A World of Monsters. (An Encyclopedia on the creatures of the world of Null.)

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Fish polycules and fun! I like this! My only complaint is the use of Wych, though in honesty I am the last person to be poking fun at silly names given my habit of butchering words in the name of sounding metal.

Also, going backwards, really love the bits about food. Little things like that are so much fun. I sometimes think that's part of what made Game of Thrones so popular until it committed suicide-by-finale.
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Mother Root.
Mother Root.

[Sketches depict an array of plant like life forms in too many variant forms to list, the only commonalities uniting them being bark like armor broken up to reveal amber colored 'muscle' like root strands beneath, and a set of seven glowing eyes, 5 arrayed in a 'leaf' like spread over a head (for those that have one) plus two on the torso region as back ups.]

[A note is attached. It reads 'Creepy AF is what they are.']

Scientific Name Translation: Dream Lotus.

Average Size: Varies based on form.

Average Weight: Varies based on form.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: N/A by default, female for most unique command forms.

Habitat Range: Across the Arisa continent, usually hidden deep within jungles and forest biomes.

Of the countless life forms to make a home on Null, a notable percentage of them hail as being Displaced in Origin, brought to our world by the machinations of the Uplifters. The Ogra, the Lasarna, the Spider-Ants are just some of the most famous, or infamous in the final case, examples of just this phenomenon that has seen our world littered and filled with life forms of all shapes and sizes. However, as diverse as the range of these previously mentioned life forms is, they all have two unifying traits: The first is that they are of Mortal origin. Divine-blooded, in the case of the Lasarna, but Mortal all the same. The second is that, albeit under varying circumstances and points in their development, all were brought here intentionally by the Uplifters. Neither of these same qualities can be said for one of the most ancient, and dangerous, life forms to have arrived on our world: The eldritch Dream Lotus.

The Dream Lotus, also known by their common name of 'The Mother Root', are an extra dimensional eldritch entity of mixed origin. While the details of their origin is shrouded in myth and legend even among the Magi, the most commonly accepted story of this mysterious species of plant like beings is that they hail from the third born of the Aetheric Sisters, for whom the Mediator is first born and Weaver Null is the fourth. Created as an experimental weapon, the original Dream Lotus was set loose upon the Elder Realms, wherein she would find and absorb an Elder God into her form, becoming what is considered the foundational Elder Goddess of the rest of her spawn. This theory is the one with the most evidence to support it, however as this evidence is minimal at best, this isn't saying much. [A note is attached. It reads 'I'm partial to the theory that they're an Elder parasite that lucked out and podded a sleeping Elder God as their brain, and that's how they got so dangerous.']

Regardless of the exact origins of the Dream Lotus, whether natural born Elder or a super-weapon of a Primodial like an Aether Being, the impact they have had on the multiverse has been slowly but steadily becoming more and more apparent. High Distance Dimensional Longscry reveals other worlds in other universes have been 'seeded' similar to our own, from which the infestation of the Dream Lotus begins to spread across the world and, eventually, across the stars of that given realm. What makes Null special in this regard is that, whether by fluke of chance, bad luck on their part, or simply overestimating their abilities, Null's extremely hostile environment proved an incredible challenge to surmount. Even an Elder Creature, not normally bound by the same limitations of physical environments and hazards as Mortal life, is in for a difficult time on Null's caustic, magically charged atmosphere. [A note is attached. It reads 'I hate that we are considered lucky because of how bad our planet is. Like, dude, come on, seriously?!']

Indeed, the vast majority of the Dream Lotus's history on our world has not, in fact, been in expansion, but simply adaptation, taking a long, painfully difficult time to adjust, adapt, and evolve to become accustomed to the atmosphere alone, never mind the dangerous and powerful life forms that have both the ability and willingness to consume fledgling Dream Lotus nests long before they are ready and mature enough to begin the next stage of their life cycle. It would not be until modern times, within the last few centuries, when the Dream Lotus had adapted and evolved enough to find purchase in the darkest, most hidden parts of Null's vast ecosystem, that the next and much more dangerous stage of their life cycle could begin.

The key that makes the Dream Lotus so successful and widespread, beyond its inherently eldritch nature, is its fascinating life cycle and modus operendi. In its base form, the Dream Lotus is a plant like creature little different from most small scale animals. It is unremarkable in most aspects beyond its plant like composition, which ironically makes it beyond notice for most until it's far, far too late. These Fledlings, once acclimated to the environment, begin to target small scale animal and plant life, not for consumption, but for capture and podding. Once podded, these life forms are held in a dream, their conscious mind trapped in fantasies designed to sate all of their needs and desires and molded to enough realistic detail that most will never realize they are not awake. While the conscious mind is trapped, the rest of the creatures brain and nervous system is hijacked by the Dream Lotus to act as their brain, increasing their mental abilities both by the number and quality of creatures podded: The number increases their ability to calculate and strategize, while the quality increases their actual intelligence and creativity. [A note is attached. It depicts a cartoon five eyed plant looking at a podded up cartoon dog, a speech bubble reading 'Mhm, yes, fetch is an important skill.']

From here as the start of the second stage of their life cycle, the Dream Lotus switches from simple survival to active capture and collection of new 'Brains' for use in expanding Dream Lotus intellect and coordination abilities. Starting with the smallest and easiest creatures to capture, over a slow and cautious but steady build up over the course of years or decades, a Dream Lotus nest increases in both size, complexity, and intelligence as it expands its roster and quality of creatures acting as its living wetware. It is during this stage that the first and earliest breeds of Dream Lotus life forms are created and sent out. Mind Flowers crawl unto potential prey to immobilize, or in the case of the smaller creatures, hijack their motor functions and lead them directly to the Nest, for swift and strong animalistic capture units to load them up and carry them back for podding. Insect like surveillance, monitoring, tracking, and alarm units spread across the territory to keep an eye out for isolated prey to be carefully stalked and captured, and monitor potential threats that might prove too much of a hassle at the current stage and proceed to annoy them into leaving. [A note is attached. It reads 'I knew gnats were evil! Evil evil little creatures! >:V']

This strategy serves them well as they build up their power, until they find and capture the philosophers stone that pushes them into their next stage: A sapient life form. While most Nullian life forms are sentient to one degree or another, and semi-sapience is common, full sapience is the treasure the Dream Lotus bides its time gathering strength to acquire, for it is with the creative and intelligent capabilities of a fully sapient creature where they can push their abilities to the next level. Newer, more dangerous Root Creatures begin to be created, from Vine Hounds to Spore Steeds, the capabilities of the Mother Root is expanded to new heights and lethality, allowing their Nest to grow further, deeper, and with newer and more refined and calculating strategies.

However, despite all of this, a Third Stage Dream Lotus infestation is still not something that is much of a threat to the Median or its people, our technology and civilized skill proving excellent defenses against what would otherwise be an increasingly overwhelming threat. So needless to say, it is when the Dream Lotus acquires and pods a member of the Civilized Races where things truly become a threat for our peoples.

The Fourth Stage, wherein a member of the Civilized Races is captured, is when the Dream Lotus forms a centralized 'Mother Root', both a repository for their collected intelligence, the central processing hub for their calculations and strategic abilities, and indeed an individual all of her own. Each Nest produces their own distinct, uniquely personalized Mother Root, though almost all follow the same basic instincts, drives, and are unified by a collective desire to expand their podding operations further. With the culmination of a Stage 4 Infestation, some of the deadliest Root Creatures are created, based on the abilities and technological knowledge of modern day Civilized life. From the agile, fleet footed and bladed weapon morphs of the swordsman inspired Daisy Cutters, to the rapid and unrelenting ranged firepower of Root Gunners, Seed Missiles, and bioplasma using Sappers, to countless other forms, variants, and subtypes, the Fourth Stage is when the Dream Lotus becomes a true threat. [A note is attached, depicting a flat, tentacled disk like Root Creature. Words follow, reading 'Hack Weed. These little bastards are some of the scariest we've encountered and still keep seeing even after the Root War: They track down, infiltrate, and hijack anything mechanical or artificial in nature while it's offline, and turns it against us. ANYTHING. Power Armor, Tanks, Gunships, if it's offline and nobody is keeping a good eye out, these suckers sneak in, slide their roots to tap into everything, and control our own stuff against us. I've even heard stories of them growing over or working together to take over statues.']

Historically, the first, and so far largest, Dream Lotus war occurred in late 3042. The then ongoing Third Draconic War was in full swing and taking the majority of the Median's attention and resources, which left us unprepared for when a War Matriarch of the Order of the War Panoply, injured from a previous battle with an invading beast from the Land of the Giants, was isolated from the rest of her war host and captured by the Dream Lotus. In the span of a few short months, the Dream Lotus expanded enough to launch a massive invasion, using the collected knowledge of the seasoned and powerful War Matriarch combined with its massive processing power to create a vast horde of Root Creatures. The initial flood was stemmed by the Order of the War Panoply, but it was quickly found that even with its full might, they could only keep the creatures contained. Despite the hordes of Root Creatures they slew, it was rapidly apparent that this was not a battle that could be won with superior skill and ability alone, but by matching it with numbers. As the true scale of the threat was relayed to the Median leadership, who were shocked that the venerable Order could only contain the Root Creatures and press no further, the invasion into the lands of the War Dragons was recalled and rerouted to fight back against the Root invasion. [A note is attached. It reads 'The Order of the War Panoply are the baddest binches on Null. They are trained, honed, and refined in non-stop, never ending training and battle over the course of decades and centuries until they are, no joke, one women-armies. If they in their full mobilization couldn't stop this threat on their own, you know it's janked.']

After months of intense, nonstop fighting, relief finally arrived in record time as the Order of the War Panoply, worn down through sheer attrition by the numbers they were facing, were bolstered by the rest of the Median's military forces, who proceeded to turn the tides of battle and push the invaders back to their homelands.

The final battle would occur in late 3045, when after a year of fighting, the central Mother Root holding the War Matriarch was slain by a member of her Order, said to have been the War Matriarchs own younger sister, and the War Matriarch freed. With the loss of their central commander and strategic mental resource, the remaining Root Nests were routed and destroyed, though a handful managed to escape and went deep into hiding.

While not confirmed, it is said that during the Root War, a Fifth Stage of the Dream Lotus Infestation was discovered: Instead of capturing new minds to use as brains for themselves, the Dream Lotus were in fact creating new minds of their own, incredibly powerful self aware Root Commanders capable of independent thought and able to be revived through placing their minds into new bodies when the old ones were destroyed. If these rumors are true, a small but notable number of these Root Commanders, too new and young to be much of a threat beyond the tactical level, actually surrendered and stood down, requesting to negotiate with the Median in order to survive what they had calculated to be a losing cause.

Regardless as to the truth behind these rumors, the surviving pockets of the original Root War Nests that went into hiding have become a recurring, but non-threatening periodic problem for the Median. Without the ancient strategic acumen and wisdom of a War Matriarch to guide them, and with only a fraction of their total processing power, the surviving Nests now only stage periodic probing attacks. Attempts to find these Nests are successful when these attacks occur, but the core of the Nests always manage to survive and escape to rebuild once again. Despite their potential, following the First Root War, the Median has since shifted the now diminished Dream Lotus forces to a lesser threat level, content with sending out response units to their probing attempts instead of an active mobilization that could potentially bring them into conflict with the Ogra as the Mother Roots are drive further and further west with each successful counterattack. [A note is attached. It reads 'With the Moon War and everything involving that nowadays, the Mother Roots are basically ignored in favor of the 'real' threats. At least, that's how it seems. They're still sending response teams against them and the Spider-Ants even these days.']
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(Hey everyone, just wanted to let you all know I've updated the Numbers of Null update from a while back to better reflect current lore. Changes include: Slight increase to Null's diameter, added distances of the moons from Null as well as added a surface land/water ratio, and finally expanded the population portion to better reflect the current lore of more than one civilization living on Null during the year the Numbers of Null is meant to be taken from.)
(I'd also like to open things up a bit and have questions regarding new lore become availble.

As such, does anyone have any questions regarding the new lore? Does anyone have any questions, or would like clarification, on how this interacts with old lore?

Anyone have any questions they'd like a Word of God explination for?)
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Nullian Armed Forces: Extended.
[The following is a transcript by a Displaced agent compiling a report for Displaced leadership circa early 3156. The Agent's name has been hidden to guard their identity, but their distinctly informal style of writing may prove to their determint in remaining anonymous.]

Agent [Redacted] Reporting in. I've completed my mission in compiling an overview of all military forces on Null. This includes our own forces as well as those of our fellow Displaced, with detailed breakdowns following this overview. I'm aware that the Street War earlier this year has left many of our people shocked, and I cannot blame them for the vote to have us become a full member of the Median, which is why I personally volunteered for this assignment. It has taken me some time to run through all known military organizations on the Mortal side of our new home, but I'm confident that we'll be well informed with the information I've managed to secure.


-The Median is the second oldest continous organized unifying government after the Lasarna Republics. Founded in 1501 following the Third Kingdom War, its military organizations include the main military force of the Median Knights, as well as its medical support division of the Guardian Order and its recently integrated recon, stealth, and sniper experts in the Hunter's Guild. These three bodies, alongside with specialized units from the Median's component Nations, form its primary fighting force against all threats against its peoples. The Militia, which is considered every able bodied adult not directly a member of the military, also serves as the final line of defense for their people, as well as a first response unit for those townships and locations still outside the safety of the Great Walled Cities.

-The Median's greatest strength is its infantry, however over the years, it has developed a small, but flexible series of vehicles to complement their forces. The Armored Corps, where all Nullian ground vehicle and ground support aircraft fall under, is considered a specialized portion of the Median Knights. From Hoverbike and beast cavalry scouting troops, to an array of specialized mechs, to a pool of hover armored vehicles from transports to tanks, the Armored Corps is considered the backbone of any large scale deployment as it is with their support that the infantry arm of the Median are able to win wars. In additon, a heavy use of both robotic drones and attack beasts are also seen during war time.

-The Aerospace Fleet and Navy are two interconnected services that, despite their vastly different operational areas, share history in their ranking structure and sharing of personel early on in the Aerospace's infancy. Protecting the skies and the seas respectively, Aerospace pilots see their fighters and bombers being used from both Aerospace carriers as well as seaborne bases and naval carrier units. During the lead up and outbreak of the still ongoing Moon War, Aerospace developed its first series of fully functional space-capable vessels, using both new and heavily upsides and modified versions of existing Air Ship designs. This increased size also includes a noticeable increase in firepower, with orbital bombardment capabilities that would give our old world friends pause.

-The Specialist Corps is not an official part of the Median military in the traditional sense but rather is an identifying moniker for the various technically independant organizations that work closely with the Median. From the Forge Lords and War Dames of the Orders of the War Forge and War Panpoly, to the Berserker Paladins and Magi Order, there is a specialist organization for any situation required by the Median. The War Priestess's of the Ambaric Church are not, in fact, considered a Specialist Corp, but rather are used in a manner akin to Chaplains in other militaries, attending services in war zones and bestowing final rites to the dying.

-The Handmaiden Guard are interesting in that they're not, technically, part of the military structure of Null, but rather the guards and enforcers of Mediator Media's will. Having little actual authority in war planning sessions, Handmaidens are still considered incredibly valuable advisors, as well as powerhouses in their own rights to be unleashed on the absolute worst warzones when seconded to Military operations.



-As their is a wide variety of Displaced peoples from several realities and cultures, we shall perform this breakdown in order of arrival, starting with our own military organizations.

-Neo Sunset City, located within Dreamhold City's southern districts, is where all Terrankin Displaced live. Our government structure, as you are well aware, is a democratic society run by Governer voted into their position by the people, and supplied by the Megacorps that wound up being dragged here with the rest of us. Our core military contingent, the Sunset Defense Force, is an all volunteer military organization similar to the official military forces of the Median. Armed with Nullian grade military hardware and our own web of veteran trainers, many within the SDF have been modified or augmented with Nullian Synthetic augmentations on top of their military PA, a continuation of our now long standing cultural leanings towards augmenting ourselves though with native materials now. The SDF has a branch of high end operators known as Special Operations Division, which is where many of our special forces find themselves in their service.

-In addition to the official military forces of the SDF, there is also Corporate Security Forces, an overarching name used for Corpo security across various Megacorps, which are used by the Corps to protect their interests and material. Following our official unification with the Median, new laws meant that, while Corpo security could be retained, their authority and leeway regarding what they can and can not do have been changed to be under the supervision of the Median government. Even with the Moon War taking so much of their attention and resources, Dreamhold's Defense Garrison has been given authority to monitor and police Corpo activities for breaches in our new laws. This agent cannot help but appreciate this turn of events, as now the Corps can't get away with the sort of stuff that they could ruling over Terra. [Redacted: Karma's a bitch like that.] Corpo experimental DEW weapons have also proven useful in helping the Median make its own breakthroughs in plasma and laser based infantry and vehicular scale weaponry.

-One thing I wasn't initially sure about, and advise we keep a close eye on ourselves, is the 'Street Clans' we have in Neo Sunset. I'll call them what they are: Gangs. Following the Street War a few months back, most of the major trouble-makers and lunatics among them have been purged, and those that actively helped us against their rebelling former allies have been given amensty for their own past crimes. I highly doubt that the gangs are anywhere near the good guys they're now styling themselves as, but following the Street War and how that mess ended, I don't think any of them are stupid or crazy enough to rock the boat. I think we all remember what happened when we finally caved and asked our Nullian neighbors for help against that. The Cleaner they sent was no joke, and the Militia are still trending on social media.

-After us Terrakin, there are the Automos. Actual [Redacted, expletive]-ing alien robot things, man. Nullians are aliens too, but you can sort of see them as like our alternate universe selves. Anyway, the Automos have spent much of their existence as self-sustaining, self-sufficient surveyor and colony Synthetics. As such, the Atrius Guard are their primary military contigent, and are experts in void combat and warfare. It is thanks to the Automos that so many combat tactics and upgrades to Nullian space ship tech have happened in such a short span of time, and the Far Side Habitat colony is set to open up this year. In addition to using a heavy mix of missile and beam weaponry, the Automos also have the Cyberwarfare Division. While not the best in the current conflict due to a lack of cyberware by the Moon Elders, the CD is the first line of alarm against malware intrusion and infiltration by the enemy.

-Finally, our Third Wave Displaced friends, [Redacted, explative]-ing fantasy races man, are not the most technologically advanced, but they are the second toughest Mortal beings in terms of durability after the Lasarna themselves and the unbreakable boned Oros. A major trade town's worth of people on the North Side of Dreamhold, their primary military unit is the Merchan Path Guard, made to defend their home from invasions. They mostly see use these days as makeshift police officers and governmental honor guards, though.

-Outside of the Guard, there is the Adventurer's Guild, the Thief's Guild, the Assassin's Guild, and the Mage College. The Adventure's Guild is where their hard hitting fighters from all walks of life go seeking glory and gold, and have found a lot of use helping out during Hunts and other deployments in and around Dreamhold's territory. The Thief's Guild and Assassin's Guild both have a lot less use due to being forbidden by law to use their skills within Median territory, however they have apparantly seen a lot of use in taking out high ranking targets during the Moon War, or stealing artifacts of import from the enemy. The Mage College has also seen a surge in new students looking for a new perspective and school of thought in regards to Mana magic use, with their graduates finding work both among Adventurer's as well as being seconded to Median military operations.



-In terms of raw population size, the Ogra has everyone else beat in terms of a single species population. Their violent, war like culture over the millenia has also made them the premier experts in large scale military deployments, with Ogra logistians and strategists aiding Median forces in planning out the invasion of the Blood Moon. The Median species are more dangerous pound for pound and have superior technology and variety, and the Lasarna are the most dangerous individually, but Ogra have mastered combined arms warfare on Null.

-Unlike most other militaries, Ogra military forces are not divided into different branches, but rather seperated by different Commands that work together. Ground Command, Armored Command, Air Command, and Sea Command all work together as a well oiled machine to destroy their targets, be it other Ogra nations, hostile wild life, or Moon Elder invaders. If the Ogra were a singularly unified people, they would be the largest and most experienced military force on Null in terms of experience with conventional warfare. Ogra make use of various forms of weaponry, from incindiary Oil Guns, to gauss assisted exploding bullet launchers, to an array of cryogenic weaponry. They make heavy use of all three weapon categories, and others bought from their neighbors, to destroy their targest in coordinated assaults. Primitive but functional drones and war beasts also see heavy use among the Ogra, inspired by the Median's use of such elements in their warfare.

-Of the three major polities on Null, the Ogra have the most expansive and diverse range of vehicles. Rather than having a singular, dedicated platform to build off of, Ogra experiment and make heavy use of countless variants, upgrade packages, and new designs. Anything that works, or can be tweaked to make work, is used, with the most tried and true designs seeing the most variants and upgrades. From swathes of scouting and transport vehicles, to many different tank and artillery platforms, the Ogra make up for their relative fragility for a Nullian Civilized Race with overwhelming support and usage of heavy weapon platforms and vehicular death machines.

-The Western Lasarna also serve as a massive boon in terms of raw mystical firepower for the Ogra nations, working with their frenemies to destroy threats and prove their mettle in warfare. While less coordinated and disciplined than their Eastern counterparts, they still serve as excellent force multipliers for any Ogra military unit on deployment.


Lasarna Republics.

-The military situation of the Eastern Lasarna is a rather interesting topic. Due to their incredible mystical power, even post reduction by their pact with Laylaru, weapons technology development took a slower and different route for the Eastern Lasarna. Pouring their incredible magical power into their creations, the Eastern Lasarna are notable in that they are the first to create forms of directed energy weapons in the modern day, including their Solar Crossbows, lighnting spewing Thunderguns, and Sunlight directed heat rays. Their melee weapons are also notable for being infused with elemental powers far more than the average in the other polities, keeping them extremely well armed no matter the range. Their armor systems are unpowered, but extremely durable due to their construction.

-The Lasarna Republic's military is divided between two distinct components: The Navy, and the Aero Force. Naval Marines, operating magitech submersibles for heavy firepower and able to breath deep under water, are skilled combatants in both underwater combat and amphibious assaults. Their expertise also makes them premier candidates for fighting in void combat due to analogous conditions with deep sea combat. The Aero Force, comprised of both Aero Hoplite infantry and Air Ships of Lasarna magitech construction. This Floatstone based contra-grav magitech was developed long ago, and served as the basis for reverse engineering by the Median for its own air-ship designs over the centuries.

-Compared to the other civilizations, the Lasarna Republics makes little use of traditional ground vehicles, though all their soldiers are expected to complete courses in the operation of compatible vehicles with their ally polities. Instead, the Lasarna employ heavy use of Golems and mystical Simulicra War Engines, combat elements that provide all of the same benefits of vehicles used by other nations without wasting the power of individual Lasarna troops on their operations.

-In addition to their primary military elements, the Lasarna also makes use of Auxilaries, comprised of Non-Lasarna combat elements. Mortalized Spirits and War Dragons alike are kept in Auxilary elements, which operate with the main body as specialist units. The additional capabilities of both parties help shore up weaknesses in Lasarna deployments while simultaniously increasing their overall firepower and ability.


This concludes the overview portion of my report. Going forward for the rest of my report, a breakdown of the various tactics, strategies, and specializations amongst these various military elements will be included in the order they were presented in the overview.

[The rest of the report goes on for scores more pages in in-depth detail.]
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Neo Sunset City Faction Report (Circa 3156)
(The following is a transcript of an official Median report breaking down the various Street Clans, Corporations, and other factions of interest living in Neo Sunset City within the 1st Wave Displaced sector of Dreamhold City.)

Following the Street War at the end of the prior year, we were tasked with providing an update on the information of the various factions within Dreamhold's Neo Sunset City. Not including governmental employees and native Nullians, it is estimated that approximately a million individuals of Neo Sunset's population is accounted for as being associated with, formerly associated with, a member of, or otherwise has done direct buisness with members of the following groups. If we include individuals who are simply familiar with, or knows someone that fits the prior category, the number of the populace with some connection with these groups is nearing one hundred percent.

Due to the events of the Street War, an accurate census of the total membership of each group is currently unknown and will require a more indepth analysis to gain an accurate picture.


Megacorporations are not unfamiliar to us here on Null. However, the culture surrounding the MegaCorps that originate from the world of Terra is distinctly different compared to our own. Where Null's harsh conditions and environments forced the development of a cooperative nature between its people, both corporate and public, the MegaCorporations of Terra operate on a cut-throat, tribalistic level, focusing solely on the benefit of their own corporation and no one else. This has subtly, but noticeably changed for those stuck here on Null, in order to both be competitive and survive against the much more united and native backed local corporations, they have begun to shift toward and adopt a more Nullian style work culture. This has nothing to do with moral or ethical changes, and has everything to do with being competitive in the Nullian market. Unheard of in their own world, the three primary MegaCorps to arrive on Null have been forced to tentatively unify into a conglomeration known as the Displaced Corporate Alliance.


Of the three MegaCorps to arrive on Null, Theodore-Thatchet Trading & Goods is the most mundane. Focused primarily on home goods, consumer grade electronics and recreational hunting items, T3-G as it is commonly known as has the least noteriaty to their name and is the one closest to native corporate values and ideals, making them the easiest to integrate into our line of thinking. Despite this seemingly benevolent reputation, however, they are still known to participate in corporate espionage and warfare with other corporate groups in their native reality, muscling out other potential competitors in their market throught bribery, extortion, corporate buy-outs and, if all else fails, industrial sabotage operations.

Prior to Neo Sunset's official integration into the Median earlier this year, this unsavory part of their history continued to operate, curbing potential competitors in the Displace market while trying to have a monopoly in trading common goods with Nullian buyers. Following Neo-Sunset's integration, Median trade and corporate laws now hang over their heads, and their native competition have more autonomy and power over responses regarding what they consider 'competition that threatens the health of the market'. The new head of the Nullian bound branch of the T3-G, a crocodilian man by the name of Edwards Zobec, is more than willing and able to rebrand and work within the bounds of the new governing laws without complaint or issue.


In comparison to the other two Displaced MegaCorps, Alyxguard Heavy Munitions is famed for its heavy grade weaponry and mercenary (or 'Private Military Company', as the Displaced are so fond of calling them) renting services. Rockets, high power rifles of all varieties, heavy armor and weapon augmentations are their bread and butter. It was the preliferation of Alyxguard weapons in the streets of Neo-Sunset that led to the uprising's heavy armament. Indeed, it was discovered that Alyxguard's previous CEO, Petrov Gorchenko, was directly working with the uprising's conspirators to maximize profits in the chaos, something that led to his removal from office with the end of the rebellion.

The current CEO, a saber-toothed feline woman known as Samantha Adams, has since taken control and has moved the corporation to be more in line with Median laws, including turning their mercenary outfits into security detail and moving their arms sales to Nullian Military contracts exclusively. With upgrades to bring them to Nullian standards, Alyxguard weapons have found a small, but growing cult following among the native population.


Said to be the most cutting edge and richest company on Terra, Aisha-Li Dynamics Coalition has found itself no longer at the top post Displacement. Their bleeding edge computer systems, cybernetics, and experimental shielding and directed energy weapon systems are all of interest to Nullian investors, who have since bought large portions of stock in the company after it was opened up to Nullian integration. The unofficial head of the Displaced Corporate Alliance, Ai-Li DC is surprisingly compliant with the new world and the way things are run, despite historically being the most aggressive and expansionistic MegaCorp in Terra's history.

It is believed their new-found behavior post Displacement is due to the fact their CEO, 'Red Panda' heiress to the Coalition Sakura Li, is the actual top executive of the corporation rather than a Post-Displacement vote into office. Keeping her private life and thoughts to herself, and inaugurated into the office mere hours before the Displacement brought her and portions of her company to our world, she has proven buisness savvy and flexible enough to easily comprehend and work within the bounds of our native corporate environment to maximize both profits and alliances in the long term, rather than focus on short-term gains.


Street Clans are an ancient Nullian tradition dating back to long before the Median's founding, in a more primitive time when long distance communication was virtually nonexistant and defenses for local towns and villages needed to be immediate and coordinated. Borne from Militias that, over time, developed their own subcultures and traditions, Street Clans have become a mainstay of Nullian society and are considered just another part of any Median habitation's tradition and lines of defense alongside the conventional Militia and official military forces.

The Street Clans of Terran origin are an entirely different story. While the origins of such organizations is unknown and lost to time, Terran 'Gangs' are, by contrast, tribalistic groups of like-minded individuals who form their own subcultures that run counter to the wider accepted societal norms. Usually, but not always, criminal in nature and origin, Gangs are as varied and diverse as the populace of Terra itself. Running the gamut of anything and everything from counter-culture youth groups that accept anyone, to groups of individuals bound by a certain gimmick or commonality, to ethnocentric groups that recruit exclusively from only certain sects of the population. Following the Street War, most of the unstable or uncontrollable elements of the Terran Gangs have been expunged or otherwise dealt with, with those remaining being smart enough and cautious enough to avoid drawing unwanted attention or causing too much trouble as to bring in Median government officials to investigate going ons.


The Hooligans, not to be confused with the similarly named Ogra Clan known as the 'Hooligoons', are a Terran gang unified by their youthful subculture, trouble-making nature, and love for 'street punk' attire. Their unifying 'uniform' include leather jackets and a wide assortment of glowing neon paint over both themselves, their gear, and their clothing. Compared to most other Terran Street Clans, the Hooligans do not have any one unifying leader or hierarichal structure, instead operating in a cell based system involving various different Hooligan gangs that each operate in their own manner and with their own leadership style. This has made the Hooligans the most diverse in the form of relationship with the Median's law enforcement, as some cells are little more than counterculture youths expressing themselves through trouble-making, while others are very much hardened criminal cells ranging from common criminals seeking monetary gain to out and out anarchistic elements.


Los Muertos are an ethnocentric gang that focuses on recruiting from Terrakin of Hispania cultural descent, though actual species is irrelevant as long as the language and cultural requirements are met. Identified by their glowing skeleton tattoos over their bodies and their skull iconigraphy, they made a name for themselves in the extortion and racketeering buisness before the Street War. Post Street War, Los Muertos have had a shift in priorities that puts them closer in line with what is identified as Nullian Street Clan traditions, serving as protectors of those of Hispaniac descent in Neo-Sunset neighborhoods. Los Muertos also hold the distinction of being the first Displaced gang to open up recruitment to Nullian natives after the Street War, though they exclusively recruit from Bughunter Oros due to them being the closest comparable native culture to their own, as well as sharing a similar traditonal language. Their current leader is a crocodilian male known as Hefe Cavera, 'Boss Skull', a more level-headed and reasonable individual compared to the more criminally oriented leadership prioer to the Street War's end.


The Subsonics are a tech and augmentation focused gang who are obssesed with sound and sonic weaponry. Most noise complaints filed in Neo-Sunset can be attributed to Subsonic activity testing their sonic weapons for fun, or playing music to obscene levels of volume. Unified by their hard rocker aesthetic and heavy augmentations, all synthetic in nature following the Displacement and integration into Null, the Subsonics hold the distinction of being the only Terrakin derived gang to be taken over by a Nullian leader. Specifically, the latest onsite overseer of the Eastern Testing Site in eastern Dreamhold, an Oros male known by his moniker of 'Soundwave', believed to be derived from a fictious character in old Terrakin fiction. Restructured to be more in line with Street Clan standards, the Subsonics heed their leader's orders with feverish devotion, and have become surpisingly reliable, if 'anonymous', sources of intelligence for the local law enforcement of Neo-Sunset's precincts.


The Sex Vixens hold the distinction of having never fallen into the parameters, by Median standards anyway, of being a 'gang', and fit almost all the hallmarks of a proper Street Clan. Composed entirely of entertainers of red light district origins, the Sex Vixens act as protectors, avengers, and a social safety net for exotic dancers, sex workers, and any and all other related works in Neo-Sunset, be they male or female in origin. Predominantly composed of females of all Terrakin species, the SV's work very closely with the Median law-enforcement to ensure the safety and well being of their members and protected individuals. Technically lacking a single leader, as each brothel or club is overseen and operated by their own leader, most defer to the oldest Night Club owner to have Displaced alongside them, Madam Clover, in terms of what to do and what not to do in the new world. The SV's hold the distinction of being one of the only three Terrakin 'gang's to have not participated in the rebelling elements of the Street War.


The Coven were originally a high priority target by Median officials early on due to a misunderstanding. Initial reports painting them as a scheming cult of curse casters, it was quickly found that the Coven are not magic users or a cult in anyway, but rather a group of young panksters who hail from all walks of life and whose 'curses' are little more than clever use of hacking, drones, and simple but effective trickery. Despite the annoyances this can cause, the Coven social group is harmless and is traditionally seen as a 'good luck' charm by many of the gangs of Terrakin origin. Are one of the three Terrakin 'gangs' to not participate in the rebelling elements of the Street War.


The Cossack Ronins are a highly unusual gang as they are very well known for their excellent public relations despite their criminal elements, with them commonly using their signature bikes to compete in charity races and events. This is actually a massive change from their original dispositions in older times, where they were known and feared as one of the most violent, brutal, and volitile gangs in Sunset City's history. This brutality made them very few if any allies, and indeed they found themselves on the receiving end of a massive reprisal by many other gangs in the 4th Gang War in their original world's history, when they went a step too far and pushed the other gangs into a violent retaliation. The surviving members of the Ronins reformed the gang into a less hostile, more pubically appealing organization, though they retain their harsh recruitment hazing rituals and do not shy away from organized crime in the form of the drug and weapons trade. Their current leader, a canine of mixed breed origin known as Hanzo, is notable to having been the first among the gangs to raise objections to the plans leading up to the Street War and was the leading element behind the Allied portions of the gangs fighting against the rebelling elements during the month long conflict.


The Scorned Eyes is an interesting organization as they do not have the normal characteristics of either gangs or Street Clans. Indeed, it is more accurate to say that the Scorned Eyes are a form of private detective agency that exclusively reaches out to scorned or cheated lovers or otherwise broken homes, selling their services for a notable but affordable price to compile evidence in the favor of the scorned party. It is believed that the Scorned Eye recruits from members of the Coven who 'grow out' of their age limited service period, and who also hail from broken homes themselves, which would explain the close relationship between the two parties. This 'agency' notably has been reached out and recruited by Nullian intelligence services for their experitise in monitoring and infiltrating Displaced networks, something they prefer to keep to themselves. Their leadership is known, but under protective anonymity by Median high command.


The Gas Rats began life as an ethnocentric gang composed entirely of rodents until they eventually branched off and opened up their doors to anyone willing to join, provided they could pass muster. Named for their affinity for aerosolized chemical weaponry, the Gas Rats are chemists par-excellence despite their often dodgy, barely clothed forms, unified by an affinity for spiked bracelets, collars, and gas-masks. The premier drug makers among the Displaced gangs, 95 percent of all drugs in circulation within Neo-Sunset can be traced back to the Gas Rats themselves, or an abandoned lab of theirs that other gangs have taken over. Despite their potential to cause great damage due to their knowledge and experience in chemical warfare materials, the Gas Rats have a tentative alliance with the Median, being used to produce new chemical weapons for use against Spider Ants and Mother Root targets, something they agree to on the basis that it provides them with the money needed to make more drugs for their own personal usage. Those among them who opposed this deal were among the rebelling side of the Street War, bringing with them their knowled of chemical weapons. This event has strained the relationship between the two parties and has placed a more careful eye on their activies. Their current leader is a female 'skunk' known as Flower, who keeps her forces in line through a potent mixture of charisma and chemical ecstasy enhancers of her own make, something that makes her very popular with her gangs members.


The Dandies are a highly unusual group in that they do not fit the typical gang or Street Clan markers, but rather are a social club that believe in living a certain lifestyle. Named after their dapper outfits and dandy lifestyles, the Dandies wear armored clothng of Nullian design and make, and often adorn themselves in an older, but 'stylish' fashion of dark suits, various forms of ties, and hats of every design from top hat to bowler and everything in between. Another unifying element of theirs is their signature cane, which are distinct and made for each member upon proving their commitment to the social club, unique to each individual. These canes hold within them a paralysis dart launcher good for twenty darts, something they exclusively use to defend themselves from the criminal element and which they are forbidden from using in normal day to day activites on pain of punishmen within the club. An odd group, the Dandies are recent editions to the Neo-Sunset managerie of factions, being Terrakin with a fascination for the idea of non-violent social clubs common in Median society, with theirs being modeled after the Dreamhold Suit Society. For their part, the DSS were more than happy to help the Dandies formulate their dress codes and founding traditions, and the close ties between the two often sees Dandies move beyond Neo-Sunset to venture into the DSS clubs in eastern Dreamhold.


The Jokers are an ethnocentric gang comprised entirely of 'Spotted Hyena' Terrakin. Formed in response due to the low population numbers of their species in Sunset, especially post Displacement, the Jokers are extremely territorial in protecting their claimed territory in 'Hyena Alley'. Keeping to themselves to focus on repopulating, they are infamous for their extreme brutality even by gang standards if threatened, and do not take the injury or death of one of their members lightly. The most brutal of their elements include maiming, torture, and assault in various forms against those that cross them, assuming they are not killed outright. Their leader, Queen Impisi, has made her stance of violent retribution for attacks against their kind known, though she is more than reasonable enough to negotiate if violence is not required for a given offense. During the Street War, the Jokers are notable for being the only gang to not join either side in the fighting, instead protecting their territory against both sides. Post Street War, the Jokers have petitioned for aid in helping to boost the population of their people. Negotiations are currently ongoing between the Joker's leadership and Median medical authorities for in-vitro assistance in growing their numbers. A smaller, but not insignifigant subsect of their female and hermaphroditic populace have also put out feelers looking for mates of Ogra and Oros origins. Status of their successes still pending.


The 5th Street Cleaners is a new, Post-Street War Street Clan, and is comprised of individuals of the titular 5th street who banded together in the interest of protecting their people, due to the loss of life and home in that location during the outbreak of the Street War. Wearing their every day clothing, they are identified by their distinct styalized '5thSC' logos they painted or stiched into their clothing. Lacking much in the way of criminal elements, the 5th Street Cleaners are of little interest to law enforcement and have been given specialized devices to call in official law enforcer support rather than try and meet out vigilante justice themselves. They lack any formal leadership and their structure is closer to a milita than anything truely organized.


The 70th Street Hoods are a gang who trace their lineage back to '70th street' back in old Sunset City. Known for their 'hood' culture, the originaly ethnocentric gang has since opened up its doors to anyone willing and able to keep up with their lifestyle of pushing drugs, earning money in underground animal and pit fights, and generally being trouble-makers. More organized and unified than their Hooligan rivals, the Hoods often get into territory disputes with the Hooligans, ranging from simple shouting matches, to shows of force, to out and out fighting. Suffering disproportionate casualties during the Street War, the Hoods have spent the months since nursing their wounds and coming to terms with the new way things are done in a post integration world. Due to the losses sustained among their senior leadership, they are currently operating on at a lower capacity as they try to sort out and decide who among them shall be their next senior staff.


The Golden Path is less of a gang or street clan in the traditional sense, but more of a ethnocentric religious movement with cult like elements. Careful surveilance have revealed, while odd by our standards, no elements to their belief system that could prove dangerous or otherwise determinetal to other individuals not a member of the Path. Recruiting exclusively from species of 'Kumatian' origin, ranging from lions to crocodiles to jackals and more. The members of the path replaced their body parts over time with augmentations, synthetics post Displacement, until they were almost completely replaced save their brain and several key organs. Covered in furless, black and gold synth-skin, with hair replaced by synthetic dreadlock like ornamentation. By the end of their journey down 'The Path, Adherents are almost completely Synthetic, with enhanced speed, reaction, durability, and more, though at costs of increased strain on their nervous systems tryingto keep up with their full abilities, as well as a massively increased caloric intake even outside of extensive physical activities.

The belief of the path is that that the adherents can come close to the abilities of the gods of the old Kumat pantheon via cyber, or synth,-ization. One of the few organs members of the path do not change about themselves is their reproductive organs, due to a strict adherence to its foundational aspects that include that the Path cannot be forced on others, but must actively choose to walk down it in their attempt to emulate the gods. Children born to parents following the Path are born completely natural, and are not allowed to begin walking down the path until they have reached adulthood and are aware of what is involved with this way of life.

The founder and leader of the Path is Pharoah Baako, a jackal who was the first to journey down it and set down its foundational creeds. Baako preaches not just striving to emulate the gods in form and ability, but to also seek to emulate them by protecting the less fortunate, with Path members having a religious duty to step in and stop wrong doing the stumble across. Relatively small in number, and mostly keeping to themselves, Baako and his follower's thoughts regarding Null and its peoples remains unknown, though he has preached working alongside their 'alien brothers and sisters' for a better world.


The Harlequins started life as a gang of misfits known as the Clown Brigade, adorned in ridiculous attire emulating clowns and court jesters while performing increasingly outlandish stunts and pranks, earning money on the streets through their stunt work and routines. Early on into their arrival on Null, however, a subtle but unmistakable shift began in their culture, revolving around a fascination with the court jester of the Median Court, Harley the Harlequin. This fascination led to the madopting the Mediator's jester and daughters purple and red color-scheme, as well as beginning to incorporate many of her more well known routines and jokes into their shows.

However, this did not go unnoticed, and while the specifics remain unknown, it is known that the Clown Brigade was paid a personal visit by Harley herself, before they proceeded to chang their name to the Harlequins following this encounter. In the years since, the Harlequins have adopted more and more mannuerisms and attire to better reflect the Median Court Jester they have come to have an almost cultish fascination with, adorning themselves in armored suits akin to their idols combat gear. Although not confirmed, it is believed by some sources that the Harlequins have taken to vigilante justice, using skills and even abilities never displayed before while making use of non-lethal weaponry and maneuvers to take down wanted criminals. They now earn most of their money by performing high skill performance shows, with tickets to the events becoming sold out in record time.


The Masque Club is a societal club with a limited number of members. Little is known about them other than they have ties to a currently unknown benefactor, believed to be a member of the Median leadership, and that they operate out of fronts before leaving to perform odd jobs ranging from seemingly mundane activities, to high level mission perameters currently classified at this current security level. All we know for certain is that they all wear some manner of mask, they are on our side, and they are not, or possibly cannot, be interupted while they are 'on the clock'.


The Scales is an ethnocentric Street Clan comprised entirely of reptilian Terrakin who unified to fight back against historic violence and tensions against Terrakin of reptilian descent. Over time, however, the Scales have become just another gang who use threats of violence and coercion as much on the people they claim to protect as they do against those they claim to protect their kind from. Post-Street War, the Scales have altered their structure to be less aggressive and hostile towards outsiders, as well as return to their roots as protectors of their fellow reptilian Terrakin. Additionally, several Chimera and Empusa have joined with the Scales post Street-War, though they aren't particularly popular among their fellow clan members due to the fact they point out that, strictly speaking, all Terrakin are technically mammals due to being warm-blooded, giving live birth and suckling their young through mammary glands, with the presence of scales or fur being superficial. Their current leader is a male 'Komodo Dragon' named Hank DeSoto, who is said to have slain the previous leader and taken his place in order to point their clan back on the right path, or so the story is told.


The Bonecrushers are a Post-Street War Street Clan, and consists primarily of Nullian species with Terrakin being new recruits. A proper Street Clan of Dreamhold origin, the Bonecrushers were one of three Street Clans who volunteered to move into Neo-Sunset post-Street War to act as liasons between traditional Nullian Street Clans and the local gangs. Bonecrushers gained their name due to their origins as a Bonetaker Nation group that moved to Dreamhold, then called Byr, from the Bughunter lands and carried with them their cultural practice of consuming bones. Current leader is a Firebrand raised Cu Sethan.


The Reapers are a Post-Street War Street Clan, and consists primarily of Nullian species with Terrakin being new recruits. One of three Dreamhold Street Clans that volunteered to move into Neo-Sunset post Street-War, the Reapers originate as a Stonecutter Street Clan from Dreamhold's ancient days, when it was still the Stonecutter city of Byr. Named after their scythes, used as makeshift weapons owing to their origins as farmers, the Reapers are the oldest still living Street Clan in Dreamhold and thus bring with them a wealth of culture and experience to help guide their new neighbors. Current leader is a Royalback descended native of Dreamhold named Kharl Stahlfresser.


The Divers are a Post-Street War Street Clan and consists primarily of Nullian species wtih Terrakin being new recruits. The third of the three Dreamhold Street Clans that moved to Neo-Sunset post Street-War, the Divers originate from the Wavechaser populace in Dreamhold who lived in the Pond, a localized artiifical lake with sea like qualities, before the arrival of the Displaced, and who shared their territory with aquatic Displaced species. Traditions of sailing, deep diving, and fishing runs deep in their culture, and they have made it a point to guard their Displaced neighbors even before the outbreak of the Street War. Current leader is simply known as 'The Captain'.


Organized Crime is not unknown to Null, as centuries ago Organized Crime families were ejected from the Spirit Realm of Lacuna to Null, where they caused no end of trouble before localized reprisals saw to their destruction. Hiding behind the veneer of civility, honor, and legitimate buisness, Organized Crime Families, commonly known as 'The Mob', has been brought over from Terra alongside the Displaced, with three prominent families having become a part of Neo-Sunset's populace. All three make use of legitimate buisness fronts to produce the majority of their monetary funds, however it is virtually impossible for their criminal origins to disappear so quickly or cleanly, meaning they remain persons of interest for the Median government to monitor for illicite activities.


The Felidae Conglomerate is a massive network of interconnected criminal syndicates, gangs, and crime families, all unified by one trait: They are all Terran felines. Big cats or otherwise, they are the premier crime family linked together by both species relation as well as marriage alliances, the Felidae Conglomerate's largest legimate sources of money include being info brokers, stock traders, and having heavy stake interests in various corporate holdings. Their list of criminal activities is extensive, but mostly revolve around white collar crime, insurance fraud, and insider traiding, however this also serves to cover up their more gruesome criminal activies, including gun running for criminal groups, 'leg breaking', extortion, and murder, among other things.

It was the former head of TFC, a male tiger named Alexy Petrov, that helped insite the Street War, though his exact motivations remain a complete mystery why this was the case following his mysterious suicide midway through the conflict. It is almost certain that whatever his intentions for insighting the conflict, the ultimate fate of Neo-Sunset becoming an official part of the Median and its various powers now being beholden to its laws were almost certainly not what he had been hoping for.


The Carcharadai Cartel is one of the two rival, competing criminal families operating within the Pond. Comprised primarily of shark based Terrakin, the Carcharodai are known for their loaning and investment buisness in the underwater and shore side communities within the Pond, as well as having legitimate but competing food buisnesses selling fresh caught feral fish and other undersea food stuffs for the aquatic community. Larger in size than their rivals, the Delphinidae Syndicate, the Carcharadai are not as cohesively unified as their bitter rivals, which leads to their often bloody and brutal conflicts ending in a stalemate.

Disliked by even the regular members of their special communities, the Cartel remains in power due to to towing the line between legitimate buisnesses and out and out illicit activties, which include blackmail and the black market trade. The current leader of the family is Don Krakun, a sourly buisnessman with a temper but an art for selling a salespitch and brokering deals.


The Delphinidae Syndicate is comprised primarily of 'dolphin' species, with the unquestioned leadership being made up of 'Orcas'. In comparison to their Cartel rivals, the Syndicate have a much better public relations with the public of the Pond, putting on a friendly, charming face through which they use to sell their security services and sell their goods as one of the competing food suppliers of the Pond. However, this friendly mask hides a brutal, ruthless capacity for bloodshed and calculated, targeted violence. While they much rather prefer to be loved, they are willing to settle for, and have the capacity and ability to, be respected through fear.

Led by Matriarch Fassata, the Syndicate charms do not hide or disolve away their murderous capabilities in the eyes of the Nullian law, and since Integration post Street War, the Syndicate's brutal methods have yet to resurface and no mysterious disappearences have occured in the past few months. This agent cannot help but stress the importance of continued monitoring of the Syndicate for any lapses to their old methods. While TFC were the origins for the Street War, and the Cartel's activities earns them no friends anywhere, the capacity for loss of life by the Syndicate if left unchecked is massive, particularly with the physical power of the Orcas.


Non-Aligned Groups of Special Interest are exactly as the name implies: Groups that lack a tie to the criminal underworld, or whose activities are too broad to be considered more than a subculture or subgroup. Only two primary groups of interest fit this description in Neo-Sunset.

'Were's, as they are known, as individuals afflicted with a mystical nature that allows them to shift their forms between a normal default form, a larger and more powerful monsterous War Form, and a more agile feral form. About 1 in 20 Terrakin are a Were and can be found all over society in almost every strata or group, though they tend to keep their true natures secret if they can manage it. While having potential for destruction, Were's tend to be less inclined towards causing trouble than most other Terrakin, possibly to avoid detection and conflict against their kind by other groups. As a Special Interest Group, they are monitored and provided governmental aid for their populace, though discretely as to avoid too much unwanted attention.

Vampires, meanwhile, are another group of individuals afflicted by another mystical nature. Requiring semi-regular ingestion of blood to remain healthy and sane, Vampires are notable in that they can spread their affliction to other Terrakin in an on-permenant manner. These 'Thralls' tend to be linked and subbordinate to their 'sire', though they themselves are not 'true' or Trueborn Vampires. Trueborns number in only a few tens of thousand in total number, and live in a special district zone all of their own in the outskirts of Neo-Sunset. Because of their special dietary requirements and ability to make Thralls, Vampires are closely monitored and observed in a manner similar to Nullians with the Bloody One condition. However, the ongoing Moon War has stretched monitoring abilities and thus have made it difficult to keep a close eye on them, even post Neo-Sunset incorporation into the Median.

Previously trying to keep their true natures hidden in the old world, both Were's and Vampires are now public knowledge, though ironically they are now just another curiosity in the daily lives of the Displaced Terrakin, as common sentiment after Displacement and adjustment to living on Null is caution, but not surprise at this revelation.


All of these Street Clans, gangs, and other organizations should be kept a close eye on through surveilance in order to ensure no repeat of the Street War happens again. This agent also particularly reccomend keeping a close eye on the Delphinidae Syndicate in particular. Their capacity for destruction cannot be stressed enough.
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Gorger Hopper.
Gorger Hopper.

[Sketches depict a large, frog like snapping tortoise creature, with a segmented shell on its back, an armored plate on its head, and a sharp beak lining its mouth. It is shown in the sketches to dig and lay in wait under the mud, with only the shell poking out of the ground. Its powerful, coiled legs show it leaping great distances for its size, launching itself at prey, while it is also shown to crawl on all fours in a rapid movement when not jumping. The long, powerful tongue is shown to be three times its body length fully extended, giving it a powerful tool in its arsenal in addition to globs of some sort of liquid it projects from its mouth.]

Scientific Name Translation: Terror Frog.

[A note is attached. It reads, 'I'd be terrified of them too if I could get eaten by one. Scary thought, that.']

Average Size: 3 Meters/9.84 Feet in height.

Average Weight: 4 Tons.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Females are bigger than the males.

Habitat Range: Mostly inhabits swamps and bogs within and around Bughunter territory, though can also be found in bogs in other regions as well, with a massive population in the Land of Giants.

Null's mystical and unpredictable nature has resulted in anomalies that lead to the fusing of two differing species and the creation of brand new ones. Gryphons are the most prominant example of this, of course, but there is also the Snail-Shelled Frog and the Gliding Squirrel Tailed Salamander as well. The creature in this entry is, surprisingly, not one such example, despite all appearences to the contrary. The Gorger Hopper is a massive amphibious lifeform that resembles a cross between a frog and a tortoise. This is not a result of mystic fusion, but rather the result of the Gorger Hopper being part of a family branch of life forms known as the Terrorpins, a branch of terrapin that would go on to develop traits and characteristics of other creatures through convergent evolution rather than mystic misshap. [A note is attached. It reads 'I wonder if there's a thing where creatures turn into frogs like how crustaceans always deveop into Krabs.']

Massive in size, the beaked maw of this hulking behemoth is matched by its armored head and the segmented shell adorning its back. Armored from behind to a degree that makes attack from anything short of either an anti-tank weapon or a vehicular cannon impossible, this leaves the frontside ironically its only real weakpoint. However, this is far from safe, as the collossal creature is a leaping, crawling pillar of muscle and tricks up its sleaves that render a direct assault a difficult prospect indeed, be the attack of the Civilized Races or other animals.

Armed with powerful forerlimbs and claws for digging, it is common for the Gorgers to dig a spot for themselves within mud or soft soil near large bodies of water to sleep or wait for prey. In the latter case, upon the approach of a suitable prey animal, the Gorger will make use of its incredibly powerful legs to suddenly and violently leap forwards out of its hiding spot, exploding from the ground in a shower of mud and plant roots to gobble down on any unlucky prey. If the prey animal is large enough, the Gorger aims for either the neck or the leg in order to use its powerful, crushing beaked jaws to deliver a debilitating wound. A long muscular tongue is also held within the Gorger's mouth, able to be launched out to ensnare and bring in smaller prey into its mouth, or in the case of a battle with something it cannot or does not like to eat, thrash the offending creature about in a brutal flurry of tosses and slams. [A note is attached. It depicts a Gorger in wrestling attire about to do a flying elbow drop on what looks like a cartoon Oros in a wrestling mask.]

In addition to its powerful physical traits, the Gorgers is also host to a potent biochemical substance it develops in sacs within its body and which it can secrete from its mouth. This corrosive, toxic substance can be used in a wide variety of ways by the Gorgers, including but not limited to: lining the insides of the mouth and beak in order to deliver a toxic bite, spat at ranges up to a hundred meters away in globules or in a wide spray within 15 meters, coating the tongue with it, and in at least one known instance, spray out in a aerosolized mist form to cover the area, though this last version of the attack is rare and seems to be exclusively employed by the females when protecting their broods.

An omnivorous predator, the preffered meals of the Gorger is the Wetland Lungfish, a sizable animal that often crosses the paths of the waiting Gorgers as they perform their seasonal land crossings to arrive in new spawning grounds. However, the Gorger is not picky, and if a Wetland Lungfish is not readily availble, they will not hesitate to gorge themselves on any edible foods they come across. The exception to this, however, is the technically edible Slough, a creature so disgusting that nothing alive willingly eats them if given the chance that isn't a plant, with only their sheer stupidity keeping their numbers in check. [A note is attached. It reads 'I'm trying to imagine what kind of creature would willingly eat a Slough, but nothing I can think of is that desperate or disgusting.']

In encounters with Civilized Races, the average Gorger is not inherently hostile, though getting too close will result in warning calls that are more felt than heard in order to dissuade getting near. Indeed, the only known times where Gorgers actively attack Civilized Races without an outside influence or the sapient starting the fight themselves is during the breeding season, when they become much more aggressive in the defense of their nests, or when they are in the middle of a meal, where they attack anything they percieve as trying to steal or otherwise take away their food.

Mating season for the Gorger is during the Wet Season, where in male Gorgers pick fights with one another in aggressive but rarely lethal duels for the right to mate with onlooking females. The most successful males will sire the most offspring with the most females, though they will take little actual part in the raising of their offspring when the mating season ends. Females, meanwhile, will create artificial pools of water to lay their eggs in, at which point they will find a near by spot to dig themselves into and silently watch over their brood until they hatch.

It takes between 2-4 weeks for a Gorger egg patch to hatch, depending on environmental conditions and quality of the water in which they lay, at which point they enter the world as armored limbed pollywogs. Ironically, the mother has little hunting to actually do, as they simply have to wait for other predators to come and try and snatch away their young to attack and kill, providing their children their would be predators as their first meals. [A note is attached. It reads 'Try to eat the baby? Become the baby food.']

The most dangerous part of a Gorger's development is not at their pollywog stage, but during their initial stage as fully formed, but not fully grown, Gorger Hoppers. At this stage, the still growing young begin to wander about and leave their mother's care, into the dangerous wilds around them, where waiting predators will proceed to thin their numbers over the next few years until they have grown enough to reach a size where they can properly defend themselves from attack. Once fully grown, the Gorger life cycle begins anew and the species is perpetuated.

Interestingly, the Gorger has some of the highest number of mutations and variants as a result from exposure to radioactive elements out of all of the Terrorpin line. Affecting them in different ways at every stage of development, variants include the Dwarf Gorger, a creature that reaches maturity at just barely above its initial childhood stage, while others suffer mutations that turn them into living bombs, differentiated by their red warning colorations. Others still become Irradiated Gorgers, creatures that are much more powerful at the cost of becoming sterile.

A powerful species that has earned the respect of the Bughunters for generations, many Dwarf Gorgers find themselves as pets by the Bughunters, while some specially trained ones are used in the hunting and gathering of medium scale insectoids in a manner akin to hunting dogs hunting prey down elsewhere. The end result is a creature with signifigant cultural value in the Bughunter community, and which is a common figure in folk tales and legends in their territory. [A note is attached. It reads 'I wish I had a Dwarf Gorger as a pet. I've heard their war cries, its like a threatening squeak instead of an earth shaking rumble. It's great!']
(Okay folks, I have returned from my family vacation and have completed the lore retrofits from the Bloodsuckers page all the way to the Chimera page. Some of these changes are relatively small, mostly changing dates to better match the intended finalized lore. Other changes, however, are much larger. For example, the Bloody Ones in the Oros Addendum page are elaborated on to show their historical impact as well as introduce their city state, while as of the Bloodsuckers page onwards there is now mention of a historical 8th Great Nation, the Ghost Dancers, that would become extinct and whose blood only survives in the modern day from distant descendants of intermarriages with other Nationalities.)
Sword Walker.
Sword Walker

[Sketches depict a tall, striped quadropedal animal with long legs ending in sharp pointed hooves, with a long but very thick armored neck ending in a head with horns forming a crown like crest, its ears long and floppy, with a trio of what seem like manipulator tendrils at the end. The creature is noble and regal in its stance, and sketches show it wandering through the mires of its boggy homes with little trouble. The interesting thing, however, is that it seems to have an innate and potent control over magic, its horns shimmering as it summons blades of energy to smite its foes or coat its limbs in a blade like edge to slash anything foolish enough to get in its way. A long tail ending in barbed spikes swings behind it.]

[A note is attached. It depicts a cartoon Sword Waker that extends it neck to a truely ludicrous degree, one word beneath the comic strip: 'Lemgth'.]

Scientific Name Translation: Blade Dancer.

Average Size: 7 meters/22.96 feet tall, 35 meters for the Titanic subspecies in the Land of Giants.

Average Weight: 6 tons.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Females have a mane lining the back of their necks as well as their tails.

Habitat Range: Predominantly swamps and bogs, though one subspecies is found in the savanahas seperating the Great Deserts from the rest of eastern Arisa and the Titanic Sword Walker is found in the Land of Giants.


Few creatures are quite as striking for the Nullian people, nor as fascinating, as the tall, long necked Sword Walker. Known by many names including Sword Walker, Spear Walker, and Long Necks, these creatures capture the imagination with their unusually tall forms, with a neck that would be extremely vulnerable were it not for its armored bands protecting it. As the neck is the most vulnerable part of any Nullian, even with the presense of armor, the evolutionary pressures and curiosities of why such a being would develop an extended neck like this astounds scientists, leading to an entire group in the scientific community dedicated to the study and research of Sword Walkers and their evolutionary history. [A note is attached. It reads 'One of my Displaced friends is species they call a 'Giraffe'. She's a lot of fun, but she's so tall, and her neck is so long! It actually makes me distressed seeing it, because I'm always worried something might hurt her by going for it...']

Despite the curioristies of what led the Sword Walker to develop its biological quirks, we can see them at work in the modern day: Their long legs ending in sharp hooves, when combined wiht a fully functioning contragravitic organ, allows them to wander through the muck and mire of their swampy homes without difficulty. Their long necks and long, prehensile ears tipped with manipulator digits allow them to reach out and pluck fruits and branches from the trees they find their food from, while their armored necks keep their most vulnerable location protected from anything short of a giant class predator. One subspecies located in the savannahs spends all of its time on land, where in it feeds on local tall trees and finds little in the way of predation from giant scale creatures. The Titanic Sword Walker in the Land of Giants is part of a wider ecological foodchain, though not necessarily an easy prey, with the other Titan scale creatures in the region.

In terms of temperment, the Sword Walker is of cool head and of high patience, prefering to avoid combat where it can and try to shoo away anything foolish or bold enough to try and attack them. In the event that battle cannot be avoided, the Sword Walker displays a comprehensive and in-depth abilitiy to use magica lattacks, summoning force fields, explosive bolts, and most famously, blades of hardened light that cut and burn that which it carves up. When in shallow waters, or when venturing onto dry land, the Sword Walker is not above delivering swift, but powerful kicks that can send full grown Wolf Tigers crashing through trees, or removing the head outright of lesser creatures. If raw strength is not enough, then the power is enhanced by coating the leg in a blade like jet of plasma that gives the Sword Walkers their signature name, allowing them to cut Gorger Hoppers in half, or engage in combat with Power Fists in potent duels to the death. Though uncommon in their regions, most Sword Walkers find themselves having difficulty defending against Smashheads, the theropodic hydras having the armor and physical power to survive the barrage of forest shattering attacks the Sword Walker is capable of unleashing. For annoyances that can't be ignored, but which aren't worth the effort of a full retaliation, the Sword Walkers are very precise with using their venomous barbed tail spikes, launching them with enough force to pin targets to the ground.

There has been no recorded instances of Sword Walkers deliberatly beginning a fight with the Civilized Races unprovoked, though they are not afraid to swat us aside if we get in their way. Some clans of Bughunters, as well as some Stonecutters and the Bloody Ones of the Crimson City, have been able to tame Sword Walkers in the swampy regions of their homelands in order to use them as domestic mounts to cross the deep waters of the bogs they call home. Treated with care and respect, a mutual bond is formed between rider and animal that leaves the locals with few worries about their Sword Walker mounts, though outsiders attempting the same can expect to meet failure head on. [A note is attached. It reads 'Swamp folk, man. Ingenuity at their finest!']

Sword Walker lack a mating season, but intentionally prefer to time their reprduction in order to give birth during the winter months. This is because during this time, many of the predators of their swampy home that could prey upon a young Sword Walker are in hibernation or in stupor, allowing the infants time to acclimate safely to standing up and following their parents, and giving the mothers time to recooperate from the draining process. Parents care for their young and teach them everything they know, from the best places to find food, to the uses of their powers and abilities in order to become skilled users of magic to stay safe. Upon reaching adulthood, young adults leave the safety of their parents to form makeshift herds with others of their age group, banding together until they feel confident enough to leave and live on their own, using safety in numbers and cooperation to take care of what experienced elders can handle on their own.

A fascinating creature in both looks and temperment, the Sword Walkers are a popular symbol of office for those in leadership positions in bog and swamp communities across Arisa, with even the Ogra having totems dedicated to the titanic variants that roam their lands. The rule for coexisitng with Sword Walkers is simple: Don't get in their way, don't start a fight with them, and give them respect, and they will treat you the same. [A note is attached. It reads 'Now if only the rest of the biosphere did that.']
Nullian Mystical Elements and Damage Classification.
(The following is a transcript of a breakdown of the known mystic elementals of Null by a Displaced scientist, sent to their colleagues in their field.)

Since we've got here, my peers in the scientific community Displaced here from their respective universes have been inquiring about some of the fascinating things we've heard about our new home. Null is, for lack of a better term, a mystical land home to elements that defy conventional physical laws and which do not fit in known elmental periodic tables. As one of the first to attain work in our new home, the responsibility fell to me to compile a brief overview of some of the new, fascinating elements not found in our homelands.

Conventional Elements: Before we dig into the mystica elements found here, it is important to note a key difference between the 'conventional' elements of this universe compared to our own. In the scientific community we've developed here, the term 'Molecularly Stable' is a term you will see often, refering to the small but vital difference between the molecular bonds of things in this universe compared to our own, particulary here on Null. The term 'Molecularly Stable' means that elements and objects made of those elements in this reality are notably have greater durability and resiliance compared to those of our own, 'Molecularly Unstable' universe. As an example, Iron here is of a higher quality and tensile strangth than our own back home, and even common stainless steel of Nullian Origin (And presumably other worlds in this reality) are approximatly 5 times stronger than that of our home universe. Consequently, living creatures in this universe, including ourselves post 'upgrading' to Nullian standards, are hardier, more resiliant, and overall stronger by various factors compared to our own reality. Furthermore, Null in particular has creatures of durability that increases over time as a result of increased technological levels causing them to adapt to become hardier. The reasoning eludes me, though I'm told it has something to do with 'keeping itself deadly' in regards to this world we're now on.


Mystical Elements: Elements not found in our universe of a mystically charged nature, some within our community have dubbed this classification as 'unobtanium', in allusion to a common term in science fiction seriels of the past. Regardless of how we classify them, these elements lack a naturally occuring quivalent in our own home universe, and so each is distinct and has unique uses in Nullian technological development. Many Nullian creatures naturally harness the abilities of these elements by consuming them and integrating them into their biology, giving them elemental abilities related to the element in question, though most with such powers are using fully home grown abilities. One universal trait with all of these elements, however, is that they are self-replenishing when unrefined, and as such are sustainable resources provided their ore deposits aren't tapped out.


Mythril: The familiar name of a fantastical metal stronger yet lighter than steel, this is true still here on Null. Refined Nullian Mythril is about 5 times stronger than reinforced steel alloys, while only being a 4th of the weight, making it the ideal baseline metal for all modern day alloys used for modern armor systems. Although the final strength of the alloy is determinate on the other materials used, Mythril is used in almost every form of construction due to its extreme flexibility in usage and its wide applications on the exact alloys used. It also is surprisingly tolerant of heat, though the plasma coated claws of Nullian wildlife puts medium grade Mythril armors to the test.

Adamantium: Another familiar name for a fantastical metal of extreme durability, Adamantium is quite heavy, but also extremely durable by an order of magnitude compared to its Mythril counterpart. Finicky to refine, it is almost impossible to get pure Adamantium, as it is notoriously difficult to remove all impurities from the substance even with a divine blacksmith. It is often said that 100% Pure Adamantium is as unbreakable as an Oros' bones, though this is said to be an exaggeration by those said to have seen such material. As of the modern day, 'pure' Adamantium refers to any Adamantium refined to have, at minimum, a 99.9% purity, though it is difficult to determine the purity outside of labratory conditions, which means many 'Pure' Adamantium ingots found in the world are often as low as 97% purity.

Fulgerite: Also known as Fulminite, Thunderstone, and occasionally Voltite, Fulgerite is an elemental ore that develops crystaline outcroppings known for producing its own electrical charge, or absorbing electrical charges from bolts of lightning. Used primarily in power generation technologies, Fulgerite has a long history as one of the first mystical elements mined and used by most Nullian civilizations for a wide variety of applications. Military applications include powering of rail and gauss weaponry, as well as using Fulgerite lining to amplify and improve the rails and electromagnetic rings, as well as weaponized stun or electric ammunition, while power generation and defensive applications are a common use of the substance in all fields. It is not compatible with Solarite power systems, at least for now, without explosive results.

Solarite: Also known as Sunstone and Nitro-Ore, Solarite is an elemental ore wiht crystaline outcroppings known for its production of solar plasma. Functionally a non-radioactive fusion reaction in waiting, Solarite has always had a military appication in explosive weaponry and bombs, as well as the long used 'Red Powder' ammunition for conventional bullet based firearms, though an accidental discovering in the mid 1000's of the Nullian Calander found it can also be used as a potent, though finicky, power source in the form of Solarite Plasma Reactors. It has been found in recent years thanks to testing with Displaced plasma technology that Solarite interacts with, and attempts to absorb, near by plasma that is within a few centimeters of the substance. While easily containable with even a half inch of material between it and the other substance, this reaction causes a potent explosive reaction when even electrical plasma is involved, explaining its destructive relationship with Fulgerite.

Glacium: Also known as Coldstone and Semi-True Ice, Glacium is a frozen material that absorbs heat yet does not completely melt away provided it does not absorb too much too quickly. As such, it is a common material used for cooling technology as well as ice based weaponry and ammunition. It is excellent in stopping fires when properly processed into a misty foam, and as such Glacium based foams mixed with water is an extremely common resource used by Nullian fire departments in combating infernos. It is not reccommended for unrefined Glacium to be used in cooling drinks as it will freeze the liquid on contact. Handling of unrefined Glacium is recommended with proper equipment, as direct skin contact can lead to damage, while refined Glacium is safe to handle, though still cold to the touch.

Hydrostone: Also known as Aquaore, Hydrostone is the simples of the mystical elements: It creates water and in its refined form can be used to part exiting water into its base components. As a result, many advances in developing Hydrogen fuel cells that only require water as the fuel has occured thanks to using Hydrostone as the source of these discoveries. The Median now uses hydrogen engines as a less powerful, though still very potent, secondary backup fuel system to power all of their ground and air vehicles while using Fulgerite or Solarite energy as the primary energy source. One should be careful when using Hydrostone to make drinkable water, however, as the water produced by Hydrostone is directly affected by the environment it is in and the quality of the local water. As a result, Hydrostone found near salt water is unsafe to use for drinking, as is Hydrostone found other unsafe materials in the wild. Only refined, tested Hydrostone found for sale or public use in the Civilizations of Null are reliably safe for getting a quick drink to hydrate yourself with.

Floatstone: Also known as Hoverstone and Skystone, Floatstone is the fantastical gravity defying rock found all over the world in the many floating landmasses in Null's skies. Naturally defying gravity through mystical means, refined Floatstone is used for creating all modern day Nullian hover and gravity manipulation technology, including contragrav vehicles, intertial dampeners, and weight distribution engines. Useful in any and every imagineable scenario, refined Floatstone takes the natural gravity defying abilities of its unfrefined ore and allows it to be manipulated through application of precise electromagnetic discharges, which alters the local gravity being manipulated as well as extend its effects beyond just the ore, allowing for fine control of contra-grav technology. As an added bonus, Floatstone's anti-gravitic properties are not 'slippery' like those we developed in our own home, meaning that Floatstone tech does not 'slide' around without the proper force needed to move the object proper being applied.

Umbrum: Also known as Shadowstone and Nightore, Umbrum is a fascinating material with the ability to manipulate a localized pocket around itself to avoid detection across most known spectra, upto and including sound and smells. That being said, unrefined Umbrum is very easy to detect on any functional scanner, as unlike its refined, easily controllable metals, raw Umbrum ore fluctuates its energies eratically, causing scanners to pick up wild and rapid distorions of signals coming in and out of detectible wavelengths. Properly refined and utilized Umbrum allows for the use of stealth technology, both passively and actively, making them an extremely useful tool in military applications.

Moonsilver: A silvery, liquid metal in its natural, unrefined state, Moonsilver is a highly unique mystical substance in that it actually counteracts and absorbs Mana based magic with no apparant limit in practical day to day terms. This property makes Moonsilver, though relatively uncommon, a highly sought after material for the detainment of rogue mystical threats or the containment of mystical hazards.

Sungold: A goldish, glowing liquid metal in its natural, unrefined state, Sungold can only really be described as 'holy', a substance widely used by religious organizations for its abilities to counteract and destroy what can only be described as 'unholy' powers and creatures. It's most popularly used by the Berserker Paladin Order in its demon hunting duties, though it also sees use as stores all over the civilizations of Null for emergencies if the propery authorities on the subject are not availble.

StarIron: A solid ore like metal without ferromagntic properties of its own, StarIron, also known as 'Cold Iron', is distinguished by the unrefined ore having a jet black appearence covered in what can only be described as stars. It is most well known for being anethema to Elderitch powers, and is widely used by the Magi Order and its constituents and peers in the fight against Elder Things. Tellingly, StarIron is also useful against what our culture's myths identify as 'Fae', which has all sorts of implications. Interestingly, its effects are diminished by those who have Elder Blood, but are not themselves full Elders, with them finding it uncomfortable to touch and be around, but not out and out painful.


Additionally to these materials, the Nullians also make use of the 'Damage Classification System', which is a multi-tiered system to classify the power of an attack based on their performance against known materials used for armor. Due to the fact that Nullian creatures demonstratably grow stronger over the centuries in response to adapting to advancing technologies, the system has been redone multiple times over the centuries, with this in particular being just the most recent and modern day, though not necessarily final, version of the system.

Class 0: A baseline, used to describe any form of attack that can damage soft materials such as unreinfroced fabrics and soft metals.

Class 1: Any attack capable of bruising the flesh of civilized flesh, as well as punctuing iron.

Class 2: Any attack capable of outright removing, puncturing, or otherwise severely damaging flesh, as well as puncturing low quality steel.

Class 3: Any attack capable of damaging reinforced steel alloys and unrefined Mythril ore.

Class 4: Any attack capable of damaging refined Mythril armor.

Class 5: Any attack capable of damagin medium grade Mythril alloys.

Class 6: Any attack capable of scratching high grade Mythril alloys.

Class 7: Any attack capable of damaging high grade Mythril alloys, and scratching low quality Adamantium armor.

Class 8: Any attack capable of damaging medium quality Adamantium armor.

Class 9: Any attack capable of damaging Adamantium/Mythril alloys.

Class 10: Any attack capable of damaging high quality Adamantium alloys.

This system is not ironclad, and there are many variables involved that keep it in flux, such as the involvement of Runic reinforcements or magical abilities. With the advent of shielding technology in recent years, this system also does not take into account shield strength beyond its comparable durability to any given armor.

I hope this has been informative to you all and I hope we can begin proper discussions about the implications and capabilities of these fascinating native materials!

[Sketches depict a creature with smooth, salamanderan skin of a wide array of camophlaged tiger stripe patterns, hunched over while floating. The head is hooded in a cobra like manner, a tail like extension running off the back. The head-tail is long and ends in a blade like tip, while the forelimbs on the arms and legs are disproporitonatly large and muscled, indicating massive grip strength. The main body varies from individual to individual, some thinner and others pudgier than one another. Their faces are consistent: Large, piercing eyes with short muzzles whose lips curl to reveal sneers full of sharp teeth. Some sketches show them directing animal life by pointing at targets off panel.]

[A note is attached. It reads 'I wonder what their skin feels like? That's not a weird question, is it? I'm not the only one who wants to know!']

Scientific Name Translation: Mental General.

Average Size: Varies based on individual.

Average Weight: Varies based on individual.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: N/A.

Habitat Range: World wide.

It is no secret that our world is one that was purpose build by the Weaver Null. Youngest of the Aether Beings, she crafted our world for a purpose only she would know, making it as dangerous and deadly as possible in order to ensure those that live upon it either grow stronger or die trying. One consistent aspect of her design, however, is the systems that underpin our world. The Uplifters seek new life on other worlds to integrate into Null's biosphere to make the environment more dangerous, while such creatures as the Lord of Dragons, the King on the Mountain, acts as a living ground-to-orbit defense system against things not of our solar system. As such, it is little wonder that one of these systems comes in the form of a means to coordinate the wild-life of Null in the event something somehow does get through the defenses, and survives the corrosive atmospheric contaminants. This defense system is handled by the creatures known as 'Controllers.'

The average Controller is a contradiction, as physically each one is distinct from one another in every way save basic shape. Coloration, skin patterns, size and weight, body type, all is subject to change based on individual Controller to individual Controller. The one unifying thing about them is their purpose, to lie in wait for the day they are needed. It is rare indeed for such a day to come, as ancient recordings only detail two such instances in the ancient past. The first was the Elder Invasion during the days of the True Dragons dominion over our world, where they arose to lead the wild-life at the time against the invaders alongside the True Dragons and their Stone Eye allies.

The second time is only known by fragmented records passed down by Spirit researchers, detailing a time when an Uplifter brought in an unauthorized hive-minded, adaptative swarm organism to Null, which was stopped from spreading and culled thanks to the Controllers coordinating Null's animal and plant life in its defense. Since then, no other instance of Controller based assistance has occured, with the Median and its peer civilizations able to handle most threats before they spiral out of control. [A note is attached. It reads 'Moon Elders were in for a nasty surprise when some Controllers woke up during their incursions in the Moon War. I still watch those recordings in awe of the throwdowns that followed.']

Imposing creatures due to their sheer presence, Controllers are not psionic in nature as many often assume. They are, rather, creatures that manipulate the Aether, not unlike the Uplifters. Where the Uplifters specialize in dimensional long-scry, teleportation, and genetic reconsitution, the Controllers focus on offense powers, both conventional and mental in nature. They are especially adept at exerting mental control over the animals they work with, coercing the more reasonable creatures to work for them, and outright dominating the wills of those who refuse their work. These powers are not limited to wild animal life, as they can exert control over the Civilized Races of Null as well, though it should be noted that, whether by design or by flaw, they cannot exert full control over us. Whether this same limitation applies to all Civilized creatures or only those of us here on Null has yet to be determined, though it is known they can, and and are more than happy to, disrupt hostiles with psionic coordination of their own, interfering or cutting off enemies from their own hivemind through the esoteric and overwhelmingly elderitch abilities of the Aether.

According to all records, once a Controller has gained sway over a large enough number of animals as it would deem necessary for a given task, they lead their army of creatures on the warpath against hostile invaders using a disturbingly adept skill with coordinated warfare, using every creature's strengths to their full advantage and using them to bolster the weaknesses of other creatures they work with. Contrary to pop culture depictions of this, and the crude 'animal driving' techniques of the Spider-Ants, Controller controlled creatures do not 'swarm' their enemies and drown them in a wave of bodies. They are precise and coordinated, using overwhelming force only to break weakpoints in hostile formations or defenses, preferring to destroy the enemy with minimal loss of life of their own wards. [A note is attached. It depicts a cartoon Controller giving a headpat to a Jaco Killer, words reading 'I'm going to name you Precious' underneath the drawing.]

While their primary abilities and adeptness are towards mental influence and control, these are not the only tools in their arsenal. Aetherwork attacks ranging from solar based beams, explosive orbs, or cutting energy blades are matched by calling down a rain of rock melting lighting or a blizzard of tree shredding razor-hail. When confronted in direct combat, the Contoller will attempt mental domination, and if that fails, mental attacks on the hostile before unleashing a barrage of Aetherworks attacks of every elemental school imaginable. If one is not driven mad by them, they are hallucinating before being cut down or reduced to free-floating atoms by a miniturized sun landing on them. Either way, a Controller is a formidable foe to fight even alone, and given the context of their purpose and usage, they are rarely ever alone.

In terms of reproduction, it is unknown what, if any, biological sexes Controllers possess. Indeed, it is commonly accepted that Controllers do not have a biological sex at all, being genderless beings like their Uplifter counterparts who exist solely to protect their world. Though rare, records indicate it's possible for Controllers to be slain in combat, similr to how the Uplifters can, in the right circumstances, die. However, they are immediatly replaced like a broken cog in a machine, with the new Controller filling in for them seemingly coming out of nowhere. Whether Controllers are 'born' in some way, or built, and by who or what, remains a complete unknown, as they are illusive and refuse contact or conversation. The only thing that is known for sure is that they seem to be more single-minded and less prone to mistakes or mishaps than their Uplifter counterparts, though whether by design or if this is emergent behavior is another vexing mystery.

For as much as we know about the Controllers, there is so much we don't know. We do not know where they lie in wait when not in use, whether it is some hidden place on Null physically, another realm, or even the Aether itself, as all attempts to find them have failed, even with Aetherwork using Magi. What is known for sure, however, is that they are on ourside, and are completely devoted to their duty, an admirable trait though also a worrying one: Are they here to protect us, or are they here to protect the planet itself? And if it is the latter, will they turn on us if we become a threat to our world's stability? A worrying though, but luckily one we have not had to find out to this day. [A note is attached. It reads 'As of their recent help during the Moon War, we got a chance to do some studying of our own. They seem to inhabit a section of the Aether that 'surrounds' Null, meaning unless you have Aetherworks, nobody and nothing is ever getting to them first; They seem to be protecting us as much as the planet, and so won't turn against us if we change our world; and finally, they seem to be each an individual, but linked together in a psuedo-hivemind that helps coordinate their thoughts and actions with one another. The creepy thing is, this psuedo-hivemind is eerily similar to what the Reaper Corp used for their troops when they fought against us. I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but the implications are uncomfortable....']
Goods of the World of Null, 5.
[A worn out poster is visible, carefully preserved with loving care. It shows a band made up of hair metal rocking Ogra playing before a crowd. Words follow, reading 'Rockageddon CCXVII, touring live across select cities of the Median this summer!' A list of bands is visible underneath this, but time has left the names and logos too faded to be legible now.]


[An advertisement shows a robotic rabbit woman in a maid outfit standing in an action pose, a mop in one hand and a cycloptic robot torso leaking oil in the other. Her hand is holding it by the head, crushing the metal, while her face is in a seren look of icy fury. 'Metal Maid Panic, sequel to the critically acclaimed Metal Maid and Metal Maid Black graphic novela series, coming soon!']


[An old advertisement is visible, the date very recent, depicting a squad of colorful Displaced women in frilly sailor fuku outfits as they strike action poses, the edges of the poster showing shadowy figures menacing them. 'Lovely Honey Squad, collect the entire series for only D55!]


[A holographic advertisement is visible, showing a lively beach area full of aquatic Displaced and non Aquatic Displaced, as well as Nullians, enjoying the surf and sand. 'Neo-Sunset is proud to present the grand opening of the Pond Bay Beaches. Enjoy good food, meet exciting new people, and dance the night away with friends and family. Admission is free, space is limited, first come first serve.']


[An extremely old poster that has been preserved depicts a first generation Nullian combat mech, the chest open to reveal the pilot sitting within, arms bare and eyes exposed as he glares at the viewer. 'Heavy Mettle Waltz, Tales of the Steel Front War. Coming Soon.']
(Okay folks, real talk.

I've been having a think, on the various eras of the world of the Encylopedia, how to possibly expand on them, and more. I've made no bones of retcons and revision in past updates to bring everything more in line with a 'finalized' vision of the setting I have, something that could, one day perhaps, be published with art and more as an actual book to be read as a lore companion piece to a possible table top RPG.

So, with that said, at the current moment, the three main polities of Null is the Median, made up of the native races, the Ogra nations, which are run by our resident Orc-Gnoll equivalents and backed up by Lasarna cultural rebels, and the Lasarna Republics, which have a massive population of Mortalized Spirits.

So, with that said, I'd like to open up the doors for another 'what do the readers want to see'? If each of you guys had a choice on what expies or fantasy/scifi species archetypes you'd like to see fleshed out on Null, what would you want to see? What fantasy races or equivalents would you want to see Displaced and added to the Ogra's populace, or the Lasarnan Republics?

What kinds of creatures, concepts, or items would you like to see the 'Nullian version' of?

As an example, I'm flirting with the idea of the Ogra also having a population of Goblins to fill a 'manic inventor' role, and for a 'High Culture' role to be filled out by, of all archetypes, a species of ratmen. Meanwhile, the Lasarna have Satyr and Gorgons planned to be added in at a later date as part of a major event, the next big 'thing' after the Moon War event ends in my plans.

But that's just my thoughts, what do you guys want to see? How do you think we can expand the World of Null more?)
Bore Worm.
Bore Worm.

[Sketches follow, depicting a large, armored worm creature, its jaws segmented to open up to reveal a flower like maw full of teeth, a light within indicating it projects some sort of heat based breath weapon, which is confirmed in the other sketches showing it using its jet of plasma to melt rock in front of it as it borrows through the ground.]

[A note is attached. It reads 'Bore Worms are soooo tasty man, you don't even know!']

Scientific Name Translation: Firemouth Worm.

Average Size: Varies on subspecies.

Average Weight: Varies on subspecies.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: N/A, hermaphoriditc species capable of asexual reproduction.

Habitat Range: Primarily deserts, but also found in mountain ranges and occasionally digs into other biomes.

Out of the many lines of arthropodic life forms on our homeworld, few have quite the same widespread cultural impact as the Bore Worm. Coming in a wide range of sizes, subspecies, and variants, the Bore Worm is one of the most successful species of arthropods on Null, differentiated from True Worms by their hard, segmented shells. Genetic and evolutionary evidence indicates they originate from an ancestor of what is the modern day Murderpede, one that took on lifestyle habits of digging that would culminate in their modern, legless forms. Regardless as to the specifics of their origins, the Bore Worms were here to stay and they have made themselves known since then. [A note is attached. It depicts a sketch drawing of a massive sandworm bursting from a dune, roaring at the sky.]

Found all over Arisa, the Bore Worm makes its home in large stretches of desert land, both hot and cold variants, digging through the soil to consume minerals and other underground wild-life as they do so. They dig with a mixture of mechanical boring action as well as a heat based bioplasma lance produced by numerous glands within their body before ejecting the resulting plasma out of the mouth to melt rock and soil in front of it into an easily digestible molten slurry. On average, this allows the average Greater Bore Worm (5-10 meters long) to travel through three hundred meters of Nullian solid rock found in mountains in less than 10 minutes.

The Bore Worm is covered in a segmented armored carapace, tougher than the rock they feed on and able to resist military weapon's fire from Sluggers and grenades, though rail weapons can still pierce through them, and their mouth when open is a weak spot. Furthermore, the larger Bore Worms must vent excess heat by stretching out and venting superheated plasma build up, during which time they are vulnerable during this cool down period. However, as they only need to cool down once every 10 minutes of continuous digging, it is not common to occur in normal encounters, thus making heavy weapons fire vital for taking these creatures down. [A note is attached. It reads 'It's impossible to miss these things when they vent with modern thermal imaging. Just turn on some industrial grade thermal sights and boom, you'll see mountain ranges lighting up with these suckers in them.']

Ejecting plasma plumes that reach temperatures in excess of 10k C., Bore worms are a threat to modern vehicles such as tanks or mining equipment, which they view as concentrated sources of minerals they often seek for consumption. As such, Bore Worms are frequent aggressors towards the outermost defenses of the Great Walled Cities and most mining operations. The Stonecutters, however, discovered that the Bore Worm is vulnerable to concentrated electrical discharges from Fulgerite munitions, allowing them to be taken down even with infantry grade small arms if enough Fulgerite firepower is leveraged against them. [A note is attached. It reads 'Man, I've had to work on some of the tanks after a Bore Worm attack, and let me tell you, having to weld off entire sections to replace with new parts is a pain in the butt. The real bad cases are such lost causes, we just scrap the whole thing and recycle it to make a new tank.']

When it comes to reproduction, Bore Worms are equally able to breed with one another as they are to perform asexual reproduction. When two worms do mate, it is as clinically direct as it is simple: Two worms passing each other by during their tunnelling will spray one another with genetic material and pass on by without even stopping. The end result of either method is an eggsack being laid in a pocket of regurgitated minerals to act as the hatchling's first meal before they are let loose into the world all on their own. [A note is attached. It depicts a Rock Worm with a sunhat leaving behind a bundle of eggs next to a pile of molten slag. Words follow, reading 'Bye kids, see you never!']

Culturally, Bore Worms and their variants, including the docile Rock Worm, the belligerent Ice and Sand Worms, and the volcano dwelling Ash Worms, are well known animals among the various Nations of the Median, and are a common food source among the Stonecutters, Icebreakers, Firebrands, and Skyrunners in particular. The specifics of opinion differs from culture to culture, however the common sentiment of Bore Worm meat being extremely delicious and tender has made them culinary staples where possible, and delicacies sought after in those where farming is not possible. The Stonecutters have a massive stake in the exportation of Bore Worm meat, as the more docile Rock Worms that live in their territory are easily farmable and are known for their particularly tender flesh when properly cooked. Smoked Rock Worm is not an uncommon site in menus the world over. [A note is attached. It reads 'You've never lived until you've had Rock Worm stew. And Rock Worm Wurst. And Rock Worm steak. An-'(This goes on for several more lines.)]

Bore Worms are also a staple food source in Ogra lands, where giant scale variants dwell in the aptly named Land of Giants. It is a common coming of age ceremony for Ogra young to participate in the hunting of adolescent Bore Worms in their lands, where the beasts are slain by being tricked into eating Solarite bombs. It is equally common for the meat to be eaten in great feasts on the spot following the successful hunt as a result. Ogra affiliate races are split on Bore Worm meat, with the Gobbs finding it an excellent source of minerals and nutrients, while the Tyto people outwardly find the beasts to be extremely unsophisticated dining, though rumors abound of it being popular in banquets behind closed doors is not unheard of.

Regardless of cultural importance or lack thereof, Bore Worm numbers have been in decline the past fews centuries due to over hunting, a fact that has no clearcut answer to as the worms are attracted to and hunt our technology and equipment as easy sources of food, which we naturally will defend against. Despite their dangerous potential, Bore Worms are not listed as a species requiring extinction for our continued survival, and as a result research is being done on conservation methods. The most promising one so far is the use of sonic weaponry to drive off the worms, though only time will tell how effective it will be in the end. [A note is attached. It reads 'Save the Bore worms! They're too tasty to let die off!']
April 1st: Sacred Dance.
There is a myth, a legend passed down by the generations, of a time long ago at the dawn of the World of Null. The world was young, its people younger. Life was difficult, brutal, but early society form, and the birth of culture came with it. It was not good, but it was tolerable, as much as life in those times could be.

And then, the sun went out.

The light of Dominus ceased to fall over the world, and as the cold set in, all knew they were doomed.

The peoples of the world gathered together, for it was said that only an act of great devotion would Dominus return to relight the world and bring light and warmth back to it.

And so, the peoples danced.

The first were the outsiders, the Ogra. Their dance was brutal, primitive, violent, but there was a grace to it that could not be denied.

The sun did not return.

Next were the Empusa, the smallest of the Chimera. Theirs was a dance of aggression, of passion that was coiled tightly and unleashed in a storm of activity.

Still the sun did not come back.

After them was the Chimera themselves. They were grace, flowing and sliding into each motion like water, their dancers moving as one with one another, regal and beauty given form.

Dominus remained silent.

Next to go was supposed to be the Cerberi, but something happened. They stood together with the Oros while the others danced, communing. Finally, when the time came, the Cerberi stood back, bringing out primitive instruments: Drums, and strings, and the lightning-flutes of captured Fulgerite. The Oros all stood back as a single one stood tall, in the middle of the assembly. A Cerberus brought forth a spent piece of Solarite, the solar crystal dead and silent and lightless.

The Oros stood tall, took a deep breath.....And began his dance.

As the music and the dance continued, the spent Solarite crystal came to life, and all at once, Dominus returned, bathing the world in warmth and light.


"And that is how we Oros got our sacred dance."

"Wow, gramma, is that true?"

"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Regardless of the truth, it's our dance we share with the Cerberi and it's why all our cultures know it."


"Actually, it's quite silly, but if it's good enough to amuse a sun back to life, it's good enough to keep on doing!"

[Sketches depict a species of short, pointy eared furless creatures with feline like facial features, particularly the nose and eyes. Some are taller than others, but all have a notable amount of muscle and fat in their often times squat frames. They are differentiated between various subspecies and subtypes, some larger and stronger looking than the rest while still retaining the same basic identifying features. Their skin color ranges from greens, to yellows, to oranges, to rusty colors, while their eyes range from yellow, orange, red, amber, and gold. Males have a topknot of hair on their heads, while females have full heads of hair as well as curvier frames. They are often shown wearing fully body clothes and masks.]

[A note is attached. It reads 'They're so cute!....Do they think we're cute?']

Scientific Name Translation: Little Makers.

Average Size: 4-5 feet/1.2-1.5 meters tall.

Average Weight: 200-280 pounds/90.7-127kgs.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Females have full heads of hair, mammary glands, and curvier bodies than males.

Habitat Range: Ogra territories, with small enclaves in other Civilized territories.


Of the many Displaced species on Null, none are as successful or as numerous as the Ogra. Indeed, our western neighbors thrive in the Land of Giants to the West, despite the dangers and brutal conditions there. However, they are not the only species to live in the West. Indeed, the Ogra territories has found itself the largest population of Displaced on Null in terms of independent survival. One such species is the deceptively small, but no less important Gobbs.

A species Displaced to Ogra territory around the time of the founding of the Median in 1501AA, the Gobb are at first glance small, diminutive even, with squat and full features that lead many to underestimate them. Assumed to have been brought here by a Rogue, and now almost certainly dead, Uplifter, the Gobb are stronger and tougher than they look, with dense muscle and bone that gives them a durability and strength not expected for their size. Furthermore, Gobbs are also notable for their extreme adaptability, able to adapt into new pseudo-subspecies within a generation to better survive in any environment they live in. This has led to one of the most well known the Ogra proverbs: 'If a Gobb can't live there, nothing can.' [A note is attached. It depicts a cartoon Gobb floating in space without a helmet going 'This is a fine place to grow a farm.']

This, however, is not the secret to their success, and integration into Ogra society. For the Gobb's greatest strengths is not their physical attributes, but their mental ones. Gobbs are an extremely technologically attuned species, with even young and uneducated Gobbs having an innate sense for crafting tools and items to assist them in their day to day lives. With further education, knowledge passed down and refined through the generations, the Gobbs are able to produce technological wonders with relatively little support or outside help, though this sometimes comes at the cost of the machines stability due to a lack of logistical support base in more far flung areas.

Upon their arrival, the Gobbs were quick to set up and expand into vast underground networks and cave systems within the West, mining ore and refining it to produce what were, at the time, the most complex and advanced vehicles and war machines on the planet. Indeed, this theoretically made them, for a short time anyway, the most powerful military force in terms of technological advancement in the era. However, the more advanced Gobbs were quick to underestimate the intelligence and creativity of the Ogra, who still vastly outnumbered them, and in the ten year long war that followed, many Gobb vehicle convoys and tank divisions were quick to learn to fear Ogra guerilla fighters, saboteurs, and tank hunter teams who were fast to develop strategy and countermeasures against the Gobbs. [A note is attached. It reads 'Ogra tank designs, and to a lesser extent Median ones too, were directly influenced during their evolution by Gobb tanks during this time period. I learned that indepth during my engineering courses when they were teaching us how to maintain and fix up vehicles!']

As casualties in both their arsenal and people quickly rose up, the Gobbs were wise enough to see the writing on the wall and step forward with the flag of truce to the Ogra, a newfound respect for what they had been quick to dismiss as unintelligent brutes quickly proved them wrong time and again. The Ogra, for their part, were quite impressed by the Gobbs military inventions and their use of commando assassin teams to try and counteract Ogra infantry, things that earned the Gobbs the respect of the Ogra. In what is now known as the Western Compact, the Gobbs and the Ogra signed a peace treaty that would, in turn, bring the two species into an alliance, with various Gobb clans joining Ogra civilizations as engineers, vehicle crews, and mech pilots for a next generation vehicle designs. This has continued into the modern day, with the Gobbs joining the Ogra in combat as saboteurs, combat engineers, commando sappers, and 'Rock-Hopper' mech pilots. [A note is attached. It depicts a detailed sketch of a chicken legged mech with a pair of cannon arms leaping through the air on jump jets while firing down at an unseen enemy.]

Forming close knit family bonds, Gobb families form long chains of alliances built on mutual economic, ideological, and materialistic interests, with their wide variety of world views leading to them forming enclaves in other Civilized Nations, following what each clan believes to be the best choice for the long term success and economic prosperity of their kin. These family bonds also means that Gobbs are quick to form feuds with those that slay their kin, though how severe the ramifications of these feuds are range heavily from clan to clan: Some clans demand repayment in blood, while others settle for an economic or service base trade agreement to make up for their lost family member.

Culturally, Gobbs are quite diverse, with the various subspecies and subvariants, like the more imposing and physically active Oggs or the more stealth and clandestine focused Hobbs, each forming their own distinct subculture. Gobbs who adapt to water rich environments such as lakes, rivers, and more tend to develop a strong inclination towards swimming and performing festivals near, around, or in water, while more desert dwelling Gobbs tend to create structures as waypoints and shrines within the deserts of the West. Religion exists and is widespread among the Gobbs, but is not at the most forefront of their culture. Veneration of whom they call 'The Ancestor Gods' is common, particularly those related to commerce, mining, and invention and creation, though it is not uncommon for Gobbs to be assimilated and practice the religions of native Nullians wherever they call home.

One commonality across most, though not all, Gobb cultures is their attire. Full body covering clothing is common, to protect their skin from both the elements as well as their work in industry. Masks, therefore, are widespread to protect their faces from debris and sparks. Personalization of these masks is quite common, a cultural hallmark that has led to much cross-cultural exchange between them and the similarly mask heavy Oros cultures. [A note is attached. It reads 'After the Bloodsuckers were mostly wiped out, and following the Great Walled Cities were finished and opened for habitation, there was a massive cultural push to drop the masks since we 'no longer needed them' due to the Bloodsuckers being extinct in the wild and we now live in the safety of the GWC's. A lot of my friends and a lot of the younger generation have stopped wearing masks, but most of the older folks still do. I don't wear it often, but I always keep my old mask on me at all times when I leave home.']

In terms of reproductive matters, Gobbs are mammalian and give birth to live young. Parents have powerful bonds between themselves and their children, making family units extremely close knit and protective of one another. While the mother only gives birth to a set of twins every gestation cycle, Gobb's have the shortest gestation of any of the Civilized Races on Null at only a maximum of 2 months, with mothers able to get pregnant again within days after delivery, and with children weening off milk to more solid foods within a similar two month period. As such, while Gobbs are easier to kill and lack the Ogra's sheer number of offspring, their population is quite capable of exploding in record time if not for cultural and government oversight keeping their numbers down. Gobbs are quite aware of their reproductive capacity, and take steps to avert having more mouths than they can feed, having the foresight to recognize that too many Gobbs at a time can strain, and even break, their civilization's resources to maintain their numbers.

Powerful allies to have, the Gobbs and the Ogra have had a close bond following their two people's unification many years ago, with Ogra-Gobb cross species pairs not being uncommon or unheard of, with the resulting offspring of the pairings being of the mother's species as per usual and considered members of their respective species society. They have also proven as stead-fast allies to the other Nations they are a part of, with much headway being made in Median vehicle design thanks to suggestions and lessons learned by Gobb citizens. It should be noted, however, that Gobbs culturally do not get along very well with the other Displaced populace allied with the Ogra, the Striga people, with the Striga's high society cultural leanings clashing heavily with the Gobb's own worker centric social systems. This has never blown up into full on conflict beyond the initial war between the Ogra and the Striga, but the rivalry between the two often raises its ugly head in civil matters of state, where their representatives are quick to argue and slow to agree even on mutually beneficial government agendas. [A note is attached. It reads 'Who would win in a mud-wrestling match, an Ogg or a Striga soldier? Vote now on your Bloks!']
Last edited:

[Sketches depict an array of bipedal beings of various builds and body-types, the only unifying aspect about them being that they are all avian based. One build is shorter and stockier than the others, with a hefty weight and evident muscle mass of a hard manual laborer, while another is tall and lithe, with long limbs and a straight backed orientation. A third build, meanwhile, appears to be between the heights of the other two builds, and are notably more curved with fuller hips proportionate to their body height. A fourth body type is distanced from the others, and is tall and powerfully built with a great amount of potent muscle-mass. Interestingly, despite their avian nature, females appear to have fully developed mammary glands, which the sketcher wrote as 'unexpected' in the margins. Finally, across all, there appears to be various racial markers analogous to various bird species, including crows, owls, hens, and hawks, and the styles of dress are extremely stylish and needlessly ornate, which again seems to have confused the sketcher with them writing 'What tactical use does an unarmored dress that puffy offer?', while others wear clothing ranging from servant attire to more exotically provocative clothing.]

[A note is attached. It reads 'Birb bewba. Biology and nature can suck egg! >:D']

Scientific Name Translation: Witchweed Bird.

Average Size: Between 5-8 feet/1.5-2.44 meters tall, depending on build.

Average Weight: Between 200-800 pounds/90.72-362.87kgs, depending on build.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Females have full heads of hair, mammary glands, and curvier bodies than males, though exact amounts of curves vary between body-types.

Habitat Range: Floating Isles and cities across Ogra and Skyrunner territories.


It is no secret, and indeed a commonly accepted fact about our homeworld of Null that it is a difficult place to survive in prior to the modern day, with even fortified cities prior to the Great Walled Cities being susceptible to large enough incursions by Spider-Ants or other unexpected terrors. Indeed, this made evolving and developing on our homeworld an extremely grueling, difficult process that weeded out Displaced species brought here across the eons until a select few powerful, or fit, enough were able to develop into a niche all of their own.

However, this has led to a question in come circles. Namely, every species that came to Null did so unexpectedly, without warning, and without aid or support, with only their own strength and ability at a more primitive and unprepared level to survive in our world's ruthless environment. The question, therefore, is 'What if a species came to Null, but not only expected it, but was completely prepared?' The answer to that question exists in the form of relative new-comers in the Striga-Hyto.

The Striga-Hyto, commonly just shortened to just the Striga or, if familiarity is earned, the Hyto, stand out among the various races of Null, Displaced or otherwise, in that they are the first of only two known extra dimensional species to actively, willingly come to Null of their own volition, fully equipped and prepared for their own self-sustained survival. Unlike the invaders of 'Mytus Corp', however, the Striga came not as resource exploiters or conquerors, but as refugees escaping a doomed world. Though most are hesitant to bring up the painful memories of their exodus from their homeworld, dimensional long-scry was used to confirm what those that did tell of the tale said: Their world, Hylia, was dying from the sudden onset of a cataclysmic mystical event that would consume their world. [A note is attached. It reads 'Well, that's depressing. A world doesn't have to be a horrible place for something to go horribly, horribly wrong.']

As the only species that lived on this world, the Striga used advanced magitech means to find worlds best suited for a new home, which sadly for them they found only Null as a viable alternative, as our world was the closest to theirs on the dimensional plane and the only one that could easily be accessed. The remnants of their dying civilizations, less than 5 million in total, were able to get onboard and depart on the Great Merchant Cities, floating magitech constructs meant to ferry enormous amounts of trade between far flung lands on their now departed planet, and used them to enter the dimensional planes between our worlds, where they underwent extensive alchemical therapies and extensive mystical reconstruction of all their belongings in order to survive in Null's corrosive filled atmosphere.

Arriving in 1457, almost three decades before the Third Kingdom War began, the Striga Merchant Families, now the rulers of what remained of their race, set about using their advanced magitech to survey and set up new residences and cities on the Floatstone rich isles and micro-continents hovering over Ogra and Skyrunner territories, beginning the long and painstaking process of rebuilding what remained of their cultures in a new, hostile world. Their advanced technology and weaponry, including a breed of magi-tech based energy weapon base never seen before, allowed them to defend themselves from the creatures that claim the skies and floating isles of our world as their home. The Spider-Ant is the hated enemy of all who live on or under the ground of Null, but for the Striga who reside in the skies, it is the Hellhawk Hornets who they have found as their greatest enemy. [A note is attached. It reads 'It's no secret that Null has gotten deadlier over time as things become more powerful to adapt to rising tech levels. Back during those days, a Striga Beam Rifle shot was enough to kill one of those buggos. These days, you need a freaking fighter to take them out.']

Due to their new society being managed and ruled by aristocratic merchants, any chances of them attempting military actions against the less advanced peoples on the ground during that era vanished when the decision was made by the Striga High Council to begin looking into ways to enter mutually beneficial trade relations with those who had overnight become their new neighbors. With the Ogra, they traded them (nonreplicable at the time) shielding and power sources in exchange for mined ores and minerals they could not get in the skies, while with the Skyrunners they traded (also non-replicable) weaponry and vehicles in exchange for military defense pacts and Skyrunner mercenaries assisting in their people's defense. Though all native parties were surprised by the sudden and non-aggressive arrival of their new neighbors, millennia of putting up with Null's eccentricities and brutality led to them quickly accepting the new status quo and a new powerful trade partner to mutually benefit from. [A note is attached. It depicts a cartoon Oros staring at a cartoon Striga and saying 'Okay, birds exist now.']

Culturally, the modern day Striga are formed from about 7 primary surviving cultures to hail from their original world before its destruction, specifically the mercantile classes of these cultures who were closely tied together by their bonds of trade and familial alliances. In Nullian terms, the Bretons are analogous to parts of Royalback nation, while the Qin are of the other parts of the Royalbacks; The Hoya resemble the Icebreaker's primary cultural aspects, and the Bharat are similar to the aspects of the Bughunter's building aesthetics; The Persis reflect a mirror for some of the tribes of the Skyrunners, and the Copt of the primary cultural construction aesthetics of them as well. Finally, the Venia resembles the trading city-state Isla Oro on the coast bordering the Bughunters and the Firebrands.

While it is said their respective nations were long historically rivals with one another, the merchant clans from each have a long history of inter-marriage alliances that has long since led to their forming of a distinct aristocratic culture that blends and melds aspects from all of their cultures, to the point where the remaining distinct aesthetics and cultural markers are more of a remnant held alive by tradition of their respective origins rather than a dearly held cultural distinctiveness common on Null. As a result of this intermixing, the Striga, or at least the mercantile families and their servants brought to the new world, have little in the way of cultural tensions between one another. However, that being said, they are universally quite proud and attached to their shared blended culture and as a result, older generations tend to frown upon younger generations trying to integrate ideas from 'outside' without an extensive, and often very long, process of review by the Striga High Council, which has on more than one occasion caused tension and butting of heads between the two age brackets. [A note is attached. It reads 'It took time for the Median's member Nations to put aside all of their old grudges and beefs to become what we are today. I wonder just how long it took for the Striga to get along like that?']

This is not without reason, however: Following the institution of the Median, the wealthy families and organizations of the newly founded super-nation, known colloquially as 'Upper Echelon', were quick to jump at the opportunity to try and change Striga economic and social statuses to better reflect their idealized view of what is known on Null as 'Cooperative Economic Theory', which posits that in times of stress or poor conditions, it is the duty of the wealthy to expend funds in order to aid economic recovery and assist the market to become healthy in the event of conditions that would harm market health such as monopolies. While in theory an noble goal, Upper Echelon successfully managed to slip away the knowledge of the creation and maintenance of Striga's highly vaunted weapons technology caused relations between the two parties to cool and a tightening of the leash between relations of Striga High Society and Median Upper Echelon's intermingling. [A note is attached. It reads 'Technically, Gramma Alyxia would count as UE, but only because she was born as royalty. Thank goodness she officially doesn't count, though. I don't want to go through the Agoge just to earn the right to access the family fortune. D:']

Ironically, the success of Upper Echelon managing to acquire Striga weapons technology caused them to realize that the blueprints they had acquired were, in fact, completely and utterly useless to any non-Striga: While they do, in fact, utilize mana-magics like most other species, the quirks of how they interact with them means that, while they were able to develop and create advanced magitech technologies, the exact same technologies are completely unreplaceable without Striga involvement in the creation process. Admitting defeat and realizing their error, the Upper Echelon and the Striga would go on to make peace in the ensuing decades after that incident and would work together to pen the Nullian Intellectual Rights Laws, which governs all laws related to or involving copyright on Null to this day. [A note is attached. It reads 'I got to look at a Striga Phased Beam Rifle, which looked like a fancied up musket rifle thing from the way, way olden days. It's actually a very fascinating piece of engineering, using cartridges of condensed, Striga 'woven' mana power cells to fuel and power the weapons. Don't let their aesthetics fool you: Striga like wood-furnishings and making stuff look like they come out of the olden days. But they are not.']

Society wise, time and a lack of raw numbers has resulted in the once highly stratified social order of the striga becoming something mildly, though not entirely, egalitarian: Social status is not fixed, and ones social class is flexible and malleable based on their successes and failures in whatever fields of career they apply themselves in. The introduction of Median Golem technology also meant that the quality of life between the Servant classes and the Elites are, if not the same, then comparable enough as to not matter in terms of fulfillment, safety, and comfort for the common folk of their species. Nullian mercenaries working as security and body-guards for the Striga have gone on record to find the lavishness of their accommodations despite their roles to be oddly unnerving to them, even if they admit to enjoying the luxuries considered common defaults among the Striga.

Compared to the more egalitarian natives of our world, the Striga have more clearly defined gender roles that, while having loosened over time to adapt to their new world, still influences aspects of their society to this day. It is typical for male Striga to take on roles of builders, engineers, architects, soldiers, and leading businesses and enterprises, while females dominate most other fields. Interestingly, while Nullian 'heads of the house' tend to be which ever partner is the strongest, a hold-over from the days where the strongest partner was the bread winner in a hostile world, females are the heads of their house-holds by default, and oversee family affairs, banking and accounting, as well as officiating business transactions. The Striga have a proverb: 'Men control the market, but women control the house.' [A note is attached. It reads 'Good thing for them they're becoming more open-minded. I can't imagine having to run numbers for the family treasury, my head's in engineering not accounting!']

Interestingly, the Striga religious practices stand out for their worship not of a specific deity or pantheon, but rather the belief of what they call 'The Great Cycle'. They see this cycle in everything, from the changing of the seasons, to the passage of time, to the phases of the moons, to a belief in reincarnation among their people. Due to the nature of the soul being variable from universe to universe, while we know reincarnation to not affect any Nullian race in a way where past lives 'bleed' into current ones, there is some evidence to support this affects the Striga as memories of past lives are not uncommon among them, though its exact mechanics are debated even among themselves as to the methodology by which they are reborn. Another interesting facet is that their belief in the Great Cycle is not, in fact, mutually exclusive to other belief systems: A Striga can just as likely pray to a deity for fortune as they can appeal to the spirits of their ancestors, and it is considered just as viable among them without any affect on their beliefs of the Cycle. Of those Striga to have adopted Nullian religions, the Great Spirit Pantheon is the most common secondary religion among them, particularly the Great Spirit of Loot and Riches, Arara. The next most common is, surprisingly, Nullian inspired Ancestor Worship, with the seeming incompatibility with the nature of the Great Cycle's reincarnation being reconciled as the Great Cycle simply existing in this next life, with their ancestors and them simply being reborn anew in a new plane of existence.

In the modern day, the Striga are officially a neutral party nation in most trade disputes between the Ogra and the Median, being on good terms with both parties. They have cool, but existing trading relationships with the Lasarna Republics, the two cultures finding the other's luxury items to be very appealing. Though relatively low in numbers, the Striga stand out for being the largest source of third-party military supply packages during the Draconic Wars, the Dream Lotus Incursion, and with the most recent Spider-Ant wars to break out. [A note is attached. It reads 'They also have been pumping out gear like mad to fill demands during the Moon War currently going on. You see more Plasma-Locks and Las-Jazzails than any other non-Median weapon system from footage on the Moon. They're not even selling it to us, they're just tossing the weapons and ammo as fast as they're producing them. Makes sense: They already lost one world, they sure as hell don't want to lose another.]

In terms of biological facets, the Striga are possibly one of the most alien to our Nullian sensibilities. On the surface, they appear as bipedal avians with various body-types not unlike the Oros, whose females lay eggs on a fairly frequent basis and who are, in general, greatly attuned to the use of Mana based magics. However, the more one looks into their inner workings, the more unusual they become to our understanding of biology. Males have external reproductive organs, while females have fully functional mammary gland analogs used to feed their newborns, who are not hatched from eggs but rather born viviparously: The eggs laid by the females are unfertilized ova which develop into full, but nonviable, eggs, which is traditionally eaten by the mother to regain lost nutrients. [A note is attached. It depicts a cartoon Oros staring at a diagram of a Striga Baby and an egg and how they don't intersect. The Oros is saying 'Oh boy, more things beyond the comprehension of Mortal man.']

Furthermore, their body-types are not the result of a built in biological system, but the result of various different Striga subspecies interbreeding over the years and resulting in an extremely varied people in terms of build and 'species' aesthetics, with the body-type of a given offspring depending on those of the mother and father, with males getting their father's body-type and females gaining their mothers. These body types include the tall and lanky Alpha, the curved and limber Delta, the short and stout Lambda, and the artificially induced super-soldier Omega forms.

Their hands and feet are covered in typical avian calloused digits, with the odd inclusion of mammal like pads where applicable on them. These digits are tipped with claws that, if not kept dull by rather frequent care, will become sharp enough to claw into untreated stone and leave deep grooves. Their beaks are highly malleable, allowing them to speak and form sounds as easily as any species with lips, though a vocal chamber like structure allows them to indulge in a wide array of sounds not unlike our own such structures in the throat. In addition, they have an oversized Mana Converter relative to their size, which despite a lack of divine power boosting them unlike the Lasarna, allows them feats of magic matched only by Mortalized Spirits and beyond. What's more, despite all of their species being based on primarily predatory avians, they are omnivorous albeit with a slant towards a meat heavy diet, and have an extreme fondness for drinks such as wine and liquors. [A note is attached. It reads 'I'm not even sure if the Striga can get drunk. I've seen Oros get sauced and we have two super-livers and a regen ability, but I once saw a Striga diplomat down enough bottles to get one of us tipsy, and she was just strutting around like she was drinking water!']

In terms of offensive and defensive abilities, physically they are tougher than they look, with even a hit from an Ogra or Oros throwing them back without breaking their bones. This is the result of dense, yet paradoxically light weight bones, as well as their alchemical enhancements to survive better on Null improving their durability across the board. Their inherent magical skill and extensive education on its usage also gives them a wide array of close and long range powers and spells to use or enhance their natural abilities, and their peak vision allows them to be dead-eye shots outstripped only by experienced Oros Normal soldier. They also use their abilities to make up for a stunted, underdeveloped back wings via creating pinions of energy to fly with, as needed, something even their youngest seem to know how to tap into reflexively. There is a fourth form used in the military to create the 'Omega' body type super soldiers from any of the other body-types, however this is not used as often as you would expect, as these new forms, while very powerful, require a lot of resources and maintenance to keep healthy and well fed.

In reproductive terms, a coupling between a male and female Striga will result, after about 8 months of gestation time, one or two infants, their body type based on that of their parents. Born in a live, placental manner like all Civilized species of Null, the infants are fed their mother's equivalent to breast milk and are weened off at around two years old, which is where their development begins in earnest. This long period of vulnerability, as well as their young being virtually defenseless as children, means the Striga are just as protective of their children as any Nullian, especially with the dangers of their new homeworld as Hellhawk attacks are not uncommon.

What is interesting about Striga reproductive strategy, however, is that their birth rates are actually slanted to females, on average of two-to-one. With males traditionally entering the military and Null's dangers ensuring a notable attrition rate, this means during peace time, females out-number males three-to-one. As a result, Striga society has long adapted by marrying their males with a 'headwife', who would go on to pick and choose other females of her choice into their relationship as secondary wives. This is very foreign and alien to most Nullians' sensibilities, but it helps to understand that this system arose out of necessity due to an inherent gender imbalance in their population. However, in times of great conflict, the ensuing casualties that arise can result in overwhelming imbalances. When this occurs, the Striga High Council has been known to reach out to their Upper Echelon counterparts in order to make marriage deals between the two parties, based on the severity of a war's losses to their male population. These political marriages are not done lightly, nor casually, as every instance of an Upper Echelon scion being married off to abate the Striga population stresses is another avenue of influence the UE has with their society. [A note is attached. It reads 'Us Nullians aren't really 'built' mentally wise for polyamory. Like, it happens on occasion, sure, but most of us can't wrap our heads around the idea of having more than one mate you're completely devoted to. Still, if all parties are into it, more power to them.']

Possibly unique among the Displaced on Null to have willingly come here to escape certain death, the Striga have since formed themselves into a vital part of Null's global economic web, becoming invaluable trade partners for most parties on the Arisa continent, a fact not lost on them. While some find their high society trappings and at times haughty attitudes annoying, especially compared to Upper Echelon's more utilitarian and public service based culture, no one can deny their influence has been felt in the economic circles of the world even as far flung as the Lasrana Republics. Despite a rocky start from our own mistakes, the Striga remain a valued trade ally to the Median, and one who won't be going anywhere any time soon.
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[Sketches depict several species of mice, rats, and squirrels working in mutual cooperation with one another in a collective fashion, building nests in trees and treelines. They come in a wide variety of colorations and shapes, all unified by the leathery wings sprouting from their backs.]

[A note is attached. It reads 'They're so cute! But like, rodents are cute by default. Unless they're uninvited to your homes. Then I'm sorry little rat, but then you have to go. Thems the rules.']

Scientific Name Translation: Varies on species.

Average Size: Varies on species, between 5 inches to 1'6 feet.

Average Weight: Varies on species, between half a pound to 20 pounds.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Varies on species, most common being that females have longer tails than males.

Habitat Range: Continent wide.


There are numerous species on our world that, whether through evolutionary pressure, convergent evolution, or a species splitting into several distinct subspecies, that have different members exhibiting extremely different morphological traits from one another. Of mammalian order of Rodentia on Null, one of the most extreme examples of this occurring is the wildly varied divergences between various distinct species collectively known as Flittermice. Contrary to popular modern day belief, Flittermice do not have to be actual mice. Indeed, the family line of Flittermice includes, but are not limited to, mice, rats, squirrels, and mythological dire chinchilla. The unifying feature that distinct this family line from other rodents is their small, but functional bat-like wings on their backs. Indeed, Flittermice receive their name directly from a now long extinct species of bat. [A note is attached. It depicts a cartoon bat placing a crown on a cartoon Flittermice, the species name written on the crown.]

The unifying factors for these species is not only physical: While much debate continues to rage on as to whether their evolution was natural and convergent with other non-Flittermice rodent species, or the end result of a mystical event as is too common with the formation of such 'mixed' species on Null, there is conclusive evidence that Flittermice of all subspecies cooperate with one another in mutually beneficial cross-species communities to better survive. Each species contributes in ways best suited to their kinds strengths, and each cover the others weaknesses, leading to a eusocial way of living usually only seen in insects.

Ranging from 5 inch long mice to one and a half foot tall squirrels, Flittermice lack a central leader figure, lacking any form of 'queen' often seen in Nullian insect hives such as the Spider-Ants or the Bullet Bees. However, research by Flittermice biologist Sosyia Kapoora indicates that a form of communal forum of sorts exist where adult Flittermice trade information of food sources, dangers and threats, as well as locations of other Flittermouse communities amidst the trees, making them eusocial in the same way other hive-breeds such as most regular ants and several bee species on our world. These nests are built into and out of trees, with each tree in a given area housing segments of the wider Flittermouse community. Initially, this was seen as odd due to the fact that Nullian trees is notoriously ruthless in their defense against incursions by small animals. However, it was quickly discovered that this is in fact a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship: The Flittermice receive shelter and protection against predators, while they in turn protect the trees of Null from parasites and herbivorous insects that are a threat to their continued existence. [A note is attached. It reads 'Lucky little punks! >:V']

This is not to say that Flittermice are totally defenseless, however. Mouse and rat type Flittermice, like other rodents of their kind in other family lines, are able to coat their tails in a matter disruption field, giving them incredible cutting power in their defense against smaller predators or the grubbing mitts of curious creatures, while the larger squirrels are capable of coating their claws in typical plasma coating to enhance their strikes in a flurry of vicious mauling to anything foolish enough to give them an opportunity to defend themselves. Their communal nature means they are quick to come to one another's aid, regardless of specific subspecies, and they always rally to the defense of their home-trees if needed and able. If all else fails, their small but functional wings allow them to glide and even fly for a short amount of time to escape danger.

Despite their communal nature and advanced eusocial behaviors, as well as the Aleph Xara's animal counterparts in the case of the mouse-types, it was discovered that Flittermice are not, in fact, Sapient, and thus not a Civilized race unto themselves. Sentient, but lacking culture or history of their own, the innate intelligence and communal bonds of their species did earmark them as objects of interest in some circles of Null's scientific community. Namely, they are the species with the distinct honor to be part of research efforts by Median scientists to create the fist Uplifted species in modern Nullian history, a project which is housed in Yang Quartz. Whether the project has borne fruit yet or not, however, remains a closely guarded secret. [A note is attached. It reads 'I really, really hope if it succeeded, they were able to survive the attack that took out the city....']

In terms of relationship with Civilized Nullians, contrary to popular belief, Flittermice do not make for good pets. Their instincts to build networked communities in trees makes housing them in a normal home virtually impossible, and their desire to be in large communities of their kinds also means that no manageable amount of them can feasibly held within any one household for long anyway. Despite this, Flittermice are considered good luck charms for communities living near or around Flittermice tree-networks, though a popular misconception that originates from the Aleph Xara's 'book mouse' nickname means it is not uncommon for Flittermice to be used as iconography for libraries across the Median. [A note is attached. It reads 'Aleph Xara aren't just icons of scholarly pursuits. They are also very common scribes attached to Median soldiers of renown, to archive their adventures and the things they learn and fight along the way!']

When it comes to reproduction, Flittermice are genetically compatible between their various species, however they exclusively pair up and produce offspring in same-species couplings. To avoid genetic oversaturation of the same genes in any one community, is common for young adult Flittermice to break off from their parent networks in search of new homes to find mates with. Young Flittermice of all species are defenseless for the first few months of their lives, thus necessitating careful care and sanctuary within the most well fortified depths of their tree homes. Needless to say, during pupping season, Flittermice are extremely protective of their homes.

Though the sight of Flittermice has grown uncommon in recent centuries for city-dwellers, especially within the Great Walled Cities, they remain a staple part of scholarly culture due to their Aleph Xara connection making them iconographic staples in places of learning. Only time will tell if the Uplift project in Yang Quartz will work and allow us to interact with these amazing little creatures as equals, or if we will just have to continue on as a society and scientific community without them. In this writer's humble opinion, I can only hope for the latter. [A note is attached. It reads 'I hope so too.']
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Slight correction, insect "queens" don't actually lead the hive, they do act as a core but decisions are reached as a group so flittermice are like them in that way too
Slight correction, insect "queens" don't actually lead the hive, they do act as a core but decisions are reached as a group so flittermice are like them in that way too
(Oh, I know, however the biggest [and most fought] eusocial insect species on Null, the Spider-Ants, are in fact led by the hive-breeders, who act as the leadership and 'designers' of new Spider-Ant types. Other eusocial insect species on Null, such as the regular bees and ants, vary on if they have a 'Hive Queen' leading them, or if they're like real ants and bees and it's more of a genuine super-organism made up of individual insects instead of cells.)
(That being said, you make a compelling argument and I think I might change the update to better reflect that fact, with an added bit detailing the lore I mentioned above of different kinds of eusocial species types on Null. 'Wait, I didn't really make a compelling 'arugment', I just pointed ou-' Please let me save face. :cry:)
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(Oh, I know, however the biggest [and most fought] eusocial insect species on Null, the Spider-Ants, are in fact led by the hive-breeders, who act as the leadership and 'designers' of new Spider-Ant types. Other eusocial insect species on Null, such as the regular bees and ants, vary on if they have a 'Hive Queen' leading them, or if they're like real ants and bees and it's more of a genuine super-organism made up of individual insects instead of cells.)
Interesting. Random bit of trivia: Naked mole rats are the only known eusocial mammals.