Grindelwald to me seemed like he was simple curious about the presence he sensed and that he satisfied that bit by making contact with Bloodraven. Now this revealed a "man" intertwined roots of a tree, weirdwoods possible act as conduits, Bloodraven is skilled enough to touch memories of a distracted Grindelwald, that Bloodraven is manipulative, and that there is alot more he does not know about the situation. This is alot of good bits of information but it should make Grindelwald even more leery about staying in a possible seat of power of Bloodraven.[X] Accept. You are tired, weak, famished, that much is obvious by now. Besides, while this 'Last Greenseer' might be plotting some sort of ruse, you expect him to be far more subtle about it, a trick of false hospitality would just disappoint you.
Why on earth wouldn't we accept? There are no fae in HP that I'm aware of - no, we haven't sussed out this world's magic just yet, but it seems to me that declining would be against the precedent our previous decision set, and for no good reason.
If we declined, what would we do instead? Travel to a random city out of our random landing spot and hope for the best? If he can beat us in a fight and intends to, we're already fucked. If that isn't his plan, then we have an option to learn about the world from a native and replenish our health right here.
[X] Decline. You will owe no debts, real or imagined, nor can you say for certain that his concept ofhospitality is the same as your own. You would rather not be locked into some kind of magical contract or a vow you cannot break.
He spend too much time with the local equivalent of Fae. No deals, no debts, no hospitality.
I'd much rather just strike out on our own. Letting anyone have a debt to hold over our head at this point is a bad idea in general, and the fact that it's to these people makes it even more sketchy.
[x] Decline. You will owe no debts, real or imagined, nor can you say for certain that his concept of hospitality is the same as your own. You would rather not be locked into some kind of magical contract or a vow you cannot break.
-[x] Be polite.
-[x] Be professional.
[x] Decline. You will owe no debts, real or imagined, nor can you say for certain that his concept of hospitality is the same as your own. You would rather not be locked into some kind of magical contract or a vow you cannot break.
-[x] Be polite.
-[x] Be professional.