Update 60
[X] See what Kingsley has to say, at least.

"Right, what's this proposal?" Musashi asked. "Because I want Alexander dead, but I can promise you right now, I'm not gonna try to convince my allies to stay off your back."

"I wouldn't expect you to." Kingsley replied. "The agreement I propose is simply a matter of… An exchange of information, and an understanding of our actions against the vampire."

"Fair enough." Musashi shrugged. "Let's start with that part. What are you doing, to find him?"

"You must have noticed the evacuated areas, if you are investigating them." Kingsley replied.

Musashi nodded.

"That was the beginning of the plan." Kingsley replied. "It is, admittedly, not much more than that. I had only become aware of the presence of a vampire shortly before the War began, and I had not the time to arrange for proper vampire hunting tools."

"How did you find out?" Musashi asked.

"That, I am afraid, is a secret I must keep." Kingley replied.

Which, in itself, said a lot. Either Kingsley had some method of determining information that could be used against Musashi, or she wanted Musashi to think she had such a method.

Given that Humbaba had caught Avenger off guard and Saber had been convinced that Elspeth was her Master, Musashi was going to go with the latter.

"The intent is to box Alexander in." Kingsley decided to continue. A Bounded Field is being prepared to ensure he cannot leave the evacuated area. I will have a request here, that this Barrier is not interfered with."

"We'll see." Musashi replied. "Maybe an ally of mine will look at it and realise you've hidden your secret murder-all-servants spell into it."

"Acceptable." Kingsley replied. "I have no intent to complicate the spell, so it being observed is of no issue to me."

Musashi didn't know if that could be trusted, but she could hardly say anything to find out more, could she?

"Until I am able to complete the barrier, my men are roaming the streets." Kingsley continued. "The major concern with the vampire is that he will escape before the barrier is complete. Moreover, as the area has been evacuated, there is a concern that he will be motivated to leave to find more victims."

"So you're sending him more victims." Musashi realised.

Kingsley nodded.


Made perfect sense as a tactic, Musashi supposed. Make sure that the vampire doesn't have more motivation to run. It was kind of blatant, but if the soldiers made sure to injure the vampire while they were at it, and if Kingsley made sure they had some way to hurt the vampire without him just shrugging it off, then it could work.

But it was cold. It was a sacrifice which Kingsley spoke of casually.

"Of course, there is the risk that the vampire simply runs to ensure he is not found." Kingsley continued. "In that case, there are two possibilities. In the first, he flees the city, and is no longer my problem."

"Oh?" Musashi interrupted. "You'd be alright letting him go?"

"In that case, I simply have to send word to the Clocktower." Kingsley explained. "They will be furious with me, naturally, but a vampire in Britain? This vampire, of all vampires?"

"What makes Alexander so special?" Musashi asked.

"He has already evaded the Clocktower once." Kingsley replied. "I will explain more when it isn't interrupting my point, but if the Clocktower was to receive confirmation that he is alive, they will be motivated to kill him before word spreads. It would be quite an embarrassment to hear that a vampire executed in the heart of London is still alive."

...Alright, that checked out.

"To continue, the first possibility is that he flees the city." Kingsley continued. "I believe this to be unlikely, as he must be aware of the stakes, if the Clocktower is hunting him. The second possibility is that he tries to win the Grail War. In that circumstance, he will need resources. A ley line to leech from."

"...And all of the ley lines were evacuated, weren't they?" Musashi remembered.

Kingsley nodded.

"If he flees, I simply build the barrier elsewhere." Kingsley continued. "The power he could get from blood cannot compare to a ley line. Not unless he turns every corpse into a Dead, and has each one seek more blood. If he resorts to that little subtlety, either my soldiers will find him, or my Servants."

...Right, then. The plan seemed to work out alright.

"What of your people, Musashi?" Kingsley asked. "What was the plan you had, for dealing with him?"

"Pray." Musashi replied.

Kingsley seemed to consider that for a moment.

"No plan at all, then." She mused, "Simply searching, as I presume you were when you found me?"

"Basically." Musashi replied.

"Such endeavours are more difficult for me." Kingsley explained. "Your side has more Servants than mine, after all. With that in mind, perhaps a form of agreement could be forged?"

"Depends." Musashi replied. "What do you want?"

"I seek to encourage you to hunt the vampire." Kingsley replied. "And with that in mind, if you are willing to have your Servants and their followers search for him, I can have word sent to allow you to search the evacuated areas in peace."

"Wasn't your plan to seal him in and then forget about him?" Musashi asked. "Doesn't this just give you a potential way to save your time and energy?"

Now that Musashi thought about, it might be smart to tell Mia's gang to move, if Kingsley was planning on sealing them in.

"It was." Kingsley admitted. "Are you going to trust in my plan, and not take action yourself?"

...Damn it.

"Dunno." Musashi shrugged. "I mean, I want to stab him, but we'll see."

"If you do decide to further hunt the vampire, I have some information on his abilities you may prefer to know." Kingsley stated. "But before that, I want information from you."

"On him?" Musashi asked. "Sure. He probably has illusion stuff independent of her Servant and he probably has some items left over from Caster. I think he had Caster's stick that he was using to raise the dead?"

"We can prepare better for possible gifts of Caster if I know who he is." Kingsley demanded. "A name, if you would?"


Kingsley actually seemed shocked at that. She paled significantly, too.

"I see…" Kingsley muttered. "It is fortunate, then, that he died as soon as he did."

"Satisfied?" Musashi asked. "Right, what should I know?"

"The vampire's ability to survive." Kingsley replied. "When last he opposed the Clocktower, he had been executed. He was captured without a fight, and died screaming that it was not over. After this, under the watchful eye of the Clocktower and with the ire of the King of England, the vampire was able to escape."

"So he's got some nonsensical survival ability?" Musashi asked. "Or some kind of… Resurrection trait?"

Kingsley nodded, as she poured a kettle into her teacup.

"I suspect that it is some form of ritual." Kingsley explained. "He had an army prepared when he was found, but surrendered when he realised that royalty had come to pay attention to him. Strange, for someone who would then go on to insist that he was not done when being killed."

"So if he's not fighting, he's probably gonna survive." Musashi mused. "That is… Extremely frustrating."


"How sure are you in this information?" Musashi asked. "I mean, you said a King knew of him? How is this not common knowledge, then?"

"The Mage's Association took many steps to erase the circumstances surrounding the vampire." Kingsley replied. "Last I heard, the most common surviving tale says he was executed in Edinburgh instead of London, for instance."

Hm. Interesting to know.

"Is there anything else?" Musashi asked.

"Does your group happen to contain anyone with strong enough religious will to use it as a source of power?" Kingsley asked.

Musashi shrugged.

"Then I suspect not." The old woman concluded. "In which case, I believe our business is done."

"I'll run it by my allies, searching for Alexander." Musashi said. "And I do believe there is the chance that they'll want to confirm your barrier is safe for us."

"So be it." Kingsley accepted. "Farewell, Musashi."

The mirror faded away, until it showed only Musashi's reflection.

Musashi got off her rock, and started making her way out the cave. It didn't take long to get out, and the moment she did, she heard a buzz.

"How did it go?" Nameless's voice echoed. Her insect, a big and gross looking thing, came to a rest on Musashi's shoulder.

"Decently, I think." Musashi noted. "Found out a bit about Kingsley and Alexander. How much did you hear?"

"Everything." Nameless replied.

Ah. So she had heard what Kingsley said about the last Grail War? About what was almost definitely Nameless's origin?

"I'll make preparations to observe the barrier as it is set up." Nameless went on a completely different topic than the one Musashi was thinking of. "Kingsley would have to be there in person to set it up, but I'll have to be there in person to really examine the spell. Not at the same place as her, but at an area where the barrier's edge would be."

"I'll be there.' Musashi promised. "Bodyguard."

"Thank you." Nameless replied. "I… Could kill her then, if we are sure we can kill Alexander."

"I get the feeling that she's going to be careful with it, if she has to be there in person." Musashi replied. "I wouldn't bet on that."

"Perhaps." Nameless mused. "She does appear to be careless in her old age. The spell on the mirror wasn't even encrypted."

"What do you mean?" Musashi asked.

"I know where she is." Nameless replied. "The connection in the spell was open enough that I just needed to latch onto it."

"Great!" Musashi chirped. "Where is she?"


"...Yeah alright, that makes sense." Musashi mused." What with the tunnel. Guess she has a system going down then."

"Almost definitely." Nameless agreed. "There's plenty of room to act without observation underground. It may be where all the prisoners Mia is looking for are, too. Or the Grail."

"Maybe both?" Musashi proposed. "...Though Spartacus disagrees. Avenger's the paranoid type, better for her to stick near the Grail and away from the prisoners."

"Perhaps there are tunnels which do not connect." Nameless proposed. "Or… No, I suppose it would be possible to store them on the surface. They would be mundane people with no ability to resist mental compulsions, after all."


Oh, no, damn it! Musashi had completely forgotten to consider that! The prisoners were probably all hypnotised and under binding contracts!

Ugh, now Musashi was gonna have to tell that to Mia, so Mia didn't go up and cheerfully untie them all and then get stabbed. She would be so upset to be stabbed. Maybe die but she was a Spartacus so she should be able to survive.

Elspeth managed to survive a stabbing from The Other Saber for like ages without getting healed, surely a regular human wouldn't be able to hurt Mia that much.


"Right, home time." Musashi decided. "...After I go back to the gang to pick up my dirty, burnable clothes so I can wash them."

"I'll be waiting." Nameless noted, as the insect started to fall apart. "Oh, Elspeth got healed, by the way. She seems frustrated about something, but I keep noticing her stretching in ways which would have been bad for her with the wound. She's enjoying being healed, it looks like."

"Good to hear." Musashi nodded. "...Is it really getting late? Surprisingly dark out. Must've lost track of time at some point…"

"I'll tell the others about what happened." Nameless noted. "I'm sure they'll want to hear how you spoke with Gabr-"

The insect fell apart.

Musashi stared for a moment, and sighed.

Damn it! She nearly heard someone say Kingsley's first name! Musashi was so close to confirming if it was Gabriella or Gabrielle, and now she had to wait for it to come up naturally again!

Trying not to pout too hard in case some of Nameless's not-talking bugs were watching, Musashi headed towards the gang hideout in the library.

As long as Musashi just acted like she remembered every name it would be fine. Should be easy, she hadn't forgotten anyone's except Kingsl-

...Actually, did Elspeth and Mia have last names?


Upon returning to base, who does Musashi run into first?

[X] Tomoe, sitting at a table, a pen in her hand. She was… Writing a script?
[X] Humbaba, sprawled across the couch, staring lazily at the roof.
As it turns out, I was really bored and the update came easily

I'm gonna predict that this doesn't happen consistently, but just this once, update comes quickly even without too much motivation to write Fate stuff :V
[X] Humbaba, sprawled across the couch, staring lazily at the roof.

Usually, not picking the Tomoe option is against everything I stand for, but we kind of need to talk with Humbaba after our last... lively interaction.
[X] Tomoe, sitting at a table, a pen in her hand. She was… Writing a script?

Not picking Tomoe is against everything I stand for.
"If that girl can get famous for writing a book then so can I!"
[X] Tomoe, sitting at a table, a pen in her hand. She was… Writing a script?

So the vampire has a resurrection trick, eh? Curious. Wonder if it's tied to followers?
[X] Tomoe, sitting at a table, a pen in her hand. She was… Writing a script?
Last update Nov 2, 2019

okay look i can explain

...Well I don't really need to. Same problem as last time I noted I was low on motivation except add in that when I tried to do Saber Wars 2 for the Grail, the game outright broke on me. Cutscene kept looping instead of progressing the story, then the game crashed, then trying again made the cutscene loop again until it crashed and took me to some email thing that I presume was a bug report thing, and then it didn't even let me open Grand Order again until I reset my phone.

And then I tried to just do side-missions in Saber Wars II just in case something there was needed to make it work but then it crashed again and once again wouldn't let me into Grand Order until I reset my phone.

I was... Really frustrated with Fate for a while there.

But it's been a while, we've got an event with Nightingale in the name coming up, I've finally gotten around to Grailing my Cu on JP to 90 to feel better, the game handed out free SR's and now I've got Circe to add to the planned LB5 run that only includes people who proc Jason's buffs bonus effects, and I'm kinda bored, so may as well start working on the update and work back the motivation to write this.

...Once someone breaks the tie, I mean.
Adhoc vote count started by Mortifer on Nov 18, 2019 at 1:18 AM, finished with 12 posts and 10 votes.
I am really tempted to vote for Tomoe.
[X] Humbaba, sprawled across the couch, staring lazily at the roof.
Update 61
[X] Humbaba, sprawled across the couch, staring lazily at the roof.

Musashi was feeling really tired when she got back to base. She'd been out for a long time not really doing much, which somehow made her more tired than if she was just fighting nonstop. Now that she was here, she just wanted to lie down, watch some television, and hopefully find a replacement for the soap operas which had betrayed her.

That plan quickly fell through, however. Humbaba had already called dibs on the couch, and was staring very intently at the ceiling.

Well, alright, maybe Musashi could sit next to where Humbaba was laying down. She was only taking up two of the three cushions, after all, so if Musashi didn't take up too much room-

Just as Musashi reached the cushions, Humbaba's legs suddenly grew, expanding to take the entire couch.

Alright, now that was just petty.

Musashi also noticed Humbaba shifting to grab the television remote and rest it behind her back.

Well, Musashi supposed that this was technically better than Humbaba trying to kill her in a mindless rage of rejection, but it didn't feel that way right now.

Alright, Musashi mused, she was going to need to talk to Humbaba.

Now, she was going to need to be very careful about this. Humbaba had a… History… Of not reacting well to Musashi talking to her.

Musashi was gonna need to pick her words very carefully here, to ensure that Humbaba didn't try to kill her again.

"Still upset about this morning?"

Aahhhh no why did Musashi just jump right to the point, no now Humbaba was glaring and she seemed very upset and she-

...Closed her eyes and sighed?

She wasn't puffing up and making threats? Why wasn't she doing what she normally did?

Wow, this morning must have been more distressing for Humbaba than Musashi thought. Though, Musashi supposed she did finally get Humbaba to admit that she wanted to be human…

Was she just sulking? Really?

It'd almost be cute, if Humbaba wasn't also extremely powerful and with poor to no restraint, leaving her both capable of and willing to murder everyone who crossed her.

Hm. Well, you know what, this kinda gave Musashi something to work with, kinda.

"So, we do need to talk, you know." Musashi tried. "You're Nameless' Servant, and she's my boss right now still. She's still paying for my food. So it really would be important for the two of us to… Not have to fight anymore."

"A dog which sticks its nose down every hole will come to miss it when the serpent bites." Humbaba grumbled.

"Huh, poetic." Musashi noted. "I like that."

"Go away or I'm going to tear your face off."

"I like that less." Musashi admitted.

She took a moment to grab a chair from the kitchen table, nodding briefly at Tomoe as she did so. Tomoe waved, but seemed frustrated by whatever she was writing.

Setting her chair next to the couch with Humbaba, Musashi settled in.

"So, let's talk." Musashi decided. "And don't try to deny it. You said it yourself, you want to be human."

"The foolish desires of a foolish beast." Humbaba grumbled in response.

"No, none of that." Musashi cut in. "We're talking about this, now. You want to be human. You said that, didn't you?"

"...I said that." Humbaba admitted. She didn't look very happy about it, either.

"And it's true, isn't it?"

Humbaba seemed to be getting frustrated, which was a good sign-

Well, no it wasn't. It was a bad sign. But it was confirmation that Musashi was right, and honestly, that's what Musashi really wanted here.

"So, let me get this straight." Musashi began. "You want to be human. You tried to be human, became a king in the forest if I'm remembering the books right. Then two guys came along and killed you, and you respect your killers too much to think they're in the wrong?"

"I was slain by the First Hero, Musashi." Humbaba retorted. "Do you mean to tell me that the First Hero was in the wrong?"

"What, Gilgamesh is a Hero so he can do no wrong?" Musashi asked. "I killed a child because his family were using him to bait me into a trap back in my youth. It's like, basic narrative, have the hero do a bad thing early on to show their growth later."

Humbaba looked at Musashi like she had started to speak in tongues.

"Look, listen." Musashi explained. "It's like, you need a character arc, right? You can't just passively always be the same and just be getting stronger. There's no heart in it if there's no growth."

"...Gilgamesh was not a story being written." Humbaba explained. "He was a person, whom the world deemed worthy."

"Based on what merit?" Musashi asked. "Based on being a Heroic Spirit? On being a legend? On something which would be told to humanity for the rest of time? People don't become Heroic Spirit's just because they have a big sword. I mean, big swords are cool, but it's the story which makes people remember it. People become Heroic Spirits because they have something to teach humanity. Because they grew in some way, or had the potential for growth."

"...What the hell are you on about?"

Oh, Musashi had kinda gone on a rant there, hadn't she?

"...Am I wrong?" Musashi asked. "I mean, that's- Look at the modern day, you don't get any Hero's nowadays. There's no narrative in gunning down a lot of people, no character arc."

"And what of Jack the Ripper?" Humbaba asked.

"Is Jack the Ripper who's famous, or the mystery?" Musashi asked. "Like, Jack the Ripper killed, what, five people? Six? It's just that he was never caught, so he's a mystery, and that's the story people think about. The unknown, and the possibility of solving it."

"...You're not wrong, I suppose." Humbaba muttered. "Hero's are stories more than anything. If they weren't a good story to tell, they wouldn't be a Hero."

"Exactly." Musashi nodded.

Okay, Humbaba had gone along with Musashi's weird rant. Now, where did Musashi go with this?


Oh, she was a genius! She had this, yeah!

Okay, she just needed to play this like she intended it all along-

"Why are you suddenly grinning?" Humbaba asked.

Alright, never mind then.

"It's just occurred to me." Musashi admitted. "Hero's are all stories with heart in them, narratives with a chance to grow. So, ignoring the King for a moment, what does that make you?"

Humbaba turned away from Musashi. "Stop-"

"Stop just running when you don't know how to make me stop." Musashi cut in. "You're a Heroic Spirit, Humbaba. You're a story worth telling, of a person growing. The world's acknowledging you as human, Humbaba. Either you made it far enough, or it's just in your grasp. You want to be human, and you could be human."

"No." Humbaba rejected. "I can't be."

"Why not?" Musashi asked.

"Nothing's changed." Humbaba replied. "Enkidu would have known, whether or not I could be human. He chose to put me down like a beast. He, who had lived on both sides, knew where my future lay."

Gah, for crying out loud-

It always came back to Enkidu, didn't it? Whoever the hell he was to Humbaba, whatever the hell his deal was, Humbaba put the one act of Enkidu's above all this other evidence. Above her own desires, above logic, above…

Oh. Oh, Musashi was thinking about this wrong, wasn't she?

Musashi didn't know how to convince Humbaba to move past this whole Enkidu thing. Musashi didn't know enough about him to convince Humbaba that Enkidu was wrong, and even if she did, the False Berserker seemed to have way more respect for Enkidu than she did for herself.

But right now, Musashi didn't need to convince Humbaba of that, didn't she? She had a different option.

"...So, what did that guy have that you didn't?" Musashi asked.

Humbaba didn't reply right away. She didn't seem frustrated or anything this time, just…


"See, correct me if I'm wrong, I only read the translation." Musashi continued. "But that guy was a wild man once too, right?"

"More of a weapon than a beast." Humbaba corrected.

"See, good." Musashi nodded. "Point is, he was civilised through that one Shamhat chick, uh…"

Musashi coughed, looking away from Humbaba for a moment as she remembered what exactly Shamhat did to civilise Enkidu in the book she read.

...A whole week? She must have had some stamin-

No, bad Musashi, now was not the time to think about these things. Help Humbaba now, think about old tales of people and their impressive feats later.

"Well, the point is, he had that." Musashi noted. "And then he went to the guy he was meant to kill and became his best friend."

"Where are you going with this?" Humbaba asked.

"Bonds, Berserker." Musashi concluded. "Human bonds are real strong. Human connections are the one thing Enkidu had which you didn't."

"What do you mean to say here, Musashi?" False Berserker asked. "That if I just made friends, I could be human? That friendship was the one thing Enkidu had over me?"


"You are a fool." Humbaba huffed. "How exactly do you expect for me to make these bonds? I have no interest in them, nor do I get along with your or your allies-"

"So, how's your Master?" Musashi asked.

Humbaba paused.

"You know, you and Nameless are similar, you're both convinced you can't live normal life as a good person. You're both wrong, but you've got that in common."

"I am with her in necessity only." Humbaba dismissed. "My Master means nothing to me."

"Is that why you have an agreement with her not to push her too far with your Noble Phantasm?" Musashi asked. "Or why you haven't done anything about the Command Seals she keeps using to save me? And why you listened to her when she made the suggestion of you and me doing to fight Saber together, when you and I were last talking about you and if you were a person?"


Humbaba looked away.

Yessss, Musashi was getting there! She wasn't getting angry, she wasn't rejecting Musashi's words, Humbaba was just not sure how to reply. Progress, she was making such progress!


"You do seem like you care about her." Musashi noted. "And hey, remember when she started suffering because of her whole set-up and you just instantly went to a Ley Line to help her? You care about your Master, Humbaba."

"...Leave me, Musashi." Humbaba groaned, turning to be face-down in the couch now.

"Just think about it, okay?" Musashi suggested, as she stood up to take her chair back. "Even if you don't think you're a person yet, you have that bond with your Master. You don't need to keep denying what's within your grasp."

She'd made progress, so now might be a good time to let Humbaba dwell on her words.

...Yeah, that had gone really well, Musashi thought. She didn't get to watch television, but honestly, this was more than worth it.

And hey, if nothing else, Musashi had managed to have a conversation with Humbaba without Humbaba breaking any of her important sword-swinging body parts. Hurray for low standards!

Well, time to…


Now what was Musashi going to do?

Maybe she should eat food and then sleep.

Putting the chair back at the table-

"Musashi!" Tomoe waved her over. "You know things, mind lending me a hand?"

"Sure." Musashi replied, coming to Tomoe's side. "What do you need?"

"I'm trying to think about how to talk to Elspeth." Tomoe replied. "Like I think I know something to say to her to help her with her whole 'People-are-bad-and-I'm-no-different' thing she has going on, but I don't know how to get there."

"Well, what's the plan so far?"

"I don't know." Tomoe moaned. "It's like- Do I just get right to the point? It might annoy her if I just did that and then I won't be able to make my point as well. But is my backup plan really a good plan?"

"What's the backup plan, Tomoe?" Musashi asked.

"I go in and play video games with her and wait for a segue to come up." Tomoe admitted. "But what if one never comes up? What if I get too focused on playing the game? Uh…"

Tomoe bit her lip.

"Okay, I think I have it." Tomoe decided. "Musashi, can you help me?"

"Sure." Musashi agreed. "What do I need to do?"

"Well first, pick a plan." Tomoe said. "Just getting right to the point, or video games. Then come with me, and either help me word good if it looks like I'm annoying Elpseth by bringing up her problems, or help me provide an excuse to talk about her problems or my past while playing video games."

Seemed simple enough, then. So, which plan was Musashi going to pick?

[X] Just getting straight to the point gets it done quicker, so that was good.
[X] ...Perhaps the video games will make Elspeth happier and less likely to be frustrated.
[X] Just getting straight to the point gets it done quicker, so that was good.
The video game option doesn't work so well with Musashi there as well so best to just confront it head on.
And why you listened to her when she made the suggestion of you and me doing to fight Saber together, when you and I were last talking about you and if you were a person?"
and me going to fight

[X] Just getting straight to the point gets it done quicker, so that was good.
[X] Just getting straight to the point gets it done quicker, so that was good.

It's the swordier option, so Musashi has to take it.
[Jk] Video game plan. Only be Musashi so go straight to the point anyway. And win the game. Cause Musashi doesn't lose.
It would be great to see Musashi and co. playing Smash. But trying to start a serious conversation by tricking the person you're trying to help isn't great.

[X] Just getting straight to the point gets it done quicker, so that was good.