The colonization effort in the Jovian Sphere is a peaceful attempt to ensure Humanity's survival in the event of a Second Collapse and Third World War. As a show of Illyria's goof faith the convoy will halt at its current position so the unarmed haulers can be escorted in by Europan forces. We offer Ganymede the opportunity to inspect the haulers to confirm there are no weapons in the haulers.
Fleet Command, Flagship GPN Persecution of Galileo
The Jovian system has been closed to all further foreign colonization efforts. Neutral commerce or peaceable warship transition is permitted, but any colonial venture within the system will be viewed as a hostile act by the Protectorate.
Fleet Command, Flagship GPN Persecution of Galileo
The Jovian system has been closed to all further foreign colonization efforts. Neutral commerce or peaceable warship transition is permitted, but any colonial venture within the system will be viewed as a hostile act by the Protectorate.
From: Admiral Sebastian Yoke, Europa Fleet Command
What makes Ganymede the speaker for the Jovian Sphere? That said we do not wish to see a war break out over this. Europa is willing to let the unarmed freighters land and let the colonists join Europa as our citizens. Will that be acceptable instead of possible war?
From: Admiral Sebastian Yoke, Europa Fleet Command
What makes Ganymede the speaker for the Jovian Sphere? That said we do not wish to see a war break out over this. Europa is willing to let the unarmed freighters land and let the colonists join Europa as our citizens. Will that be acceptable instead of possible war?
Are these colonist Europan colonists? Or are they a prospective outpost of Illryian imperialism? This expedition's escort by Earther warships seems to suggest the latter
Greetings, friends. And congratulations on your victory!
We were hoping to secure your blessing for a Ganymedan outpost on one of Saturn's moons, likely on the small moon of Mimas. Our goal is to establish a station to help secure the transit of water ice, and to provide a secure base for other activities.
However, we would not want to intrude on your system, and would be happy to treat the rest of the moon as Titanian territory and pay a symbolic lease, provided our base were treated as sovereign Ganymedan territory.
Name: The Federal Republic of Mars, the F.B.M., the Martians Capital: Greater Solis Lacus Government: Constitutional Republic Primary Leader: President Ian Musk (L) Secondary Leader: Secretary of State Julius Rinehart (L) Population: N/A Religion: No Official State Religion
Internal Events:
"THE RED PLANET" An excerpt from "The Red Planet" by Desmond Amofah
The City of Greater Solis Lacus, during the earlier days of the Martian colonization. The current sprawl of the megalopolis is currently hundreds of times larger.
The year 1969 marked the first year an Earth power had set foot on another planet.
But the year 2024 surpassed that acheivement, with American Earther Elon Musk's SpaceX company sending the first manned mission to Mars, occupied by two NASA pilots. The Chinese, Japanese, European, Indian, U.A.E. and Brazilian space agencies soon followed suit.
Inevitably, as the groundwork was prepared for eventual human colonization of the planet, the populous and rich nations began the process. Research cities were often established by private corporations as the model cities for which future Martian settlements could be built upon, using reinforced shielding with light panels to create the iconic 'bubble city' feature of Martian habitation units. While most funding was directed towards the Lunar surface as the closest planetary body, these research cities were not ignored, and as research brought bountiful new resources and data to collect, they began to grow.
Scientists and their families moved first, then government officials, then more citizens as the Earth became not a requirement, but a choice for human life. The second wave of immigrants, typically from poorer but still populous regions of Earth, began arriving as laborers for these cities, predominating the subsurface establishments that dotted the landscape, mining for matieriels such as silicon and pumping for oxygen. More often than not, these poorer immigrants found themselves rising in socio-economic status as new immigrants arrived to take their place. This cycle continued until the delcaration of indepence from U.N. authority, when the Earth became trapped in its own troubles.
As Earth and the U.N. authority lost hold on the Martian people, and the Edict of Severance was adopted by the Martian congressional bodies, the War of Independence split those who had lived for most, if not all, of their lives on the Red Planet's surface, and those who still held attachement to the Earth and its traditions. This division was most prominent in the modern cities of Mars, where violent fighting left many families and friends on opposing sides.
As the war ended in a Revolutionary victory (officialized in the Peace of Olympus Mons), the people of Mars were left to bind their wounds, and a new age of Martian life started with the election of the First President of Mars.
Today, Mars stands as a shining city upon a hill to all human colonies among the stars as a symbol of peaceful politics and prosperous economics, and intends to do so for as long as the Federal Republic of Mars exists.
Mars minus et populum eius.
"A HOUSE DIVIDED" An excerpt from the article "A House Divided" found in the news publication "Martian Daily" by Miyoshi Hinako
Martian public safety officers surround the carcass of what once was a federal transport van, the favorite victim of a series of bombings following the recent election, this specific incident causing seven casualties. The minority anarchist group 'Black Watch' is a likely perpetrator, officials say.
The siting President won the election with the campaign tagline "Mars Needs Musk", promoting economic recovery and political reform as a result of the backlash that erupted from a dissatisfaction with the previous coalition government (the last President was a People's Advocate, and his Secretary of State a Taskerite).
While the disillusionment with the government placed Musk in his current position, it may come back to haunt him, as pictured above. The labor movements are agitating for change in the process of politics, while the upper classes demand deregulation for recovery, and both are skeptic of his ability to implement their desired policies, despite having put him in office.
Even the opposition parties smell blood and appear to be mobilizing in preparation for the upcoming midterms. The People's Advocate candidate, although lackluster in the actual campaign, has already called for "complete and total uprooting of the inexperienced and uncouth Neo-Libs and Taskerites, respectively". Taskerites, on the other hand, have begrudgingly accepted the Musk Presidency, but the populist movement brought about in the last election has failed to dissipate, as was expected to be the case. These trends might present an obstacle for the Neo-Libs in the near future.
Moreover, the foreign landscape might be a point of conflict between the administration and a vast majority of the public: being adamantly isolationist and instead advocating internal development, President Musk may undermine his electorate support among the patriotic laborers and the profiteers of the upper-class. The military administration also has expressed concern for this new isolationist tone, as recent events have represented flared tensions, especially as the Illyrian/Europan alliance angers the Ganymedian government, not to mention the Titan conquests, situations that could arguably begin the next great war if handled improperly by the local powers, or the unpopular U.N. force.
While only a few months is hardly a litmus test for every President, this environment might dictate otherwise.
This is the Martian Daily, your source for purely analytical journalism.
"President Calls for Peace in Jovian System..." by Muhyddeen el-Amini of the 'Analysis Abroad'
Regarding the recent development of tensions between the Illyrian Federation, its allies, the President, Ian Musk, has decried the aggressive acts of both sides of the situation, claiming that "man was meant to explore and discover space, not conquer and destroy it." In the meantime, however, no comment has been made as to the military affairs of the government, as public outcry from the Taskerite wing of the Republic call for defense of Mars, "in the fullest meaning of the phrase", in the words of one radical Taskerite representative...
"A Democracy or A Republic...?" by Julio Morais Chaves of the 'Independent Review'
Introduction of legislation, labeled the 'Foundational Reform and Economic Enrichment, or FREE Act, from the Neo-Libertarian party member, Senator Ronald Weygand, implicates large reforms for the Federal Republic, from which the end result would be the establishment of the F.R.M. as a direct democracy, unchained by representative government, and the near total deregulation of certain industries. But what would the effects be? Many rightist critics of the political plan claim that it would force a populist political environment into an otherwise calm and collected traditional process, while leftist agitators oppose the economic side of the plan, demanding increased protections for the workers of Mars. The President's spokeswoman denied these "baseless fears", explaining that the proposal already refuted and countered these arguments in detail...
"An Economy to Be Yearned For..." by Charles Winze of the 'Freedom's Call'
After interviewing a multitude of citizens, from the poorest laborer, to the richest exec, the economic vote is a force to be reckoned with, as the unpopularity of the economic recession under the leftists preceding the Musk Administration was a main reason for the surprise rise of the Neo-Libertarians, along with the disillusionment towards the government and its daily processes. Free market economics was the Musk campaign's answer to these demands, but will they be fulfilled...?
Economic Status:
Suffering a recent aand deep recession, the Musk Administration has vowed to ensure a quick recovery, which might have political implications in itself.
Arguably the second strongest military in the solar system, with an emphasis on ability to project interplanetary power. However, the President's hesitance to use it in an aggressive manner might undermine his support among the military, an effect that might come with dire consequences.
11 Battleships
28 Cruisers
20 Drone Cruisers
75 Destroyers
200 Corvettes
Alliances, Agreements, and Trade:
- 'Human Rights Concordat' ratified by Martian both houses of Martian Congress
- Free trade enforced by interplanetary and Martian law
- No binding alliances with foreign nations
TO: The Illyrian Federation @Ceslas
CC: The Free State of Europa @Skrevski , The Ganymede Protectorate @bigseb31213
FROM: The Federal Republic of Mars
The Federal Republic of Mars offers to mediate the burgeoning conflict between the Illyrian/Europan alliance and the Ganymede Protectorate before further actions are taken by either side. Peace must be considered a viable alternative before war.
A set of demands produced by each side of the confrontation is requested by the Martian government prior to the aforementioned mediation.
TO: The Republic of Callisto @The Lone Taco
FROM: The Federal Republic of Mars
Multiple requests from the businesses of Mars have made it clear that the Republic of Callisto stands as an important trade partner of the Jovian system. Thus, it becomes necessary to ask that the beginning of a free trade agreement be outlined in the near future, including but not limited to: lower tariffs on specialized goods originating from both nations, the encouragement of internal investment stability in the Republic of Callisto, and other legal obligations.
This is an open request, and can either be refused or accepted, although the latter would serve to increase relations between Mars and Callisto, an invaluable goal of diplomacy in these trying times.
The agreement would include a small portion of Callisto's surface area to be designated as Martian soverign territory, with the stipulation that said land would be used only for trade purposes, except in emergency cases, to be determined by Martian authority.
TO: The Cooperative Union of Titan @ChineseDrone
FROM: The Federal Republic of Mars
The nation of Mars condemns the use of violence by the C.U.T. to enforce an involuntary occupation on the nearby colony of Encealadus, and asks that fellow civilizations of honorable character enact similar condemnations.
As the United Nations intends to spread its imperial cult of death to the rest of Sol by way of aggressive and selfish policies, the Martian government extends its diplomatic wishes of health and prosperity to the home of mankind.
The Federal Republic of Mars declares that Mars will make no effort to decrease the autonomy of Earther nations, unless a direct and hostile attack is made against the nation of Mars or its included interests.
Such an agreement, the Martian administration feels, ought to be officialized in some manner, if the Earther nations are unopposed to such a move.
TO: The Free Belter Alliance @Sidheach
FROM: The Federal Republic of Mars
Condolensces are offered in the wake of the recent terrorist activity within F.B.A. jurisdiction. Mars wishes to see peace in the Belt proliferate without inhibition, and hopes to see the Free Belter Alliance the head of that movement, if internal reorganization and reform can be implemented.
TO: The United Nations @Azecreth
FROM: The Federal Republic of Mars
The Mars government warns the United Nations in a terse and firm tone that the issues of the Jovian system are to be resolved without the latter's intervention.
TO: The United Nations @Azecreth
FROM: The Federal Republic of Mars
The Mars government warns the United Nations in a terse and firm tone that the issues of the Jovian system are to be resolved without the latter's intervention.
The United Nations will take your advisory under consideration, and is prepared to adhere to it as long as Mars agrees to hold to the same position. Otherwise, we make no promises and will certainly not be cowed or intimidated by Martian strongman tactics.
TO: The Illyrian Federation @Ceslas
CC: The Free State of Europa @Skrevski , The Ganymede Protectorate @bigseb31213
FROM: The Federal Republic of Mars
The Federal Republic of Mars offers to mediate the burgeoning conflict between the Illyrian/Europan alliance and the Ganymede Protectorate before further actions are taken by either side. Peace must be considered a viable alternative before war.
A set of demands produced by each side of the confrontation is requested by the Martian government prior to the aforementioned mediation.
The United Nations will take your advisory under consideration, and is prepared to adhere to it as long as Mars agrees to hold to the same position. Otherwise, we make no promises and will certainly not be cowed or intimidated by Martian strongman tactics.
TO: The United Nations @Azecreth
FROM: The Federal Republic of Mars
The Martian government reaffirms its position of non-interventionism in the Jovian System, and counters the charge of use of alleged "strongman" tactics with the citation of multiple examples of the U.N. and its forces using military pressure to overwhelm Earther autonomy.
TO: The Ganymede Protectorate @bigseb31213
FROM: The Federal Republic of Mars
The Martian government argues that a mediated peace is the best solution to prevent future escalation of unecessary conflict, and provides both parties with the most autonomy in peacemaking, short of war.
Jovian affairs may be of no concern to Mars, but general peace is.
To: Republic of Callisto, Ganymede Protectorate, Cooperative Union of Titan, Islamic State of Triton, other minor powers in the outer planets (@The Lone Taco, @bigseb31213, @ChineseDrone, @Altzek, @Arthur Frayn)
From: High Counselor Merica Selico, The Rhean Commonwealth
The recent explosion of international incidents within the Solar System is of the utmost concern to the Rhean Commonwealth, and we are sure we are not the only ones troubled by the breakdown of stellar stability. The Belt is exploding into conflict between the FBA, the SBC, and the Illyria Federation, and the latter is simultaneously expanding their influence into the Jovian sector. Whatever ideology we each may hold and believe in, I believe we all share a disdain for backwards Earther imperialism, whether from the United Nations, Illyrian Federation, or any other inner power. We escaped to the stars to chart a new future for humanity, not be dragged back into the past by voracious and wasteful parasites on Earth, Luna, or even Mars.
But it is not only from the inner planets that instability is brought to our frontiers. Around Uranus and further beyond, pirates are endemic, assaulting good order and stability, while threatening all civilized peoples. While they primarily threaten smugglers, wildcat shipping companies, and megacorps, the threat they could pose if left to their own devices for a length of time might well expand to be more than a mild nuisance. And in the absence of a major response by regional powers, megacorps such as the Proteus Consortium may monopolize control over protection from pirates in the sector, and as a profit seeking entity, the well being of those who rely upon them will suffer in the long term.
Finally, the last major incident of the past months is the sudden and unprovoked Astrist invasion of Enceladus by Titan. Regardless of the ideological beliefs of Titan, an invasion and conquest of a sovereign nation cannot be idly tolerated. Are the other moons of Saturn next to be invaded and seized without pretext? Are further nations to come under attack once Saturn has been secured by the Astrists? Where do the martial ambitions of Titan end?
All of these issues, and others that might be considered important by yourselves, must be addressed, and done so through a broad and international mandate. Thus the Rhean Commonwealth proposes a conference to discuss and debate how best to secure and maintain peace, stability, and sovereignty in the outer planets. We volunteer the habitat of Badiso on Rhea as the location for this conference, but are open to alternative locations if there are objections.
We invite and encourage all addressed polities to attend and propose measures to meet these goals of peace, stability, and sovereignty, which we hope all present can agree are admirable and desirable ones.
TO: The United Nations @Azecreth
FROM: The Federal Republic of Mars
The Martian government reaffirms its position of non-interventionism in the Jovian System, and counters the charge of use of alleged "strongman" tactics with the citation of multiple examples of the U.N. and its forces using military pressure to overwhelm Earther autonomy.
We aren't sure what else you would call this claim that the United Nations is supposed to forsake involvement in the Joviaan sphere in any capacity, other than a statement with the implicit threat contained within, or a farce
We aren't sure what else you would call this claim that the United Nations is supposed to forsake involvement in the Joviaan sphere in any capacity, other than a statement with the implicit threat contained within, or a farce
TO: The United Nations @Azecreth
FROM: The Federal Republic of Mars
The Martian Federal Republic never demanded ultimate disinvolvement with the Jovian System by the United Nations. It merely made a request, of which the choice to follow or ignore is open the United Nations. The result, however, would not be so indefinite.
TO: The Ganymede Protectorate @bigseb31213
FROM: The Federal Republic of Mars
The Martian government argues that a mediated peace is the best solution to prevent future escalation of unecessary conflict, and provides both parties with the most autonomy in peacemaking, short of war.
Jovian affairs may be of no concern to Mars, but general peace is.
Name: The Federal Republic of Mars, the F.B.M., the Martians Capital: Greater Solis Lacus Government: Constitutional Republic Primary Leader: President Ian Musk (L) Secondary Leader: Secretary of State Julius Rinehart (L) Population: N/A Religion: No Official State Religion
Internal Events:
"THE RED PLANET" An excerpt from "The Red Planet" by Desmond Amofah
The City of Greater Solis Lacus, during the earlier days of the Martian colonization. The current sprawl of the megalopolis is currently hundreds of times larger.
The year 1969 marked the first year an Earth power had set foot on another planet.
But the year 2024 surpassed that acheivement, with American Earther Elon Musk's SpaceX company sending the first manned mission to Mars, occupied by two NASA pilots. The Chinese, Japanese, European, Indian, U.A.E. and Brazilian space agencies soon followed suit.
Inevitably, as the groundwork was prepared for eventual human colonization of the planet, the populous and rich nations began the process. Research cities were often established by private corporations as the model cities for which future Martian settlements could be built upon, using reinforced shielding with light panels to create the iconic 'bubble city' feature of Martian habitation units. While most funding was directed towards the Lunar surface as the closest planetary body, these research cities were not ignored, and as research brought bountiful new resources and data to collect, they began to grow.
Scientists and their families moved first, then government officials, then more citizens as the Earth became not a requirement, but a choice for human life. The second wave of immigrants, typically from poorer but still populous regions of Earth, began arriving as laborers for these cities, predominating the subsurface establishments that dotted the landscape, mining for matieriels such as silicon and pumping for oxygen. More often than not, these poorer immigrants found themselves rising in socio-economic status as new immigrants arrived to take their place. This cycle continued until the delcaration of indepence from U.N. authority, when the Earth became trapped in its own troubles.
As Earth and the U.N. authority lost hold on the Martian people, and the Edict of Severance was adopted by the Martian congressional bodies, the War of Independence split those who had lived for most, if not all, of their lives on the Red Planet's surface, and those who still held attachement to the Earth and its traditions. This division was most prominent in the modern cities of Mars, where violent fighting left many families and friends on opposing sides.
As the war ended in a Revolutionary victory (officialized in the Peace of Olympus Mons), the people of Mars were left to bind their wounds, and a new age of Martian life started with the election of the First President of Mars.
Today, Mars stands as a shining city upon a hill to all human colonies among the stars as a symbol of peaceful politics and prosperous economics, and intends to do so for as long as the Federal Republic of Mars exists.
Mars minus et populum eius.
"A HOUSE DIVIDED" An excerpt from the article "A House Divided" found in the news publication "Martian Daily" by Miyoshi Hinako
Martian public safety officers surround the carcass of what once was a federal transport van, the favorite victim of a series of bombings following the recent election, this specific incident causing seven casualties. The minority anarchist group 'Black Watch' is a likely perpetrator, officials say.
The siting President won the election with the campaign tagline "Mars Needs Musk", promoting economic recovery and political reform as a result of the backlash that erupted from a dissatisfaction with the previous coalition government (the last President was a People's Advocate, and his Secretary of State a Taskerite).
While the disillusionment with the government placed Musk in his current position, it may come back to haunt him, as pictured above. The labor movements are agitating for change in the process of politics, while the upper classes demand deregulation for recovery, and both are skeptic of his ability to implement their desired policies, despite having put him in office.
Even the opposition parties smell blood and appear to be mobilizing in preparation for the upcoming midterms. The People's Advocate candidate, although lackluster in the actual campaign, has already called for "complete and total uprooting of the inexperienced and uncouth Neo-Libs and Taskerites, respectively". Taskerites, on the other hand, have begrudgingly accepted the Musk Presidency, but the populist movement brought about in the last election has failed to dissipate, as was expected to be the case. These trends might present an obstacle for the Neo-Libs in the near future.
Moreover, the foreign landscape might be a point of conflict between the administration and a vast majority of the public: being adamantly isolationist and instead advocating internal development, President Musk may undermine his electorate support among the patriotic laborers and the profiteers of the upper-class. The military administration also has expressed concern for this new isolationist tone, as recent events have represented flared tensions, especially as the Illyrian/Europan alliance angers the Ganymedian government, not to mention the Titan conquests, situations that could arguably begin the next great war if handled improperly by the local powers, or the unpopular U.N. force.
While only a few months is hardly a litmus test for every President, this environment might dictate otherwise.
This is the Martian Daily, your source for purely analytical journalism.
"President Calls for Peace in Jovian System..." by Muhyddeen el-Amini of the 'Analysis Abroad'
Regarding the recent development of tensions between the Illyrian Federation, its allies, the President, Ian Musk, has decried the aggressive acts of both sides of the situation, claiming that "man was meant to explore and discover space, not conquer and destroy it." In the meantime, however, no comment has been made as to the military affairs of the government, as public outcry from the Taskerite wing of the Republic call for defense of Mars, "in the fullest meaning of the phrase", in the words of one radical Taskerite representative...
"A Democracy or A Republic...?" by Julio Morais Chaves of the 'Independent Review'
Introduction of legislation, labeled the 'Foundational Reform and Economic Enrichment, or FREE Act, from the Neo-Libertarian party member, Senator Ronald Weygand, implicates large reforms for the Federal Republic, from which the end result would be the establishment of the F.R.M. as a direct democracy, unchained by representative government, and the near total deregulation of certain industries. But what would the effects be? Many rightist critics of the political plan claim that it would force a populist political environment into an otherwise calm and collected traditional process, while leftist agitators oppose the economic side of the plan, demanding increased protections for the workers of Mars. The President's spokeswoman denied these "baseless fears", explaining that the proposal already refuted and countered these arguments in detail...
"An Economy to Be Yearned For..." by Charles Winze of the 'Freedom's Call'
After interviewing a multitude of citizens, from the poorest laborer, to the richest exec, the economic vote is a force to be reckoned with, as the unpopularity of the economic recession under the leftists preceding the Musk Administration was a main reason for the surprise rise of the Neo-Libertarians, along with the disillusionment towards the government and its daily processes. Free market economics was the Musk campaign's answer to these demands, but will they be fulfilled...?
Economic Status:
Suffering a recent aand deep recession, the Musk Administration has vowed to ensure a quick recovery, which might have political implications in itself.
Arguably the second strongest military in the solar system, with an emphasis on ability to project interplanetary power. However, the President's hesitance to use it in an aggressive manner might undermine his support among the military, an effect that might come with dire consequences.
11 Battleships
28 Cruisers
20 Drone Cruisers
75 Destroyers
200 Corvettes
Alliances, Agreements, and Trade:
- 'Human Rights Concordat' ratified by Martian both houses of Martian Congress
- Free trade enforced by interplanetary and Martian law
- No binding alliances with foreign nations
TO: The Illyrian Federation @Ceslas
CC: The Free State of Europa @Skrevski , The Ganymede Protectorate @bigseb31213
FROM: The Federal Republic of Mars
The Federal Republic of Mars offers to mediate the burgeoning conflict between the Illyrian/Europan alliance and the Ganymede Protectorate before further actions are taken by either side. Peace must be considered a viable alternative before war.
A set of demands produced by each side of the confrontation is requested by the Martian government prior to the aforementioned mediation.
TO: The Republic of Callisto @The Lone Taco
FROM: The Federal Republic of Mars
Multiple requests from the businesses of Mars have made it clear that the Republic of Callisto stands as an important trade partner of the Jovian system. Thus, it becomes necessary to ask that the beginning of a free trade agreement be outlined in the near future, including but not limited to: lower tariffs on specialized goods originating from both nations, the encouragement of internal investment stability in the Republic of Callisto, and other legal obligations.
This is an open request, and can either be refused or accepted, although the latter would serve to increase relations between Mars and Callisto, an invaluable goal of diplomacy in these trying times.
The agreement would include a small portion of Callisto's surface area to be designated as Martian soverign territory, with the stipulation that said land would be used only for trade purposes, except in emergency cases, to be determined by Martian authority.
TO: The Cooperative Union of Titan @ChineseDrone
FROM: The Federal Republic of Mars
The nation of Mars condemns the use of violence by the C.U.T. to enforce an involuntary occupation on the nearby colony of Encealadus, and asks that fellow civilizations of honorable character enact similar condemnations.
As the United Nations intends to spread its imperial cult of death to the rest of Sol by way of aggressive and selfish policies, the Martian government extends its diplomatic wishes of health and prosperity to the home of mankind.
The Federal Republic of Mars declares that Mars will make no effort to decrease the autonomy of Earther nations, unless a direct and hostile attack is made against the nation of Mars or its included interests.
Such an agreement, the Martian administration feels, ought to be officialized in some manner, if the Earther nations are unopposed to such a move.
TO: The Free Belter Alliance @Sidheach
FROM: The Federal Republic of Mars
Condolensces are offered in the wake of the recent terrorist activity within F.B.A. jurisdiction. Mars wishes to see peace in the Belt proliferate without inhibition, and hopes to see the Free Belter Alliance the head of that movement, if internal reorganization and reform can be implemented.
TO: The United Nations @Azecreth
FROM: The Federal Republic of Mars
The Mars government warns the United Nations in a terse and firm tone that the issues of the Jovian system are to be resolved without the latter's intervention.
Our position is simple. We wish to build a series of colonies using systems far more sophisticated than employed during the initial colonization. These are to provide homes for mankind in the event of another World War or Collapse that will not produce the physical degradation present in various degrees in all current colonies. We attempted to purchase land in the Belt but the SBC arrogantly doublecrossed us and refused to sell. When we attempted to take what we could not gain through honest dealing the UN stonewalled us and refused so much as to recommend an alternative site. Thus we had no choice but to proceed to the next nearest possible location, the Jovian Sphere. Europa offered to locate an unclaimed portion of the Sphere for us to inhabit in exchange for Illyrian goods. The site was located and the first shipments of materials began but we were denied through the arrogance of Ganymede. All we ask is the right to settle unclaimed space and preserve the Slavic Race.
Our position is simple. We wish to build a series of colonies using systems far more sophisticated than employed during the initial colonization. These are to provide homes for mankind in the event of another World War or Collapse that will not produce the physical degradation present in various degrees in all current colonies. We attempted to purchase land in the Belt but the SBC arrogantly doublecrossed us and refused to sell. When we attempted to take what we could not gain through honest dealing the UN stonewalled us and refused so much as to recommend an alternative site. Thus we had no choice but to proceed to the next nearest possible location, the Jovian Sphere. Europa offered to locate an unclaimed portion of the Sphere for us to inhabit in exchange for Illyrian goods. The site was located and the first shipments of materials began but we were denied through the arrogance of Ganymede. All we ask is the right to settle unclaimed space and preserve the Slavic Race.
The concerns of "the slavic race" are immaterial to Ganymede.
By our calculations, your vessels will enter Jupiter's gravity well within 21 hours. If your vessels do not flip and begin a 1G burn back to earth by that point, we will consider the expedition to have hostile intent and will respond appropriately. We will repeat this warning every 30 minutes until the deadline.
Posters like this are being plastered all over Triton and, despite the government's reassurances,
many see them as signaling the de-facto annexation of all moons of Neptune to the Islamic state.
With the uptick in piracy in the Uranian system, the government of Triton has decided to do its part in contrasting the phenomenon in order to prevent it from spreading beyond it. Stations and outposts are being built on Neptune's minor moons with the biggest being those on Nereid and Larissa while parts of Triton's small but expanding navy are being deployed there to assist in their defense.
While many have seen this as a de facto annexation of all moons bar Proteus, the Supreme Guide Feroz Ali Abbasi has declared that "in no way this means the expansion of Triton to the adjacent rocks, rather merely our commitment to the fight against piracy. Anyone who wishes to settle the rocks is welcome to do so and shall see no opposition as long as Triton's authorities are notified", a statement that many see, together with a series of posters being plastered by the nationalist Islamic Party of the Aryan Peoples (one of the ruling party's allies in the current cabinet) in the streets of various settlements and even workplaces throughout Neptune's moon, as a badly-disguised argument in favour of the annexationist thesis.
The concerns of "the slavic race" are immaterial to Ganymede.
By our calculations, your vessels will enter Jupiter's gravity well within 21 hours. If your vessels do not flip and begin a 1G burn back to earth by that point, we will consider the expedition to have hostile intent and will respond appropriately. We will repeat this warning every 30 minutes until the deadline.
Those vessels are standing still as per our prior orders! If you insist on lying about this point and using that to justify an attack I will see to it Ganymede regrets its deceit!
Frederico Posco, often called Freddo by his friends, family, and customers, was usually a jovial man. His father, Antonio, was the head of one of the most powerful families on the Virj. Furthermore, Freddo was just found to be respected enough to rise from lowly drug peddling to having his own Kapokestos. But Freddo suspected there was more to his promotion than just him. As his Kapo, Franklin Gabraro, fiddled with his gold watch (made to look like a knockoff in the current fashion) Freddo narrowed his eyes.
This fonef thought himself much too clever, which means he made it big off a good deal or he had reason to believe he was as amazing as he thought of himself. Given Freddo's habit of being a little too close to what he sold, a little too nose to the grindstone so to speak, Freddo knew that Frankie had to be a plant by his father. Doting, but authoritarian and watchful. Antonio, Papa Posco, was all three. Thank god Freddo was his son, or else his antics would've gotten him spaced a long time ago. Why back when he was 16, Freddo and his best friend (at the time) Almoso Scarso snuck into the Pink....
Frankie, seeing Freddo go into his internal rant, gave the young man a light tap to the back of his head. This brought the rambling to an end and a glare at Frankie from Freddo. Frankie didn't mind though. Freddo was a basehead, in both meaning of the term. His place as Kapokestos was secured for twofold reasons. One, to control the dumbest Posco. Two, to reward him in finding the Corporate Man. As the initial speaker, cousin Severin, gave his final remarks, Frankie gave Freddo another pat, although this time on the back as opposed to on the back of the head.
"Good luck out there mio padrone, you'll need it."
Freddo responded with a snarky fake smile before heading out to the pulpit, where he dropped the snark but kept the fake.
"This is the Delphi News Network and our correspondent on Virj, Amara Anuja, is listening to an address by the heir of the Posco casino empire, Frederico Posco. We'll cut to him now."
Cut to a noticeably sweating Freddo, whose sweat stains are growing at an alarming rate.
"H-hello to the international community.
The other day, we saw the terrorist elements of human society seek to remove their foe, the Illyrians, by violent means. Their attack on a well known neutral zone, the Virj, is seen as a most brazen and cowardly attempt. Whereas ... no wherein that these terrorists used the Virj as the basin of their attack, we will do everything in our power in which to eliminate this threat to the common customer here on the Virj. The terrorists have already been liquidated for their crimes, and we have no reason to suspect that the terrorist cell that they emanated from continues to exist. Nonetheless, we will be holding operations by our security apparatus in order to thoroughly ensure all dangerous elements on the Virj is removed.
We wish to work with our Illyrian cohorts and the Illyrian government in order to ensure safety within the inner planets and conducting joint intelligent operations against those who seek to compromise the neutrality of the Virj. While the Posco Family speaks only for itself, we can confirm that several of our fellow Conglomerates and Cartels are in agreement as to these arrangements.
We offer condolences to the family and a joint vacation plan to any Posco location should they choose to take advantage of this opportunity.
Thank you."
His light blue shirt now a darker blue, Freddo got off the stage to where Frankie and Severin were staying. Both nodded, which meant it was an overall positive.
Frederico Posco, often called Freddo by his friends, family, and customers, was usually a jovial man. His father, Antonio, was the head of one of the most powerful families on the Virj. Furthermore, Freddo was just found to be respected enough to rise from lowly drug peddling to having his own Kapokestos. But Freddo suspected there was more to his promotion than just him. As his Kapo, Franklin Gabraro, fiddled with his gold watch (made to look like a knockoff in the current fashion) Freddo narrowed his eyes.
This fonef thought himself much too clever, which means he made it big off a good deal or he had reason to believe he was as amazing as he thought of himself. Given Freddo's habit of being a little too close to what he sold, a little too nose to the grindstone so to speak, Freddo knew that Frankie had to be a plant by his father. Doting, but authoritarian and watchful. Antonio, Papa Posco, was all three. Thank god Freddo was his son, or else his antics would've gotten him spaced a long time ago. Why back when he was 16, Freddo and his best friend (at the time) Almoso Scarso snuck into the Pink....
Frankie, seeing Freddo go into his internal rant, gave the young man a light tap to the back of his. This brought the rambling to an end and a glare at Frankie from Freddo. Frankie didn't mind though. Freddo was a basehead, in both meaning of the term. His place as Kapokestos was secured for twofold reasons. One, to control the dumbest Posco. Two, to reward him in finding the Corporate Man. As the initial speaker, cousin Severin, gave his final remarks, Frankie gave Freddo another pat, although this time on the back as opposed to on the back of the head.
"Good luck out there mio padrone, you'll need it."
Freddo responded with a snarky fake smile before heading out to the pulpit, where he dropped the snark but kept the fake.
"This is the Delphi News Network and our correspondent on Virj, Amara Anuja, is listening to an address by the heir of the Posco casino empire, Frederico Posco. We'll cut to him now."
Cut to a noticeably sweating Freddo, whose sweat stains are growing at an alarming rate.
"H-hello to the international community.
The other day, we saw the terrorist elements of human society seek to remove their foe, the Illyrians, by violent means. Their attack on a well known neutral zone, the Virj, is seen as a most brazen and cowardly attempt. Whereas ... no wherein that these terrorists used the Virj as the basin of their attack, we will do everything in our power in which to eliminate this threat to the common customer here on the Virj. The terrorists have already been liquidated for their crimes, and we have no reason to suspect that the terrorist cell that they emanated from continues to exist. Nonetheless, we will be holding operations by our security apparatus in order to thoroughly ensure all dangerous elements on the Virj is removed.
We wish to work with our Illyrian cohorts and the Illyrian government in order to ensure safety within the inner planets and conducting joint intelligent operations against those who seek to compromise the neutrality of the Virj. While the Posco Family speaks only for itself, we can confirm that several of our fellow Conglomerates and Cartels are in agreement as to these arrangements.
We offer condolences to the family and a joint vacation plan to any Posco location should they choose to take advantage of this opportunity.
Thank you."
His light blue shirt now a darker blue, Freddo got off the stage to where Frankie and Severin were staying. Both nodded, which meant it was an overall positive.
Those vessels are standing still as per our prior orders! If you insist on lying about this point and using that to justify an attack I will see to it Ganymede regrets its deceit!
Last I checked, standing still is not a 1G burn back to Earth.
Let me rephrase. Any further advance into the system after...19.45 hours will be treated as hostile intent. Should your vessels remain in-system with drives powered off after that time, they will be boarded and Ganymedan security forces will pilot them to a neutral port in the Belt. Or you can begin a 1G burn back towards earth.
Last I checked, standing still is not a 1G burn back to Earth.
Let me rephrase. Any further advance into the system after...19.45 hours will be treated as hostile intent. Should your vessels remain in-system with drives powered off after that time, they will be boarded and Ganymedan security forces will pilot them to a neutral port in the Belt. Or you can begin a 1G burn back towards earth.
(This message, along with all prior correspondence is published to every power in the Solar System)
We, the Illyrian Federation, have acted in these past months in the belief that the greatest threat to our species was extremists on Earth and in the Belt! It has become clear to us that the rulers of Ganymede and their supporters on Titan are a far greater threat as they deny even the right to peacefully build a station in unclaimed territory or to stay in neutral space while diplomats labor to save the lives of soldiers on all sides of any potential conflict! We will not have our rights be trampled like this! If Ganymede attempts to board our vessels we will regard that as a declaration of war! We call upon all civilized nations to stand with us against these outrageous demands!
The UN declares neutrality in any imminent conflict between Illyria and Ganymede. As this is a conflict that we are not invested in, we see no reason to participate at this stage, and suggest that all involved powers respect our wishes.
The UN declares neutrality in any imminent conflict between Illyria and Ganymede. As this is a conflict that we are not invested in, we see no reason to participate at this stage, and suggest that all involved powers respect our wishes.
We, the Illyrian Federation, have acted in these past months in the belief that the greatest threat to our species was extremists on Earth and in the Belt! It has become clear to us that the rulers of Ganymede and their supporters on Titan are a far greater threat as they deny even the right to peacefully build a station in unclaimed territory or to stay in neutral space while diplomats labor to save the lives of soldiers on all sides of any potential conflict! We will not have our rights be trampled like this! If Ganymede attempts to board our vessels we will regard that as a declaration of war! We call upon all civilized nations to stand with us against these outrageous demands!
TO: The Illyrian Federation @Ceslas
CC: The Ganymede Protectorate @bigseb31213 , The Free State of Europa @Skrevski
FROM: The Federal Republic of Mars
The Federal Republic of Mars reiterates its offer to mediate a peace amenable to both sides of the current escalation. The offer should be taken under serious consideration before regrettable action is taken by either party.
Given the apparent unwillingness of Ganymede to accept outside arbitration from anyone in the Inner Planets, we see no reason to engage in an exercise of further futility. And as most of the powers involved in this disagreement decided to leave the United Nations, and as such significantly restricted our ability to carry out the ideals upon which the United Nations was founded. Though we suspect you knew that already, given how much of your foreign policy has been based on a fierce opposition to anything we do in foreign affairs.
The shoe hurts when it's on the other foot, doesn't it.
TO: The Illyrian Federation @Ceslas
CC: The Ganymede Protectorate @bigseb31213 , The Free State of Europa @Skrevski
FROM: The Federal Republic of Mars
The Federal Republic of Mars reiterates its offer to mediate a peace amenable to both sides of the current escalation. The offer should be taken under serious consideration before regrettable action is taken by either party.
We want peace and have made that quite clear. But we have rights as a nation and we want them respected. All our ships are outside the Jovian Sphere and are staying there. But that is apparently not enough for Ganymede. They are forcing a conflict, one you can prevent. You have the power. Merely make it clear you will act against the aggressor and this will stop.
Given the apparent unwillingness of Ganymede to accept outside arbitration from anyone in the Inner Planets, we see no reason to engage in an exercise of further futility. And as most of the powers involved in this disagreement decided to leave the United Nations, and as such significantly restricted our ability to carry out the ideals upon which the United Nations was founded. Though we suspect you knew that already, given how much of your foreign policy has been based on a fierce opposition to anything we do in foreign affairs.
The shoe hurts when it's on the other foot, doesn't it.
The people who once founded the United Nations would be ashamed of the UN as it is now. What was founded as the means to facilitate peace through diplomacy has now become a navy that refuses to bring peace. We have not agreed with the UN's actions but we respected its ruling and tried to find a new place to secure our people. Now they are being threatened by a power with no right to bar them. And unless Ganymede is made to see reason people will die. You and I both know the UN has a navy that is far greater than Ganymede and Illyria combined. One word and conflict can be avoided. The UN, throughout its early history sough to aid people in the developing world and mediate between nations. It was flawed in this mission but it was sincere as it tried to avert conflict and maintain peace. It is part of the reason why we only had two world wars. Now you have the chance to do so again. You can either sit back and watch as mankind fals into savagery yet again or you can honor your forebears and try to stop it. The choice is yours.