Things are nice, now that everything's quietened down. It doesn't feel like anything bad's going to happen to you anytime soon.
You should relax. It's been… an eventful past few minutes.
Then you remember the thug.
Goddammit, even when he's restrained he's causing you trouble. With a little reluctance to move from your spot next to the girl, you get up and plop yourself back on the dumpster with a mildly .
Did he hear that?
"Hey, what the fuck was that?!"
He heard that.
… Yeah, let's fuck with him a bit.
" I was getting numb, so I got up for a walk. You could have gotten out anytime in the past five minutes, honestly. So, uh, thanks for not doing that, I guess."
... That was mean.
Was that mean? Probably a little bit. Do you particularly care?
The joy you take from his renewed angry shouting has you leaning towards 'no.' The girl shifts away from the garbage, and you begin to wonder about her, leading you to realise that you have many questions. Like, what's her name? You're getting kinda tired of only referring to her as 'the girl.'
I suppose he is a little busy screaming his lungs out. He probably can't hear you right now.
"So, I don't think I ever caught your name." You ask, once again not quite used to the… bass of your new voice.
The girl blinks -see?- and glances down at your impromptu throne. When the mook doesn't stop screaming at you in rage, she seems to accept that he probably can't hear anything in there.
"A-Andrea. My name's Andrea. What about you?"
"Oh, I'm-" You just catch yourself at the last moment before you actually say Greg.
Jesus Christ don't scare me like that.
"Uh." Unfortunately, while you may have caught yourself from doing one stupid thing, you didn't have a smart thing for backup. After a moment, you just decide to come out with the truth.
"I, uh, don't really have one. Like, as a cape."
Andrea raises an eyebrow. "You're a cape?
"AND I'M GONNA DROWN YOUR PEoh you're a cape. Well, you know what, I actually feel a little better about getting the shit kicked out of me now!" The thug cheerfully halts his rant and adds his bit to the conversation.
You blink.
"NO FUCK YOU I CAN FEEL THE BRUISE FORMING YOU FUCKING RACE TRAITOR-" And off he goes again. For someone who was punched in the stomach not five minutes ago, he's got a decent pair of lungs on him. You ignore him and continue talking over him to Andrea.
"I'm a parahuman, but I dunno if I qualify as a cape, though. I don't even have a name yet." You admit sheepishly.
"... Huh. Alright then." She says, apparently accepting your explanation.
The thug eventually runs out of steam and finally, finally shuts up. A moment passes in silence, and you feel like you can finally relax.
"So... what's your power?" She asks.
... Seems harmless enough.
"Far as I can tell, I'm really strong, like, leap over a ship strong, but I don't really know much else about it. I only got it, like-" Oh boy, here you go lying again. "-two, three weeks ago?"
The question shifts your own curiosity in that direction, and two questions in particular throw themselves at you. First, a comparison of sensations. You know how your power feels. Now you want to know how her power feels. You're also curious about what she's thinking of doing with it.
"So... how does your power... feel?" You ask, realising a little late that you have no idea how to properly word that question.
"... I don't... what?"
Can I get in on that?
You scramble to put together words and describe what you mean while ignoring the thug.
"Uh, ok, so, my power, right, even when I'm not using it, I can feel that it's there, and when I am using it, it's like... a nuke, going off underneath my skin, just a stupid amount of energy waiting to be used. I was just wondering if you, like, had something... like that."
"Sounds fun."
That's... a surprisingly good way of putting it.
Please get it please get it please get it please get it-
"Um... when you put it like that... kinda? If I think about it for a second, I get this weird... chill, right down in my bones. Wow, that's weird. Are all powers like that?"
You shrug. "Dunno."
When she stays silent, no question of her own, you continue on.
"... So what are you gonna do with it?" You ask, unsure what you're going to get in return.
"... Corner the ice sculpture market?"
Goodness, that's an odd sound you just made.
It's like someone punched a whoopie cushion.
"Dude, I haven't even had them for five minutes! Hell, I don't even know that wasn't just a stiff breeze!" Andrea seems mildly distressed, and the temperature drops slightly again. Instead of nipping and nibbling at your warmth, it's much like a cool breeze from all sides. Hardly unpleasant. More mist forms from her mouth, and she pauses in her rant.
Ok, so I did trigger." She mumbles after a moment. "I mean... I don't know, man. What am I supposed to say to that? 'I want to become a hero?' Shit, what do
you wanna do with your powers?"
"... Honestly, I'd be happy with figuring out how they work. As it is... I'm scared I might actually hurt someone." You admit, sounding surprisingly... meek, for your stature and voice.
Which is why it's important for you to figure out how to talk to me.
"... Oh."
Shit, bringing the mood down, salvage it, salvage it!
"But I mean, yeah, heroics doesn't sound like a terrible gig. I mean, I can't exactly make money with my power, and I don't wanna be a villain, so..." You say, sounding as upbeat as you can to try and dispel the nosedive in the mood.
"I guess. I just... need more time to think about it." She answers with an air of finality.
... That's fair. Silence falls again, and as you think, your mind keeps coming back to one thing.
All Might.
Hello! That's me! Ask her why she knows about me! Why does she know about me?!
"Hey, uh, one last question. What's... All Might?"
Aaaaand there's the eye glaze. She recovers pretty quickly, shaking her head a little as she does. You can't help but feel a little concerned.
She remembers, but she does not. It is too soon.
"I... what?"
... What? Doesn't she remember?
"When you triggered, you looked straight at me and said All Might."
Now that you think about it, she might have been referring to
you as All Might. Was it a name?
Yes, mine!
"I... don't remember. But the more I think about it, the more I feel like... I
... Hrm.
... That's helpful. Guess you're not getting any answers there.
I can't help but feel a little disappointed.
You hear the sirens of a police car coming closer, the wailing almost deafening once it reaches the end of the street. You see the car cruise by the alley, the lights flashing and lighting up the world in red and blue. They come to a halt, and the light and sound cut off.
From one side of the alley mouth appear two police officers, guns still holstered. One notices Andrea, and immediately checks on her, while the other focuses on you.
"Ah, officer! Over here!" You call out, urging him closer.
"Ah... we were told there was an assailant?" He asks, keeping his distance.
"Yeah, I'm sitting on him. Hold on-" You haul yourself off the dumpster and open the lid. The thug within shields his eyes from the sudden light. As soon as he recovers, he scrambles to get out, rolling over and out of the dumpster, flopping onto the ground with a little
whoomp of air rushing from his lungs.
"Here he is."
The officer is quick to act, and soon the thug's in cuffs and sitting in the back of a police car.
While you give your statement to the officer, the paramedics turn up. Before they usher Andrea into the back of the ambulance, she manages to escape long enough to return your hoodie.
"... Thank you." She says after a moment passes, going in for a gentle hug, barely wrapping her arms around your trunk. You tense slightly at the sudden display of affection, but you soon recover and hug her back
very lightly.
... Aw.
Eventually, you don't know how long it is, she breaks it off and walks off to the ambulance.
"... You're welcome." You mumble to yourself.
... You really don't deal with girls all that well, do you?
That was- that was nice. Hugs are nice. You like hugs.
That's a no, then.
You leave the alley for the first time in what feels like weeks, and you try to remember which way the Boat Graveyard is.
... Uh, lessee, where's the sun- ok, so...
away from the alley.
You consider walking, and then you remember that
you leaped over a ship earlier. Yeah, that sounds like a plan. You glance back at the police and the thug and the paramedics and Andrea, and you realise that you have an audience this time.
... You're surprisingly ok with that. You bend your legs, the power flowing through them a little faster than before, and you
push up and forward. The transition between being on the ground and being in the air is so fast that you barely have time to notice before you've cleared the building, and are now on your way to the other side.
exhilarating, you decide. You don't even try to stop yourself from laughing as you move through the air, the sheer wonder of what you can do sweeping over you.
Another leap or two lands you in the Boat Graveyard proper, and a few dips and dodges brings you to the clearing your sister is in. She's pacing back and forth, obviously stressed the hell out.
She spots you, and comes running to hug her big brother-
No, that is, in fact, a hop, skip, jump, and a slap in the face. You feel a small sting from her palm striking your cheek, but otherwise, you're unharmed.
You start to consider snarking back, but then you catch her eye. Her lips are pursed, gently quivering, and her eyes are shiny, and your retort dies in your throat as soon as you realise how distressed she is.