Admiral, please don't let me sink (Kancolle Quest)

Usage of nukes implies that latter produced carriers or even existing WWII could be a platform for nuke carrying bombers though, or is that a whole different ballgame? How does the airplanes arsenal work if the carriers turn into shipgirls post-production?

No, no, don't look at me like that.


Airplanes become fairies the moment a Ship-Girl touches one. And then there's the usual 'throw the arrow' gimmick.

As for nukes, since the 'war' ended in 1944 effectively, they are a very theoretical weapon. No atomic was ever thrown on Japan. Its destructive power is effectively limited to what has been shown in the 'Trinity Test'. They're powerful, course, but have yet to be used -since they're kept way in-land, in order to avoid Abyssal fleet raiding on ports.

Do notice that the costs involved are still pretty much high. Sure, it's a war, but you've got to pay for it. I'm not going to mess with management stuff much -management as a skill is there to supply an 'X' number of Ship Girls, not to keep counts on dollars, taxes, bauxite, whatever-else.
What about tanks, artillery, and shore guns? Would those be of any use?

Is it possible to do any extensive additions to the ship like say, lopping the top off of a cargo ship and adding a flight deck, or strapping a deck/AA gun to a trawler?

Would it be possible to build a boat that does nothing but into the middle of an enemy formation and detonate a "kiloton mine?" How big would the blast be? Does a plane actually need to have a pilot compartment or life support our control panels anymore? If not, all that space that previously held complicated electronics could easily be filled in with TNT.
What about tanks, artillery, and shore guns? Would those be of any use?

Is it possible to do any extensive additions to the ship like say, lopping the top off of a cargo ship and adding a flight deck, or strapping a deck/AA gun to a trawler?

Would it be possible to build a boat that does nothing but into the middle of an enemy formation and detonate a "kiloton mine?" How big would the blast be? Does a plane actually need to have a pilot compartment or life support our control panels anymore? If not, all that space that previously held complicated electronics could easily be filled in with TNT.

1) Nope. Abyssal Fleet is only hit-and-killed by Ship Fleet.
2) Nope. You can't 'add' to a ship. Once the ship's done, it's done, it transforms into a Ship Girl the moment it's seaworthy.
3) And Nope again. It needs to be a proper ship in order to transform into a Ship Girl. And again, see above, unless it's a fida-bono Ship Girl doing the attack, Abyssal fleet aren't capable of suffering harm.

Chalk it up to 'magic'.
[X] Europe - Low Number of Ship Fleet, Low Number of Abyssal Fleet -the Mediterranean sea is a kind-of protected place. Seriously, the Gibraltar's straight has seen better days though.


[X] Sweat and Oil - You didn't earn your stripes because you were soft. You earned them because you worked for them.

[X] Management

Your First Ship
[X] Submarine
[X] Japan - High Concentration of Abyssal Fleet, High Concentration of Ship Fleet -being an island nation kind of makes it a tad difficult to ignore the sea, or its enemies.
[X] The Abyss Awaits - You are a veteran in battling Abyssal fleets. And you lost a lot of ship girls doing it. You've ground, and been ground, and you've seen countless girls fall and sink. And then come back to haunt you. You have experience, that's for sure. You've also got demons and ghosts haunting you. And they all want their admiral back. To pay for what he did. To atone for his sins. To make him suffer for having let them sink.
[X] Endurance

[X] Battleship -Only Abyss Awaits Option.

Once more into the Abyss gentleman. Hell awaits.
1) Nope. Abyssal Fleet is only hit-and-killed by Ship Fleet.
2) Nope. You can't 'add' to a ship. Once the ship's done, it's done, it transforms into a Ship Girl the moment it's seaworthy.
3) And Nope again. It needs to be a proper ship in order to transform into a Ship Girl. And again, see above, unless it's a fida-bono Ship Girl doing the attack, Abyssal fleet aren't capable of suffering harm.

Chalk it up to 'magic'.
What if we design a "proper ship" and its primary weapon just so happens to be a kiloton suicide mine?

Do carrier aircraft actually need a crew compartment anymore? Would we actually need to build safety features into carrier aircraft anymore? What if we purpose built rocket powered suicide planes to convert into fairies and give to carriers? Hell, would they even need landing gear?

Would Kaiten manned torpedoes count as submarines or would they just be torpedoes steered to its target by a fairy?

Hell, what if we strapped a control interface and and a pilot compartment onto a V2 and built a ship that had a launching rail for the new long range V2 suicide rocket planes?
1) Nope. Abyssal Fleet is only hit-and-killed by Ship Fleet.
2) Nope. You can't 'add' to a ship. Once the ship's done, it's done, it transforms into a Ship Girl the moment it's seaworthy.
3) And Nope again. It needs to be a proper ship in order to transform into a Ship Girl. And again, see above, unless it's a fida-bono Ship Girl doing the attack, Abyssal fleet aren't capable of suffering harm.

Chalk it up to 'magic'.
So no Kai version ships? :/
What if we design a "proper ship" and its primary weapon just so happens to be a kiloton suicide mine?
A complete and utter waste. Not to mention a retarded design. Naval warfare ain't like air or space combat. Kamikaze ships tend to be a bit too slow, or it they're fast enough then too expensive, especially in modern times. While there have been cases (both historical and the occasional modern-ish) where kamikaze ships works, that doesn't mean it's a good idea.

Kamikaze itself is stupid simply by the virtue that it's one time use. You do not design and build suicide troops just to kill cannon fodder. You build and design suicide troops for HVT and special circumstances.

Also, your fixation on having a Kamikaze Ship Girl disturbs me.
Do carrier aircraft actually need a crew compartment anymore?
As Shade had said earlier, Fairies. Also magic.
Kaiten manned torpedoes
Probably the latter.
V2 suicide rocket planes?
Seriously, what's with all the suicide stuff?

Now before you go all 'Let's design a new ship/weapon!' Why not go through a few simple steps in making sure the ideas you're throwing out are actually, ya know, logical, effective and I don't know, actually practical?

Like the WH questions. Always a good place to start with.

Why V2 Suicide planes? When are you going to use it? Where to deploy from? Ground? Port? How are they going to track and ID enemies? Who to use them against? Is it cost effective? Is it usable? Is it necessary?

The last three bolded is what RL military/corporates/everyone who doesn't suck or is retarded always asks when designing new weapons and gear. Maybe you should keep them in mind before suggesting new designs kay? The whole suicide thing, both as a concept and as an idea pisses me off.
[X] Japan - High Concentration of Abyssal Fleet, High Concentration of Ship Fleet -being an island nation kind of makes it a tad difficult to ignore the sea, or its enemies.
[X] Daddy's boy - Sooooo, your dad's great, and so are you. That's obvious. The job's going to be cushy. How hard can it be to look after a few girls with extra metallic appendages while fighting off zombified versions of the same thing?
[X] Management
[X] Cruiser

Daddy's boy because it sounds like it'll be hilarious. Totally not choosing it for the potential angst arising from Murphy's Law.
Admiral Creation Chart:


[X] Russia - Average Number of Ship Fleet, Average Number of Abyssal Fleet -It is the duty of Mother Russia to protect the sea. At least they only get to fight an enemy on one side, what with the brokered piece with the Axis forces.


[X] Sweat and Oil - You didn't earn your stripes because you were soft. You earned them because you worked for them.


[X] Night Battle

Your First Ship

[X] Destroyer
[X] Japan - High Concentration of Abyssal Fleet, High Concentration of Ship Fleet -being an island nation kind of makes it a tad difficult to ignore the sea, or its enemies.
[X] The Abyss Awaits - You are a veteran in battling Abyssal fleets. And you lost a lot of ship girls doing it. You've ground, and been ground, and you've seen countless girls fall and sink. And then come back to haunt you. You have experience, that's for sure. You've also got demons and ghosts haunting you. And they all want their admiral back. To pay for what he did. To atone for his sins. To make him suffer for having let them sink.
[X] Endurance

[X] Battleship -Only Abyss Awaits Option.
[X] Japan - High Concentration of Abyssal Fleet, High Concentration of Ship Fleet -being an island nation kind of makes it a tad difficult to ignore the sea, or its enemies.
[X] The Abyss Awaits - You are a veteran in battling Abyssal fleets. And you lost a lot of ship girls doing it. You've ground, and been ground, and you've seen countless girls fall and sink. And then come back to haunt you. You have experience, that's for sure. You've also got demons and ghosts haunting you. And they all want their admiral back. To pay for what he did. To atone for his sins. To make him suffer for having let them sink.
[X] Endurance

[X] Battleship -Only Abyss Awaits Option.
A complete and utter waste. Not to mention a retarded design. Naval warfare ain't like air or space combat. Kamikaze ships tend to be a bit too slow, or it they're fast enough then too expensive, especially in modern times. While there have been cases (both historical and the occasional modern-ish) where kamikaze ships works, that doesn't mean it's a good idea.

Kamikaze itself is stupid simply by the virtue that it's one time use. You do not design and build suicide troops just to kill cannon fodder. You build and design suicide troops for HVT and special circumstances.

Also, your fixation on having a Kamikaze Ship Girl disturbs me.
I'll admit that this was more of a hypothetical than anything else and the design wouldn't be used for killing fodder. It would be designed for killing massive hordes of enemies or for extremely high value targets. That's why the mine would be so big.

The V2 thing was stupid and just an attention grab but the thing is, I'm not designing planes. I'm designing missiles that feature fairies as guidance systems.

And missiles are cost effective.why do you think world is turning away from gunfire and turning toward drones and missiles? If we were in the modern Era, I would be suggesting more r&d on nicer missiles, but we're not. A computer wouldn't fit on a ship much less a missile so computers for guidance are out.

Fortunately, we have a much more cheaper and more effective form of guidance available to us. Fairies. If we had to use humans to guide the weapons to their target, I would go back to suggesting other things, but we don't have to. Fairies aren't human. They don't have families, loved ones, and communities desperately praying for their baby boys to come safely home. According to the GM, fairies appear as soon as a ship girl touches the plane. It's as simple as having a ship girl stand at the end of the production line.

Edit: I quoted twice.
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Big mine also tend to equal big target. Most of the time. I don't quite agree on the massive hordes of enemies part since at that era any explosives that will be large enough to use on a 'massive horde of enemies' are also not very effective or have an obscenely difficult method of delivery.

As for missiles being cost effective...yes and no.

Missiles are cost effective in the modern era because they tend to be accurate and outrange most if not all Direct Fire/Indirect Fire weapons. They also tend to pack enough punch and when aimed right can almost always mission-kill a target with the least amount of missiles launched or $$ used overall.

Now the thing is, most missiles like that are fast. As in holy shit wtf was that fast. Heck, the first ever long range ballistic missile, the V2, has a top speed of Mach 4.6

Now look me in the avatar and tell me that you can expect the fairies to be able to do course correction when going at Mach 2< (the speed that I expect them to use) and hit a human size (do remember the Abyssal are not above 100m> in length) target to deliver the payload. Barring GM ruling, I don't expect them to be able to.

For that matter, the V2 was meant to destroy cities. It was the Reich's Fuck You to the Allied way back then. Which means bigass payloads and ridiculous cost.

Not to mention that redesigning the V2 so it is accurate enough with a good enough control system, radio cause only Radar Ships see the Abyssal...

You do all that and the next thing you know you wound up with a Kamikaze Fairy Fighter. Which we then go back to why the suicide troop.

No seriously, ideas and good and all but do keep in mind that there's this thing we call Combat Doctrine where we set who does what and why.

Fairy-Manned V2 Ballistic Cruise Missiles [aka the M(F) V-2 BCM] is an interesting idea but the role of a long range hunter killer is best served by torpedo-bombers.
[X] The Abyss Awaits - You are a veteran in battling Abyssal fleets. And you lost a lot of ship girls doing it. You've ground, and been ground, and you've seen countless girls fall and sink. And then come back to haunt you. You have experience, that's for sure. You've also got demons and ghosts haunting you. And they all want their admiral back. To pay for what he did. To atone for his sins. To make him suffer for having let them sink.
What about putting TNT in a plane shaped hull, turning it into a fairy, and having a second fairy drop it?
Since the question must be asked: what happened/happens with ships that have no purpose but to move large-quantities of people around? Dedicated troop transport and/or amphibious assault ships? What about cruise liners? Passenger liners? Sea-going ferries? LSTs?

What about ships designed and produced after the event occurred? What about ships designed and produced after the event occurred with post-WW2 weapons technology incorporated? Some anti-ship missiles were developed prior to 1957 IOTL, after all...


[X] Russia - Average Number of Ship Fleet, Average Number of Abyssal Fleet -It is the duty of Mother Russia to protect the sea. At least they only get to fight an enemy on one side, what with the brokered piece with the Axis forces.


[X] Sweat and Oil - You didn't earn your stripes because you were soft. You earned them because you worked for them.


[X] Night Battle

Your First Ship

[X] Destroyer

Wonder who took over ITTL since Stalin croaked.

On the previously debated missile issue: how about a fairy-guided V1?

I think that's basically what happens in the anime/game?
That is...I don't think any thrown airplane ever returns to the carrier.

Nope. What do you think the flight deck on their arms are for?

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[X] Japan - High Concentration of Abyssal Fleet, High Concentration of Ship Fleet -being an island nation kind of makes it a tad difficult to ignore the sea, or its enemies.
[X] The Abyss Awaits - You are a veteran in battling Abyssal fleets. And you lost a lot of ship girls doing it. You've ground, and been ground, and you've seen countless girls fall and sink. And then come back to haunt you. You have experience, that's for sure. You've also got demons and ghosts haunting you. And they all want their admiral back. To pay for what he did. To atone for his sins. To make him suffer for having let them sink.
[X] Endurance

[X] Battleship -Only Abyss Awaits Option.
Big mine also tend to equal big target. Most of the time. I don't quite agree on the massive hordes of enemies part since at that era any explosives that will be large enough to use on a 'massive horde of enemies' are also not very effective or have an obscenely difficult method of delivery.
But we're not talking about big lumbering ships, we're talking about human sized ship girls. She would also likely be escorted to her High Value Target by other ships and once in a certain range, make a final sprint and blow the mine.

As for missiles being cost effective...yes and no.

Missiles are cost effective in the modern era because they tend to be accurate and outrange most if not all Direct Fire/Indirect Fire weapons. They also tend to pack enough punch and when aimed right can almost always mission-kill a target with the least amount of missiles launched or $$ used overall.

Now the thing is, most missiles like that are fast. As in holy shit wtf was that fast. Heck, the first ever long range ballistic missile, the V2, has a top speed of Mach 4.6

Now look me in the avatar and tell me that you can expect the fairies to be able to do course correction when going at Mach 2< (the speed that I expect them to use) and hit a human size (do remember the Abyssal are not above 100m> in length) target to deliver the payload. Barring GM ruling, I don't expect them to be able to.

For that matter, the V2 was meant to destroy cities. It was the Reich's Fuck You to the Allied way back then. Which means bigass payloads and ridiculous cost.

Not to mention that redesigning the V2 so it is accurate enough with a good enough control system, radio cause only Radar Ships see the Abyssal...

You do all that and the next thing you know you wound up with a Kamikaze Fairy Fighter. Which we then go back to why the suicide troop.

No seriously, ideas and good and all but do keep in mind that there's this thing we call Combat Doctrine where we set who does what and why.

Fairy-Manned V2 Ballistic Cruise Missiles [aka the M(F) V-2 BCM] is an interesting idea but the role of a long range hunter killer is best served by torpedo-bombers.
But I'm not talking about a ballistic missile, I'm talking about cruise missiles. Ballistic missiles are fast. They need to be because they fly a rather predictable trajectory.

The first functional cruise missile created by the United states didn't even break Mach 1. Modern Harpoon missiles only travel at about 540 miles per hour and the french Exocet missile is faster by about 160 mph. Both are sub-mach and they both sink modern ships just fine. You've also got to remember that both of them are going to be scaled down, not just the abyssal ship girl. To the pilot of the fairy missile, the abyssal ship girl is going to be a plenty big enough target.

Also, the abyssal ship girls aren't going to be targeting a dodging and weaving fairy missile (probably skimming the wavetops too) with state of the art electronics, counter-missiles, and high tech weapon systems. They're going to be using WWII era weapons with WWII era fire control, almost all of it aimed via MK-1 eyeball. It's going to be even worse for battleships because those big guns for navies not Britain, Germany, or the US, those gun trajectories are run on state of the art MK-1 organic brains on the most high tech pen and paper money could buy.

Might have to launch three or four to ensure a sinking but sacrificing three of four to sink a battleship is actually pretty good.