But doesn't it also mean that remaining loyal betrays those very expectations of betrayal?

Such deviousness!
Voting will be concluded in sixteen hours from now. Should no more votes appear, I will make a roll to decide the victorious option.
We need our own personal assets and a way to have the assassination pinned to our sisters or a way to make one of the a puppet... or at least leave the ruling of the house to us... besides, our skills and talents back in the OP favors diplomacy and interaction rather than combat... so...

[X] Remain loyal... for now.

- gather a cadre of our own loyalist and see what our mother's plot is and use it for own advantages, its likely though that she wants to be the head honcho in the city instead of being the "vice" ruler.
Adoptive Father/Mate for Margretta: Jarlaxle Baenre(Ludenwick), a powerful smuggler and crime-lord who basically rules over the lower classes of the city and his crimes are generallyignored by the clergy thanks to hissymbiotic relationship with them.

....Jarlaxle?????? That guy????!!!!

[X] Remain loyal... for now.

Trust me we don't wonna risk to have him as our enemy!
Adoptive Father/Mate for Margretta: Jarlaxle Baenre(Ludenwick), a powerful smuggler and crime-lord who basically rules over the lower classes of the city and his crimes are generallyignored by the clergy thanks to hissymbiotic relationship with them.

....Jarlaxle?????? That guy????!!!!

[X] Remain loyal... for now.

Trust me we don't wonna risk to have him as our enemy!
I think our GM is making him more mellow and older and more like Vitto Corleone aka the Godfather rather than his OP canon self
As i see it, we should get the house staff loyal to us first so that we can better spy on our family's movements, then get the house guards to join our side, afterwards gain control of the slaves, before reaching out to our brother and proposing a plan of instead of a matriarch or a patriarch (house Mizzrym did this before they were found out and getting destroyed) a Council of Equals would be far better. Though we have to kill our sisters too...
City of Intrigues, Part 3
The evening continues. You leave the mansion, attended by a halfling slave you picked to follow you on a whim. He seemed relieved, which surprised you. Are they torturing the slaves for fun again today?

Well, it's none of your business and you can relate somewhat since you like to ease your boredom with trivial actions from time to time, but you rarely do so with torture. Rather, you fancy irritating small-talk. You are particularly fond of talking crap to drow women of lower importance than you. Seeing them incapable of doing anything about you constantly pestering and insulting them is a fabulous feeling.

You turn to the halfling slave, "Let's find some weapons and armor for me. Be on the lookout for anything that looks high-quality and tell me if you spot anything saucy," you order with a casual tone, speaking in Common instead of Drow language.

The language turn surprises the halfling, but he finds it easier to process an order given in a familiar tone from the above ground. The two of you begin to stroll through the market on the middle level of the City of Intrigues. Eventually, you go through a cairn gate, ten meters in height. Carriages with produce ride through and enslaved, shackled giants help carry their masters' possessions. You recognize some of these giants, as you in fact, at one point, bought and sold them to their current owners. They are excellent slaves for menial labor, like moving things, or stomping enemies, so they sell for a good price.

You go through the gate and end up in a long, roughly eight-meter wide tunnel of a street with magical lights. Shops ran by respectable drow citizens are omnipresent here, selling antiques, brooms, clocks, fresh materials, food, and every so often, leaders of raiding parties from the surface hold auctions for captured slaves from villages, adventuring parties, or even more exotic sources, as well as sub-auctions for their equipment all in the street.

Some of these auctions can get wild. Once upon a time, you've seen a magically-shackled Beholder get sold as a slave, even though they technically aren't either from the surface nor fit to be slaves. How these bastards managed to sell that abhorrent monster to someone as a slave is beyond even you, a demigod of bargaining.

You get to the end of the tunnel, where another gate welcomes you. You arrive at the main market.

Well-paved pathways of gray stone and tall storehouses built out of a mixture of well-maintained and clean-kept stone and marble, with wooden roof tiles, tower over this place. Throughout the middle of the main market, an artificial river provides a modicum of decoration and access to fresh water and even food to those bold enough to bring a fishing rod and risk the rage of the guards. Everything is neatly brightened by torches and prestigious stands with the finest quality of wares everywhere you look.

The most breathtaking aspect are the three, carved magical crystals kept near the ceiling of the cavern with chains and links of iron that weigh tons.

Legend has it that the drow found these crystals here when building the city. They were rich magical catalysts and attracted magical energy, generating it as natural Mythallars. These crystals are now utilized as the 'generators' of magical energy for the city and are on display on the market for all to see. Where the magical energy goes is beyond you, but you suspect its what allows the city to save on lighting new torches, as torches in the City of Intrigues cannot be extinguished, much like plots made by its inhabitants.

The High-Priestess is so proud of the market that she declared it a sacred, neutral ground, where none may harm each other without a state of war or warrant being declared. Not even guards or the most lawless of assassins can risk killing you here without literally damning their soul in the eyes of the clergy. Since it is a neutral ground, the anti-magic barrier is disabled everywhere to allow people from other races and nations to teleport in and trade their wares, save for, around the crystals, as to protect them from any mages who get a bad idea involving a fireball. No symbols of the Spider Queen are visible for that same reason, as to not offend the religions of coming merchants and make it a little more welcoming.

As you walk inside, a trio of guards makes a short identity check of you and your slave. Security is key to keep a nexus of trade like this up and running, so guards are lurking in every corner, just at the edge of your peripheral vision, wearing heavy armor and with shields and swords - an arrangement of weapons uncommon for drow.

You get past the checkpoint and walk past the crowds of drow, humans, dwarves, tieflings, and other adventurers and travelers who would come to appreciate the glory of the market.

"Isn't Tal-en' Risa's market beautiful?" you ask the slave for an opinion, saying the City of Intrigue's name in your tongue.

The halfling half-turns to you as he continues walking. "Yes," he says. You don't need to be a master of psychology to know his opinion is fully honest. He said it without stuttering, or even a moment of doubt.
Armor: 1-5 stealth leather, 6-10 chain cloth, 11-14 chitin armor, 17-18 dragon armor, 19-20 magic armor.
Roll: 4; stealth leather.
As the two of you move through the marketplace, the halfling stops you with his words. "Over there," he says as he points to a nearby stand. You see a display of various pieces of light armor, good for a drow like yourself. While you were hoping to search a little more, you shrug and decide there's no reason not to browse through. And there, you find something of your liking.

A stealthy leather suit. Muffles all sounds and blends in with most environments thanks to a special material that reflects light in a way that slightly likens it to the environment, granting an immense advantage. It is also very solid and can protect from hits to an extent. It costs an outrageous twenty platinum pieces, which is far more than you are willing to spend for it. This market typically doesn't do bargaining, but there's no price you can't lower.
w/ advantage
+50 EXP!
And for three pieces of platinum, which is twice below the average price range for this kind of armor, you bought it from the merchant.
Weapon: 1-8 masterwork, 9-12 adamantine, 13-15 mithral, 16-18 ancient, 19-20 magical.
Weapon Type: 1-4 sword, 5-8 dagger, 9-12 spear, 13-16 morningstar/mace, 17-20 other.
Roll=19 and 14; magical morningstar/mace

Sub-type: 1-2 morningstar, 3-4 mace.
Roll=2; magical morningstar
You approach a weapon stand and find something nasty, yet so tempting. A morningstar; a fine weapon. A firm, leather-covered handle with a long, silvery shaft, at the end of which is a ball excellent for bludgeoning and crushing from which protrudes a frightening quantity of sharp spikes, more than capable of piercing through inches of flesh. The weapon is mighty against armored, unarmored, and any other type of opponent. What it has in practical application, however, it lacks in technique. Not only do you lack the skills of using a mace weapon like this, but there's no 'school' of fighting with one either. Regardless, the salesman announces the weapons he sells to be magical and there is a wide assortment. You can't pass up this opportunity. You settle for the morningstar that has...

[] A lightning enchantment.
[] A fire enchantment.
[] A force enchantment.
[] A thunder enchantment.
[] A cold enchantment.
[] A necrotic enchantment.
[] A psychic enchantment.
[] A radiant enchantment.
[] A poison enchantment.
[] An acid enchantment.

The price is at seven-hundred platinum pieces, which is obviously reasonable, but not for you.
Critical Success!
+1 Fate!
+100 EXP!
For you, a hundred will be more than sufficient. As the drow trader recognizes that you are none other than a son of Margretta Ludenwick herself, he literally bows to your feet and offers the enchanted morningstar at a seventh of its original price and that is an offer you cannot refuse.

You have the halfling carry your spoils. You have a weapon and an armor suitable of a noble house member. Mayhap you should purchase something more?

[] An additional weapon. Your sword and dagger won't suffice it as sidearms anymore.
-[] Type? For an example, a bow, or scimitar, etc? (Write-in.)
--[] Masterwork.
--[] Adamantine.
--[] Mithral.
--[] Ancient.
--[] Magical.
---[] Any specific enchantments? (Write-in.)
---[] A mix of several of the above. (Warning: You probably can't afford it. Write-in.)
---[] Something else. (Write-in.)
[] An additional set of armor. You can never be too safe.
-[] Type? Light, Medium, or Heavy?
--[] Masterwork.
--[] Adamantine.
--[] Mithral.
--[] Ancient.
--[] Magical.
--[] Dragonhide.
---[] Any specific enchantments? (Write-in.)
---[] A mix of several of the above. (Warning: You probably can't afford it. Write-in.)
---[] Something else. (Write-in.)
[] Another item. (Write-in.)
[] Go home.
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For you, a hundred will be more than sufficient. As the drow trader recognizes that you are none other than a son of Margretta Ludenwick herself, he literally bows to your feet and offers the enchanted morningstar at a seventh of its original price and that is an offer you cannot refuse.

I love the smell of capitalism in the morning.

[X] A lightning enchantment.

Not too sure on other purchases...
On Magical Damage, Briefly and Concisely
A description of the damage types:

Fire: Burns shit. Chance to cause damage per turn for several turns. Can cause disfigurement and scarring due to horrific burns. Put out by water.
Cold: Frostburn, frostbite, hypothermia and freezing. Hitting someone will not only crack a bone because of the blunt force, not only cause a large incision because of the spike, but will also freeze the spot. Ineffective, because it will stop bleeding... unless you want to take live targets.
Poison: Basically, a venom enters the opponent's bloodstream and takes effect in a moment's notice, killing tissue and destroying blood cells and generally weakening him. Will turn a hardy orc into a weakling.
Acid: Corrodes and destroys whatever it hits by burning through the matter that composes it. Will basically leave huge 'craters' in whatever you hit, be it organic or inorganic. Can be used to easily dig through enemy armor, weapons and buildings and destroy them. In fact, compare it to a lightsaber; it will leave wounds completely cauterized.
Psychic: Literal mindrape. Will punch the opponent in the brain while you hit them. Might cause brief paralysis, shock, catatonia, create derangements, cause the opponent to briefly go insane, bleed from the eyes, hallucinate, and similar. Rather than physical attack, it attacks the brain and destroys the organism mentally. Can even cause the brain to order the heart to stop beating, so there's that.
Necrotic: Pure undeath. Negative energy will cause necrosis and rotting to whatever it hits, making the spot very soft and unpleasant. Healing and recuperating will be difficult and the spot will be hellishly ugly.
Radiant: Holy damage. Positive energy will blind, stun, charm, or even frighten opponents depending on their alignment. It also lets you cut through demons and unholy forces like a hot knife (or in this case, hammer,) through butter.
Lightning: Electricity, zap-zap! Electrical burning, heart convulsions, unconsciousness, nerve damage and full/partial, temporary/permanent paralysis or brain damage.
Thunder: Pure molecule vibrations. Literally, using sound as a force of an attack, compare to sonic damage. Opponents can be deafened, disoriented, stunned, or frightened. On another hand, each attack is loud enough that it can be heard; at times, kilometers away, so stealth is no longer an option.
Force: Pure kinetic energy in an attack. A strong attack with the weapon will throw the opponent across whole meters of space, knock him prone, and probably make him hit himself on his head and die from a snapped neck. Alternatively, it can be used to play hardcore baseball with the ball being opponents and the target (yes, I know there aren't targets in baseball,) being other opponents.
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Next update will go to the next chapter and begin Cesimir's reinduction into the military of Tal-en' Risa. You will get to make some personality choices such as whether you like Lolth or not and train with weapons and combat styles, meet your future comrades, as well as level up and finally spend those Fate points. If you buy anything, choose carefully.

Update in an indeterminate amount of time, probably twenty hours or more.
[X] A force enchantment. Basically gives us the homerun bat from Smash Brothers plus its a mace force is its best elemeny to use and makes armor breakingh easier.

[X] An additional weapon. Your sword and dagger won't suffice it as sidearms anymore.
-[X] Tri Edge Dagger. A deadly stabbing dagger that even the most skilled surgeons will have a hard time healing from making it have a dangerou bleeding effect if stabbed.
--[X] Mithral. Good material
---[X] Acid Enchantment. Acid double its penetration power and will both bleed and start dissolving flesh making the bloody wound fester and hurt more.
[X] A force enchantment.
[X] An additional weapon. Your sword and dagger won't suffice it as sidearms anymore.
-[X] Type? Sabre
-[X] An acid enchantment. Acid Sabre... :3
-[X] Mithral
[X] Another item.
-[X] Health Potions? Cure All? Poison Cure?
We should get some miscelannous stuff like a range weapon, a cloak or rings, a grenade equivalent (flasks of burning), wands? plus a bag of holding cause i enjoy taking everything not nailed down, and even if its nailed down, use a crowbar on it!