Adventures In Fantasy! Fantasy Life Quest

Alright our votes are...

EDIT: So we're a snake man. Thinking of a name...
Adhoc vote count started by Mad Oracle on Feb 19, 2018 at 6:46 PM, finished with 28 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] I am...
    -[X] Male
    [X] Race:
    -[X] Other
    -[X] Basically lamia but male.
    -[X] Hunter: A master of the bow, you were tracking down a dangerous beast that had been terrorizing the town. You know how to track animals and people, and are an adept at exploring the land.
    -[X] Red Herbs: A perplexing substance that numbs the body and slows bleeding, it is often lit as incense in clinics or chewed in dire situations by soldiers preparing to face a suicide charge.
    -[X] Throwing Knives: Small, balanced blades with a serrated edge for dealing damage to lightly armored targets. Requires a deft hand to use, and a sharp eye to wield correctly.
    -[X] Book Of Plants: This book will keep you from accidentally eating poisonous plants, and allows you to identify plants that could be used as ingredients for foods, potions, and others.
    [X] I am...
    -[X] Female
    [X] Race:
    -[X] Ogre
    [X] Occupation: What you were before the village fell, it'll start you off with some gold to hit the road. Make sure you know what you're doing, hopefully you'll be able to find a new home.
    -[X] Dancer: You were the town's source of entertainment, gracefully leaping about the stage as if you were an angel. You had actually become part of a travelling dance troupe for a time, only to return to your home village in ashes.
    [X] Items: Whatever you were able to scavenge from your village, you only have enough space to take three. These will help you on your journey, and aid you in your quest.
    -[X] Book Of Plants: This book will keep you from accidentally eating poisonous plants, and allows you to identify plants that could be used as ingredients for foods, potions, and others.
    -[X] Short Bow: A bow made for use on horseback or in dense foliage, it hits hard and capable of piercing light armor with a good pull. Be careful though, as I can snap on your arm.
    -[X] Other: Hatchet. Good for trees, brush and the odd horribly gribbly
    [X] Name: Rose Deflen
    [X] I am...
    -[X] Female
    [X] Race:
    -[X] Arachne
    -[X] Alchemist: You know everything there is to know about mixing materials, in fact you were foraging for ingredients when the village was razed. You are quite intelligent, and much more magically inclined.
    -[X] Light Healing Potions: These can heal most wounds, but it won't regenerate lost limbs. Major injuries will be mitigated, and poisons will be instantly cured after some administration.
    -[X] Blue Potion: A potion made from the tears of a Healing Goddess, it is said that she cries for those whose bodies are wracked by disease and crippling injuries.
    -[X] Red Herbs: A perplexing substance that numbs the body and slows bleeding, it is often lit as incense in clinics or chewed in dire situations by soldiers preparing to face a suicide charge.
    [X] I am...
    -[X] Female
    [X] Race:
    -[X] Arachne
    -[X] Alchemist: You know everything there is to know about mixing materials, in fact you were foraging for ingredients when the village was razed. You are quite intelligent, and much more magically inclined.
    -[X] Light Healing Potions: These can heal most wounds, but it won't regenerate lost limbs. Major injuries will be mitigated, and poisons will be instantly cured after some administration.
    -[X] Book Of Plants: This book will keep you from accidentally eating poisonous plants, and allows you to identify plants that could be used as ingredients for foods, potions, and others.
    -[X] Red Herbs: A perplexing substance that numbs the body and slows bleeding, it is often lit as incense in clinics or chewed in dire situations by soldiers preparing to face a suicide charge.
    [X] I am... Alenhisr
    -[X] Male
    [X] Race:
    -[X] Cervitaur
    -[X] Cleric: You were the voice of the local deity, giving out advice to those in need. You are well versed in healing the sick, and are a skilled user of the magic your deity has granted you.
    -[x] Spiked Bombs: These small steel bombs were often used for destroying walls and opening up new caves, very dangerous if used in the correct hands and situation.
    -[X] Red Herbs: A perplexing substance that numbs the body and slows bleeding, it is often lit as incense in clinics or chewed in dire situations by soldiers preparing to face a suicide charge.
    -[X] Sturdy Quarterstaff: a simple but sturdy wooden pole that is excellent for fending off beast or aiding your spellcasting.
    [X] I am...
    -[X] Male (Note: This only works for some races)
    -[X] Dwarf
    -[X] Miner: You spent time working in the mines, and was away when the village was destroyed. You are much stronger than your fellows, and able to spend longer times working than others.
    -[x] Spiked Bombs: These small steel bombs were often used for destroying walls and opening up new caves, very dangerous if used in the correct hands and situation.
    -[X] Book Of Plants: This book will keep you from accidentally eating poisonous plants, and allows you to identify plants that could be used as ingredients for foods, potions, and others.
    -[X] A sturdy Pick-axe: Good for either mining ore from rock or giving your enemies a really bad day.
    [X] I am...
    -[X] Female
    [X] Race:
    -[X] Arachne
    -[x] Sorcerer: A natural born magician, you suffered scorn from some people, but it only made you better. You were adored by the town mage, and considered you a surrogate child of theirs.
    -[X] Light Healing Potions: These can heal most wounds, but it won't regenerate lost limbs. Major injuries will be mitigated, and poisons will be instantly cured after some administration.
    -[X] Blue Potion: A potion made from the tears of a Healing Goddess, it is said that she cries for those whose bodies are wracked by disease and crippling injuries.
    -[X] Throwing Knives: Small, balanced blades with a serrated edge for dealing damage to lightly armored targets. Requires a deft hand to use, and a sharp eye to wield correctly.
    [x] Name: Evaris
    [X] I am...
    -[X] Female
    [X] Race:
    -[X] Harpy
    -[X] Hunter: A master of the bow, you were tracking down a dangerous beast that had been terrorizing the town. You know how to track animals and people, and are an adept at exploring the land.
    -[X] Throwing Knives: Small, balanced blades with a serrated edge for dealing damage to lightly armored targets. Requires a deft hand to use, and a sharp eye to wield correctly.
    -[X] Book Of Plants: This book will keep you from accidentally eating poisonous plants, and allows you to identify plants that could be used as ingredients for foods, potions, and others.
    -[X] Short Bow: A bow made for use on horseback or in dense foliage, it hits hard and capable of piercing light armor with a good pull. Be careful though, as I can snap on your arm.
    [X] I am...
    -[X] Female
    [X] Race:
    -[x] Centaur
    [x] Town Guard: You were chasing off bandits when the town was destroyed, and you regret leaving it behind. But you know how to swing a sword, maybe you can sell your services as a sellsword.
    -[X] Blue Potion: A potion made from the tears of a Healing Goddess, it is said that she cries for those whose bodies are wracked by disease and crippling injuries.
    -[X] Book Of Plants: This book will keep you from accidentally eating poisonous plants, and allows you to identify plants that could be used as ingredients for foods, potions, and others.
    -[X] Short Bow: A bow made for use on horseback or in dense foliage, it hits hard and capable of piercing light armor with a good pull. Be careful though, as I can snap on your arm.
    [X] I am...
    -[X] Female
    [X] Race:
    -[X] Wood Elf
    -[X] Other: Aprentice Druid. You were tasked to helping your village remain in balance with nature to ensure that the forests were not plundered or the animals hunted out. You also had a well grounded education in herblore ans woodlore.
    -[X] Book Of Plants: This book will keep you from accidentally eating poisonous plants, and allows you to identify plants that could be used as ingredients for foods, potions, and others. You have made many additional notes in it.
    -[X] A sturdy Ash Staff you cut yourself acorrding to your teachers specifications.
    [X] A pouch with a sling you made out of plant fibers that you had collected yourself and a handful of stones you picked from a riverbed.
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I forgot to ask, which direction are we setting off towards? North, South, East, West or somewhere in between?
Uh, do we know what's in any of those directions, or do we just have to guess? I mean, surely we at least have a vague idea of the landmarks in each direction just from living in a village, right?

Like "this path goes to a city, the path leads west" or "we know the forest keeps on going and going in the east" or "there's a big mountain somewhere off to the north"? Surely we aren't completely blind to the area outside of our village?
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Some details about what mc knows what kind of town, terrains, and stuff are needed.
Anything that will adequately inform us about what kind of life mc will have if he goes there.
If you are asking us which direction as is, it will be no different than flipping a coin

Also mc has no name yet?
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Some details about what mc knows what kind of town, terrains, and stuff are needed.
Anything that will adequately inform us about what kind of life mc will have if he goes there.
If you are asking us which direction as is, it will be no different than flipping a coin

Also mc has no name yet?
Yeah, there are a few towns nearby, but the MC only knows general direction.

Terrain: Temperate Forest--Currently Raining

Town #1--Northeast
Town #2--Southwest
Town #3--North

Also, what do you think the MC's name should be? We didn't get a name.
[X] name: Alenhisr
[X] Southwest

Recycling name.
Also go south by logic that north tends to have colder climate and so snake isn't going to fare well there.
Alenhisr, Thy Luck Is Great
Slithering through the rain, you found it kind of difficult to move on the muddy road, and it was getting kind of cold due to the rain. You'd rather stay inside when such events happened, but you didn't really have a choice for that since your home was burnt down.

It wasn't that bad, but the cold was getting irritating.


It had been a few hours since you began your journey, and you had noticed the sky was getting darker by the hour. Soon it'd be midnight, and you'd be outside in the rain.


But hope wasn't lost, as you noticed the torchlight of a nearby town. Moving faster, you felt relaxed and excited at the same time. You could still warn others about whatever destroyed your village, and get a warm place to sleep tonight. But your dreams were interrupted by an arrow embedding itself in the ground near you, and you found yourself splashing face down in the mud.

Looking up, you noticed a titan of a human looking down upon you from the town wall. He had a dark brown and bushy beard, but the most striking feature of his was his missing eye. It was covered by a leather patch, and his remaining one gave you a cold glare.

"What's a Child of The Snake-Goddess doing all the way here?" He asked, his voice calm. You just stared at him, frozen with fear. "Oi boy, I asked ye a damned question." Finally getting something out, you told him your name.

"I'm...I'm Alenhisr," You managed to speak, still trying to speak. "My home was razed to the ground... May I please stay for a while?" His face softened, and he pulled you up from the ground.

"Sorry for the rough introduction, the name's Fjolnir." He introduced, leading you to the inside of the village. You were amazed that the village was mostly just a few large houses, but there was one at the end that amazed you. It was huge, standing proud among the dark skies and smaller buildings surrounding the area around it.

Taking you to the main house, Fjolnir introduced you to the man in charge of this village. An elderly looking warrior, he had two wolves flanking his sides and a dragon's skull mounted on the wall above him.

"Speak Youngblood." He commanded, looking curious as to why you were here.

[] Tell him...
-[] Your name
-[] What happened

[] Write In...
Is anyone curious about the names of some of the deities? Still working on them though, but I have a few ready.
A Roof Over Your Head
You introduced yourself as Alenhisr, and explained in great detail of what happened to your home village. You could see that the Chieftain was deep in thought, picking up his cane and beckoning you to follow him.

"Come on Alenhisr, let's get you a drink." He said, leading you to a nearby counter. Picking up a nearby flask, he poured you a tankard and handed it to you. "Drink up, you must be tired. This'll help take the edge off, maybe help you sleep tonight." Confused, you took the drink anyways since he was being nice.

After taking a few drinks from the tankard, you placed it down, curious about his actions. "Why are you helping me?" You managed to get out, and he answered soon after.

"I've lost a few villages in my time, I know the feeling." He said, right before continuing. "The name's Ulfric Dragonfang, as you could probably tell I'm the chieftain of this village." Ulfric introduced himself. "You can stay here as long as you need to, I have a few spare beds you could use for the night."

Thanking Ulfric, he led you to the long house where everyone slept. True to his word, there were a few beds open for you. After making sure your stuff was secure, you went to bed for the night.

Dreams of fire and smoke troubled you, but whatever was in that flask helped take the edge off.


Waking up, you stretched your body for a moment until you heard a series of satisfying pops echo. It helped keep you coiled and ready for action, and it was one of the tips you learned from hunting.

You looked around the long house, noticing everyone had already left for whatever reason. Walking out of the long house, you noticed everyone was packing up the items they needed. While you were confused, you noticed Fjolnir and Ulfric moving heavy boxes. Fjolnir noticed you, waving at you with his spare hand.

"Hey lad! You sleep well last night?" He asked, and you nodded.

"What's going on?" You questioned, a bit confused as to what's going on here. He motioned to the carts behind him, with two horses for each one. It looked to be a caravan, with people still loading up.

"We're packing up to head north to our ancestor's ol' hunting grounds, and we have five months before the Winter season hits." He explained, handing you a map with the place marked. "You can come if ye want lad, what do ya say?"

[] Sorry, but I'll help pack up.
[] Sure, though I don't know where I'll fit.

[] Ask for...
-[] A map
-[] Some food
-[] Something else

[] Write In...