A Pure Sword, A Pure Soul (Bleach)

[X] She said number one, right? So whatever it is, it must be pretty weak, and she didn't seem that confident. You've done enough jiu-jitsu and judo to know how to break out of a lock like this, and you've been conditioning ever since you were a kid. You can definitely break out of this. (Unarmed Combat)
Hmm no real preference but based on my later choices, might as well start stacking.

[X] The monster is vaguely shaped like a person, it probably has an internal structure like one. You may be strong for your age, strong in general even, but you don't think you could even hope to hurt it with your strength alone. But maybe, just maybe you can hype up your strength with whatever ghost power you feel? It seems like you're the only one not struggling under the oppressive pressure you feel bleeding off the monster. (Physical Enhancement)

[X] A huge, single-bladed sword shaped more like a knife than anything else, about half as long as you are tall. Your hand naturally adopts a loose grip, away from the blade, which is contrary to all your training, but just feels right. (Unarmed Combat)
This is the only sword that's not explicitly golden, and big knives are neat.
[x] It doesn't feel like there's too much keeping you down, and you've trained for a long time against opponents both bigger and older than you. It may be crude, and it may go against some of your training, but since there are no joints or weapons to work against, the best way out of this may just be brute force. (Physical Enhancement)

[x] The monster is vaguely shaped like a person, it probably has an internal structure like one. You may be strong for your age, strong in general even, but you don't think you could even hope to hurt it with your strength alone. But maybe, just maybe you can hype up your strength with whatever ghost power you feel? It seems like you're the only one not struggling under the oppressive pressure you feel bleeding off the monster. (Physical Enhancement)

[x] An oversized golden cleaver, nearly as long as you are tall. The wide blade comes to a wicked point, and you can feel the amount of sheer power in it just by holding it in your hand. (Physical Enhancement)

Let's punch God in his smug fucking face so hard he can actually feel it.
[X] Along with seeing ghosts, you've always been able to feel them, if you concentrate. You know that they have a similar sixth sense that draws them to you, as well as to other people who can see them. If you have enough of this 'spiritual weight' to see and even attract ghosts, perhaps you can leverage it to get out of this spell. (Reiryoku Manipulation)

[X] The monster is big, and it seems pretty slow, aside from whatever it used to drag Tousuke out of the house. You may not be the star of the track team, or much of a runner really, but you can move fast when you want to. Maybe even faster if you try to get this pressure thing down? (Movement Arts)

[X] A golden rapier, thin but oversized in how long it is. The thin, needle-like blade comes to a point, and it thrums with power all along its length. Just by holding this sword in your hand, you can feel the flow and presence of the spiritual power all around you, and that inside you, so much clearer. (Reiryoku Manipulation)
[X] Along with seeing ghosts, you've always been able to feel them, if you concentrate. You know that they have a similar sixth sense that draws them to you, as well as to other people who can see them. If you have enough of this 'spiritual weight' to see and even attract ghosts, perhaps you can leverage it to get out of this spell. (Reiryoku Manipulation)

[X] The monster is big, and it seems pretty slow, aside from whatever it used to drag Tousuke out of the house. You may not be the star of the track team, or much of a runner really, but you can move fast when you want to. Maybe even faster if you try to get this pressure thing down? (Movement Arts)

[X] A golden rapier, thin but oversized in how long it is. The thin, needle-like blade comes to a point, and it thrums with power all along its length. Just by holding this sword in your hand, you can feel the flow and presence of the spiritual power all around you, and that inside you, so much clearer. (Reiryoku Manipulation)
[X] She said number one, right? So whatever it is, it must be pretty weak, and she didn't seem that confident. You've done enough jiu-jitsu and judo to know how to break out of a lock like this, and you've been conditioning ever since you were a kid. You can definitely break out of this. (Unarmed Combat)

[X] The monster is big, and it seems pretty slow, aside from whatever it used to drag Tousuke out of the house. You may not be the star of the track team, or much of a runner really, but you can move fast when you want to. Maybe even faster if you try to get this pressure thing down? (Movement Arts)

[X] A golden rapier, thin but oversized in how long it is. The thin, needle-like blade comes to a point, and it thrums with power all along its length. Just by holding this sword in your hand, you can feel the flow and presence of the spiritual power all around you, and that inside you, so much clearer. (Reiryoku Manipulation)
[X]You've always been flexible, even as a kid when mom was still around you used to make her laugh by contorting yourself. Your flexibility has even helped you out of more than one jam in the ring or demoing locks, and if this 'magic' the girl used on you is trapping your arms behind your back. Makes sense that you'd be able to use your arms' flexibility and slip out. (Movement Arts)

[X]The monster is big, and it seems pretty slow, aside from whatever it used to drag Tousuke out of the house. You may not be the star of the track team, or much of a runner really, but you can move fast when you want to. Maybe even faster if you try to get this pressure thing down? (Movement Arts)

[X]An oversized golden cleaver, nearly as long as you are tall. The wide blade comes to a wicked point, and you can feel the amount of sheer power in it just by holding it in your hand. (Physical Enhancement)

(Edit) My Bleach itch will be fulfilled.
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[X] Along with seeing ghosts, you've always been able to feel them, if you concentrate. You know that they have a similar sixth sense that draws them to you, as well as to other people who can see them. If you have enough of this 'spiritual weight' to see and even attract ghosts, perhaps you can leverage it to get out of this spell. (Reiryoku Manipulation)
[X] The monster is big, and it seems pretty slow, aside from whatever it used to drag Tousuke out of the house. You may not be the star of the track team, or much of a runner really, but you can move fast when you want to. Maybe even faster if you try to get this pressure thing down? (Movement Arts)
[X] A golden rapier, thin but oversized in how long it is. The thin, needle-like blade comes to a point, and it thrums with power all along its length. Just by holding this sword in your hand, you can feel the flow and presence of the spiritual power all around you, and that inside you, so much clearer. (Reiryoku Manipulation)
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[X] It doesn't feel like there's too much keeping you down, and you've trained for a long time against opponents both bigger and older than you. It may be crude, and it may go against some of your training, but since there are no joints or weapons to work against, the best way out of this may just be brute force. (Physical Enhancement)
[X] The monster is vaguely shaped like a person, it probably has an internal structure like one. You may be strong for your age, strong in general even, but you don't think you could even hope to hurt it with your strength alone. But maybe, just maybe you can hype up your strength with whatever ghost power you feel? It seems like you're the only one not struggling under the oppressive pressure you feel bleeding off the monster. (Physical Enhancement)
[X] An oversized golden cleaver, nearly as long as you are tall. The wide blade comes to a wicked point, and you can feel the amount of sheer power in it just by holding it in your hand. (Physical Enhancement)
Just a quick A/N (T/N?) for the first chapter since it didn't really fit in with a first post: Chiyu goes by "Red" because it's apparently a trendy thing for teens in Japan to write their name either phonetically or with a character that's pronounced the same way as the characters in their name. In this case, Chiyu (using the characters ちゆ, which mean healing/recovery, but are also a female given name), is written as "Shu" (as you can see Tousuke call her) which uses the character 朱, which reads as "vermilion", or red. The title of the chapter is yet another pun, because Chiyu, when using the characters 知友, means "close friend". So Friends with Death, in the same vein as Death and the Strawberry.

Might be a little too similar to Tsubaki, I dunno, but I've always to read a hakuda-specialized soul reaper quest. Intriguing how everything seems to be a sort-of-but-not-quite Bleach expy. You're probably doing a thing with it, but I'm not sure what the thing is yet.

Also, 'titian' is a word. Was not aware of that one, thanks for the vocab.
Chiyu should be characterized pretty differently from Tsubaki at least, being from a 'normal' modern household and family.

Also remember to mark your votes with an X so that they show up in the tally.

Also yes, titian is a dark shade of red. Also probably my favorite Renaissance artist.

Looking at the mechanics, Reiryoku Manipulation is tied to Kido. Whereas Movement Arts are tied to Hoho.

Maybe as a quest Kido will be more applicable than in canon, but even then Hoho is huge. To be clear, I know that there's some awesome moves for Kido in canon. Just that those seem to only come as a result of relatively immense investment into the skill. So, yeah, unless we have a reason to do otherwise I figure we can put that into a category similar to Unarmed Combat.
I intend to explore kido more in this quest than Canon did, make it more useful in more situations.

Don't feel pressured to pick it, however. It will feature even if the QMC isn't the one using it.
This is the only sword that's not explicitly golden, and big knives are neat.
Oops, that's golden as well. All of Chiyu's weapons would be, as well as her (base) Reiatsu.
[X] It doesn't feel like there's too much keeping you down, and you've trained for a long time against opponents both bigger and older than you. It may be crude, and it may go against some of your training, but since there are no joints or weapons to work against, the best way out of this may just be brute force. (Physical Enhancement)

[X] The monster is vaguely shaped like a person, it probably has an internal structure like one. You may be strong for your age, strong in general even, but you don't think you could even hope to hurt it with your strength alone. But maybe, just maybe you can hype up your strength with whatever ghost power you feel? It seems like you're the only one not struggling under the oppressive pressure you feel bleeding off the monster. (Physical Enhancement)

[X] A huge, single-bladed sword shaped more like a knife than anything else, about half as long as you are tall. Your hand naturally adopts a loose grip, away from the blade, which is contrary to all your training, but just feels right. (Unarmed Combat)

I wander. Can we suplex a hollow?:cool:
Hollow Bounty Board
Slain Hollows
Snakeneck has been active in central Japan (Patrol Zones 203-709) for at least 15 years, and is responsible for the deaths of at least 3 Unseated Soul Reapers. Exercise extreme caution. Unseated Soul Reapers are recommended to call in backup.

Bounty: 125 points

Abilities: Enhanced Strength (above-average), Armored Skin, Concealment (minor), Extendable Neck

Appearance: 16 feet tall and covered in oily black-green scales, Snakeneck is vaguely reptilian in appearance and humanoid in shape. It possesses a single pair of arms and a single pair of legs, the latter small for its size and the former heavily muscled and oversized, with four-fingered hands. Its mask is shaped similar to both a fish and a snake, resembling a snakehead's skull, though thicker and more solid. The fangs on this mask are functional.
Venopus has no regular hunting ground, and has been active for at least 7 years. It is known to be skittish around Soul Reapers and will retreat if given the opportunity. Normal caution is advised, as well as attacking this Hollow in a group to prevent escape.

Bounty: 50 points

Abilities: Accelerated Regeneration, Limb Redundancy, Venom (dangerous to Pluses, mildly painful to Soul Reapers), Concealment (above-average)

Appearance: Central body not much larger than a human, on which is a round mask with three eye-holes and a central mouth which opens via four plates. Venopus possesses eight long, thick tentacles that can stretch to almost double their length, as well as four chitinous, claw-tipped arms which it uses to envenomate its prey. Venopus' body is mostly blue with its arms being a blue-purple gradient.
Landlubber has been active for at least 30 years, though likely closer to 50. It is responsible for the deaths of 6 Unseated Soul Reapers, 1 Seated Soul Reaper, and 3 Academy Students. Exercise extreme caution. Unseated Soul Reapers should monitor and call in backup, Seated Officers below 15th Seat should only move in groups or call in backup.

Bounty: 200 points

Abilities: Enhanced Strength (high), Armored Hide, Enhanced Durability (high), Burrowing, Energy Blasts

Appearance: Standing 8 feet at the shoulder and over 20 feet in length, Landlubber is a heavily-built quadruped with thick, navy blue skin and a layer of blubber covering its vitals. It has a pair of meaty, mitten-shaped hands, and columnal feet. Its mask is in the shape of a cachalot's head, and it possesses an anchor-shaped appendage at the end of its tail it uses as a weapon.
Sterlingback has been active worldwide for at least 40 years, likely longer. It has killed several Seated Officers, and preys on Academy missions in the World of the Living with some regularity. Exercise extreme caution. Unseated Soul Reapers should monitor and call in backup, Seated Officers below 10th Seat 8th Seat should only move in groups and call in backup.

Bounty: 350 points

Abilities: Enhanced Strength (very high), Armored Stone Hide, Enhanced Durability (very high)

Appearance: 17 feet tall at the shoulder with an ape-like appearance, Sterlingback is stony gray in color, with oversized arms and undersized legs, though its entire body is well-muscled and even its feet have prehensile hands. Its mask covers the front and sides of its head, connecting to armor which covers its back and head, leaving it very few weak points. This mask is shaped like the face of a baboon and vibrantly colored, and has four huge fangs in its jaws.
Millecentpede has been active in Central and Northern Japan (Patrol Zones 210-914) for over 10 years. It is extremely skittish and will flee from Soul Reapers on sight, though it has been known to attack lone Academy students. Unseated Soul Reapers are recommended to fight Millecentpede in pairs or groups of three, to prevent its escape.

Bounty: 35 points

Abilities: Armored Hide, Segmental Aututomy (can separate everything behind its front set of legs to escape)

Appearance: 11 feet long, Millecentpede has the appearance of a giant millipede with many, many short, cylindrical segments, each of which bears 2 pairs of legs. Millecentpede is mostly light blue, with green stripes running along the length of its body. Each of its legs is tipped with a pair of claws which shed painful hairs on contact. Its mask covers the entire first segment of its body and is smooth with green, wave-like markings between its eye holes and arthropoid mouth.
Glasshorn has been sighted across East Asia for at least 5 years. It will flee immediately on sighting Soul Reapers, but is not considered a threat to even Unseated Soul Reapers. Even so, Unseated Soul Reapers are advised to fight it in pairs, to prevent its escape.

Bounty: 20 points

Abilities: Enhanced Speed, Active Camouflage

Appearance: 8 feet long, Glasshorn is larger than most deer, but still possesses a basic cervid in form. It has a slim body and limbs, and its colors typically match its surroundings, though muddied. It has not been seen without being camouflaged. Glasshorn's head is topped with a pair of large, glass antlers that it appears it uses to hunt souls. Glasshorn's mask is plain white, and appears to be a deer's head full of sharp teeth.
Packbat is a relatively young Hollow without a known hunting ground. It has been spotted in Europe, East Asia, and even South America, over the course of the last 3 years. Strangely, it appears to lure Pluses together so it can devour several at once. Packbat will generally flee on sight, though it will attempt to defend its den. Unseated Soul Reapers are advised to fight in pairs, to prevent its escape.

Bounty: 25 points

Abilities: Enhanced Speed, Sonic Blasts, Echolocation

Appearance: 6 feet long and 4 feet tall, Packbat has the appearance of a hairless and emaciated leaf-nosed bat. Its body is thin, with protruding ribs and gray skin, while its hindlimbs are much thicker and shorter than its forelimbs. Packbat's forelimbs don't have wing membranes, instead each has two long fingers which it walks on the first knuckles of. These long fingers are tipped with claws, which are its secondary method of attack. Packbat's mask is that of a vampire bat, with the leaf-shaped nose taking up the majority of its face above its mouth, which is toothless aside from a pair of large fangs; its eyes are rather small, and emit less light than a typical Hollow.
Projecc-Taur has been active worldwide for at least 25 years. It has killed several Soul Reapers thanks to the tactics it employs, though it will generally use its illusions to flee when confronted. Unseated Soul Reapers are advised to pursue with caution and call in backup, and only Seated Officers of 17th Seat and higher should engage.

Bounty: 170 points

Abilities: Enhanced Strength, Armored Hide, Enhanced Regeneration, Illusory Projection

Appearance: Projecc-Taur stands over 11 feet tall, with nearly a third of its height being made up of its oversized mask and the organ with which it projects its illusions with. Projecc-Taur's upper body and arms are humanoid and purple, while its legs are bovine and covered in dark hair. Projecc-Taur's bovine mask covers its entire head, and has the appearance of a hornless steer, with purple markings around the eyes and lips. Instead of horns, a spongious orb sprouts from the top of Projecc-Taur's head, this organ is what it uses to create detailed illusions of anything it has previously observed.
Known Hollows
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[x] Along with seeing ghosts, you've always been able to feel them, if you concentrate. You know that they have a similar sixth sense that draws them to you, as well as to other people who can see them. If you have enough of this 'spiritual weight' to see and even attract ghosts, perhaps you can leverage it to get out of this spell. (Reiryoku Manipulation)
[x] You felt the pressure from the spell, and you can feel the pressure coming off of the monster. Not to mention, ghosts are attracted to you as well. Maybe you can increase your own pressure, and somehow use it to hurt the monster? If the 'Soul Reaper' girl could put her pressure into a spell, if you can manipulate your own, then you'll be able to push it into your sword. (Reiryoku Manipulation)
[x] A golden rapier, thin but oversized in how long it is. The thin, needle-like blade comes to a point, and it thrums with power all along its length. Just by holding this sword in your hand, you can feel the flow and presence of the spiritual power all around you, and that inside you, so much clearer. (Reiryoku Manipulation)
[X] You've always been flexible, even as a kid when mom was still around you used to make her laugh by contorting yourself. Your flexibility has even helped you out of more than one jam in the ring or demoing locks, and if this 'magic' the girl used on you is trapping your arms behind your back. Makes sense that you'd be able to use your arms' flexibility and slip out. (Movement Arts)

[X] You felt the pressure from the spell, and you can feel the pressure coming off of the monster. Not to mention, ghosts are attracted to you as well. Maybe you can increase your own pressure, and somehow use it to hurt the monster? If the 'Soul Reaper' girl could put her pressure into a spell, if you can manipulate your own, then you'll be able to push it into your sword. (Reiryoku Manipulation)

[X] A huge, single-bladed sword shaped more like a knife than anything else, about half as long as you are tall. Your hand naturally adopts a loose grip, away from the blade, which is contrary to all your training, but just feels right. (Unarmed Combat)
[X] You've always been flexible, even as a kid when mom was still around you used to make her laugh by contorting yourself. Your flexibility has even helped you out of more than one jam in the ring or demoing locks, and if this 'magic' the girl used on you is trapping your arms behind your back. Makes sense that you'd be able to use your arms' flexibility and slip out. (Movement Arts)
[X] You felt the pressure from the spell, and you can feel the pressure coming off of the monster. Not to mention, ghosts are attracted to you as well. Maybe you can increase your own pressure, and somehow use it to hurt the monster? If the 'Soul Reaper' girl could put her pressure into a spell, if you can manipulate your own, then you'll be able to push it into your sword. (Reiryoku Manipulation)
[X] A huge, single-bladed sword shaped more like a knife than anything else, about half as long as you are tall. Your hand naturally adopts a loose grip, away from the blade, which is contrary to all your training, but just feels right. (Unarmed Combat)

I think I will try to go with a speed based character.
[X] Along with seeing ghosts, you've always been able to feel them, if you concentrate. You know that they have a similar sixth sense that draws them to you, as well as to other people who can see them. If you have enough of this 'spiritual weight' to see and even attract ghosts, perhaps you can leverage it to get out of this spell. (Reiryoku Manipulation)

[X] The monster is big, and it seems pretty slow, aside from whatever it used to drag Tousuke out of the house. You may not be the star of the track team, or much of a runner really, but you can move fast when you want to. Maybe even faster if you try to get this pressure thing down? (Movement Arts)

[X] A golden rapier, thin but oversized in how long it is. The thin, needle-like blade comes to a point, and it thrums with power all along its length. Just by holding this sword in your hand, you can feel the flow and presence of the spiritual power all around you, and that inside you, so much clearer. (Reiryoku Manipulation)
@No Country, is there any difference between choosing the Movement option for the Hollow and choosing the Movement Option for our prior training? Because if there isn't, I feel like this vote is needlessly complicated and hard to accurately count since there are multiple options for essentially the same combination of stat boosts. For example, the top votes for both the hollow and training are both Movement Art options, but most of the combinations being voted for only one or the other, not both. And so the tally doesn't accurately depict the players' wishes.
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[X] She said number one, right? So whatever it is, it must be pretty weak, and she didn't seem that confident. You've done enough jiu-jitsu and judo to know how to break out of a lock like this, and you've been conditioning ever since you were a kid. You can definitely break out of this. (Unarmed Combat)

[X] The monster is vaguely shaped like a person, it probably has an internal structure like one. You may be strong for your age, strong in general even, but you don't think you could even hope to hurt it with your strength alone. But maybe, just maybe you can hype up your strength with whatever ghost power you feel? It seems like you're the only one not struggling under the oppressive pressure you feel bleeding off the monster. (Physical Enhancement)

[X] A huge, single-bladed sword shaped more like a knife than anything else, about half as long as you are tall. Your hand naturally adopts a loose grip, away from the blade, which is contrary to all your training, but just feels right. (Unarmed Combat)

Cute Bruiser utilizing a fusion of technique and brute force against freaks of monsters and spirits is a hell of a vibe.
Also, wanted to make a build/approach different from Tsubaki's. Rather than a blood knight, we kick ass 'cause these monsters and jackasses tried to do us dirty.

Overall, looking forward to your new venture, No Country.
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@No Country, is there any difference between choosing the Movement option for the Hollow and choosing the Movement Option for our prior training? Because if there isn't, I feel like this vote is needlessly complicated and hard to accurately count since there are multiple options for essentially the same combination of stat boosts. For example, the top votes for both the hollow and training are both Movement Art options, but most of the combinations being voted for only one or the other, not both. And so the tally doesn't accurately depict the players' wishes.
I think based on the tone, one clearly indicates raw speed while the other indicates more of a technique. Ichigo is overall fast, but lacks technique in the way he moves his body. He mainly leans on the stikeing power of the blade and aside from basic footwork there isn't much movement.

Soifon or yuroichi on the other hand utilize not only speed but add contortions into their dodging and attacks.
@No Country, is there any difference between choosing the Movement option for the Hollow and choosing the Movement Option for our prior training? Because if there isn't, I feel like this vote is needlessly complicated and hard to accurately count since there are multiple options for essentially the same combination of stat boosts. For example, the top votes for both the hollow and training are both Movement Art options, but most of the combinations being voted for only one or the other, not both. And so the tally doesn't accurately depict the players' wishes.
His other quest consists of both technique trees and traits that improve baseline stats. Assuming a similar methodology here, some choices will provide techniques, while others will give proficiencies and make XP buys cheaper.
[X] She said number one, right? So whatever it is, it must be pretty weak, and she didn't seem that confident. You've done enough jiu-jitsu and judo to know how to break out of a lock like this, and you've been conditioning ever since you were a kid. You can definitely break out of this. (Unarmed Combat)

[X] The monster is vaguely shaped like a person, it probably has an internal structure like one. You may be strong for your age, strong in general even, but you don't think you could even hope to hurt it with your strength alone. But maybe, just maybe you can hype up your strength with whatever ghost power you feel? It seems like you're the only one not struggling under the oppressive pressure you feel bleeding off the monster. (Physical Enhancement)

[X] A huge, single-bladed sword shaped more like a knife than anything else, about half as long as you are tall. Your hand naturally adopts a loose grip, away from the blade, which is contrary to all your training, but just feels right. (Unarmed Combat)
@No Country, is there any difference between choosing the Movement option for the Hollow and choosing the Movement Option for our prior training? Because if there isn't, I feel like this vote is needlessly complicated and hard to accurately count since there are multiple options for essentially the same combination of stat boosts. For example, the top votes for both the hollow and training are both Movement Art options, but most of the combinations being voted for only one or the other, not both. And so the tally doesn't accurately depict the players' wishes.
Picking the same skill for favoring/boosting multiple times gives you a higher starting level in that skill. If you picked Movement or Enhancement three times, then that will start at Adept with a subskill, and you'll pick another favored skill later. Picking twice boosts that skill to Competent and the other skill you picked gets favored.
[] A golden saber, almost as long as you are tall. It has a split tip, and a long, curving blade. And you can feel, somehow, that just by holding it, you're faster than you were before. (Movement Arts)

So, who feels like starting with a neet sub-skill?
[X] Along with seeing ghosts, you've always been able to feel them, if you concentrate. You know that they have a similar sixth sense that draws them to you, as well as to other people who can see them. If you have enough of this 'spiritual weight' to see and even attract ghosts, perhaps you can leverage it to get out of this spell. (Reiryoku Manipulation)

[] You felt the pressure from the spell, and you can feel the pressure coming off of the monster. Not to mention, ghosts are attracted to you as well. Maybe you can increase your own pressure, and somehow use it to hurt the monster? If the 'Soul Reaper' girl could put her pressure into a spell, if you can manipulate your own, then you'll be able to push it into your sword. (Reiryoku Manipulation)

[X] A golden rapier, thin but oversized in how long it is. The thin, needle-like blade comes to a point, and it thrums with power all along its length. Just by holding this sword in your hand, you can feel the flow and presence of the spiritual power all around you, and that inside you, so much clearer. (Reiryoku Manipulation)
Picking the same skill for favoring/boosting multiple times gives you a higher starting level in that skill. If you picked Movement or Enhancement three times, then that will start at Adept with a subskill, and you'll pick another favored skill later. Picking twice boosts that skill to Competent and the other skill you picked gets favored.
So mechanically, the descriptions are only for flavor text? This leads to the problem I was talking about though. There's very little overlap between the people who voted for the track team option and the people who voted for the flexible option, which indicates that most people only want a single boost in movement arts, and so the votes don't properly represent that. I think it's too late to do anything about it now, and I don't really mind having two boosts in Speed, but for future reference, this is a flaw with the method of voting you set up.
Voting will be closing in six hours!

So mechanically, the descriptions are only for flavor text? This leads to the problem I was talking about though. There's very little overlap between the people who voted for the track team option and the people who voted for the flexible option, which indicates that most people only want a single boost in movement arts, and so the votes don't properly represent that. I think it's too late to do anything about it now, and I don't really mind having two boosts in Speed, but for future reference, this is a flaw with the method of voting you set up.
I didn't want to restrict it to plan voting for the first vote, subsequent votes will be less muddy. And I can tally the votes by users, if that's a more palatable way of doing it.