It'd be nice if we knew what sort of spread of possible actions we'll have in the game before picking this, but I suppose the same could be said for assigning the stat reroll.
40.2 Million Humans (including approx. 150 known psykers)
6 Million Haqoi
200-400 thousand Orks, 2-4 million additional Orkoids of various subspecies. (Regular culling is required to keep population down)
Planetary Capital: Kaylar Prime
Planetary Features:
Continental World - Kaylar is a Rocky world with a rich nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere, as well as an active but stable hydrosphere. Great landmasses are separated by oceans, with large climate variations depending on latitude and precipitation.
Resource Rich - Kaylar is a world of great mineral wealth, with easy access to rare and valuable metals, chemicals and other materials.
Agriculturally Vibrant - The planet possesses highly nutrient rich soil, making large scale agriculture viable without risk of ecological disruption.
Psychic Stirring - Like many Human worlds over the past few millennia, a small number of Humans on Kaylar have been developing psychic abilities. Unlike many other worlds however, Kaylar's Psykers appear surprisingly stable in both overall numbers and power.
Navel Hub - Due to its strategic position along the Warp lanes, a federation navel base was constructed in Kaylar's star system. Whilst the planet has no authority over starbase Delta-174, Kaylar can at least count on swift aid in the event of an attack.
Alien Ruins - Ruins of unknown purpose or origin are scattered and buried beneath the planets surface. Those few ruins that have been unearthed are clearly both ancient, and highly technologically advanced.
Angry Locals - The planet is inhabited by a native sapient species. Though fairly technologically primitive they have proven actively hostile and unwilling to engage diplomatically with the Human settlers. Due to Federation law regarding the rights and protections of less developed species, the Human colonists are far more limited in what they are allowed to do in terms of planetary development.
Minor Ork Infestation - Primitive Ork tribes litter the planet, requiring regular military culling operations to keep their populations at a manageable level.
Aeldari Raiders - Aeldari ships have been know to operate in the space around Kaylar, attacking ships and smaller colonies for as yet unknown reasons.
Foreign Claims - An minor alien power within the sector has in the past made claims of rightful ownership over Kaylar. Despite lacking the means to contest the Federation militarily they have spent centuries attempting to undermine the colony politically and economically.
White Onyx Peak, a small mining town / ski resort a little under an hour away from Kaylar Prime by flyer. Usually the population of the small community was around 2,000 souls, but come ski season that number could jump up by a couple orders of magnitude. Not exactly what you had in mind when you had requested a relatively isolated facility in order to conduct your research, but it would suffice. At least now if anything went wrong you'd only be endangering a few thousand instead of a few million.
You look up from your data-slate for a moment to properly take in the view. The flyer you'd been issued by the university was more then capable of making the trip without any Human input. In fact people were usually discourage from trying to fly these things manually unless they were a trained pilot. Even then, such things were often illegal around populated areas. Snow-capped mountains glistened in the distance, whilst far below the valleys were covered in thick pine forests. Well you guess technically they weren't pines. As far as you were aware Kaylar had not been terraformed, so the trees below were unlikely to share any genetic heritage with the pine trees of distant earth. Still nature had a habit of coverings on similar solutions to similar problems. Even when worlds apart. So since they looked like pines, you were going to call the pines.
A little further away, towards the base of the mountains you were currently approaching, you could make out a small town coming into view. Compared to the high rises and urban sprawl of Kaylar Prime, the little resort town was positively quaint. Like something you'd see on a postcard, if postcards were still a thing. Oh gosh, you thoughts really show your age at times. It must have been millennia since you'd last even thought of postcards. You'd have to be careful about letting your mind wander like that around your new assistant. Whilst you don't think she can actually read minds to that sort of degree, it never hurts to be careful.
*Beep Beep*
You look back to your data-slate and find that you're receiving a call from... well speak of the devil.
"Hello Miss Yaren." you answer as you accept the call. The face of your young research assistant appearing on the screen.
"H-hello Miss Chawla." she stammered. "I mean Doctor! Doctor Chawla. Sorry..." she quickly corrects. You're really going to need to work on the poor girls confidence.
"That's quite alright Miss Yaren. I'm almost at the facility, is something wrong?"
"Oh uh no, nothing'ss wrong Doctor. The place is a little dusty but nothing too bad. I was just calling cause I knew you were on your way, and we just got done installing the recaff machine and I was wondering if you wanted anything once you arrived? Or I could run into town and get something else if you'd prefer?"
"That won't be necessary dear, I'll take my recaff with two sweeteners and a dash of cream."
"Right. Two sweeteners and a dash of cream. I'll have it ready for you by the time you arrive."
"Thank you." you nod. Then wait as Miss Yaren face continues to linger on the screen.
"Was there anything else?" you finally ask as the silence was beginning to stretch on a little too long.
"Oh! Uh... no. Sorry..." she apologised before at last disconnecting from the call.
You let out a short sigh as you leaned back into your seat, though you can't help but smirk at the poor girl's embarrassment. Does she really find you that intimidating? Perhaps over-reliance on her emphatic abilities during her formative years has left her at a disadvantage when she need to communicate with people who aren't aren't close enough for her to sense their emotional state? Certainly something worth investigating... Then again, she wasn't much better when you'd first met her. Poor dear had been practically tripping over herself letting you know how excited she was to be working with you. Though in her defence you are pretty awe inspiring. If she knew the full truth about you her head would probably explode.
Hmm... poor choice of words.
Well in any case, having her as your assistance should at least give you easy access to a willing volunteer for your research. Though at the risk of further inflating your already rather large ego.
A message appeared on the control screen of your flyer, informing you that you were approaching your destination. You looked out the window once again. Sure enough, the flyer was begin to carefully descend towards the parking space of your new research facility. Well "new" being a relative term. This facility, situated atop one of the smaller natural rises in the area had originally been built and used as geological survey station. It had later been renovated and expanded to serve as weather monitoring and atmospheric test site. Before finally being closed and left to gather dust by the university for about two decades ago. Though you seem to recall some of the university staff telling you they occasionally used it as a makeshift ski lodge whenever they got together for a group vacation.
As the flyer touched down and you began tightening your coat before stepping outside, you saw Miss Yaren dashing out from the facility, cup of what was presumably recaff in hand. Yes, it was good to be the boss.
Notable Staff members:
Chief Researcher = Dr. Rakshata Chawla
Head Assistant Researcher = Ms. Iqra Yaren
Facility Budget:
Aminsky-Kuller University of Higher Education = +5
Kaylar Prime City Goverment = +1
Mr. Black = +2
Security spending = -2
Facility spending = -5
Total Remaining Budget = 1
Facility Security:
Head of Security = Dr. Rakshata Chawla
Security Personnel = 50 Armed Guards
Experience = Unknown, (+/- ???)
Equipment = Unknown, (+/- ???)
Special Traits:
Dr. Chawla's Protocols - (-20 to severity rolls for psychic mishaps that occur within the facility)
External Support:
Public Relations Manager: Dr. Rakshata Chawla
Current Backers:
The Aminsky-Kuller University of Higher Education - Approval = 70 (-10/turn)
The City of Kaylar Prime - Approval = 100 (-20/turn)
Mr. Black - Approval = 100 (-40/turn)
Facility Management:
Facility Manager: Dr Rakshata Chawla
Special Traits:
Undergoing renovations
Ongoing Projects:
(Martial) Project Security - Choose 1. Drawing up your projects security protocols yourself has given you a considerable amount of leeway and control over the whole process. It does however mean that you're personally responsible for ensuring the safety of your researchers, as well as the surrounding general population.
[] Drill, Drill, Drill...
(DC: 30/60 - Reward: You gain a +5/+10 bonus on the facility's random event rolls for 5-years.
Having security protocols in place doesn't mean anything if your staff can't be relied upon to properly implement them. Spend the year training your staff in proper safety procedures and running routine drill to ensure they know what to do should the worst come to pass.
(Reward: You learn your security personals level of experience and equipment.)
(DC: 40 - Reward: +5 bonus for the next 5 years, to all rolls involving facility security. From keeping out unauthorised personnel, to fighting off small bands of Orks, to containing any potential psychic horrors.)
Since you aren't using any of the well established security firms Kaylar has to offer, you've had to recruit on-site security from several less reputable sources. Though you're confident that they're at least competent at their jobs, it wouldn't hurt to spend sometime putting them through the ringer to see what they're really capable of.
[] Fortifying
(Reward: Facility gains +10 to all rolls to fend off outside attackers, or contain the effects of psychic mishaps.)
The facility you've been provided with is suitability remote, but woefully inadequate to contain the worst effects of psychic mishaps. Not only that, but remoteness also means there is a very slight possibility that a roving band of Orks could find their way to your doorstep. It's unlikely given how thorough the PDF is at keeping the area around Human settlements clear of greenskins. But it is still a possibility you feel the need to prepare for. Spend some time arranging for the instillation of reinforced walls, barbed wire fences, motion sensors and thermal imaging cameras. By the time you're done with this place nothing should be able to get in or out without a fight.
[] Finding a New Head of Security
(Reward: A new Head of Security, quality determined by 1d100 + 13, +1 Martial action per turn.)
As much effort as you put into drawing up your projects security protocols, you have better things to do then managing the day to day affairs of your security team. to that effect you'll spend some time looking for someone with experience to take over the roll.
(Diplomacy) Project Relations - Choose 2. Just because your project was approved and is finally underway doesn't mean you can just sit back and relax. The University board and your various other backers are the reason you have this project in the first place, and they aren't about to let you forget it. Keeping them happy will be vital if you want to keep the lights on. You could also choose to seek additional support, or find other ways to aid your research.
Board Approval = 70 (-10/turn)
Government Approval = 100 (-20/turn)
Mr Black Approval = 100 (-40/turn) If approval fall below 50 you may receive penalties to certain actions, if approval falls below 0 all funding and support from that entity will be cut.
[] Butter Up the Board
(DC: 25/50 - Reward: +5/+10 to board approval)
(DC: 75 - Reward: +10 to board approval and Approval decay is reduced to -5/turn)
Now that the project is underway the real ass-kissing begins. Regular reports on your progress alone won't be enough to keep the board off your back, but if you can try to build up something of a rapport at least a few of the members that aught to buy you some time.
[] Cozy up to the Committee
(DC: 30/60 - Reward: +5/+10 to Government approval)
(DC: 90 - Reward: +10 to Government approval and Approval decay is reduced to -15/turn)
The mayoral subcommittee that was created to oversee your project has relatively little say over your day to day operations, but they do hold some of your projects purse strings. Plus if they wanted to they could make your life very difficult. Best to keep on their good side.
[] Seek Military Support
You find yourself in need of some additional support. Though it will surely come with some strings attached, it shouldn't be too hard to could convince the local PDF that your work holds value to the future security of the planet. Especially now that the project is already off the ground. - [] Military Support Financial
(DC: 50 - Rewards: +1 Budget, Mild Military oversight)
- [] Military Support Security
(DC: 40 - Rewards: 1 platoon of PDF infantry (+20 bonus to combat rolls from training and equipment) will be assigned as facility security. Mild Military oversight)
[] Seek Corporate Support
You find yourself in need of some additional financial support. Reach out to some prominent industries around Kaylar, surely you'll be able to find a corporate sponsor for your research. Though you doubt your current backers will approve. Hopefully you'll be able to juggle their concerns, and keep your new investors happy. - [] Minor Corporate Support
(DC: 25 - Rewards:, -5 Board and Government Approval, +1 Budget, Minor Corporate oversight)
- [] Mild Government Support
(DC: 50 - Rewards: -10 Board and Government Approval, +2 Budget, Mild Corporate oversight)
- [] Major Government Support
(DC: 75 - Rewards: -15 Board and Government Approval, +3 Budget, Mild Corporate oversight) Beating the DC's will reduce the approval penalties by 5, without changing the other rewards.
[] Address the Press
(Reward: Media Mini-Turn)
After the incident a few weeks ago with young psychic girl and its gruesome aftermath, the planets media have been running rampant with speculation and think pieces regarding psykers. Some of the more reputable outlets have reached out to you, as the planets leading expert on the subject, requesting to hear your thoughts on the matter. This could be an excellent opportunity to help steer the conversation. Whether you wish to put peoples minds at ease, advocate for stricter tracking and monitoring of psykers, or simple put out a call requesting volunteers for your research.
[] Hire a PR Manager
(Reward: A new PR Manager, quality determined by 1d100 + 15, +1 Diplomacy action per turn.)
Managing relations with your various backers, as well as the general public is an important job. But not one that requires your constant attention. Put some effort into finding someone who can handle the less important aspects, and assist you with the more important ones
[] Meet the Neighbours
(DC: 20/60 - Reward: Make a good first impression with the locals.)
It seems word of your arrival in the area has reached the ears of the White Onyx Peak's city council. If you can call it that. Mostly its just a bunch of local business owners that get together occasionally to manage the small towns affairs. They have no control over the towns laws or public services, all that stuff is handled back in Kaylar Prime. But since you're going to be spending a lot of time here you may as well put your best foot forward and make a good first impression.
(Stewardship) Project Management - Choose 1. Now that your Project is up and running, you actually have to manage it. Your "new" facility is a little run down and in need of a some renovation before it'll be fit for purpose. But it provides a good base to build from. On top of that, you've got a few extra funds in your back pocket, just in case you decide to go above and beyond your original project outline.
[X] Renovations - Locked for 1 turn.
(Reward: Your facility will fully up and operational)
The facility has been out of use for decades and is in desperate need of some renovations if it's ever going to make a suitable lab environment. Thankfully you'd already budgeted for this so it's just a matter of waiting for the works to be completed. Unfortunately it seems ensuring the work is up to your lofty standards is going to take up a considerable amount of your time. Though you should still be able to make a start on your research this year, any further extensions or improvements to the facility are just going to have to wait.
(Intrigue) Project "Security" - Choose 2. There's more to keeping your project safe then just putting a few armed guards on the perimeter and calling it a day. If you want to keep you project truly safe from those that would see it suffer you may need to be willing to get your hands dirty.
[] Bribe the Board
(Cost: 1 Budget - Reward: Halts Board approval decay)
Keeping the University Board happy will keep them from pulling the plug of your project. Perhaps a little financial incentive will allow them to see you value of your work.
[] Bribe the Committee
(Cost: 1 Budget - Reward Halts Government approval decay)
The mayoral subcommittee provides only minor financial support for your project, but their continued approval and support could open many door for you in the future. Surely a little grease to ensure those doors stay open is well worth the price.
[] Blackmail the Board
(DC: 40/75 - Reward: +10/+20 Board Approval)
Though you weren't able to dig up any dirt on the board prior to your presentation, you're certain there must be something you can use. You just need to keep digging a little deeper.
[] Blackmail the Committee
(DC: 50/80 - Reward: +10/20 Government Approval)
Government office workers, what dark little secrets do you have hiding in your bland and thoroughly unfashionable closets? And more importantly, what are you willing to do to keep them secret?
[] Embezzlement
(Cost: 1 Budget - Reward: A moderate amount of personal funds)
Thanks to your careful management your project is currently running below budget. Surely you deserve a reward for being such a thrifty and diligent manager. After all, if you don't take it the money's just going to go to waste.
[] Your end of the Bargain
(DC: 30/60 - Reward: Mr. Black is kept happy, +20/40 Mr. Black approval)
(DC: 90 - Reward: +40 Mr. Black approval, you get idea why Mr. Black is interested in your colleagues)
A certain benefactor is paying you a considerable amount of money to spy of some of your fellow University researchers. Best you hold up your end of the bargain, lest he withdraws his offer.
[] Who is Mr. Black?
(DC: 50/80 - Reward: Learn more about Mr. Black)
There's a lot you don't know about Mr. Black. Who is he? Who is he working for? Where is he getting the money to pay you to spy for him? Why does he want information of a bunch of university researchers? You should spend sometime trying to unravel these many mysteries.
[] Seek a Shadow Broker
(Reward: A new Shadow Broker, quality determined by 1d100 + 16, +1 Intrigue action per turn.)
If you're going to be involved in conducting illegally questionable activities, then you need someone who can help put you in contact with the planets seedier elements, whilst simultaneously distancing yourself from said activities. A shadow broker is thus something of a middle man. They get their hands dirty so you don't have to. If you can find one that's reliable and at least somewhat trustworthy, it will open up a whole world of opportunities for you.
(Learning) Research Projects - Choose 3. You are plunging head first into one of the greatest mysteries of the age. The Psyker. What are they? How do they draw power from the Warp? What does it all mean for them and for the rest of your species? Those are the questions that this facility is currently being remade to discover. You and your team are leading the way into the darkness unknown, just as countless ancient explores before you. You stand upon the shoulders of giants, man and machine. What wonders and terrors await you? Only time will tell...
Each project has a completion amount. For each action you invest in a project a 1d100 + (Learning) will be rolled to represent your progress in that particular project during the year. Progress is carried over from previous years and a project is only completed once the completion amount is reached or exceeded. You can invest in multiple projects at once, or you may focus solely on a single task.
[] The Incident
(DC: 20/60/90 - Reward: +20 Government Approval, Learn more about what happened that fateful day)
Kaylar Prime's city government has reached out to you to help their investigation into the incident that occurred several weeks ago involving the young psyker. The girl herself is still in intensive care, and the bodies of the bystanders are currently being stored at a local morgue pending the completion of the investigation. Whilst you're under no obligation to assist, the members of the subcommittee overseeing your research have made it clear that the city would be very grateful to have your expertise on hand. And you must admit, you're more then a little curious yourself find out exactly what happened.
[] Psyker Survey (0/100)
- [] 2 Die
- [] 3 Die
Rather then getting too caught up in the nitty gritty of how psychic powers work, your going to make a start properly measuring and cataloguing the breadth of psychic abilities present here on Kaylar. You'll need to search for living psykers to interview and test. Not an easy task given their relative rarity. But if you can find them you should be able to build a much better picture of the planets psyker landscape, as well as the limits of what they are capable of.
[] The Psyker Gene (0/150)
- [] 2 Die
- [] 3 Die
It's long been known that there is a genetic component involved in the development of psychic abilities. However genetic screening has shown that the DNA sequences thought to be responsible for such powers are found in Humans all across the galaxy. The vast majority of which do not display any signs of psychic abilities. For some reason these strands of DNA are active in psykers, but dormant in baseline Humanity. By carefully studying these so-called psyker genes, you may be able to figure out why this is. Or maybe even how to activate these genes in ordinary Humans, or deactivate them in psykers.
[] Psyker Biology (0/200)
- [] 2 Die
- [] 3 Die
Beyond simple genetics there appears to be no discernible physical difference between a regular Human and a psyker. Yet there must be something more then a few strands of DNA that allow them to draw the power of the Warp. Some subtle difference in physiology or brain structure, something physical that like the third eye of the Navigators that allow them to peer into that otherwise inscrutable dimension. By examining a few volunteers and perhaps growing a few clones from psyker DNA, you may be able to find that something that sets them apart. From their you can start looking into how whatever minute biological divergence they possess actually connects to Warp in the first place.
[] Psyker Training (0/200)
- [] 2 Die
- [] 3 Die
Though you may not understand why or how psykers develop their powers, you could attempt to see if these powers could be trained. Like any skill or muscle, practice makes perfect, and their our reports of psykers growing in power and control through repetition and training. Though you don't know exactly what would be most effective in achieving this sort of growth, you have a few idea's you'd like to try with any willing volunteers.
[] What about the Warp ( 0/300)
- [] 2 Die
- [] 3 Die
Rather then focusing on the psykers, you going to turn your attention to the effects they create. What is physically happening when a psyker uses their powers to say change the colour of an object, or what is happening in both their brains when Iqra uses her powers to read someones emotional state. This is one of the most poorly understood aspects of psykers and their abilities but surely it could also be the most enlightening.
[X]Plan Hiring Staff
-[x] Finding a New Head of Security
-[x] Hire a PR Manager
-[x] Address the Press
-[x] Your end of the Bargain
-[x] Seek a Shadow Broker
-[x] The Incident
-[x] Psyker Survey (0/100)
--[x] 2dice
A neat, uncomplicated plan that does all the basics and simple things. Fills out the roster, grabs a time sensitive PR opportunity, Keeps Mr Black from offing us, and does some simple research.
It has now been a little over two months since what the local media has dubbed the "Lowland Park Incident". The worst psychic event to befall Kaylar in its 400 year history.
The city's police have been keeping a tight lid on the exact details, but between eyewitness testimony and the snippets of information that the police have released, a few things were now known for certain. Six people were killed in the incident, including two children, and the psyker believed to be responsible for the event was a young nine year old girl. She survived the incident but has been in intensive care ever since. Beyond that, rumours run rampant over how and why this could have occurred...
Public Response:
1d100 = 63
On the whole the general public seems to be reacting much as they would to any tragedy. Flowers and candles have been left on small shrines at the sight of the incident, in a public display of mourning and remembrance for the victims. The families of those effected have given a few limited interviews where they lamented their loss and thank those who had been offering them support during these difficult times. The Mayor even gave a speech to the press where she offered her condolences and assured citizens that the matter is being investigated by the best people Kaylar had to offer.
However despite the largely respectful and supportive majority, a far more vocal and belligerent minority had also made themselves known. This group is really made up of various sub-factions, none of which yet possessed a cohesive message or identity, but all shared a general feeling of fear and anger over what has occurred. They are demanding answers. Some claiming the excuse of a psychic incident is just a cover up for some insidious conspiracy, whilst others want to know what is being done to prevent something like this from happening again.
It was in the wake of all this that you were contacted. Even only taking into account the credentials that you've allowed to become publicly known, there are none on Kaylar more experienced in the study of psykers and psychic phenomenon then you. So it came as no surprise when the city government finally reached out to you for aid in their investigation. Technically you're just a private citizen, thus under no obligation to provide such aid. But seeing as how the city partially helps fund your research it seemed like a wise choice to play along. But even without the financial incentive, you would be lying if you said weren't curious about what happened that day. You'd heard of similar events occurring on other worlds. Sometimes with even more disastrous results. But this would be your first opportunity to examine the aftermath for yourself.
You started by meeting with the rest of task force assembled to investigate the incident. A few detectives, forensic analysts, really with how high profile this situation was you'd been expecting something a bit more impressive. But once again it seems you needed to adjust your expectations of what Kaylar was actually capable of. After the little meet and greet you were shown to a little out of the way office and given a briefing on what had been discovered by the investigation thus far...
The incident occurred at Lowland Park, one of the smaller public parks in the city's upper-west residential area. Heavy snowfall the night before had blanketed the park and many local families had flocked to the park to enjoy the winter wonderland. Apparently this was a common occurrence, with Lowland Park being particularly popular for these sort of activities due to a series of hills within the park that made for great sledding. At least according to the locals. It was on one of these hills that the incident had occurred. Security footage had captured part of what happened, though heavy data corruption had left the event itself unrecorded. Piecing together what footage was available along with witness testimony painted a picture of what happened that day...
Nayla Shah, the nine year old girl who until that day had displayed no signs of psychic ability had been take sledding by her mother. Security footage showed her climbing a fairly shallow slope of the hill and riding down it whilst her mother watched from the sidelines with some other parents. This continued for about twenty minutes before a pair of slightly older boys riding their own sleds cut across Nayla's path from a steeper section of the hill. The first one whizzes in front of her, causing her to swerve and collide with the second. Nayla is thrown from her sled and tumbles to a stop a short way down the hill, clutching her arm.
It's at this point that the security footage starts to become corrupted. Though before the distortion grows too heavy, you can make out a couple of nearby adults, including Nayla's mother moving towards the girl. Presumable to see if she is alright. Though the footage doesn't include sound, the young girl appears visible distressed, and witness testimony confirms that she had been crying out in pain at this time. Then just before the footage gives out entirely, you glimpse a strange multicoloured orb of light appearing to float just above the girls head.
From that point forth you're reliant of eye-witness reports to piece together what happened next. Most agree that after the first strange light appeared was when those nearest Nayla, including her mother and the young boy that had collided with her began to scream out in pain themselves. Some people rushed over to help, only the to fall over screaming. It was at that point that multiply people started to call the police and paramedics, whilst others begin to flee the scene. Though all agree that they saw the floating, multicoloured lights hover over the girl, there seems to be some inconstancy in the number of lights people saw. Some claim to have only seen two or three, whilst others say they saw as many as a dozen. Regardless; all those that had come within approximation twenty meters of Nayla during the incident had undergone horrific bodily mutation and disfigurement by the time paramedics arrived on the scene. With all save Nayla having been killed as a result.
Moving on, the the medical examiners autopsy reports had revealed something peculiar about the various deaths. Though each person had undergone extremely bodily alteration, no two had undergone the exact same transformation. The bones of the boy who had collided with Nayla for example, appeared to have broken and refused repeatable over the course of only a few minutes, leaving them gnarled and bent at odd angles. Whilst one of the men who'd run over to assist appeared to have died of a sudden brain haemorrhage, as multiple tumours that we latter discovered to have been human eyeballs grew throughout his brain and body. Nayla's mother had been the most damage by the event; as it appears as though her blood had somehow become extremely corrosive, resulting in her being melted from the inside out, leaving very little to be recovered by the medical team.
Though the most extreme transformation is with Nayla herself. Her left arm having grown to approximately twice its original size, the flesh and bones of her hand fusing together to form a potentially oversized wing like appendage. Further adding to the comparison to a wing, the left arm has also sprouted hundreds of small multicoloured feathers, though their distribution is uneven, leaving patches of exposed swollen flesh running across her arm. Her jaws have stretched outwards from her skull, creating a beak like cone of teeth and bloody gums that protrudes almost 15cm way form the rest of her face. Meanwhile on her right side, a small third arm has grown out from her right elbow, with a clawed three fingered hand that seems to lash out of its own accords at any one that gets to close. Internal scans have also revealed dozens of fist sized tumour throughout her body, as well as what appears to be non-functional duplicates of existing organs such as the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys.
On top of all that, examination of her current genetic structure compared to before the incident shows highly aggressive mutation and genetic degradation. You don't no whether to call it a miracle or a curse that she somehow survived all of this. Her doctors are already drawing up some of the most extensive genetic therapy and surgical plans that had ever been attempted on Kaylar, and even then most are putting her long-term survival odds at around only 15%.
After soaking in everything you'd learned from the briefing you'd spent a couple weeks aiding the investigation. Suggesting additional tests to run, conducting a few experiments yourself on both Nayla and the victims, you'd even manage to arrange a conversation with Nayla's father to ask him if his daughter had ever displayed signs of psychic ability before. Most of this had only served to confirm what had already been known. Nayla had never displayed any hint she'd be a psyker before the incident. However examining DNA from before the incident showed that she had in fact possessed the psyker gene, despite never manifesting any sort of noticeable powers before.
Eventually however the investigation began to spin its wheels. Though you now had a pretty good idea of what happened, you were still no closer to discovery why it had happened.
The working theory was that Nayla, a child psyker with no previous experience with her powers, somehow released a large amount of Warp energy after she'd been knocked off of her sled. Possible as a reaction to the physical pain and distress caused by the accident. As a result everyone too close to this sudden outpouring of Warp radiation suffered horrific mutation and subsequent death.
On the surface this theory appeared to explain everything. It was well known enough that direct exposure to the Warp could result in drastic, often fatal mutations. And yes it's not unheard of, outside of Kaylar anyway, for a psykers powers to become uncontrollable in moments of physical or emotional distress. But there was something about the simplicity of it all that just didn't sit right with you. Some niggling voice in the back of your head that just kept asking why? Why had Nayla survive when all the others had died? Why had none of the others received non-fatal mutations? Where the mutations simply random? Or was there some pattern you just weren't seeing?
Ultimately the investigation was concluded despite your unanswered questions. The official reports were written up, signed and approved. You were thanked for your contributions, made to sign a few non-disclosure agreements and sent on your way. But before you did, you payed Nayla one last visit. You'd come by more then a few times during your time with team looking to better understand what had happened to her.
She'd been kept in a medically induced coma since the incident, so she hadn't been very talkative. Probably for the best. Just looking at her, it was hard to imagine that there was a little girl beneath all that misshapen bone and flesh. She looked more like a baby bird that had be pried from its egg far too soon. Her doctors were preparing for the first round of surgery and genetic therapy. If she was lucky, in two or three years time she might be able to go back to a normal life. But you doubted it. Even if she survived and all the procedures were a success, she would forever be the little psychic girl who killed six people, including her own mother.
You just sat in the hospital room for awhile. Staring at the misshapen flesh of the broken little girl, as if the answers you sought were hidden somewhere amongst her exposed bone and colourful feathers. Your not sure how long you just sat their, the doctors and their medical devices going about their work whilst you looked on. But just as you were about to admit defeat and leave for home, it happened...
Nayla began to convulse violently, the various machines monitoring her going wild as her vitals became increasingly erratic. You'd have called for a nurse, but several were already present, working hard to try and stabilise the suddenly very unstable patient. You stood up to leave, to give the nurses and doctors space to do their work. but as you turned towards the doorway you saw it. A floating orb of light, its colour ever shifting. That's when the pain and the screaming started.
You weren't sure what was going on, but it felt like your flesh was on fire. Around you the medical staff dropped to the ground, their bodies growing increasingly unrecognisable by the second. You're own body was changing too, the flesh of your arms and face slowly withering and melting away, exposing the nerves and bone to the air. It was agony. All the while a high pitch screech pierced what remained of your ears. Nayla was awake, her eyes glowing with the same multicoloured light as the orbs that floated around you. Her mouth wide open, revealing layers and layers of teeth within the bony beak. She was changing too, the feathers on her left arm spreading across her body, as a growth began to form on her neck. It look like a birds head, only the size of a small first but growing larger by the second.
You fell to your knees, your cloths darkly stained by your own blood and liquefied flesh. You didn't understand what was going on, what you were seeing. You didn't even have time to think as your entire body was raked with pain. You felt yourself teetering on the edge of consciousnesses. It was a familiar feeling, you were about to die. That didn't scare you, you'd died before, but this was definitely one of the worst deaths you'd experienced. Your own regenerative abilities as a Perpetual working against you, drawing it out even as the others in room had already succumb.
Then you heard it, cackling laughter within your mind, accompanied by a scratchy high pitched voice that grated like nails on a chalk board.
"What's this? One more resilient then most yes!... Ahhh... A seeker of knowledge! Hidden knowledge, secret knowledge yes? Could share much with you we could yes?"
Another voice, similar in pitch like pins your brain, interrupted the first.
"Fool! This was a waste of our time no? This host is weak! They'll never survive long enough no!"
The voices in your head, as much as they pained, were the only thing keeping you from passing out. So you were able to see as the multicoloured orbs of light began to dim and wink out of existence. You felt your flesh starting to grow back quicker then it could wither way, and Nayla screening seemed to have stopped. As you felt you strength slowly returning you were finally able to act, to do something...
What do you do?
[] Flee
Get as far away from here as you can. You can't afford to be found in your current state. Lest your true nature as Perpetual be discovered. [] Fight
Whatever is happening here you need to stop it. Stop it from happening again, before anyone else gets hurt. [] Talk
What are these voices, who are they? Do they have the answers you seek? [] Write in...
[X] Fight
Lets show the daemons what happens when you try to fuck with a perpetual.
One let herself get possessed, blew up a bomb vest, then walked away after ten seconds of regen.
We are probably the best equipped on this benighted planet to stop whatever the daemons are planing. That's not saying much mind, but it makes it no less true.