It is the year 1957.
The war stopped a few months short after the D-Day, in 1944.
Hitler's dead, Mussolini is in prison.
And it's been 13 years since it all began.
The war was postponed, then halted, then forgotten.
And all because of Them.
Nobody knows when it started. Nobody knows how it properly began. Nobody knows how it's going to end. One day, the fleets disappeared. One day, any boat that could float on the water suddenly disappeared, replaced by girls floating in the docks, looking around with a perplexed expression. There were quite a few shocks, more than a couple of cries out for the 'devil work' and just a tiny bit of cult-forming around the concept that suddenly, ships became girls.
Whenever a boat was built, and finished, suddenly it transformed into a ship-girl. On one side, transportation through the sea became impossible -unless one piggy-backed, but do you know how hard it is to stay on the back of a kid-to-adult girl for more than a few hours while sailing the sea? Outright maddening, I tell you.
If it had just been that, of course, then there wouldn't have been a problem. Unfortunately, that was not the case.
As it turned out, not all ships were good ships.
Nobody knows where, precisely, the Abyssal fleet came from -although many blame America, but then again, if it's not America it's Russia, and if it's not Russia it's China, and if it's not China it's Germany, and if it's not Germany it's the British and nobody ever thinks it might be
Malta -we're on to you, Malta.
Still, the Abyssal fleet came, and suddenly things took a different turn. It was like watching a zombie movie. Each Abyssal ship that sunk a Ship Girl suddenly increased the count of Abyssal Ships by one. Ship-Girls that sunk turned back up as Abyssal, with nothing but thoughts of revenge in their minds. Who guided the Abyssal fleet through the sea was anyone's guess, but their main staging area appeared to be the seas of Japan, the Mediterranean, the Atlantic Ocean and the North Pacific Ocean...and their coasts.
Now, if the Abyssal Fleet didn't cheat by being utterly untraceable without a Radar Ship Girl to scan for them, then maybe a few nukes would have already settled the matter. Unfortunately, that's not the case.
The Year is 1957, you are one of the recently minted Admirals in charge of the newly formed Ship-Girl Taskforce, and your duty is to patrol the seas, protect the Ship-Girls and ensure that the stable peace in face of the recent threat holds, as the WW2 has been put on a grinding halt.
It's been tough these years, the first Abyssal fleets appearing out of nowhere at the dawn of 1944, days after the Normandy invasion. On the plus side, Hitler's dead, Mussolini's in prison, and the world is generally better off, what with the 'Fourth Reich' being kind of not-an-ass. On the negative side, Zombie Ship Girls, constant raids, and a bunch of Americans having a hard time going back home and being happily forced to make a base in Normandy.
Nobody knows how it's going to end, but of one thing, as an Admiral, you're sure of.
It's kind of strange to send cute girls to fight and die, and sometimes you do wonder just what the hell kind of god would allow such a thing to happen. Then again, one does what one must do for his country.
Admiral Creation Chart:
[X] Japan - High Concentration of Abyssal Fleet, High Concentration of Ship Fleet -being an island nation kind of makes it a tad difficult to ignore the sea, or its enemies.
[X] America - Highest number of Abyssal Fleet, Highest Concentration of Ship Fleet -with two large oceans, this is kind of obvious
[X] Europe - Low Number of Ship Fleet, Low Number of Abyssal Fleet -the Mediterranean sea is a kind-of protected place. Seriously, the Gibraltar's straight has seen better days though.
[X] Russia - Average Number of Ship Fleet, Average Number of Abyssal Fleet -It is the duty of Mother Russia to protect the sea. At least they only get to fight an enemy on one side, what with the brokered piece with the Axis forces.
[X] (Only Europe) D-Day Admiral -You've been doing this job for years. You planned the disembark of troops on enemy soil. Feels strange to be working with the Axis forces now, but when in as the Romans do.
[X] Sweat and Oil - You didn't earn your stripes because you were soft. You earned them because you worked for them.
[X] Daddy's boy - Sooooo, your dad's great, and so are you. That's obvious. The job's going to be cushy. How hard can it be to look after a few girls with extra metallic appendages while fighting off zombified versions of the same thing?
[X] Seaman's Call - You've been sailing the seas since birth -well, no, not really, but close to it- now it's been a bit of a hassle since you can no longer set sail, but hey, on the positive side your experience means you're one of the best when it comes to this.
Family Calling - You had a warehouse, a leaking tank of oil and half a gauze. You used the gauze to start a fire near the leaking tank, set the warehouse on fire, cashed in the insurance and then used the money to buy a better warehouse and get a few checks to start a temporary base of operation to help the great army. What can you say? Business is business, and private fleets are now a thing -especially because ship girls eat way, way less than normal.
The Abyss Awaits - You are a veteran in battling Abyssal fleets. And you lost a lot of ship girls doing it. You've ground, and been ground, and you've seen countless girls fall and sink. And then come back to haunt you. You have experience, that's for sure. You've also got demons and ghosts haunting you. And they all want their admiral back. To pay for what he did. To atone for his sins. To make him suffer for having let them sink.
[X] Night Battle
[X] Day Battle
[X] Movement
[X] Management
[X] Endurance
[X] Strength
Your First Ship
[X] Destroyer
[X] Cruiser
[X] Battleship -Only
Abyss Awaits Option.
[X] Submarine
AN: First off, hello. Secondly, don't worry. This is going to be a FUN quest. Third, don't worry once more! I've got tables for random events this time around! And they're public!
Encounter On Sea
At Port
1 lonely patrol
2d6 allied ships
2d6 neutral ships
1 lonely enemy ship
1d6 enemy ship
1d6 neutral ship
1 strong enemy ship
1 weak enemy ship
2d6 weak enemy ships
2d6 strong enemy ships
2d6 strong allied ships
1d6 strong neutral ships
1 special event
1 High-Level Enemy Ship
1 High-Level Neutral Ship
1 High-Level Allied Ship
1d4 High Level Enemy Ship
1d4 High Level Neutral Ship
1 Terrifying Enemy Ship
1 Deadly Enemy Ship
Reroll on Table twice -Ignore anything above if roll ends there-
You Don't Want This -Need Twice Roll
Reroll on Table thrice -Ignore anything above if rolls ends there-
You Don't Want That -Need Thrice Roll
Grand Armada -Need to roll twice on 99-
Nobody Wants This -Need Four Roll
The Deadly Four -Need to roll Thrice on 100-
Nobody Wants That -Need Five Roll
Now, you might ask yourself 'But Shade, why are you doing this?' And the answer is simple! I want to play a game.
You get the normal quest routine of votes, of course, but at any time, you can roll on or at Invisible Castle, by writing in the Character name 'Kancolle Quest N°(Insert Number of your post)' and I'll add an event either on the sea or at port for the next update -plus mine, of course. Now do you understand why the last 5 have a 'Need to roll twice'?
'Course, I won't be taking all rolls and write a plethora of events. I will simply check all the rolls, see which events happen the most, and go with that.'
Basically, this means that on one side, you get *my* roll for what happens on the high sea or at port, and *then* you get an extra one depending on how lucky *you lot* are. Now aren't you happy about having even more *say* on the matter?
For battles, I'm going to throw it like I do in Thicker Than Blood. There's the +36 Maximum Bonus, and a difference of 12 results in Avalanche Reaping on the success count. Differently from Thicker Than Blood, since many of the ships have actual stats on a 100 variety, I'm going to divide their stat by 3 and use that as a model. For example, Hatsuyuki has Armor 5, Evasion 40 and 15 HP, which becomes +1, +13 and 5. Her defense is thus +14, and needs to suffer 5 Successes to become wounded. 5 more successes and she will sink. Her attack instead is at: 10, 27, and 10 (of luck). It becomes +3, +9 and +3 for a +15 in offense. If she were against submarines, instead of luck it would be ASW if higher. (which it is, at 20) hence it would be +6 instead of +3, and the offense would become +18.
Should two ships face each other with bonuses clearly exceeding the +36 mark, I'd simply remove 36 from both bonuses until they get down to a level where they can face off with a difference.
Escape from a battle is possible, of course, but here we factor in the speed. Simply put, a Fast Ship has better chances of escaping from a Slow Ship than vice-versa. It's basically a simple D6 roll with a +2(Fast Vs Slow) +1 ( Fast Vs Normal) +1 (Normal Vs Slow) and the vice-versa being -2 for Slow Vs Fast, -1 For Normal Vs Fast and -1 for Slow Vs Normal. You need to make 4+ to escape. (So a Slow ship can escape only with a 6 on the dice from a Fast Ship)
This is all for boring stuff at the moment. Of course, rules are subjected to change. Let's have fun, kay? And no silly Paranoia Rises or Death Intensifies. We've got to have fun!