A Spider in The Bay! A Marvel/ Worm Crossover

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    Votes: 33 61.1%
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    Votes: 21 38.9%

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The Inheritors where dealt with. The Great Hunt is over (that's a relief). As you come to on the...
Character Selection


I draw stuff (Commissions Slots Open)
The Inheritors where dealt with. The Great Hunt is over (that's a relief). As you come to on the cold hard pavement, you get the sense that something wasn't right here. Struggling to get back to your feet, you take notice of your surroundings. It seems to be an alleyway of sorts, but you don't recognize it. Did something happen when Peter sent you back?

Shaking your head to clear it, you leap onto the nearby wall before crawling onto the roof. While crawling up, your brain sluggishly catches up with you. You are...

[] Miles Morales (Ultimate Spider Man)
[] Jessica Drew (Ultimate Black Widow)
[] Gwen Stacy (Spider Gwen)
[] Miguel O' Hara (Spider Man 2099)

Reaching the top of the building, you walk over to the ledge and look over the city. Panic almost begins to set in when you realize that this was not New York at all. Did Peter mess up the portal when he sent you back? Or did something else happen? Either way, no point in sitting around, you could swing about the city and figure out where are you. Or you could swing over to that fancy looking building out by the bay...

[] Swing about the city, find out where are you right now.
[] Check out that big fancy building by the bay that screams government institution.
[] Write in.

Hello and welcome folks to another one of my attempts at writing. I noticed that there weren't a lot of Spidey Quest out here, so I decided to try something else. For starters, I'm not even going to try and write Amazing or Superior. Updates will come at about once every two days and the character selected will affect quite a few things. This is due to these Spiders having the same general template of powers, they may have a bit of extras on the side.

Any write-ins are always heavily encouraged so lets get 'er started.
[X] Gwen Stacy (Spider Gwen)
[X] Check out that big fancy building by the bay that screams government institution.

Yet to read about her but this sounds interesting.
[X] Gwen Stacy (Spider Gwen)
[X] Check out that big fancy building by the bay that screams government institution.
[X] Jessica Drew (Ultimate Black Widow)
[X] Check out that big fancy building by the bay that screams government institution.

I'm going to have to break with the pack here. Ultimate Spiderman is best Spiderman, even when he's a she. Perhaps especially when he's a she, given the extra helping of adorkableness.
[x] Miguel O' Hara (Spider Man 2099)
[x] Swing about the city, find out where are you right now.
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[x] Miguel O' Hara (Spider Man 2099)
[x] Swing about the city, find out where are you right now.

I know he's not gonna win but Miguel deserves at lest one vote, Shock it!
[x] Miguel O' Hara (Spider Man 2099)
[x] Swing about the city, find out where are you right now.
[X] Miles Morales (Ultimate Spider Man)
[X] Swing about the city, find out where are you right now.

The government institution on the bay makes me think that this is Worm, but it's so vague that it could be anywhere.
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[X] Miles Morales (Ultimate Spider Man)
[X] Swing about the city, find out where are you right now.

The government institution on the bay makes me think that this is Worm, but it's so vague that it could be anywhere.

I'd say it's the Triskelion but since two of the choices are from the Ultimate universe and they don't recognize it so that can't be it. Maybe it's the Marvel cinematic universe? They had a Triskelion in Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
[X] Gwen Stacy (Spider Gwen)
[X] Swing about the city, find out where you are right now.

SPIDER GWEN! It's like finding a shiny Pokemon! But more awesome, because...REASONS!
And you can't go wrong with a little adventure...
[X] Gwen Stacy (Spider Gwen)
[X] Swing about the city, find out where are you right now.
Just curious, does anyone know about who's who from the character options? Or should I post a quick sheet to let those who didn't read up on Spider-Verse?
Just curious, does anyone know about who's who from the character options? Or should I post a quick sheet to let those who didn't read up on Spider-Verse?
Personally I recognize all of them. It's not like you picked some of the less well known ones like spider-assassin or silk.
Just curious, does anyone know about who's who from the character options? Or should I post a quick sheet to let those who didn't read up on Spider-Verse?
Eh. Everyone here can google, but it might be nice to have a quick synopsis of advantages and disadvantages of each.

Like I think Jessica Drew is physically one of the weaker spiders (iirc, her dead light is around 6-tons), Gwen Stacy is stronger than Jessica but lacks her mad nerd skillz, Miguel is from the future and a nerd (I think...) so he's probably better with advanced tech but lacking in the social skills due to stranger in a strange land syndrome and Miles... Eh, not really sure about him. I ragequit when they killed Peter.
Eh. Everyone here can google, but it might be nice to have a quick synopsis of advantages and disadvantages of each.

Like I think Jessica Drew is physically one of the weaker spiders (iirc, her dead light is around 6-tons), Gwen Stacy is stronger than Jessica but lacks her mad nerd skillz, Miguel is from the future and a nerd (I think...) so he's probably better with advanced tech but lacking in the social skills due to stranger in a strange land syndrome and Miles... Eh, not really sure about him. I ragequit when they killed Peter.

Jessica is probably middle ground, jack-of-all trades. Gwen probably has an advantage at social but I can't be sure because I haven't read her series. Miguel wasn't just a nerd, he was a genius specializing in gene-therapy. He gave himself his spider powers and I think he designed his own costume which is made of future-stuff so he's the smartest. As for Miles, he's... black? I'm kinda in the same boat, I haven't read anything after Peter died. The only thing I remember is that his dad (step-dad? Uncle?) is abusive and a super-villain. Actually, now that I think about it I think he has stronger powers: better spider-sense, organic webbing, and some sort of paralyzing stinger. But I think Miguel has those too so I could be wrong here. Also, back to Miguel, he's in his twenties at least, so if we pick him we won't have the option of joining the wards or going to high-school.
Quick Reference
All righty then, here's a quick summary for each character in combat:

Miles Morales:
The "Thief" Archetype. He is just as strong as Parker but less weight behind his punches mostly due to his smaller size, also means he's faster. Has a adaptive camouflage ability along with his 'Venom Strike/ Poke'. He requires skin contact to pull that one off though. But based off a few sources, under intense physical stress (torture) he can unleash a 'Venom Blast' from his body, but it creates a really bad EMP effect on all electronics in a city block.

The trade off is that his Spider-Sense isn't as strong compared to everyone else. It comes off as more off a buzz in his head.

Jessica Drew:
Generally the same powerset as any Spiders, the only difference is that her webs are organic and they shoot from her fingertips. Also, really good detective. Her downsides are mostly the clone complex and her tendency to go Cowboy Cop. She did end up leading the New Ultimates though, so that's something. Deputized by SHIELD as well.

Spider Gwen:
Same Spidey template, but from what I've read in her stories, she tends to unwittingly tank hits instead of dodging them. Prone to impulsive actions like any teenager her age. Uses her drumming skills to pound tougher foes (Rhino). Her webshooters surprisingly, are not built by her or Peter. Apparently, it was a gift from Janet Van Dyne when she retired. It works by drawing in moisture from the air and converting it to the 'webs' she uses.

Miguel O' Hara:
Mostly the same Spider Package but with a few extras. No Spider Sense for Miguel instead a "Enhanced Perceptions" that tune in to what's happening around him very quickly such as immediate danger or a general Plot Point. Still has limitations like what is he focused on, can be caught flat-footed. Has retractable talons on his fingers and toes (uses that to wall crawl). Webs are also organic and chemically identical to real Spider-Silk.

That's quick version of the four choices available. If you need further clarification, try out the Marvel wiki page. And er, votes will be locked in about two or three hours from now. Update will be later tonight.
Alright. A bit late but now votes are locked. But here comes the main problem.

I need a tiebreaker vote. Currently, Spider Gwen and Miguel are tied with five votes each.

I'll just extend the vote for one more hour so you folks can break the tie.
[x] Miguel O' Hara (Spider Man 2099)
[x] Swing about the city, find out where are you right now.

Changed it to tiebreak. Might as well go for something different than the usual spider package, even though I love spider gwen's costume.
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