Accidental Magical Girl in Worm (AMGCYOA SI)

Yeah that bit at the end feel a bit weird to me. Forced transformation by being mildly angry doesn't feel very "magical girl" at all. I guess it could be shared shenanigan to promoter conflict, but that mean she's going to get outed real quick. In fact, by transforming there, she's already clue Taylor in on who she is.
Yeah that bit at the end feel a bit weird to me. Forced transformation by being mildly angry doesn't feel very "magical girl" at all. I guess it could be shared shenanigan to promoter conflict, but that mean she's going to get outed real quick. In fact, by transforming there, she's already clue Taylor in on who she is.

Good point. I'll fix the reason for the transformation but I did want to clue Taylor in, whichever path the MC will follow.
Actually, I have an idea on how to fix that but I'm not sure how to get her a moment to 'disappear'.
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I think you can make the Wards/PRT replace that check. They will on the hook for a lot more and really that beam would have killed the MC or seriously her her if it had hit.
I saw the roll option I could add to the message the yesterday but when I came back, I lost it. So I just used Google.

4: Hero

Edit: Oh, found it. I'll be using this number so I don't feel like I cheated.
Siks threw 1 6-faced dice. Total: 6
6 6
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ehh its ok dude just dont keep us waiting a month and im fine i got like 40 storys bookmarked and followed some times i have to wait months for updates
The zen of fanfiction is that no fanfiction is ever finished and if it is it's just sequel bait that will never happen.

Calm as the eye of the hurricane, serene as a lake of helium in Europa, at peace with the moment.
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As a physicist I feel the need to point out that Helium is a noble element and thus inert so can't be set on fire.

Also, Europa is basically a liquid ocean made of actual water frozen over by Several dozen kilometers of ice. You probably are referring to the methane lakes of Titan; a Saturn Moon.

Back on topic, latest chapter felt all over the place tbh
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As a physicist I feel the need to point out that Helium is a noble element and thus inert so can't be set on fire.

Also, Europa is basically a liquid ocean made of actual water frozen over by Several dozen kilometers of ice. You probably are referring to the methane lakes of Titan; a Saturn Moon.

Back on topic, latest chapter felt all over the place tbh
Well I'm fine with it because it's rare to find this kind of CYOA/Crossover for me.
Debut 0.4
AN: I rewrote the chapter but it still seems to be missing something.
I still like this one better though. Let me know what you think.

I'll be working on actually writing chapter 5 after a bit, I'll use this one as the foundation but I can write one for version 1 if that is preferred another time.

Chapter 4: Where I debut and everything goes wrong

On the one hand: This is a bad idea. I barely read through the user's manual. I should at least come up with a plan. What do I even plan to do when I step in? Should I risk myself for people I don't know?

On the other: Let's compete with the Main Character! I could totally do the mysterious black ranger act. I have to ensure the safety of the civilians, even if they seemed to be safe in the story. Eh, I can wing it. Even in games I usually try to be helpful when I can.

One hand is reasonable, the other is emotionally invested, and my hand rested heavily on the trigger to transform. In this case, I was holding onto my pendant. And when the darkness covered the area, I reflexively tightened my grip, my instincts screaming at me to at least do something. So half unconsciously, I gave my response, my transformation hidden in the darkness.

15 seconds is a long time, fortunately they needed to gather the people they intended to send to distract the wards. Unfortunately, my transformation attracted the attention of two people, Grue, the one who spread the darkness, and Bug girl, the one who tagged all the hostages. And I just remembered, she was keeping track of everyone in the bank. Stupid! I should have done something about the bugs first.

Too late, and not that I had an idea of how, I decided to at least take care of it now. I mana-fested(heh) an iron humming bird to peck at the ones on still on my body. I'm sure there was a better way to do this but I couldn't think of anything. I was still stung a few times here and there but it wasn't as painful as I thought it'd be. Only after the bugs were completely removed did I move from my location and hiding behind a desk, just in time for the shadow to disappear. I moved again, flying low through ferrikinesis, avoiding detection a second time and clinging to the ceiling. The villains looked around but nobody looked up. Well except for Tattletale but for some reason, she only smirked, than ignored me.

I overheard them talking about another cape(me) being in the area but Tattletale insured I wouldn't do anything to harm them. Which was true, for now at least. I haven't actually decided on my method of engagement yet and would rather not jeopardize my chances for any sided I might join or ally myself with.

However there is one thing I can do. Yesterday, what I did for training magic wasn't anything special, mostly because I had no idea how to begin. Instead, I went over the user's manual (Golden Thorn or goldie as I lazily call her) showed me. Magic can be generally broken down by levels. 0, where everyone starts, allows for the understanding of one's element and minor special effects, if for fire is to start a spark, than for metal, it's softening the material. Further understanding of this level allows for sensing of these minor effects and changes, this was what I was practicing on my way here and it's also what allows me to sense wherever I place my tags, metal disks I manifested and attached to the civilians.

When I was done, Clockblocker and Aegis were down and Bitch was charging after Vista even as Kid Win and Gallant were shooting at her. Vista escaped by Pinching back and Expanding forward, stepping over the pinched space and releasing, traveling a great distance in a single step while reducing the distance her pursuer covered.

Gallant took the chance to hit Bitch with an Emotional Blast(TM): Rage and I winced at the scream. I don't know if he was thinking anything in particular when he made that shot but I honestly think it was a far less effective move than shooting a calming thought… I looked closer. I couldn't see his eyes but I could have swore I saw them flicker when he took that shot. It was enough that I started looking at every parahuman's eyes, or at least the ones I could see.

I was pretty sure my eyes were playing tricks on me at first when I saw it but when I looked at regent's eyes, in the pupil, there was movement. (How am I getting this much detail?) It wasn't anything you would see normally. It was as if more color was added to the visual spectrum, enough to tell the difference between black and infinitely transparent and comparing Regent's Eyes to the civilians, I was able to see what the difference looked like. I can't quite describe it, like how it's difficult if not impossible to describe color to a blind person. A flicker of light entered his eyes and it twisted, moving in directions that didn't exist and revealing something large that all fit inside his pupils and I slammed my eyes shut, wincing as I felt my brain being drilled by nails.

I tried opening my eyes again and slammed them shut again for a moment as I tried to change the focus of my attention even as the last image burned into the front of my mind. All the parahumans and their active powers distorted the space around them as the glow coming off everything was stretched, pulled and scattered in all directions as if the world was being twisted. I could see it crying in pain, but I couldn't hear anything, making the image all the more disturbing.

What was that? I thought. (Mana Vision: Enhancing one's senses with mana allows one to visualize different energies and distortions in space. In this case, you overload your mind by visualizing the mana spectrum and forcefully visualizing higher dimensional distortions without the needed understanding.) Goldie supplied. (Simply undo the Visual Enhancement spell and your sight will return to normal.) Oh… That might explain why I could see through Grue's Darkness. I was wondering why the big guy was turning in circles.

I followed her instructions and cracked my eye open, relaxing as I was able to see without giving myself a headache. Suddenly, a beam flew right under me and I stiffened on my flying disk. I wanted to yell, call out to 'watch where you're shooting!', but I felt like I lost my chance when I noticed a piece of paper burning, starting at the bottom right corner.


My check! It was burned in half by the time I realized what it was. I flew down and stomped it out before pocketing it. I'll have to get it replaced and it would be best to have evidence of what happened. I froze when I felt a bunch of eyes on me. I didn't want to look up but I did anyway, noticing bug girl getting up from her position, wincing even as she surrounding me and Kid Win at the same time. She ran to the other side of the bank, obscuring my vision in an impressive show of multitasking.

Aegis dived towards the bank before shooting into the ground. Kid Win was taking shots at both me and bug girl forcing me to dodge. I saw bug girl covering her ears and I did the same while shutting my eyes. The flash still hit me before I could close my eyes completely and I found myself stumbling into a desk as I recovered. This isn't going well at all. I was smacked upside the head and knocked out before I could even figure out what was going on. This is so unfair!
If it was the Heroes that knocked her out, then this will not be going well for their enrollment speech later when they try to get her to join the Wards.
Terra, Gaea, Mielikki, Rhea, Jörð (likely out due to stupid E88), there are many other Earth names to work with. If she has dark hair then Raven is a choice.

Edit: Metallica :) if she is feeling a bit musical and whimsical.
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Quite hard to think on one considering secret identity is a thing. How about magical metal girl? lol that sounds bad. Though generaly anime with magical girls usually just put their name behind magical girl.
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Debut 0.5
AN: Still following canon for now... Ok, not very creative on this one. I wouldn't chance anything in this position so my character chose to not do anything either. Maybe I could have come up with something but I just want to leave the bank and go home at this point.

Chapter 5

I called out. I called to the soul of my user and touched upon the branch that found it's place in this corner of the multiverse. And I found her, him. He was far but not unreachable. Merely 31 years in the future and around the corner on a different world line. It was not as difficult to find him as it is to track down my original and even if they have a different history, they are one in the same. I know how they think and it is only a matter of time before they try to go beyond the omniverse and touch upon the original song. And we will meet as they become one-


It's never a good idea to rush things. I knew that. I just didn't think about it when I decided to transform. I was more interested in playing the mysterious character that randomly drops pieces of advice. Like the Black ranger or Homura Akemi. Which reminds me, I never actually watched Madoka Magica… Oh well, just another thing to add to the list.

The pain in my head was a reminder not to leap before you look. No, it wasn't from the injury I got that knocked me out. This was from the injury that woke me up as rubble settled in place from a certain princess' dynamic entry. I stifled a groan just in time as I heard the shattering of rocks.

"Hey sis, Are you ok?" Buster Wolf! Sorry, this thought comes through every time someone asks that. I can't help it.

"I am now." I turned my head to see what is happening and saw freckles at knife point. "Count yourself lucky, bug bitch, that your costume covers your entire body or I'd maybe give you a heart attack. Or cancer."

"It seems we're at a stale mate." Glory girl steps on me and I groaned.

"True." Bug girl replied before looking down at me with a strange look on her face. Don't ask me how I know. It's more in the feeling I'm getting than from any actual features.

"I'm Innocent" I mono-toned, not because I wanted to but that was as best as I could project it without mumbling incoherently. Glory girl pressed on my back a little harder and I decided to shut up. It didn't help that bug girl ignored me.

"I could live with that. Last I saw, my side was winning." Fat lady ain't singin'.♪

"I helped Aegis out of a jam on my way in, so he's keeping your little friends busy. You should also know that the Protectorate is on their way from a wine and dine with Brockton Bay's finest at the Augustus Country Club. Can't speak for them, but I know I'd be royally pissed if some little snots dragged me away from a chance to have the club's chocolate mousse."

"It's good isn't it?" freckles said. She than said something in a low voice I didn't catch but bug girl (She really needs a name and I won't be calling her Skitter) looked distinctly uncomfortable. "You can shut up now."

"It's not just the Protectorate, either. You just took a member of New Wave hostage, threatened her life. There's a pretty damn good chance my mom, dad, aunt, uncle and cousins will be showing up, too. Brandish, Flashbang, Lady Photon, Manpower, Laserdream, Shielder… how are you going to manage, then? Drop the knife and surrender, and I'll make sure you get leniency."

"I've read up on the law enough that I know you don't have the power to make any deals. No go."

"Okay. Then I guess we wait."

It was getting uncomfortable. I would have shifted again but last time, I was pushed to the floor and lost my breath. This sucks.

Glory Girl turned her attention to her sister, "I wanted to go to the mall for lunch, but noooo. You needed to go to the bank."

"It was either going to the bank or wind up broke for that double date you're forcing me into."

"Um," I started. "Why didn't you get a debit card?" Then I turned to bug girl. "And why are you robbing a bank? Couldn't you get more money hacking into some account or something?"

That finally got them to look at me a little more closely.

"She's not with you?" Glory girl asked and bug girl shrugged. "I thought she was an independent hero or something."

"I subscribe to the pitiful bystander label." I added my two cents. "I only look this good because my powers had me dress like this. I'd have preferred having more of my skin covered even if it doesn't effect my defense."

"How does that work?" A new voice came in. "Hey there Glory Hole." Tattletale added casually causing glory girl to twitch.

"Hey, Tattletale, not that I'm not glad to see you, but could you avoid antagonizing Alexandria Junior?"

"Eh. You seem to have things under control. Why not set the bugs on the prom queen?"

"Prom queen?" Glory Girl asked.

"First of all, she's invincible. Second, again, bad idea to irritate someone who can swing a schoolbus like a baseball bat. Third, my hostage here did something to fuck up my powers."

"I'm also being held hostage. Save me boss!"

"I thought you were an innocent bystander." Tattletale questioned even as she slightly widened her eyes.

"You seem more likely to let me go without a fuss after this." I glanced over at bug girl and Tattletale nodded. "We don't have to be responsible like that."

"Tattletale, less small talk, more problem solving. Glory Girl said the Protectorate and maybe New Wave are en route."

"I'm a magical girl." I answered seriously the earlier question, but was summarily ignored. I moved my arms to get my head more comfortable, moving the rocks around so they didn't get in their way. Glory girl was paying more attention to Tattletale so as long as I didn't make too big of a move and timed it with my breathing, I wouldn't draw attention to myself. Panacea had me in her line of sight but when I moved my hands under my chin, she dismissed me.

"No reason not to. Actually in my advantage to let you know. I'm psychic. I read his mind when we had him hostage, like I'm reading yours right now."

"Bullshit," Glory Girl said, "The brainpower you'd need to interpret and decode someone's unique neural patterns would need a head five times the usual size to contain it all. True psychics can't exist."

"Actually, Multiverse Theory states otherwise. In fact, magic is real too. Just not in this universe (yet) so everything you think you know is a lie (somewhere else)." Everyone facepalmed but Tattletale who looked intrigued. I think I've made a friend.

"How does that work?"

"Edward Witten's M-Theory follows up on the initial string theory explaining how strings are 1D slices of a 2 dimensional membrane vibrating in 11th​ dimensional space-time. The way I understand it, you may be able to travel to alternate realities if you can harmonize every string to a specific frequency in a given area to a specific dimension's frequency to travel. It's very interesting and I was hoping I could find someone to help me figure some of this out myself-"

"Wait," Tattletale interrupted, "What does the M stand for?"

"Witten started with Membrane but other versions include matrix, master, mother, monster, mystery, multiverse (Which I added cause I didn't see it on wiki) and magic." I lifted my right hand up to show an example as a spell circle created a shape and a small flame came out. "I'm not very good at other elements," I switched to metal.

"But I can do this pretty easily." A metal humming bird moved as if alive and the room went quiet.