A Night So Deep-(A Supernatural Alt-History Quest Set in the Balkans)

From what I can gather, just from the differences in bonuses alone, stolas wasn't coming out of there alive. Even a nat 1 wouldnt do much, I don't feel. the difference is too great, and Seraphiel was too experienced at slaying fallen from Lucifer's Rebellion
At least we've given him something he can rub in merlins face. the bushy bearded bastard's never bound an angel into a god and then used that to bind a god with its own power as the seal in a mystical chinese finger trap of literally biblical proportions.
Is that what happened? Can someone summaries what happened to me please? The writing is great but how come Gjon was possessed? was it that god he brokered a deal with? if so then who is the Daughter? Stolas might have been a demon but he deserves to be remembered and honored.
So… the ancient demon who might eventually have been a problem is dead, the god who we really have no interest in helping directly is sealed tighter than ever, the Daughter- seemingly legit healed Waylon and left without claiming the Source… Gjon is dead, but the agreement still stands and thus Albania is likely to be assimilated faster than it would with a powerful figure at its helm, the Iroikos died their first combat (as usual)

We lost a lot of heavy hitters (and despite what I say above, I would have preferred Gjon live)- but this honestly had no business turning out so well. Especially when the Seraphim showed up. Kinda hilarious that Stolas joined us out of self-preservation and got fucked far harder than Elligos- but that's comedy for you.

We gotta figure out how to kill all the djinn sooner than later- especially with no heavy hitters, but other than that… time is on our side.

Is that what happened? Can someone summaries what happened to me please? The writing is great but how come Gjon was possessed? was it that god he brokered a deal with? if so then who is the Daughter? Stolas might have been a demon but he deserves to be remembered and honored.
Edit: Waylon chained a Seraphim into Mathias' body. Or it manifested in there to avoid being outright banished. It punked Stolas, slaughtered all of our melee combatants but Gjon. The Daughter apologetically turned Gjon into a host for corpse god. Corpse god dabbed on Seraphim. Waylon used the magic released from the seraphim's death to punk corpse god even harder and sealed it up tighter than ever before. Daughter heals Waylon and seemingly fades back into obscurity. God said 'all according to Keikaku'

Edit2: Man though, the Daughter? Pretty cool given the implication she sacrificed herself to save Waylon rather than seize the Source. I guess literally everyone in the Albanian faction wasn't a big fan of corpse god.
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The Daughter is a goddess of the Sun and Moon, descended from those self-same figures in the ancient Illyrian pantheon. As the only individual free of the pantheon-conglomerate that formed the new Corpse-God, she isn't all too fond of it, nor it's general, well, desperation and willingness to do anything, even forsake its people to survive.

As divinity, she can repair the soul, something normally not really possible.
The Daughter is a goddess of the Sun and Moon, descended from those self-same figures in the ancient Illyrian pantheon. As the only individual free of the pantheon-conglomerate that formed the new Corpse-God, she isn't all too fond of it, nor it's general, well, desperation and willingness to do anything, even forsake its people to survive.

As divinity, she can repair the soul, something normally not really possible.
So is there a reason she vanished rather than seizing the Source for herself? I don't exactly expect her service or for her to be a problem, but it's pretty telling she chose to save someone only allied to her people rather than claim the power. Or is it because like Gjon, she implicitly gave her word to us?
Is that what happened? Can someone summaries what happened to me please? The writing is great but how come Gjon was possessed? was it that god he brokered a deal with? if so then who is the Daughter? Stolas might have been a demon but he deserves to be remembered and honored.
TLDR: Corvinus summoned Seraphiel: The Spine of Heaven, Angel of Silence, Highest of the Seraphim, Choir Master of the Heavenly Host, Guardian of Metatron Who Is Gods Voice, who promptly erased the majority of our forces from this realm of existence spiritually and physically. Waylon bound him into the world physically through the biggest mystical asspull that's ever been pulled out of an ass since christ died on the cross and forgave mankind for all their sins past and future, the Pantheon abomination of the Albanian deities manifested in Gjon and absorbed the angels power. Waylon, using the binding he had on the angels power, used it to bind the god into the mountain with its own power as its chains, meaning that the more power it flexes to break out, the more power it has to hold him. Gjon then died from his soul burning out from having a god manifest into it.

I do support the remembrance of Stolas. perhaps the Bacchus Memorial Academy of Alchemical Learning and Herbalism. Either that or we revive the old Bacchanalian celebrations in his honor. I would say cannonize him as a saint but...uh....we've kind of made god enough of a disappointed parent right now I'd say, having taken out one of his most powerful angels
So is there a reason she vanished rather than seizing the Source for herself? I don't exactly expect her service or for her to be a problem, but it's pretty telling she chose to save someone only allied to her people rather than claim the power. Or is it because like Gjon, she implicitly gave her word to us?
The latter. It's even more binding for immortals than it was for Gjon. It's likely she could have weaseled out of it somehow, but she chose to leave it at that.

Besides, death is less terrifying a concept to her than mortals, she knows exactly what's next!
The latter. It's even more binding for immortals than it was for Gjon. It's likely she could have weaseled out of it somehow, but she chose to leave it at that.

Besides, death is less terrifying a concept to her than mortals, she knows exactly what's next!
Well I hope she doesn't get roped into the corpse amalgam. She really doesn't deserve that if saving Waylon actually did kill her.

Edit: As for God losing one of his most powerful angels… it's not like he can be surprised mortals fought back, but a literally antedeluvian horror is now forever sealed, one of the lords of hell is permanently dead, and God can always make more angels one way or another. After all, he made Metatron.
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So glad Matthias didn't call Micheal. If he did Europe and parts of Africa and Asia would have been wiped out. This is the guy that kicked Lucifer out of Heaven during the War in Heaven and the the Commander of the Heavenly Host also in Revelations he is said to fight Lucifer again during the Apocalypse. I am surprised he did not intervene usually when the dark forces threaten the faithful it is usually him that comes first in to defend them.
I expect this would have been a major blow for Orthodox Christianity since you can't betray God more than incapitating one of his angels. Better start converting back to Greco-Roman paganism and ask Jupiter to protect them from the wrath of the Christian God.
Its either them or other pagan Gods since we are clearly going to lose favor with the Christian God here.

It is very simple, and it keeps happening after people keep messing up. Much of the Old Testament is long-term accounts of the Jews messing up and God sends a prophet calling them to repent, and much of the New Testament is short-term accounts of individual congregations messing up and God sends an apostle writing a letter to repent.

If you ever have the luck of reading a Bible translation in good modern language (attempts at this tend to have a severe case of How do you do, fellow kids), you can almost hear Paul yelling "I LEAVE YOU ALONE FOR FIVE MINUTES AND YOU INVENT A NEW HERESY, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?"
Renouncing Christianity is probably one of the fastest ways for Konstantinos to go from one of the most well regarded Emperors of all time, to being carved out of history like a damn iconoclast. This is a society where a past religious schism got so thoroughly stamped out we literally have no idea what they called themselves- and that was over idolatry.

Moreover, the vast majority of old gods are dead. Corpse god was explicitly an abomination of several dead gods fused together, and was notable because when converting Albania they basically just changed some labels. There is no Jove to bring back, or if there is, it's a Tatarian horror we ought to be killing not worshiping.
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theoretically there could be. Unlike the albanian pantheon, people havent really forgotten the hellenistic pantheon. The albanian one just kind of got the christian treatment of getting lumped into one by people trying to convert the albanians to Christianity
Rome stands triumphant. In a few days, Waylon returns with his report of what took place, a wounded man, barely standing and shivering with the exertion that merely speaking provides him. However, the information he provides to your spymasters is crucial.

But what exactly is it?
[X] He reports everything, from the death of Corvinus to Heaven's might and how they overcame it. The pagan god and the Daughter's summoning of it, no detail is left unsaid.
[X] He fails to mention the angel directly, taking a slightly more vague view of what the being was.
[X] Something Else?

After that, the military matters of the empire. With the annihilation of the armies near the Source, Rome is at a fulcrum point of decision-making. Do we continue expansion, halt it, or something else?

[X] Continue expansion east, spreading into the lands of ancient Babylon as well as defeating the Djinn before they poison the entire Orient. This will require a rebuilding of our armies, but that is an expense the Empire can easily afford at peace.
[X] Continue expansion west, reclaiming the lands of ancient Rome with the intent to reach the ancient heartland, eventually. This will require a rebuilding of our armies, but that is an expense the Empire can easily afford at peace.
[X] Something else?

In matters of science, and of course, mysticism, all avenues will be pursued, but what the state funds is a different matter altogether. The Empire will retain much knowledge, and perhaps even expand upon it given enough effort.

[X] Efforts move in the direction of material sciences. Ochimata networks spread across the Empire in an infinitely complex spiderweb whilst new clockwork inventions bring automatization to Rome, even the armies see base flesh being replaced with Damascene Steel as war-automata see use. Tensions of labourers and joblessness drive riots and ruin whilst the ancient systems adapt to changing times.
[X] Alchemy makes its way into extensive public use, disease is defeated and even age is a distant worry, projected centuries of life a given for most. Roman nobility embraces mutagenic unguents as the path forward, making their children smarter, stronger and faster than humanly possible. A divide is forming between the rulers and their citizenry, both in their desires and their very beings.
[X] Both. Society developed at a rapid pace, individual geniuses allowing the Empire to pursue all avenues of advancement quickly. Labourers riot whilst the superhuman aristocracy grows further and further away from their underlings. Rome's eagle rises further whilst its people grow restless and divided.

The question of rulership lies in the hands of the byzantine bureaucracy of Rome. Whilst an heir was prepared, deciding the new Emperor has never been so simple a thing.

[X] Priscianus takes charge after a period of scheming and intrigue. A new order forms whilst the Empire remains intact, the Emperor is no more quite so totalitarian a position, factions of nobility and merchant interests forming that must be appeased and whilst no real de jure limitations have appeared on the position, de facto ones are now present.
[X] Eutropius claws to the position against his will. The instability after Constantines' death results in an open civil war, one which has alchemical, technical and occult weapons deployed enmass. Feeling his duty call to him, Eutropius takes to the field commanding the Imperial Army. A year of violence passes before a new Emperor, totalitarian and in complete control rises. His word is the Word of God, his desire ironclad.

Finally, the matter of the vassal state, Albania. What strategy is employed in relations with them?

[X] Laissez Faire is the word of the day, the locals are left to their own devices only nominally paying taxes and providing men to serve as auxiliaries in the Imperial Armies. This keeps them separate but at least somewhat placid, with no open attempts at revolution taking place.
[X] A more aggressive effort takes place, the locals self-govern, but benefits are given to those who speak Greek, bureaucracy is formed and Imperial Law is enforced equally all throughout. This brings many Albanians in and sets the groundwork for, over centuries, perhaps successful assimilation. However, on occasion tax collectors and lawmen are found hung and skinned upon trees, and the men sent to investigate never return.

Just the few decisions needed to be made before we can have the epilogue.

Vote in P l a n please!
[X]One Small Step for Man
-[X] He fails to mention the angel directly, taking a slightly more vague view of what the being was.
-[X] Continue expansion east, spreading into the lands of ancient Babylon as well as defeating the Djinn before they poison the entire Orient. -This will require a rebuilding of our armies, but that is an expense the Empire can easily afford at peace.
-[X] Both. Society developed at a rapid pace, individual geniuses allowing the Empire to pursue all avenues of advancement quickly. Labourers riot whilst the superhuman aristocracy grows further and further away from their underlings. Rome's eagle rises further whilst its people grow restless and divided.
-[X] Priscianus takes charge after a period of scheming and intrigue. A new order forms whilst the Empire remains intact, the Emperor is no more quite so totalitarian a position, factions of nobility and merchant interests forming that must be appeased and whilst no real de jure limitations have appeared on the position, de facto ones are now present.
-[X] Laissez Faire is the word of the day, the locals are left to their own devices only nominally paying taxes and providing men to serve as auxiliaries in the Imperial Armies. This keeps them separate but at least somewhat placid, with no open attempts at revolution taking place.

Lets get ready for the future!!
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[X]One Small Step for Man

-[X] He fails to mention the angel directly, taking a slightly more vague view of what the being was.

Make sure to inform the emperors of the truth of the matter, however. we just don't want a schism of faith in the general populace.

-[X] Continue expansion east, spreading into the lands of ancient Babylon as well as defeating the Djinn before they poison the entire Orient. This will require a rebuilding of our armies, but that is an expense the Empire can easily afford at peace.
Take it slow for now, we don't want another forever war until we see how Europe develops.

-[X] Priscianus takes charge after a period of scheming and intrigue. A new order forms whilst the Empire remains intact, the Emperor is no more quite so totalitarian a position, factions of nobility and merchant interests forming that must be appeased and whilst no real de jure limitations have appeared on the position, de facto ones are now present.
We went through the effort, we may as well keep him in power. and Eutropius doesn't want the power. we don't want an emperor on the verge of a psychotic break, been there and done that with Caligula and Nero. Nor can we afford a civil war.

-[X] Both. Society developed at a rapid pace, individual geniuses allowing the Empire to pursue all avenues of advancement quickly. Labourers riot whilst the superhuman aristocracy grows further and further away from their underlings. Rome's eagle rises further whilst its people grow restless and divided.
I have concerns with this, but hope that a developing rivalry between the alchemical guilds and the guilds of engineers can stymie the worst excesses of both

-[X] Laissez Faire is the word of the day, the locals are left to their own devices only nominally paying taxes and providing men to serve as auxiliaries in the Imperial Armies. This keeps them separate but at least somewhat placid, with no open attempts at revolution taking place.
Everything about the second option screams bad idea from what I know of albanian culture from interacting with you. in addition, we promised them hands off rulership and I'll be damned if we're going to lie to them. We're Roman, not Venetians. We have integrity god damn it. On top of that, it's LITERALLY what the Ottomans did to them and that ended with Skanderberg massacring the ottomans in the mountains. That whole option just screams like a trap choice dapper included. I'm on to you, you wily old man @Dapperlad1
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[] Eutropius claws to the position against his will. The instability after Constantines' death results in an open civil war, one which has alchemical, technical and occult weapons deployed enmass. Feeling his duty call to him, Eutropius takes to the field commanding the Imperial Army. A year of violence passes before a new Emperor, totalitarian and in complete control rises. His word is the Word of God, his desire ironclad.
[] Both. Society developed at a rapid pace, individual geniuses allowing the Empire to pursue all avenues of advancement quickly. Labourers riot whilst the superhuman aristocracy grows further and further away from their underlings. Rome's eagle rises further whilst its people grow restless and divided.

these two go together totalitarian emperor can go hard democrat like that one brazillian one and fix the government later but the totalitarian aspect works well with a competing science class where biological science and clockwork science compete. The head(king) allows someone to rule over properly rather then have two competing influences trying to stamp each other out which would happen right away as factions under the other choice.
Whatever the hell is going to happen to the Source, it's just there after all we need to do something, releasing or sealing or another option.

Or am I being impatient and that's in the after pre-epilogue, either way

[X]One Small Step for Man

Edit: selling the source is not a good idea
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The fate of the Source is decided already. It will be opened in a slow, ritualistic fashion.

But it will be opened.