[X]: A Necroma[n]cer
Perhaps a strigany 'mancer?
Skeletons are the most renewable power source I've so far heard of being exploited on the Warhammer world. In a world of with this many extra many dead, we will be at an advantage to defending the living that almost no one else could provide.
With fewer orks and less vampiric mania, Strigos could have worked darn it! Where else could such an opportunity be, an opportunity to free the muscles of the living so that their minds may work and eventually remove the worst burdens of time from their minds.
We have, if we play our cards well and play them carefully our best opportunity to build a state like the dreams Liche preists could never have had for they coveted their secrets for themselves alone, once we have a council in place and defenses built we need not do the same.
For the moment though think of what even the simple growing of vegetables could be like with farmers if built right who will suffer no chemical burns, or sunburns, who may never tire and need not consume water for themselves.
Think of how many will not die in labor if we have perfectly sterilized skeletons on hand to cleanse their wounds etc etc. Those wonder-working vampires on the vampire coast have demonstrated that with enough care in creation even base undead can be made more nimble no?
We very obviously shouldn't let much get to our heads though, all this ought to be done for the living who have sacrificed more than enough for millennia only to lose their ability to serve their fellows through didn't of being what was probably only experimental canon fodder for the old ones, don't they deserve more than that?
Don't they deserve
Necropolis Haven?
The WoodEllf government cancan get dunked on, hoarders the lot of them.
I still contend by the name being a good idea if our character is worldly enough to think of such.
EDIT 3; Avoidance of double-posting may be my own prerogative but it is one I try to maintain most of the time.
I have thoroughly mixed feelings about this commonly linked and apparently beloved map, I mean it represents the main playable areas in the tabletop game and RPG really really well. It's well colored and displays its geography more accurately than the TWW games. Namely in terms of province sizes.
The place names in the empire look perfect. It is clear a lot of love went into building it.
On the other hand though.
Now with its age, things like Cathay, half the Southlands, Nippon, Kurresh, and Ind are missing and that's fine. Not really as much so for Ulthuan, Naggoroth, and Lustria. Maybe the latter two were not up to snuff in location consistency?
The lack of Ulthuan is especially really really weird though since we have whole novels written in that location and it had been mapped to an alright degree before. It has multiple well-liked subfactions on it claiming and competing for territory no?
Tilea is also missing a bunch of islands around itself.
The names for some seas look a little off, i've never seen the error ''sea of the dead'' on any other Warhammer maps. I suspect some are slightly off on land too
Also, the year is a little unclear but I'll assume it's probably less than 100 years before this quest.
Additionally, the clean imperial castles everywhere other than the empire give it a bit of an overly optimistic vibe I think.
Luckily they have other larger if somewhat less detailed maps if we ever need them. Sidenote on this website more generally: They have some maps of the empire here that are pretty good on their own but seem to have the odd habbit of not even trying to draw a border with Kislev though which is fine for a quest like this but still a bit confusing.
Luckily these still make it very clear where all the towns were and are still far from useless.