A Summer That'll Last Forever (A Camp Counselor Quest)

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Welcome to Camp Xenotemp, home to our world famous Xenotemp Lakes!

We hope you have a pleasant...
Welcome To Camp Xenotemp!


She Who Watches And Waits
I'm not behind you. Seriously.
Welcome to Camp Xenotemp, home to our world famous Xenotemp Lakes!

We hope you have a pleasant stay here!

We hope this summer will last as long as a lifetime! Or maybe even longer!

As the new COUNSELOR your job is to maintain the health, happiness, and care of your new campers! We at Camp Xenotemp have all sorts of exciting and fun activities that the campers must enjoy in order to have the perfect Camp Xenotemp experience! But don't worry if you don't know how to supervise or perform an activity! Many of our head counselors know what to do, and will be glad to explain the basics of each activity if you are lost in any way! Just sit back, relax, and take in the glory that is Camp Xenotemp!

There are all sorts of responsibilities that you, our new COUNSELOR, must fulfill if you wish to work for our delightful camp for the next 6 WEEKS! But before we go into that, we must go over a few rules for the camp!

  1. No electronics of any kind! Be they phones, computers, gaming systems, radios, or other obscure communication devices! Technology gets in the way of the beauty and fun Camp Xenotemp can provide!
  2. No weaponry! Weapons can hurt the campers, head counselors, and other staff members! Plus they just aren't fun!
  3. No outside food or snacks! Our cooks work hard to give you the food you need! You wouldn't want to make them sad, would you?!
  4. Always wear your COUNSELOR uniform! We need to know who you are at a glance!
  5. No medical supplies! We have all the medical supplies that you need!
  6. No forms of transportation! COUNSELORS aren't allowed to leave the camp until the camp is over!
  7. No fighting the head counselors, staff members, or any superiors! They're in charge and they know what to do! Plus hurting them means hurting the camp! And if you hurt the camp, the camp might just hurt you back! And why not?! You deserve it!
  8. Stay out of the lake! No hugging for you!
  9. Stay out of the mountains! No licking for you!
  10. Never go into the woods unless the head counselors say you can! Nature is out there!
  11. Stay in the camp at all times! The camp is safe!
  12. Don't escape the camp!
  13. Don't escape the camp!
  14. Don't escape the camp!
  15. Never escape the camp.

Now that you know about the rules, let's go over your new responsibilities as COUNSELOR!



You must never DISOBEY YOUR HEAD COUNSELORS. If you do, you will face serious consequences!

You are required to KNOW HOW TO OBEY ORDERS.




And most important of all, you must be IGNORANT. IGNORANT OF ALL THINGS IMPORTANT IN THIS REALM.

Make sure to keep all of that in mind while you help out at Camp Xenotemp!

We are so lucky to have you!

And you are lucky to be with us!


Who are you?

[X] The Cheerful:
You just have to be willing to look on the bright side of things. You make it a point to always be as cheerful and as happy as you can possibly be. Life is always better to handle when you wear a smile after all! And if you can make other people as happy as you are in the process? Even better!
--> Skills: Socializing, Acting, Leading.
--> Positive Trait: Optimism.
--> Negative Trait: Emotional Suppression.
--> Items: A Friend.

[X] The Snarker: Sometimes you just need to look life in the eye and tell it to fuck off. And you make it a point to to do that, all the time. There isn't a second that goes by without you rattling off a sarcastic quip or comment. And sure, it gets you in trouble, but you're used to that by this point.
--> Skills: Self Defense, First Aid, Survival.
--> Positive Trait: Perceptive.
--> Negative Trait: Asshole.
--> Items: Metal Baseball Bat.

[X] The Stoic: Emotions can lead to all sorts of problems when you let them run loose. Thankfully you've managed to get a handle on them, to the point where you can keep calm even in the worst of situations.
--> Skills: Pain Resistance, Trap Making, Stealth.
--> Positive Trait: Nerves Of Steel.
--> Negative Trait: Lack Of Social Skills.
--> Items: Cell Phone.

[X] The Curious: It's a huge world out there, filled with all sorts of wonders. And you just can't wait to experience it all! So many things to learn, so many things to do! And so many new things you can discover! You just can't seem to stop trying to figure it all out!
--> Skills: Researching, Exploring, Analyzing.
--> Positive Trait: Inquisitive
--> Negative Trait: Nosy.
--> Items: Laptop.
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Character Sheet.
Name: Nico.

Age: N/A

Sex: No one's fucking business.

Personality: The Snarker.


Self Defense: You've been in and out of fights your entire life. Fights other asshole have started, fights you've started, fights you somehow ended up in by proxy... It's safe to say that you've gotten pretty good at defending yourself.
--> Automatic success against opponents who are incapable of fighting.
--> + 15 to all combat rolls.

First Aid: When you get into fights, you get injured. It's common fucking sense. So of course you've gotten pretty good at patching yourself up.
--> You know basic to moderate first aid; enough to keep someone injured from dying or infecting themselves.
--> + 10 to all medical rolls.

Survival: People have tried to kill you. It's not something you like thinking about. Still, you know what you need to do to survive.
--> Know how to survive in most climates/situations.
--> + 10 to all survival rolls.


Perceptive: You can smell bullshit from a mile away. It'll be a cold day in hell when some asshole thinks they can pull shit over your eyes.
--> Are very observant; harder for people to sneak up on you.
--> Can tell when someone is trying to hide something/fool you.
--> + 20 to all perception/observation rolls.

Asshole: What can you say? You're a bit of an asshole.
--> Aren't exactly the best person to be around.
--> Usually make bad first impressions.
--> - 20 to all social rolls.


Metal Baseball Bat: Your pride and joy. You've been through so many fights with this thing by your side that's it's practically a part of you.
--> Always seem to have it on hand when you need it.
--> 10 to all combat rolls when in use.
--> ???
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[X] The Snarker

We start off with a metal bat, a makeshift weapon Sporting Apparatus! and nothing else!

[X] The Cheerful:
You just have to be willing to look on the bright side of things. You make it a point to always be as cheerful and as happy as you can possibly be. Life is always better to handle when you wear a smile after all! And if you can make other people as happy as you are in the process? Even better!
We might not be the most competent PERSONALLY but this route lets us be a solid help to others in a way that should let us keep the guys who don't need to learn about the ugly side of the camp away and the fighters pointed at the true threats.
[X] The Curious: It's a huge world out there, filled with all sorts of wonders. And you just can't wait to experience it all! So many things to learn, so many things to do! And so many new things you can discover! You just can't seem to stop trying to figure it all out!
Conversations With Your Old Man
The Snarker.


Self Defense: You've been in and out of fights your entire life. Fights other asshole have started, fights you've started, fights you somehow ended up in by proxy... It's safe to say that you've gotten pretty good at defending yourself.
--> Automatic success against opponents who are incapable of fighting.
--> + 15 to all combat rolls.

First Aid: When you get into fights, you get injured. It's common fucking sense. So of course you've gotten pretty good at patching yourself up.
--> You know basic to moderate first aid; enough to keep someone injured from dying or infecting themselves.
--> + 10 to all medical rolls.

Survival: People have tried to kill you. It's not something you like thinking about. Still, you know what you need to do to survive.
--> Know how to survive in most climates/situations.
--> + 10 to all survival rolls.


Perceptive: You can smell bullshit from a mile away. It'll be a cold day in hell when some asshole thinks they can pull shit over your eyes.
--> Are very observant; harder for people to sneak up on you.
--> Can tell when someone is trying to hide something/fool you.
--> + 20 to all perception/observation rolls.

Asshole: What can you say? You're a bit of an asshole.
--> Aren't exactly the best person to be around.
--> Usually make bad first impressions.
--> -20 to all social rolls.


Metal Baseball Bat: Your pride and joy. You've been through so many fights with this thing by your side that's it's practically a part of you.
--> Always seem to have it on hand when you need it.
--> 10 to all combat rolls when in use.
--> ???

"A fucking summer camp? Seriously?"

Your old man ignored you, like usual.

"Fuck, you must really be outta ideas, huh?" You snorted. "Fucking summer camp. Christ, you must really hate kids."

You almost felt bad for all the little shits that were gonna be under your care for the next --

"How long am I gonna be there?"

"Six weeks." He let out a sigh, leaning back into his seat. "None of the longer places were willing to hire you."

"Really making me feel loved, old man." You pretended to wipe a tear from your eye. "Hits me right here, knowing how much you're gonna miss me."

He sighed again, acting as though the whole world was against him. Your old man always acted like that, like everything was just too fucking much for him. Pissed you off when you were younger. Still pisses you off now, looking at his blank as hell face.

You slumped back in your seat and stared at the open window.

Fucking summer camp. And as a fucking counselor too. Christ, the people who own this place must be crazy or high as fuck. Who the hell would look at your rap sheet and think, "Aw yeah, I'd definitely let this fuck hang around impressionable kids. Would be a positive influence. Might even teach them the right way to stab a guy."

Like, what the fuck kinda camp was this? You didn't get a chance to look them up back home, because your old man didn't tell you that you were gonna be working at a camp instead of being at one. Probably thought you'd make a run for it the second he told you.

Which you totally would have. Hell, you were still debating just jumping outta the still moving van right now. Only the thought of broken bones and being stuck out in the middle of the forest miles from home stopped you. Knowing a little bit of first aid and how to survive in the forest didn't mean you liked the idea of crawling through unfamiliar woods with a broken spine.

Still, the thought of just fucking off right here and now was tempting. Way better than being a fucking camp counselor.

"Why didn't you just send me to fucking camp? Would've been the same thing."

Again with the sighing. "You know why."

You smirked.

You've been in and out of summer camps since you were old enough to go to one. And every time you made it your God given mission to get yourself kicked out by the end of the week. God, you can't remember how many camps you've been kicked out of over the years. Enough that you'd essentially become a local legend among summer camps. It's gotten to the point where even the mention of your name just automatically bans you from even coming. You remember a time when one of the head counselors took one good look at you and immediately called your old man and the hag to pick you up. You were there for all of two minutes; a new record.

The longest time you could even remember being at a camp was about nine days back when you were ten. And even then that was because you had a crush on one of the prettier counselors. What was their name again? Something starting with "I"...

Speaking of names, what's yours?

[X] Write in...

The rest of the ride up to the place was mostly silent. Well except for that Classical shit that your old man played on the radio. You always hated listening to it, mostly because the old man and the hag just fucking loved it. Made them feel all cultured and fancy and shit.

Your old man didn't listen to it as much as he used to though. Reminded him too much of the hag. You caught him giving the radio sad looks whenever it played some Classical shit back home.

You weren't sure why the fuck he was acting so sad about it though; wasn't like she was dead. He could still visit her in prison if he wanted to. And you knew for a fact that he always visited her, even during work hours.

"We're here."

The car stopped in front of a giant fancy metal gate that wouldn't of looked out of place in front of a fancy old mansion. Attached to the gate was an old wooden sign with the words, "WELCOME TO CAMP XENOTEMP", on the front in a bunch of different colors.

"What the fuck kinda name is Xenotemp?"

Your old man didn't answer, instead reaching behind him to get your bags from the backseat. He plopped them in your lap, unlocked your door, and said, "Get out."

"Well fuck you too, old man." You jumped out of the car, making sure to slam the door closed.

Before he could drive off you made sure to lean through the window, giving him a big toothy grin while flipping him off. "Say hi to the old hag for me!"

You barely managed to jerk your head out of the window before your old man stepped on the gas, screeching out of there without so much as a goodbye.


"Hello! You must be our new camp counselor! My name is Terra! Welcome to Camp Xenotemp!"

A tall woman with a smile too wide for her face waved at you from behind the gate. A bunch of kids were standing behind her, all carrying their own bags.

How many kids were there?

[X] Three kids. [Easy Mode]

[X] Five Kids. [Normal Mode]

[X] Ten kids. [Hard mode]
[X] Nico
[X] Five Kids. [Normal Mode]

Very interested to see where this goes
Adhoc vote count started by JiggyStreet on Mar 21, 2019 at 1:47 PM, finished with 29 posts and 14 votes.
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