Writer's Notes:
Snippet One:
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Encryption Code: Red
Public Key...
Snippet One:
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User | Total |
Duzzit | 6 |
Honestly, the UNSC is pretty much outgunned here by a lot. I mean the MAC is powerful yes but the standard heavy weapons in B5 verse measures in megatons to gigatons. The main advantage UNSC has is that they have artificial gravity (meaning a lot more manueverable), AI, and a FTL not limited via Hyperspace beacons. And of course the ODPs.
the first time someone jumps out at what they think is a safe distance (CoughMimbariCough) they are going to be in for a very rude surprise.
This...The author said at the very top of the OP that power levels on both sides would shifted at the expense of canon that says one side should have biggatons.
In short:no mention is made of what the UNSC use for sensors beyond LIDAR, though they must have them, and EA sensors at this period are explicitly shitty.
as for any 'nerfing'... why bother? B5 weapon yields are never explicitly stated, but can be generally inferred at about the same 'power bracket' as Halo stuff, at least insofar as the UNSC is concerned. the main issues the B5 side will have is the inferiority, or more like non-existence, of their armor comparatively, while the Halo side deals with weapon numbers. B5 ships pack considerably more firepower in smaller guns than the UNSC can, so their doctrines tend to favor lots of turreted main battery guns, while the UNSC builds around one really big gun with secondary weapons.
complete apples and oranges.
and further, the UNSC stuff may be effectively invulnerable on the defense, but their ability to project power is going to be sharply limited. they only have so many people, and Reach isn't exactly hugely populated as such.
Ehhh, based on his post, and the QM's post, the UNSC have Castles that dodge and hit back REALLY hard, but their weapons are slow if technically infinite in range due to it being kinetic. So generally means UNSC ships are better Generally but the EA are better by far in certain areas.In short:
EA builds really powerful glass cannons.
UNSC builds castles that can dodge.
Well SV is all about high Impact explosions, The UNSC hurl things at Sufficient Velocity to destroy enemies. Match made in Heaven.There is something incredibly odd when out of the SV SB and Ah versions of this story has SV being the ones to focus on the weapon power.
Will reply once I get home, as typing from my old phone is a bother.
Well, yes but im my head I thought 'ok, on AH I will have people talk about the societal impacts of the interaction between the two sides, SB will talk about what all their 1010101010101 versus calcs of halo and b5 ships has figured out, and SV will focus on the impact of technology proliferation between the two sides.'Well SV is all about high Impact explosions, The UNSC hurl things at Sufficient Velocity to destroy enemies. Match made in Heaven.
This seems a reasonable way to put what I'm roughly picturing.In short:
EA builds really powerful glass cannons.
UNSC builds castles that can dodge.
First snippet edited.Writer's Notes:
1. Whilst the initial concept came from https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/halos-reach-is-isot-to-the-b5-verse.411162/ I am not going to fully follow OP restrictions of that thread, partially because they're restrictive, but also simply because that thread turned into the OP of it attempting to get people to posit a simple crushing victory for the EA over the UNSC.
2. The writing in this will be of...middling quality. This is the first real project on my part to see the light of day, and I hope anyone who reads this understands this. Between dyslexia and general lack of practice, it will not be a masterpiece. I still hope to provide some level of entertainment out of reading this.
3. I in no way wish to write a curb stomp. If this means ignoring certain parts of canon for both series, I will do so. Some things will be shifted around in 'power level', and trying to tell me how a single EA Nova can blow through twelve Marathons will be ignored.
4. That above being said, I am sure there will be points where it does appear one side or another has the upper hand, to an unfair point. -Do- raise these concerns in the thread, I can't guarantee I'd be able to fix the issue, but I'll be damned if I don't try.
With all of that said, I hope you all enjoy.
Snippet One:
/Open Message/
Encryption Code: Red
Public Key: file/ [Survey-X3-007], Military Archive Record, 30/08/2552/
From: Office of Naval Intelligence, Commander Yi Lin.
To: Admiral Freemont, Commander Reach Defence Forces
CC: UNSC Reach Admiralty
Subject: New planet presence, preliminary notes and report.
Classification: RESTRICTED
/Begin Message/
Our initial survey of the unknown (Designated E4B) is complete.We can confirm that the planet is present rather than simply being a potential slipstream ghost, invalidating the early scans done by the quick reaction force as they approached it.With this, we can confirm that the quick reaction force's initial hypothesis of a slipstream ghost is incorrect; the planet is clearly present in realspace. We are further able to confirm that itappears to beis firmly captured bythe starEpsilon Eridani.WhilstWhile I willlet the Astrophysics department of the various universities in system deal withleave it to civilian astronomy teams to determine its exact orbit and the effects it will have on all other planetary bodies in the system, I do have a few comments to add to the report.
1. Whilst our own orbital scans have revealed little of note, the initial scans of the planet made by the Frigate "Fury" do showsomesigns of a high-energy burst originating from the planet itself. This has been attributed to the planets translation into real-space, but wemight find out morewill know for sure once the survey probes haveconductedfinished conducting a thorough survey ground-side.
2. Our sensors within range of the planet are picking up something akin to a standard Slipspace Emergency Locator Beacon, but location results and readings of it all come back... odd; to quote my sensor officer, "I have no idea whatI amI'm looking at." Whatever this 'beacon' might be, it is pulsing at regular intervals, potentially broadcasting. Worryingly, the amount of energy this object is giving off, signals its potential as havingsuggests a wider range of effect than our sensors can pick up on.
[Amendment,Sentsent two hours and fifteen minutes post initial message]
The sensor officers of the ships present and the AI of the Cruiser "Missiles for All",have requested granting a number of public bodies access to the sensor datato a number of public bodies. From their initial readings, there is evidence of potential faster than light particles emanating from the object, though they stress caution in jumping to such a conclusion. My recommendation is to release the data to the scientific institutions they outlined, with standard monitoring protocols on the further propagation of any findings.
Parts of the sensor net further away from the new planet are now also reporting the 'beacon', and apparently the remnants of the outer layer of sensors are picking up additional similar signals emanating further in space, though any attemptsat leavingto leave the Epsilon Eridani system have thus far failed, due to the storm anomaly.
[Amendment Ends]
3. With regards to point two, a beta probe sent in by sensor platform s-3014, hadhas reported stronger readings within Slipspace, though it was unable to pinpoint the object in question before being sheared by the odd 'storm' we have foundour systemthe Epsilon Eridani system bathed in. Until this anomaly abates, or we figure out methods to weather it better, I recommend not using the probes for the moment.
4. All probes, sensor net buoys and automated platforms within a 31,000 KM (approximate) distance of the planet at thetimestart of the stormbeganhave vanished, leaving no debris. No slipstream windows were observed by any units. Local replacements have already been moved into positions. In total we lost six platforms.
My full report will be attached to the next message, once the probes land.
/Message Ends/
/Open Attachment/
Unknown Planet, Temporarily Designated as Epsilon 4B
Gravity: 0.75 Standard Gravities
Atmosphere:90% CO2, 10% trace elements.
Atmospheric Pressure: 92% of Earth Sea level. (93,215~ Pascals)
Orbital Period: Exact unknown at time, given location and orbital speed on board calculations predict a period of 1.2 Earth years.
Axial Tilt: 4 degrees
/Attachment Ends/
And second snippet revised.Snippet 2:
Office of the President of the Earth Alliance, 30 August, 2250.
President Levy sighed. She found herself doing that far more often these days, what with the Senate ramping up their pressure on Mars as a means to retaliate against their actions, orspecifically their lack of themmore specifically their lack thereof, during the war. Her friends in Geneva were telling her there would be a vote within a few weeks on 'punitive measures', which would likely involve curtailing certain supply shipments to the errant colony.
She pushed it out of her head for the moment as her assistant knocked on her door.
"Come in.,"Sheshe said, looking up at the door. Through it,stepped an ageing gentleman in a dark brown suit,possessing a hairline that washis hairline beginning to vanish. The smile on his face as he sighted the president and strode into the room was a warm oneand he strode into the room calmly.
"Elizabeth, you look like shit.,"Hehe stated with a teasing tone as he sat down, uncaring of the flat look the President of the Earth Alliance gave him.
"It's nice to see you too, David," the President drily stated. "retiremenRetirement seems to beworking well for youtreating you well."The President stated drily.
The manDavid Sheridan shrugged. "I'm still here often enough but I will admit,Eh, call it semi-retired, given how often I come here," he replied. "Still, farming certainly feels more rewarding than a lot of what I did here. Less idiocy to deal withfor one thing, even considering the farm animals." The comment drew a thin smile from Levy.
"I hear John is doing good work at Io, though I wonder how long before he tries to move to a warship commandonce more.again," Levy stated, continuing the small talk expected before the actual purpose of the meeting.
"Not for a few yearsI'd imagine, at least, the marriage will keep him grounded for now,"The manSheridan replied, the smile fading off his face. "I'm surprised you came to me for information,.doesn'tDoesn't Earth Force Intelligence give you updates on events as important as this?"He asked, tilting his head slightly.
Levy smiled thinly. "Oh, they do. In fact, they have a Commanderiscoming to see me after you, but the military has beensomewhatless than forthcoming with me recently due to our disagreements on the new budget, so Ifelt like getting some external informationdecided to go to an external source."A shark like grin briefly appeared on her faceHer smile briefly turned sharklike, quickly being replaced by a more neutral expression.
David snorted derisively. "Politics," heshook his headspat, shaking his head. "Not much to tell, unfortunately. Around 7 last night the Jump Gate in the Epsilon Eridani system stopped transmittingit's coordinates,Naturally, the gate network had a fit,with hyperspace near the system turning particularly violent and in some ways it still is, though itsparticularly near Epsilon Eridani, and the whole network is only just finishing its realignmentdying down now. The current estimate is around two dozen vessels lost for us, and who knows how many more for the other powers." "Thankfully, the Hyperspace beacon inside the system kept transmitting, or things could have gone much worse for any ships travellingnearin the area."
"And they don't know what caused it?"
"Not yet. I had breakfast with Robert, he told me that their listening post inside the system went dark at the same timethis happenedthe gate did. Earth Force has sent a small group of ships led by the Aegean to jump into the system and scout it out. They're apparently five days out,due to the odd eddiesthat have spawned as a result ofspawned by the gate vanishingare causing them to go slowly."
"These 'eddies' aren't going to spread are they?" Levy asked, apprehensive.
"Earth Force doesn't believe so. Whateverhascaused them,they arethey're apparently already disappearing. Naval Intelligence expects hyperspace to go back to its usual state within two weeks. What's more interesting is the reaction of the other powers." He paused for dramatic effect.
"Oh?" Levy said, an undertone of humor in her voice. "You know, Sheridan, leaving the President hangingcancould be considered a criminal offence."She stated, her tone attempting to hide the humour behind the words.
The manSheridan laughed at that. "I hadalunch with the Brakiri and Centauridiplomatsambassadors yesterday," he elaborated. "naturally whilstNaturally, while neither can confirm that their governments possessed listening posts inside a neutral system-"
"Naturally..." Elizabethnaturallycut in, before letting him continuemuttered under her breath.
",bothBoth of them said thattheir onestheirs cut out at the same timeour onesours did. The League and the Republic are happy for us to take the lead on investigating this. I suspect they and any other powers expect that these storms might destroy any ships sent into the system, and are happy to let us lose a few."
Elizabeth sighed. "And theyare wonderingwonder why some in Earth Dome are pushing for greater isolation."
The elder Sheridan had no response to that.
"At any rate, my thanks for bringing this to me, David, I appreciateyou doing this for me.it," Levy said,looking towardsglancing up at the clock.
"No issue at all helping a friend deal with this," David said, standing. "takeTake care of yourselfElizabeth,,okay?both myself and MirandaBoth Miranda and I expect you to visit us next week for the party."He said as he got up, hisFrom his tone, workload would not be an excuse if she missed it.tone making it clear she could not use workload as an excuse.
The President of the Earth Alliance, one of the most powerful figures in local galactic politics, simply nodded, knowing she was beaten.