Welcome to A+X! This AU of Marvel primarily uses the animated shows like Avengers Earth's Mightiest Hero's,the various Spider-Man series and the various X-Men series as it's foundation though for the series 'present' it will use comics characters and arcs though expect changes! But the primary difference in this AU is tha the X-Men and Avengers are allied together on a full time basis so rather than being an important event Iceman trying to capture Green goblin while Spider-Man punches a Reaver is your average Tuesday. In addition the various thread marks will probably jump around in time a lot but for right now here's the rough timeline
Era 1- A good chunk of the cartoon events like and Secret Invasion happen here. Gensha is the end point of Era 1
Era 2- The start of the Avenger/X-Men alliance due to Ultron deciding to work with the Sentinels.
Era 3- After defeating Ultron this is when Avnegers/X-Men stuff become the status quo and is the 'present' era of the story
Era 4- With the giant T-Cloud rolling over the planet everything has changed! This is the 'future' part of the story.
Era 1- A good chunk of the cartoon events like and Secret Invasion happen here. Gensha is the end point of Era 1
Era 2- The start of the Avenger/X-Men alliance due to Ultron deciding to work with the Sentinels.
Era 3- After defeating Ultron this is when Avnegers/X-Men stuff become the status quo and is the 'present' era of the story
Era 4- With the giant T-Cloud rolling over the planet everything has changed! This is the 'future' part of the story.