You introduced yourself as Alenhisr, and explained in great detail of what happened to your home village. You could see that the Chieftain was deep in thought, picking up his cane and beckoning you to follow him.
"Come on Alenhisr, let's get you a drink." He said, leading you to a nearby counter. Picking up a nearby flask, he poured you a tankard and handed it to you. "Drink up, you must be tired. This'll help take the edge off, maybe help you sleep tonight." Confused, you took the drink anyways since he was being nice.
After taking a few drinks from the tankard, you placed it down, curious about his actions. "Why are you helping me?" You managed to get out, and he answered soon after.
"I've lost a few villages in my time, I know the feeling." He said, right before continuing. "The name's Ulfric Dragonfang, as you could probably tell I'm the chieftain of this village." Ulfric introduced himself. "You can stay here as long as you need to, I have a few spare beds you could use for the night."
Thanking Ulfric, he led you to the long house where everyone slept. True to his word, there were a few beds open for you. After making sure your stuff was secure, you went to bed for the night.
Dreams of fire and smoke troubled you, but whatever was in that flask helped take the edge off.
Waking up, you stretched your body for a moment until you heard a series of satisfying pops echo. It helped keep you coiled and ready for action, and it was one of the tips you learned from hunting.
You looked around the long house, noticing everyone had already left for whatever reason. Walking out of the long house, you noticed everyone was packing up the items they needed. While you were confused, you noticed Fjolnir and Ulfric moving heavy boxes. Fjolnir noticed you, waving at you with his spare hand.
"Hey lad! You sleep well last night?" He asked, and you nodded.
"What's going on?" You questioned, a bit confused as to what's going on here. He motioned to the carts behind him, with two horses for each one. It looked to be a caravan, with people still loading up.
"We're packing up to head north to our ancestor's ol' hunting grounds, and we have five months before the Winter season hits." He explained, handing you a map with the place marked. "You can come if ye want lad, what do ya say?"
[] Sorry, but I'll help pack up.
[] Sure, though I don't know where I'll fit.
[] Ask for...
-[] A map
-[] Some food
-[] Something else
[] Write In...