Is it wrong that I roll my eyes slightly at this? It's just whenever there's a dark souls 1 quest Oscar is guaranteed to survive if put to a vote, it's like a law of the universe.
Is it wrong that I roll my eyes slightly at this? It's just whenever there's a dark souls 1 quest Oscar is guaranteed to survive if put to a vote, it's like a law of the universe.
Not at all, it is a rather fix-fic-y outcome. He's one of the few seemingly kind, or at least not malevolent, people in the world, so Oscar's survived in a lot of DS1 fanfiction to give the new MC someone to be friends with.
That being said, my motivation is more selfish than that. He's a trained knight who's dedicated to following the prophecy, and as such serves as a very useful ally while we're developing a proper sword'n'board build.
Even if he stays down, we'll get a set of proper clothes and armor. Assuming we can handle the weight of course.
So yeah, seeking out Oscar is a pretty solid decision as far as I can see.