A Time of Change

Didn't realize I was starting turn 2, oops. Still think this is worth focusing.

House Vallerios, Turn 2:

1: Continue the Bureaucracy Reform:
When the Vallerois first took control of Richtershausen, it quickly became clear that they were far more competant at managing the lands than their predecessors were, and with that came sweeping changes to how things were run, including increased stamping down on corruption and improvements of recordkeeping. Even after this work, however, it's still clear that there areinneficiencies and cruft with the system, both on an institutional level and among the employees. A tradition of meritocracy is a fine thing, but equally important is that the merit being selected for is appropriate for the task and the job requirements keep up with the advancements of history. Before the printing press, paper and ink were not widely produced enough to make their expense trivial for government works, but even where the technology itself is unhelpful the economic changes it brings can be very beneficial.
Effect: The Richterhausen Beaurocracy will reform the record-filing systems and begin the transitions to duplicate record keeping.

2. Maritime Advancements
Waterways have always been one of the most critical parts of civilization, particularly for transportation; it's far less expensive to ship goods up or downriver on barges than cart them across even good roads, and the sea forms a similar role in commerce at a wider range. By funding shipbuilding and mariner schooling, we can increase the benefits this trade provides to us in more reliable shipping and discovering new trade routes.
Effect: Improve existing maritime educational facilities, and their associated shipbuilding facilities.
House Lakonia, Turn 2

"It seems our decision to offer bounties for information on the Greyshirts was fortuitous." Anya said, quietly pleased with herself. Her study was empty, save herself and her twin.
"Indeed." Katarina Lakonikos agreed. "The kynigoí have also been busy. They say cousin Alexander is leading a short company of them against the vile drákon that is stalking the Sunrise Mountains."
Anya shook her head, groaning. "That man is going to catch his curse before long, if he doesn't restrain himself." Katarina chuckled.
"But what better way to catch it than slaying that great beast?" she asked.
"I intend to catch mine when Ersandor takes me at eighty, surrounded by great-grandchildren." Anya muttered. "My fighting days are done."
Katarina made a noise of dissent. "You say this, and it is almost certain the Fates will find a way to prove you wrong."
"Afíste tous na dokimásoun! I will not run from their weavings. If they want me, they will find I will extract heavy prices from those who try."

1. Anti-Curate Operations - Deploy the House's personal Kynigoí (Shadowcrafter Huntsmen) alongside investigators from the province to hunt down and eliminate the Curate of Our Lady. Their operations in other provinces have not gone unnoticed.
2. It Seems We Needed Rules - Maintain the invention grant funding, but specifically eliminate the common and slightly less common items cranks attempt to sell. Send talent scouts abroad to find other inventors and scholars from other lands, in the hopes of incentivizing them to move to Lakonia.
3. A Competent Bureaucracy - Introduce training and professional standards for the bureaucrats of Lakonia, aiming to improve the general capability of the House to implement laws and reforms, while minimizing corruption.
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1: Advance Bereucratic and scholarly interests

In order to maintain influence we must expand at the same rates our spheres of influence do. To this end work collectively on ensuring positions in the beurocracy and positions that emerge from the scholarly/innovation contests go to our members, or recruit other talented individuals that take advantage of these opportunities. (Focus Lakonia and Richtershausen)

2: Appeal to artists of all types in Iron Rose city.

Performers and artists alike range in class, respectability and wealth but all of them can open the hearts and minds of noble and worker alike. By having those of suitable station join and the less reputable still accept sponsorship the young roses can both bolster their numbers and acquire the goodwill of those best placed to change the hearts and minds of the great and lowly alike.
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(Major actions of the Ironshirts, Turn 2)

The Iron wizards continue their research into the development of teleportation gateways, expanding their requests of funding and documentation from related experiments from the more applied shadowcrafting of the wizards of Richterhausen to the theoretical science of the Lakonian scholars.

The recruitment campaign spreads from Salam to Richterhausen, targeting the intelligentsia there. While the Order detests "eggheads" keeping the Empire weak, they believe reactionary thinkers in the universities might rally to their philosophy of centralization and the rule of the superior man.

In Salam, the Order novices fresh from their monster-hunts in Lakonia arrive with a Knight of the Thorn in command to oversee the initiation rites for their new recruits from among the young nobility.
Greyshirt Major Actions:

1. Establish popular support in Strenenfer

In addition to further spreading our ideology through the local militia in Strenenfer, it is prudent that we establish ourselves as a household name to the public. Who was it that rose up to fight the Curate when house Elenbur stood idle? We will use this support to establish our adherents in local positions of prominence throughout the province!

2. Expand influence in Richterhausen

While we sew seeds of our Ideology in their soldiery, we will also kindle the fires of national pride and expansionism within the populace. We are the greatest empire this world has ever seen! Why not expand so that everyone may share in our prosperity?

3. Continue garnering support within the Iron Rose City Garrison

Now that we have our foot in the door, lets try and win over the soldiery here with promises of a more stable and reliable form of governance, and most importantly, higher social status for the valiant defenders of the peace of this great city!
[Action 2: Anti-Curate, Anti-Greyshirt Propaganda Campaign]

Parias von Elenbur stepped up to the podium within the streets of Luthadel, the largest city in the province of Strenenfer. He cleared his throat, making sure the sound-enhancing runes worked. They did. He gazed upon the mass of people crowded into this one square, and even then, they weren't all that wished to hear him speak. Thus copies of the speech would be created, printed, and distributed far throughout his province. He began.

"Fellow people of Strenenfer, I am sure you know of the events that have taken place on our streets, even tangentially. There has been conflict, there has been fighting, there has been bloodshed. The streets have been affected by the destructive belligerence of two extreme groups: the so-called "Curate of Our Lady," and the ones who call themselves "the Greyshirts." This problem has been exacerbated by the Militia's seeming inability to deal with these skirmishes, in the aftermath or during the battles. Because of this, the rumor has spread that they were hired by us. Even amongst them, they saw themselves as doing us a favor, as if we had ever desired this destruction.

"Yes, I will be open with the fact that I am in opposition to the Curate, but their failing is based on short-sighted sentimentalism, not brutal warmongering! These "Greyshirts" are a threat to everything we stand for! They believe a nation and its people must serve a single Dictator, rather than organize themselves into collectives in which the leaders exist to serve the people, as they could easily have their power stripped from them by the power, in addition to a single person who is chosen hereditarily, and thus protects our government from the dangers of mob rule, a system that could very well lead to destruction and bloodshed untold, with the majority always repressing the minorities. The Greyshirts believe in a tyrannical system of unadulterated devotion, not in the principles of science, of questioning, of investigation, of innovation! What's more is they wish to achieve this through brute force, and expand their destructive ideology throughout the world!

"As for the Curate, their failing is based on short-sighted sentimentalism, a much more forgivable mindset, but it is still harmful in many ways, in how it disregards the progress that we've made as a people. They seek to take away the very world that we've created for ourselves, as a people, condemning it based on nothing more than the admitted decline of the sanctity of our ecology, an issue that, if you remember, we are working on! They think that by destroying our current society, they can miraculously fix the existent problems. They are opposed to any and all positive progress, and are opposed to systems in which the poor rise up! With them, our knowledge and learning would regress drastically, by centuries, all in the name of preserving an ideal life that never truly existed, a feudal "utopia" in which the oppression of the lower classes is yet again institutionalized. They seek to tear down the cities that have brought us together, to destroy the factories with which we provide for all who work in them. For those who are in a romantic relationship, how many of you were able to meet your significant other while at work? Would you seek a world in which that isn't possible? No, I didn't think so."

[Action 3: Establish an Effective Police Force]

"In light of this bloodshed, these evils of destruction, I have no recourse. We are a peaceful society, but if they will bring a war to our streets, we will do what is necessary to repel them, to enforce peace, and stop this needless violence. I have made the decision to form a police corps. The initial leaders will be the most experienced, yet also loyal members of the militia. I consider it likely that the Greyshirts have penetrated the ranks of our militia, so thorough background checks will be established. We don't want what nearly happened in Lakonia to happen here. Barring thorough examination of loyalty, the new police force will be open for anyone to join, so long as they have talent to offer. I am asking for your support, fellow citizens. With your support, we will clear away the drudgery of the past, as well as the possible oppression of the future. We can forge a future of our own design, a place where all dreams can become true, a place where anything is possible. Thank you."
From the desk of Solon Montague

Commander Lora,
Your report of the riots has reached me and I feel that in the future we must act with more force than just waiting for the protest to die down. In the future you are to mobile a task force of appropriate size and quell the rioting with reasonable force. Do not kill anyone, we don't need their movement gaining any martyrs by our hand, however do take the leaders into custody for questioning. If they are unresponsive, leave them be. Again, no martyrs. For the time being, establish some poor houses and food drives. Don't maintain them well or use good quality food, its not worth the money. Just make it seem like we are making an effort to help them. Once they forget about the status quo issues you are free to let the programs fall into disrepair. Keep me informed of the proceedings.
Solon Montague, Head of House

As Solon finishes the letter he is approached by one of his servants, a man by the name of Maldur. One of Solon's more trusted servants, he is often tasked with carrying out the more personal orders for Solon

"Sir, you asked for me?"

"Ah yes, I have three things to ask of you. The first two are deliveries. This first letter is for Commander Lora of the First Regiment. You will find her in the City of Ester." He reaches into his desk and pulls out a second scroll. "The second is for the Artist's Guild in the same city. Your third task is to send for fresh biscuits, these ones are cold." He gestures to the tray of pastries on his desk.

"Is that all sir?' Maldur looks semi-dissapointed that he is being used only for these menial tasks.

"Yes, thank you Maldur." Solon smiles as he takes out another scroll of parchment and begins composing another letter.

Major Actions
Action 1:
Enact various programs around Salam in an effort to make it seem like the nobility is making an effort to increase the standard of living, but in actuality it is just a front to try to suppress the riots that could cause a mess for the nobility.
Action 2: Commission the local Artists Guild to do a tour of the country, producing art and sculptures for the noble families of Salam, in exchange for their sons joining the House Montague Militia.
Action 3: Send an envoy to Iron Rose City in an attempt to increase their influence and standing with the Emperor.