A Shift In Perspective {Omamori Himari/Monster Girl Encyclopedia} (Finished)

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This journal was started far before Mrs. Diana suggested that I should catalog everything...
Journal #1.1
This journal was started far before Mrs. Diana suggested that I should catalog everything that lead to the… event. As a form of coping and coming to terms with what happened.

So, to whoever is reading this: Please forgive me if some lines seem, "foreboding", for lack of a better term.

I don't share her optimism, not anymore, but I do trust her, so here goes nothing.


Journal Entry #1.1

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as I looked into the foggy bathroom mirror. A certain someone had left the door closed after their own shower.

A white-skinned, if a little tanned, young man stared back at me. Brown hair that almost touched collarbone, hazel brown eyes, and a well defined musculature that almost stretched the skin. A hemispherical scar on the right forearm; it looked something with serrated teeth had latched on and tried to take bite of it. Which, I suppose, wasn't too far from the truth.

I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror, boxers the only thing protecting my decency and thought, Hi, me.

My name is Yuto Amakawa. Demon-Slayer, Yokai sympathizer, and current owner of Tamamo-no-Mae.

Stripping off the last of my modesty, I stepped into the my rather spacious shower went through my routine. I turned on the hot water and let the steaming liquid ease the stress in my muscles, the temperature burning slightly, but in a good way.

The mornings' exercises had been particularly harsh today; Himari may love me, but that didn't stop her from putting me through my paces every training session.

After lathering up a washrag and scrubbing myself down, I decided to reach for the shampoo. Squeezing out three globs into my hand before running the flowery smelling substance through my matted hair. It gets nice and sudsy before I decided to rinse it out and turn off the shower; pulling on a towel as soon as I'm out from behind the curtain.

The pain hits me just as I start to towel off.

I've been through a lot, but stray shampoo mix getting into your eyes is something I'm convinced no one can overcome.

I swear a little as wiping my eyes fails to alleviate the burning sensation and partial blindness. Eventually I gave up and made my way out of the bathroom, bumping my head and letting out a decidedly less covert curse before fumbling into the hallway.

With a death-grip on the towel around my waist, I make my way towards the living room. Hoping to God that none of the girls are there and that I can get to my bedroom unmolested. Both figuratively and literally.

Stepping into the living room with still blurry and painful vision, a throaty chuckle is all the warning I get. A hand clamps down onto my shoulder before spinning me around as something slender and soft coils around my whole body.

"Oh ho, what do we have here?", Ageha's overly sultry voice reaches my ears, her amusement clear and unabashed. "Some confused prey wandering into my territory?", she strokes my chin before yanking it toward her after I refuse to turn my head voluntarily.

I couldn't see much, but I did feel her pull back a bit at the sight of my bloodshot and half-lidded eyes.

"Ageha, I'm in a bit of a predicament, and not really in the mood. Can you save this for later?", my tone is a little more terse than usual, but I didn't particularly care at that moment.

I hear a familiar dramatic sigh from somewhere else in the room before I feel a pulse of magic flow over me. I blink my eyes as the burning sensation rapidly recedes, although some dryness is left behind. My vision clears completely in a manner of seconds and I could now see my living room in all it's bland glory.

Ageha was in front of me, her right hand on my chin while her entire left arm had lengthened to wrap around my body. She was in rather plain clothes, for her at least. A pitch black long-sleeve shirt that accentuated her bust and wool pants that were baggy around the ankles.

Kesu looked on disapprovingly from her position on the couch, still in her iconic witch attire. Not even bothering to dress appropriately for the brisk Fall weather.

"I can sympathize with your focus on combat magic, Amakawa, but you should at least know some of the minor healing spells.", Kesu's voice was terse and uncompromising as she continues to read her little black book.

"Hey, I- mmpf!", I go to answer her, but my excuse is cut-off by Ageha pressing her lips to mine in a quick kiss.

I look over to Kesu, but she's turned her entire body away from me and still has her nose buried in that book. I guess she's still grumpy…, I thought, not realizing how much would hinge on my continued procrastination with her.

"You know~", Ageha purrs as she pulls back from the closed mouth kiss.

She pouts cutely for a moment before she starts trailing wet kisses across my jaw-line, "This reminds me of the favor you owe me for helping out in that last fight…".

More pecks going down my neck, "... And of how you never paid me back." As soon she reaches the nape of my neck, her left arm unwinds and Ageha brings me into a proper hug before baring her fangs.

I prepared for the bite-

Right when something cracks against the side of her head. The hit lets out an audible *crack* and would have left a normal person groaning on the ground. But Yokai of Ageha's caliber are made of sterner stuff, as is apparent by her response.

"Ow, fuck! Who-", Ageha snaps her head toward the source of the attack and promptly cuts herself off at the sight.

Himari stood right beside us, clad in a dark-purple kimono with inky black highlights, arms crossed below her chest with her (thankfully)sheathed katana held in her right hand. Her face was a perfect mask of "composed hatred". Her attention completely focused on Ageha.

"The hell is goin' on here?", she said in a very dangerous tone.

A/N: Criticism and Discussion is encouraged.
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Journal #1.2
Journal Entry #1.2

Credit where credit was due; at least Ageha didn't actively cower in fear at the sight of my bodyguard. The air-demon even looked like she might stand her ground and make a thing of it; her back straightening and shoulders squared.

That facade lasted right up until Himari growled at her.

Her lips had curled into a snarl just before the unnatural sound issued forth. It didn't sound like anything that could come from a human mouth, just as well, Himari wasn't human.

The closest thing I could compare it to would be the growl of a leopard. If a leopard's growl was oscillating, several octaves deeper, augmented by Yokai magic, and felt like it was reverberating through your mind. And that was what I got from just being near her. I can only imagine what it felt like for the person it was directed at.

Judging by Ageha's quick retreat to the other side of the room; it wasn't a pleasant experience.

Himari wasted no time in grabbing my arm and dragging me out of the living room, giving Kesu a side-long as she went. We made it to my room in short order after that.

I began to try and explain myself as soon as she'd closed the door behind us, "Himari, I-"

"Put some clothes on."

I am was a, admittedly, rather dense person; but even I can take the hint sometimes. I shuffle towards my dresser draw and begin changing. A plain shirt and shorts combo seemed appropriate, I wasn't planning on going out today.

Himari doesn't leave the room or avert her gave and I had the good sense not to comment on it. Though I do manage to grab a tissue and wipe down the side of my neck that Ageha had been kissing; I knew Himari would appreciate the gesture at least.

And indeed she does as I feel her give me a hug from behind and start planting her own kisses. Pressing her lips repeatedly in a trail up my neck, along my jaw, before eventually giving me a proper one on the lips.

She steps back with me and I don't fight the pull. We both land onto my, now 'our', soft bed—the silky sheets both a welcome and familiar comfort. Himari shifted around until we faced each other, one slender leg sliding between my own. She gave me a tired smile before snuggling into my chest, toned arms wrapped firmly around me.

I don't hesitate to reciprocate the affection and mutter a, "Love you…", before resting my chin upon her head.

It'd been a few weeks since our battle against Tamamo-no-Mae and Shuten-dōji, things had become semi-stable again. I was continuing my training as Demon Slayer, with the help of both Himari and Kesu, with superb results. In a few years I'd actually be able to hold a candle to my peers in terms of skill and not just raw power.

The problems had begun when me and Himari had officially become a couple. Although she called it being her "Life Mate".

The other girls hadn't taken the hint, however, either out of stubbornness or deliberately like Ageha. It hadn't really been a problem at first, especially with Kesu accepting the reality with little fuss, but Himari was beginning to tire of having to constantly ward off their advances. Her patience was beginning to wear thin and we'd already had a few near fights.

I knew I'd have to do something about how things stood amongst the group, but I just didn't know what or how. For now though, I tried to clear my mind and just focus on relaxing with my Himari. Time becomes a foreign concept as we stay cuddled up together and relaxed for what could give minutes or hours for all I cared.

That is until something appeared in the room, It was felt rather than seen however.

Himari reacted first with reflexes honed from a lifetime of training and experience. She practically leapt to her feet, katana unsheathed and pointed toward the threat.

My own movements are barely a seconds worth of time behind hers' as I swing my legs up and over the bedside. I'm in a ready stance and am a hair's'-breadth away from activating my power before I see the being that has just snuck into my room.

Tamamo-no-Mae stood before us in all her glory, clad in a snow-white kimono and with both her ears and nine-tails on full display. Her skin was a pale alabaster and her eyes seemed to blaze with blue fire, a stark contrast to her long blonde hair.

"Oh, hello Tama!", I say cheerfully before stepping forward and giving her a hug.

For a fleeting moment the air becomes incredibly tense as the nigh-deity level Yokai stands ramrod straight in my arms. But the silence is shattered with a huff from the blonde as she stops with the theatrics. Her fox features fade away and her eyes become a non-supernatural shade of blue as she gives me a hug back.

She mutters something about "Disrespectful Yougnsters" before pushing me back slightly. "I had hoped to frighten you a little before delivering my news, but I see now that my effort was for naught."

"What news?", Himari asks with some well placed suspicion as she gracefully stepped off the bed, sheathing the four-foot long sword in the same motion.

"Something that I think is of great interest to the Young Master here.", Tama still remained one of the only people to refer to me by that particular moniker. With Himari only using it now when she felt playful or annoyed.

I give her a curious look but don't reply, trying to not-so-subtly imply that she should stop trying to build tension and just get on with it.

"Two new Yokia clans have heard of your reputation and are thinking about coming over to negotiate staying terms in this city. No names yet, but I do know they'll be here in a few weeks, so I suggest you converse with Shizuku on how to handle them before then"

That wiped the look of my face real quick.

Himari just stands off to the side, mouth slightly agape.

Tama puts a hand to her mouth and barely maintained her composure upon seeing the rare sight of Himari being gobsmacked. "I know, I couldn't quite believe it myself, but it appears as though your dream isn't as unrealistic as everyone thought." She suddenly blurred forward and gave me a quick peck on the cheek, "Congratulations~.". She purrs the last word before nimbly stepping back with a laugh, barely avoiding an errant swipe from Himari.

"I'll try to feed you some more information until then.", she called out to us before disappearing through a distortion in the air.

Himari scans the room for a few more seconds before visibly relaxing, apparently convinced that the Fox-Demon was no longer present.

I give her a hug from behind and a kiss on the cheek before speaking, "Want to go back to bed while I go talk with Shizuku? I know you need the rest."

She practically melts into the embrace before turning around to face me, her cheeks slightly flushed and sporting a lopsided grin. "Sure, but I'd like to do something a little more exciting before you go.", she says, needling my chest with her finger.

I roll my eyes at her usual lack of subtly, but don't fight her when she pushes me down onto the bed. "I should really talk to Shizuku about what Tama told us-", I try to say before Himari straddles my chest and puts a finger to my lips.

"Shush you, I just got you all to myself, you can try to usher in a new age of peace later."
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Journal #1.3
Journal Entry #1.3

I could see the wild blood-lust in her glowing eyes, I'd helped in taking away someone she cared about and she wanted to pay me back in blood. The Fox dashes forward in a blur of motion, and before I can react, I feel her clawed hands dig into my shoulders and bring me to the ground.

My head throbbed as it bounced off the of the cracked street from our battle. I could feel chips of concrete and blood mix into my hair. She went straight for my neck, maw opened unnaturally wide with rows of serrated teeth, the foul stench of blood wafted from her mouth.

I tried to move my arms, summon my power, anything. But nothing happened; it was as if nothing was there.

And then the pain hit…


I sat up with a gasp, barely keeping my arms from flailing as I frantically looked around. It took awhile for my eyes to adjust to the darkness around me, but eventually I recognized the familiar surroundings of my bedroom. I felt something shift against me as my heartbeat slowed; I looked down to see Himari curled up on the bed, snoring softly.

And completely... "laid bare".

That's around the time I also noticed how wet the sheets were had nothing to do with my nightmare induced sweat.

I heaved a sigh before swinging my legs over the bed and heading out the door, after pulling on my wrinkled boxers and pants. Making a mental note to clean the sheets before the other girls find out and throw a hissy fit.

I made made a beeline towards the bathroom. I knew from experience that the best way to feel clean after a "intense snuggle session" with Himari was a nice hot bath. The scent, soreness, and stickiness would all be washed away after a good soak.

As I opened the bathroom door and started preparing my bath, I let my mind drift to toward the news Tama had given me. If she was telling the truth, and I had no reason to think she wasn't, I had a legitimate chance at establishing some form of peace; at least in my little slice of territory.

But I needed more information, about exactly what kind of Yokai this group was composed of and their reputation, and that meant talking to Ageha and Shizuku. They were the closets things I had to legitimate informants on the supernatural underworld. I might ask Kuesu if time permitted, but I had an inkling that any info she had wouldn't exactly be unbiased…

My train of thought was swept away as I lowered myself into the slightly steaming water, after the stress and surprises of the day it felt good to have some time to myself and just relax.

"Hello~", a light voice whispered into my ear as I reached for the soap rack. "You've been an awfully busy boy, haven't you?", I froze for the barest of moments as I felt something materialize behind me and soft skin pressed against my back.

"Shizuku? Where have you been? I didn't see you at all yesterday.", I was stalling and I didn't know why. But something in her voice seemed guarded, almost dangerous. "Did you go out and talk with some of your old friends?"

The snake Yokai began softly messaging my shoulders, the water and suds from the soap moving in time with her motions, "You know how it is, they get restless if I don't report back once in a while. But what you don't know…"

I tensed.

"... Is that they told me about a new group of Yokai coming through to talk to a certain Demon Slayer. Which is also connected to a whole other mess in the US."

I blew out a heavy sigh of relief and grabbed a rag before leaning back against the tub. Shizuku deformed into clear water behind me and then pulled herself together in front of me with an expectant look on her face.

"I've heard, just let me finish cleaning up first, there's a lot we need to talk about.", I said.

After the surprisingly non-lewd bath with Shizuku, I decided it was best to get this over with as soon as possible; things like deception and stalling were never my strong suit anyways.

With a fresh new set of clothes and a decidedly less potent smell of sweaty cat-girl coming from me, I sat down with Shizuku in the living room and relayed what Tama had said.

"That's what my group said too. Except for the news from the West.", she crossed her legs as she thought, showing off the soft flesh of her thighs from under her dark dress.

"What news?", I asked tentatively. "And what do they have to do with this 'mysterious group'?"

"Hmmm, it's a little complicated", she flicked her naturally long and snake-like tongue out in brief contemplation. "You know how there are realms separate from the ones humans live in that a variety of ghosts, spirits, and demons call home?"

I nodded in the affirmative. The existence of other realms, or worlds, that existed beside our own was a major part of my studies. Most were either completely in hospitable to most forms of life or filled to the brim with otherworldly beings that did not care for mortals; human, Yokai, or otherwise. And things that happened in worlds particularly close to ours could actually affect the world physically.

They were things smart people left alone. So naturally practitioners throughout the ages had shamelessly messed with them to predictable ends: Death, destruction, and calamity. At least until organizations like the one I was with now managed to put a stop to the madness.

"Well,", Shizuku started, "There's been a shift of power in one of the more influential realms, and the affects have apparently washed over all of the Yokai native to the US. But that's all we've got, no one else knows any specifics; the entire supernatural world has gone into hiding over there and this new group traveling here is the only sign of activity we've seen in a while."

...That was a lot to taken. But it would explain the relative radio silence that'd been coming from the other Demon Slayers and the organization they ran. This was something they were probably diverting a lot of time and resources toward.

And since I and Kesu were more powerhouses than investigators, we were probably being kept in reserve as home-town defense.

"So, what are we supposed to do about it? If they're just here to talk, I least want to try and accommodate them.", I explain after thinking on the avalanche of information that had just been duped into my lap.

"We'll need to prepare, first of all. They could be trying to use your good-nature against you. If they're trying to set a trap I don't want us to be caught off-guard. But that's going to be problem.", she drooped visibly as she said this, I saw less concern and more annoyance on her face.

"Uh, why is that? I'm sure I can talk Kesu or Hitsugi, if she's available, into sharing some equipment with us, although I'll probably have to do a favor for them afterwards.", Demon Slayers were technically supposed to be a group of clans working as a single unit. But as Kesu had meticulously explained that the clans hardly did anything for free and would often trade in either money or favors.

"As concerning as I think it is for you to start owing favors to someone like Hitsugi, the more immediate concerning is gathering information on this new group trying to settle in. My associates could do it since their on our territory now, but doing so for someone like you will require some convincing. The kind that you'll need to do in person if they're ever going to trust you.", she was trying to avoid saying what the real issue would be. I could tell it was something only mildly concerning, she wouldn't even be broaching the idea if she thought it was something life threatening. But her hesitance was not a good sign all the same.

"C'mon Shizuku, tell me what the catch is. You know I hate having things hidden from me, especially about something as potentially important as this.", I put as much authority and sincerity as I could into my voice, putting my hand on her shoulder just to add a little extra emphasis to my request.

She tilted her head back and closed her eyes before letting out a groan of annoyance, "They don't feel comfortable with you bringing either the cat or your 'fiance' with you. And since you're the only one they consistently listen to; that means you'll have to convince both of them let me and Ageha escort you instead."
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Journal #1.4
Journal Entry #1.4

I thought on what Shizuku had told me as I rode the hotel elevator up to the top suite, the gentle whir of machinery behind the walls oddly calming to me.

"They don't feel comfortable with you bringing either the cat or your "fiancé" with you. And since you're the only one they consistently listen to; that means you'll have to convince both of them let me and Ageha escort you instead."

After we had our little talk I thought it best to leave for Kesu's apartment before Himari woke up, she'd be the easiest to win over so I might as well get her settled first.

She wasn't as zealously protective of me when it came to Demon Slayer business. Not to mention the fact that dealing with both Himari and Kesu at the same time was both unwise and not an experience I wanted to repeat.

As I saw the floor indicator get halfway to the top I busied myself with checking the "equipment" I brought with me, the training I got from the other Demon Slayers put a heavy emphasis on always being ready for a fight.

My dagger was snugly sheathed and in my inner coat pocket, I'd grown rather fond of the little thing and it had served me well so far.

It sure as hell made me feel a lot more secure than the pistol in a shoulder holster on my right side.

The hours of drilling in reloading, shooting, and safety procedures had made me proficient in it, at least by normal standards, but I still much preferred my knife and my magic when. I even considered the gun more "dangerous", even though I logically knew that the opposite was actually true.

Speaking of magic, I thought before closing my eyes and focusing inwards.

I could feel my magic pulsing with my heartbeat like always. It had been growing little by little every day, but the others had cautioned that I would hit my limit soon enough. Light Ferry still had its familiar golden glow to it, I could sense the small amount I had put into the gun and knife on me.

I promptly took my hands out of my coat as the elevator doors finally opened and revealed the rather ostentatious marble hallway with pearly white pillars on either side.

"Now or never I guess…", I muttered as I stepped into the pristine hall.


"No.", Kesu folded her arms across her sizable bust as she gave me her unusually curt answer.

"You won't even hear me out on why I want to?", I scotched a little closer towards her on the couch, the same couch she had tried to stab me from I noted worryingly. I never wanted to make her that angry ever again, so I resolved to at least sooth her nerves while talked.

My young witch friend had practically carried me inside as soon as I rang the doorbell, an ecstatic smile framed by her peculiar silver hair that flowed down the back of her classic black dress. She'd made a pot of tea in advance as usual. In fact the entire room looked exactly the same as last time, the only difference to me being that I was now competent enough to see the various wards and traps she had set up.

Hard violet eyes stared into my brown ones as she responded, "I don't care why, this is by far one of the most reckless things you've ever thought to do.", she reached over and wrapped a surprisingly strong arm around my middle and pressed herself to me. "You don't need to rely on them, Dear.", she said as she ran her fingers along my chest with her free hand. "We have our own ways of gathering information.", she'd made her voice a little huskier and was very obviously pushing her ample chest against mine in an effort to tempt me.

And I'd be a liar if I said it wasn't working very well, but meeting with Shizuku's group was too important to let her discourage me.

So instead of conceding I steeled my nerves and countered; "I know, and I'll tap them when they're available. But they aren't right now, are they?"

The twitches a bit at that.

"No, right now, they've probably been called in by the other Demon Slayers to try and find out about what happened in America."

Kesu's face becomes a full-on frown, "You shouldn't know about th-".

But I cut her off and keep going, desperate to maintain the momentum I have, "I have the opportunity to get from a more entrenched source right now." In a move surprising even myself, I pull her into my lap, desperately trying to ignore how soft she feels, before continuing, "I know you're worried about me, and you have every right to be; But please trust me on this, I'll even keep you updated on whatever I find out, okay?" Then I punctuate the ending with peck on the cheek.

That last part may have been a mistake.

Kesu blushes and huffs, but I notice she makes no move to get off my lap, before responding. "Alright alright: Why exactly do you want to speak to Shizuku's group?"

"...They want to tell me about a group of Yokai coming from America that also want to talk to me."

She just stares wide eyed for a few seconds before blinking slowly; one of her rare, and cute, flabbergasted expressions taking over. I think my reasons for going stunned her too much to get properly angry.

That didn't last long.

Kesu stands up from my lap and throws her hands up in frustration, "Fine, whatever!" She spins around and points one dainty finger right at my nose, "But I want an updated on everything they tell you as soon as you get back.", she said in an angry rush.

"Alright, I promise.", I nod my head and raise my hands in surrender.

"And I want you to give me and my contacts time to review any info you might act on.", she went on.

I hesitated a little before nodding my agreement; I didn't feel like arguing anymore and this was probably as good as it was gonna get with Kesu anyway.

I moved to get up and past her but stopped when I felt a strong grip on my wrist, turning me back to see that Kesu was looking at me with an angry pout. "Before you go, how about a Goodbye-Kiss?"

Her lips were pressed roughly against mine before I could even respond, her arm around my neck and the second grabbing my hair to pull me in deeper. And I tried pulling back... until she slipped her tongue between my lips. I don't know if it was magic or my tolerance for this was waning, but after that everything got a little fuzzy and hard to resist. I could taste the expensive lipstick she had on as she ran her tongue all over my gums and teeth before bullying my own reluctant organ, tilting her to the side to get in further.

At this point I'd wrapped my arms around her and was bordering on matching her enthusiasm; before forcefully removing myself from her. We separated with a pop, a thin string of saliva stretching and then separating from between our lips.

Kesus composed herself before I did and met my eyes, a smug grin on her lips, "Hmm~ It's been a while seen we've done that hasn't it, Yuto?"

"You know that I'm with Himari.", I say out of reflex in defense.

"Why not share us then?", she says in a conversational tone, even as her faces becomes increasingly deeper shade of scarlet.

It was my turn to be flabbergasted; any response I had dying on my lips after hearing the unexpected proposition.

"We've all already had you before. So just… think about it, OK?", She says while wringing her hands and looking to the side.

I open and close my mouth for a few seconds, feeling the blood rush up to my cheeks.

"Um, thank you for taking the time to listen to my suggestions Kesu.", I say, pointedly avoiding the sudden topic change, "I'll be sure to pay you back in full, after my business with the local demons is done of course." before rushing out of the hotel room.

I quickly shut the door behind me before leaning against the wall beside it and heaving a sigh. Feeling like a bit of a coward, I tried to focus on anything other than what Kesu had suggested as I walked away.

The wards around the entrance, and in the hallway, feeling weird as I passed over them was a good enough distraction as any. The closest feeling I can compare it to is the feeling of walking through a spider-web and feeling the silk catch on your skin.

Alarming and distracting, but not exactly unpleasant.

This was why wards, or even detection runes, were so hard to hide from anyone sensitive to magic; they naturally agitate the senses of any practitioner or Yokai. Thankfully though, the various and interconnected wards stopped near the end of the hallway, Kesu evidently feeling no need or simply not having the time to manage anymore of them.

I thought over how I would even begin trying to convince Himari as I took the stairs two at a time. She'd be much more stubborn than Kesu and I might have to get some help with her.

So focused was I on the impending argument with Himari that I barely noticed the quite rumble and flash of magic before the wall ahead of me exploded inwards with a flash of inky-black energy, the sudden and piecing sound nearly popping my eardrums. I was dazed and disorientated but I managed to pull my dagger out of reflex. With a hiss of pain, and resisting the urge to cover my ears, I readied myself for… whatever had just happened.

I didn't have to wait long; I could only see two wickedly clawed hands and a hairy, disfigured face. The rows of serrated and curved fangs looked entirely too big for it's maw; the rest of it either was surrounded by or made of a roiling mass of black smoke. The Yokai let out what sounded like a garbled mix between a snarl and a screech before rushing forward with surprising speed.

But not fast enough.

The second it had taken to try and intimidate me was just enough time for me to draw my dagger.

I ducked under the swipe of the creature's claws and took a swipe at it's hand when the thing tried to follow up with the other. The demon hollowed in pain as the dagger sliced through with little resistance, taking off three of its wrinkled claw like fingers. The creature retreated quickly, apparently more scared than enraged by the pain, and gave me exactly the opening I needed.

I backed up three steps up before reaching inside me coat and un-holstering the small pistol I'd infused with power. I let the firearm flare with an ominous golden light as I sighted on the creature's center of mass.

The Yokai's eyes went almost comically bug-eyed at the sight of Light Ferry activating, completely falling for my bluff. It let out a disturbing screech of fear before hurling itself toward the wall it'd come from. At first the dark cloud of the thing's body just spread over the wall, before rapidly seeping into it somehow. Only leaving an inky black smear on a patch of slightly cracked marble as any indication of its presence.

I stepped back and took a few deep breaths, trying came calming myself down; panicking wouldn't help me or anyone else. And I needed to be ready for if the, whatever that was, decided to show itself again; so, I waited kept my guard up, but couldn't see or feel anything besides the smear on the staircase wall.

It felt like an hour before Kesu finally arrived; even though the fight must have only lasted ten seconds or so.

"Yuto, what happened!?", Kesu yelled as she quite literally flew down the stairway, tome in hand and literally crackling with violet energy.


I strolled down the street and toward my house pleasantly surprised instead of frustrated; Kesu had taken what happened surprisingly well.

The demon, which I now know is called a "Akashita", was one of the few she'd seen prowling around town in the past few weeks. She'd been planning on hunting some down soon but hadn't expected any of them to be so bold as to attack someone so close to her own home.

She'd given me a peck on cheek before going out to, "Take care of the rest.". I wasn't exactly reassured by the gleeful look on her face as she left; but decided to keep my mouth shut for once.

When I finally got back home, I spotted Shizuku watching me out of the second story window before moving out of sight, a little disturbing but nothing too out of the ordinary for her.

I open the front door and am immediately assaulted by the smell of freshly cooked pastries and tea. I practically rushed over to the kitchen; the stress of the meeting and short fight had made me extremely famished.

What I found was a small plate of scones, three in total, all of them looking freshly baked. And the delicious smell of tea was coming from a rather oriental looking tea set, with the main pot letting out plums of steam.

"Welcome home Yuto, how did the negotiation with the witch go?", Shizuku said from her position on the counter top, wearing a pink apron with a flower pattern over her usual semi-see through dress. She'd let her "true" long hair out again, I was starting to notice that she let it out more often these days but I couldn't figure out why.

"It actually went pretty well, all things considered.", I replied as before taking a seat at the table. "I convinced her that it was necessary to achieve my goals and she only asked for information in return. And a small favor she wants me to… think on.", I didn't waste any time in pouring myself a cup of tea and popping a cookie into my mouth. Taking a few seconds to chew and wash down the treat, "The only real thing of note that happened was when a small Akashita attacked me in the building.".

If i'd been paying more attention, I might have seen that the corner of Shizuku's mouth had twitched up at the mention of a "favor". But I only noticed her eyes widen at the mention of the attack in the stair way. "You were attacked? Why? Are you injured?", she was by my side and already trying manifesting some water to try and heal me.

"Don't worry about it, the demon was pretty weak and Kesu said it was just a wandering rouge.", I put my hands on her small shoulders and looked her in the eye. "No, what's important is that I've found out a way to convince Himari to let me go, and I need your help to do it."

She tilted her head to the side in complete confusion.
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Journal #1.5
Journal Entry #1.5

I was more than a little apprehensive as I opened the door to Himari's room with Shizuku right behind me, her unusually long hair bouncing slightly as she walked.

The room looked like it always did; A surprisingly bland and tidy room for a young woman, the only noteworthy thing about it being the pink curtains over the balcony windows. Except for, of course, the girl with white cat ears and tail currently lounging on the full-sized bed.

Himari was reading what looked like a school note-book before setting it down on her dresser as soon as we came in. This almost made me pause in surprise, Himari was not the type to just idly spend time studying.

Maybe Yu was finally getting through to her?

Himari was in one of her many oriental kimonos, this one a silky black with a pattern of pink petals across the, now strained, chest area and running down the sides. She looked at me with a prominent and undisguised frown. I had been expecting this, even though I'd told Shizuku to explain my sudden visit to Kesu as purely business related, it didn't change the fact that I had left her alone without any notice.

"Himari, sorry about leaving so abruptly but I needed to talk to Kesu as soon as possible.", I explained as I sat myself down in the wooden chair across from her and Shizuku stood at my side.

"Oh?", she said archly. "And whatever about?"

I could tell she was looking for some kind of explanation, and that was exactly what I was going to give her. "The same thing me and Shizuku need to talk to you about.", Himari had been eyeing her suspiciously as soon as she'd seen her trailing behind me.

The plan had never been to lie to Himari or to use some sort of clever bargain to get her to agree to my meeting; She was too smart and stubborn and I was too honest and inexperienced for either of those to be viable options.

So instead, we told her the truth.

Everything Shizuku had told me, why I was so intent on going, and what I believed we could gain from it. Himari had always been the one giving me the most support for my goal of fostering some semblance of harmony between Demons and humanity, but she'd also been my most reliable anchor to reality whenever my head got into the clouds. It was always just a matter of convincing her the risk wasn't too high.

I'd brought Shizuku with me only because she and Himari had developed an odd respect for each other over the year. And I was sure her input would help assuage any worries about my safety that Himari most certainly had.

Himari occasionally interrupted to ask either of us to clarify or further explain certain points as I and Shizuku took turns.

After we finished Himari simply crossed her arms, closed her eyes, and then frowned in apparent thought. After a few seconds, she turned her head back up to me and her face cleared into a surprisingly bright smile, "Alright, I'll allow it Yuto. Even if such a perilous expedition sets my nerves on edge. Especially when I know it will be with creatures of shady character."

"The cat's talking like an old-maiden again.", Shizuku snarkily comments before I can begin. She'd always been defensive of her group, so it was to be expected.

I didn't catch Shizuku's questioning look to Himari though, as I was distracted; nor did I see Himari incline her head ever-so-slightly in agreement.

"Thank you for understanding, Himari.", I tried to say soothingly as I see her shoot Shizuku a glare. The odd respect they have for each other was there, believe me, they just had trouble expressing it honestly.

At least that's what I thought I as I stood up and approached Himari.

Himari suddenly brings her hand up in a halting gesture, forestalling my step towards her.

An uncharacteristic pout fell upon my lips; I had been planning on giving her a hug and peck on the cheek.

"I accept and approve of your decision, but could I get but a small favor in return?", she asked in a tone that could almost be called sweet.

I know centipedes aren't supposed to have that many legs and they aren't supposed to be made of ice either, but I felt one crawl down my spine all the same.
"Oh? And what would that be?", I said with more than a little trepidation as I took a seat beside her.

She scooched in closer to me, her breasts pressing into my arm and she breathed in audibly; preparing to say something.

"You know, obviously, of our rather… tiresome problem of the others making advances toward you. But I, and three others, have come up with a solution of sorts.", she suddenly pulled me closer and gave my neck a slow sensual lick that gave me goosebumps.

I cast a glance toward Shizuku in confusion; but only saw her drape one slender leg over the other with an incredibly self-satisfied look on her face.

I'm not too proud to admit that I froze up when Himari had started in on me like that; and thus took a few seconds realize what was being said.
"... So you two were the ones that gave Kesu that weird idea."

"It was my idea actually.", Shizuku said before gracefully stepping forward and settling herself onto my other side; snuggling up just as close as Himari had. "And isn't really so weird? I know for fact that multiple mates isn't exactly unheard of for humans."

"I would have appreciated being told before a decision was made.", I say defiantly.

"Were telling you now, Yuto.", Himari said, gently messaging back and trailing circles around my chest. She leaned in more, giving me a big-eyed look, and mewled into the crook of my neck.

I took a calming breath and asked, "W- who is the fourth? You said you talked to three others."

"Rinko.", they both said in perfect unison, as if delivering a finishing blow.

I closed my eyes with the sudden sensation of a headache coming on from facing the new reality of Rinko, Rinko, supporting a polygamous relationship. Not to mention the fact that she was presumably volunteering to be in said relationship with me and the others.

My eyes snap back open at the feeling of someone tugging on the hem of my shirt and Shizuku letting out a playful "Well?".

"Well, what?", I ask as I look down at Shizuku.

She leered openly at me and gave the inner thigh of my pants a squeeze.

I sighed in defeat.


Author's Note: Sorry about the late update, been really busy with the approaching new semester and other projects.
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Journal #1.6
Journal Entry #1.6

The titanic beam of magic lanes through sky; incredibly bright even from my distant vantage point.

The arcane energy sears the air and the impact creates a several mile wide hole in the dark clouds of night. The shockwaves come only a second later; huge energy filled things that bring down nearby buildings and shatter windows even farther away.

I look at the terrible display of power as I feel her life ebb away.

I woke up with a start; apparently having nodded off while basking in the afterglow with Himari and Shizuku. I looked around to see that we were essentially just a tangle of sweaty limbs. And the girls seemed perfectly content to stay like this for a while longer as they occasionally peppered me with kisses and caressing hands.

But the nightmare had ruined the mood for me.

Eventually I forced my self to crawl out of bed; taking me, Himari, and Shizuku for a quick shower. (Which ended up being surprisingly cordial.) Before getting dressed and heading out to get ready for the 'meeting' I had tomorrow.

Himari went off to go shopping and I led Shizuku to the living room in order to discuss exactly what I should and should not bring and how to act. I also choose to ignore the playful smack on the butt she gave me as soon as my back was turned.

"I would suggest plain attire, nothing too fancy, looks aren't especially important in my circles.", Shizuku said as she lounged across my lap as I sat on the couch. "As for weapons? You can bring any you like, just don't openly brandish them, it's considered rude."

"So, a gun and dagger tucked under my jacket would be okay?", I asked, a little put off by how relaxed she was being.

"Perfectly fine~", she said and tapped my cheek with her bare foot, showing surprising flexibility, and giggled like a school-girl at my expression. "I'm sorry Yuto, I guess I'm still a little giddy from our 'sexual escapade'.", she remarked with a wry smile.

I gently push her off of my lap, "Well, I still need to get ready regardless.", and started to make my way toward the basement door.

I'd recently taken to the practice of keeping all of my "gear" safely secured in the basement, protected by wards made by yours truly.

Apparently, it was a common practice among many magic users, Demon Hunters or otherwise, according to Kesu at least.

I took the stairs down and leisurely walked through the hall leading to the main area, admiring how well Shizuku had cleaned up the place when I'd just been starting out. Turning the corner, I was surprised to find Ageha and Tama looking over my set of daggers and pistols, with a lone short-sword attached to the wall. My wards were apparently not of high enough quality or power to stop someone like Tamamo no Mae, to no one's great surprise.

Ageha turned her head with a smirk, "Hey there, cutie~.", she purred before sauntering forward and dragging me over to the table. "Just heard about your little get-together with the snake's groupies, so me and Tama decided to help you pick out what weapons you wanted.", she said as she held me a little too close for comfort.

I thought about asking how and why; but decided to save my breath since I already had a pretty solid guess in my mind. Spying, which Ageha had done before, and for attention, which was what she wanted.

"This one.", Tama said simply as she picked up one of the more ornate looking daggers with a sickly green hilt. I recognized that one, it was a present from Kesu, she'd said it was enchanted to rot away any organic material. She tosses it my way and I snatch it out of the air, I make a show of examining it, but eventually decided to trust her judgement and sheathed it.

"I got something for you to!", Ageha almost whined as she careful picked up my .50 Desert Eagle, an almost worryingly powerful handgun picked out by Kesu for that exact reason. Demons were generally tougher than humans and they healed faster; Normal handguns or ammunition simple wasn't feasible against one. "I suggest you take the regular rounds, your Light Ferry should be more than enough if things go sideways.", she says while handing me the unloaded magnum and two clips.

Tama gave me a weird look before explaining how to properly use the dagger she had just picked out for me in unnecessarily gruesome detail. Then they both proceeded to get unnecessarily grabby while instructing me on proper "Dagger form", seemingly in a competition on who could get closets to grabbing my crotch.

I decided to extricate myself from that particular ticking-time-bomb before things got out of hand. Deciding to stop by my own room and stash away my gear until I needed them later. Then I decided to visit a place that could always calm my nerves, but decided to keep the dagger and gun I'd had today, reloading the later.

I was going to have some launch down at Lizlet's tea shop and probably complain to her about the bizarre day I'd been having. I loved Himari, but Liz would always have the edge in calming people's nerves, if only because of her excellent tea.


The walk towards the shop was short and simple as always, it was only a few blocks away after all. The weather was a little chilly and the sun was shinning brightly in a mostly empty sky. Fall was in full swing now, my favorite season, and aggressive Ayakashi activity was at an all-time low. (According to my studies.)

When I finally made it to the shop and pushed through the ornate glass door, a pleasant jingle sounding out, I noticed that the shop is a bit different from before. Liz had been steadily upgrading her tea shop after the whole fight with Tama and Shuten had been resolved, having had more time to focus on her own personal life and not have to worry about threats from Demon-Hunters or cannibalistic demons.

The shop had a new pink and yellow theme, same as the new uniforms, and the shop has an ever-present scent to it now as well. That last part seems to be some subtle illusion magic Liz uses on the ground floor only. The newest addition I notice as I walk in now is that all the furniture has a slight glamour over them but I can't tell for what.

Before I can examine any further I hear a shout to my right.
"Yuto!~", Liz cries before she wraps be up in a tight hug, her large chest distractingly pressed up against me.

"Hey Liz, it's nice to see you too.", I said as I wrapped my arms around her in return, seeing no reason to push her away. I looked up from our hug and noticed that more than a few customers were staring at us, "Uh, Liz, maybe we should take this somewhere else?", I whispered quickly.

She looks confused for a moment before noticing the stares herself and quickly distanced herself from me. She waved over two of her now many (completely human) employees to handle the register and the other to hand out the orders. Then she simply takes hold of my arm, her buxom assets nearly enveloping my bicep, and lead me upstairs to her personal apartment.

Her living room had a more demure and common color scheme of brown and white but with the same expensive and comfy looking furniture. I took a seat in one of the recliners that face the coffee table and nodded toward Liz.

"If it wouldn't be too much trouble, would you be so kind as to make me some tea?", I asked her politely and with as much respect as I could muster.

Liz simply nodded with an honest smile and walks off toward her small kitchen. Five minutes later she appears with a small tea set on a tray. I thanked her a second time before picking up a full cup, taking a long sip, and laying back against the soft cushions of the chair with a sigh.

After a few minutes of just silently enjoying tea with Liz I begin to tell her about my day, not leaving a single detail out as spilled my guts to her.

A pained expression came across Lizlet's face, "Are you planning on asking me to come with you?", she said archly.

"What? No!", I respond almost immediately. Liz had helped out before, but she seriously wasn't cut-out for the type of meeting I would be attending, not to mention that her fighting ability was rather limited. "I just wanted to find a place to relax and thought that I'd have some tea with you and maybe get your opinion on the whole thing."

"Ah, well, um-", Liz stammered as her face went red with embarrassment as she fidgeted with her teacup. "T- thank you. But as for my advice…", she trailed off looking nervous before steeling herself, "I would suggest not acting like Kesu."

"What?", I said at a slight loss for words.

"It just that she can be a little… 'stuck-up'.", she said pensively before getting on a roll. "She has a really condescending attitude and talks down to people a lot and threatens when she doesn't get her way."

I was a little shocked at first, not by what she'd said, but that she'd mustered up the nerve to say it. And it also reminded me that I should probably talk to Kesu about her attitude sometime. "I understand.", I say with a chuckle before asking about her day instead.

And that's how we pass the next two hours, exchanging recent developments, new friends, and our problems.But I eventually had to leave, it wouldn't do to be drowsy when meeting the local Ayakashi.

Although Liz did manage to sneak in a peck on the cheek before I left.

I made my way back home unmolested and started toward the stairs to my room; but then I'm grabbed suddenly and flung onto the couch in my surprisingly empty living room.

"Hello, Demon-Slayer~", Tama purrs from above me, in nothing but a black nightie before she straddled my waist and pressed her bottom firmly into my lap. "I have something to give you.", she says hungrily whilst grabbing my wrists and leaning down towards me.

I considered trying to shove her off, but quickly came to the conclusion that fighting someone like Tama was more trouble than it's worth as I felt twin globes press into my chest.

She brang her lips to mine in a firm kiss before trailing more down my jaw and towards the nape of my neck as I feel her almost bare hips grind against mine. Her breath was hot anf heavy against my skin; she bit down, not hard enough to break skin, and started sucking on the quickly bruising skin.

Then she suddenly let go of my neck with an audible pop and dismounted, a smug grin crossing her face, "That's all the time we have for now unfortunately.", she says while turning to leave. "Go ahead and cuddle with your kitty-cat."

I gingerly pulled myself up from the couch as I watched her swaying hips as she sauntered toward the guest bedroom. Trying to put the embarrassing and sudden lewdness out of my mind I made way up the staircase towards my own bedroom and entered to see Himari laying on my bed with a contented smile on her face.

In only her bra and panties her creamy skin and slender curves were on full display as she beckoned me forward. More than happy to oblige I stripped down and snuggled up next to her, preparing for a stress-free night as she wrapped her arms around me and hocked a leg across my hip.

But then she stopped suddenly; her cat ears perked up and forward as her tail stopped swishing happily.

"Where did you get that hickey from?", she says archly.

I silently resigned myself to a very stressful night.
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Journal #2.1
Journal Entry #2.1

I cradled her barely conscious form in my arms, the side of her black dress soaked and gushing blood as she looked up at me with a scarlet smile.


Her burnt and bloodied hand felt grimy as she caressed my cheek before bringing our faces closer to each other.


The well of power that exploded into me was staggering as our lips met.

I awake and my morning routine passes by in an anxiety fueled blur. Mercifully putting the dream out of my mind in short order.

Himari leers at me unabashedly as I go through my stretches before taking a quick shower with her and heading down stairs for breakfast. Shizuku surprises everyone with what looks like an American breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and lightly buttered toast. I dig in, and despite their initial reservations, so do the rest of the girls. Though the rather good meal does little to alleviate my nerves.

Apparently, my trepidation showed because Ageha spoke up not long after glancing toward me, "I hope you're not gonna be shaking like a leaf during the meeting.", she say in a bored tone before taking another small bite of her self-made bacon/egg sandwich. "Otherwise no one there'll take us seriously. That or they'll try to take advantage of ya.", she in an almost dismissive tone, but even I could detect the underling steel in her tone.

I take a deep breath and try to visibly calm myself, taking Ageha's words to heart and in stride despite her faux-insulting tone. Shizuku gives me an appraising look that quickly turns to approval while Hmari just gives me a strong slap on the back.

"Don't worry, Yuto, you'll do fine!", Himari says in a reassuring tone, her natural boisterousness lifting my spirits. Shizuku just gives a nod and a pleasant hum before leaning in and giving me a quick peck on the cheek, snickering as she ducked away from a swipe from Himari.

I give Himari a quick kiss on the lips to mollify her and we finish our breakfast in companionable silence. Ageha takes me to the basement soon afterwards just to make sure I had all the weapons I could need or re-check the ones I already have. I get dressed in clothes geared more towards function rather than form and head out with Shizuku and Ageha in tow, Himari waving goodbye as we set out.

Me and my two companions unfortunately had to walk all the way toward the rendezvous point. Not that it was particularly difficult, just tedious and made slightly unpleasant due to the bitter wind.

The park was predictable barren so early in the day with its finely made wooden benches, small pond, and gazebo; it made for quite the serene sight. But it wasn't our destination.

Shizuku had made it very clear that we were to meet the local Yokai in a clearing in the forest that was connected to the park.

"Forest" was actually a pretty strong word for it; it was more like a dense gathering of trees and underbrush. I'd originally been at a loss as to how the local leaders could considered such a relatively open place a good meeting spot. But Shizuku had explained that we would be going through a "gate" that would take us to the proper place, she had refused to say more though.

We stroll past the porcelain-white gazebo at the edge of the park and enter the densely wooded section, the many trees giving the area a slightly overcast look. After a few minutes of being led by Shizuku in what looked like random directions I began to get a little worried, until she leads us towards a small circle of trees and I feel the familiar thrum of magic.

As we get closer I can barely see a shimmer going through the air around those trees, "This is safe right? I've never gone through a gate like this before.". My voice sounded surprisingly loud in the almost uncanny silence of the woods around us.

"Of course, you haven't, us Yokai don't use the same magic as you Hunters.", a voice calls out right before an unnaturally pale woman in a white kimono glided from behind one of the trees. "It's one of the only real advantages our kind have.", she says, brushing a long lock of black hair behind her ear.

I immediately pivot towards the new figure, legs planted evenly and firmly, ready to dodge any attack that might come my way, Ageha quickly following my lead. Only when we noticed that Shizuku appeared completely unconcerned about the stranger's appearance did we relax.

"Osami, it's nice to see you again.", Shizuku says in a bored tone, giving the wiry stranger a half-glare

"Likewise.", the woman apparently called Osami says in tight voice, walking closer to the three of us. In contrast to her smooth entrance, her steps were decidedly uncanny in their movements; Like something that had only read about how humans moved but had never seen one.

I decided to try and feel out her personality, even though I was already getting a pretty strong indication. "Hello there, Osami. My name is Yuto Amakawa, this is my friend Ageha, and I assume you've already met Shizuku.", I say with what I hope is confidence and stride closer towards the raven haired beauty, stopping just within arm's reach of her and giving a short bow.

She adopts an expression of something like a mix of shock and apprehension, her gave flicking towards Ageha before resting on me again. "I've... heard about Ageha before, and I know who you are. But I'm more interested in finally getting meet you in person.", she says in a sharp tone before stepping forward and caressing my cheek, her touch making an unnatural chill go through me.

My intuition had been correct; her general mannerisms were very reminiscing of when I met Kuesu, before she'd mellowed out and dialed down the snide remarks. And the corpse like cold of her hands against my skin all but confirmed what kind of Yokai she was. This woman was most likely a Onryō, a vengeful spirit, much deadlier than the basic ghosts that had previously haunted my school. How strong a particular Onryō was varied based on age, but it's said that especially wrathful and old ones could call down natural disasters and swarms of animals.

"Well, I'm glad to have accommodated you.", I say evenly and turned my gaze back toward the irregular circle of trees, "Are you going to be our escort to the actual meeting spot?". I kept my voice calm, or at least I hoped I had, and tried not to show any anxiety at her touch.

"Yes, but let me just see something first…", she trails off, trying to make eye-contact with me and taking a firmer grip of my jaw.

The pressure wasn't hurting me, but it was a near thing and making eye-contact with an unknown Yokai was foolish for a variety of reasons. I was just about to pull away, maybe use a bit of Light Ferry to get the point across, but Ageha beat me to it.

Suddenly she was right beside us, tapping one of her oddly-shaped swords against Osami's wrist, obviously mocking a chopping motion. "Now, now; you've had a decent look n' feel, but I think it's about time you got your hands off the kid.", she said all to sweetly before flashing a fang-filled grin. "Unless you want me take your hand that is.", she punctuated her threat with a little more pressure on her blade.

Osami somehow managed to look offended, apprehensive, and defiant all at the same time. I immediately recognized this as the brewing of a fight, one a really didn't want, not when were at both the metaphorical and physical start of my dream. So, I did the only thing I could think of; I activated Light Ferry and said, "I think it's about time we got moving.".

The gentle glow of light that flowed from me and washed over Osami was a harmless pulse of my magic, but the affect was immediate.

Her snapped away from me with surprising speed and nearly stumbled a few steps back. Fear masked her face before she visibly got her emotions under control and simply glared at us. "Fine. Follow me.", she nearly hissed out before striding between two of the trees and disappearing into the haze. Shizuku, who I only then realized was dripping with water, followed quickly behind her.

I moved to follow but was pulled back by Ageha, wrapping her arms around my shoulders from behind.

"Nice work, Yuto. You just keep getting sexier by the day. ~", she practically purred into my ear. Blushing, I rolled my shoulders to dislodge her and she nearly cackled with laughter at my expression before practically skipping into the gate.

Thoroughly flustered and more than a little worried, I straighten my coat, check all of my items and stepped through the gate.

I experienced a sudden but slight bout of vertigo before stepping into what looked like a much larger forest and on the outside of a similar looking ring of trees. The transition had been surprisingly seamless, save for the slight blurring of my surroundings. I quickly found my two companions and Osami walking a few feet away and quickly caught up.

Shizuku spoke-up as soon as I rejoined them, "Are all the clan leaders going to be attending?". She wasn't actively dripping wet anymore but was still visibly damp and her hair was just a tad bit longer. "I'd like to know how long we'll be stuck here answering questions.", her rather clipped tone while talking to Osami was a pretty clear indicator of how close she'd come to violence as well.

"This is the first time a Demon Slayer has ever sought us our kind out with intent of a supposed 'peaceful meeting', they'd be rather foolish to abstain.", she said my now official title with particular disdain and I could practically see the air quotes when she said "peaceful meeting". But I wasn't the least bit bothered by her words, no, what really sparked that familiar feeling of disappointment and resentment came from the fact that I couldn't even attempt to argue with her in good consciences. My now-fellow Hunters had committed some truly horrid atrocities in the past and had only calmed down in modern times because of how well they'd culled the number of powerful Yokai.

Suddenly Ageha taps me on the arm and motions towards the woods around us, "Watch out; I think we've got admirers.", she says in a low tone.

At first, I don't see anything besides fleeting movements out of the corner of my eye. But as we moved deeper into the mist-filled forest I began to see blurry figures moving around us, weaving between the spindly trees. The longer I looked the clearer they became, until eventually I started noticing distinct differences; There were five dark silhouettes that glided along the ground around us, while there seemed to be dozens of either still or very slowly moving transparent figures that flickered in and out of sight. I feel my stomach drop as I finally get an inkling as to where we are. I rapidly approach Shizuku to confirm my suspicions, "Shizuku, where exactly are we?"

She looks up at me with a contemplating look before realization crossed her face, "Ah, sorry, I don't often think of the name of this place. It's always just been a meeting place for me and it was relatively new…". She places a slender finger to her chin and thinks for a moment, "I believe the name is, Aokigahara, the-".

"The Suicide Forest", Osami cuts her off as we enter an especially large grove. And the figures I saw standing within were a strange gathering to say the least.

There were four in total, situated in a semi-circle directly across from us. The most eye-catching one, pun probably intended, was a genderless humanoid creature with leathery skin and was covered in half-lidded eyes that all seemed to be glaring at me. The second was… an elf; blonde hair, pointy ears, and all. It was quite a shock to see a non-native demon in a position of power but her actually appearance was quite tame visually, especially compared to the creature she stood next to.

The third figure was practically wrapped-up in a billowy dark-green trench coat, his features completely obscured in shadow save for what looked like dirt brown fur where the top of his head should be. And the final one was a rather voluptuous middle-aged woman in a dark-purple kimono who had no supernatural features save for her obscenely long black hair that seemed to pool at the bottom of her feet, writhing intermittently.

The woman with long hair strode forward a few steps and was the first to address us, "Welcome, Yuto Amakawa and company.", she says, fixing me with a steely gaze even as her tone stayed perfectly pleasant. "The woman next to me is Shyonia, the man in the trench coat is Alastor, you can call the Dodomeki over there Grunt, and you may call me Damia.", she moved her arms in a sweeping motion to indicate the entire grove, "And this is our council of Yokai."

Author's Note: A little something extra for you guys tonight ;)
Journal #2.2
Journal Entry #2.2

"Thank you for having me.", I tried to match her pleasant tone with one of complete confidence. Something that was hard to keep up as I noticed more that lesser-Yokai were gathering around the grove; shadowy irregular shapes but still very noticeable as their glowing eyes stared at us. "I need your help in gathering information on the group of Yokai planning to come here and meet with me.", there was no sense in trying to act coy in this situation, we all knew what this meeting was about.

"Straight to the point I see.", Damia's voice comment almost echoes throughout the surprisingly quite forest, the only irregular sounds being the rustle of underbrush when one of the less graceful Yokai around us moved.

"I like it.", the Elven woman spoke in a voice like wind-chimes, "I'm sure Shizuku has already told him all the details of our situation and I do dislike dilly-dalliers ever so much~." Even though I knew she wasn't using any supernatural charm, I'd learned to spot magic as obvious as that by now, but her voice was still oddly soothing and her mannerisms were decidedly western. I figured it was just some natural trait of elves that was non-intrusive enough to not set off my defenses.

"Likewise.", the many-eyed creature, "Grunt", spoke up in the deep gravely voice I'd been expecting to come from him. "We don't want to be here any longer than we have to.", a few of the Yokai observing us from his side of the grove suddenly got very animated, giving grunts, growls, and other quasi-animal sounds of agreement.

I turned towards them and things suddenly got very precarious.

Every single one of them froze, save for Grunt, and stared at me with wide luminescent eyes with varying shades of red, yellow, silver. The smaller ones scurried off while the larger simply glared at me in defiance. Grunt mumbles something unintelligible about "cowards" when his many eyes spot a large Yokai slinking away.

*ahem*, Alastor speaks up for the first time in a rich baritone. "I believe it would be best for us to avoid personal opinions or affairs, and simply address what we would like from the young Demon Slayer."

"I agree, this is no time for bickering.", Damia visibly relaxes at his words as the on-lookers settled down. "Mr. Amakawa, me and my fellow leaders are willing to help you gather info about this new group of Yokai coming to town, but we would have you supply us with your own personal help.", she was eyeing me intently, probably trying to gauge my reaction to her requests. "We each will select an individual from our sect to accompany you on what will essentially be; scouting missions. Meeting fringe contacts and holding meetings with Yokai from neighboring cities that might know more; Your primary role would be to act as a bodyguard if- well, when, someone decides to get hostile."

I wont lie, her proposition made me more than a little apprehensive at first. But when I took a deep breath and tried to look at it from a more objective perspective, it seemed at least semi-reasonable. For one, I would essentially just be doing my job; defending humans (or Yokai in this case) from rouge and aggressive Yokai. Secondly, they were still doing all of the actual information gathering, rumor combing, and grape-vine traversal; all things neither I, my fellow Demon Slayers, or my friends could do reliably or safely at the time.

"I accept.", I say after glancing towards Shizuku and getting a quick nod of approval and a dismissive wave from Ageha, "But could I request to meet each of them before going out so that I may plan accordingly? I would leave the meeting place up to your discretion of course.", was my attempt at a diplomatic response; I wanted to give the impression of being trustworthy, not gullible and careless.

Damia seemed to mentally chew on my appeal to their Council before giving a, "I'll allow it for mine.", and looking over to the rest of the leaders.

"Sure thing!", Shyonia said in her melodic and slightly chipper tone, while Alastor gave a nod, and Grunt… grunted.

"Then this meeting is adjourned!", Damia announced, projecting her voice to reach not just the leaders, but also all the other Yokai watching from just outside the grove.

Things were surprisingly uneventful after that. I bid them a good day, they all gave nods of acknowledgement, and Osami instructed us to follow her back to the gate. The trek back was just as creepy as the first; I can and have fought demi-god like Yokai but the wandering souls of suicide victims just creeps me out on a visceral level.

My journey through the gate wasn't quite as vertigo inducing as last time, but still far from what I'd call pleasant.

As soon as we set-foot back into woods of the local park; Ageha surprised me.

"I gotta get going.", she says a few seconds after Osami leaves, "I'll need to get a few things taken care of if I'm going to follow you on your little field-trip."

Me and Shizuku just stare at her for a few seconds. Well, more of a glare on Shizuku's part. "Um, Ageha, I got the felling that they wanted me to go alone."

She just reaches up and ruffles my hair, "Of course they do silly, I'm going to spy on you lot. I snuck up on you, the cat, and the snake before; I'm sure I can do the same for a bunch lowly Yokai." She gives me a wink, a peck on the cheek before I can react, and jumps clear off the ground and over the tree tops.

I look after her and barely manage to not pout before sighing and addressing a very annoyed looking Shizuku, "Let's go home, We need to talk to Himari and I need to repay you for the huge favor you did me."

Suddenly Shizuku looked very happy, and I'm willing to bet money that her hair grew a few inches.


The house was surprisingly empty when we got back; No Tama, No Himari, and none of my other friends either. I take a look through the kitchen and find a small note from Himari on the fridge.

"Yuto, It's my turn to buy groceries again so I'll be out for a while.

XOXO- Himari"

The note was in her typical flowery-yet-traditional handwriting that I was always fond of. And it assuaged my worries. Call me paranoid, but my friends suddenly leaving to go somewhere without a word has become a bit of a sore spot for me.

I put away and unloaded my thankfully not needed weapons and slipped back into some more comfortable clothes for just lying around.

A pair of beige pajama pants and a plain white t-shirt.

This seemed like as good a time as any; so, I decide to catch up on some reading about different types of Yokai. Letting Osami get that close to me without figuring out what she was first would've definitely gotten me chewed out by Kuesu.

It was one of the main criticisms Kuesu gave me when I studied with her; I had exceptional power and uncanny skill with both my magic and martial abilities, but my basics were unrefined and I lacked what is considered common knowledge in the supernatural world.

With a sigh, I open up one of my now many borrowed tomes, specifically one about the undead and the spirits of the deceased, and started reading. Time became a little slippery as I became immersed in the wealth of knowledge, trying to commit as much to memory as I could.

"Yūrei, Abura-akago, Aonyōbō, Bake-kujira, Funayūrei, Gashadokuro…", I mumble quietly to myself as my eyes drift over the pages and take in their descriptions, strengths, and weaknesses. So focused was I on my studies that I almost didn't notice Shizuku vault the couch and land on my supine form.

Her hair flowed down her back, rivaling Himari's in length, and glistened slightly as she straddled me with a smile. "Just finished making lunch for you Yuto~.", she smirks and lets her unnaturally long tongue slither out and flick my nose.

"Is that so? I'll be sure to eat all of it then.", I say calmly before trying to get up. She begins tracing her tongue along my jaw-line, "Shizuku...", I say warning.

"Come on, Yuto, let's have a little fun. We're all alone here.~"

I sit up and lift Shizuku by her armpits like a child and plop her down on the couch before standing up myself. "Sorry, but I've got a lot of things to prepare for. But I'll be sure to give you some attention later though.", I give her my best winning smile and kiss her on the forehead.

Shizuku crosses her arms across her chest, scarlet coloring her cheeks, and blew me a raspberry. A very odd sight from someone with a two-foot long tongue.

Suddenly my cellphone starts blaring loudly on the coffee table, unbelievably loud even for it's impressive speakers.

Shizuku covers her ears with a grimace on her face.

After some seconds to collect myself I reached over and grabbed the blaring device, checking to see who it is. I instantly recognized the tone; it was the ringtone for the other Demon Slayers to call me in case of emergency. And I mean an actual, "We need your help immediately!", type of thing.

The caller is… Hitsugi.

"Hiya, kid~.", her throaty and mature voice comes clearly through. "We've kind of got a bad situation in the red-light district."

"Where do I need to be and what am I dealing with, Hitsugi?" My tone is all business, I may have moral grievances with my fellow Slayers; but they, Himari, and even Shizuku, had firmly imparted on me how utterly serious calls to action like these could be.

"So attentive~. There's a Gashadokuro rampaging through the downtown area, mostly the slums, so casualties have been minor, but they're mounting and it doesn't look like it'll be slowing down anytime soon.", She purrs the first part before finally giving me the details as I hurry to get dressed in my previous clothing, "I've already called Himari to help deal with it and I'll send a car over to you for transport. Don't think of traveling using magic~. You'll need your strength for this one."

I rush down the stairs to my basement, grab my gun and a longish silver dagger before responding, "Got it. I'm just about done getting ready here already." She chuckles at my urgent tone over the line before bidding me a good-day.

'A Gashadokuro? Basically, a giant invisible spiritual skeleton that's highly resistant to anything that isn't either silver or magical.', I think frantically before pulling on my coat and anxiously looking out the window.

"I'll keep lunch warm.", Shizuku says with a sigh before wandering back into the kitchen.

I hear her finish putting the dishes away just when a nondescript black car rolls up to and parks in front of the house. I'm out the door and sprinting towards it in a second, barely remembering to slam and lock the door behind me. Dimly noting that the driver is *Shido, I fling open the passenger door and slide in, putting on my seat-belt in short order.

"It'll be approximately three minutes before we reach the target.", she's driving off at dangerous speeds before she even finishes speaking in her usually crisp and vaguely military fashion. We streak through the streets, our surroundings almost blurring by as she takes scarily sharp turns and short-cuts to the border between the slums and the more affluent section of the red-light district.

As soon as she stops in a fairly remote area I step, well more leap, out of the car and frantically search my surroundings for both Himari and the Gashadokuro. It doesn't take long to find her and my magical sense tells me that she and the spirit are basically in the same area.

Himari is up high, jumping from rooftop to rooftop in a pink kimono and with her katana in hand as she slashes at something I can't quite see. I take a moment to focus, gathering magic and focusing it onto my sight, allowing me to see things most others couldn't.

I blink rapidly, having to sift through all the background magic first, before looking up to see the fearsome spirit. And up, and up, and up...

'The illustrations really didn't do this thing justice.', is my only thought as I hear my ride drive off with a squeal of spinning tires.


*Shido is a guard who first appeared in Chapter 51.
Journal #2.3
Journal Entry #2.3

Usually when I used my relatively new-found abilities to soar through the sky I felt oddly calm, almost serene, despite the rush of adrenaline from being so close to the clouds; fully realizing how far I'd come and could go with my magic.

But when I gathered energy and launched myself towards the roof top nearest Himari with a magically enhanced leap, all I could feel was my heart pounding in ears.

Adrenaline from real combat is a crazy thing, isn't it?

The brisk late-Fall air almost makes my eyes water as my jump eventually arcs down and I land onto a high-rise apartment building. I scan the roof and make a snap decision to hide behind the rather large and old looking air-conditioning unit before letting out a piercing whistle.

The monster shows no indication of having heard the noise but I knew for a fact that Himari would recognize the strange sound while her senses were heightened in battle. She kicks off a house's chimney and takes a swing at the creature's arm, leaving a sizable gash in the bone, before dashing back down to street level and rushing into the veritable maze of alley-ways.

A few seconds later I hear, then see, her climb up the apartment building I'm on and join me in my hiding spot.

"Ah, Master!", she exclaims in a hushed tone, "This annoyance should be easier to deal with now that you're here. I regret to say that my skills aren't up to the task of this kind of fight." Himari looked surprisingly disheveled from the fight; the hem of her kimono was torn and both her hair and clothing were lightly coated in what I guessed was dust from smashed concrete. It seemed to quickly falling away however.

"You can't just charge power into your *Yasutsuna and destroy it?", I make eye contact with Himari, but still kept more than little focus on my hearing to keep track of the giant Yokai's movements. "I've seen you take down bigger things."

"Regrettably, such a devastating blow from a being such as myself would cause significant 'property damage' that far exceeds anything the creature has done so far. I do not wish to contribute more destruction tonight.", Himari huffs a little and leans against the rusty machinery we were hiding behind, her face screwed up in thought.

She wasn't wrong either; Himari could throw around more power than almost any other Yokai or Demon Slayer I'd encountered. But she didn't have much in the way of restraining it, a similar problem to what Kesu had with her attack spells. The residual energy, magic shockwaves, and air-pressure from one of her stronger swings necessary to hurt such a large opponent would cause significant damage.

I frown in contemplation before sneaking a peak around the corner to asses where our skeletal opponent was. The spirit had stayed mostly in the same place, the upper torso of a giant skeleton floated and groaned unnaturally over the small network of alleys Hiamri had just used to elude it.

'The only positive thing about this situation is that the Gashadokuro is basically invisible to regular human eyes. Otherwise I'd have to waste energy cloaking the area.', I reflect while watching the creatures bleach-white skull "look" around for where my bodyguard had gone off to.

I had an idea on what I could do to end this quickly, but the plan would require a little time and preparation for the position and power I would need. "Well, I think I've got a way of dealing with it rather swiftly, but I'll need you to keep it pre-occupied for a few seconds. Think you can go for a bit longer?"

She smirks before giving me a firm kiss on the lips and leaping out and towards the next building over, shouting her challenge to the unnatural spirit, "Hark, foul being! I challenge thee to mortal combat!"

The Gashadokuro surges towards her, gliding through the air and taking a swing with far more speed and grace than any creature of such size should have.

"I'll take that as a yes…", I mutter before slinking off the roof and down towards the street below, briefly noting Himari's slip back into her old style of speech. I try to keep my mind on getting my preparations ready, but the sight of Himari fighting is captivating as always.

Fast as the Yokai was, she seemed to glide around the it's attacks in a dance that was more blur than motion. She even uses the solid spirit itself as a platform, kicking off ribs to attack arms and vice versa. Although, even though the creature couldn't land a hit, it's attacks often clipped nearby buildings; scratching deep furrows in concrete and taking out not-insignificant parts of walls.

As their fight raged on I focused on my own work while standing in a nearby alley, hidden in a small alcove. My hand wrapped around the blade of my silver dagger, closer to a bowie knife if I was being honest, and concentrated on my more general magical ability, rather than simply enhancing it with Light-Ferry.

Silver could go through the defense of, and hurt, most any supernatural spirit but didn't do anything special in terms of actual damage; just leaving a stab or slicing wound that would be very hard to heal. However, that didn't mean it couldn't be empowered to have different effects, the metal being incredibly resistant to magic didn't help either; so of course, you'd need skill along with a lot of power to enchant a silver weapon to any significant degree.

Luckily, I had both at that point in my training. I finished gathering magical power in blade, shaping it into the type of energy I need before fermenting the charge to go off upon contact.

The creature loomed closer just as I finished, Himari doing an excellent job of collaring it into staying in the general area. As soon as it floated over a particularly tall building I see my chance and take it, "Himari, get clear!". I yell before jumping onto the roof of a building directly adjacent to the one the Gashadokuro was floating over.

Himari dashes off in an impossible durst of speed, giving the Yokai a clear line of sight to me. The spirit turns fully towards me just in time to catch my hurdled knife directly to the sternum, shredding through it's durable exterior and burying itself to the hilt.

Bright white electricity suddenly arcs out from the point of impact, dancing wildly through the air, before grounding out into the skeleton. The phantom's movements are halted as the arcane lightning arced through and between it's bones, a shrieking gurgle coming from it's boney maw.

I leapt across the gap between us and land with my gun already in hand, but finger still not quite on the trigger. My jump positions me almost directly beneath the Gashadokuro and gives me a clear shot to it's skull from below. I take aim and cock back the hammer, getting that satisfying mechanical clacking sound from the gun as I poured power into my weapon. This required no preparation, just infusing something an object Light Ferry to enhance it. But this was more power than I was used to channeling, far more than what I had used in Kesu's hotel by far.

"Jackpot.", no sooner does the harsh whisper leave my lips than my finger curls and pulls the surprisingly cold trigger.

The shot sounds and feels like a thunder clap, the feedback of power almost locking up my limbs as the bullet pierces the gigantic skull. A trail of sparkling light follows the projectile through the thing's cranium and into the sky, a thin pillar in the night. At first, there's only a small pinprick and hair-line fracture, before the head explodes in a shower of arcane light and heat with a sound like shattering glass.

Himari pounces up onto the roof beside me as the body of the Gashadokuro becomes increasingly transparent, slowly pitching forward before fading into nothing along with the innumerable shards of it's destroyed head. She flashes me a wry grin before sheathing her katana with a flourish.

The shriek of several sirens from a few blocks away pierces the peaceful silence that had settled over the area. This prompts us to make our selves scarce, bounding from roof to roof top in the direction of our home. I may have been inexperienced compared to the others, but I'd done this enough to know that Hitsugi's branch of the Demon Slayers would handle the local authorities.

I try my best not to snicker as I see Himari's teeth chatter as we traverse the city, her thin kimono doing little to protect her from the frigid air. I learned that my attempts were apparently futile as she gives a semi-playful punch to my arm as soon as we land in front of the house.

Shizuku opens the door and gives me a wide-eyed look, "I saw that all the way from here. Was that much power really necessary?"

"Really big and tough Gashadokuro, other Demon Slayers unavailable, needed to stop it before it reached the city proper.", I almost murmur as a I trudge through the doorway and flop down into my arm chair. Using all that magic in so many ways, and the quickly diminishing adrenaline rush, has me feeling mentally drained.

I let out a pitiful groan as Shizuku scowls and bodily lifts me out of the chair, dragging me towards the kitchen. "Oh no you don't. I did not cook all this food just for you to not eat it. That goes for you too, cat!", Shizuku calls the last part back at Himari as she shoved me into one of the kitchen chairs at the table.

Himaria grumbles something about "uppity snakes" before also setting herself down and we both wait as Shizuku goes about setting up our late-lunch. She gives me slightly smug look and I quirk my brow in question. "'Jackpot'? Seriously, Yuto?", her tone is just shy of being truly mocking, but manages to be without true venom.

I huff and take the jab mostly in stride, recognizing it as pay-back for laughing at her discomfort on the way home. The comment is quickly forgotten however when Shizuku put's down three plates of seasoned beef and rice, the aroma almost intoxicating. I immediately thank her for the meal and dig in, cutting off a sizable piece and shoving it into my mouth, the lightly salted meat melting on my lounge.

My groan of satisfaction is cut off when I notice Himari's eyes go wide with horror before she begins muttering, "Oh, no, no, no, no, no…"

I give her a perplexed glance, my expression probably looking rather comical with my cheeks puffed out with food. But she doesn't laugh as she usually would; only standing from her chair and running out the kitchen in a blur of movement.

"IForgotToBuyGroceries!", was all she said in way of explanation.

I groan before pushing away from the table and quickly following my lover, determined to help her through her rather rough day, as I hear Shizuku try and fail to not laugh.

*Yasutsuna is the name of the legendary katana Himari uses.