AEON EFFECT (Mass Effect / Trinity Crossover)

NameTigershark "Ti" ShepardOrderProject Minerva (formerly 5th Legion)


Physical Attribute
Mental Attribute
Social Attribute

XP: 6​
1 or 2​
Medium Range​
Soft/Hard Armor


Skills [Specialty]
Skills [Specialty]
Gun Tool (can spend 1 momentum to add Aim to related skill checks by using a gun to help out.)​
Close Combat​
Deadly Strike (when using mixed actions in melee combat, use the higher pool rather than the smaller.)​
Cold Read (spend 1 momentum to learn a detail about someone you just met)​
Devilishly Good Looking (spend 1 momentum to shift an NPC's attitude up by 1 towards you)​
VARG Pilot (When in combat, piloting checks do not count as against your maximum number of actions.)​


Oceanic (*)​
Culture, Empathy, Survival, Technology​
Amphibious or Aquatic Conversion (**/**), Artistic Talent (*-***), Big Hearted (*), Hardy (*-***), Increased Tolerance (*-***)), Library (*-***)​
VARG Pilot (*)​
Aim, Close Combat, Pilot, Technology​
Cpt. Anderson​
Ambidextrous (*), Cool Under Fire (**), Demolitions Training (*-***), Direction Sense (*), Hair Trigger Reflexes (*), Ms. Fix It (**), Patron (*-***), Tough Cookie (**)​
Section Minerva (*)​
Empathy, Integrity, Larceny, Persuasion​
Director Udina​
Minerva Agents​
Alternate Identity (*-**), Covert (*-***), Iron Will (*-***), Self-Reliance (*-*****), Striking (**)​
Aquatic Conversation​
Converted eyes can see in low light without penalty, can speak underwater with high frequency emissions, can endure -20 C without discomfort, can breathe water as well as air, gains 1 level of Soft Armor, moves at Speed Scale 2 while in the water, has sonar out to "far" range. DRAWBACKS: Requires x3 water per day to survive, suffers +2 complication with social checks with people who are disturbed by hot, muscular shark girls (racists, bigots, and general dickheads who you don't wanna be friends with anyway.)
Ms. Fix It​
Can add a second skill to repair and reverse engineering rolls as Enhancement, if it is related to the device in question (I.E, using Pilot to augment a Tech check to repair a VARG.)​
She's hot! ...very hot. +2e to all social checks.​
Favored Mode​
She gains +2e to all Transmog rolls, enhancing her ability to transform her body into anything she wills. This can be added as successes to rolls, or can be used to increase her Psi stat for the purposes of range, radius, and duration.​
Enhanced Tolerance​
She is exceptionally good at attuning to psi-active biological technology. She adds +2 to her Tolerance limit.

Health level
Health level
Health level
Hard Armor​
Hard Armor​
Taken Out​

(+1 Cost, +1 Diff per dot above your Mode Dots)
Basic Powers
Biosense (Cost: 0 | Duration: [Duration] | Effect: Can detect all living creatures within short range. Can screen out microbes, mammals, humans, and other things you don't want to sense per success.​
Adaption (-) [*]
Resist [*] (Cost: 0 | Duration: Instant | Effect: Reduce damage from toxins, irritants, and diseases by [Mode] dots. Can spend successes to add +1 to reduction per success. Also, cleans sense automatically!

Acclimatize [**] (Cost: 0 | Duration: [Mode Dots] x [Duration] | Effect: Suffer no penalties from high or low gravity that isn't Extreme, ignore all environmental damage with the hourly tag. Reduce damage from other environments by 1 per success spent and, if reduced to 0, downgrade them from continuous to minutes, for example.

Metabolic Control [***] (Cost: 1 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Change the rate of one part of your biology. Healing time can be sped up by [Mode Dots]+Successes. For things like intiative, reaction times, and so on, it is increased or decreased by [Mode Dots]/2, +/- 1 per 1 success spent. Can spend 2s to impact a second quality as well.

Adapt [****] (Cost: 2 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Upgrades Acclimatize so it works against continuous automatically by just spending the cost for Adapt!

Survive [*****] (Cost: 3 | Duration: [Mode] Scenes | Effect: Success increases both inflict damage and reduce indirect damage by [Mode] dots. Furthermore, can roll Psi+Adaption to regenerate injuries.​
Psychomorphing (**)[*]
Adjust [*] (Cost: 0 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Can move physical dots around equal to [Mode Dots] + Successes. So, 1s can move 3 points from Might to Dexterity!

Enhance [**] (Cost: 1 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] or 1 week or 1 month | Effect: May add +1 to physical attributes per success, up to a max of 5. Can purchase physical edges temporarily. If she commits 1 Psi Point for a week she can go without water. For a month, she can go without food. She can increase her running or swimming speed scale by +1 to a maximum of 3.

Compartmentalize [***] (Cost: 1 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Don't leave fingerprints, shed hair, or leave any tracks behind. Increase the diff to track by [Mode.] Can format with a bioapp by combining it with your body, reducing its Tolerance Requirement by 1 (can store up to Psi Dots apps.))

Overcome [****] (Cost: 2 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Gain an Enhancement to all dice rolls that can be improved by mercurial shapeshifting (joints can bend anywhere, pheromones can be released, and so on) equal to [Mode.]

Perfection [*****] (Cost: 3 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Works like Enhance, but your physical stats have the new max of 7 and you can enhance physical and mental stats as well!​
Transmogrify (**)[*]
Plasticity [*] (Cost: 0 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Can stretch limbs out a number of meters equal to [Mode] dots. Can slip through gaps no wider than [10-Mode] centimeters by squeeshing. Can form glider wings.

Gross Manipulation [**] (Cost: 0 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Modifies her body to produce a specific effect. For 1s, gain enhancement equal to [mode]/2 for any non-combat action (E.G, making climbing claws to climbing!) For 2s, grow extra limbs to use as you will! Can grow extra sensory organs for 1s (eyes on fingers, for example.) If growing weapons, gain a number of points equal to [Mode]+Successes that can be spent on the following fun things! Melee weapons with Brutal (1), Deadly (1), Entangle (2), Grapple (1), Piercing (1), Pushing (1), Quality (2 or 3), Reach (1), Shield (2), Weighted (1.) For armor, it's Complete (3), Composite (2), Defensive (2), Hard (1), or Soft (1, 2)

Transformation [***] (Cost: 1 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Transfooooorm! Cosmetic changes are 1s, 1s = 10% change in height or weight, Physical Sex is 2s, Copying someone is 1s if you have a psionic connection to them. Impersonating someone without is 4s.

Chimera [****] (Cost: 2 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Can gain +1 enhancement per success to any sense by adding new, sexy senses (bat ears!?), can add +1 to running or swimming speed scale per success, can add +1 to flying scale for 2 successes (to a maximum of speed scale 4.) Can remove aquatic conversion for duration. Can create ranged weapons, similarly to above. Can make these changes permanent with XP.

Imbue Instinct [*****] (Cost: 3 | Duration: [Mode] x Hours | Effect: Gain a bonus for a number of mixed actions equal to her Psi, adding +1e to all of those actions per 2 successes on the roll. Only those actions gain these enhancements. Can separate out one wound box worth of flesh (cannot use her armor for this) and send it out to do her crimes for her! Furthermore, can use any previous Transmog power to modify her size up to Size 2 (big old bear) or down to Size 0 (cat size).​

Tolerance: 8/8

N7 Combat Armor
Tags: Active Camo [2] (+2e to all stealth checks), Complete (3) [Protects against all forms of damage], Hard Armor [3] (+2 hard armor), Powered [0] (so long as it remains powered, +2e to all might checks), Soft Armor [2] (+2 to soft armor)

M5 Predator Kinetic Pistol
Tags: Brutal [1] (-1s required for critical hits), Concealable [2] (+2e to conceal it), Destructive [2] (Ignores 2 armor and blows through walls with ease), Quality [3] (Adds +2e to use), Ranged [Melee to Close Range] [1] (Can be fired in melee to close range without penalty)

Steinhardt MI-CC: A military issue minicomp, with communication and computing technology. Basically, a space phone from space.

Interface Augmentation Device (IAD), Biokinesis: Adds +1 to all Biokinetic Modes for the purposes of duration and effect but NOT for dice. Adds +1 to Psi for all factors save Psi Points for rolling Biokinesis. Tolerance Requirement: 3

M35 Mako Class V(acuum) A(ssault) and R(econnaissance) G(ear)
Sensor Range: Long (+2e to all perception checks) with LANS (can detect Quantum Flux and Biotic Powers)
Life Support: 1 Year | Tolerance Requirement: 5
Strength Enhancement: Count as Scale 2 for strength (+2e per scale above the target). Suffer +1 complication for dealing with anything smaller.
Armor: 2 Soft, 2 Hard | Health: -1/-1/-2/-2/-4

Shoulder Mounted M-290 Revenant Coilgun
Scale: 2 | Total Enhancement: +6e
Tags: Automatic [2] (Can add +2e by emptying the magazine), Destructive [2] (ignores 2 armor and blows through walls with ease), Hardpoint [2] (+1e and uses a hardpoint), Major [0] (counts as size 1), Ranged [Close to Medium] (can be used at these range without penalty), VARG-Scale [+1e, count as one scale higher)

Wrist Mounted M-451 Firestorm Laser Cannon
Scale: 2 | Total Enhancement: +5e
Tags: Beam [1] (can strike every target within close range of the target), Destructive [2] (see above), Hardpoint [2] (see above), Ranged [Close to Medium] (see above), VARG-Scale (see above)

Back Mounted ML-77 Smart Missile Launcher
Scale: 2 | Total Enhancement: +5e
Tags: Hardpoint [2] (see above), Incendiary [2] (on a critical hit, sets the target on fire instead of doing extra damage), Massive Explosive (ranged) [3] (Kabooms everyone in a medium radius), Ranged [Short-Long] (See above), VARG-Scale (see above)

Weapons [4]: Has a major weapon in a hardpoint, and two minor weapons in the other hardpoints.
Biomorphic Array [3]: Provides +4 to transmog rolls, and +2 dots to the Transmog mode for the purposes of powers, allows for the powers to be used on the Mako.
Tools [1]: A set of manipulators for field repairs
System Damage: Spend 1s from a defensive roll to replace an injury to one of your hardpoints
Advantageous Assault: Spend 1s while attacking to blow apart scenery into Light Cover or Complicated Terrain. 2s will make heavy cover or difficult terrain.

Jenny: 1 Romance
Kaiden: 1 Friendship
Ashley: 1 Friendship
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[X] Fine, here, have my blood. (Use biokinesis to make it a baseline Tigershark.)
Wut? What was she asking?
How many alien nova there are, the context of the question is literally a few lines above that.

Doccer, please understand that this is spoken with no cruelty or intent to harm. At most, there's a little frustration. So many of your questions, nearly every single one you have, is answered in the context of the words written on the page before us. This seems to be a consistant issue for you, which I can imagine can be frustrating for you, at times. Now, not everything is answered in the text, a few others can be googled and the final few, asked in thread.
In future, a suggestion I have is to take the time to reread the chapter if you are confused before asking questions, as many of them are answered in the text of the chapter itself. This is something I do myself, all the time.

I truly believe this will help you, if you choose to do it. However, for the sake of my own sanity, I will not be answering any more of your questions. I do genuinely hope this will help you. But I wipe my hands of you, I'm done.
[X] Fine, here, have my blood. (Use biokinesis to make it a baseline Tigershark.)

Man, earth is confusing and weird
Don't know why you need to "wash your hands" of me? Not you nor many others responsed to my questions anyway. That would imply that that you ever took up a "Brother's Keeper" roll with me. I don't think you have nor have I ever specified you to help me when I ask a question.
I'm sorry I didn't take the extra time to reread it from different angles and I am sorry that you feel like I am your stupid younger brother your forced to coddle.
As for this particular one. I admit, looking back, I probably speed read it too quickly this morning on my way to work. Seriously I've had way less time to read since my job started. Speed reading only helps me keep up with new chapters only so much.
But understand, my context for this misunderstood question was this:
"Ah, I think we're here," you say, stopping before a small door that leads into a niche office. The rest of the market stretches out beyond - kiosks and stalls with dozens of people coming to buy and sell, each seemingly a different species. A Hanar bobs on by, carrying several bags in its tentacles, while you see a pair of huge, elephantine looking Elcor gently thudding along, their paniers stuffed with what appears to be produce being sold by a peppy looking Turian, with a Chromatic standing beside her.

"How many aliens?"

You blinked, then turned and saw Ash was frowning at Jenny, who grinned and held up her hand and formed a zero with her fingers and her thumb, then smacked her lips.
I assumed an implication of a small but significant time passed for that 'slow to brisk walk' to occur, as well as the '...' might have been reading the rest to himself or possibly stating more lore facts pretty much lore compliant that most would know even from gamer osmosis, and her question was in response to the shoppers and in particular that Turian and the Chromatic.
that they took notice of and ergo prompted the question.
Then Jenny's response to Ash's 'How Many' question was to make the hand sign followed with a kiss that is more typically associated with Chefs and cooking and what they do when something is tasty. The Chef's Kiss.
Which only cemented that this was a food related question. Not the Nova thing.
While I'll try, I won't promise not to ask questions when I have them because I like being informed. And I don't like hanging around when half the things discussed don't make sense to me.

I like this option.

[X] Fine, here, have my blood. (Use biokinesis to make it a baseline Tigershark.)
I am glad others share my sense of Trolling!
[X] Fine, here, have my blood. (Use biokinesis to make it a baseline Tigershark.)

There is no way this could possibly backfire on us. :V
[X] Fine, here, have my blood. (Use biokinesis to make it a baseline Tigershark.)

[X] Demand a better deal, if he wants your DNA specifically so badly. What else can he offer.
How long do you think it'll take the Shadow Broker to realize he was duped? Like a fully gestated Tigersharks? Any earlier and I hope he waits till full grown saying her brand of human starts out as a baby shark do do-dooo!
If we had chosen a different power than Biokinetics (and other skills and powers) would you have changed the other characters powers and stuff to keep things balanced?
A thought occurs. Is the Varg still a Voltron kitty Kat? And if so is Shepard still mechanically down a bit to keep it that way? Or has she recovered by now with all the benefits of a Voltron Kitty in her pocket?
[X] Fine, here, have my blood. (Use biokinesis to make it useless for genetic information.)
[X] Fine, here, have my blood. (Use biokinesis to make it a mutant Tigershark.)

Baseline tigershark seems pretty obvious. At least make them chase their tails a little bit by making it a mutant one.
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CHAPTER TWO: The Citadel (0.7)
You shrug. "All right," you say.

You hold out your hand and Barla Von uses his short, stumpy arm to hold out his omni-tool. The sensor sniffer he extends from the wrist creates an easy platform for you to place your finger on - but rather than doing so, you decide to show off. You focus and feel the noetic pattern of your body, deep in your bones...and you focus...and then your fingertip opens and a single ruby red droplet of your own blood, sculpted by your mind, drops onto the sniffer. It chimes and Barla Von lets out one of his hissing, clunking breaths.

"Very-" hiss BREATH "-good. I have...transmitted the data to your omni-tool. Have a..." hiss BREATH "-good day."

You give him an incline of your head and step out of the place. Your squad follows after. Ashley looks like she wants to bite your face off. "Got something to say, Gunny?" you ask as you flick your finger along your omni-tools volumetric display, frowning as text and a holograph project out. The picture is grainy and blurry, the kind you get from traffic captures. Two dee too, so the camera had to be tiny or fast moving or both.

"You just gave him your blood?" she asks. "You just...walked up to an alien information broker and you gave him your blood?"

You grinned at her. "He had a good point, they were going to get the information one way or another." You subtly caught Kaiden's eyes. His brow knitted as he focused, threading the telepathic connection together between you. Jenny was smiling. You were pretty sure that she already had an idea of what you'd done.


"Gunny, it'll be fine," you say, then think to her: Keep looking pissed. Don't laugh. ...but I gave him Tigershark blood.

Ashley scowled at you. "XO..." Yeah, I know.

"It'll be fine," you say, smiling. Not my blood. Literal tigershark blood.

Ashley scowled even harder.

It was to hide her laugh.

You looked back at the grainy holo and frowned, slightly. "...well fuck me. Our source is a Quarian."

The grainy view had the unmistakable shape of a Quarian's vac suit and helmet combo, though the colors are hard to pin down as anything more than a purple smear. The text running along the side was clear enough. You read it quietly to everyone else, your eyes flicking along the text as you read: "A teenage Quarian named Tali is on the Citadel, trying to contact the Shadow Broker. She has information about Saren and the Geth, and she's ready to sell. Only problem is, it looks like she's been talking to all the wrong people - Barla Von only found out because the Broker has him looking for anyone trying to undercut him." You flick the screen shut. "Some local gangster has already put a hit out on her."

"She's on her Pilgrimage, huh?" Ashley asks. You nod to her.

"Wait, hold up," Jenny says, holding up her hands. "What's that? What's a Quarian?"

You and Ashley exchange a glance, while Kaiden asks the obvious question: "You've never met a Quarian, Jenny?"

She shakes her head.

"Right. Uh...I guess you guys wouldn't have," you say, chuckling. "The Alliance is pretty new, the United Nations met them, uh, ten years ago, round about. They were putting out a distress signal - some airborn virus was ravaging their ships, so the Æsculapians were jumped into position, they saved a lot of lives. The Quarian fleet and the United Nations signed a few treaties - they're providing security for our spinward boarder, between us and the Terminus Systems."

"Oh," Jenny says, blushing. "And a Piligramage?"

"Their coming of age ritual," you say, nodding. "They go out, find something the fleet can use, learn to survive on their own. Kinda like Rumspringa." You grin. "We actually had a few join the Legion as auxiliaries or even psions, they have something like a forty percent rate on electrokinetics, but they're usually all single modal."

"Technopaths," Ashley says. "You ever fly with a Quarian technopath, you're going to get where they land you, those guys can't get shot down."

"Wow," Jenny said, then laughed. "Cool!" Then she frowned. "And this...teenager on her Rumspringa is getting hunted by a gangster."

You nod, then look at the chart, frowning. "Says here his name is Frisk."

What do?

[ ] Head straight for Frisks
[ ] Okay, hold up. You're not C-sec. Go to C-Sec and report this. At least get permission to shoot Frisk's place to hell and gone
[ ] Write In

CHECK: Transmog to use CHimera to make regular old tiger shark blood!
ROLL: 1s +2e | RESULT: The diff 2 +1 complexity for trying to fool his advanced machines versus 3 successes means you buy off the difficulty and the complexity! You did it!
[X] Okay, hold up. You're not C-sec. Go to C-Sec and report this. At least get permission to shoot Frisk's place to hell and gone.

Look, sometimes calling the cops is the right thing to do.

We want to make a good impression, after all.
[X] Okay, hold up. You're not C-sec. Go to C-Sec and report this. At least get permission to shoot Frisk's place to hell and gone

Let's not make a scene immediately after becoming a Spectre.
[X] Okay, hold up. You're not C-sec. Go to C-Sec and report this. At least get permission to shoot Frisk's place to hell and gone

I do not normally endorse the police, and I still do not.

But I do have a crush on Garrus Vakarian in all his Wannabe PI Lew Archer glory :V
[X] Okay, hold up. You're not C-sec. Go to C-Sec and report this. At least get permission to shoot Frisk's place to hell and gone

Garrus is nice, but This will (probably also) take us to Wrex soo it's the best option.
[X] Okay, hold up. You're not C-sec. Go to C-Sec and report this. At least get permission to shoot Frisk's place to hell and gone

I agree with the Garrus thirst, at least until Thane enters the picture.