AEON EFFECT (Mass Effect / Trinity Crossover)

NameTigershark "Ti" ShepardOrderProject Minerva (formerly 5th Legion)


Physical Attribute
Mental Attribute
Social Attribute

XP: 6​
1 or 2​
Medium Range​
Soft/Hard Armor


Skills [Specialty]
Skills [Specialty]
Gun Tool (can spend 1 momentum to add Aim to related skill checks by using a gun to help out.)​
Close Combat​
Deadly Strike (when using mixed actions in melee combat, use the higher pool rather than the smaller.)​
Cold Read (spend 1 momentum to learn a detail about someone you just met)​
Devilishly Good Looking (spend 1 momentum to shift an NPC's attitude up by 1 towards you)​
VARG Pilot (When in combat, piloting checks do not count as against your maximum number of actions.)​


Oceanic (*)​
Culture, Empathy, Survival, Technology​
Amphibious or Aquatic Conversion (**/**), Artistic Talent (*-***), Big Hearted (*), Hardy (*-***), Increased Tolerance (*-***)), Library (*-***)​
VARG Pilot (*)​
Aim, Close Combat, Pilot, Technology​
Cpt. Anderson​
Ambidextrous (*), Cool Under Fire (**), Demolitions Training (*-***), Direction Sense (*), Hair Trigger Reflexes (*), Ms. Fix It (**), Patron (*-***), Tough Cookie (**)​
Section Minerva (*)​
Empathy, Integrity, Larceny, Persuasion​
Director Udina​
Minerva Agents​
Alternate Identity (*-**), Covert (*-***), Iron Will (*-***), Self-Reliance (*-*****), Striking (**)​
Aquatic Conversation​
Converted eyes can see in low light without penalty, can speak underwater with high frequency emissions, can endure -20 C without discomfort, can breathe water as well as air, gains 1 level of Soft Armor, moves at Speed Scale 2 while in the water, has sonar out to "far" range. DRAWBACKS: Requires x3 water per day to survive, suffers +2 complication with social checks with people who are disturbed by hot, muscular shark girls (racists, bigots, and general dickheads who you don't wanna be friends with anyway.)
Ms. Fix It​
Can add a second skill to repair and reverse engineering rolls as Enhancement, if it is related to the device in question (I.E, using Pilot to augment a Tech check to repair a VARG.)​
She's hot! ...very hot. +2e to all social checks.​
Favored Mode​
She gains +2e to all Transmog rolls, enhancing her ability to transform her body into anything she wills. This can be added as successes to rolls, or can be used to increase her Psi stat for the purposes of range, radius, and duration.​
Enhanced Tolerance​
She is exceptionally good at attuning to psi-active biological technology. She adds +2 to her Tolerance limit.

Health level
Health level
Health level
Hard Armor​
Hard Armor​
Taken Out​

(+1 Cost, +1 Diff per dot above your Mode Dots)
Basic Powers
Biosense (Cost: 0 | Duration: [Duration] | Effect: Can detect all living creatures within short range. Can screen out microbes, mammals, humans, and other things you don't want to sense per success.​
Adaption (-) [*]
Resist [*] (Cost: 0 | Duration: Instant | Effect: Reduce damage from toxins, irritants, and diseases by [Mode] dots. Can spend successes to add +1 to reduction per success. Also, cleans sense automatically!

Acclimatize [**] (Cost: 0 | Duration: [Mode Dots] x [Duration] | Effect: Suffer no penalties from high or low gravity that isn't Extreme, ignore all environmental damage with the hourly tag. Reduce damage from other environments by 1 per success spent and, if reduced to 0, downgrade them from continuous to minutes, for example.

Metabolic Control [***] (Cost: 1 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Change the rate of one part of your biology. Healing time can be sped up by [Mode Dots]+Successes. For things like intiative, reaction times, and so on, it is increased or decreased by [Mode Dots]/2, +/- 1 per 1 success spent. Can spend 2s to impact a second quality as well.

Adapt [****] (Cost: 2 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Upgrades Acclimatize so it works against continuous automatically by just spending the cost for Adapt!

Survive [*****] (Cost: 3 | Duration: [Mode] Scenes | Effect: Success increases both inflict damage and reduce indirect damage by [Mode] dots. Furthermore, can roll Psi+Adaption to regenerate injuries.​
Psychomorphing (**)[*]
Adjust [*] (Cost: 0 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Can move physical dots around equal to [Mode Dots] + Successes. So, 1s can move 3 points from Might to Dexterity!

Enhance [**] (Cost: 1 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] or 1 week or 1 month | Effect: May add +1 to physical attributes per success, up to a max of 5. Can purchase physical edges temporarily. If she commits 1 Psi Point for a week she can go without water. For a month, she can go without food. She can increase her running or swimming speed scale by +1 to a maximum of 3.

Compartmentalize [***] (Cost: 1 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Don't leave fingerprints, shed hair, or leave any tracks behind. Increase the diff to track by [Mode.] Can format with a bioapp by combining it with your body, reducing its Tolerance Requirement by 1 (can store up to Psi Dots apps.))

Overcome [****] (Cost: 2 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Gain an Enhancement to all dice rolls that can be improved by mercurial shapeshifting (joints can bend anywhere, pheromones can be released, and so on) equal to [Mode.]

Perfection [*****] (Cost: 3 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Works like Enhance, but your physical stats have the new max of 7 and you can enhance physical and mental stats as well!​
Transmogrify (**)[*]
Plasticity [*] (Cost: 0 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Can stretch limbs out a number of meters equal to [Mode] dots. Can slip through gaps no wider than [10-Mode] centimeters by squeeshing. Can form glider wings.

Gross Manipulation [**] (Cost: 0 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Modifies her body to produce a specific effect. For 1s, gain enhancement equal to [mode]/2 for any non-combat action (E.G, making climbing claws to climbing!) For 2s, grow extra limbs to use as you will! Can grow extra sensory organs for 1s (eyes on fingers, for example.) If growing weapons, gain a number of points equal to [Mode]+Successes that can be spent on the following fun things! Melee weapons with Brutal (1), Deadly (1), Entangle (2), Grapple (1), Piercing (1), Pushing (1), Quality (2 or 3), Reach (1), Shield (2), Weighted (1.) For armor, it's Complete (3), Composite (2), Defensive (2), Hard (1), or Soft (1, 2)

Transformation [***] (Cost: 1 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Transfooooorm! Cosmetic changes are 1s, 1s = 10% change in height or weight, Physical Sex is 2s, Copying someone is 1s if you have a psionic connection to them. Impersonating someone without is 4s.

Chimera [****] (Cost: 2 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Can gain +1 enhancement per success to any sense by adding new, sexy senses (bat ears!?), can add +1 to running or swimming speed scale per success, can add +1 to flying scale for 2 successes (to a maximum of speed scale 4.) Can remove aquatic conversion for duration. Can create ranged weapons, similarly to above. Can make these changes permanent with XP.

Imbue Instinct [*****] (Cost: 3 | Duration: [Mode] x Hours | Effect: Gain a bonus for a number of mixed actions equal to her Psi, adding +1e to all of those actions per 2 successes on the roll. Only those actions gain these enhancements. Can separate out one wound box worth of flesh (cannot use her armor for this) and send it out to do her crimes for her! Furthermore, can use any previous Transmog power to modify her size up to Size 2 (big old bear) or down to Size 0 (cat size).​

Tolerance: 8/8

N7 Combat Armor
Tags: Active Camo [2] (+2e to all stealth checks), Complete (3) [Protects against all forms of damage], Hard Armor [3] (+2 hard armor), Powered [0] (so long as it remains powered, +2e to all might checks), Soft Armor [2] (+2 to soft armor)

M5 Predator Kinetic Pistol
Tags: Brutal [1] (-1s required for critical hits), Concealable [2] (+2e to conceal it), Destructive [2] (Ignores 2 armor and blows through walls with ease), Quality [3] (Adds +2e to use), Ranged [Melee to Close Range] [1] (Can be fired in melee to close range without penalty)

Steinhardt MI-CC: A military issue minicomp, with communication and computing technology. Basically, a space phone from space.

Interface Augmentation Device (IAD), Biokinesis: Adds +1 to all Biokinetic Modes for the purposes of duration and effect but NOT for dice. Adds +1 to Psi for all factors save Psi Points for rolling Biokinesis. Tolerance Requirement: 3

M35 Mako Class V(acuum) A(ssault) and R(econnaissance) G(ear)
Sensor Range: Long (+2e to all perception checks) with LANS (can detect Quantum Flux and Biotic Powers)
Life Support: 1 Year | Tolerance Requirement: 5
Strength Enhancement: Count as Scale 2 for strength (+2e per scale above the target). Suffer +1 complication for dealing with anything smaller.
Armor: 2 Soft, 2 Hard | Health: -1/-1/-2/-2/-4

Shoulder Mounted M-290 Revenant Coilgun
Scale: 2 | Total Enhancement: +6e
Tags: Automatic [2] (Can add +2e by emptying the magazine), Destructive [2] (ignores 2 armor and blows through walls with ease), Hardpoint [2] (+1e and uses a hardpoint), Major [0] (counts as size 1), Ranged [Close to Medium] (can be used at these range without penalty), VARG-Scale [+1e, count as one scale higher)

Wrist Mounted M-451 Firestorm Laser Cannon
Scale: 2 | Total Enhancement: +5e
Tags: Beam [1] (can strike every target within close range of the target), Destructive [2] (see above), Hardpoint [2] (see above), Ranged [Close to Medium] (see above), VARG-Scale (see above)

Back Mounted ML-77 Smart Missile Launcher
Scale: 2 | Total Enhancement: +5e
Tags: Hardpoint [2] (see above), Incendiary [2] (on a critical hit, sets the target on fire instead of doing extra damage), Massive Explosive (ranged) [3] (Kabooms everyone in a medium radius), Ranged [Short-Long] (See above), VARG-Scale (see above)

Weapons [4]: Has a major weapon in a hardpoint, and two minor weapons in the other hardpoints.
Biomorphic Array [3]: Provides +4 to transmog rolls, and +2 dots to the Transmog mode for the purposes of powers, allows for the powers to be used on the Mako.
Tools [1]: A set of manipulators for field repairs
System Damage: Spend 1s from a defensive roll to replace an injury to one of your hardpoints
Advantageous Assault: Spend 1s while attacking to blow apart scenery into Light Cover or Complicated Terrain. 2s will make heavy cover or difficult terrain.

Jenny: 1 Romance
Kaiden: 1 Friendship
Ashley: 1 Friendship
Last edited:
CHAPTER TWO: The Citadel (0.3)
You slap Kaiden's arm. "Thanks for trying, though."

"Tell me if you start getting taken over by the outer darkness, XO."

You nod, then turn and see that the Gunny is pouring water from the small, aerodynamic little mug that she has taken from the Normandy's stores and into a shimmering field of faintly visible, rippling air. The water sits in the perikinetic field, and she watches it, frowning. You step over.

"Practicing?" you ask.

"The thing I learned slowest and worst in boot camp," she says, lifting the cup with her hand, then holding it above the physical mug. "Is selective permeability. It's all or nothing for me, a lot of the time."

Water started to slide through the bottom of the mug - dribbling through in a grid pattern, as if she had opened a series of rectangular holes in the perikinetic field.

"I need to work on that," she says, with a bit of grim, focused determination. You frown and take a seat across from her at the table.

"You okay. Gunny?"

Gunnery Sergeant Williams glanced up at you, and you can see her judging whether or not she'll let the diminutive stand. She lets it. Good! You might have made Commander, but senior NCOs are still terrifying. The last of the water drips out of the mug and she opens her palm - the perikinetic field fading away. "You know, I almost got through the entirety of boot before I tested positive for being a latent psion. The genetic scans just had a hard time on me, I guess I was an annoying overachiever even at the genetic level." You smile at that. "This was back before...shit, it was before the teleporters came back home and we had contact with the extrasolar colonies again." She shook her head. "Time flies, huh?"

You nod, letting her get through this.

"So me, being a dumbass kid, jumped at the superpowers. Next best thing to erupting, right?" she shakes her head. "No one ever says that, out loud. You don't want to look like a fucking asshole. But...we all saw the old vids, the cape-shit. Do you know how many vidshows and holofilms they made out of capes before the Galatia exploded and made Aberrants a thing?" You remember, faintly, that the Galatia had been an experimental starship that humanity had built, back in the late 20th century, early 21st. It had exploded in the Earth's atmosphere, right about the same time Aberrants had first popped up.

"I thought most pre-Crash stuff got lost," you say.

"Oh, yeah, the Crash wiped out ninety percent of digital media from before 2062. But you know what? Ten percent of the surviving media is still Marvel," Williams sighs. "And like an idiot, I thought it was absolutely worth going through boot again to get superpowers. But like, good superpowers, not the stuff that makes you grow extra eyeballs and tentacles."

Without meaning to, the two of you glance at Slider - and her emphatically non-tentacled, non-extra eyeballed body.

Williams shakes her head slowly, then looks back at you. "Selective permeability. I...had us locked down on the kinetic and energetic spectrums - they were fragging us with a 150mm fully automatic mounted piece, and lasing the entire area so hot the rubble was melting, and we were fine behind my shaped projection." She waves her hand and recreates it in miniature - a fantastically sophisticated collection of interlocking bubbles and tubes that have small firing slits and ports that could be shot out of - all of it layered atop what had to have been physical trenches. The perikinetic control is impressive as hell - even in miniature scale. She purses her lips. "Then they hit us with...some kind of chemical weapon. Gassy, but it dropped like liquid. Started eating through the suits and by the time I figured out the permeability...well, it was too fucking late."

You winced.

"I had to fall back." Williams rubs at her face with her hands.

"It's not your-"

"Commander, respectfully, you have no idea," Williams says, her hands slamming onto the table, hard enough to jerk some attention towards her. She forces her voice to be calm. "Listen, I'll be in my quarters, if you need me."

"Gunny," you say, as she stands up. "I can't order you to talk to a councilor. Well, technically, I absolutely can - the whole part of the regs about ensuring marines under your command don't ruin themselves by sticking in their own heads." You see her laugh and try and hide it. "But we have a councilor on the ship. And you need to talk about this."

"...I will, Commander. Okay?"

She starts off.

You sigh. That hadn't gone as well as you would have hoped, but you had a feeling that your newest member of the crew - for as long as she was assigned to the Normandy was going to fit in just fine. You drummed your fingers on the table - and saw that Slider was now heaping her plate with food - less than you'd expect, but still doing it. You calculated a fairly good chance she'd take the seat Ash had just left if you gestured her over...

Who left! This is your last shot before arriving at the Citadel. Has it been two hours? I dunno, time's flexible, deal with it.
[ ] Slider! Get...over here!
[ ] You do want to touch base with Nihilus before you arrive.

CHECK: Commander Shepard tries to help Ash, rolling Presense+Command! The difficulty is 3 (it's hard to get through to her) and it has 2 complications (even if you get through to her, she might be pissed.) | ROLL! 2s!
RESULT: Shepard spends 2 successes to beat the complications, but that means she fails the check. Ash still bummed, but she's at least not mad at you, specifically.

CHECK: COmmander Shepard tells Ash to get help, using Presence+Persuasion, same diff/complexity | ROLL: 6s!
RESULT: SHepard spends 3 to beat the diff, 2 to beat the complexity, and has 1 left over, you know, as a snack!
[X] Slider! Get...over here!

Possible revelations about how normal humans were secretly sterilizing most novas(Older name for abberants) which led to the war at least in part
CHAPTER TWO: The Citadel (0.4)
You hesitate, for a moment, then cup your hand. Slider walks over, then grins.

"This takes me back," she says, shaking her head as she sits across from you. You watch her dig into the artificial meat and try and square what you're feeling. Your eyes and your ears and even your nose - what little good its for - all tell you...normal girl. Well, okay, extraordinarily pretty girl. But your subquantum senses, your psychic attunement, your noetic inner-ear, whatever you wanted to call the innate connection you had to the fundamental forces of the cosmos all said this girl was an Aberrant. A strong one, too. that you had time to think and focus, she did feel distinctly different from Aberrants you had fought.

There was more...


That was the best word you had for it. Their sense had been wild and jagged, rooting upwards. Like weeds pushing through concrete, or a ship spinning out of control, there had always been something distinctly unleashed, unchained. Jenny felt like her power radiated outwards from a central place, and was on lock.

You realized you'd left her little opening bid unresponded to. "How so? You were in the military?"

"Military?" Jenny laughed, then pointed at her chest and gave me a look. "Moi?

Your brow furrowed. Was that...French?

"Nevermind," she said, laughing quietly. "It's gone the way of Radio Shack and Blockbuster."

"Who were they?" you ask, thinking that Aberrants had weird codenames back in the day. Hell, had, the leader of Eden was named fucking Apollo for god's sake. Jenny giggled into her drink. "What?"

"Nothing, just..." She sighed. "God. It's been a long time." She set the cup down. "Back in the 90s and oughts, the first 90s and oughts I should say, the 1990s, not the 2090s, I was part of Team Tomorrow. The best and brightest novas in the world brought together for truth, justice and equality. We saved a lot of lives, stopped a lot of wars, cleaned up a lot of pollution." She shook her head. "But it didn't work out."

"Why not?" you ask.

"Because we never asked why there were so many wars, pollution, and crime," she says, shrugging. "The Earth of the 22nd century finally figured it out - most places, at least." She sighs. "Shame about the United States."

You nod. "I...still don't quite follow. There's still war and pollution and crime on Earth."

She shook her head. "You don't get it, Ti. Can I call you Ti?" You nod and Slider leans forward. "The largest corporation in your world, Orogtek, runs at a profit margin so narrow that in my society, its stocks would be tanking. Even your worst, most pathetic societies have better and more robust social support systems than the first world countries of my Earth - we made greed and profit into a mantra so unbelievably well entrenched that it took me decades to even realize I'd been propagandized." She sighed. "Capitalism's dying on your Earth, and that makes all the difference in the world."

You frown. "So, you were just a bandage over a gut wound?"

She nods.

"Shit," you say. "That...must have sucked."

Slider's chuckle is bitter. "It wasn't even the worst part. Wait till you hear about Proteus."

"I have time," you say. "If we're going to be working together."

Slider breathes in, then blows out a long, slow sigh. "Novas were scary. Psions, you come out of the blue, but you're a lot less intimidating - you have a vetting process, you can deny absolute monsters access to the Prometheus Chamber. Moreover, you're a lot more...predictable. Novas were...are...kinda random - anyone can erupt at any time. The fact it's a one in a million shot doesn't make it more controllable - and you have a complete coinflip. Are you gonna erupt and become Jenifer Slider, cute, spunky teleporter about town." She wiggles her nose playfully. "Or are you gonna get Greyon or Levithan or Flechette or Taylor Worm or any number of possible monsters with superhuman powers? That's the calculus that led to the creation of Project Proteus, a top secret branch of the United Nations."

You nod. "Anti-nova specialists?"

"Well, they went straight for secretly sterilizing as many of us as humanly possible," Slider says, and the bitter hurt in her voice makes you wince. You feel a kind of...guilt in your stomach, deep and heavy and faintly irrational. You look aside, unable to meet her gaze. "...well, it's an ancient history now." She stood up, slapping the table. "I've never seen the Citadel before. They have a KOS order on us spooky scary novas, so I'll be the first one to see it and live. Wanna watch with me from the observation deck?"

"Yeah," you say, and stand up to follow the nova as she walked forward, through the curving corridors of the Normandy.

The view through the window flared blue-white as you stood beside the railing that circled around the edge of the room and tried to not glance to your side, because Jenny had leaned forward and thrust her rump out. It very poor taste to oggle her butt after that bombshell. You instead kept watching the view as the Normandy slammed to a stop on the far side of the Mass Relay, and into the vast and almost opaque Spider Nebula. The Nebula itself grew around the Citadel - a byproduct of the station over its tens of thousands of years of existence. You and Jenny watched, while Ash and Kaiden stepped into the observation deck too - all eager to see.

"And if you look to port, ladies and gentlemen, you will see the Citadel Station..." Joker's voice came over the PA while you gaped at the sight of the thing.

The Citadel Station was fifty kilometers long, approximately. Each of the five arms that stretched out from the central ring like the petals of a narrow tubed flowers was slowly rotating to provide centrifugal gravity - far cheaper on a station of this size than the creation of mass effect fields - and each of them was covered with cityscapes, buildings that had been constructed onto the pale white surface of the citadel itself. The glittering lights of traffic lanes and orbital transfers threaded between them like beads, while angular formations of the Citadel defense fleets sat in parking orbits, ominous and protective all at once.

"Look at the size of that..." Kaiden whispered.

"I think even the best mega-brain on Eden would have a hard time designing this thing, let alone building it," Jenny said, shaking her head. "How many people do you think live there?"

You look down at your omni-tool, tapping at it. "Approximately...thirteen point two million."

"Cheater," Jenny said, wiggling her butt at you playfully.

"Holy shit," Williams points. "Look at that."

The Normandy was cruising past what you had mistaken for a boarding station or a defense emplacement. But no.

It had thrusters equivalent to its size, and was bristling with small, sleek looking mass-effect accelerator cannons. Which at this distance meant they were battleship secondary weapons, supporting the main gun of the ship. You had no idea what it would even be, as the ship had a cruciform design with a vast open bay in the center and...more, it broke every convention of accelerator based ships by being taller than it was long. The length of the ship denoted the length (and thus, the power) of the mass effect accelerator that ran along the spinal mount. This ship broke that rule...meaning...

"It's the Destiny Ascension, the Asari flagship," you say, quietly. "They're one of the only psychic species in the galaxy, other than us, right?"

"They're single modal," Kaiden said. "They're all telepaths. But they've figured out how to induce biotic powers without disrupting noetic connections - so they're basically all telekinetics and telepaths."

"Biotics aren't telekinesis," Williams whispered, distracted.

"Close enough for government work," Kaiden said, chuckling.

"No, they're not," Williams shook her head, then stepped over to the window, craning her head to keep the Destiny Ascension in her line of sight for longer. "That ship's secondary guns could punch a hole through half the Chinese fleet and not even slow down!"

You nod as the Presidium ring began to swell before the Normandy. "So, you all ready for sight seeing?" you ask, grinning slightly, and the others looked back at you. Kaiden was looking earnestly excited. Williams, still guarded. Jenny was giving you her normal spunky grin. Good. It was good their morale was high.

The politics were usually what killed ya.

You have completed your first RELATIONSHIP ACTION with each character! Relationships take time to build, but once completed, give a spendable resource that can buff you in combat and dramatic scenes! BUt which relationships...there are RIVALRY, FRIENDSHIP, and LOVE! You can double or even triple up if you want, but only one per character! Rivalry is spent to get bonus dice when trying something your rival has failed. Friendship can be spent to buff an action you're both taking together (adding to your shared roll.) Love can be spent to act on their turn in combat, even if you've already acted. Each has a downside! Rivalry's downside is you get a Complication to any interpersonal rolls with them that you have to buy off. Friendship applies a difficulty if you do something a friend dislikes (I.E, they can sabotage you if they disagree with what you're doing.) Love's downside is if your lover is in danger, you get a complication to all actions cause you're worried about them!

If a drawback sounds bad and the upside seems not worth it, you can keep them at arm's length!

[ ] I feel ______ about Ashley Williams?
-[ ] a rival
-[ ] a friend
-[ ] a crush
-[ ] nothing
[ ] I feel ______ about Kaiden Alenko?
-[ ] a rival
-[ ] a friend
-[ ] a crush
-[ ] nothing
[ ] I feel ______ about Jennifer Landers?
-[ ] a rival
-[ ] a friend
-[ ] a crush
-[ ] nothing
[X] I feel ______ about Ashley Williams?
-[X] nothing
[X] I feel ______ about Kaiden Alenko?
-[X] a friend
[X] I feel ______ about Jennifer Landers?
-[X] a crush
[X] I feel ______ about Ashley Williams?
-[X] nothing
[X] I feel ______ about Kaiden Alenko?
-[X] a friend
[X] I feel ______ about Jennifer Landers?
-[X] a crush
[X] I feel ______ about Ashley Williams?
-[x] a crush
[X] I feel ______ about Kaiden Alenko?
-[x] a crush
[X] I feel ______ about Jennifer Landers?
-[x] a crush
[X] I feel ______ about Ashley Williams?
-[X] a friend
[X] I feel ______ about Kaiden Alenko?
-[X] a friend
[X] I feel ______ about Jennifer Landers?
-[X] a friend
[X] I feel ______ about Ashley Williams?
-[X] nothing
[X] I feel ______ about Kaiden Alenko?
-[X] a friend
[X] I feel ______ about Jennifer Landers?
-[X] a crush
[X] I feel ______ about Ashley Williams?
-[X] a rival
[x] I feel ______ about Kaiden Alenko?
-[X] a friend
[ X I feel ______ about Jennifer Landers?
-[X] a crush

[:V] I feel ______ about the fact that none of these sentences make grammatical sense?
-[:V] annoyed