A Vehicle Design Quest

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in this quest, you control the design team of _____ and get to design ships and vehicles for their use. your goal depending on which nation you pick is to either help them win the war or help them keep superiority over their foes outside of war
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what setting
you represent a team of engineers architects and dozens of other professionals your goal is to help design vehicles and ships to improve either your nation's military or civilian population, you are from

[] Star wars
-[] The confederacy of independent systems (3 months before Clone Wars)
-[] an outer rim republic sector soon to secede (2 years before Clone Wars)
[] Star Trek
-[] The federation (2300)
-[] The Romulans (2300)
-[] The Klingon (2300)

this first bit is small until you pick who you are representing but after that, it should go relatively quickly for the first few days. The Star Wars ones start 2 years and 3 months before respectively so as to allow the development of at least one for the confederacy and at least a few new ships for the sector.
turn 1 Order
you are the head of research for naval RND you (a commodore in rank) are below your boss a vice admiral of the navy and head of military RND, and a new Dossier on the current state of the 'Sector' military, particularly the navy and its strength and needs it currently has 30 PDF dreadnought heavy cruisers, 46 consular class cruisers, 2 invincible class dreadnoughts a procurator class battlecruiser, 14 Captor-class heavy munitions cruiser and 4 older (Communications/ECM) Munificent-class star frigates and perhaps 8 more to arrive soon, but this is all the military ships you have currently though thankfully rumors have it hat purchases for a new destroyer class, some lucrehulks and perhaps a few providence class ships, (your sector has over 2 dozen heavily populated planets and another 2 dozen lightly populate planets and in all reality you provide the defense forces for perhaps half a dozen nearby sectors besides your own. (now all his are their pre-war variants even the ships you purchasing as the upgrades haven't yet been carried out and the providence only comes in the carrier/destroyer variant)

you have a few different things that the military wants
[]a new starfighter
[]a replacement for the consular class 'cruisers' (a new corvette)
[] an upgrade to the consular class 'cruisers'
[] an upgrade to the Dreadoguth class heavy cruiser
[] a light cruiser class
[] a military refit of the munificent class
[] a military refit of the captor class munition cruisers.
(your invincible class and procurator class ships might look good on paper but are much closer to wight elephants not cause you can't afford them but because due to both age and treaty restrictions, they are useless as anything but systems monitors) (ships that get cannon war refits ie munificent or captor class ships you will get access to their refits when the war starts however if you make one of your own it might get widely used across the cis, ships such as the consular and dreadnought deposit getting war refits you won't get access o those as those refits aren't available to your faction unless stolen)
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turn 1 Size Hull and stats
You have decided on a replacement for the consular class however there are a few things that need to be decided first. Your navy wants a ship that meets the following
(s is best of the best)S, A, B, C, D, E, F (f is worst of the worst or non-existent) and plus or minus,
anti-ship weapons rating B
anti-fighter weapons rating C
sunlight speed and maneuverability rating B
armor/hull rating D
shield rating C
cost of manufacture rating C
cost of maintenance rating C
comfort ratings: D-
crew total: less than 200
hyperdrive speed 2

for example here is the consular class base variant and its upgrade (charger) (if the state changes for the upgraded variant it's in brackets) which you use
anti-ship weapons rating F (D
anti-fighter weapons rating F (E)
sunlight speed and maneuverability rating B-
armor/hull rating E (D-)
shield rating E (D)
cost of manufacture rating A
cost of maintenance rating B (B-)
comfort ratings: A+

and the CR 90
anti-ship weapons rating C
anti-fighter weapons rating E
sunlight speed and maneuverability rating S-
armor/hull rating E (D-)
shield rating
cost of manufacture rating A+
cost of maintenance rating B+
comfort ratings: S

what size should the ship be
You already own the designs to the following hulls and basing your design off of them or even the whole sail reusing the hull and modifying it somewhat is easier
[] Consular hull
[] cr 90 hull
A custom hull design (untested design but free rain over everything and a more modern
[] a new design that your engineers came up with (you will see what it is but it will at least be interesting)
[] write in
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Turn 1 Engines and rector
you and your team have made multiple decisions already and are moving at a decent pace you have already decided on both the range of size for the ship and hull design and now that you have your ship design figured out it is time to decide what engines and reactors your ship will be using, for engines you have a few options of both engines and reactors from CR90s, Cconsular, CR70s, DP20s, however, more recently another option has presented itself the Shipwrights Guild your local megacorporation has provided 2 designs for prototype systems that they are working on they are so new that the systems don't even have a proper destination, however, there is significant lobbying to use them as they provided most jobs not just to your sector but nearby sectors. The project has also gotten its own designation for right now the Reach Sector Corvette Project (RSCV Project), it is a somewhat decent design

(CR70 CR90 DP20 Consular and your own in that order)
Engine choices (the engine numbers are mostly just a random series of 2-4 letters)
[] 11 CRM-50 Ion Drive
[] 11 CRM-75 Ion Drive
[] 2 or 3 OFM-95 Overcharged Axial Ion Drive
[] 3 LHE-15 Fusial Ion Drive
[] 1 RSGM-2 Exmperimantal Ion Drive (prototype)
Reactor choices (note the CHPR stands for correlian high power reactor while CHER stands for correlian high-efficiency reactor) (RSGW stands for Reach shipwright guild manufacture and is an experimental name that will be replaced once they are no longer prototypes)
[] CHPR-1C
[] CHPR-1H
[] CHPR-2B
[] CHER-1A
[] RSGM-1X (prototype)

(each of the prototype designs picked will give you 1 extra political power you currently have 2, as they are prototypes they aren't massed produced and until a certain number of ships are produced will suffer from low spare parts, and low parts compatibility through this will be slightly reduced once they are mass produced it still will exist especially compared to the Correllian engineering components)
(S is best of the best)S, A, B, C, D, E, F (f is worst of the worst or non-existent) and or minus,
anti-ship weapons rating B
anti-fighter weapons rating C
sunlight speed and maneuverability rating B
armor E
hull rating D
shield rating C
cost of manufacture rating C
cost of maintenance rating C
comfort ratings: D-
crew total: less than 200
hyperdrive speed 2

Consular class Judicial Forces refit
anti-ship weapons rating F (D
anti-fighter weapons rating F (E)
sunlight speed and maneuverability rating B-
armor E (D-)
hull rating E
shield rating E (D)
cost of manufacture rating A
cost of maintenance rating B (B-)
comfort ratings: A+

CR 90
anti-ship weapons rating C
anti-fighter weapons rating E
sunlight speed and maneuverability rating S-
armor D
hull rating D
shield rating E
cost of manufacture rating A+
cost of maintenance rating B+
comfort ratings: S
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turn 1 bridge, hyperdrive and hull
you have already decided what engines to use and what reactor to use your men have found places to mount them with the reactors and engines both being three decks tall out of the 5 total decks on your ship you also have work on the power conduits however you will need to know many things, such as what do you want for your bridge placement how automated should the ships be how much of that crew can e droids and weapons complement thankfully for some of those you have a proposal for them write in front of you. you can place the bridge in 3 different places in front of the ship on the top or the bottom of the ship increasing the ship's number of decks. you also need to choose a hyperdrive class and stuff like that as well most people agree on a class 2 as that both meet the requirements but won't increase costs too much, you also have to pick a hull thickness.

[]Brige extending from the top of the hull
[]Bridge extending from the bottom of the hull
[]Brigde at the front of the ship

hyperdrive class (class 2, 1.5, and 1 are more common than the rest of the options provided, and more compatible spare parts are available) (while smaller numbers are faster they are typically more expensive, larger and power intensive, and can cause problems)
[] class 2
[] class 1.9
[] class 1.8
[] class 1.7
[] class 1.6
[] class 1.5
[] class 1.4
[] class 1.3
[] class 1.2
[] class 1.1
[] class 1

Hull thickness and strength, the lighter the material the weaker it is but the less weight and therefore more speedy and more manurverable
[] 6 inches of light hull material
[] 8 inches of light hull material
[] 6 inches of standard hull material
[] 8 inches of standard hull material
[] 6 inches Heavy hull material,
[] 8 inches of heavy hull material

(S is best of the best)S, A, B, C, D, E, F (f is worst of the worst or non-existent) and or minus,
anti-ship weapons rating B
anti-fighter weapons rating C
sunlight speed and maneuverability rating B
armor E
hull rating D
shield rating C
cost of manufacture rating C
cost of maintenance rating C
comfort ratings: D-
crew total: less than 200
hyperdrive speed 2

Consular class Judicial Forces refit
anti-ship weapons rating F (D
anti-fighter weapons rating F (E)
sunlight speed and maneuverability rating B-
armor E (D-)
hull rating E
shield rating E (D)
cost of manufacture rating A
cost of maintenance rating B (B-)
comfort ratings: A+

CR 90
anti-ship weapons rating C
anti-fighter weapons rating E
sunlight speed and maneuverability rating S-
armor D
hull rating D
shield rating E
cost of manufacture rating A+
cost of maintenance rating B+
comfort ratings: S
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Turn 1 shields and weapons
you have already seen the updated plans for the ship it has an additional deck level added for the bridge and is now 21 meters tall you have also mounted a class 1.5 hyperdrive allowing it to keep up with lone providence class destroyers you also have a similar amount of hull to the dp20, however, know you have to come up with the type of shields and weapons. you have 2 different types of shields either fast recharging or heavier shields, for weapons you have a few choices.

[] SGH ( a shield able to take more damage than average)
[] SGF (a shield able to recharge faster than average)
[] SGA (your standard shield generator)

[] 2x single light turbolasers, 4x dual light laser cannons, 3x conncussion missile launcher
[] 4x single light turbolasers, 2x single light laser cannons, 1 x concussion missile launcher
[] 2 x single light turbolasers, 4x dual light laser cannons 2x dual medium laser cannons, 1x concussion missile launcher

(S is best of the best)S, A, B, C, D, E, F (f is worst of the worst or non-existent) and or minus,
Minimum stats
anti-ship weapons rating B
anti-fighter weapons rating C
sunlight speed and maneuverability rating B
armor E
hull rating D
shield rating C
cost of manufacture rating C
cost of maintenance rating C
comfort ratings: D-
crew total: less than 200
hyperdrive speed 2

Consular class Judicial Forces refit
anti-ship weapons rating F (D
anti-fighter weapons rating F (E)
sunlight speed and maneuverability rating B-
armor E (D-)
hull rating E
shield rating E (D)
cost of manufacture rating A
cost of maintenance rating B (B-)
comfort ratings: A+

CR 90
anti-ship weapons rating C
anti-fighter weapons rating E
sunlight speed and maneuverability rating S-
armor D
hull rating D
shield rating E
cost of manufacture rating A+
cost of maintenance rating B+
comfort ratings: S
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