Aces in High School

GM Post 1


Glorious GM-Chan
The Abyss
The ride across the rough terrain isn't made any more comfortable by the old bus Lexington had to rent to take you to the airfield for your very first match under this school, the details of which your still waiting to hear from the student council president sitting up front. Still sifting through numerous emails and documents on her laptop. It's been only a week since you joined the school, and it hadn't taken long for the aviation club to snap you up when the president heard you were interested. You remember first showing up the school, the bus ride then was a lot more comfortable, but walking up to the supercarrier that would be your home for the foreseeable future filled you with a sense of awe. But then you noticed the signs of the ongoing budget war with Imperial Institute, the war in which it was currently losing, which reminded you why you chose this school in particular.

Originally you planned on joining the aviation club anyway ,but of course you had to go through the tour of the clubs every new student had to do when they joined. But that was cut short when one by one the student council president barged in on your group, grabbed you out, and moved on to find the next one. Only when she finally have everyone gathered did she finally explain the situation to you all. The aviation clubs original members were all being forced to leave, and as the only real pilots left in the school she needed you to keep the club going. As without it the school would for sure close next year.

Which is how you ended up here, in an old bus bouncing across dirt roads that likely haven't seen a vehicles in years. But your thoughts are finally interrupted but the Council President finally standing up at the front, and steadying herself between a couple seats before facing everyone.

"Alright, I have the match briefing ready so listen up. This may be just a practice match but that doesn't mean its unimportant. Your opponent today will be Green Ridge High School, local land based school. The operate BF109s of mostly E models, and a handful of the F 4 models were recently ordered so you could expect to see a flight of them." She shifts among the documents on her laptop before pulling up an image of a supply base. "Match today will be bomber escort, get your B-17 to the target and back alive. Your opponents will be trying to intercept before you reach the target. Now, any questions before we arrive?"

@Miho Chan
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I spoke up, my tone indicating that my question was serious, "Do you have the records of each pilot? Are any of them Aces? If so, do they have any markings on their planes?"

I needed to know, first of all, if any of the students I was facing were particular threats to the safety of my team, and asking if any had three strikes was always a good start.
Now, any questions before we arrive?
Alexander speaks up. "How long should we expect to be in the air prior to match start, as well as on the way to and from the target?"

Carrying more fuel than needed would just make his already heavy as shit P-47 even heavier - and lightening the load the B-17 was carrying would also help with keeping them alive longer.
The rough ride had worn out it's welcome a few miles back, but for now Jan could stomach it. After waiting so long to get in the air again, he was patient enough to handle a few more minutes...

It wasn't a wholly uncomfortable bumpfest of course, since Jan's mind was long gone off to his mindscape to daydream and brood in equal measure. As he gazed up at the blue sky just outside the window by his seat, his fingers idly glided over the surface of his smartphone sitting comfortably in his hoodie pocket, blasting the heavy sound of calming gitar strings into his earbuds while a gravely voice sung an equally somber song. His left hand tapped the window sill in beat with the music.

'Just a bit longer...' He thought to himself. 'Just a bit longer, and I will have my wings...' The thought made him giddy, though his schooled expression didn't show it. 'Just a bit longer...'
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Ashoka Agarwal

As the Student Council President spoke, Ashoka wondered whether he should ask anything at all. The teachers and prefects at the 'complex had made it clear that asking questions was a disruption of the natural progression of life at a school and had no place in polite society. More than one student had broken such rules and received a firm lashing, both vocal and...otherwise, from the rather violent staff for innocently interrupting a lesson and Ashoka bore his share of beatings.

However as two other students spoke up and seeing as how the president didn't immediately reach for a baton, whip or belt and begin soundly thrashing the speakers, Ashoka assumed that Lexington did things differently from his old school. Deciding he might as well confirm that by asking a question of his own, he speaks up.

"What sort of reputation does our opposing school have, in terms of their aviation team? any of their pilots have a tendency towards ramming 'attacks'?"

Ramming was considered a prized and often used technique in his previous school after all. It wasn't particularly effective, but when your instructors gave you only the absolutely most basic instructions and then sat back to enjoy watching you crash, a pilot had to make do with what they had. Which was often to fly as fast as humanly possible in a straight line, empty one's magazines entirely and then attempt to ram their enemies. Not surprisingly, the 'Marshal Budyonny Academic Complex of Excellence' never produced a single noteworthy pilot (or student for that matter) in its many decades of operation.
Jean Christophe listened to the Student Council President with one ear, even as he focused on solving the rubik's cube in his hands. He had to admit, those super-carrier schools were certainly impressive, not like his old land based one, but truthfully, it reminded him a bit too much of the tankery.
"Alright, I have the match briefing ready so listen up. This may be just a practice match but that doesn't mean its unimportant. Your opponent today will be Green Ridge High School, local land based school. The operate BF109s of mostly E models, and a handful of the F 4 models were recently ordered so you could expect to see a flight of them." She shifts among the documents on her laptop before pulling up an image of a supply base. "Match today will be bomber escort, get your B-17 to the target and back alive. Your opponents will be trying to intercept before you reach the target. Now, any questions before we arrive?"
A bunch of Bfs, eh? He couldn't help but chuckle quietly. Well, at least Prez was taking it seriously. Leaning back, Jean winks at her.

"Now, mon amie, our task is clear, but how much against the rules would simply blowing our opponents completely off the sky be? Or is that, shall we say, alternative victory condition?"
GM Post 2
I spoke up, my tone indicating that my question was serious, "Do you have the records of each pilot? Are any of them Aces? If so, do they have any markings on their planes?"

I needed to know, first of all, if any of the students I was facing were particular threats to the safety of my team, and asking if any had three strikes was always a good start.

The President shifts through her documents before answering.

"They have a handful of aces, most of them being flight leads sporting color coded spades on their tail. But other than that not unique markings. Overall they're fairly well experienced pilots."

Alexander speaks up. "How long should we expect to be in the air prior to match start, as well as on the way to and from the target?"

Carrying more fuel than needed would just make his already heavy as shit P-47 even heavier - and lightening the load the B-17 was carrying would also help with keeping them alive longer.

"Expect to be in the air anywhere from 30-45 minutes until over target flying straight to the target, but that's not accounting for any detours to chase after enemy interceptors."

"What sort of reputation does our opposing school have, in terms of their aviation team? any of their pilots have a tendency towards ramming 'attacks'?"

The president looks surprised for a second, before understanding becomes apparent on her face.

"I wouldn't expect anything like that from them. I know the leaders of their team personally, and you have my word that they would never attempt any such underhanded tactics."
She says with a soft yet reassuring smile.

"Now, mon amie, our task is clear, but how much against the rules would simply blowing our opponents completely off the sky be? Or is that, shall we say, alternative victory condition?"

"Well naturally a lack of enemy fighters would count as a victory by default, but don't get carried away chasing after a wild goose. Lest you come back to find your charge already shot down.
Sitting in the corner, I start humming.

The President shifts through her documents before answering.

"They have a handful of aces, most of them being flight leads sporting color coded spades on their tail. But other than that not unique markings. Overall they're fairly well experienced pilots."

"Good to know who to avoid for a little while. Got it, boss." I add in

"Expect to be in the air anywhere from 30-45 minutes until over target flying straight to the target, but that's not accounting for any detours to chase after enemy interceptors."

I hum along.

The president looks surprised for a second, before understanding becomes apparent on her face.

"I wouldn't expect anything like that from them. I know the leaders of their team personally, and you have my word that they would never attempt any such underhanded tactics."
She says with a soft yet reassuring smile.

"So they have a ounce of self-respect, understood." I mutter.

"Well naturally a lack of enemy fighters would count as a victory by default, but don't get carried away chasing after a wild goose. Lest you come back to find your charge already shot down.

"Hook, line and sinker. Whose up for long range interception? And whose up for short range?" I ask.
The operate BF109s of mostly E models, and a handful of the F 4 models were recently ordered so you could expect to see a flight of them

"We know anything about those 109Es? Their sub variants?" Remilia leans forward.

"They have a handful of aces, most of them being flight leads sporting color coded spades on their tail. But other than that not unique markings. Overall they're fairly well experienced pilots."

"How many? We gotta be more careful then. She fidgets a bit.
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Akane Kazama
Outrider for me, yes?

One could say part of me is in my own inner world, that of airplanes. So I mostly listen as questions are fielded. Bf 109s for opponents, eh? Those are pretty good performers and it seems that one of us brought along a Flying Fortress and presumably her crew. Huuuuuge. Not everyday I see one of those. Awesome airborne armor, those.

Escorting it to the enemy target and back? Sounds like one of the old bomber raids over Europe. And hearing of ramming tactics being brought up makes me wonder. Back in Saratoga, kamikazes were heavily frowned upon unless one was already plummeting anyway.

Anyway, I also hear of both long-range and short-range interception. "I'll take up long-range. Best fits my fighter," I speak up. My sweetheart, a P-38E Lightning, could make good use of her speed and range that way. Late-war tactics favored sending fighters forward to sweep enemies beforehand, though it also makes sense to have some guards posted for the B-17, so to speak.

Actually, speaking of tactics... "What's the usual flying style of the other team? What about their tactics?" I ask the club president. The way they fly is as important as their planes, and would factor into our own strategy.
The petite redhead off in one corner piped up in a broad Northern accent, "I'll be flyin' Mosquito, so do I count as a bomber or a fighter? Any rate I'll be a mite faster than any o't Bf, so 'appen I sneak up on one I could do some damage. Make sense if I fly top cover. Anyone with me?"
Markus sips from his thermos as he snaps out of his daydreaming, the iced coffee within bringing much wanted clarity to his drowsy mind. While giddy from the excitement at working with his newfound classmates coursing through his veins, mild consternation puts a damper on how much of it pours out. It's always disconcerting thinking about how he'll measure up compared to other people, especially when some are aces. Though confidence in his personal abilities burns brightly, the thought of leaving a bad first impression is unsettling.

"Alright, I have the match briefing ready so listen up. This may be just a practice match but that doesn't mean its unimportant. Your opponent today will be Green Ridge High School, local land based school. The operate BF109s of mostly E models, and a handful of the F 4 models were recently ordered so you could expect to see a flight of them." She shifts among the documents on her laptop before pulling up an image of a supply base. "Match today will be bomber escort, get your B-17 to the target and back alive. Your opponents will be trying to intercept before you reach the target. Now, any questions before we arrive?"

A concern that only grows as the briefing continues onward. BF109s are capable fighters, and the F4s are a major threat. The B17's armor can handle 7.92, but 20mm will make quick work out of the entire plane. At least the target will be simple to hit, something that brings some sense of relief.

"I wouldn't expect anything like that from them. I know the leaders of their team personally, and you have my word that they would never attempt any such underhanded tactics."

Markus relaxes at the thought he won't be rammed.
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The president looks surprised for a second, before understanding becomes apparent on her face.

"I wouldn't expect anything like that from them. I know the leaders of their team personally, and you have my word that they would never attempt any such underhanded tactics."
She says with a soft yet reassuring smile.

"Noted. Thank you, sir."

Ashoka almost salutes before remembering he's not in Siberia anymore and instead gives a respectful nod to the president.

On one hand, that revelation did make things marginally easier as it meant the enemy wouldn't be just bumrushing the team's bomber to crash into it asap. On the other hand...that they didn't need to attempt such an approach meant they were clearly capable enough pilots. Well! If nothing else, the fight ahead promised to be interesting.

"The stock Zero's engine doesn't give it the power and speed to be an interceptor, so I'll keep close to our Bomber as an escort, if that's alright with them."


Ashoka turned his attention towards the classmate seated next to him. Earbuds in his ears, the fellow was deeply engrossed in his task of sky-gazing. Deciding he might as well introduce himself and perhaps see what his classmate thought of the upcoming match, Ashoka tapped the other student on their shoulder and introduced themselves once the earbuds came out.

"Ashoka Agarwal. Just wanted to introduce myself and get your thoughts on the upcoming match."

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Alexander looks thoughtful. "Even with me only bringing about 2/3rds of the Jug's fuel capacity, my bird'll still be too heavy to really turnfight. I'll be working interception, unless anyone else has a better suggestion?"
Ashoka turned his attention towards the classmate seated next to him. Earbuds in his ears, the fellow was deeply engrossed in his task of sky-gazing. Deciding he might as well introduce himself and perhaps see what his classmate thought of the upcoming match, Ashoka tapped the other student on their shoulder and introduced themselves once the earbuds came out.

"Ashoka Agarwal. Just wanted to introduce myself and get your thoughts on the upcoming match."

The boy couldn't help but jump slightly in his seat at the unfamiliar contact, not expecting something like that while his head was metaphorically in the clouds. Quickly straightening himself out and removing his earbuds, Jan turned to the neighboring oriental boy in the seat right next to him. "Tak?" He quickly notices his mistake and mutters out a quick. "Sorry. What was it?" While he speaks English easily enough, there is that low underlying tone of an Eastern European accent in his voice betraying his origins.

As Ashoka introduced himself the Polish boy in turn lightly shrugged his shoulders and replied. "Jan Kowalski. As for the match I am unsure. The 109 isn't the best fighter in the world, especially compared to other Aviation Club aircraft, though the F-4's will probably still be a credible threat to the team if they get close enough to our bomber." It was a relief at least that he managed to keep some attention on the conversations in the bus despite listening to his music.
The boy couldn't help but jump slightly in his seat at the unfamiliar contact, not expecting something like that while his head was metaphorically in the clouds. Quickly straightening himself out and removing his earbuds, Jan turned to the neighboring oriental boy in the seat right next to him. "Tak?" He quickly notices his mistake and mutters out a quick. "Sorry. What was it?" While he speaks English easily enough, there is that low underlying tone of an Eastern European accent in his voice betraying his origins.

As Ashoka introduced himself the Polish boy in turn lightly shrugged his shoulders and replied. "Jan Kowalski. As for the match I am unsure. The 109 isn't the best fighter in the world, especially compared to other Aviation Club aircraft, though the F-4's will probably still be a credible threat to the team if they get close enough to our bomber." It was a relief at least that he managed to keep some attention on the conversations in the bus despite listening to his music.

"It does seem like they have more experience as one unit than we do. The 190E and F may not exceed our own planes, but they're competitive and the pilots seem competent. How they, and we, cooperate could be what tips the scale. By the by, which plane was yours? I never did get time to place names to planes."
Jan nods in agreement, looking down at the pocket of his hoodie to retrieve his phone as he speaks. "True, though I believe we do have a slight advantage in the long run. I dunno if you checked the student records before coming here, but we got a few 'Club aces with plenty of air time under their belts to lead the way for the green pilots..." Trailing off for a bit as he searches for something in the various apps and folders of said smartphone, Jan hands it over to Ashoka a few moments later, with a picture on display.

"I flew similar aircraft at Warszawa, and thankfully Lexington had a P-40 in storage already when I arrived. How about you?" He asks, looking down upon the picture alongside his classmate.

Jan nods in agreement, looking down at the pocket of his hoodie to retrieve his phone as he speaks. "True, though I believe we do have a slight advantage in the long run. I dunno if you checked the student records before coming here, but we got a few 'Club aces with plenty of air time under their belts to lead the way for the green pilots..." Trailing off for a bit as he searches for something in the various apps and folders of said smartphone, Jan hands it over to Ashoka a few moments later, with a picture on display.

"I flew similar aircraft at Warszawa, and thankfully Lexington had a P-40 in storage already when I arrived. How about you?" He asks, looking down upon the picture alongside his classmate.

Considering he was one of those aces...

Ashoka decided not to mention that tidbit. The other aces among them may have genuinely earned their stripes, but he didn't consider that he himself deserved the title, considering every single circumstance in which he got a recorded 'kill' was either suspect or against incredibly poor opponents. He could fly, but fly well? He didn't think he deserved that much.

Reaching into his coat to pull out his own phone, Ashoka scrolled through the various pictures and pulled out a picture of his plane.

The plane was a slate grey colored A6M Zero. Aside from the markings of the Lexington Academy on the tail, each wing had a skull symbol on it and the words 'Race you to the bottom' painted on the sides.

"Here's mine. My elder brother provided it, so he got to decorate it as well. The words are his idea of a 'joke', if I had to guess. The plane seems nimble enough and its cannons give it some punch, but its also extremely fragile, from what I understand. I'll be honest, I've never actually flown one before, nor do I have much experience in fighters or interceptors. I used to fly an Il-II Shturmovik, but in the capacity of a fighter, previously. Armored little bugger, that one. It'll be a challenge to get used to something that doesn't handle like a tank nor is armored like one."
Considering he was one of those aces...

Ashoka decided not to mention that tidbit. The other aces among them may have genuinely earned their stripes, but he didn't consider that he himself deserved the title, considering every single circumstance in which he got a recorded 'kill' was either suspect or against incredibly poor opponents. He could fly, but fly well? He didn't think he deserved that much.

Reaching into his coat to pull out his own phone, Ashoka scrolled through the various pictures and pulled out a picture of his plane.

The plane was a slate grey colored A6M Zero. Aside from the markings of the Lexington Academy on the tail, each wing had a skull symbol on it and the words 'Race you to the bottom' painted on the sides.

"Here's mine. My elder brother provided it, so he got to decorate it as well. The words are his idea of a 'joke', if I had to guess. The plane seems nimble enough and its cannons give it some punch, but its also extremely fragile, from what I understand. I'll be honest, I've never actually flown one before, nor do I have much experience in fighters or interceptors. I used to fly an Il-II Shturmovik, but in the capacity of a fighter, previously. Armored little bugger, that one. It'll be a challenge to get used to something that doesn't handle like a tank nor is armored like one."

"Must be nice to have family like that. If I could have kept my old wings I would have, but don't have the money or...*support*, shall we say, for that." Jan's gaze grows distant for a few brief moments, until Ashoka brings up his previous airplane, which brings the Pole back from his trip down memory lane. Setting aside his social fears for now, Jan is quickly submerged in a long-winded technical discussion about various Aviation Club-permitted aircraft and their specifications alongside his oriental classmate.
GM Post 3
"We know anything about those 109Es? Their sub variants?" Remilia leans forward.

"How many? We gotta be more careful then. She fidgets a bit.

"They keep their E-1 variants mostly as trainers for their new pilots, but they do have a few E-3s and E-4s. Of which they'll bring today, I don't know. The club currently has 4 Aces, which they could operate together as a single flight or distributed into 4 seperate flights."

"What's the usual flying style of the other team? What about their tactics?" I ask the club president. The way they fly is as important as their planes, and would factor into our own strategy.

"For these types of missions they love to bait their opponent with one flight, then concentrate all their aircraft on hitting the bomber once the escort is sufficiently distracted. But considering They know I know their usual playbook, they may switch things up a bit."

Next she moves to address everyone else. "We're just about to our stop, if anyone has last minute questions now's the time. You might not get the chance later."

When no-one says anything, the council president nods her head and sits back down for the rest of the ride. After a few more minutes the bus finally pulls itself up one last hill, and the airfield comes into view. Just outside a couple large hangars, your aircraft mill around parked just beside the runway. A large group of mechanics are sitting down in whatever shade they can find from the sun, but look up when they see the bus pull into view and wander over.

As the bus stops you see a different person run up to the bus, she looks like a slightly older version of the council president. Except wearing Green and white version of the president's, and Lexington itself, blue and white uniform.
"Sister!" She says as she runs up and hugs the president, who returns the hug. As the finish their reunion, the president finally turns to the group just finished unloading and introduces her. "So this is my older sister guys, Council President of Green Ridge." They then step aside to let everyone finally go to their aircraft.
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As the bus stops you see a different person run up to the bus, she looks like a slightly older version of the council president. Except wearing Green and white version of the president's, and Lexington itself, blue and white uniform.
"Sister!" She says as she runs up and hugs the president, who returns the hug. As the finish their reunion, the president finally turns to the group just finished unloading and introduces her. "So this is my older sister guys, Council President of Green Ridge." They then step aside to let everyone finally go to their aircraft.
Alexander politely nods to the Council President of Green Ridge, before walking over to his aircraft.

The P-47B Thunderbolt had been his aircraft since he started actually flying for his prior school, and had been the aircraft he achieved all 5 of his aerial victories in. Powered by a Pratt & Whitney R-2800 Double Wasp radial engine, and armed with eight AN/M2 .50 caliber heavy machine guns, the Thunderbolt couldn't turn fight worth a damn. But what it could do was climb fast and dive faster, something which had become his calling card - a dark green bolt diving straight from the sun, machine guns blazing.

As he walked up, he turned his approach into the standard walk-around common to pre-flight checks for any aircraft, looking for anything that seemed visually wrong. He didn't expect to find anything - the mechanics of Lexington had proven to be competent during the time between his arrival at Lexington and this match. He decided to check with the mechanics regarding fueling and ammunition - if they'd already fully loaded his warbird, then it wouldn't matter how much fuel he thought he needed, while if his ammunition was not yet loaded, then getting started as soon as possible would be highly important.
Jan bid farewell to his seatmate as the dismounted group of students scattered to the assembled rows of aircraft around the airfield, with the Polak himself rushing to the drab-camoed P-40. While it didn't sport the almost ubiquitous Flying Tigers eyes and teeth around the engine intake, Jan had taken the opportunity when they had first been given access to their planes to add a small Polish eagle emblem beneath his cockpit, and the tricolor fin flash of the Polish Air Forces upon his tail. While he didn't like to venerate the past, there were a few things he could do to show his respect for the generations of old.

Strapping himself in and donning his flight helmet, Jan rushed through the pre-flight checks with an almost childish glee, with all the needed switches and button presses ingrained into muscle memory from his days back at Warsaw. A part of him however in the back of his mind mulled over the coming match and opposition. He sure hoped they wouldn't be forced to battle at high altitudes, as compared to his old plane, this P-40B was as standard as you could get, which included the lack of a two-speed supercharger. He would have to remedy that soon...
I nod respectfully at the President, before making my way towards the warbird that I had flown since... God, before I was finished with Middle School. A Mark Six Spitfire, one that had achieved every one of my five aerial victories in.

Patting her on the side, I carefully ran through the standard checklist on the pre-flight for her, and find nothing wrong, not that I had expected to find anything wrong; the mechanics at Lexington were nothing if not competent. Since I couldn't personally confirm how much fuel and ammunition was stored from a visual look, I called out to the nearest mechanic and asked for the status of my fuel and ammunition.
As the bus stops you see a different person run up to the bus, she looks like a slightly older version of the council president. Except wearing Green and white version of the president's, and Lexington itself, blue and white uniform.
"Sister!" She says as she runs up and hugs the president, who returns the hug. As the finish their reunion, the president finally turns to the group just finished unloading and introduces her. "So this is my older sister guys, Council President of Green Ridge." They then step aside to let everyone finally go to their aircraft.

"Let's do this!" Remilia sprints for her plane, a F4F-3 Wildcat, climbs into it, and stumbles through her flight check.

"Hey! We ready?" She asks the mechanics.
When no-one says anything, the council president nods her head and sits back down for the rest of the ride. After a few more minutes the bus finally pulls itself up one last hill, and the airfield comes into view. Just outside a couple large hangars, your aircraft mill around parked just beside the runway. A large group of mechanics are sitting down in whatever shade they can find from the sun, but look up when they see the bus pull into view and wander over.

As the bus stops you see a different person run up to the bus, she looks like a slightly older version of the council president. Except wearing Green and white version of the president's, and Lexington itself, blue and white uniform.
"Sister!" She says as she runs up and hugs the president, who returns the hug. As the finish their reunion, the president finally turns to the group just finished unloading and introduces her. "So this is my older sister guys, Council President of Green Ridge." They then step aside to let everyone finally go to their aircraft.[/hr]

Following in the footsteps of the others, Ashoka salutes the two Presidents in acknowledgement and makes his way to where the mechanics are doing a final check of his Zero.

Letting out a deep breath, he beings to inspect the craft from every angle. The plane is well-made and definitely looks much more like a fighter than his previous Il-2 Sturmovik ever did. Two cannons, two machine guns, a light and maneuverable airframe all combined with paper-thin armor. The latter said caution was the name of the game, but the decent armaments and maneuverability said one was limiting themselves if all they did was stay at the back. It'd be a tight-rope between caution and risk, more so than is usual in flying, when piloting such a craft.

The plane would do. It was all a question of whether its pilot was worth it.