Aflame (40k)

Last Person He Wanted To See
[X] The Last Person He Wanted To See

Sister Maryam Palmia had not expected to be able to purge blasphemers when she woke up, but she had most certainly prayed to the Emperor for the opportunity, as she did every day. As such, when exiting the Temple of the Imperial Truth after meeting with the bishop and beholding local security forces assaulting her favourite preacher, she thanked the Emperor and then got to work defending him. Men in carapace armed with shotguns, autoguns, and shock mauls discovered to their horror what exactly a Godwyn-De'az pattern bolter did to them, and how little their own weapons affected someone wearing power armour.

The presence of a Battle Sister seriously bolstered the spines of the Frateris offering covering fire to High Preacher Terraya, allowing them to pick their shots more carefully and for more men to run out to help drag the preacher and the man he had recovered into the safety of the temple. While the song of her bolter was hymn enough, Maryam added on the Litany of Chastisement above the cacophony of battle, the smiles of the pious volunteers around her encouraging her further.

Maryam burst out into laughter when a Rhino-transport bearing the livery of the Adeptus Arbites rolled into the plaza, but her joy at their joining in the suppressing of the unrighteous turned to white hot outrage when the storm bolter atop the transport opened up on her. While she would never let others consider her a coward, she did understand when it was prudent to fall back to a more defensible position was warranted. Also, at this point she really needed to contact her commanders and check in with the temple's bishop.

She still took the time to put a bolt into the pintle mount of the Rhino firing at her. Such blasphemy required silencing.

Entering into the grand, vaulted antechamber of the temple as the adamantium doors swung with her passage through them, Maryam found the High Preacher, the injured Frateris, and the stranger being tended to by medic-priests. Terraya had his robes taken down so that a medic could tend to a long gash along his back.

"Father, what traitorous blasphemer has dealt such an unrighteous blow to you?" Maryam demanded to know, hoping that the fiend was already dead.

Controlling his face even as sutures were applied, the High Preacher said, "Maryam. Good to see you. As for my injury, the Shahsmen just had shock mauls out, and my men had lazayers. This is a bullet wound. High-calibre, supersonic from what I heard, and probably with an explosive charge from what it did to the man who actually caught it. The bullet was probably already in flight and aimed at me or our friend here when we stumbled."

"The Emperor Protects," Maryam stated, receiving a round of agreeing echoes from all in attendance. "But that means that there is a foul assassin gunning for you."

Glancing over at the flagellated man being tended to with a blood transfusion and the application of stimms, Terraya said, "Actually, I think that round was intended for our friend here. We're getting him coherent so I can have a chat. The bishop is currently in a three-way screaming match with the Planetary Patriarch and the Governor, and they want answers."

Soon enough the somewhat reedy little man was revived, and then Terraya started to speak with him. The High Preacher had an almost hypnotic manner to him, his speech even as his eyes burned with passion and fire, and he quickly drew forth the situation from the terrified but also willing administrator. About how he had worked out a superior shift rotation system that would allow the factories to produce more goods for less effort, but had also realized that no one was interested in implementing it because that would give the workers more time to consider their lot in life.

Maryam of course had to scoff at the idea of a person using free time to do anything other than meditate on their relationship to the Emperor, but the High Preacher held up a hand to silence her objection. Continuing on with Firouz in the interview, Terraya dug out more details about the genesis of the man's ideas and despairs. About how certain machines always had higher output not just because the Adeptus Mechanicus maintained them regularly, but because the workers had better shift schedules when the machines had to rest. About how he suspected that mutagenic compounds produced as by-products were not just allowed but encouraged to circulate among poorer citizens.

Firouz shrank back in terror when Maryam leaned in very close and asked with quiet fury, "Please explain your reasoning."

The administrator spluttered for a moment before he said, "Mutants are cheaper than citizens."

Placing a gentle hand on the breastplate of her plate, the High Preacher pushed Maryam away despite the fact that he had none of the strength required to actually move her against her will. Her left eye twitched at the abomination suggested even as her mind ran through the wicked logic that would lead the faithless to such decisions.

As the discussion of esoteric logistical concerns began to resume, one of the priors came rushing in with a sheet of parchment, obviously looking for the High Preacher. Taking the message, Terraya took one glance over the information presented within and said, "The Adeptus Arbites have begun raids on parish temples and begun sieges of the bishops, declaring us traitors and heretics. The Patriarch has issued a counter-proclamation of heresy and sedition against the Arbites for overstepping their authority, and has made a call for all of the faithful to come to the aid of the Ecclesiarchy. Riots and counter-riots have already broken out."

Upon hearing this Firouz broke down into tears, wailing out, "You should have let me die!"

Shaking his head, the High Preacher stated, "No, this is all too fast. The Arbites… it doesn't make sense, not unless they have been planning something with the Governor and were just looking for an excuse."

Running through things, Maryam suggested, "Perhaps the sniper that attacked you was merely waiting for a sufficiently powerful figure to emerge. A dead High Preacher would have your bodyguards opening fire on the Shahsmen and not asking questions."

"Possibly. Probably," Terraya admitted, although he continued to sound troubled at the question of it.

On some level Maryam was concerned as well, but on another such thoughts were for priests and investigators. Her duty to the Emperor was simple: smite His foes. And right now the Adeptus Arbites and governor's forces were in clear and blatant rebellion against lawful authority. Until such time as she could reconnect with her Sisters she would provide blade and bolter to this temple, although from the sounds of automated gargoyle-fire outside the Arbites were not going to make such a reunion easy for her.

An opportunity was presented when…
[] A Plan Was Executed Perfectly At the Wrong Time
[] Someone Got Exactly What They Wanted
[] The Worst Person In The World Had A Good Point
[] Someone Got Exactly What They Wanted

[] The Worst Person In The World Had A Good Point

both of these are beautifully evil in what they will do to the world...
i assume number two will have some nobleman or mechanicus guy going. "You know we could use all these rebels as free extra labour once we have them cowed"
Number one sounds like the civil war between church and state is the wet dream of someone...but whom? Cult Mechanicus? Chaos Cult? Jeans Stealer Cult? An industrial consortium of Squats finally getting a leg up on their human competitors?

going for

[X] Someone Got Exactly What They Wanted

cause i want to know who gets to twirl his or her mustache.
[X] The Worst Person In The World Had A Good Point

I wonder what kind of point that would be.
Probably something cynical, outright bizzare or crazy at surface level, yet ultimately logical, if cold.
[X] A Plan Was Executed Perfectly At the Wrong Time
A beautiful demonstration of this particular protocol. WHY DID THEY REMEMBER TO CARRY OUT THOSE SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS NOW!?!
[X] A Plan Was Executed Perfectly At the Wrong Time

This is beautiful. I love these options.