Journal #4.1
- Location
- Brewster
Journal Entry 4.1
The several hours of talking to the police, sweeping away and scanning for anything dangerously mystical left behind, and the ride back home was awkward to say the least. Shido remained her usual stone-face self, Himari sat beside me and glared at Kuesu as she sat across from us, and Anjelica snickered occasionally as she looked on.
When Shido dropped us off at my house Anjelica whispered a quick, "Good luck, Romeo.", before rushing into the house.
My mind was momentarily derailed in trying to get the reference before shaking my head and turning to Himari as both she and Kuesu entered and I locked the door behind us. "Himari? Could Kuesu and get some time alone?" She locked eyes with me and gave me a steady, hard look before giving a nod and heading upstairs, fluffy ears flat against her head.
Kuesu walked to the living room couch, shrugged off her coat, and sat down without a word. I approached and sat down close to her, my back facing her's as I knew it would make her more comfortable. She leaned back until our backs touched and she leaned her head against mine.
"I'm sorry." She said before I had even opened my mouth, much to my surprise. "You were only worried about me and I struck you for it."
"I'm sorry too. I went way over the line there."
"Your stupidity was born out of a genuine concern for my safety; which is excusable. Mine was born from jealousy and pride." She reached over and gave my hand a squeeze with her own, taking a deep breath to collect herself.
I squeezed back and waited, content to let her mull her thoughts over- it had worked well so far.
"... I went out there alone because I wanted to impress you, get a little attention." Kuesu said, almost in a rush. "It's the whole 'sharing you' arrangement."
"What? You don't need to impress me, or prove yourself, or anything like that-"
"Tell me the amount of times we've rendezvoused for anything except for carnal pursuits." She cut me off tersely before continuing. "I know it's irrational. There hasn't been much downtime after Shuten and Tamamo-no-Mae attacked, we had to suppress the sudden rise in rouge Yokai, and now these 'Mamono' show up-" Kuesu interrupted herself from rambling with a calming breath. "I don't particularly care that you're fornicating with almost everyone in the house, but now with Eparsi on top of everything else, we barely get to see each other."
She fell quite then, simple leaning against me and staring into space. Which gave some time to reflect; she was right, even if I didn't want her to be. I had just been sort of just going with the flow for the past couple of months, reacting and bouncing from one event to the next. And while the other girls might have been fine with infrequent affection, Kuesu had always wanted something a little more committed in our relationship. But we couldn't afford time to slow down with a powerful demon terrorizing the town.
Himari had been just as possessive too and she hadn't- , I thought just as the idea hit me.
"How long do we have to wait before we need to assault the last base?", I asked.
"Hmmm?" She intoned in a way that always sounded cute to me. "The police will need some time to process suspects, deal with the light show you put on, and the destruction I caused… My experience says they'll have a perimeter up and be ready to go by late afternoon tomorrow."
"Then let's go together this time; I can guard your back while you deal with offense.", I turned around then and Kuesu turned to face me as well, her eyes a little wide at my reference to our childhood memory. "It's not exactly a romantic evening out on the town, but I think it'll help reaffirm our bond outside of the bedroom."
Kuesu gave me a pleased smile, lavender eyes sparkling with life, before leaning forward to give me a firm kiss on the lips. "I'd love that." She snaked her arms around my neck and brought me into a deeper one, the positively scandalously low neckline of her dress predictably doing little to mask the feel of her.
We broke up our lip lock several seconds later, both of us a little short for breath. "I thought you said you were tired of the infrequent trysts?" I asked as she hugged me and trailed kisses along my collarbone.
"I disliked not being able to see you outside of those encounters." She breathed into my ear while running a hand through my hair as I caressed her hips. "Never that they were not enjoyable. Come on, let's go upstairs." She stood up and lead me by hand out of the living room and upstairs. She stopped occasionally to for another kiss or to give faint caresses, before stopping suddenly just before we reached my bedroom door. "We should probably do this before going any further."
I gave her a curious look as a small pentagram flared into existence around her hand, and then surprise as it flashed red when it nears me.
"Ah, just as I suspected. Which one was it?" Kuesu asked.
It only took me a moment to catch. "Lilinora and Ageha." I said shyly.
The look on her face made her enjoyment of my squirming clear. With a quick flick of her wrist a small velvet mote of light impacted my chest and shimmered over my body.
"There, that should take care of any residual infection that might have been left. I'll do the same for Ageha tomorrow." With that done, she opened the door to my room and we both strode in… and promptly stopped in our tracks at the sight before us.
Sorina lounged on her back on top of my king-sized bed, her obsidian black hair completely unbound and strewn out in a way that made her look far wilder than before. Ample amount of slender, pale skin was on display as she only wore silky lingerie that barely seemed up to the task of covering her modesty.
Small candles burned throughout the room, filling it with an incense that made me relax muscles and let go of stress that I hadn't even been aware of. Her blood red eyes regarded us coolly as we continued to just stand and stare in the doorway.
"S- Sorina. What is all this?" I spoke up first.
"Anjelica came to my room and was very adamant that you would need some cheering up tonight." Sorina replied in her usually throaty and near-deadpan tone. "I see now she may have jumped to conclusions about the stability of your relationship with the witch. Though I do hope you may still be open to a little companionship with more than one partner tonight?"
I glanced at Kuesu, put my hand in hers, before giving my response. "I'm sorry that you went to all this trouble, but I'd like to spend some alone time with Kuesu for tonight."
Kuesu blushed and gave my hand a squeeze while Sorina nodded her understanding, a light smirk tugging the edge of her lips. "I suspected as much. Do enjoy the incense." Sorina said as she got up, pulled on a white bathrobe I only now noticed was on dresser, and strode out of the room as we stepped aside for her.
I shut the door behind her and turned back around to see Kuesu stripping out of her clothes, lace underwear showing in a matter of seconds.
"Already?" I asked curiously, but began shucking off my own clothes, my tired and taunt muscles practically sang with release as they were completely exposed to incense in the room.
Kuesu stepped forward with an eye-catching role of her hips as she spoke. "Well, Sorina already set everything up, and while not magical, these candles are doing wonders for the mood." With that she wrapped her arms around me and fell back, dragging us both onto the soft bed below.
The rest of our long night flew by in a blur of alluring flesh, cathartic release, and sweet aromas.
Glimpses and fragments of the battle with Shuten and Tamamo-no-Mae once more; all of the pain, both physical and mental, replayed with disturbing clarity in my mind.
Though tonight it seemed different. I viewed the events with sort of cold detachment I hadn't been able to achieve before. It was still unsettling and frustrating, but I hoped that at least this much was a sign of improvement.
I was beckoned rather abruptly from my usual quasi-nightmares by the sound of a loud yawn right against me. Though I did manage to keep from flinching as Kuesu's tired vocalization finished reverberating in my ears.
She sat up, letting the blanket spool off of her as she stretched, making the slight musculature in her back flex alluringly.
"Thanks for the wakeup call." I said dryly.
"Oh, hush you."
We got washed up and dressed after that, only slowed down by some light flirting, and went down for breakfast.
The smell of freshly made eggs and bacon hit us before we even reached the kitchen, and so did Rinko's grumbling.
"Yuto, I'm grateful and all for you letting me stay here until this demon-thing blows over, but could you have a talk with your 'guests'? I don't much appreciate them getting handsy." Rinko was quick to address me as soon as we walked in.
Rinko was seated and glaring daggers at Lilinora, while Himari, Shizuku, Ageha, and Tama ate in relative silence. Amare and Anjelica were flanking Lilinora as they ate, the succubus looking a little cowed as she ate her breakfast.
"Hey, how was I supposed to know you were so closed minded? And it was only a little caress- Oww!" Lilinora's weak objections were cut off when Amare reached over and gave her elf-like ears a pinch.
Amare turned her head towards me. "I'd like to apologize on behalf of my subordinate; she's good for negotiating with unruly criminals and mobs, not daily life."
"I figured you were the one who handled negotiations." Kuesu commented before digging into her boiled eggs.
"Schmoozing with politicians and leaders is entirely different ball-game than dealing with the common riff raff, I assure you."
"... Are you going out again today Yuto?" Rinko asked tentatively after the conversation had lulled momentarily. "I saw the news yesterday and this morning; a building getting bombed in downtown and a 'tank truck' blowing up in the graveyard? A couple of guys with guns don't sound like they should be that much trouble."
"It's not minions that are the problem." I said. "They're just used to slow us down and to keep someone like Kuesu from coming in full-force. It's the practitioner and the constructs they have squirreled away that's trouble."
"Constructs? What kind?" She asked tentatively.
"Forced ghost amalgamation." Kuesu supplied helpfully.
Rinko's nose wrinkled a little at that before turning to me. "And yours?"
"Flesh golem."
Apparently, the implication of a flesh golem being in a cemetery was not lost on Rinko as her face paled a bit. "That's… less than reassuring."
Amare spoke up then. "As I have said; he is a demon still clinging to the old way of things. As such, he views people more as resources than as, well… people."
"I don't think you guys should worry though. I'm sure that me and Kuesu can handle the last one if we play it safe." I said.
"...Oh, is that so?" Himari intoned from her side of the table.
"Ah, y- yes." I said noncommittally, not wanting to lie but not wanting to bring up Kuesu's personal business in front of everyone.
Himari gives me a level, but I think understanding, look before replying. "Well then, since you'll be without your faithful bodyguard to help in melee; I will happily assist Sorina in your morning training today, just to sharpen those reflexes even further. You never know what could make the difference."
I groaned inwardly but nodded my ascension and shot Anjelica and Lilinora a glare when I heard them start to snicker.
The forest looked particularly imposing as Shido's dark vehicle drove us up the dirt road towards the edge of the woods. We stopped just inside of the perimeter the police had set up; it was a different city, and thus a different department, but they still exuded that air of hyper competence I'd noted from the one's picked in my town.
Pleasantries were exchanged, Shido made sure we had our earpieces in, and then it was time to enter the forest.
We could already tell someone, and something, was hiding inside the forest, even without the assistance of magical senses. The woods had an oppressive air about, often the way things turned out when something truly sinister lingered in an area for too long. The trees looked decrepit, practically melting into the shadows of this particularly muggy day, and the grass and shrubbery didn't look much better.
Kuesu was in front and I was covering her back, we'd talked about potential strategies before and narrowed down the number of things Eparsi could twist to his own ends inside of a forest like this. And all though most of them would be particularly vulnerable to fire, using it against them risked setting the entire forest a blaze.
With a curt nod to each other, and a quick kiss for good luck, we stepped inside.
The several hours of talking to the police, sweeping away and scanning for anything dangerously mystical left behind, and the ride back home was awkward to say the least. Shido remained her usual stone-face self, Himari sat beside me and glared at Kuesu as she sat across from us, and Anjelica snickered occasionally as she looked on.
When Shido dropped us off at my house Anjelica whispered a quick, "Good luck, Romeo.", before rushing into the house.
My mind was momentarily derailed in trying to get the reference before shaking my head and turning to Himari as both she and Kuesu entered and I locked the door behind us. "Himari? Could Kuesu and get some time alone?" She locked eyes with me and gave me a steady, hard look before giving a nod and heading upstairs, fluffy ears flat against her head.
Kuesu walked to the living room couch, shrugged off her coat, and sat down without a word. I approached and sat down close to her, my back facing her's as I knew it would make her more comfortable. She leaned back until our backs touched and she leaned her head against mine.
"I'm sorry." She said before I had even opened my mouth, much to my surprise. "You were only worried about me and I struck you for it."
"I'm sorry too. I went way over the line there."
"Your stupidity was born out of a genuine concern for my safety; which is excusable. Mine was born from jealousy and pride." She reached over and gave my hand a squeeze with her own, taking a deep breath to collect herself.
I squeezed back and waited, content to let her mull her thoughts over- it had worked well so far.
"... I went out there alone because I wanted to impress you, get a little attention." Kuesu said, almost in a rush. "It's the whole 'sharing you' arrangement."
"What? You don't need to impress me, or prove yourself, or anything like that-"
"Tell me the amount of times we've rendezvoused for anything except for carnal pursuits." She cut me off tersely before continuing. "I know it's irrational. There hasn't been much downtime after Shuten and Tamamo-no-Mae attacked, we had to suppress the sudden rise in rouge Yokai, and now these 'Mamono' show up-" Kuesu interrupted herself from rambling with a calming breath. "I don't particularly care that you're fornicating with almost everyone in the house, but now with Eparsi on top of everything else, we barely get to see each other."
She fell quite then, simple leaning against me and staring into space. Which gave some time to reflect; she was right, even if I didn't want her to be. I had just been sort of just going with the flow for the past couple of months, reacting and bouncing from one event to the next. And while the other girls might have been fine with infrequent affection, Kuesu had always wanted something a little more committed in our relationship. But we couldn't afford time to slow down with a powerful demon terrorizing the town.
Himari had been just as possessive too and she hadn't- , I thought just as the idea hit me.
"How long do we have to wait before we need to assault the last base?", I asked.
"Hmmm?" She intoned in a way that always sounded cute to me. "The police will need some time to process suspects, deal with the light show you put on, and the destruction I caused… My experience says they'll have a perimeter up and be ready to go by late afternoon tomorrow."
"Then let's go together this time; I can guard your back while you deal with offense.", I turned around then and Kuesu turned to face me as well, her eyes a little wide at my reference to our childhood memory. "It's not exactly a romantic evening out on the town, but I think it'll help reaffirm our bond outside of the bedroom."
Kuesu gave me a pleased smile, lavender eyes sparkling with life, before leaning forward to give me a firm kiss on the lips. "I'd love that." She snaked her arms around my neck and brought me into a deeper one, the positively scandalously low neckline of her dress predictably doing little to mask the feel of her.
We broke up our lip lock several seconds later, both of us a little short for breath. "I thought you said you were tired of the infrequent trysts?" I asked as she hugged me and trailed kisses along my collarbone.
"I disliked not being able to see you outside of those encounters." She breathed into my ear while running a hand through my hair as I caressed her hips. "Never that they were not enjoyable. Come on, let's go upstairs." She stood up and lead me by hand out of the living room and upstairs. She stopped occasionally to for another kiss or to give faint caresses, before stopping suddenly just before we reached my bedroom door. "We should probably do this before going any further."
I gave her a curious look as a small pentagram flared into existence around her hand, and then surprise as it flashed red when it nears me.
"Ah, just as I suspected. Which one was it?" Kuesu asked.
It only took me a moment to catch. "Lilinora and Ageha." I said shyly.
The look on her face made her enjoyment of my squirming clear. With a quick flick of her wrist a small velvet mote of light impacted my chest and shimmered over my body.
"There, that should take care of any residual infection that might have been left. I'll do the same for Ageha tomorrow." With that done, she opened the door to my room and we both strode in… and promptly stopped in our tracks at the sight before us.
Sorina lounged on her back on top of my king-sized bed, her obsidian black hair completely unbound and strewn out in a way that made her look far wilder than before. Ample amount of slender, pale skin was on display as she only wore silky lingerie that barely seemed up to the task of covering her modesty.
Small candles burned throughout the room, filling it with an incense that made me relax muscles and let go of stress that I hadn't even been aware of. Her blood red eyes regarded us coolly as we continued to just stand and stare in the doorway.
"S- Sorina. What is all this?" I spoke up first.
"Anjelica came to my room and was very adamant that you would need some cheering up tonight." Sorina replied in her usually throaty and near-deadpan tone. "I see now she may have jumped to conclusions about the stability of your relationship with the witch. Though I do hope you may still be open to a little companionship with more than one partner tonight?"
I glanced at Kuesu, put my hand in hers, before giving my response. "I'm sorry that you went to all this trouble, but I'd like to spend some alone time with Kuesu for tonight."
Kuesu blushed and gave my hand a squeeze while Sorina nodded her understanding, a light smirk tugging the edge of her lips. "I suspected as much. Do enjoy the incense." Sorina said as she got up, pulled on a white bathrobe I only now noticed was on dresser, and strode out of the room as we stepped aside for her.
I shut the door behind her and turned back around to see Kuesu stripping out of her clothes, lace underwear showing in a matter of seconds.
"Already?" I asked curiously, but began shucking off my own clothes, my tired and taunt muscles practically sang with release as they were completely exposed to incense in the room.
Kuesu stepped forward with an eye-catching role of her hips as she spoke. "Well, Sorina already set everything up, and while not magical, these candles are doing wonders for the mood." With that she wrapped her arms around me and fell back, dragging us both onto the soft bed below.
The rest of our long night flew by in a blur of alluring flesh, cathartic release, and sweet aromas.
Glimpses and fragments of the battle with Shuten and Tamamo-no-Mae once more; all of the pain, both physical and mental, replayed with disturbing clarity in my mind.
Though tonight it seemed different. I viewed the events with sort of cold detachment I hadn't been able to achieve before. It was still unsettling and frustrating, but I hoped that at least this much was a sign of improvement.
I was beckoned rather abruptly from my usual quasi-nightmares by the sound of a loud yawn right against me. Though I did manage to keep from flinching as Kuesu's tired vocalization finished reverberating in my ears.
She sat up, letting the blanket spool off of her as she stretched, making the slight musculature in her back flex alluringly.
"Thanks for the wakeup call." I said dryly.
"Oh, hush you."
We got washed up and dressed after that, only slowed down by some light flirting, and went down for breakfast.
The smell of freshly made eggs and bacon hit us before we even reached the kitchen, and so did Rinko's grumbling.
"Yuto, I'm grateful and all for you letting me stay here until this demon-thing blows over, but could you have a talk with your 'guests'? I don't much appreciate them getting handsy." Rinko was quick to address me as soon as we walked in.
Rinko was seated and glaring daggers at Lilinora, while Himari, Shizuku, Ageha, and Tama ate in relative silence. Amare and Anjelica were flanking Lilinora as they ate, the succubus looking a little cowed as she ate her breakfast.
"Hey, how was I supposed to know you were so closed minded? And it was only a little caress- Oww!" Lilinora's weak objections were cut off when Amare reached over and gave her elf-like ears a pinch.
Amare turned her head towards me. "I'd like to apologize on behalf of my subordinate; she's good for negotiating with unruly criminals and mobs, not daily life."
"I figured you were the one who handled negotiations." Kuesu commented before digging into her boiled eggs.
"Schmoozing with politicians and leaders is entirely different ball-game than dealing with the common riff raff, I assure you."
"... Are you going out again today Yuto?" Rinko asked tentatively after the conversation had lulled momentarily. "I saw the news yesterday and this morning; a building getting bombed in downtown and a 'tank truck' blowing up in the graveyard? A couple of guys with guns don't sound like they should be that much trouble."
"It's not minions that are the problem." I said. "They're just used to slow us down and to keep someone like Kuesu from coming in full-force. It's the practitioner and the constructs they have squirreled away that's trouble."
"Constructs? What kind?" She asked tentatively.
"Forced ghost amalgamation." Kuesu supplied helpfully.
Rinko's nose wrinkled a little at that before turning to me. "And yours?"
"Flesh golem."
Apparently, the implication of a flesh golem being in a cemetery was not lost on Rinko as her face paled a bit. "That's… less than reassuring."
Amare spoke up then. "As I have said; he is a demon still clinging to the old way of things. As such, he views people more as resources than as, well… people."
"I don't think you guys should worry though. I'm sure that me and Kuesu can handle the last one if we play it safe." I said.
"...Oh, is that so?" Himari intoned from her side of the table.
"Ah, y- yes." I said noncommittally, not wanting to lie but not wanting to bring up Kuesu's personal business in front of everyone.
Himari gives me a level, but I think understanding, look before replying. "Well then, since you'll be without your faithful bodyguard to help in melee; I will happily assist Sorina in your morning training today, just to sharpen those reflexes even further. You never know what could make the difference."
I groaned inwardly but nodded my ascension and shot Anjelica and Lilinora a glare when I heard them start to snicker.
The forest looked particularly imposing as Shido's dark vehicle drove us up the dirt road towards the edge of the woods. We stopped just inside of the perimeter the police had set up; it was a different city, and thus a different department, but they still exuded that air of hyper competence I'd noted from the one's picked in my town.
Pleasantries were exchanged, Shido made sure we had our earpieces in, and then it was time to enter the forest.
We could already tell someone, and something, was hiding inside the forest, even without the assistance of magical senses. The woods had an oppressive air about, often the way things turned out when something truly sinister lingered in an area for too long. The trees looked decrepit, practically melting into the shadows of this particularly muggy day, and the grass and shrubbery didn't look much better.
Kuesu was in front and I was covering her back, we'd talked about potential strategies before and narrowed down the number of things Eparsi could twist to his own ends inside of a forest like this. And all though most of them would be particularly vulnerable to fire, using it against them risked setting the entire forest a blaze.
With a curt nod to each other, and a quick kiss for good luck, we stepped inside.
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