A Spider in The Bay! A Marvel/ Worm Crossover

To Reboot or Not To Reboot?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 61.1%
  • No

    Votes: 21 38.9%

  • Total voters
Then, his suit shook as something smashed into it. Turning around, he found one of the Yangban members, (Tong Ling Ta) gesturing as mounds upon mounds of earth rose up from the ground around him. "Not good," he found himself muttering right before another pillar of earth rose from the ground below him, uppercutting the suit.

Before Tong could even press his advantage, the high pitched whine was his only warning before his head exploded as the drones hovered before him. Alright, debate this with Morgan later, for now, he had a job to do.
Wasn't Tong Lin Ta female?
Aces High
[X] Aces High.

After Action Report
Wards ENE

So it was about, I guess, five in the evening or roughly around that time? Yeah, I was on patrol with Gallant at the time. Then we got the alert from console about a disturbance down by the docks, asking for us to divert and investigate.

When we where a few minutes out from the area, we got to see the source of the ruckus...



"Bad day, bad day, bad day!" You found yourself shouting as you dodged the incoming projectile, courtesy of Skidmark. Only for your Spidey-sense to ring again. Moving by instinct, you found yourself dodging a really large fist...thingy. You don't know what to call it. Really.

"Today, Skidmark is gonna show you why you don't fuck with the Merchants, you fucking cunt wipe!" And there he goes ranting. Is this a trend with these idiots? Cause it really sounds like for a gang of crackheads, they really love to hear themselves talk.

"Language, Skiddie!" You call back out as you leapfrog off a piece of drywall he sent flying your way. You need to close the distance and try to take down Skidmark first. Squealer was under the 'Slightly Easier' Category. Mush and Trainwreck? Eh, you can deal with it when the time comes. Aaand a webshot towards Skidmark and score!



Spider Woman was there engaging the entirety of the Merchant Cape roster. Yeah, you heard me right, she was soloing all of them. What? No, I'm not sure if she picked a fight with them ot they plain flat out ambushed her. What did we do after that? Oh, we radioed it in to Console and they told us to stay and observe. Don't intervene since they were going to redirect some Protectorate reinforcements our way.

Gallant? Oh, er, he wanted to chip in and help out but, yeah. We weren't sure at all what to do.



As Skidmark flew back from the punch you landed on him, you barely had time to celebrate your victory when a massive fist slammed into your side.

You felt yourself bouncing off the pavement as you tried to arrest your momentum, all while you could hear Trainwreck gloating in the background. Getting back on your feet, you flip away as Mush tries to crush you beneath his weight. Let's see here, he's got some abandoned cars, a few loose tires, a rusted shipping container and a lot of garbage in there.

"Phew!" You exclaim while sling-shotting up his arm. "Did you ever take a shower here? Wait. Hold that thought for a minute," You quip before yanking Skidmark over with a quick shot and pull of your web.

"Hey there, Skidmark! Look, I know you're a busy person and all that, but have you considered actually implemeting a health plan of some sorts?" You ask while dangling him from your web, dodging Mush's attempt to rescue him.

"Fuck you! When I get my hands on you I'm going to skullfuck your br-mph!" Ah, blessed quiet.

"Guess I should also tell you to work on your bad breath. You ever heard of breath mints?" Spidey-sense warning again! "Have a safe trip!" You shout before tossing him towards a nearby building before firing several globs of web at him.



And that's how she took down Skidmark. What about the rest of the Merchants? Well, she dodged whatever they threw at her for a few more minutes before coming up with what appeared to be some crazy plan to handle Mush and Trainwreck...No sir, we did not intervene in the fight in anyway previously. We stayed a respectable distance away to observe the fight, at least until a stary bullet from Squealer's vehicle grazed Aegis, then we intervened.

Yes, sir. All we did was help Spider Woman pull on the web line after she somehow managed to entangle the both of them. Yes sir, we tripped the both of them into the ocean. Mush had to shed his mass while Trainwreck kinda shorted out.

Squealer? I don't know how, but Spider Woman somehow managed to talk her into surrendering. Somehow. All right then, sir. The report will be on your desk tomorrow morning.

Hah! I command this thing to rise up once again! At least long enough for me to get this out at least...Well, the next actual part will be out around....next week I hope. Then after that, tie up last minute changes to assignments so hopefully updates may resume their regular schedule by the week after next.
A Day in The Life Part 04
[X] She's got a good objective but what's her plan to reach the objective?

"Right then Taylor, er, nice to meet you and all that." You found yourself saying. Your mouth must be on autopilot at this point since your brain is still rebooting from what she had just done alongside the implications.

"You...You have a good objective in mind. Keeping a young girl safe from the gangs but....What do you intend to do to reach that objective?" You found yourself asking her. She can't exactly go wage a one woman war against the E88 and hope things would just work out from there.

"You're not going to tell me your entire plan consists of winging it are you?" Ooh, that seemed to strike a nerve with her if anything.

"Look, so you want me to cooperate with you, by contacting the Protectorate and trying to ensure that they won't try to arrest you on first sight, and then what? Hope the Protectorate does something about it to make sure that Alcott girl makes it back to her parents safe? Or are you trying to get her into the Wards to keep her safe?"

"I...I...I don't know....I...I thought if you could get in touch with the Protectorate and the PRT, they..they could coordinate together. With the ABB and The Merchants gone, they could...they could actually do something about the Empire....You know?" She trailed off from there, sounding really unsure . Could you blame her for sounding really out of her element here?

"Look, Taylor. I know you mean well and I'm pretty good, but I can't take on the entire Hydra-wannabe group by myself. The least I can do right now is inform the Protectorate about Dinah and hope that Cipher is actually willing to hand her over." You told her.

"I..Thanks. That means a lot to me. It's been a long time someone's been honest with me. I don't even know if I could trust Tattletale anymore. Not since after...Nevermind." She tells you as she prepares to pull her mask back on.

[X] She showed you a sign of trust by unmasking herself. It should be right to do the same thing.

"Wait!" You call. This really seems like a bad idea to you but she already upped the stakes to persuade you that she's being honest. The best you can do is try to fullfill your end and meet her halfway.

"There's one more thing you should, no. You deserve to know. You did unmask to me after all." You tell her before reaching towards your mask. Last chance to back out Gwen....Nope!

Pulling your mask off, you were greeted with the sight of Taylor looking shocked. "Hello Taylor. Fancy meeting you here." You said.



You found your self in shock. Gwen was Spider Woman? What other world shaking revelations will you discover next? Your mother was secretly brought back to life as an experimental weapon? The Simurgh enjoys messing with people on PHO forums? Behemoth secretly enjoys tap-dancing?

How do you react at this revelation?

[] I need some time alone. My brain hurts and so does my sanity.
[] What else where you hiding from me? TELL ME YOUR SECRETS!
[] Punch her. Sweet catharsis is needed.
[] Hello darkness my old friend.
[] Write-in.

And here we go. Short update seems inadequate after the long delay, but I just can't seem to get this part to move smoothly, so I apologize. Next update comes next week and then I'll be free to update properly again. Until then, happy voting.
[X] What else where you hiding from me? TELL ME YOUR SECRETS!
A Day in The Life Part 05
[X] What else where you hiding from me? TELL ME YOUR SECRETS!

Building Rooftop
In Shock

Gwen was Spider Woman? You felt as if your entire world was shaken again. As if Mars's revelation the day before wasn't bad enough, Gwen as well? If that was so, what other secrets was your 'friends' hiding from you? Did that mean Gwen was just lying to you since the day you met her?

A sense of betrayal running through you as you strode up to her, before grabbing her by the front of her costume. She didn't even try to struggle at all, with a look that resembled, guilt? Flashing across her face.

"What else have you been hiding from me? Was all that time hanging out with me and being my friend just lies then? That advice you gave me, was it just trying to manipulate me?" You found yourself half-shouting, half asking her.

She just, looked away for a moment, thinking it over. Was she coming up with more lies to tell you? But at the same time, you can't help but feel...torn over what's happening? On one side, you're practically ready to call whatever that comes out of her mouth as bull, but on the other, you felt like..you desperately want to believe her, somehow.

Gwen was quiet for a moment before she spoke up.

"You remind me of Peter."


"I had a friend like you, back when I was in high school....Peter, he..well, he was practically bullied everyday in class. I...I always tried to look out for him. But one day, he just...snapped. Did something stupid that got himself killed. When I found him, he told me that he always looked up to me."

She paused for a moment, while you found yourself letting go of her costume and taking a few steps back.

"So when I came here, when I found you in that locker, I thought it was a chance, that maybe, maybe, I could do better by you than I did with Peter....Look how that turned out." She said while barking out a harsh chuckle. "Some good friend I am."

Reaching down, she grabbed the mask that she had dropped. "I know probably after all this, you wouldn't want to talk to me again for lying to you. I understand. But I'll just drop a line to the Protectorate, let them know about what's going on and what you're planning. At least I can do that much. Or, at least for Dinah."

Before you could even say another word, she's leaping off the building already while pulling her mask back on. Great work Taylor. Just seems like everything you've been doing just backfires spectacularly somehow. Were you superstitious, you would say that some gypsy had cursed you the moment you were born.

Watching her swing off into the distance, you turn around and begin making your way back down to the street. Grabbing your mask on the way out, you only had your thoughts to occupy you on the journey home.


Somewhere in the City

Well, you mused as you swung from another building, what a good friend you are. Couldn't keep Peter alive, and now Taylor probably hates your guts now. What were you thinking in the first place? Keeping your identity a secret from her while trying to befriend both of her personas at the same time! You need something to do in the meantime. Take your mind off this. You know!

Contact the Protectorate, let them know about Taylor's plan, and maybe play peacemaker between them?

Bringing up your phone, you quickly patch a line through while your line attaches to another building. Appointment arranged, you swap directions, heading towards the Rig.

When you talk to the Protectorate, what's the main subject you think best to focus on?

[] Dinah. She's an important asset that they can't just ignore considering what the E88 attempted.
[] Taylor. Her role in discovering this piece of information can't just be swept under the rug.
[] The E88. They went through a lot of effort to try and get their hands on her.
[] Write-in.

Final week. Just a few more days....How did I get this one out amidst all my assignments and studies? I have no clue at all. Happy voting.
[X] Taylor. Her role in discovering this piece of information can't just be swept under the rug.

Dinah's the Mayor AND a Ward's relative. They don't need encouragement to pay attention
[X] Taylor. Her role in discovering this piece of information can't just be swept under the rug.

Save the Taylor, Save the world!
A Day in The Life Part 05
[X] Taylor. Her role in discovering this piece of information can't just be swept under the rug.

Gwen Stacy
Protectorate Briefing Room
Here Goes Nothing

Sitting inside the briefing room, you wondered if it was always a thing with these people to always leave 'em waiting for a while before actually coming in to interview them. You had dropped a line to the Protectorate, Beardyman to be more precise while you were on the way to the Rig. Arriving on the landing pad, at least they let that force field down for you this time before you went splat against it.

So here you are, wasting your time waiting for someone to come in. After several more minutes of drumming your fingers on the table (They had asked you to stop waiting by hanging on the ceiling after the last time. Something about freaking people out.), Beard-faceman finally enters the room, looking a bit harried.

"Spider-Woman." His greeting was curt and short. As usual. Still, you, Assault and Mousey are still trying to get him to crack a grin, or somehow surgically remove the stick that was stuck in between his butt cheeks. "My apologies. I was busy studying the suit from yesterday's news. You said you had something you could tell me only?"

"Yeah, there is. You know that Bug Girl from the other night?" You asked him. Seeing him nod his head in agreement, you continue.

"Yeah, she just called me for a meeting earlier today. From the sounds of it, she was really desperate. Like she just realized she bit off more than she could chew. So, what she told me was this. She knows who is the Undersiders's backer as well as how they know who to hit and when to run." You begin.

"Please continue."

"Their backer is some person they only know as Cipher, who's leading some other gang in the city, playing all that cloak and dagger stuff. They have moles in practically everywhere, even in the PRT. All Cipher had to do was pull a few strings and that's how the Undersiders could get away during that bank robbery." You explain before taking a deep breath. Here comes the drop. let's hope he can do something about it.

"And there was this other thing 'Skitter' told me," You continue while you see Beardfellow who seemed to be paying rapt attention to everything you were saying. But with that visor, who knows? For all you know he could be playing Solitaire in there. "The mayor's niece, Dinah Alcott had recently come under Cipher's wing. Apparently, she has powers. Precog or something like that. She can predict the future via percentages and whatnot. Which led to somehow the E88 finding out about her and attempted to kidnap her."

"Cipher and the Undersiders intend to return her to her family the moment the E88 would stop hounding her. Bug Girl says they intend to do so by hitting as many E88 fronts as possible until they back off. She was hoping you people will be able to do it yourselves to avoid any casualties as well as she intends to turn herself in the moment this is over." You finish.

Halbeard-Sexual just did nothing for the next few seconds apart from rubbing his chin in contemplation while you just stewed there waiting for him to give something resembling an answer. When he did, it was an answer you saw coming from over a mile away.

"With the current Protectorate roster, we can't commit to this at all. Even if we wanted to, we can't bring up the Wards to boost our numbers either right now. The Youth Guard caught wind of what happened to Aegis and Vista the other day during your tussle with Oni Lee and are lobbying harder because of it. Then there was also the possibility that we all could be playing right into Cipher's hands if we go along with it. Cipher has everything to gain from this if we commit and nothing to lose. If what you say is true, Cipher may have deliberately allowed Skitter to leak this information to us."

What? Which means.....? The widening of your lenses must've given your surprise away since he continued explaining.

"Personally though? I would love to help commit to this even if we would be playing into Cipher's hands." He paused for a moment, pressing something on his gauntlet. "This is for off the record, I just turned off the all recording equipment inside this room for the next few minutes. Hopefully this would be all the time we need. Due to my position as the head of the Protectorate ENE, I am able to arrange patrol routes for both Protectorate and Wards to...coincide with whatever raids they may have planned. It's not perfect though, and there's only so much support we can provide you before it gets too suspicious." He tells you matter-of-factly. What.

"Give Skitter my thanks for this information and let her know we will be willing to take her in if it gets too much for her." He says before rising up from his seat. "Like I said Spider Woman, we are unable to commit to this at all under any circumstances. Best case scenario would be both parties weaken each other before we swoop in and mope up the remnants." Wait, Beardy-Stick can actually pull a stunt like that? You never knew he had it in him!

"If there's nothing else?" He asks while opening the door.

"Nothing comes to mind right now. Thanks for hearing me out." You say automatically, still stunned. That's happening a lot recently for you isn't it? Rising up from the chair, you move on autopilot to leave the Rig. Before long you were back to swinging through the city on your regular patrol. Strange day already so far, how much more stranger can it get?

Interlude Vote:

[] Summertime.
[] Headlight Disco.
[] Some Kind of Nature.
[] Write-in.

And I come back to tie up this part of the story. Exams are over which means hello consistent updates again! Happy voting until the next time.
[X] Write-in
-[X] Don't belive me? It's all in the numbers.
Some Kind of Nature Part 01
[X] Some Kind of Nature

Mars Yang
Rather Annoyed

No, wrong part. Wire has to cross over to the other side. Repair work definitely's gonna keep me busy for a while. And, there. Quick application of the soldering iron and that part of the circuit's done. The news from the telly blaring in the background. How long has it been already since I started working on it?

Grumbling to myself, I dab the soldering iron onto the damp sponge while I examined the repair slash modifications I had done. After that tussle with that Ramlethal lady, she did quite a number on my inhibitor. Too many components were damaged and full repairs warranted materials that I no access to at the moment.

Which meant compromises had to be made in fixing this thing. Circuitry removed and replaced. No way in hell am I using those old silicon based circuit boards. Besides, I could use any edge against whatever parahumans I might cross. And also in case someone like Ramlethal comes knocking again.

This just been a crazy week eh? First, I get caught in Bakuda's bombing spree and on the same night discover figure out that Skitter was Taylor, which meant I may have accidently drove her to become a villain. Great work so far Mars.

Then after that, when I invited Taylor over to talk things out, ABB decides that I was a prime recruiting target. Get thrown about by Ramlethal after she had singled me out and then revealing my nature to Taylor and Lisa. The latter the last person I'd rather they never find out.

My only consolation was that Faultline came through with with all the information she had gathered so far. So that's a good thing. Remove that wire, replace it with that one from my stores. Soldering iron out again to set in in place. Aaaand done!

Snapping the casing of the inhibitor shut, should be working decently. At least I'll be able to do a bit of my Gear thing while still looking like how I do now. Important part was to make sure I also installed that other function in there. Just in case. Call me paranoid but after what happened yesterday, I won't take any more chances.

Flexing my right arm, still fits and won't get in the way of everyday activities. Good. Pushing aside the magnifying glass, I pull on my armband to hide the inhibitor. More surprised that no one caught on to my right arm at all after the past few months.

Now on towards the other project I had running.

Since the appearance of the first parahuman since the 1980's, the world definitely changed alright. But something seemed...off. Somehow. All the information I got for the past few decades just seemed to indicate that somehow parahumans tend to end up fighting each other. Constantly.

Hypothesis: Parahumans whether they're aware of it or not, are somehow drawn into conflict with each other.

Question. Why? Is it a part of their nature alone considering the scant few reports related to how a parahuman 'triggers'?

From the data gathered, it points towards when the victim is at their emotional, physical or mental lowest, one snap of the fingers and they develop superpowers...somehow. Who or what is the one specifically targeting these people in the first place? Are they intentionally trying provoke this sort of thing?

And to top it all off, every parahuman decides the first thing to do is to dress up in tights, wear a silly mask with an equally silly name and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to punch crooks in the face. Same thing goes to the villains. Except swap the punch crooks to punch other heroes with the occasional dead body thrown in.

Theory. Someone out there is giving people superpowers. Source of powers are subconsciously driving them towards conflict. Endbringers are possibly a tool to enforce said status quo.

Well, that doesn't seem pleasant at all. Why can't whoever's doing this find better a hobby? Like collecting stamps or something?

Shaking my head to clear that random line of thought, I turned my attention towards the news anchor who where going on about MI sponsoring a fundraiser event to rebuild the city after Bakuda's (short-lived) rampage. A fundraising gala huh? Eh, sounds boring. What could possibly happen there?

Pick two things that happens:

[] Test the limits of the modifications. You never know when Murphy's gonna kick you between the legs.
[] Co-op with Faultline. The lost origins of those C53's seem rather tempting.
[] Investigation. (State the subject of choice)
[] Continue work on a private project. (This is your baby right there)
[] Taylor visits. (Awkwardness ensues)
[] Lisa visits. (Resist the urge to punch her)
[] Band practice. (Betsy's climbing up you and Gwen's back about it)
[] Write-in.

Update is here and we are back on schedule people! Except for a few, er, minor changes? Next update will be on Monday instead but after that the stream will be consistent. promise! Until the next update, happy voting.
[X] Test the limits of the modifications. You never know when Murphy's gonna kick you between the legs.
[X] Taylor visits. (Awkwardness ensues)