(disclaimer, I have not read end times or Storm of Chaos, I am creating the end times scenario in this solely out of my head)
The Empire has fallen, Karl Franz is dead. Although Chaos was defeated and Archeon, it was a Pyrric victory for the forces of order. Kislev overrun, the Empire crumbling and the Asur drastically reduced. Even the mighty Skaven under-empire has been shook to its core, the mighty armies of Chaos destroying their hubs and purging the sewers wherever they were found. But while the foundations of the old world have been shook to their core, the people survive and rebuild, wether that will mean remaking what once existed or building something new, only time will tell.
Who are you?
[]: A Servant of Chaos
- Since long before the war with the Everchosen you served the ruinous powers in secret, and when the great armies came to your province you believed a great reward would be yours. But the Chaos marauders disdained the "civilized" cultists, and put them to the pyre just as soon as the Empire would. An enemy of both the armies of the empire and the Everchosen, you hid, but now both lie dead, and your time may just have come
[]: A Necromacer
- You did not seek dark magic, you did not plan to defy the most sacred institutions of the empire, but you had no choice. Chaos came and in battle after battle the Empire was defeated and fell back. When the forces defending your town were massacred you realized what you must do, and so you went to the field and called the magic with everything you had. They may have been chaos, vile forces here to destroy, but you still can't forget their screams. Now your undead guard your home village from raiders and other threats. It was necessary,, you tell yourself that every day
[]: A Brettonian
-[]: A Noble: The mighty cavalry of Brettonia took to the field to fight the forces of Chaos, decked in the finest livery of the great servants of the Lady, ready to crush the invader. They were slaughtered to a man. Now the armies lay devastated, the peasants upset, and the Red Duke encroaches further every year. But you are a servant of the Lady, and you will hold true!
-[]: A Peasant: The armies of the nobility are devastated, the land blighted, famine unending. Your people suffer, and what do you get out of it? What little food you have is taken to feed the nobility and their steeds, what land you work on, land you do not even have a claim to, is devoted by blight and necromantic incursion. Why has the Lady not given aid? Why do the nobles push you so far? Something has to change.
[]: A Vampire
-[]: Of Sylvania: A Servant of the Von Carstiens you have waited long for this moment. The Empire lies weak, Altdorf destroyed, Stirland is more open to invasion then it's ever been, the dead of the war are near endless. Your time has come! Victory to the Vampire Counts!
-[] Of Brettonia: (Sorry, don't know enough about the Red Duke)
-[]: Of the Empire: You sit in the ruins of Altdorf, a Lahmain, once in the heights of imperial nobility, that position is gone, along with the institution you were subverting. But something must rise from the ashes, and a Lahmain is always able to find the right cause. You could attach yourself to something that has a shot, or perhaps one that supports causes you hold dear. You could even possibly lead something yourself, to retake the ruined land. But no matter what, there will always be a Lahmain in the new leadership
[]: A Sigmarite
- Anger. Grief. The Empire that the great god Sigmar founded has been crushed, dying in one final battle to slay the Everchosen. But It Will Rebuild. The great traditions of the Empire will build back stronger! The might of the Empire will rise once more! The Empire is not dead, it is merely injured, and in SIgmars name it shall heal, not only to it's former strength, but stronger then it has ever been before.
[]: A Kislevite
- Kislev has been overrun, destroyed, crushed. The Great cities are either taken by Chaos or burned down, and the villages sacked and looted. But the People of Kislev hold strong! The mighty armies of Kislev may have been shattered, but the shall, they must rise once more. With the majority of Chaos's forces down south, now is the time to push, and to rise up and crush the Invader! The Motherland shall hold! The Motherland shall rise!
There will be regular character creation after the initial choice is made, and I will note that the characters you don't pick will still exist because I like making characters, and will still take action. I've done a lot of writing before but never anything public, and am exited to share this quest with you!