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In the Ageless Lands in the Common Continent, things are stirring, great hordes to the east move...
The beginning
The Shrine of the Muse
In the Ageless Lands in the Common Continent, things are stirring, great hordes to the east move for new land and opportunities, in the south, the dwarves stir from their keeps in the mountains eager to reclaim land that they have lost, in the west the great Elvish priests ask the spirits of the forest for guidance, the great adventurers rally the lost and the dammed to their banners to create new kingdoms.

But all of that is of little importance, for in the Elvish Forest Retreat of Hawk's Rest, an Elf prepares for her adventure…

Welcome one and all to my quest of which I have no name, yes, you are that elf and as such I ask for you to make ready for adventure by creating your character. I would prefer this to be in plan format.

You have 10 points for the attributes, in all you start at average which would be 5

You have 20 points for combat skills, each level in it costs one more point, costs would be 1, 2, 3 etc.

You have 20 points for learning skills, similar rules

For every two positive perks, you are obliged to pick a negative perk


[ ] – Write in


[ ] Strength – Used to determine how hard you hit

[ ] Agility – Used to determine your speed in most things

[ ] Knowledge – Used to determine your booksmarts and quickly you improve your skills

[ ] Intelligence – Used to determine how you excel at pursuits of the smart people

[ ] Endurance – Health and general encumbrance, carry more shit

[ ] Luck – You're general luckiness, how the Spirits favour you

Combat Skills

[ ] Swordsman – How good are you with a sword, the coolest of weapons.

[ ] Spearman – How good are you with the spear and other polearms.

[ ] Fighter – How useful are you as a fighter, you're all-round fighting skills.

[ ] Archer – How good are you at aiming and general archery.

[ ] Bowman – How good are you with the most elvish of weapons, the bow.

[ ] Dodger – How good are you at dodging attacks and possibly death.

[ ] Unarmed – REQUIRES [BRAWLER] How good you are at the art of beating the shit out of people.

[ ] Lasher – REQUIRES [CHOSEN] How good are you wielding the most exotic of weapons, the whip.

Learning Skills

[ ] Reading – According to mother, reading is an important skill (with zero points you are illiterate).

[ ] Foreign Customs – How knowledgeable are you on the culture of the filthy Dwarves and Goblins.

[ ] Persuader – How good are you at being able to fight with words instead of weapons.

[ ] Lore – The Lore of the beasts, both mundane and mythical. Also affects your knowledge of history.

[ ] Cartographer – People will pay a lot for maps, might be good to learn how to make them.

[ ] Magic – The Spirits of the forest granted the elves magic, how much have you bothered to remember the spells.


Interesting things about your character, grants bonuses and may save your life, who knows.


[ ] Presence - When you speak, others listen, regardless of intention, good for ordering others around.

[ ] Brawler – You learnt how to fight without weapons, its no stretch you say that you can kill someone with your bare hands, two free levels in dodging, Unlocks the [Unarmed] Skill with three free levels

[ ] Metalhead – You've always had a strange obsession with metals that borders on Dwarven, you gain two levels in foreign customs, you are universally hated by elves who know about you're obsession, dwarves might like you though and they have weaponized magma

[ ] Noble – You come from nobility, you start with better gear and you have a plus ten to knowledge rolls concerning minor nobility, auto succeed all knowledge rolls concerning major nobility

[ ] Eagle-eyed – By Elfish standards you have crazy good vision, this makes it easier to detect weird shit and details, you are also more skilled at archery

[ ] Blessed by the Spirits – The Spirits seem to have blessed you by improving your skills in magic, plus two free levels

[ ] Lonely Wolf – You always worked best alone, you gain a plus ten to rolls while fighting alone

[ ] Linguist – While other elves might learn their own tongue and parts of common, you are fluent in Common, Dwarven, Goblin and Divine. This means that you will always understand what people are saying, might impress a few people. Also passable in human

[ ] Leader – Teamwork makes the dream work. You are good at leading groups of people to victory, plus ten to rolls involving teamwork and allows you to strategize group attacks more effectively.

[ ] Animal Friend – Elves have always been at peace with nature, with this perk, animals will actively come to your aid in combat and you have an easier time calming animals.

[ ] Duelist – You've always been skilled in the art of dueling, fellow duelists will respect you, the best have been revered as true masters of combat, two free levels in a combat skill of your choice.

[ ] Chosen – You don't choose the whip, the whip chooses YOU, you unlock the [Lasher] skill and three free levels in it.


[ ] Pacifist – You despise the thought of killing, you gain a minus 10 modifier for combat rolls but a plus ten to persuasion rolls, especially when it comes to stopping fights Won't help when they want you're blood

[ ] Mute – You can't speak, you've had to learn to make do, doubles the skill cost for persuader and understandably makes conversation hard.

[ ] Dwarf Sight – By Elfish standards, you are almost legally blind, you really can't do archery and elves will actively try to rid you of arrows and bows

[ ] Anti-social – It's not that you hate socializing, it's more that socializing hates you. Minus ten to social rolls

[ ] Albino – You were born with pale skin, red eyes and white hair. Most will believe that you are evil, dwarves will think you are a monster from the caves until proven otherwise

[ ] Challenge Lover – "Our heroes in trouble now." Outnumbered, outgunned, suicidal odds, those mean nothing to you, its rumoured you don't know fear. Most followers won't follow you into those odds.

[ ] Possessed – you're not sure what happened or when, maybe you accidentally pushed over a priest or something. But you've been hearing these voices And they whisper things you don't want to understand

[ ] One armed – Something happened when you were young, it caused you to lose an arm, you can't do archery now and good luck for wielding any two handed weapons Some might pity you

[ ] Honor bound - Honor is a system that you live and die by, if someone knows about this, expect them to exploit you


[ ] Polarizing First Impressions - Half the people you met will think you're the bee's knees, the other half will think you're a massive tool. Effect fades with time

I shall be claiming the next few posts for codex and character sheet purposes.
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Character Page
Name: Isabelle Wiseheart
Citizen of Hawk's Rest
The Possessed

Current Health: 95%

Current Mana: 450/750
Strength: 8 - You are kinda strong, above average but nothing to write home about
Agility: 10 - You are quite agile, like quite a few elves are surprised by your agility
Knowledge: 6 - By Elvish standards you aren't that wise, but old elves throw off the average.
Intelligence: 5 - You are averagely intelligent, according to the voices in your head.
Endurance: 6 - By elvish standards, you are like a birch tree, you can endure but not for long.
Luck: 5 - Your luck is meh, don't rely on it as it will fuck you over hard.


Fighter: 4 - You are a good all round fighter, you are rarely caught without a weapon
Dodge: 4 - You are good at dodging around strikes, a good skill to develop.
Unarmed: 5 - You are scary good at unarmed combat, punch, kick and choke to victory.
Reading: 4 - You are good at reading, you can even read most bad handwriting
Magic: 4 - The spirits gave the elves magic, you are alright at such magic pursuits.
Acrobatics: 1 - You are beginning to get the hang of the art of swinging around trees and other acrobatic fetes, truly, the picture of Elvish Grace.


Polarizing first impressions - Half of the people you meet will think your the bee's knees, the other think you're a massive tool

Mute - You are mute, this understandably makes communication hard

Possessed - Everything is alright, there is nothing wrong. Sleep well, pleasant dreams.

Force of Nature - Despite muteness, you are able to command the attention of everyone nearby.

Brawler - You have learnt how to fight with your fists, as a result you are never without weapon.

Eagle-Eyed - Even by Elvish standards, you have crazy good eyesight. You can easily see what most cannot.

Blessed by the Spirits - The spirits have blessed you with increased abilities with magic, its a dubious honor.

Linguist - The term "Language Barrier" means little to you, if it spoken then you can speak it as well.

Animal Friend - Most elves are at peace with nature, you control it, animals will come to your aid in battle.

Duelist - You are a decent fellow, you'd hate to die. You are also very good at combat in your chosen weapon, fists.

Challenge Lover - "Our heroes in trouble now." the terms outnumbered, outgunned or suicidal odds means nothing to you.

Amateur Rouge - "I seem to be getting the hang of this sneaking business...." Through some practice, you're starting to become more adept at Stealth.

Heartbeat Healing - Basic healing spell, costs 100 mana, heals 10% of health over 3 turns

Foresight - Requires [Crystal Ball] costs 200 mana, give foresight into future.

Nudge Fate - Costs 50 mana, add 10 to any roll

Grow - Costs 50 mana, might have some use in creating an escape route, mostly used for the purposes of making wooden objects.

Leather Body Armor (EQUIPPED) - Provides protection against bludgeoning attacks

Silk Tunic (EQUIPPED) - Not much in the way of defensive value, reminds you of home.

Leather Trousers (EQUIPPED) - Provides protection against bludgeoning attacks

Travelling Boots (EQUIPPED) - The most inconvenient thing while travelling would be to develop blisters

Leather Gloves (EQUIPPED) - A bit worn out but protects your hand well enough.

Rope Reed Bag (EQUIPPED) - A new bag made by your sister.

Farewell Cloak (EQUIPPED) - A new cloak, traditionally given to a wandering elf when they leave the retreat, the clasp is the Elvish Hope, it is holy and protects from the undead.

Travelling Gear - A map, compass and tinderbox, essentials for travelling anywhere

Waterskin - A leather waterskin that can hold three servings of water. Currently 3/3

Crystal Ball - A ball which is apparently made of Crystal, used for fortune telling, you wonder if, in another life, you could have done fortune telling

2 Entities
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A medium sized creature dedicated to a ruthless (often hypocritical) protection of nature. They are known as the most beautiful and fair species in all of creation, by Elvish reckoning, they are often liked for their grace.
Their natural talents include climbing, beast taming, archery, dancing (apparently) and magic, a gift that is given to them by the spirits.
They are biologically immortal and can only be killed by violence, poisoning or starvation.
Crimes in Elvish society are punished by dirty looks for minor crimes such as thievery or speaking out of turn. Exile is the punishment for major crimes like murder, killing animals and slavery
A short creature fond of getting pissed, killing elves and industry. Their favorite pastimes involve killing elves, mad science and metalworking. They are known as the ugliest and destructive species in creation, the first part is by Elvish reckoning the second part is by everyone's reckoning. They are often liked for their beards.
Their natural talents include breaking the laws of physics, mining and cutting down trees. Though they are not immortal, they are hardy and have near perfect low light vision. An interest tidbit is that most of their history involves them making an expedition that is initially successful before it fails spectacularly within the decade.
In most elvish stories the dwarves are the villains, the ones who betray the heroes or the most gritty and distasteful antihero.
All crimes in dwarven civilization are punished by death via hammer or permanent conscription into the army.
A medium sized creature driven to cruelty by its evil nature. Their favorite pastimes include being at war with the dwarves, kidnapping children and internal power struggles.
They are known as the most terrifying species by everyone's reckoning, including their own. They are often liked for their terrifying features. It is rumored that their civilization was started by demons, whether this is true or just dwarf propaganda is up to debate.
They are biologically immortal and can only be killed via the normal methods. They also have quite good low light vision.
An interesting tidbit is that the common language was invented by a Goblin general while on campaign.
Crimes are treated as personal matters in their civilization, punishments are decided and meted out by the wounded party. With the exception of Oath-breaking, that is punishable by summary execution by the nearest available member of the guard.
A medium sized creature prone to great ambition. Their favorite pastimes involve farming, fishing and travelling. They are not considered by Goblins, the dwarves consider them as lesser dwarves and Elves think of them as damn near mythical at best, or just tall dwarves at worst.
Elves who have met humans are often regarded as delusional or mistaken, with communications being restricted to what an elf thinks humans act like. Humans are liked for their stature.
They have a hierarchical, and often divided, society that values those skilled at combat or skilled at metalworking
Crimes are punished in ordnance to the crime's severity with banishment, or execution, being a common punishment.
A small creature that is fond of stealing things from dwarves. Their favorite pastimes include sneaking, stealing and stabbing dwarf kidneys. They are liked for their mischievous tendencies. Their main exports are thieves and petty annoyance.
They are not considered all that civilized as they lack a spoken language. Though they do seem to have a good eye for value and scouting if their thievery is anything to go by as they often end up stealing artifacts before sending raiding parties.
The Term "Creature of the Night" is a broad term which is used to describe a number of different beings and entities, all of which go bump in the night. These beings are blessed and cursed in different ways, they are more hardy than your average mortal but are cursed with not only being outcasts of society but also, in most cases, insanity.
The term itself can refer to these creatures:
The term Were creature refers to a number of different beings, from the comparatively mundane werewolves to horrific weremammoths, in terms of what they have in common:
They are ridiculously strong, even when not in beast form.
They regenerate lost limbs were entering said beast form.
They have no control over their transformations.
They loose all control when entering beast form as the beast simply takes over.
A more annoying creature of the night, the vampire seduces then drains the blood of its victims.
They are a type of undead meaning that they do actually get along with other undead quite well. Generally speaking, most vampires tend to be dwarves due to the lack of sunlight they normally get, which makes blending in a hell of a lot more easy.
Vampires are also adept socialites with ridiculously good persuasion abilities, they can suck someone literally dry in from of multiple people and can then charm their way out of any accusation, if given enough time.
As such, dwarven authorities adopt a shoot first, ask questions later approach or they conscript the vampires into the army and send them into the fight first.
The most benign creature of the night, though given the competition, that isn't saying much, these are generally the souls of the dead who have not been laid to rest, they typically will hang around where they died haunting people and being a general nuisance until someone either buries their body or honours their name with a slab. Though while mostly benign, they can still be very ... upset if they are not laid to rest or their corpse is desiccated and can sometimes lead to them becoming very violent or disruptive.
A term used to describe these strange hunched creatures that appear in the night, with glowing yellow eyes and skin as black as night. They are a predatory race that relies on pack hunting if the fact that they appear in groups of six is anything to go by, there have been very few confirmed sightings of them due to their rarity. Disappearances of people who go on adventures are often blamed on the Entities, especially, since their bodies are never found, like they just disappeared, but no one knows where they went.
Magic is the force of nature that is born into everyone, though some make use of it more than others. Everyone has the potential to due magic but not everyone masters it. There are multiple styles of magic, these are typically divided between, Human magic, Dwarf magic, Elf magic, Goblin magic, Divine Magic and Necromancy.
A more flashy style of magic, much like humans themselves, its very versatile but often takes its toll on the user. The spells are often casted with long incantations but are very powerful, with their power being determined on the length of the incantation and the adeptness of the caster.
A very flashy style of magic which is often ignored by the dwarves, the few spells that are casted are ones that are necessary, it mostly heat or earth based and sometimes is a very large explosion or cataclysm that can turn the tide of a battle.
Due to the fact that the Dwarves rarely cast magic, its basically fallen out of existence with the few casters being the bookkeeper of fortresses and occasionally a dwarf marshal.
A very subtle style of magic which is unlike the elves themselves, it requires no incantations but is very fickle, it requires the user to be in good faith with the spirits, the more powerful the magic, the more favour that they need with the spirits.
Although such limitations can be bypassed by huge mana reserves or an advanced knowledge of magic.
Due to the fact that goblin society is often secretive and makes sure that no knowledge gets out to the outsiders. Their magic is often reflected in this in that their magic is focused on illusionary spells and memory charms.
It doesn't require long incantations but is often more based on rituals, very fitting when considering the goblin internal politics.
The most often practiced spell is one to hide the room where the ritual takes place. The second most practiced spell is one to break the aforementioned illusion.
Little is known about the magic of the Divines that created the world, the land and the oceans. It is the magic of those who live on high, they do occasionally interfere with the affairs of mortals, blessing some with a mighty destiny or punishing some for hurting their priests or toppling their statues with curses.
A powerful form of magic that is forbidden around the world. As the name implies it is to do with raising corpses from the dead, but more than that it can raise severed limbs, skin and raw meat. Necromancers often seclude themselves in a tower in far away locations to research their magic, which often takes a hold of the land itself, making it more... evil in appearance and causing unnatural weather to occur.
The land around the necromancer's tower is often surrounded by the raised corpses of those foolhardy enough to consider attacking, sometimes, the corpses are raised without the necromancer knowing, like the land itself has come alive and is plotting something.
The previous phenomenon has lead to occasions of adventurers killing a necromancer only to get killed by their own raised limbs or something.
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Party Sheet
Permanent Members
No one, yet.
Temporary Members
Name= Francesca
Citizen of Sorcerer's Rest
The last Child of Sorcerer's Rest (self-proclaimed)
The Lonely Blade (self-proclaimed)
The Tall Dwarf
Daughter of Heroes

Current Health = 70%

Current Mana = 0/2500


Strength: 5 -Very average strength, her attacks do hit, just not that much.
Agility: 6 - Just above average agility, quick on her feet
Knowledge: 7 - "I didn't know we that much blood in us!"
Intelligence: 5 - Nothing special, she's not that smart and it shows.
Endurance: 7 - She has, and will, Endure.
Luck: 10 - Lady Luck is attached at the hip to this one.


Fighter: 6 – An experienced all-around fighter, knows the theory and has some good work with the practical
Swordsman: 5 – "The sword is sharp…." This character is very good with that sword of hers and can swing it around better than most.
Dodge: 5 – Very good at getting out of the way of attacks, not helped all that much by her armor, but there you go.
Clubber: 1 – This character has begun her path on the elegant art of bonking someone over the head with a large stick.

Magic: 4 – Despite the fact that she's not an elf (and therefore not perfect), she's good with magic.
Reading: 2 – She can read most people's handwriting, though to be honest, she can't read cursive
Foreign Customs: 2 – She can bluff her way through conversations with dwarves to make it seem like she knows their culture.
Music: 1 – Don't let this one near a lute, it'll sound like a cat being strangled
Translation: 3 – Is alright at looking at block text and translating it, though she's a bit lost on the grammar

Appraisal: 3 – She knows enough about appraising items from a glance to stop her from being scammed, most of the time.
Storyteller: 1 – Pity to poor fool who listens to her stories, for they will be bored out of their skulls.


Experienced – This character has faced real battle and survived. As a result, this character is simply harder to kill

Luck's Child – This character was born lucky, or was lucky to be born, one or the other.

Apprentice Blacksmith – "I can finally tell the difference between Iron and Steel!" What it says, she has apprentice level training in the art of making something sharp and pointy

Mirage Dance – A specific fighting style that is made for one on one duels, mostly comprised of moving around a lot and slashing from every different direction.

Trapper – Has experience laying traps, says they work well on certain two-legged predators.

Prejudice: Elves – "Stupid arrogant point eared bastards…." This character, has a hatred of elves, something about the smell, apparently.

Prejudice: Bandits – "Bandits are literally the worst people of them all, even beggars can look down on them" This character has a vicious hatred of bandits and all-around banditry, don't expect them to break any laws or work with bandits

Bard (Minor training) – "I'll just get my lute here to play a tune for you. *missed notes ensue*" This character has bardic training, it's just a shame they slept through the lessons.

Kissed by Destiny – this character is destined for … things, no-one's all that sure what though.

No Home – "Farewell we call, to hearth and hall…" Though she may not have wanted to, this character is a long way from home, it drives her to move forward, because she can't move back.

Fluent in Common – This character is fluent in the Common Tongue

Passable in Dwarven – This character can speak alright Dwarven, just don't expect her to talk for too long.

Ironhide - Costs 500 mana. Defensive spell, halves incoming damage for the entirety of combat.
Sparks - Costs 50 mana. Basic Human Spell, creates several sparks at fingertips, not that useful for combat but has other uses.
Dices Roll - Costs 100 mana. Human spell, similar to Nudge Fate. Allows for a re-roll of one dice.
Endure - Costs 1000 mana. Human Spell, when the torches rise and my walls fall, when all is lost, I will Endure. Allows for immunity to a turn of combat for the user.

Headband (EQUIPPED) - A black headband that reminders her of home. It does look a bit red now that you inspect it.

Iron Breastplate (EQUIPPED) - Provides good protection around the upper body area

Wool Tunic (EQUIPPED) - Warms the body but doesn't look all that good or provides much in the way of protection

Iron Braces (EQUIPPED) - Braces made of iron that protect the wrist area of the wielder, good against slicing attacks.

Leather Leggings (EQUIPPED) - Provides some protection against blunt attacks but not that much.

Travelling Boots (EQUIPPED) - New leather boots, supple brown leather. good against blisters.

Leather Gloves (EQUIPPED) - Newer gloves that look a bit worn but mostly serviceable.

Bandit Iron Longsword (EQUIPPED) - A poorly maintained sword made from Iron, she swears that she looted it from a bandit. Can be used for slashing, stabbing and pommel striking.

Torch - A stick that is on fire, not much to say about it, really. Makes a good blunt weapon.

Lute - A small rugged wooden lute, currently slung over her back. Can be used as a club in a pinch.

4 Bandits, in battle
1 Entity, in battle
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So, Isabelle of Hawk's Rest, tell me

How many siblings do you have?
[ ] Only Child
[ ] A Brother
[ ] A Sister
[ ] A brother and a Sister
[ ] Two Brothers
[ ] Two Sisters
[ ] Write-in

How are you viewed in your village?
[ ] Scum of the earth
[ ] Half-decent Cannon Fodder
[ ] Tolerable, if a bit quiet
[ ] Someone you'd give your life for.
[ ] The best of the best

Since you know magic, what spells do you know? (Max 4)
[ ] Heartbeat Healing (Basic healing spell, doesn't heal much)
[ ] Haste (Basic speed spell, makes you faster)
[ ] Healing Hands (Your hands are the one which heals, means you strike friends for negative damage)
[ ] Foresight ([Requires a Crystal Ball] Allows you to see into the future, who knows what you'll see)
[ ] Hurting Hands (A basic damage boost)
[ ] Bound Bow (Demand the spirits make you a bow and arrow, useful when caught at a disadvantage)
[ ] Fear (Make your opponent fear you and flee, basic fear spell)
[ ] Nudge Fate (The spirits favor the elves, make them nudge fate in your direction)
[ ] Detect Undead (Foul dwarves are known for harboring vampires and other such abominations, find them)
[ ] Flames of the Elves (Shoot fire from your hands, make those who oppose you feel pain)
[ ] Grow (Elementary Magic that causes things to grow, such as plants or trees)
[ ] Light of the Spirits (By the will of the spirits all elves should see the light of day, even those underground)
[ ] Break (break your opponent, completely)
Why are you adventuring?
[ ] Wanderlust
[ ] To fall in love
[ ] To create a masterpiece
[ ] To master a skill
[ ] To find great fortune
[ ] Your home is being burnt down, RUN!
[ ] Write-in

What is your family's name?
[ ] Write-in
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Leaving the Retreat
You woke up from an alright sleep, a part of you wanted to sleep in (like you normally did) but then you looked at your rope reed bag and remembered that you were going on an adventure, a grand adventure over the dusty roads, a fortune in gold to be made (and promptly spent), a few dwarves to be punched in the face and of course, the most important reason, romance and love.

The room itself was in a typical elvish tree house, the light of dawn shown through the thick canopy and 'walls' of leaves, you knew every inch of Hawk's Rest and you did love it, but if there was one thing that you hated, it would be the floor, which was a mix of branches, larger parts of the tree, random objects that were strewn around and leaves, thick amount of leaves (artificially boosted using growth magic).

You got up before either Yonali or Rathal pulled you out of bed and went to get your clothes on, a silk shirt, leather trousers, you noticed the backpack in the corner and you did remember, again, that you had planned to leave the retreat today, you went and got your travelling boots (a pair of boots that went up to your knees, though they had obviously seen better days) and you went to get your gloves (worn out from years of use, mainly worn because getting blisters is the worst thing you can get) you put the backpack on and got outside of your tree house, to see the Forest Retreat, a little slice of protected nature, as ordained by the spirits themselves.

Admittedly, while you were respected in the retreat, you were also treated to your fair share of dirty looks, for reasons of those voices in your head. You went onto the ground to find that there was a procession of the retreat guard, clad in Highwood armor and wielding Highwood spears. In front of the procession, there's a high priest, who glared at you with barely restrained distaste, with what looked like a bundle of cloth in his hands, it wasn't every day an elf left the retreat after all, it was an occasion that called for a gift, and celebration depending who you asked, and it wasn't like it was a secret you were planning to leave as well, Yonali took care of that by drunkenly blabbing that to everyone. You walked up to them and the priest cleared his throat.

"Isabelle Wiseheart, you have taken the decision to leave Hawk's Rest. In light of this, Ylios, has granted you this gift" He unfurled the bundle of cloth, it was a Farewell Cloak, a pure white cloak with a steel grey trim, painstakingly woven, as its name implied it was a good meaning farewell gift typically given by Elves to travellers. Refusing such a gift would typically be seen as an insult, but taking it would make it harder to hide due to its bright white color.

The voices in your head were making comments about how they disliked the cloak, it was 'too bright' or something, the presence of holy objects or men seemed to drown out the voices. The cloak itself was considered holy, though it might be because of its clasp was the symbol of Elvish Hope, a bright white tooth made from imported silver and rimmed with iron melted down from a captured dwarven helmet, it was blessed by a high priest.

[ ] Accept

[ ] Refuse
[ ] Take the symbol but discard the cloak, and possibly offend the elves even more
Regardless of your choice you made your way to the edge of the retreat and pulled out your map, to your west, there were multiple elven forest retreats, to your south, there would be The Ethereal Mountains, a mountain range which is rumored to contain dwarven fortresses, there was an abandoned one which was, relatively, close by, you couldn't really read the map all that well, you estimated that it would be a few days journey, provided all goes well. To the north east, there was the plains, which were rumoured to contain humans, while to the far south west, there was rumoured to be a goblin dark fortress.

"There is a dwarven hillock to the north as well as a kobold cave to the north west" the voice in your head provided, you began to ignore the voices as they began to argue with each other, as usual, you have no idea how they would know something like that, it wasn't marked on the map.

Decisions, decisions.

[ ] To the North-east, you want to see the humans.

[ ] To the West, find the other forest retreats and learn about their spirits

[ ] To the South, you want to loot an abandoned fortress, serves them right for leaving their treasures lying around.

[ ] To the East, you want to talk to the goblins.

[ ] To the North, you want to see if the voices are right about something
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Walking through the Forest.
North was where you were going then, this would be a good way to test if the voices in your head are horrible liars or if there is some truth to their words. It would probably be a long walk, probably due to the size of the forest, though you could probably identify a dwarven hillock by the smell of beer and industry. Then there would be the Kobold caves, it would be interesting seeing what exactly they have looted. So, there was only one thing to do: start walking and hope that the voices aren't leading you in the direction of a colossus or something similar.
Those who tempt fate, often regret it
Your feet graced the forest floor as you walked at a steady pace through the forest, occasionally moving around a tree, part of the Farewell cloak was ripped on a tree branch, much to your annoyance and you continued on, making your peace with the fact that the cloak will probably get ripped even more if you encounter something, like a dwarf or even a human, or probably… one of the bushes to your left started rustling, you couldn't quite see what was behind it but you caught a flash of grey, you stood ready until a small grey squirrel leapt out of the bush. Okay you might be a bit jumpy, but it would be better to be safe than sorry, who knows what could be in the bushes. But concerning the squirrel….

[ ] Try to catch the squirrel, you want a small pet (and emergency ration)
-[ ] What is it's name?

[ ] Ignore the squirrel, it is of little importance

So with a few more stains on your cloak, and probably a few more branches in it as well, you continued on your way. There was something that was remarkably boring about walking through the familiar forest, you noticed that the sun was beginning to set, at least you think, there is a somewhat thick canopy overhead and it doesn't allow much light through. "You would probably have to walk all throughout the night if you wanted to get out of it within a day" A voice mused, out of all the things that your voices had said in the past, this was one of the more benevolent suggestions, though that does beg the question, do you really want to walk around at night when there is limited visibility or would you rather sleep through the night and spend another day in the forest.

[ ] Sleep is for the weak, walk through the night

[ ] It is probably best to sleep, you would want to be well-rested should you encounter any bandits or something similar.

[ ] Write-In

Sorry that it's a bit late and short, I've been trying to get some real world stuff done at the same time.
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The Fate of Nibbles and Night-time interruption
You looked at the squirrel and silently vowed that you will catch it and name him 'Nibbles' with this in mind, you jumped onto the squirrel in a way which was unbecoming of an elvish maiden, or an elf in general, determined to catch your 'first forest friend' (as one of the voices in your head called it) you would've caught him, but instead he ran away with an almost supernatural level of speed, putting several minutes worth of distance between you and him, leaping across several trees before getting caught in a squirrel snare which was set up in one of the nearby trees… You know for a fact that no elf would use such a method of hunting, you aren't alone here, you spent a few minutes looking around, straining your ears to hear and straining your eyes to see anything out of place in the forest.
There wasn't anything else here, at least you think so. But you know to watch out, there's something else here and it seems to hate squirrels. You offer a silent prayer to Yilos for Nibbles.

Eventually you decide to get some sleep, based off the snare from earlier, you decide to climb up a tree and sleep on some branches, similar to how a bird would decide to make its nest, or indeed how an elf would make their home. You found a mighty Oak tree and decided to climb up it, of course as you are an elf, climbing trees comes naturally to you and within the hour you are at an acceptable height, with your head piercing the thick canopy of leaves that often covers the forest, showing you the twin moons, they are named but you really don't remember their names, you personally couldn't stand learning lore. You decide to close your eyes and try to sleep; the light of the sun would wake you when it rose.

Dice Interrupt
You are awoken in the middle of the night by the sound of someone running, it doesn't sound like an elf, each footstep is punctuated with a slight *clanking* sound, you aren't really familiar with such a sound, it could be a dwarf, or something else, though it would raise the question as to why someone would be running through the forest at night. The clanking sound was followed by the sound of multiple other footsteps, about six pairs of feet moving, moving with an incessant cackling.

[ ] Investigate what is happening.
-[ ] Sneak up and see what's happening.
-[ ] Time to be a hero, jump in and save … whoever the hell it is.

[ ] Not your problem, Yilos will see who survives.

Terribly sorry for the late and short update, once again, I blame school
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Combat Start.
Just wrote this up. I love sacrificing my lunch break for questing

Intervene, observe or sleep, a hard choice, you immediately crossed off being a hero and jumping down, you were probably too high up and would end up looking like a wonderful stain on the leaves, a small part of you wanted to sleep, not wanting to be outnumbered or a hostage. But a slightly larger part of you decided that it would be best to sneak up and see what was happening.

With a decision made you set about your course of action and so with a grace that is common to your proud people you moved, with some difficulty, from your position in the branches. Slinking down on the branches you remember you be sure not to put too much pressure on a single branch as it would probably cause them to creak, not that it could be easily heard over the sounds of combat, clanging sounds purveyed the air and you heard other noises, could be the voices of the combatants, but you weren't sure. As you move down you try to remember where each branch is as the light of the moon offers you little help, the only real light that can be found is the glowing yellow eyes of what manner of creature is out there, you plop down and move into a bush, which gives you a very good view of the combat.

The view you are given makes it clear that there is a tall being that is surrounded, it's too short to be an elf (not that any true elf would be caught dead using metal weapons and armour) but definitely too tall to be a dwarf. You can't really make out that many details but it is carrying two things in its hands, held in its left is what looks like a burning stick of some kind, you barely fight the urge to jump out and extinguish the fire right there, in its right hand it holds what looks like a long sword made out of some dull grey material (definitely not wood), could it be actual metal, you feel a bit of disgust when you think of how many trees died to make that sword. You mentally dub it the 'tall dwarf'
The unmoving one is ... dissolving, how fascinating
The other beings are short stocky, hunched over creatures, which reach the waist height of the tall dwarf, one was lying motionless on the ground, there were two which were in the background, their bright eyes obviously allowing them to see in the dark, then there were three that are close to the tall dwarf, one was missing its right arm, and was using the left to move around to the side of the dwarf, then there were two which were more able bodied then their comrade and had both their arms remaining. The first one lunged forward only to be swatted down by the flaming stick the second was kept at bay with a swing of the sword.
It can't keep up swinging forever
"Keep back!" the tall dwarf shouted in … Human, other than that, the voice sounds … high pitched, the flaming stick is brought down on the first being and you hear a cracking sound as something breaks. The second one is kept back by another wide arc of the sword, though this one is slower, the one-armed creature is moving slowly but surely to the side, dangerously close to where you are, you could just easily reach out and grab it with your hands and finish it off, it'd probably be quiet, probably. You could always just ignore what's happening, or you could intervene.
The first being is dead, or about as dead as it could be
[ ] Ignore
-[ ] Go up to that branch
-[ ] Move around and find a different place to hide

[ ] Interrupt Combat
-[ ] Help the tall dwarf
--[ ] How / Cast a spell
-[ ] help the stunted creatures
--[ ] How / Cast a spell

I swear I'll make you use magic if it kills me.
Also sorry @Hannz you ain't getting Nibbles back Unless, you wanna learn necromancy
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Second Turn
Almost on instinct, you lunge forward with your arms and warp them around the neck of the one-armed entity, pulling it closer as it feebly tries to break your grip, its hands warp around your wrists and they squeeze, a valiant effort you realize, but it was nothing compared to how your arms warped around its neck gave an almighty squeeze and you heard a popping sound as its neck almost completely collapsed from your grip, another voice of the cackling was silenced. It seems that no-one has noticed your presence. A quick casting of nudge fate ensures that no-one hears you.
She has dropped her still-burning torch.
The tall dwarf on the other hand appears to be having a harder time, as she tries to hold down a two-pronged assault. Muttering some sort of incantation under her breath as she moves into a Hanging Left Guard in an effort block the attacks. A multitude of headbutts, punches, kicks and the occasional attempt at biting come close but she parries what she can and blocks what she can't, a valiant effort, but it proves too much and one breaks through her guard, its hand tightening on her right wrist and squeezing, though based off the awkward angle and its own insignificant weight it is hardly enough to break her wrist, but you can see the pain on her face as she focuses on not dropping the sword.
She's slowing down
With a swift kick she knocks the offending entity off her wrist and back peddles, giving a few wide swings to keep them back. After stopping, she raises her sword into a hanging left guard again, one of the entities is moving to the left, while the other, after getting up, is circling to right. Dividing her attention, as she must anticipate attacks from two different sides.

In the distance, you see the two other sets of glowing eyes, own of them appears to be focused on something else entirely and is obviously distracted, while the other one is moving forward swiftly adding a third entity to the mixture, and a fresh one at that. You smile slightly as you realize just how much a Challenge this could be.

[ ] Break Concealment
-[ ] Plan of action / Spells (?)

[ ] Remain Concealed
-[ ] Who do you stalk?
--[ ] How?

[ ] Retreat
-[ ] Climb up the trees and hide
--[ ] Go back to sleep
--[ ] Remain awake all night.
-[ ] Run towards the forest Retreat
--[ ] Quietly
--[ ] Screw stealth, I am getting out of here.
-[ ] Run towards the North
--[ ] Move around
---[ ] Quietly
---[ ] Loudly
--[ ] Run through the combat

[ ] Let the voices take over, this'll be over shortly.

Sorry, for the long wait, I was deciding on weather or not to continue this quest due to the lack of feedback and real life. Anyway, please for the love of God, ask questions.