A Summer That'll Last Forever (A Camp Counselor Quest)

Voting Closed. Winner:

[X] Write in: Pretend to eat but ask questions.
Lovingly Made
Write in: Pretend to eat but ask questions.

You knew an unwinnable fight when you saw one.

"Fine." You sat down, making sure to rest your bat on your shoulder just in case. "But I still have some questions for you fucks."

Like someone flicked a switch, the Head Counselors were back to normal. Head Counselor One gave you a wide smile. "Great! Now Eat! Eat!"

"Eat! Eat! Eat!" they all chanted as they ushered the kids towards your table. Mark was chanting along with them, Lilith was still pissed, Janet was as emotionless as always, Bob was still fucking looking at you, and Alex looked ready to bolt any second now.

The Head Counselors set their trays down in front of you and your little group, opening the lids to reveal --

Mark wrinkled his nose. "Ewwww! What is this?"

"Healthy food! Healthy food for all of your growing bodies!" Head Counselor One stretched his grin a little farther. "Now Eat!"

"Eat! Eat! Eat!" they all chanted.

Your food was a pile of jello-like shit just slapped on a plate. It was a brownish blue color and had a bunch of -- meat? Eggs? Tentacles? -- inside it. The shit inside was moving, causing the whole thing to wiggle slightly. It gave off a smell that reminded you of the bathroom after your old man ate that laxative taco you gave him.

You poked the food with your fork and resisted the urge to gag as the smell became more potent.

"Disgusting," Lilith muttered, giving her food a disdainful look. It wiggled some more.

"It's good! So good! Eat children, eat!"

"Can I have some carrots instead?" Mark poked at the shit on his plate. "My Mom and Dad said that meat is unhealthy and I can't eat it or else I'll get a tapeworm."

Head Counselor One's eye twitched. "It's healthy! Worms are healthy! Eat!"

Alex stared down at his plate with blank eyes. A piece of the black sludge fell from his clothes and landed on the food. You watched as the sludge was absorbed into it with a loud slurping sound. It began wiggling even faster.

He jerked back, fork in hand as he started to stab at the wiggling shit on his plate. It only wiggled harder, the smell potent enough to make your eyes water.

In an effort to keep yourself from puking all over the fucking table, you tried to focus on Janet. The perfume when poured all over herself was strong enough to mask the shit-like smell of your food, thank fuck.

Janet was narrowing her eyes at the food on her plate, the most emotion you've seen out of her the entire day. She made no move to touch it, leaning as far away from it as possible.

Bob pushed their plate away from themselves. "̘͔͠Ị̲̼ ̼͟h͚a̹͙͉̼̰̙͕v̳͠e̢̙̖̦͓͚ ͏̮̰̤ͅl̺͖̦̠̤̣o̮̲n͍͕͍̳̱̬̼g̡͙͚̬ ̜̟̻̳s͎͔̭̜͜ͅi̢̮̦̭̰͇̻̪n̷̳̭̩̜͉c̯̦̺͉̹ę͉ ͔̱͇͚o̧̬̳̙ưt̛̪̗̤ͅg̼r͏͉̱͎ơw̷̙̩͍n͉͕̖̪̫ ̦̣̞̪͕ṯ̨͈͚͓ḥ͎e̙̝̖̪ ̙n҉͎̩͙é̼͇̯̝̜ęd ͏̺t̩̱̺̺̭͔́o̭ ̡̻̟̠͓̳͖̻c̬̻̖̫͇ọ̖́n͙̥̟̥͙s͔̯̼͜ų̜̤̼̝̖̺m̴e̩̥.̢͎̰̝ ̦̦̙́I͇͍̖ ṣ͡h̳a͇̫̬͔̯̰l̵̗̥l̘̭̲ ̩̘̮͖̕r̺͙͝e͎̘̠̟f̣̲̩r̘̲̰̲͕̻͟a̬̮͟i̤̫̘̰̞͎̥n̙̺͖̕.̦͚͇͉̞̲̘"͇̖̮̹̩̯ ̶͚

Bob pushed their plate away from themselves. "I have long since outgrown the need to consume. I shall refrain."

The Head Counselors' teeth were staring to grow again. Fuck, you needed to do something before they attacked the kids.

You tried to make your voice sound as cheerful as possible. You're not sure if it worked. "This looks... good. I think. Really... fucking interesting."

You held your breath as you dug your fork into the shit on your plate, a visible odor coming from it as you scooped out a chunk. You could feel the vomit at the back of your throat, threatening to spill all over the fucking table the more you focused on the smell of the "food".

But the Head Counselors were all watching you now, anticipation on their faces. It kept their attention away from the kids, but now you had to actually follow through.

You held back the bile in the back of your throat and raised the fork up to your mouth -- before slipping the chunk onto the napkin in your lap.

You mimed a few chewing motions and glanced up at the Head Counselors.

Stealth Roll: 83. PASS.

They didn't seem to notice, thank fuck.

"So?! What do you think?!"

"Mmm... it's fucking good! Thanks for the totally not shitty meal!" you said, trying your best to smile. Might have come out as a grimace instead, but they didn't seem to notice.

Head Counselor One let out a gasp of delight. "You mean it?!"

"Yeah sure, why not." You stood up, making sure to carefully slide the napkin to the floor. "So now that that's outta the way, we need to talk about some shit." You nodded to the rest of the Head Counselors. "All of us."

Head Counselor One stared at your plate. "But --!"

"Oh don't worry! I'm definitely gonna finish this shi-- your food. Just wanna few questions about you know, my new job. My responsibilities and shit like that." You glanced at the kids. "In the meantime, the kids can take the chance to -- I dunno, talk and shit. Socialize with each other."

You stared at Alex until he looked up at you.

Glanced at the shit on his plate then at the garbage can in the far corner of the cafeteria.

A look of realization filled his face and he gave you a slow nod.

Social Roll: 75 - 20 (Asshole) = 55. PASS.

The rest of the Head Counselors stared at Head Counselor One, who had a thoughtful look on his face. "Hmm! Well! Alright! You are new here after all!"


The six of you walked towards the kitchen, the Head Counselors in the front and you at the back with your bat at the ready. You made sure to close the door behind you.

The kitchen probably would've looked like a normal kitchen if not for the black sludge splattered everywhere. The floors, the walls the ceilings -- everywhere. In the center of all that mess was an old guy wearing a chef's hat and an apron that might have been white at some point. He was holding a mop and was methodically and slowly cleaning the black sludge off of the ground.

He didn't so much as turn to look at the six of you. He just stared off into space with a blank look on his face.

"Meet Cook! Cook is Camp Xenotemp's cook! Say hello, Cook!"

Cook opened his mouth and let out a low, echoy wail that immediately set your teeth on edge. You took a step back, bat at the ready in case he lunged at you.

But he didn't do anything. Just went back to mopping.

"See?! Look how friendly he is!" Head Counselor One smiled even wider, his mouth stretching across his entire face, revealing a long row of teeth. "Now! You must have many questions about your new job as counselor! Please! Ask away! I will do my best to answer as truthfully and honestly as possible!"

What questions do you have for the Head Counselor?

[X] Write in...
Last edited:
[X] Care to explain how a little girl threw FIREBALLS at me!?!
-[X] Should I be worried if anything 'weird' starts to happen to me like growing another arm or getting a third eye?

You can ask as many questions as you want, but don't expect answers for all of them. Also, the Head Counselors will only give you so much time to answer questions. Bed time is approaching after all, and the campers need to wake up early for all of the scheduled activities. So if you come up with a list of 30+ questions, only maybe four or five will be answered.