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Many thinks can happen within the fire that burned Fuyuki, what if he was transported to the...
Origin Story


He who awaits the return of the Promise
File Island (Digital World)
Many thinks can happen within the fire that burned Fuyuki, what if he was transported to the world of Azeroth instead during his hours of walking through the fire. A boy who has had all that he is burned out of him, his heart is but glass, he can be shaped into whatever form the person who finds him desires him to be. WRITTEN THIS WITH PERMISSION FROM M3lk0r.

Shirou is transported to the world of Azeroth

It is the High Queen of the Kal'dorei Azshara, before the War of the Ancients that finds him. Being amused with his appearance as well as intrigue she saved him from death by feeding him a vial from the Well of Eternity. Shirou is raised as one of the High Borne, before the corruption of Azshara. It will not be blood but magic that flows through his heart.

[] Shirou is found by Malfurion and Illidan Stormrage and the brothers raise him to be the third brother Stormrage. Seeing a child as it were, the brothers take pity on him and the two of them decide to take him with them. They take him to Cenarius who heals his body, he will grow up beside them during the War of the Ancients. The his body will be sustained as his heart will be replaced by a seed emerald dream.

[] Shirou is found during the end of the 2nd war by Grom Hellscream who takes pit on the emptiness within the boy and likes the lack of fear. He his body will be healed by Orc Shamans who request that the spirits heal his wounds and his body. He will grow up and fight alongside Thrall and Doomhammer in the 3rd war. His heart will be sustained by his connect to the spirits of the world and the power of Azeroth.

[] Shirou is found by Sylvanas Windrunner in the aftermath of the burning of Eversong Woods during the 2nd war. Seeing the blank look within your eye and the lack of any feeling, she refused to abandon you to be eaten by the Amani. Taking Shirou in to Quel'thalas, she raised you as her younger sibling if not child. There bathed in the light of the Sunwell, he was body was healed of whatever had burned away his soul.

[] Shirou is found by Alexstraza in wake of the events of "Day of the Dragon". Looking upon your weakened and empty form, she takes pity upon Shirou and heals his body. But she also respects responsibility for saving his life and takes Shirou into the her care and raises him among the Red Dragonflight at the Vermillion Redoubt. There Shirou she and her kin started the process of healing your soul in order to allow you to live life as a normal person.

One a choice has been reached, I am going to do choices for the childhood part of Shirou's life, more than happy to take suggestions from any and all, AS LONG AS THEY ARE WITHIN REASON.
Oh! I haven't seen this twist in a while. It's usually a Shirou after the Holy Grail incident thrown somewhere.
It's a good twist, though I am wondering how will you handle his circuits, as they are quite completely different to Azerothian magic.
I believe I shall go with the UNLIMITED POWAH choice.

[] It is the High Queen of the Kal'dorei Azshara, before the War of the Ancients that finds him. Being amused with his appearance as well as intrigue she saved him from death by feeding him a vial from the Well of Eternity. Shirou is raised as one of the High Borne, before the corruption of Azshara. It will not be blood but magic that flows through his heart.
[X] Shirou is found by Sylvanas Windrunner in the aftermath of the burning of Eversong Woods during the 2nd war. Seeing the blank look within your eye and the lack of any feeling, she refused to abandon you to be eaten by the Amani. Taking Shirou in to Quel'thalas, she raised you as her younger sibling if not child. There bathed in the light of the Sunwell, he was body was healed of whatever had burned away his soul.
[X] Shirou is found by Sylvanas Windrunner in the aftermath of the burning of Eversong Woods during the 2nd war. Seeing the blank look within your eye and the lack of any feeling, she refused to abandon you to be eaten by the Amani. Taking Shirou in to Quel'thalas, she raised you as her younger sibling if not child. There bathed in the light of the Sunwell, he was body was healed of whatever had burned away his soul.
[X] It is the High Queen of the Kal'dorei Azshara, before the War of the Ancients that finds him. Being amused with his appearance as well as intrigue she saved him from death by feeding him a vial from the Well of Eternity. Shirou is raised as one of the High Borne, before the corruption of Azshara. It will not be blood but magic that flows through his heart.
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[X] It is the High Queen of the Kal'dorei Azshara, before the War of the Ancients that finds him. Being amused with his appearance as well as intrigue she saved him from death by feeding him a vial from the Well of Eternity. Shirou is raised as one of the High Borne, before the corruption of Azshara. It will not be blood but magic that flows through his heart.
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[X] It is the High Queen of the Kal'dorei Azshara, before the War of the Ancients that finds him. Being amused with his appearance as well as intrigue she saved him from death by feeding him a vial from the Well of Eternity. Shirou is raised as one of the High Borne, before the corruption of Azshara. It will not be blood but magic that flows through his heart.
[X] Shirou is found by Sylvanas Windrunner in the aftermath of the burning of Eversong Woods during the 2nd war. Seeing the blank look within your eye and the lack of any feeling, she refused to abandon you to be eaten by the Amani. Taking Shirou in to Quel'thalas, she raised you as her younger sibling if not child. There bathed in the light of the Sunwell, he was body was healed of whatever had burned away his soul.
[X] Shirou is found by Sylvanas Windrunner in the aftermath of the burning of Eversong Woods during the 2nd war. Seeing the blank look within his eye and the lack of any feeling, she refused to abandon him to be eaten by the Amani. Taking Shirou in to Quel'thalas, she raised him as her younger sibling if not child. There bathed in the light of the Sunwell, his body was healed of whatever had burned away his soul.

Keep an eye on your PoVs, there are a few places where it jumps from one PoV to another.
[X] It is the High Queen of the Kal'dorei Azshara, before the War of the Ancients that finds him. Being amused with his appearance as well as intrigue she saved him from death by feeding him a vial from the Well of Eternity. Shirou is raised as one of the High Borne, before the corruption of Azshara. It will not be blood but magic that flows through his heart.
[X] Shirou is found by Sylvanas Windrunner in the aftermath of the burning of Eversong Woods during the 2nd war. Seeing the blank look within your eye and the lack of any feeling, she refused to abandon you to be eaten by the Amani. Taking Shirou in to Quel'thalas, she raised you as her younger sibling if not child. There bathed in the light of the Sunwell, he was body was healed of whatever had burned away his soul.
[X] It is the High Queen of the Kal'dorei Azshara, before the War of the Ancients that finds him. Being amused with his appearance as well as intrigue she saved him from death by feeding him a vial from the Well of Eternity. Shirou is raised as one of the High Borne, before the corruption of Azshara. It will not be blood but magic that flows through his heart.
[X] Shirou is found by Sylvanas Windrunner in the aftermath of the burning of Eversong Woods during the 2nd war. Seeing the blank look within your eye and the lack of any feeling, she refused to abandon you to be eaten by the Amani. Taking Shirou in to Quel'thalas, she raised you as her younger sibling if not child. There bathed in the light of the Sunwell, he was body was healed of whatever had burned away his soul.
[X] It is the High Queen of the Kal'dorei Azshara, before the War of the Ancients that finds him. Being amused with his appearance as well as intrigue she saved him from death by feeding him a vial from the Well of Eternity. Shirou is raised as one of the High Borne, before the corruption of Azshara. It will not be blood but magic that flows through his heart.
[X] Shirou is found by Sylvanas Windrunner in the aftermath of the burning of Eversong Woods during the 2nd war. Seeing the blank look withinyour eye and the lack of any feeling, she refused to abandon you to be eaten bythe Amani. Taking Shirou in to Quel'thalas, she raised you as her younger sibling if not child. Therebathed in the light of the Sunwell, he was body was healed of whatever had burned away his soul.
[X] It is the High Queen of the Kal'dorei Azshara, before the War of the Ancients that finds him. Being amused with his appearance as well as intrigue she saved him from death by feeding him a vial from the Well of Eternity. Shirou is raised as one of the High Borne, before the corruption of Azshara. It will not be blood but magic that flows through his heart.

Origin Story
Well this was a whole lot more popular than my main story Redemption of Kael'thas Sunstrider, btw.

Calling it now, we have

It is the High Queen of the Kal'dorei Azshara, before the War of the Ancients that finds him. Being amused with his appearance as well as intrigue she saved him from death by feeding him a vial from the Well of Eternity. Shirou is raised as one of the High Borne, before the corruption of Azshara. It will not be blood but magic that flows through his heart.

With a total of 8 votes.

[X] Shirou is found by Sylvanas Windrunner in the aftermath of the burning of Eversong Woods during the 2nd war. Seeing the blank look within your eye and the lack of any feeling, she refused to abandon you to be eaten by the Amani. Taking Shirou in to Quel'thalas, she raised you as her younger sibling if not child. There bathed in the light of the Sunwell, he was body was healed of whatever had burned away his soul.

With a total of 7 votes

Sorry guys

It is the High Queen of the Kal'dorei Azshara, before the War of the Ancients that finds him. Being amused with his appearance as well as intrigue she saved him from death by feeding him a vial from the Well of Eternity. Shirou is raised as one of the High Borne, before the corruption of Azshara. It will not be blood but magic that flows through his heart.

Wins, also The childhood choices will shape the traits Shirou traits
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A Prelude and a date with Destiny

How long as it been, it feels like an eternity has passed as you walk through this fire, what started it, you have no idea, what language are you speaking, what color is your skin, who are you, why were you in this fire. All of these questions rush through your mind and you slowly make your way through the fire that brings death all around you. You walk on despite the pain, you walk on despite all that harms you, you ignore the bodies to your left and right and walk over the corpses in front of you. You care not for the cries of help that come from others, it is not that you do not care, it is that you're unable to feel and as the fire rages around you, any and all feeling you have because less and less until it is no more.

Despite all the walking you did, despite all the times you could have fallen, but you did not, despite all the bodies of the living and the dead you left behind. You do not make it, your body is unable to continue any further and you collapse now and gaze up at the night sky. All you can think is "Am I going to die here." You can't feel a thing, but you are certain that the fires around you, they seem to be abating. Your vision begins to blur as you now reach your hand up with all that is left of your strength towards the sky. There is only one thing that ever came to your mind and that was the word or name Shirou, was it your name was it a word you didn't know at the time.

But that has long since passed from your mind as you gaze up at the sky. Your vision slowly dims now as the fires all but vanish and your eyelids slowly begin to close. But as you do your feel two hands close in around yours and you hear a voice speak to you, but you're not sure what it is saying. Whoever it is, whatever it is, what could it possibly want with you, you who don't even know who you are anymore, it doesn't matter, none of it does. You feel your body being lifted up and being taking carried, but that is all, after that you black out.
The Finding of Shirou
For the sake of us all knowing what is going on while Shirou is well, almost dead I am putting in a regular bit that tells us what is going on.

Normal POV

Azshara now had one of her handmaidens lift the thing up from where it was, she was quite intrigued as to what it was, she was also amused by the fact that when she had found it, the land had been all but ash. It had been burned by magic and all that was left to show for it was this thing that lay now in the arms of one of her handmaidens. The one who carries it says "It is still alive my Queen, I think it is, for it still breathes, though it is very faint."

The Queen of all Kal'dorei now grazed the creature with a spell to screen it, after a brief pause a smile formed on the lips of Azshara as she said "Oh this one will do just fine, I know exactly what I will do with him."

All of her handmaidens gave a blink before one of them asked her "Him, it is a person, it can't be?"

Azshara now turned her head and cast a bewitching smile at the handmaiden and said "He is a person because I said so, I will make him into one of us, I will mold him into what I wish him to be."

She now turned her gaze to it and walked closer until she was in front of the handmaiden who carried him, the handmaiden fell to her knees and lowered her head as she razed the person she held up for her queen to look at.

Tenderly caressing the cheek of the boy Azshara smiled her bewitching smile once more as she said "To survive that little, to have that much potential, I want to see more of, I want to see what you will become with the right guidance, my guidance!"

She now turned away and said "Hasten to the Well of Eternity, his life is almost over but if he can drink from the well, then it will all be worth it, then he will be ready to be shaped to what I desire him to be."

With but a wave of her hand, the mighty queen brought all of them before the well and in both hands took the thing from her handmaiden, an act no one had ever heard of her doing before and let the mouth the thing skim the wells surface. Taking it now up she covered its mouth with her hand and tilted its head back, forcing the liquid down its throat. Then she laid him down on the ground in front of her as all around her watched with bated breath for what they thought was not going to happen. The reign of silence continued and it seemed that for the first time, Azshara would fail at something, the ever perfect, ever great Queen would have been unable to achieve what she wished for. But it was not to be so this day, for a cough came from the being as its eyes opened, those empty eyes gazed up and saw only Azshara now held its cheek as she now said "Such beautifully empty eyes, like a cup ready to be filled and fill you I intend to, just you wait."

Now standing up, she motioned for her handmaidens to take the being to a room to lie down as she addressed the crowd who had some how gathered to watch her. "Listen all of you, my beloved people."

Even as she said this, her charms worked their magic around all, not that she needed to, she was their Queen after all, but she liked to be held in even higher regard than she would have normally. "He will be my son and one day, he will be great, not like myself of course but he will be great, I ask whom of you wishes to be his siblings?"

A roar came from the crowd as many now tried to yell over each other in order to get this privilege, Azshara only smiled at them. They did not know of the magic she had felt upon the boy, or the fire that was all around his empty soul. They did not know that he was so empty that he could be whatever Azshara wished him to be, deep down within him, his heart was glass.
Okay I'm going to leave this vote here for a while but they will consist of Shirou's first 5 years of upbringing, the next five will have their own set to vote on.

Who should be Shirou's Mentor/Older sibling figure
[] Dath'Remar
[] Xavius
[] Aszune

What is it that Shirou excels the most at
[] Item Craft (trace on)
[] Archery
[] Swordsmanship
[] Politics

What is it that Shirou is good at
[] Item Craft (trace on)
[] Archery
[] Swordsmanship
[] Politics

What is Shirou relationship with Azshara

Son and Mother
[] Servant and Master
[] Knight and Queen
[] Retainer and Queen

What is Azshara's true intentions for Shirou

Meld Shirou into the perfect mate.
[] Make Shirou into one of her most loyal Vassals
[] Make Shirou into one of her most powerful vassals
[] Make Shirou into the ultimate living weapon
[] Make Shirou the ideal regent for her

What is Shirou's Religious stance

He cares not for Elune
[] He is a devote follower of Elune
[] He accept Elune when it suits him
[] He does not care for Elune, but he listens to what she teaches
[] He listens to Elune, but leaves room to listen to other deities
[] He has despised Elune. (Choosing this is a very bad option)

What is Shirou's emotional intelligence

He is able to perceive what others feel, but not understand it
[] He can perceive and understand what others feel
[] He is unable to perceive what others feel, but he can understand it.
[] He can neither perceive nor understand what others feel
[] He has a limited understand and perception of others feelings
[] He is an adept understanding and perception on others feelings.

I will write a segment for all of these, night all, now I will go and sleep.
[X] Xavius
[X] Archery
[X] Item Craft (trace on)
[X] Son and Mother
[X] Meld Shirou into the perfect mate.
[X] He does not care for Elune, but he listens to what she teaches
[X] He is able to perceive what others feel, but not understand it
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[X] Xavius
[X] Archery
[X] Item Craft (trace on)
[X] Son and Mother
[X] Meld Shirou into the perfect mate.
[X] He does not care for Elune, but he listens to what she teaches
[X] He is able to perceive what others feel, but not understand it
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