A Shrouded Dawn (Warhammer/Stellaris)

No I mean each Eldar have a connection to Slaanesh which send their soul to her after death if it is not protected properly. Will this link remain if such souls enter shroud? Ynneard after all born from collective consciousness of Eldar souls present in all the infinity circuits. Does claiming one infinity circuit cut its connection from Eldar over soul or collective consciousness?
No I mean each Eldar have a connection to Slaanesh which send their soul to her after death if it is not protected properly. Will this link remain if such souls enter shroud? Ynneard after all born from collective consciousness of Eldar souls present in all the infinity circuits. Does claiming one infinity circuit cut its connection from Eldar over soul or collective consciousness?
Ah, that doesn't count for Illumination, but if you got Consent from an Aeldari you would sever that connection.
Ah, that doesn't count for Illumination, but if you got Consent from an Aeldari you would sever that connection.
Can dead soul able to give consent? I mean if he claim a infinity circuit does he need consent of souls in that circuit? I mean I understand consent is needed case of a alive Eldar but does dead ones who are losing their individuality need to give their consent to him?
500 progress for tier 1 mmm. so we get 80 points a year as a base then a d100 im guessing if that's the case we should only focused 1 or 2 research projects at a time for now. to complete a 500 project over 2 years would mean on average we spend 7 actions plus 160 base research or im l completely missing something

only good thing is when we get to next level of power our relic will give us 25% discount on Cold Fusion

ps if no one look yet l highly recommend looking at the informational tabs
Fusion Power (T1) Rolled a 99+80 (179/500)
Identify the weakest systems Rolled a 83+89+160+80+80 (492 action vastly over completed)
Identify station power situation rolled a 87+160+80+80+106 (513 action vastly over completed)
Just wander around with your father for a bit, maybe you will find some interesting people rolled an 82+160 (282, meet two interesting women)
Try to figure out what you did to your father's soul Rolled a 81+80 (161, Unlock Preliminary Astral Dimension Theory research (Tier 8 Theory))
Good starting rolls and Close to a Nat 100 Hope out luck carries through more stuff
by the way he says in the research tech tree 1 year per 80 so only 1 year past. and by looking at things l think arc 1 would be 10 to 20 years at 1 year a turn. well that's what l would do easy to manage and get a strong foundation. plus our MC mother managed to stall the death counter by century and we honestly don't now what her age is, could be 90 or even 20
by the way he says in the research tech tree 1 year per 80 so only 1 year past. and by looking at things l think arc 1 would be 10 to 20 years at 1 year a turn. well that's what l would do easy to manage and get a strong foundation. plus our MC mother managed to stall the death counter by century and we honestly don't now what her age is, could be 90 or even 20
the Chosen One rolls for Research Per Month. So you get 12 research slots per year.
so will research be separated later from action points like the ck2 style? or you only doing x time skips for a few turns?
When you move into the higher scales, Research will be diverged from the normal action sets in a way. Basically currently the plan is to have Anatol lose all direct control at the higher than sector levels, and instead simply give orders to underlings. What this means is that your action limits will be dictated by the people under you. Better underlings will give more actions per turn, while Research remains as a Personal scale thing so you have to commit 3 out of your 5 actions to it, but those left over two actions will only be useful for direct personal scale stuff at that level.

Also, in longer turns, research plans will have to have overflow options so that I know which techs you want to research after you complete the current set.
mmmm l think we better of just to focus 1 research topic at a time instead of the max 3. which to me looks like a trap that will delay any our advancements for a good amount of time and in doing that we can use 2 out 5 in case of situations where we need the none research dice for other areas but thats just me

whats the thought of everyone else?
A bit of calcs for research:
Assuming the following holds for research progress per tier(assume no prereqs, and we are the only one researching):

Every month we get a 1d100+80
Assuming only one (action) of these are used: months/year
Read as follows: T#: months/year
T1: 3.846/0.3205
T2: 7.692/0.641
T3: 15.385/1.2821
T4: 30.769/2.5641
T5: 61.538/5.1282
T6: 123.077/10.2564
T7: 246.154/20.5128
T8: 492.308/41.0256
T9: 984.615/82.0513
T10: 1969.231/164.1026

Not too bad.
For context, as we scale up, the length of the turns scale up as follows:
Personal(We are here): Month
World: 6 months
Subsector: Year
Sector: 5 years
Multiple Sectors: Decade
Segementum: 2.5 decades
Imperium: 5 decades(half a century)

Using the above info, we can do up to the following tiers(assuming no prereqs and only doing it ourselves) in five turns at these levels:
T1: Personal
T2: World
T3: World
T4: Subsector
T5: Sector
T6: Sector
T7: Multiple Sectors
T8: Segmentum
T9: Imperium
T10: None(can not research alone in 5 turns at any scale)
Note: Only displays the highest tech level under the current assumptions that can be done on average in 5 turns.
Personal: T1
World: T3
Subsector: T4
Sector: T6
Multiple Sectors: T7
Segmentum: T8
Imperium: T9

If we want general parity to the common imperial techbase, World is ideal(T3).
If we want local and complete parity to the imperium's techbase, Subsector is ideal(T4).
If we want to start contesting the imperium in general, Segmentum is the minimum(T8).
Any further is kinda useless in regards to comparisons to the Imperium since we would have control over the Imperium at that point lol.

Feel free to ask any more questions(not a QM or coQM , just someone who is bored, has access to discord and is using python for quick scripts).

As a quick reminder, this is assuming only 1 action equivalent o our time is being used at the relevant scale to research a tech at a certain tier that has no prereqs without any assistance or potential bonuses and etc.

Think spherical cows in a frictionless vacuum here. This is intended to explore how things will go, not predict everything.
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mmmmm to me l think we should complete Fusion then Cold Fusion (at least cold fusion we have 25% discount) then we need to get 1 tech to sell to mech boys so we can get some materials im thinking -[] Global Energy Management (T1) tech boys should have better but its still sellable research
you don't have the discount. You need to fully understand the ASDC relic to gain that. That is a Tier 12 Technology for that discount as its not primarily meant to give a discount to such cheap techs.
oh whent back and reread the post about it .....yea my bad. looks like the old fashion way it is.

ps QM can you give us a hint in the next chapter what the tech boys want to trade for with material, like what tech they would buy?
ps QM can you give us a hint in the next chapter what the tech boys want to trade for with material, like what tech they would buy?
Currently, all you know IC is that your father is planning on hiding one or two of the power armor suits that are going to be completed in the 5th turn, or in the May turn. And salvaging the two suits for parts needed, while letting the other 98 be sent off as the normal tithe.

As for supplies, you personally think there is a sort of disconnect in place. Olynn, due to being a highly advanced Dark Age habitation installation imports mostly two things from the greater Imperium, People and things like rubber.

The Adeptus Mechanicus isn't particularly well respected on Olynn, due to what you think is them trying to effectively steal relics in the past. So both sides generally mark up their costs to the stratosphere to spite the other, you think that if you could provide them with the schematics for the Starcell reactors that would be enough to buy any amount of basic resources that you would need beyond what can be salvaged from the power armor.
thank you very much for the reply and the extra info

so if we want to rush research 3d100+80 a turn average 230 with target of 3500 tier 1,2 and 3 and we have a good example for tier 3 power generator

now moving on a game changer
Chosen One - extreme Bonuses to Government/Interaction/Tactics, massive bonuses to all other rolls (except research), makes All Rolls best of 3, Immune to Warp divination, Cant use precog to read Daemons/Chaos/Warp stuff, unaffected by Blanks, True Immortal, Reduces Tech Cost by 100

im taking the best of 3 rolls are up for research as well? if so we can reasonable hit 75 per dice which is 305 research points a month on lower end

that's 1 path for easy raw material second one would be to expand the Metallum Gramen recommended by the mc dad.
so if we want to rush research 3d100+80 a turn average 230 with target of 3500 tier 1,2 and 3 and we have a good example for tier 3 power generator

im taking the best of 3 rolls are up for research as well? if so we can reasonable hit 75 per dice which is 305 research points a month on lower end
I think you have a slightly distorted view of how research rolls work. From Chosen One you have Best of 3 with regards to the Raw Rolls, then you add 40 from Erudite and another 40 from Prodigy, then another stack of Best of 2 from Prodigy making Research/Tactics Best of 5 rolls with a total bonus of 80

Chosen One reduces the Final Total of Research by 100. For a mundane person, a tier 1 tech is not 500, but 500*100 or 50,000. For you you divide the total by 100 and roll 12 times a year. Instead of the once per year of a normal person. This means that you only need a total count of 500 to complete Fusion, while a normal person/world would need to spend however many years it takes to amass 50,000 points of research.

So your research Rolls look like this: Best of 5 + 80
I think you have a slightly distorted view of how research rolls work. From Chosen One you have Best of 3 with regards to the Raw Rolls, then you add 40 from Erudite and another 40 from Prodigy, then another stack of Best of 2 from Prodigy making Research/Tactics Best of 5 rolls with a total bonus of 80

Chosen One reduces the Final Total of Research by 100. For a mundane person, a tier 1 tech is not 500, but 500*100 or 50,000. For you you divide the total by 100 and roll 12 times a year. Instead of the once per year of a normal person. This means that you only need a total count of 500 to complete Fusion, while a normal person/world would need to spend however many years it takes to amass 50,000 points of research.

So your research Rolls look like this: Best of 5 + 80
my thought process was that we get a 1d100 per action we place into a research and was thinking we could place 1-5 of our action points into research thus gaining us 3d100+80 for 3 actions gaining us 240+80 average as each dice has 50 as average.
my 305 being 75 average for each action point as the rerolls would most the time roll higher as we take the best results

so question can we place more than 1 action on any 1 research per turn?

ps as l think everyone would agree 3 actions in research would be the best bet
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my thought process was that we get a 1d100 per action we place into a research and was thinking we could place 1-5 of our action points into research thus gaining us 3d100+80 for 3 actions gaining us 240+80 average as each dice has 50 as average.
my 305 being 75 average for each action point as the rerolls would most the time roll higher as we take the best results

so question can we place more than 1 action on any 1 research per turn?
Ah I see. In that case if you spend more actions you would roll (Best of 5+80)+(Best of 5+80) however many actions you put in
I am surprised admech letting those outside their cult have this much control over dark age tech. Can we not join local admech and convert them to our liking?
I am surprised admech letting those outside their cult have this much control over dark age tech. Can we not join local admech and convert them to our liking?
no and yes take Squat for example they where allowed to devolpe tech but had to have the admechs access to said stuff but in exchange they where allowed almost free rain in there own systems as long as they followed the emperors laws (such as no AI) they also had some unique STC which where sadly lost during the Tyranid basically had them for lunch

so there is examples of planets and people that have exemptions from admech control as long as they play ball with the imperium

image below is some stuff we have lost to time

l feel pain when l look at the squats trains and remmber they are no longer around
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The biggest issue the Ad mech find with Olynn is that almost everything is location Locked. Basically everything on Olynn only functions when its in Olynn, everything is tied into the station networks such that its basically self contained. To further confound the issue is that almost everything has gotten trapped in basic maintenance mode, like the ASDC were until Anatol unlocked them. This means that in general the Ad Mech doesn't truly realize that Olynn actually has high end Dark Age stuff, they personally think that Olynn simply has a few archeotech doodads here and there, but since they can't be removed from the station and aren't STCs they generally just grumble a ton.

This isn't helped by Olynn having a remarkably hostile relationship with the Ad Mech.