You are a Rogue Trader, a profiteer, explorer, and conquistador for the Imperium of Man. Will this strange new Feudal World, with it's aberrant seasons, and strange beasts, be the end of you? Or shall you make a profit, and bring this world into The Emperor's light?
In the grim darkness of the far future, there is great opportunity for profit. Much of the known galaxy is dominated by titanic fascist edifice of the Imperium of Man. It is ruled from Holy Terra by the Senatorum Imperialis, in the name of the God Emperor, who sits interred on the Golden Throne. Travel between the stars is difficult, relying on the mutant navigators, who calculate the paths to planets through the immaterium by reference to the Astronomican, the massive beacon powered by the psychic energy of the God Emperor. The paths between stars are often shifting, and near always deadly, with the Daemons of the Immaterium held back only by the Gellar Fields of the various ships that dip into the warped realm.
With travel so difficult, exploration is nearly impossible. Thus, the duty has fallen to the Rogue Traders, ancient noble lines granted a sacred writ of trade by the Emperor himself to explore beyond the bounds of the Imperium to trade, explore, and conquer. Many of these traders make contact with long-lost worlds once controlled by humanity during the Dark Age of Technology, lost during the Age of Strife. In their wake come the Explorator fleets of the Mechanicus cult of Mars, as well as the Adeptus Administratum, and the Ecclesiarchy. These institutions ensure that these new worlds are folded into the Imperium with little difficulty. Most often however, such worlds will make deals to fall under the sway of the Rogue Traders, who are granted leeway by the Writ of Trade to make their own little empires, so long as the Imperial Tithes are paid.
You are one such Rogue Trader, about to embark on a new expedition. Your Navigator has located the route, messages to your holdings have been sent by your Astropathic Choir, and your flagship is ready to transition into the warp. But who is this dashing figure, determining the fate of worlds, and bringing wealth and prestige to their dynasty?
What is your origin?
[x] Scion
-You are the descendent of a Rogue Trader, groomed by them to be their heir before their death. You do not have anything particularly special about you, but you are highly educated
-Tier 5 Education Trait
-No other benefits.
[x] Average Dynast
-You were an average member of the Rogue Trader's dynasty, and were rather surprised when you were selected as the heir, backed by the loyal footsoldiers of the previous Rogue Trader. You possess an average education, and are a bit bright.
-Tier 3 Education Trait
-Gain the Quick Trait
[x] Peon
-Following the death of the Rogue Trader, you ascended to the head of the dynasty by removing your rivals, whether it be by killing them, or through softer means. You are not as well educated as others, but you possess a keen mind
-Tier 2 Education Trait
-Gain the Genius Trait
Now, what was that educational focus of yours?
[x] Diplomacy
-The art of negotiation
[x] Martial
-The arts of war
[x] Stewardship
-The art of trade and moneymaking
[x] Intrigue
-The art of scheming and plotting
[x] Learning
-The art of knowledge, and it's acquisition
Select two positive traits, and one negative trait.
[x] Ambitious
+1 to all stats
+25% Stress gain
-15 Imperium Opinion
[x] Brave
+2 Martial
+3 Prowess
+10 Attraction Opinion
[x] Calm
+1 Diplomacy
+1 Intrigue
+10% Stress loss
[x] Chaste
+2 Learning
-25% Fertility
[x] Content
For a Rogue Trader? Never.
[x] Diligent
+2 Diplomacy
+3 Stewardship
+3 Learning
-50% Stress loss
[x] Fickle
+2 Diplomacy
-2 Stewardship
+1 Intrigue
[x] Forgiving
+2 Diplomacy
-2 Intrigue
+1 Learning
[x] Generous
+3 Diplomacy
-10% Income
[x] Gregarious
+2 Diplomacy
+5 Attraction Opinion
[x] Honest
+2 Diplomacy
-4 Intrigue
[x] Humble
+0.5 Piety Gain
+10 Imperium Opinion
+10 Vassal Opinion
+10 Ecclesiarchy Opinion
[x] Just
+2 Stewardship
-3 Intrigue
+1 Learning
[x] Patient
+2 Learning
+5 Imperium Opinion
[x] Temperate
+2 Stewardship
+0.25 Health
[x] Trusting
+2 Diplomacy
-2 Intrigue
+15 Imperium Opinion
+15 Vassal Opinion
[x] Zealous
+2 Martial
+25% Piety Gain
-35 Opinion of Other Faiths
[x] Compassionate
+2 Diplomacy
-2 Intrigue
-15 Natural Dread
+100% Dread Decay
+5 Attraction Opinion
+2 Intrigue
+25% Fertility
-2 Stewardship
+10% Stress loss
-5 Attraction Opinion
-2 Diplomacy
+5% Income
+10% Income per Stress level
-1 to all stats
+50% Stress loss
-1 Diplomacy
+3 Martial
-1 Intrigue
+20 Natural Dread
-2 Learning
+20% Prestige Gain
-5 Imperium Opinion
+1 Prestige Gain
-5 Imperium Opinion
-5 Vassal Opinion
-2 Diplomacy
+4 Intrigue
-2 Martial
+2 Intrigue
-3 Prowess
-10 Attraction Opinion
-2 Diplomacy
+1 Learning
-5 Attraction Opinion
-2 Stewardship
+3 Intrigue
-1 Learning
-50% Stress Gain
+15 Natural Dread
-5 Vassal Opinion
+2 Intrigue
+2 Learning
-20% Piety Gain
-1 Diplomacy
+3 Intrigue
+100% Stress Gain
+25% Dread Gain
-10 Vassal Opinion
-2 Diplomacy
+2 Intrigue
+25% Dread
-5 Attraction Opinion
+2 Intrigue
+4 Prowess
+35 Natural Dread
-10 General Opinion
+3 Stewardship
-5 Imperium Opinion
-2 Diplomacy
+2 Intrigue
+2 Prowess
+15% Dread Gain
-2 Diplomacy
+2 Learning
+50% Stress gain
+50% Stress Loss
Finally, what did you bring with you to explore this alien world that you are finding?
You have 2 points. You cannot end character creation with a negative balance.
[x] Explorator Party (-1)
-This detachment of the Adeptus Mechanicus is highly skilled in the surveying of systems for their valuable minerals, and ancient technologies.
[x] Ecclesiarchal Retinue (-1)
-Your ship is home to an Arch-Deacon and his retinue of missionaries, eager, and able, to spread the Imperial Truth to whatever world you find, potentially useful for your aims.
[x] Guard Regiment (-1)
-You are joined by a unit of 3,000 Imperial Guardsman under the command of a Colonel, who answers to you.
[x] Astartes Chapter(-2)
-You are joined by roughly 500 Space Marines, Transhuman warriors who are interested in this new world as a potential recruiting world.
[x] Manufacturing Systems (-1)
-You bring with you specialized systems to pre-fab manufactorums for planetside use, usable for the manufacturing of a variety of useful resources.
[x] Extraction Systems (-1)
-You have stocked a number of machines to dig up precious materials from around the solar system
[x] Expanded Fleet (-1)
-You bring with you not only your Endeavor-Class light cruiser flagship, but a set of four Sword-Class Frigates. These additional ships could come in handy...
[x] Divided Command (+1)
-You have only recently come into your standing as a Rogue Trader, and many in your retinue are looking to usurp your authority... or you.
[x] Gellar Field Failure (+1)
-Unfortunately, during your trip over, the Gellar Fields had a minor failure, leading to a Daemonic incursion. It took the lives of many on the crew... even a great number of those who are hard to replace.
[x] Lack of Tradeable Goods (+2)
-You packed your hull with large numbers of goods to potentially trade with any humans in this new system, but during the voyage, an accident ruined most of them. You have nothing to trade with.
[x] Infestation (+2)
-Something is in the bowels of your ship. Not that you're aware of it of course...
[x] Immediate Warp Storm (+3)
-You are immediately cut off from your holdings outside of this new system. Until the Warp Storm passes, you are trapped. Nothing will get in, or out.
Finally... what is your name?
[x] Write In
-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-][- Hello, in my infinite hubris, I am unleashing the plot bunnies. I looked around to see if anyone had ever made any stories that crossed over WH40k with ASoIaF using Rogue Traders, but most people seem more interested in Primarchs and the lot. So here we are.
The system you're heading to is of course, home to the world of Game of Thrones. You will, at some point in the quest, be hit with a Warp Storm, likely due to a random roll... but possibly due to the events of unseen forces. An immediate warp storm is bad, because it cuts you off from the income of your other holdings.
[x] Plan: The Upstart who won't fall to slaaneash
-[x] Peon
-[x] Stewardship
-[x] Diligent
-[x] Patient
-[x] Lustful
-[x] Explorator Party (-1)
-[x] Ecclesiarchal Retinue (-1)
-[x] Guard Regiment (-1)
-[x] Manufacturing Systems (-1)
-[x] Extraction Systems (-1)
-[x] Divided Command (+1)
-[x] Lack of Tradeable Goods (+2)
-[x] Lucia Vesta
Given the extraction system, manufacturing, and elite army (compared to a feudal world), we can afford the lack of tradeable goods for now as we can easily make more with time. On the other hand I am scared shitless of genestealer getting a hand on targ/dragon DNA or anything else that could kill us on the ship
Westerosi nobles are not - as a general rule - quite so misogynistic that they'll ignore the fact that the woman has the power to absolutely ruin them.
Cadian Shock Troopers[10b] You want Mandalorians and real men from the 80s here they are, you have soldiers and real men, Stallone and Arnold in their movies, children compared to them.
Catachan Jungle Fighters[10b] Space Rambos who were born on a planet where everyone wants to eat them if they go to Valiria they would be right at home
Death Korps of Krieg[10b] Clone soldiers that not even death can kill them and if they are told to kill something, they kill them.
Mordian Iron Guard[10b] You want discipline and order, you have them, nothing can break them and they are mini commissioners.
Tallarn Desert Raiders[10b] The freemen of Dune in 40k give them a desert and they will be their masters Dorne would cry if you sent them there
Tanith First and Only[10b] You want a lot of Robin Hood stealth experts here they are give them a forest no one can get through them if you don't want them
Valhallan Ice Warriors[10b] You want Russians and northerners from space, well, there you have them. Send them north of the wall and watch how they eat each other. The ice gusts and glaciers are their beds and blankets.
the space marines would take the space wolves to the north and beyond they would make their lair there or make express visits to the second class vikings of the iron islands and teach them how to be a real man
the salamanders would be where most of the volcanoes and their dragons are, we already know that fire attracts and excites them
the white scars poor little dothraki will live to be their new recruits what the barbaric psychopaths will suffer
the dark angels would go to westerlands since they have their warm rock or to Sothoryos which is Africa with a whole zoo of beasts to kill to honor Caliban's hunts
the blood angels would be the reach since they are the true knights and super snobs in the art that would get along very well with the green knights children when they are not angry and want a little blood and meat from the poor humans that do not want to give it to them
the poor raven guard They already have a nice wall where they can stand guard and nice human crows where they can take their happiness and turn them into super stealthy emos
Ultramarines How nice would The Crownlands be with the users of the super excel and the superpower of being the most boring since they would make the bureaucracy work for once I don't know any more jokes they are boring and that's it Games Workshop please give them some characteristics that serve to make them epic and stop putting them everywhere they are the office marines they are not fun they are super soldiers who go to work every morning and do extra shifts.
Iron Hands, like the company that created them, they don't want them and they are lazy with them. I will also do the same. Send them to Iron Island so they know what real strength is or to The Stormlands because they are the barbarians who like to fight with everyone the most.
Imperial Fists, the valley is the new construction park for them, where they are going to build their fortress, because on top of the highest mountain and with the most difficulty to climb, they will then come down from there to show that all the emblematic buildings are garbage compared to their golden toilets.
The reason why I want a girl is that it will be so fucking funny to see misogynistic assholes deal with a girl in power that outclass them so much; also on average, girl MC get more fanart.
Worth keeping in mind Westeros does have Neanderthals, may have beastmen, vampires and the Deep Ones, depending on how one interprets the lore. Carcosa is a canonical place in Essos.