Adeptus Evangelion: Twilight of the Gods

Opening Post

Nervos Belli

Don't think this means you've won!
The year 2000 was greeted with such hope by humanity. A new millennium of reason and understanding. Peace in our time. But it was not to be.

No one knows, or at least no one tells of how the endless winter began. Climatologists, who had so long warned of the perils of global warming, were as baffled as the lay people by this sudden phenomenon. On September the fifteenth, the oceans within a hundred kilometers of Antarctica all solidified at once, in a flash freeze that killed any researchers present on the continent, and crushed ships with the sudden expansion of ice. The expansion displaced millions of tons of water, and tidal waves wreaked havoc on the Southern hemisphere. And after the initial crisis passed, humanity's suffering was not at an end. The ice was spreading. Slowly, inexorably, it marched northwards, and temperatures plummeted as it advanced. The southern continents, so recently devastated, were forced to uproot their citizenry and flee to warmer climes. Many did not survive.

The north had more time to prepare, and the resources of the world were thrown at the impending doom. Great dams were thrown up to protect the coastlines, and whole forests were harvested as fuel to protect against the incoming winter. Giant biodomes were constructed, their hydroponic fields worked by thousands and feeding millions. Despite their best efforts, the ice continued to take its toll. By the year 2002, no more than three billion humans remained.

But humanity is persistent, and despite a world of frozen plains and oceans, they endured. Refugee camps became towns became new cities, heated by geothermal plants and fed by great underground farms. Scientific advances continued at breakneck pace, and the UN were at last ready to begin resettlement of the Southern Hemisphere. Nowhere was this hope for the future more epitomized than in AESIR, a global organization founded by the UN, with a mandate to protect humanity through science and strength.

This era of regrowth, as fruitful as it may be, is still but the calm before the storm. The wise know what the future may hold, and in the shadows, monsters with the skin of humans plot and scheme. Do you have what it takes to hold the line?

With my bombastic introduction out of the way, I'll just go ahead and introduce myself. I'm a first time GM, but have played in several campaigns. and am hoping to make this a long one. As you can tell by the title, this is an Adeptus Evangelion game using a custom setting, heavily inspired by Norse mythology. Do not rely on information from the series, as you will almost certainly come to regret it. That said, there are some basic similarities. You will be piloting giant techno-organic robots to defeat strange and terrifying monsters, while trying to understand the multiple conspiracies that underlay the world and your place in them.

I am using Adeptus Evangelion 3rd editon, which can be found here.

I am looking for up to four pilots. Submissions will be accepted for two days, then I will pick the characters I like the best. Other pilots will go on the waitlist.

May Odin smile on your endeavors!
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Paimon Hoerwick
Reserving a post.

I'm going to try importing a character from a campaign that never got off the ground, because I really liked it. Anything related to character concept or mechanics can be changed to fit the campaign.

Paimon Hoerwick is friendly, sweet, gregarious, and desperate for companionship. His silver hair is unnatural, and his health very frail. He is one of the earliest drafted Eva pilots, if not the first, as his big brother and only surviving family, Renard, is one of the head researchers and developers of Einherjar and AT Field technology. Only [Tokyo-3 Equivalent] has the medical technology he needs.

Paimon and his brother ("Ren-nii-nii", as he calls him), have always been close. With Paimon being 15-going-on-16, and Renard being in his early 30s, their bond is more parental than anything. Paimon doesn't have any friends at game-start, and Renard spoils him every moment they're together, letting him pilot only because it's necessary. Most members of AESIR find it a subject of nausea, ridicule, adorable spectacle, or annoyance, but everyone has an opinion on it. Paimon grew up with these people; he knows AESIR's walls better than the city it's centralized in.

Despite this solitude, or perhaps because of it, Paimon has an abnormal capacity for empathy and kindness. He'd love to see the world. He'd love to meet all of it's people. He'd be extremely vulnerable to contamination by an Angel, vulnerable to even their pangs on his empathy.

Why does he have to kill them...?

He appreciates rockabilly fashion and culture, and if there's any thing that brings him true, visible irritability, it's how LCL messes up his hair. Guuuh!!!

Can be changed however it needs to be, I'm just porting over what exists from before.

PHYS: 33, INT: 30, EMP: 31, SR: 60

Stress: 0/30
Ego: 0/35
Strain Threshold: 3
Luck: 3/3
Doom: 0


Defining: "I don't want anyone to suffer."

General: "Being with Ren-nii-nii is the only happiness I had, till now."

General: "I don't mind this pain...or the Einherjar. It's my bond to all people."


Art (EMP); Awareness (EMP), Proficient with Read Person and Notice; Finesse (PHYS); Knowledge (INT); Logic (INT) Proficiency with Inference; Might (PHYS); Speech (EMP), Proficient with Charm and Persuade; Sports (PHYS); Trickery (INT); Will (EMP), Proficient with Bravery.


Depth Value: -
Effect: The pilot doesn't handle being by themselves very well. All Standard Luck uses cost twice as many Luck when the character is isolated with no other people around. Being alone in a space would only count if they were not in contact with other people at the time; as such this does not apply to being in the entry plug during a battle where the constant contact with AESIR's support staff and other pilots provides plenty of emotional reinforcement.

Honor Before Reason
Depth Value: 5
Effect: The character is simply too honest to pull the wool over the eyes of others, either by will and by choice or by simply being a terrible liar who has no aptitude for deception. The character suffers a -5 penalty to the Trickery Skill group.

Depth Value: 5
Effect: Choose any one Personal Score (PHYS). The pilot has a chronic condition that threatens that Personal Score. In any week in which they do not take medication for their condition, they reduce that Personal Score by 1d10 until they do receive their medication and get some rest. However, even then, their chosen Personal Score is not restored to full as they permanently lose 1 point in the Personal Score per week they went without medication.

Depth Value: 5
Effect: The character is not a soldier. The taking of another human's life is abominable to them. In order to take any action that they know would harm another person, they must first spend 1 Luck. After this expenditure, this trait may be ignored for the rest of the confrontation, or session, whichever is shorter.


Depth Value: 5
Effect: Gain a permanent +10 to Empathy based skills involving the opposite gender.

Deph Value: 10
The Angel Hybrid may change their Synch Ratio by 1d10 each round in a direction of their choice at no Stamina cost. This does not trigger any other form of Synch Disruption. In addition, they reduce Ego they take from all sources by 2, to a minimum of 0.


EXP: 50, E: 4

Allowed: Trunk, Manufactured Root, Test Type Branch, AT Adept Branch

* Took Skill Proficiency (Notice) from the Trunk
* Took More Than Human from the Manufactured Root; +5 Ego
* Bought into the AT Adept Branch; +3 SR and 1 E.
* Learned AT Flare from the AT Adept Branch.
* Took Skill Proficiency (Bravery) from the Manufactured Branch.

Unit ___, the Bright Pink Eva with Gold and Bright White Accents
Test Type

STR: 3, T: 4, Armor: 3, Resilience: Armor+Misc, Reflexes: 30
Eva Martial: 65 Eva Firearms: 60
ATS 2, 5 AT Potential
Req: 1


Rainbow: Has an extra Secondary Color

Science Project: Your Einherjar's core was originally intended for research purposes, not actual combat use. You gain 3 AT Potential each round instead of 2, but start with 1 Less Armor and 1 less Toughness.

Onboard Medical: Once per session, the pilot of this Einherjar may use Remote Care on himself with no required purchase of it using Nerv Resources. It may not be used on or by anyone else, though it requires no Action to use.


Effect: Gain 1 extra Requisition

Wing Loadout (Storage)
Effect: Choose one Wing of the Einherjar (right). A specialized container that may store and be deployed with one Knife, Pistol or clip of ammo for the pilot to use is installed. Each Wing may only have one Loadout at a time.

Stepping Stone
Effect: Nerv's development of the Einherhar was groundbreaking, but also full of trial and error. Not everything that was built ended up being included in the final package for any number of reasons, and some design schemes for distinctive Einherjar archetypes never made it past the prototype stage for key technologies. Your Einherjar, as a key step in the early life of the Einherjar project, is compatible with some of this unused equipment. When this Upgrade is taken choose one option from the following list and apply it to your Einherjar. While Stepping Stone can be gained multiple times, no option can be taken more than once.
* Semi-Ablative Armor: A first attempt at the Ablative armor material that Prototypes carry into battle, this Semi-Ablative Armor can be expended once per battle to lower a single Hit Effect rolled against the Body location of your Einherjar by 2.


Basic Field
Effect: The most simple of the AT defenses, and one capable of shrugging off even a powerful attack, if not frequently. After damage for an attack has been rolled against you, but before Resilience has been applied, you may spend 1 of your AT Potential to turn 3 of that damage into Soft Damage. If you spend enough ATP to render the entire attack as Soft Damage, no Hit Effect results. If you are unable to render the entire attack into Soft Damage, the attack resolves as normal but your ATP are not spent. If an Area attack or other threat to your Umbilical is successfully transformed into Soft Damage, the Umbilical is not destroyed.


ATS Minimum: 1
Activation: 2 Stamina. Maintain Free
Range: 1
Effect: The Einherjar uses its own spread A.T. Field to absorb and negate power from an enemy A.T. Field. Choose one other A.T. Field within range of the Einherjar. Neither the target of the power or the activator of this power naturally gains additional AT Potential at the start of their turn (or Interval) for as long as the power is maintained.
Special: This AT Power may be used as a 2 Stamina Action against an enemy Absolute Defense within range to reduce its Power by 1.

A.T. Flare
ATS Minimum: 2
Activation: 2 Stamina
Range: 2
Effect: The Eva spikes its A.T. Field and spreads it thin, making it less dense and more easily penetrated. However, it makes the A.T. Field very bright and noticeable to Angels, who are beings defined by their A.T. Fields.
The player chooses one Angel within Tactical range, and tests Distract as a Simple Opposed test that is Opposed by the Logic skill of the Angel. If successful, the Angel will consider the activator of this power a priority threat and target them specifically the next chance it gets. If the Angel in question is currently engaged in combat with an enemy that has a spread A.T. Field, or that is currently neutralizing the Angel's A.T. Field, the Distract test is at a -20 penalty. This Power may only be used on Angels.
Special: If there is an Einherjar in play with an A.T. Field with an unmodified ATS higher than the unmodified ATS of the activator of this power, the Distract test has a -10 penalty.
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@Nervos Belli, a couple of questions for future:

1.) Do we create the mechanical character sheet when making the application?

2.) Is it viable to fiat some unnecessary dice rolls in EVA creation? Namely, the one dealing with the colors. I still cringe at the memory of neon bright...thing... combo I rolled the first time I tried the system *shudder*

3.) How large is our starting pool of Experience?

With that out of the way, I'll try to get an application done soon.
@Nervos Belli, a couple of questions for future:

1.) Do we create the mechanical character sheet when making the application?

2.) Is it viable to fiat some unnecessary dice rolls in EVA creation? Namely, the one dealing with the colors. I still cringe at the memory of neon bright...thing... combo I rolled the first time I tried the system *shudder*

3.) How large is our starting pool of Experience?

With that out of the way, I'll try to get an application done soon.

1) At the least, I'd like the Root, Assets and Drawbacks, Aspects, and the type of Evangelion. Character stats, XP and enrichment allocation can be done later if you prefer. Basically, enough to let me get a sense of your character and what role they might serve.

2) Since color is entirely cosmetic, I've got no problem with you fiating it.

3) I'm thinking this will be an epic game, so start with 50 exp and 4E
Dustin Carr
Name: Dustin Carr
Root: Manufactured

Personal Scores:
Physique: 30
Intelligence: 29
Empathy: 27
Synch Ratio: 53

Luck: 1
Ego: 0/30
Stress: 0/25
Base Strain Threshold:

Assets: What doesn't Kill you... (5)
Drawbacks: Phobia [Doctors] (5), Poor Vision (5)

Talents: Spread Pattern (Basic Field), AT Power (Neutralize), Group Advancement (Will) (2E), Combat Advance (Eva Martial) (10xp), Group Advancement (Logic) (2E)

Proficiencies: Bravery, Composure, Inference, Convince

Defining: Determinator
General: Distrusting, Lone Wolf

Type of EVA: Production type

Eva Scores:
Eva Martial: 68
Eva Firearms:
Strength: 3
Toughness: 5
Armor: 3
Reflexes: 40

Colors: Main: Silver Secondary: turquoise
Upgrades: Wing Loadout (Storage), Requisition, Requisition, Advanced Equipment (20xp), Redundant Organs (20xp)
Distinguishing Features: Extra eyes (Cosmetic), Onboard Medical (Construction),

Experience: 0
Enrichments: 0

The process of Dustin's creation was... rough to say the least. The Doctors and Scientists ran into several problems throughout the process and those problems caused Dustin a lot of pain, including the permanent loss of his left eye. This all left mental scars as well as physical ones, leading Dustin to be cagey around other people. Despite living though so much pain, or perhaps because of it, he's a determined young man who won't let anything, or anyone, stand in his way.
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1) At the least, I'd like the Root, Assets and Drawbacks, Aspects, and the type of Evangelion. Character stats, XP and enrichment allocation can be done later if you prefer. Basically, enough to let me get a sense of your character and what role they might serve.

2) Since color is entirely cosmetic, I've got no problem with you fiating it.

3) I'm thinking this will be an epic game, so start with 50 exp and 4E
1. Ok, you can probably expect an AT field specialist from me by Tuesday.

2. You have no idea how happy this made me :lol.

3. Roger that.
I would love to get in on this but we're moving on Tuesday and I'll be busy most of the week. It sounds really great though.
Hmm, I did have one AE game that never got off the ground with a character I'd like to try...

Sure, I'll give it a go.
So I've never made a adeptus character before. Anything I should keep in mind?
Alice Matheson
Going to roll these out first to see if the dice are compelling me one way or another first...

EDIT: Works with what I had in mind.

Name: Alice Matheson
Root: Neo-Spartan
Reference Image:


Being identified at an early age (Mostly through the ill fortune of being born in one of the first few places swept for candidates) as a suitable pilot for a bio-organic war machine is something of a double edged sword. The good news, of course--is the abundance of resources meant that her caretakers were actually not overworked and underpaid, and she had the good fortune of being actually trained on most of the prototypes as well.

Unfortunately, she yet remains a child soldier in a doomed world, expected to handle one of the last few lines of defense. Worse yet, her improved skill compared to the average led her to having to eventually being assigned Provisional Unit Five--or as was so elegantly put by the maintenence crew--The Pride.

For you see, The Pride was something of an accident--a Core developed when productivity was at it's height, the core technology of the Einherjar Units matured--which meant that when things went wrong, they went very wrong. A Core of such ferocious power that implanting it into a full bodied Unit would lead to it quickly gaining sentience and mutating into a monster--where most of the engineering concerns were a matter of restraining it. Reducing it to little more than a torso and head, and grafting on iron prosthetics that won't necessarily turn against you. Even so, it still lashes out--with the joints and seams in the Einherjar Unit's plating quickly rusting over and needing to be replaced.

And yet, it was powerful--it was closer kin then most to the beasts it was meant to fight. And they had a perfectly trained, perfectly experienced little soldier in place to wrangle it into submission!

It's not for nothing that Alice wonders if it's worth getting up in the morning. But she carries on anyway, because doing nothing at all would almost certainly be worse for everyone then anything she could ever do.

Personal Scores:
Physique: 36
Intelligence: 30
Empathy: 26
Synch Ratio: 45

Luck: 1
Ego: 0/30
Stress: 0/30
Base Strain Threshold:

Drawbacks: Honor Before Reason (Depth 5), Depressive (Depth 10)
Assets: Evangelion Training (10), Feedback Training (5)

Spread Pattern (Basic Field)
AT Power (Neutralize)

Balance (Phys)
Bravery +10 (Int)
Read Person (Int)
Resolve +10 (Int)

Defining: Sheer Determination
General: Cynical, Pessimistic
Trauma: None

Type: Provisional

Eva Scores:
Eva Martial: 65 +5 (70)
Eva Firearms: 60 +5 (65)
Strength: 4
Toughness: 5
Armor: 4
Reflexes: 30

Colors: Dark Grey/Brass
Upgrades: Weak Field, Prosthetic Body, Eject Limb, Requisition, Anchors
Distinguishing Features: Rusty (Cosmetic), Prehensile Port (Construction), Angelic Core (History)

Experience: 10
Enrichments: 0

Advance History:
Jaded (20 XP)
Group Advancement (Will) (2E)
Group Advancement (Will) (2E)
Anchors (Einherjar) (20 XP)
Alectai threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Physique Total: 11
5 5 6 6
Alectai threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Intelligence Total: 10
6 6 4 4
Alectai threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Empathy Total: 5
3 3 2 2
Alectai threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: Synch Ratio Total: 15
1 1 5 5 6 6 3 3
Alectai threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Reroll Total: 9
4 4 5 5
Alectai threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Cosmetic Feature Total: 12
6 6 6 6
Alectai threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Construction Feature Total: 8
4 4 4 4
Alectai threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: History Feature Total: 12
3 3 9 9
Alectai threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Colors Total: 19
10 10 5 5 2 2 2 2
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Well the move's gone pretty smoothly. A lot more to do but I'll see if I can put up a sheet.
Hmm, looks like I'll have to skip. Sorry Nervos, but life slapped a pretty intense timetable on me for this week and I'll be unable to get any good character sheet up in the given time frame. I might put myself up for the waitlist on weekend, but even that is not certain.

Best of luck to those who get in, though!
Root: Derelict
Name: Ceil Arison
Assets: Break in (5)
Drawbacks: Every Man for Himself (5), Memento (5) [Father's Lighter]
Personal Scores:
Physique: 30
Intelligence: 27
Empathy: 34
Synch Ratio: 48
Ego: 0/30
Stress: 0/30
Strain Threshold: 3 (2)
Luck: 2

Defining: Pyromanic
It was a cold world out there, but with your Farther's parting gift to you in hand, you would be fine.
General: Cynical
Art (EMP); Awareness (EMP); Finesse (PHYS), Proficient in Palm; Knowledge (INT); Logic (INT) Proficiency with Inference; Might (PHYS); Speech (EMP); Sports (PHYS); Trickery (EMP), Proficient in Open Lock and Persona; Will (EMP);
Group Advancement (Finesse), Group Advancement (Trickery), Group Advancement (Awareness), Jaded, Combat Advance (EVA Firearms)
Type of EVA: Sniper Type

Eva Scores:
Eva Martial: 50
Eva Firearms: 70 (73)
Strength: 2
Toughness: 4
Armor: 2
Reflexes: 25 (30)

Spread Pattern (Basic Field) , AT Power (Neutralize), AT Power (Disrupting Shot)

Colors: Black, with Brass and Light Gray highlights.
Wing Loadout (Gunframe), Requisition,
Distinguishing Features: Rainbow, Prehensile Port, Customised Controls (+5 Reflexes, -1 Strain threshold)
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So I've never made a adeptus character before. Anything I should keep in mind?

A few things to keep in mind. Physical stats are secondary to Evangelion Training when inside the Evangelion, so you don't necessarily need a high Physique score to play a brawler EVA, for example. Although if you plan on taking a lot of hits, a high Physique helps.

There are a number of skills that are restricted, and practically impossible to obtain unless a specific background is chosen. So if you think that a certain restricted skill would be helpful, look up what the requirements are to unlock it.

Other than that, there are a number of similarities to Dark Heresy, so if you're familiar with that system, it can be helpful.

WHere do you want us to do the dice rolls?

Just do them in the forum roller. When I start the game, I'll be setting up a rolz room.
Alright, have a core sheet together, just need to find a reference image and a decent backstory and I should be good to go.