What do you mean? Are you asking why I think that she might actually be in control of her abilities? That's mostly because the only real comparison we have of someone suddenly gaining powers is ourselves and we seem to have control of our own powers so it stands to reason that others might also have control of their powers.
I think that I'm most concerned with the safety of JD's dad. We know nothing about the intentions of the woman controlling him except that she is willing to subvert the minds of thousand of people for whatever ends she might have, and someone willing to brainwash people is not someone that I'm eager to wait and see what she's planning to do with those people. If things continue as they are then she'll continue to try and control more and more people and eventually she'll try and brainwash someone with the power to fight back. As she's using the people she's controlling as puppets in order to force others to come near her in order to control them I'm sure she'd also force them to fight against other people who might try and oppose her. Since JD's dad is being controlled he'll also be used as a human shield and be placed in harms way.
The only reason that we might allow ourselves to be apprehended is in order to let her try and brainwash us and hope that our anti mind control power is stronger than her brainwashing. I'd rather not bank on an unknown chance that that might succeed so I think it's a better idea to kill her before she uses her powers on us. In the case that my plan does fail, then between having to fight someone in a crowd of people and potentially being made into a mindless zombie that serves someone whose goals are unknown to us I'd rather fight any day.
We have been told explicitly that JD's power is extraordinarily powerful,
and that he was
lucky that he had as much control of it as he does. We were told this
as the previous update was bring written. That seems like too much of a coincidence, and it makes me think we should definitely not be using JD as a measuring stick.
Additionally, if you really are worried about JD's dad's safety, then you should also consider that killing her won't necessarily instantly free people from the brainwashing, even if it's something she can control in the first place. It's entirely possible that if we
kill her in broad daylight that those people will attack us,
even if killing her frees them, because from their perspective, we basically just killed a woman in cold-blood. That goes doubly true if, in our attempt to kill her, we harm or kill other people, in which case we will come out of it looking like a mass murderer. And of course if the brainwashing
does stick, then they will for sure attack for killing their subject of idolization.
We know that Sloth's Mind is a high-tier mental passive defense, and we don't have reason to think that her power is high-tier aside from
maybe the number of people she can affect. Getting close to her allows us to learn more about the situation, gives JD hope for a nonviolent resolution, and even if it does turn out that she is a bad person, it puts us a in a good place to press her into releasing our dad without provoking the wrath of the crowd.