning your violent and insane patients into violent, insane, Chaos-worshipping patients.
Roll: Lore (Chaos) DC 7

[ ] Cult Recruitment: The Arbites
- Melissa's secret deal with the local arbites provides her with something that could be the start of a good alliance with them. Perhaps she could make a few careful inquiries about how faithful these corrupt arbites are, and see if perhaps there might an opportunity to teach them about Grandfather Nurgle's love?

[ ] Secret Desecration
- As with any building constructed by the Ecclesiarchy, Melissa's hospital is covered in symbols of the False Emperor. Subtly desecrating these holy symbols would weaken the False Emperor's hold on this place, and allow Nurgle slightly more sway. However, should the desecration ever be discovered Melissa would have a very hard time explaining it.
Cost: 50 Thrones
Effects: Grandfather Nurgle will be pleased by your good service to him.
Roll: Stealth DC 10, Lore (Chaos) DC 7

[ ] Seek Chaos Lore
- While Melissa has embraced the love of Father Nurgle, she still has a great deal to learn about both her new god and the nature of Chaos. Knowledge is power, and Melissa can best serve Nurgle by acquiring more of both.
Cost: 500 Thrones
Effects: Learn more about Chaos, possibly gaining new options.
Roll: Inquiry DC 14

[ ] Search for a Sorcerer
- Melissa's knowledge of warpcraft is all but nonexistent. Gaining the services of a warpsmith would allow her to better serve Nurgle, and could perhaps even give her the opportunity to learn the sorcerer's arts for herself.
Cost: 500 Thrones
Effects: -50 Thrones/Year (Salary). Gain the services of a Chaos Sorcerer, opening up several new options and introducing the possibility of Melissa learning the art herself.
Roll: Inquiry DC 15
[X] In the Service of Nurgle
[X] New Department: Pathology
[X] Request Additional Funds from the Ecclesiarchy
[X] Cult Recruitment: Hospital Staff
[X] Seek Chaos Lore

It seems to me, we should use the situation to increase our funding and get Nurgle's favor. Turning our staff and getting more lore are both useful to that end and things we should do sometime regardless.
[X] Focus on Treatment
[X] New Department: Pathology
[X] Neighborhood "Security"
[X] Cult Recruitment: Hospital Staff
[X] Seek Chaos Lore
i'd point out that our character seems to be more of the "chaos gods aren't as they are represented by the imperium" kind of distinction, isn't she in it more for the healing, perseverance and succour to the downtrodden that nurgle represents.
so profiting of this situation or intentionally making it worse doesn't seem in character to me...
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[X] Focus on Treatment
[X] New Department: Pathology
[X] Neighborhood "Security"
[X] Cult Recruitment: Hospital Staff
[X] Seek Chaos Lore
[X] Focus on Treatment
[X] New Department: Pathology
[X] Neighborhood "Security"
[X] Supply Stockpiling: Moderate

Is there a practical method to increasing our skill level?

Converting the Hospital Staff's a good idea, but on a fail...
[X] Focus on Treatment
[X] New Department: Pathology
[X] Neighborhood "Security"
[X] Supply Stockpiling: Large

Okay, remember WHY Melissa followed Nurgle, because the Imperium is too merciless. She's in it to save lives.
Treatment is compassion...and note that increased reputation means we can requisition a permanent stipend increase while taking note that Melissa is treating the symptoms, not curing the plague.

It's all a great show isn't it?
And given the virulence rolled a major stockpile is greatly beneficial, because I doubt it's going to be cured quickly.
[X] Focus on Treatment
[X] New Department: Pathology
[X] Neighborhood "Security"
[X] Supply Stockpiling: Moderate
[X] Focus on Treatment
[X] New Department: Pathology
[X] Neighborhood "Security"
[X] Supply Stockpiling: Moderate