You are an artifact, cast into the void between worlds. More precisely, you are a spirit bound to an object of power.
Your creator, in his infinite wisdom, has a "catch and release" method of enchanting. He summons an item from a random dimension and analyzes the item's history. After doing so, he breathes some life into it, binding a tiny fragment of natural mana inside. This mana grows with the spells he weaves into it, transforming the mundane item into an artifact of great power. The artifact develops [Domains] during this process, which are representative of some aspects of the items history. [Domains] are how an artifact's magic manifests itself, and while they lose strength in diversity, they make up for it in focused power.
After pouring his knowledge, heart, and soul into an item, he returns it from where it was summoned... With some data retrieval spells in place, of course. You're sure he does this for amusement as well as study.
For your creator is the origin of many great and terrible things. Heroes and Villains alike in a multitude of worlds, yet he takes no responsibility for any of them. His creations are his children, and they are gifted the ability to choose their wielders to some degree. He's just happy to gain another story and some data. When finished, he leaves his creations on their path and moves onto another project.
You are one of these items. Pulled from a world with different rules for magic, and awakened in an incredible way. It is your duty to find a wielder, set them on a legendary path, and gather data for your creator. The legend you want your partner to build is something you help decide. Though you have a say in the type of person who uses your abilities, you're largely a tool and will help your chosen partner regardless of the paths they take.
In a spark of light, you reappear in your original world, yet darkness surrounds you. You are in a container of some kind.
What is your original form? (Choose 1)
[] A device, designed to be strapped to an arm. Two types of fundamental energy flow through you. Magic and something barely understood by your creator.
[] A necklace, designed to hold conceptual value. This energy... There may be other objects of power here, though they seem to be created by some native god-things.
[] A sword, designed to kill. You feel warmth in this world, though it feels bittersweet... almost fading.
Choose a Primary Domain:
[] Order
[] Life
[] Death
[] Dark
[] Chaos
[] Time
[] Luck
[] Light
[] Write In?
Choose 2 Secondary Domains:
[] Sound
[] Void
[] Destruction
[] Force
[] Knowledge
[] Air
[] Strength
[] Control
[] Trade
[] Speed
[] Growth
[] Creation
[] Innovation
[] Water
[] Protection
[] Healing
[] Dreams
[] Fire
[] Prediction
[] Earth
[] Write In?
As you gain your bearings and adjust to your home dimension, you notice someone approaching your container. They feel...
[] Strong
[] Smart
[] Skilled
[] Different
AN: Liked the concept of domains that LostGhost used for his quest on SB (and plenty of others, I just like this concept). Wanted to make a quest where you play as an artifact who gallivants around with their partner, not meant to be too serious. The item selection is how you select the world. Tried to keep it vague but odds are people may guess what they mean.
[X] A device, designed to be strapped to an arm. Two types of fundamental energy flow through you. Magic and something barely understood by your creator.
[X] A device, designed to be strapped to an arm. Two types of fundamental energy flow through you. Magic and something barely understood by your creator.
AN: Liked the concept of domains that LostGhost used for his quest on SB (and plenty of others, I just like this concept). Wanted to make a quest where you play as an artifact who gallivants around with their partner, not meant to be too serious. The item selection is how you select the world. Tried to keep it vague but odds are people may guess what they mean.
[] A device, designed to be strapped to an arm. Two types of fundamental energy flow through you. Magic and something barely understood by your creator.
[] A necklace, designed to hold conceptual value. This energy... There may be other objects of power here, though they seem to be created by some native god-things.
LostGhost? Sold. His Quest is quite enjoyable. But I have no idea which settings are these items referencing.
No idea. Some verbose visual novel thing?
[X] A sword, designed to kill.
[X] Different
[X] Entropy
[X] Knowledge
[X] Control
Of course you're a sword. What else could you be? Certainly not a pair of socks.
What do you look like?
[][Appearance] Write-in (pictures encouraged, preferably a blade less than 50 inches in length- any style is fine.)
----------------- Thump. Thump. Clunk.
The presence you felt earlier has been rhythmically hitting your container for a while now. Though you're new to the whole "time" thing, it feels like they've been at it for almost 12 hours. There was a crack in your home when you first appeared. It's larger now, though there isn't much light entering.
Thump. Thump. Clunk.
You're pretty sure they're hitting it with a small rock. Though you've never heard the sound before, your knowledge domain fills in the blanks pretty well. It's a pretty distinct sound, in your opinion.
Thump. Thump. Clunk.
Speaking of opinions, you actually have those now! What a novelty. Other swords will be so jealous!
Thump. Thump. Clunk.
Well, they probably can't feel emotions like you... In any case, the presence has been at it for half a day! Nonstop! From your knowledge of lifeforms, that is very impressive.
Thump. Thump. Clunk.
You think you're experiencing something called annoyance now! Existence is just so wonderful. The sound, not as much. Maybe you could turn off sound processing with your control domain-
-Oh, they broke into your container. Now that there's some actual light entering, you are surprised to find out that you were buried in a wall. Just placed inside of a wall! How was an item supposed to be found here, Creator!? Though... since you were found pretty quickly, you suppose that you have no room to complain.
Complaining! Yet another novelty that existence has granted you. Everything is just so wonderful! Now to greet the person who has freed you from your prison.
A pair of thin, feminine hands gently grab you from your alcove and slowly pull you out. As you begin to great her, you realize that something's wrong. Her body doesn't look right for a human. Furthermore, her presence feels noticeably twisted. She's an animated corpse.
She's nearly hollow, your knowledge domain helpfully supplies.
Hollow? You wonder what that means.
"Ahh... You were the light," she whispers reverently. She sits down and giggles maniacally, holding your scabbard close to her. "Of course, of course. Was this what it felt like? Curiosity?" she giggles some more before breaking out in dry sobs. You look around and realize that she's been locked in a decrepit stone dungeon, complete with iron bars.
...She's not fit to be a wielder; not as she is. The woman is locked in a cell, has some kind of mark leaking her essence, and she's likely been in this state for years, perhaps decades. You feel very little of her original drive left in her, only vague instincts. Hollow is an apt term for this, you think.
The way you see it, you have a few options in how to deal with this.
Option one is to just wait for another wielder. She's locked in a cell, surely someone more suitable will come by eventually. Why, you've heard tales of legendary weapons waiting centuries for their rightful partner! You could sleep and try using your knowledge domain during this time, learning more about your home dimension.
Option two is to help the woman who freed you. You can talk to her, whisper in her mind, and use some of your mana to prevent her essence from draining too quickly. In time, maybe you can find a way to plug the leak entirely. She freed you from the wall, it would be a nice way to repay her! While helping her, you can both leave the cell and explore the world. Perhaps use your domains to control her if she runs into trouble in her diminished state.
As a last option, you could subsume this pitiful being, becoming the wielder yourself. There is very little remaining of her, and if you transferred your essence into her mind you could easily utilize your control domain to permanently become her. Your core would still be in the sword and your thoughts would be split between your two vessels. It's merciful, in a way... You could take the parts of her that remain and immortalize them inside of you. Your pride as a sword scoffs at the idea of a weapon becoming the wielder, but it could be done.
What do you do? (Choose 1)
[][Woman] Go to sleep
+ A decent partner will come
+ You learn more about the nature of this world
- It feels like ages have past. Where are you now?
- The woman will be lost
[][Woman] Help her
+ You gain a new partner!
+ She'll be a malleable wielder
- Babysitting friends can be a challenge
- Conversations will be hard
[][Woman] Assume Direct Control
+ The weapon becomes the master
+ You can build whatever legend you want! Your creator will be proud, right?
- This feels weird...
- Will you begin leaking as well? You don't know
AN: So the sword was from Dark Souls. The other two options were Fallout and The Elder Scrolls. (Choice of presence affected which games and/or character you were in; had a bias toward FO:NV, FO4, and Skyrim.)