A quest of DOOM!: A Doombot riot quest

[X] Organise a commission of nations in the "undeveloped world" to address the twin issues of exploitation and poverty. Offer extensive use of Latverian expertise and technological capital to help in the achievement of self sufficiency and true independence from colonial oppression.

"A world where people are forced to buy tractors made from steel they mined themselves—at prices hundreds of times higher—because they have not been allowed the opportunity to become truly independent from their former colonial occupiers is one where colonialism has never truly ended; it has merely been obscured."

Suggest the creation of a joint space agency between all the members of this commission to establish advanced telecommunication infrastructure without requiring the patronage of more powerful states(do not make this a requirement of Doom's beneficence)
[X] Assign a Doombot task force to keep your portal to hell under wraps. You don't want the international community citing the fact that you opened a permanent/semi-permanent portal to hell as a reason to impose sanctions on you or or have the hapless masses you have deigned to grant your patronage to reject you.
[X] Continue working as an associate member of the Avengers. Try to target Villains and threats that Richards is likely to face, defeating them before he gets the chance to!
[X] Sue SWORD and start an international incident. This will not stand! Point out the hypocrisy that Canadian, Russian and Chinese Space Expolaration is allowed!
[X] SWORD cannot block all paths! Open a portal to the Moon's surface! (In a safe and contained area)
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[X] Make the LATVERIAN LEGIONNAIRES have way cooler adventures then REED and his Fantastic Four, also actually bother to learn the names and powers of each member of the Legionnaires

I love how well we're doing at various Reed Richard-bothering tasks. Truly the essence of DOOM.
[X] Make the sudden by inevitable betrayal all should know of DOOM and be prostrate in fear and awe before, activating the small print magical oaths of feudal loyalty and fraternal association under their mother-nation Latveria that all the nations accepting BARON's products and patented cancer cures and work in relief beyond the UN did not quite realize they sworn themselves too by blood and bone. The end result, the Latverian Commonwealth of Nations, which shall gradually restructure them into further neoimperial expressions of DOOM, at last making DOOM not merely sovereign- but a great power the equal of all the other colonial and neocolonial masters of this world.
[X] There is now an open and at least semi-permanent portal to Hell where your server room used to be. This obviously implies that there is a Latverian part of Hell and, as it is firstly Hell and secondly not under your control, you must immediately go out and take control over your rightful domain! Then proceed to bring all the benefits naturally due to loyal and/or obedient Latverian inhabitants of the new territories. This may be more problematic than usual admittedly, as said population are either The Damned or actual Demons of Hell but such obstacles will naturally be crushed by the Will of DOOM!
[X] Organise a commission of nations in the "undeveloped world" to address the twin issues of exploitation and poverty. Offer extensive use of Latverian expertise and technological capital to help in the achievement of self sufficiency and true independence from colonial oppression.

"A world where people are forced to buy tractors made from steel they mined themselves—at prices hundreds of times higher—because they have not been allowed the opportunity to become truly independent from their former colonial occupiers is one where colonialism has never truly ended; it has merely been obscured."

Suggest the creation of a joint space agency between all the members of this commission to establish advanced telecommunication infrastructure without requiring the patronage of more powerful states(do not make this a requirement of Doom's beneficence)
[X] devlop a vaccine to inoculate against mind control based on physiological mechnisms. Little use against psychics but should handle vectors such as the pheromones used by the purple man and the mandrill or that ridiculous bacteria that makss people into anti mutant bigots. Then distrubte the vaccine globally.
[X] Sue SWORD and start an international incident. This will not stand! Point out the hypocrisy that Canadian, Russian and Chinese Space Expolaration is allowed!
[X] SWORD cannot block all paths! Open a portal to the Moon's surface! (In a safe and contained area)
[X] Sue SWORD and start an international incident. This will not stand! Point out the hypocrisy that Canadian, Russian and Chinese Space Expolaration is allowed!
[x] Track SWORD's major asset locations, like their planes and spacecraft, via automation on social media every day. Build your own website if you have to.
[X] Organise a commission of nations in the "undeveloped world" to address the twin issues of exploitation and poverty. Offer extensive use of Latverian expertise and technological capital to help in the achievement of self sufficiency and true independence from colonial oppression.
You can only vote on one thing
[x] Agree to work with Vulture DOOM, creating the Doom Duo. You have two goals, to destroy Reed Richards, and to destroy rocket racoon. First, as a show of good faith, do research into the weaknesses of rocket raccoon. there are two parts of the probblem : a rocket, and a raccoon. The first plan is drafted: a big showy platform thats says DOOM on it. It will get attention, as the glory of DOOM should. On the platform will be shiny things, to attract the raccoon, and then you will blast him with a LAZER OF DOOM
[X] Sue SWORD and start an international incident. This will not stand! Point out the hypocrisy that Canadian, Russian and Chinese Space Expolaration is allowed!
[X] Covertly contact Valeria Richards, offering to swap her with a Valeriabot and bring her to Latveria to practice SCIENCE unhindered by her unjustified grounding. Such a mind should not languish beneath the foolish judgment of her inferiors and there is no shortage of projects for her and DOOM to bond over.
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Poor Poor SWORD, They did not know the Beehive they were poking when they messed with DOOM. For it was a Green BeeHive not filled with simple Bees, But Angry DOOMS! Who are buzzing and swarming at those who Dared to interfere with their latest passion project!
[X] Covertly contact Valeria Richards, offering to swap her with a Valeriabot and bring her to Latveria to practice SCIENCE unhindered by her unjustified grounding. Such a mind should not languish beneath the foolish judgment of her inferiors and there is no shortage of projects for her and DOOM to bond over.
[X] Sue SWORD and start an international incident. This will not stand! Point out the hypocrisy that Canadian, Russian and Chinese Space Expolaration is allowed!