Middle Childhood (6-10)
After all the excitement of your fifth birthday, time continues to pass. You play with your abacus, always entertaining (and scaring) your tutors with just how quickly you can do equations, and of course you track every single thaler you own in your ledger, just like dad taught you! He sometimes gives it a quick check, when his own work isn't keeping him trapped in his office. He always has kind words for it, and you can tell he's greatly impressed with just how quickly you're taking to the family trade.

He also loves to ask you just how your adventures in friendship are going. There's only so many kids to befriend, but after meeting so many at your fifth birthday you've made good with almost all of them! You've even made friends with the children of all dad's merchant friends! They're especially good to have because a lot of them are smart like you, and so you get to compare notes! None of them have an abacus as cool as yours, though.

You haven't neglected your less refined friends, though. Especially not Ranald! He's started to lead a 'gang' of the other young servant boys, and they learn all kinds of neat secrets. Ranald makes sure to tell you all of them, and you make sure him and all his friends are looked after by dad. It's a good system, plus dad always compliments you when you bring him more news!

He's been telling you the past few years that you should always look to building and expanding networks of known people, and for the first time, as you stare at all the letters that your friends sent to you to celebrate the imminence of your tenth birthday, you understand why. You break the seal on each slowly, and carefully, marveling at the dozens of foreign lands that they come from. One is from as far off as the great crescent, Ulthuan! You stare at your map of the known world, eyes tracing a line from the coast to Marienburg. You and Alian have, of course, been trading letters ever since she had to go back home for some ritual. You cherish them, especially the ones she puts drawings in!
But you get letters from all over. Kislev, Altdorf, Nuln, and you even made a good impression on one of those stuffy Bretonnian children. Dad says that's especially important because when you get to be Princess of Nordland, you'll have to deal with Bretonnians all day. That sounds like torture! Of course, you didn't just spend all those years in between your fifth and tenth birthday talking with people and playing with your abacus, you made sure to… Rank 3 choices in level of focus applied, 1 being most, 3 being least.

[] Well, actually, that kind of is what you spent most of your time doing! You made sure to 'network' as your dad always called it. You made sure as many of your friends were as close to you as possible. You even worked to charm their parents with your amazing abacus skills and friendly personality! You are a young master of diplomacy, and will have made many friends within the Empire, as well as outside it.

[] Marvel all your tutors with your incredibly sharp mind. Even though you are young, you've got a great knack for learning, especially if it involves mathematics and accounting! Of course, while your tutors are always shocked at your grasp of algebra, accounting, and the abacus, you do have a hard time finding people to talk with it about! With the help of your trusted abacus, you have begun to master mathematical concepts years in advance of what a child your age should know.

[] Study combat, of course! Dad tended to steer you towards accounting and algebra, but he always made sure to make time for military lessons with Sven. You always liked training with the big, stoic Norscan. He taught you not just how to handle all kinds of training weapons, but also played board games with you lots! You've learned how to use most melee weapons, and even though you don't know it yet, constant games with Sven has taught you basic military tactics.

[] Paid close attention to what your father was doing. Your dad always tells you, that one day you will be the Princess of Nordland. You need to learn more than mathematics, you need to learn how things work! Dad's been teaching you what court sessions look like, and how the city's income works differently to how your super special merchant ledger works! You have become much better equipped to handle life at court, and know the difference between running a merchant house, and a country.

[] Broadened your studying. Instead of focusing on any one topic to the exclusion of others, you branched out, learning lots of things! You think you've become much more interesting since you learned to play the lute, and while you still reckon the abacus is more interesting, you've certainly picked up quite a few skills! Instead of specialising in mathematics, science, or warfare, you've taken a more rounded approach to education and will have fewer gaps in your overall knowledge.

[] Started your first lesson on science! You never knew that alchemy could be so interesting! The first time your tutor made something explode before you sparked a great need. You wanted more explosions, and you wanted to learn how to make them. Fortunately, you most certainly have! You have gained basic applied alchemical knowledge, and an understanding of the kind of rigorous work needed, to figure out what makes a good explosion.

But thinking back on the past few years is boring in comparison to the excitement of your tenth birthday! Rijiker's Isle is the most colourful you've ever seen it! Dad paid some craftsmen that your best friend Alian knows. Even though Marienburg obviously makes the best of everything, you're still quite taken in by the incredibly vivid colours that elven craftsmen can make.

You've made sure to invite all your friends, and even though lots can't make it because they're so far away, plenty reply in the affirmative. Even Alian! She's promised to leave her studies back on Ulthuan to come visit you. She's even bringing her dad! Your own dad is very excited about that for some reason, but you don't get it. Maybe you will when you finally meet him!

It has been an amazing learning experience watching all the preparations for your celebration, and you've worked with your father (and your trusty abacus, of course) to keep track of all the expenses. It makes your little account with your father seem positively puny!

Using your many connections with the gangs of young kids within Rijiker's isle, co-ordinated by your highly capable (for someone who doesn't understand what a bath is) second in command Ranald, you've learned something truly great.

While your parents aren't yet aware, you know what your 10th birthday gift is! It's…

[] A Griffon egg! When Ranald told you you actually didn't believe him, but he brought you into the study during the night, and it really was! Griffon eggs are actually really big up close. You're super excited for it to hatch! In fact, you've already given it a name even though it's not really yours yet! Name your pet griffon.

[] A mechanical manual! You recognise the runes as dwarven, but from the few minutes you got with it you could tell it has been translated into Reikspiel. You can hardly wait to get a proper look at it! A translated dwarven engineering manual, basic in scope.

[] Really well hidden! While Mum and Dad got you impressive toys and books on various things, the one you were really interested in was hidden by cloth. It's an Asuri healing amulet! You don't speak much Asuri yet, but you can read the carvings of health on it! You do wonder who got it for you, though… You've been given a High Elven amulet of Health and Protection, by an unknown benefactor.

[] Is a gun, just what every young imperial girl needs! More specifically, it's a Dwarven handgun, made especially for you! It looks incredibly expensive, and has dwarven runes that glow with power carved on every last inch! Just holding made you feel more powerful. A mastercrafted dwarven handgun is leagues ahead of anything made by even the greatest Imperial gunsmiths, and will offer great protection against the forces of darkness.

[] An amulet of Sigmar! Just touching it fills you with warmth, and you can almost feel the Heldenhammer looking down upon you, protecting you from the darkness that lurks outside your home. An amulet of Sigmar blessed by the Arch Lector is a potent ward against the forces of Chaos.

And thus, with the knowledge of your gift locked safely away in your mind, you gaze out the window of your room into the courtyard, observing the final preparations with some trepidation. As excited you are that most of your foreign friends are coming to visit, Dad has warned you things might be a little weird.

You don't get it though, nobody even liked the Emperor! Why should him getting sick and dying affect your birthday? The black that some of the servants are wearing really takes away from the pretty colours! Nobody even liked him anyway! Mum had to keep telling the servants to stop using bad words when talking about him anywhere near you!

It's not fair! Your birthday should be about being happy, not sad! Nonetheless, you ignore the downers and prepare to have the best. Birthday. Ever!

Hey all, it's ya gurl.

Sorry this took so long! I'll try and be faster in future.
Adhoc vote count started by KarvokaQueen on Feb 14, 2019 at 9:01 PM, finished with 18 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Stateswoman
    [X] Plan: Study, Socialise, Supervise, and so forth!
    [X] A mechanical manual! You recognise the runes as dwarven, but from the few minutes you got with it you could tell it has been translated into Reikspiel. You can hardly wait to get a proper look at it! A translated dwarven engineering manual, basic in scope.
    [X] A Griffon egg! When Ranald told you you actually didn't believe him, but he brought you into the study during the night, and it really was! Griffon eggs are actually really big up close. You're super excited for it to hatch! In fact, you've already given it a name even though it's not really yours yet! Name your pet griffon.
    -[X] Charlemagne

Hey all, it's ya gurl.

Sorry this took so long! I'll try and be faster in future.

Never apologise for good writing, nor for taking the time to do said good writing! You should fire whoever your beta is, clearly it's their fault :p

[X] Plan: Study, Socialise, Supervise, and so forth!

[1] Broadened your studying. Instead of focusing on any one topic to the exclusion of others, you branched out, learning lots of things! You think you've become much more interesting since you learned to play the lute, and while you still reckon the abacus is more interesting, you've certainly picked up quite a few skills! Instead of specialising in mathematics, science, or warfare, you've taken a more rounded approach to education and will have fewer gaps in your overall knowledge.

[2] Well, actually, that kind of is what you spent most of your time doing! You made sure to 'network' as your dad always called it. You made sure as many of your friends were as close to you as possible. You even worked to charm their parents with your amazing abacus skills and friendly personality! You are a young master of diplomacy, and will have made many friends within the Empire, as well as outside it.

[3] Paid close attention to what your father was doing. Your dad always tells you, that one day you will be the Princess of Nordland. You need to learn more than mathematics, you need to learn how things work! Dad's been teaching you what court sessions look like, and how the city's income works differently to how your super special merchant ledger works! You have become much better equipped to handle life at court, and know the difference between running a merchant house, and a country.

[X] A mechanical manual! You recognise the runes as dwarven, but from the few minutes you got with it you could tell it has been translated into Reikspiel. You can hardly wait to get a proper look at it! A translated dwarven engineering manual, basic in scope.
[X] Plan: Stateswoman

[1] Well, actually, that kind of is what you spent most of your time doing! You made sure to 'network' as your dad always called it. You made sure as many of your friends were as close to you as possible. You even worked to charm their parents with your amazing abacus skills and friendly personality! You are a young master of diplomacy, and will have made many friends within the Empire, as well as outside it.

[2] Paid close attention to what your father was doing. Your dad always tells you, that one day you will be the Princess of Nordland. You need to learn more than mathematics, you need to learn how things work! Dad's been teaching you what court sessions look like, and how the city's income works differently to how your super special merchant ledger works! You have become much better equipped to handle life at court, and know the difference between running a merchant house, and a country.

[3] Study combat, of course! Dad tended to steer you towards accounting and algebra, but he always made sure to make time for military lessons with Sven. You always liked training with the big, stoic Norscan. He taught you not just how to handle all kinds of training weapons, but also played board games with you lots! You've learned how to use most melee weapons, and even though you don't know it yet, constant games with Sven has taught you basic military tactics.

[X] A Griffon egg! When Ranald told you you actually didn't believe him, but he brought you into the study during the night, and it really was! Griffon eggs are actually really big up close. You're super excited for it to hatch! In fact, you've already given it a name even though it's not really yours yet! Name your pet griffon.
-[X] Charlemagne
[X] Plan: Study, Socialise, Supervise, and so forth!

Seems like a good base. Would like to get one round of dedicated science training in.
[X] Plan: Study, Socialise, Supervise, and so forth!

Seems like a good base. Would like to get one round of dedicated science training in.

See, I figured there'd always be time, and especially with picking the dorf notebook, I figured a rounded education approach would better fit making a possible translation to engineering.
[X] Plan: Stateswoman

If we are going to rule then these I think are the most important things to learn. Besides I really want a griffin.
Eeeeeeeeeeee! I know this is a late reaction but by the Gods an actual Marienburg Quest! Always felt it deserved one.

[X] Plan: Stateswoman